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Deep Venous Thrombosis and Thrombophlebitis

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  • 7/27/2019 Deep Venous Thrombosis and Thrombophlebitis


    Deep Venous Thrombosis and


    Author: Donald Schreiber, MD, CM, Assistant Professor of Surgery,

    Stanford University School of Medicine; Research Director, Division

    of Emergency Medicine, Stanford University Hospital

    Donald Schreiber, MD, CM, is a member of the following medical

    societies: American College of Emergency Physicians

    Editor(s): Francis Counselman, MD, Program Director, Chair,

    Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Eastern Virginia Medical

    School; Francisco Talavera, PharmD, PhD, Senior Pharmacy Editor,

    Pharmacy, eMedicine; Gary Setnik, MD, Chair, Department of Emergency

    Medicine, Mount Auburn Hospital; Assistant Professor, Division of

    Emergency Medicine, Harvard Medical School; John Halamka, MD, Chief

    Information Officer, CareGroup Healthcare System, Assistant Professor

    of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess

    Medical Center; Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical

    School; and Barry Brenner, MD, PhD, Chairman, Department of Emergency

    of Medicine, Professor, Departments of Emergency Medicine and

    Internal Medicine, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

    INTRODUCTION Section 2 of 10

    Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials Workup

    Treatment Medication Follow-up Miscellaneous Bibliography

  • 7/27/2019 Deep Venous Thrombosis and Thrombophlebitis


    Background: Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and its sequela, pulmonary

    embolism, is the leading cause of preventable in-hospital mortality

    in the US. Although pulmonary embolism is discussed elsewhere in this

    text, it must be emphasized that it is primarily a complication of


    The first reference to peripheral venous disease is recorded on the

    Ebers papyrus in 1550 BC, which documents the potential fatal

    hemorrhage that may ensue from surgery on varicose veins. In 1644,

    Schenk first observed venous thrombosis when he described an

    occlusion in the inferior vena cava. In 1846, Virchow recognized the

    association between venous thrombosis in the legs and pulmonary

    embolism. Heparin only was introduced to clinical practice in 1937.

    Over the last 25 years, considerable progress has been made in the

    pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of DVT.

    Pathophysiology: Virchow triad as first formulated (venous stasis,

    vessel wall injury, and a hypercoagulable state) is still the primary

    mechanism for the development of venous thrombosis. The relative

    importance of each factor still is debated. The formation,

    propagation, and dissolution of venous thrombi represent a balance

    between thrombogenesis and the body's protective mechanisms,

    specifically the circulating inhibitors of coagulation and the

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    fibrinolytic system.

    In practical terms, the development of venous thrombosis is best

    understood as the activation of coagulation in areas of reduced blood

    flow. This explains why the most successful prophylactic regimens are

    anticoagulation and minimizing venous stasis. DVT of the lower

    extremity usually begins in the deep veins of the calf around the

    valve cusps or within the soleal plexus. A minority of cases arise

    primarily in the ileofemoral system as a result of direct vessel wall

    injury, as seen with hip surgery or catheter-induced DVT. The vast

    majority of calf vein thrombi dissolve completely without therapy.

    Approximately 20% propagate proximally. Propagation usually occurs

    before embolization. The process of adherence and organization of the

    venous thrombus does not begin until 5-10 days after thrombus

    formation. Until this process has been established fully, the

    nonadherent, disorganized thrombus may propagate and/or embolize.

    Not all venous thrombi pose equal embolic risk. Studies have shown

    that isolated calf vein thrombi carry a limited risk of pulmonary

    embolism. Furthermore, studies have suggested that isolated calf vein

    thrombi are smaller and do not cause significant morbidity or

    mortality if they embolize. Contradictory evidence from several other

    studies has indicated that isolated calf vein thrombi do embolize and

    suggests that propagation proximally may occur rapidly and that fatal

    pulmonary embolism arising from isolated calf vein DVT is a

    significant risk.

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    The current diagnostic and therapeutic management of DVT is

    influenced strongly by the different risks assigned to proximal and

    calf vein thrombi. The propagation and organization of the venous

    thrombus usually result in destruction of venous valves and produce

    varying degrees of venous outflow obstruction. Spontaneous lysis and

    complete recanalization of established proximal DVT occurs in fewer

    than 10% of patients, even with anticoagulation. These factors are

    the most important pathogenic mechanisms in the development of

    chronic venous insufficiency.


    In the US: The exact incidence of DVT is unknown because most studies

    are limited by the inherent inaccuracy of clinical diagnosis. More

    importantly, most DVT is occult and usually resolves spontaneously

    without complication. Existing data that underestimate the true

    incidence of DVT suggest that about 80 cases per 100,000 persons

    occur annually. Approximately 1 person in 20 develops DVT over her or

    his lifetime, and 600,000 hospitalizations for DVT occur annually in

    the US.

    In hospitalized patients, the incidence of venous thrombosis is

    considerably higher and varies from 20-70%. Venous ulceration and

    venous insufficiency of the lower leg, which are long-term

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    complications of DVT, affect 0.5% of the entire population.

    Extrapolation of this data reveals that as many as 5 million people

    suffer from venous stasis and varying degrees of venous


    Mortality/Morbidity: Death from DVT is attributed to massive

    pulmonary embolism, which causes 200,000 deaths annually in the US.

    Pulmonary embolism is the leading cause of preventable in-hospital


    Sex: Male-to-female ratio is 1.2:1.

    Age: DVT usually affects individuals older than 40 years. CLINICAL

    Section 3 of 10

    Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials Workup

    Treatment Medication Follow-up Miscellaneous Bibliography


    The signs and symptoms of DVT are related to the degree of

    obstruction to venous outflow and inflammation of the vessel wall.

    The bedside diagnosis of venous thrombosis is insensitive and

    inaccurate. Many thrombi do not produce significant obstruction to

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    venous flow; venous collaterals may develop rapidly, and venous wall

    inflammation may be minimal. Conversely, many nonthrombotic

    conditions produce signs and symptoms suggestive of DVT. Studies

    repeatedly have documented this inherent difficulty of the clinical

    diagnosis of lower extremity DVT.

    Many patients are asymptomatic, however, the history may include the


    Edema, principally unilateral, is the most specific symptom. Massive

    edema with cyanosis and ischemia (phlegmasia cerulea dolens) is rare.

    Leg pain occurs in 50%, but this is entirely nonspecific. Pain can

    occur on dorsiflexion of the foot (Homans sign).

    Tenderness occurs in 75% of patients, but it also is found in 50% of

    patients without objectively confirmed DVT.

    Clinical signs and symptoms of pulmonary embolism as the primary

    manifestation occur in 10% of patients with confirmed DVT.

    The pain and tenderness associated with DVT usually does not

    correlate with the size, location, or extent of the thrombus.

    Warmth or erythema of skin can be present over the area of thrombosis.

    Physical: No single physical finding or combination of symptoms and

    signs is sufficiently accurate to establish the diagnosis of DVT. The

    following is a list outlining the most sensitive and specific

    physical findings in DVT:

    Edema, principally unilateral

    Tenderness, if present, usually is confined to the calf muscles or

    over the course of the deep veins in the thigh.

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    Pain and/or tenderness away from these areas is not consistent with

    venous thrombosis and usually indicates another diagnosis.

    Homans sign

    Discomfort in the calf muscles on forced dorsiflexion of the foot

    with the knee straight has been a time-honored sign of DVT. However,

    this sign is present in less than one third of patients with

    confirmed DVT.

    It also is found in more than 50% of patients without DVT. It is

    therefore very nonspecific.

    Venous distension and prominence of the subcutaneous veins

    Superficial thrombophlebitis is characterized by the finding of a

    palpable, indurated, cordlike, tender subcutaneous venous segment.

    Patients with superficial thrombophlebitis without coexisting

    varicose veins and with no other obvious etiology (eg, IV catheters,

    IV drug abuse, soft tissue injury) are at high risk because

    associated DVT is found in as many as 40% of these patients.

    Patients with superficial thrombophlebitis extending to the

    saphenofemoral junction are also at higher risk for associated DVT.

    Fever: Fever, usually low grade, may be present. High fever is

    usually indicative of an infectious process such as cellulitis or


    Phlegmasia cerulea dolens

    Patients with venous thrombosis may develop variable discoloration of

    the lower extremity. The most common abnormal hue is reddish purple

    from venous engorgement and obstruction.

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    In rare cases, the leg is cyanotic from massive ileofemoral venous

    obstruction. This ischemic form of venous occlusion originally was

    described as phlegmasia cerulea dolens or painful blue inflammation.

    The leg is usually markedly edematous, painful, and cyanotic.

    Petechiae are often present.

    Phlegmasia alba dolens

    Painful white inflammation originally was used to describe massive

    ileofemoral venous thrombosis and associated arterial spasm. The

    affected extremity is often pale with poor or even absent distal


    The physical findings may suggest acute arterial occlusion, but the

    presence of swelling, petechiae, and distended superficial veins

    point to this condition.

    Clinical findings of pulmonary embolism

    These findings are the primary manifestation of about 10% of patients

    with DVT.

    In patients with angiographically proven pulmonary embolism, DVT is

    found in 45-70%. In the vast majority of these patients, the DVT is

    clinically silent.


    The clinical evaluation of patients with suspected DVT is facilitated

    by an assessment of risk factors. The diagnosis of DVT is confirmed

    in only 20-30% of ED patients with clinically suspected DVT. The

    prevalence of DVT in the ED patient population correlates with the

    number of risk factors present. In patients with no identified risk

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    factors, DVT is confirmed in only 11%. In patients with 3 risk

    factors, the number rises to 50%.

    The following risk factors for DVT have been identified in many

    different epidemiologic studies:



    Immobilization longer than 3 days

    Pregnancy and the postpartum period

    Major surgery in previous 4 weeks

    Long plane or car trips (>4 h) in previous 4 weeks



    Previous DVT

    Cerebrovascular accident

    Acute myocardial infarction (AMI)

    Congestive heart failure (CHF)

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    Nephrotic syndrome

    Ulcerative colitis


    Multiple trauma

    CNS/spinal cord injury


    Lower extremity fractures


    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and the lupus anticoagulant

    Behet syndrome



    Polycythemia rubra vera


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    Inherited disorders of coagulation/fibrinolysis

    Antithrombin III deficiency

    Protein C deficiency

    Protein S deficiency

    Factor V Leyden

    Dysfibrinogenemias and disorders of plasminogen activation


    IV drug abuse

    Oral contraceptives


    Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia

    The clinical assessment of patients with suspected DVT is often

    difficult because of the interplay between risk factors and the

    nonspecific nature of the physical findings. Clinicians have observed

    that often a discordance is present between the clinical assessment

    and the results of objective testing. For example, patients deemed to

    be at high risk for DVT may have a negative duplex ultrasound study.

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    In this case, the probability of DVT is still greater than 20% when

    the known sensitivity, specificity, and negative likelihood ratio of

    duplex ultrasound are considered. It was recognized that having an

    objective method to determine pretest probability would simplify

    clinical management.

    A clinical prediction guide that quantifies the pretest probability

    was developed. The model enables physicians to reliably stratify

    their patients into high, moderate, or low risk categories. Combining

    this with the results of objective testing greatly simplifies the

    clinical workup of patients with suspected DVT.

    The Wells clinical prediction guide incorporates risk factors,

    clinical signs, and the presence or absence of alternative diagnoses.

    Wells Clinical Prediction Guide for DVT

    Clinical Parameter Score

    Active cancer (treatment ongoing, or within 6 months or palliative) 1

    Paralysis or recent plaster immobilization 1

    Recently bedridden for >3 days or major surgery 3 cm compared to the asymptomatic leg 1

    Pitting edema (greater in the symptomatic leg) 1

    Collateral superficial veins (nonvaricose) 1

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    Alternative diagnosis (as likely or > that of DVT) -2

    Total of Above Score

    High probability: Score 3

    Moderate probability: Score = 1 or 2

    Low probability: Score 0

    Adapted from Anand SS, et al. JAMA. 1998; 279 [14];1094

    DIFFERENTIALS Section 4 of 10

    Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials Workup

    Treatment Medication Follow-up Miscellaneous Bibliography


    Pulmonary Embolism

    Thrombophlebitis, Septic

    Thrombophlebitis, Superficial

    Other Problems to be Considered:

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    In approximately 70% of patients with clinically suspected DVT,

    alternate diagnoses ultimately are found as follows:

    Achilles tendonitis

    Arterial insufficiency


    Asymmetric peripheral edema secondary to CHF, liver disease, renal

    failure, or nephrotic syndrome

    Cellulitis, lymphangitis

    Extrinsic compression of iliac vein secondary to tumor, hematoma, or




    Muscle or soft tissue injury

    Neurogenic pain

    Postphlebitic syndrome

    Prolonged immobilization or limb paralysis

    Ruptured Baker cyst

    Stress fractures or other bony lesions

    Superficial thrombophlebitis

    Varicose veins

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    Pulmonary Embolism

    Thrombophlebitis, Septic

    Thrombophlebitis, Superficial

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    WORKUP Section 5 of 10

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    Treatment Medication Follow-up Miscellaneous Bibliography

    Lab Studies:

    Hematologic and coagulation studies are not required prior to

    confirming the diagnosis.

    A number of studies have evaluated the use of D-dimer, a fibrin

    degradation product, in the diagnosis of DVT. It has been shown to be

    93% sensitive for proximal vein thrombosis, but it is relatively

    nonspecific. In some centers, it has been used as a screening test

    for DVT. Some authors have recommended incorporating D-dimer results

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    into a management strategy.

    Different D-dimer assays are available with considerable variation in

    sensitivity and specificity. The older quantitative enzyme-linked

    immunoassay (ELISA) is very accurate but time consuming and not

    practical for use in the ED. A new rapid qualitative ELISA assay is

    now available.

    The older qualitative latex agglutination assay is not accurate and

    should not be used for treating patients with suspected DVT.

    A rapid bedside qualitative RBC agglutination assay (SimpliRED) is

    available and is reasonably sensitive for proximal DVT but less so

    for calf vein DVT.

    All D-dimer assays are dependent on the size of the clot. D-dimer

    assays are not "clot specific" and are positive in many other

    conditions associated with DVT such as recent surgery, trauma, MI,

    pregnancy, and metastatic cancer. This explains their lack of


    In patients with low pretest probability for DVT, a negative D-dimer

    as measured by the whole blood RBC agglutination assay reduces the

    probability of DVT to less than 1%. Some physicians may choose to

    forego objective ultrasound testing in this scenario.

    Protein S, protein C, antithrombin III, factor V Leyden, prothrombin

    20210A mutation, and antiphospholipid antibodies can be measured.

    Deficiencies of these factors produce a hypercoagulable state. These

    are rare causes of DVT.

    Laboratory investigations for these abnormalities primarily are

    indicated when DVT is diagnosed in patients younger than 35 years or

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    when venous thrombosis is detected in unusual sites.

    Imaging Studies:

    Due to the inherent inaccuracy of clinical diagnosis, the history,

    physical examination, and assessment of risk factors should be used

    to determine who requires further objective diagnostic testing.

    Diagnosing DVT and committing patients to the risks of

    anticoagulation without confirmatory objective testing are


    Contrast venography

    The criterion standard for evaluating patients with suspected DVT has

    been contrast venography. For many reasons, including allergic

    reactions, contrast-induced DVT, technical difficulties, inadequate

    studies, interobserver reliability, and lack of availability,

    venography is either contraindicated or nondiagnostic in as many as

    20-25% of patients. As a result, noninvasive studies essentially have

    replaced venography as the initial diagnostic test of choice.

    Duplex ultrasonography and impedance plethysmography (IPG) are the

    noninvasive tests that have been investigated the most.

    Duplex ultrasound

    Technological advances in ultrasound have permitted the combination

    of real-time ultrasonic imaging with Doppler flow studies (duplex

    ultrasound). The major ultrasound criterion for detecting venous

    thrombosis is failure to compress the vascular lumen, presumably

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    because of the presence of occluding thrombus. The absence of the

    normal phasic Doppler signals arising from the changes to venous flow

    provides indirect evidence of venous occlusion.

    Many studies have confirmed the diagnostic sensitivity and

    specificity of duplex ultrasound for proximal vein thrombosis.

    Sensitivity and specificity for Duplex ultrasound are 98%.

    Duplex ultrasound is also helpful to differentiate venous thrombosis

    from hematoma, Baker cyst, abscess, and other causes of leg pain and


    The primary disadvantage of duplex ultrasound is its inherent

    inaccuracy in the diagnosis of calf vein thrombosis. Venous thrombi

    proximal to the inguinal ligament are also difficult to visualize.

    Nonoccluding thrombi may be hard to detect. In patients with

    suspected acute recurrent DVT, duplex ultrasound may not be able to

    differentiate between old and new clots. Ultrasound equipment is

    expensive, and accuracy may vary depending on local expertise.

    Impedance plethysmography

    In some countries, IPG has been the initial noninvasive diagnostic

    test of choice. Plethysmography is derived from the Greek word

    meaning "to increase." This procedure is based on recording changes

    in blood volume of an extremity, which are related directly to venous

    outflow. Several different techniques can be used to measure these

    changes, including electrical impedance. In the setting of proximal

    vein thrombosis, venous outflow from the lower extremity is slowed,

    and the blood volume or venous capacitance is increased. Standardized

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    graphs are used to discriminate normal IPG studies from abnormal


    In many studies, IPG has been shown to be sensitive and specific for

    proximal vein thrombosis. It is insensitive for calf vein thrombosis,

    nonoccluding proximal vein thrombus, and ileofemoral vein thrombosis

    above the inguinal ligament. IPG cannot distinguish between

    thrombotic occlusion and extravascular compression of the vein. False-

    positive results occur in the setting of significant CHF and raised

    central venous pressure as well as with severe arterial insufficiency.


    MRI increasingly has been investigated for evaluation of suspected

    DVT. In limited studies, the accuracy approaches that of the

    criterion standard, contrast venography.

    MRI is the diagnostic test of choice for suspected iliac vein or

    inferior vena caval thrombosis.

    In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, MRI is more accurate

    than duplex ultrasound because the gravid uterus alters Doppler

    venous flow characteristics.

    In suspected calf vein thrombosis, MRI is more sensitive than any

    other noninvasive study.

    Expense, lack of general availability, and technical issues limit its


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    Nuclear medicine imaging studies: Nuclear medicine studies with I125-

    labeled fibrinogen no longer are recommended for ED patients. It is

    relatively insensitive for proximal vein thrombosis, takes longer

    than 24 hours to obtain results, and a significant number of false-

    positive studies are obtained. I125-labeled fibrinogen is no longer

    available in the US.

    Summary - Which test is best?

    When directly compared, duplex ultrasound has superior sensitivity

    and specificity over IPG.

    Controversy still exists over the use of noninvasive studies such as

    duplex ultrasound for the diagnosis of suspected DVT. Recognizing

    that duplex ultrasound is relatively insensitive for calf vein

    thrombosis only matters if the clinician is inclined to anticoagulate

    patients with calf vein DVT. If the clinical algorithm for calf vein

    thrombosis recommends clinical surveillance and serial studies to

    detect proximal extension, the lack of sensitivity of the noninvasive

    study is irrelevant.

    Reports on the use of noninvasive studies for DVT in asymptomatic

    hospitalized patients should not be used to determine the optimal

    evaluation of ED patients with suspected DVT who are usually

    ambulatory and symptomatic. A number of authors incorrectly recommend

    the routine use of contrast venography rather than a noninvasive

    study for suspected DVT on the basis of low sensitivity that has been

    reported on studies of hospitalized patients posthip surgery.

    In ambulatory outpatients with suspected DVT, the sensitivity of

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    duplex ultrasound for proximal vein thrombosis is 98%, and it remains

    the initial diagnostic test of choice.

    Simplified Clinical Management Strategy for Patients with Suspected


    Using the pretest probability score calculated from the Wells

    Clinical Prediction rule, patients are stratified into 3 risk groups

    high, moderate, or low.

    The results from duplex ultrasound are incorporated as follows:

    If the patient is high or moderate risk and the duplex ultrasound

    study is positive, treat for DVT.

    If the duplex study is negative and the patient is low risk, DVT has

    been ruled out.

    When discordance exists between the pretest probability and the

    duplex study result, further evaluation is required.

    If the patient is high risk but the ultrasound study was negative,

    the patient still has a significant probability of DVT. Some authors

    recommend a venogram to rule out a calf vein DVT that the ultrasound

    study did not detect. Some authors recommend surveillance with repeat

    clinical evaluation and ultrasound in 1 week. Others use the results

    of a D-dimer assay to guide management. A negative D-dimer in

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    combination with a negative ultrasound study significantly lowers the

    probability of DVT.

    If the patient is low risk but the ultrasound study is positive, some

    authors recommend a second confirmatory study such as a venogram

    before treating for DVT and committing the patient to the risks of


    If the patient is moderate risk and the ultrasound study is negative,

    repeat clinical evaluation and ultrasound in 1 week is recommended.

    It is important to realize that the clinical prediction rule was

    developed in a specific subgroup of patients. Excluded from the model

    were patients with recurrent DVT, patients with suspected coexistent

    pulmonary embolism, and patients already on anticoagulants.

    Therefore, the evaluation and subsequent treatment of this last

    subgroup of patients must be individualized.

    TREATMENT Section 6 of 10

    Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials Workup

    Treatment Medication Follow-up Miscellaneous Bibliography

    Emergency Department Care: The primary objectives of the treatment of

    DVT are to prevent pulmonary embolism, reduce morbidity, and prevent

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    or minimize the risk of developing the postphlebitic syndrome.


    Thrombolytic therapy for DVT

    Surgery for DVT

    Surgical therapy for DVT may be indicated when anticoagulant therapy

    is ineffective, unsafe, or contraindicated. The major surgical

    procedures for DVT are clot removal and partial interruption of the

    inferior vena cava to prevent pulmonary embolism.

    The rationale for thrombectomy is to restore venous patency and

    valvular function. Thrombectomy alone is not indicated, because

    rethrombosis occurs very frequently. Heparin therapy is a necessary

    adjunct. Thrombectomy is best reserved for patients with massive

    ileofemoral vein thrombosis (phlegmasia cerulea dolens) when limb

    viability is at risk.

    Filters for DVT

    The concept of inferior vena cava filters arose from the recognition

    of the late complications of surgical ligation of the inferior vena

    cava as first proposed by Homans in 1934. Today, intracaval devices

    introduced intravenously at a remote site and floated into position

    using fluoroscopy is the procedure of choice. The Kim-Ray-Greenfield

    filter is preferred because the long-term patency rates are much


    Indications for a filter are severe hemorrhagic complications on

    anticoagulant therapy, other absolute contraindications to

    anticoagulation, new or recurrent venous thrombosis, or pulmonary

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    embolism despite adequate anticoagulation.

    Compression stockings (routinely recommended)

    Ambulation: Controversy exists regarding the role of ambulation in

    the therapy of DVT. In North America, bed rest and decreased

    ambulation usually are recommended theoretically to prevent

    embolization. In Europe, increased ambulation usually is recommended

    to avoid further venous stasis and propagation of the thrombus.



    Vascular surgery


    Nuclear medicine

    MEDICATION Section 7 of 10

    Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials Workup

    Treatment Medication Follow-up Miscellaneous Bibliography

    Goals of pharmacotherapy in treating venous thrombosis are to reduce

    morbidity, prevent the postphlebitic syndrome, prevent the

    development of pulmonary embolism, and to attain these goals with a

    minimum number of adverse effects and cost.

    Drug Category: Anticoagulants -- Anticoagulation remains the mainstay

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    of initial treatment for DVT. Regular unfractionated heparin was the

    standard of care until the recent introduction of low molecular

    weight heparin (LMWH). Heparin prevents extension of the thrombus and

    has been shown to significantly reduce but not eliminate the

    incidence of fatal and nonfatal pulmonary emboli, as well as

    recurrent thrombosis. The primary reason for this is that heparin has

    no effect on preexisting nonadherent thrombus. Heparin does not

    affect the size of existing thrombus and has no intrinsic

    thrombolytic activity.

    Heparin therapy is associated with complete lysis in fewer than 10%

    of patients studied with venography after treatment.

    Heparin therapy has little effect on the risk of developing

    postphlebitic syndrome. The original thrombus causes venous valvular

    incompetence and altered venous return leading to a high incidence of

    chronic venous insufficiency and postphlebitic syndrome.

    Heparin's anticoagulant effect is related directly to its activation

    of antithrombin III. Antithrombin III, the body's primary

    anticoagulant, inactivates thrombin and inhibits the activity of

    activated factor X in the coagulation process.

    Heparin is a heterogeneous mixture of polysaccharide fragments with

    varying molecular weights but with similar biological activity. The

    larger fragments primarily interact with antithrombin III to inhibit

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    thrombin. The low molecular weight fragments exert their

    anticoagulant effect by inhibiting the activity of activated factor

    X. The hemorrhagic complications attributed to heparin are thought to

    arise from the larger higher molecular weight fragments.

    The optimal regimen for the treatment of DVT is anticoagulation with

    heparin or an LMWH followed by full anticoagulation with oral

    warfarin for 3-6 months. Some evidence exists that even longer

    anticoagulation with warfarin is appropriate in certain cases.

    Warfarin therapy is overlapped with heparin for 4-5 days until the

    INR is therapeutically elevated to between 2-3. It is necessary to

    overlap heparin with oral warfarin because of the initial transient

    hypercoagulable state induced by warfarin. This effect is related to

    the differential half-lives of protein C, protein S, and the vitamin

    K-dependent clotting factors II, VII, IX, and X. Long-term

    anticoagulation definitely is indicated for patients with recurrent

    venous thrombosis and/or persistent or irreversible risk factors.

    When IV unfractionated heparin is initiated for DVT, the goal is to

    achieve and maintain an elevated aPTT of at least 1.5 times control.

    Heparin pharmacokinetics are complex, with a half-life of 60-90

    minutes. After an initial bolus of 80 U/kg, a constant maintenance

    infusion of 18 U/kg is initiated. The aPTT is checked 6 hours after

    the bolus and adjusted accordingly. The aPTT is repeated every 6

    hours until 2 successive aPTTs are therapeutic. Thereafter, the aPTT

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    is monitored every 24 hours as well as the hematocrit and platelet


    Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia is not infrequent. In this

    condition, platelet aggregation induced by heparin may trigger venous

    or arterial thrombosis with significant morbidity and mortality.

    Unfortunately, the subset of patients who develop thrombosis is

    unpredictable. All patients who develop thrombocytopenia while on

    heparin are at risk. Alternatives include the substitution of porcine

    for bovine heparin, the use of LMWH, or initiation of therapy with

    warfarin alone.

    LMWH is prepared by selectively treating unfractionated heparin to

    isolate the low (

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    for outpatient treatment of DVT using once or twice daily SC

    treatment regimens. Outpatient treatment of acute DVT using LMWH has

    been evaluated successfully in a number of studies and is currently

    the treatment option of choice if the patient meets the necessary

    criteria. Outpatient management is not recommended if the patient has

    proven or suspected concomitant pulmonary embolism, significant

    comorbidities, extensive ileofemoral DVT, morbid obesity, renal

    failure, or poor follow-up.Drug Name

    Heparin (Hep-Lock) -- Augments activity of antithrombin III and

    prevents conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin. Does not actively lyse

    but is able to inhibit further thrombogenesis. Prevents

    reaccumulation of a clot after a spontaneous fibrinolysis.

    Adult Dose 80 U/kg IV bolus, followed by 18-U/kg/h maintenance


    Monitor aPTT and titrate maintenance dose to effect

    Pediatric Dose Administer as in adults

    Contraindications Documented hypersensitivity; subacute bacterial

    endocarditis; severe liver disease; hemophilia; active bleeding;

    history of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia

    Interactions Digoxin, nicotine, tetracycline, and antihistamines may

    decrease effects; NSAIDs, aspirin, dextran, dipyridamole, and

    hydroxychloroquine may increase heparin toxicity

    Pregnancy A - Safe in pregnancy

    Precautions In neonates, preservative-free heparin is recommended to

    avoid possible toxicity (gasping syndrome) by benzyl alcohol, which

    is used as preservative; caution in severe hypotension and shock

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    Drug Name

    Warfarin (Coumadin) -- Interferes with hepatic synthesis of vitamin

    K-dependent coagulation factors. Used for prophylaxis and treatment

    of venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and thromboembolic


    Dose must be individualized and adjusted to maintain INR between 2-3.

    Adult Dose 2-10 mg/d PO

    Pediatric Dose Weight-based dose of 0.05-0.34 mg/kg/d; adjust

    according to desired INR

    Infants may require doses at or near high end of this range

    Contraindications Documented hypersensitivity; severe liver or kidney

    disease; risk of CNS hemorrhage; cerebral aneurysms; open wounds or

    bleeding of GI, GU, or respiratory tract

    Interactions Drugs that may decrease anticoagulant effects include

    griseofulvin, carbamazepine, glutethimide, estrogens, nafcillin,

    phenytoin, rifampin, barbiturates, cholestyramine, colestipol,

    vitamin K, spironolactone, oral contraceptives, and sucralfate

    Medications that may increase anticoagulant effects of warfarin

    include oral antibiotics, phenylbutazone, salicylates, sulfonamides,

    chloral hydrate, clofibrate, diazoxide, anabolic steroids,

    ketoconazole, ethacrynic acid, miconazole, nalidixic acid,

    sulfonylureas, allopurinol, chloramphenicol, cimetidine, disulfiram,

    metronidazole, phenylbutazone, phenytoin, propoxyphene, sulfonamides,

    gemfibrozil, acetaminophen, and sulindac

    Pregnancy D - Unsafe in pregnancy

    Precautions Do not switch brands after achieving therapeutic

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    response; caution in active tuberculosis or diabetes; patients with

    protein C or S deficiency are at risk of developing skin necrosis

    Drug Name

    Enoxaparin (Lovenox) -- LMWH used in treatment of DVT and pulmonary

    embolism as well as DVT prophylaxis.

    Enhances inhibition of factor Xa and thrombin by increasing

    antithrombin III activity. Slightly affects thrombin and clotting

    time and preferentially increases inhibition of factor Xa.

    Average duration of treatment is 7-14 d.

    Adult Dose 1 mg/kg SC bid; alternatively, administer 1.5 mg/kg SC qd

    Pediatric Dose Not established

    The following doses have been suggested:

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    Drug Name

    Tinzaparin (Innohep) -- Used in hospitalized patients. Enhances

    inhibition of factor Xa and thrombin by increasing antithrombin III

    activity. In addition, preferentially increases inhibition of factor


    Average duration of treatment is 7-14 d.

    Adult Dose 175 U/kg SC qd, at same time each day for >6 d and until

    patient is adequately anticoagulated with warfarin (INR >2 for 2

    consecutive d)

    Pediatric Dose Not established; adult dose suggested

    Contraindications Documented hypersensitivity; major bleeding,

    heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (current or history of)

    Interactions Platelet inhibitors or oral anticoagulants such as

    dipyridamole, salicylates, aspirin, NSAIDs, sulfinpyrazone, and

    ticlopidine may increase risk of bleeding

    Pregnancy B - Usually safe but benefits must outweigh the risks.

    Precautions If thromboembolic event occurs despite LMWH prophylaxis,

    discontinue drug and initiate alternate therapy; elevation of hepatic

    transaminases may occur but is reversible; heparin-associated

    thrombocytopenia may occur with fractionated low-molecular-weight

    heparins; 1 mg of protamine sulfate will reverse effect of

    approximately 100 U of tinzaparin if significant bleeding

    complications develop

    Drug Category: Thrombolytics -- Offer significant advantages over

    conventional anticoagulant therapy. Advantages include prompt

    resolution of symptoms, prevention of pulmonary embolism, restoration

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    of normal venous circulation, preservation of venous valvular

    function, and prevention of postphlebitic syndrome. Thrombolytic

    therapy does not prevent clot propagation, rethrombosis, or

    subsequent embolization. Heparin therapy and oral anticoagulant

    therapy always must follow a course of thrombolysis.

    Unfortunately, the majority of patients with DVT have absolute

    contraindications to thrombolytic therapy. Thrombolytic therapy is

    also not effective once the thrombus is adherent and begins to

    organize. Venous thrombi in the legs are often large and associated

    with complete venous occlusion. The thrombolytic agent that acts on

    the surface of the clot may not be able to penetrate and lyse the


    Nevertheless, the data from many published studies indicate that

    thrombolytic therapy is more effective than heparin in achieving vein

    patency. The unproven assumption is that the degree of lysis seen on

    the posttreatment venogram is predictive of future venous valvular

    insufficiency and late (5-10 y) development of postphlebitic

    syndrome. Preliminary evidence suggests the incidence of

    postphlebitic syndrome at 3 years is reduced by half but certainly

    not entirely eliminated.

    The hemorrhagic complications of thrombolytic therapy are formidable

    (about 3 times higher), including the small but potentially fatal

    risk of intracerebral hemorrhage. The uncertainty regarding

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    thrombolytic therapy likely will continue. Currently, thrombolytic

    therapy is not recommended routinely for DVT at most centers but

    should be considered in patients with massive ileofemoral vein

    thrombosis or in young patients with acute onset of extensive

    DVT.Drug Name

    Urokinase (Abbokinase) -- Direct plasminogen activator isolated from

    human fetal kidney cells grown in culture. Acts on endogenous

    fibrinolytic system and converts plasminogen to enzyme plasmin.

    Plasmin degrades fibrin clots, fibrinogen, and other plasma proteins.

    Advantage is that it is nonantigenic. More expensive than

    streptokinase, which limits its use. When used for purely local

    fibrinolysis, given as local infusion directly into area of thrombus

    and with no bolus.

    Dose should be adjusted to achieve clot lysis or patency of affected


    Adult Dose 4400 U/kg IV bolus followed by maintenance infusion at

    4400 U/kg/h for 1-3 d

    For regional thrombus-directed therapy, smaller bolus of 250,000 U IV

    may be given followed by infusion at 500-2000 U/kg/h

    Pediatric Dose Administer as in adults

    Contraindications Documented hypersensitivity; internal bleeding;

    recent trauma including cardiopulmonary resuscitation; history of

    cerebrovascular accident; intracranial or intraspinal surgery or

    trauma; intracranial neoplasm

    Interactions Thrombolytic enzymes, alone or in combination with

    anticoagulants and antiplatelets, may increase risk of bleeding

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    Pregnancy B - Usually safe but benefits must outweigh the risks.

    Precautions Caution in patients receiving intramuscular

    administration of medications and those with severe hypertension or

    trauma or surgery in previous 10 d; avoid dislodging a possible deep

    vein thrombi; do not measure blood pressure in lower extremities;

    monitor therapy by performing PT, aPTT, TT, or fibrinogen

    approximately 4 h after initiation of therapy

    Drug Name

    Streptokinase (Kabikinase, Streptase) -- Acts with plasminogen to

    convert plasminogen to plasmin. Plasmin degrades fibrin clots as well

    as fibrinogen and other plasma proteins. An increase in fibrinolytic

    activity that degrades fibrinogen levels for 24-36 h takes place with

    intravenous infusion of streptokinase.

    Adult Dose 250,000 U IV bolus followed by an infusion at 100,000 U/h

    for 1-3 d

    Pediatric Dose Administer as in adults

    Contraindications Documented hypersensitivity; active internal

    bleeding; intracranial neoplasm; aneurysm; diathesis; severe

    uncontrolled arterial hypertension

    Interactions Antifibrinolytic agents may decrease effects of

    streptokinase; heparin, warfarin, and aspirin may increase risk of


    Pregnancy C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been


    Precautions Caution in severe hypertension, intramuscular

  • 7/27/2019 Deep Venous Thrombosis and Thrombophlebitis


    administration of medications, and trauma or surgery in the previous

    10 d; measure hematocrit, platelet count, aPTT, TT, PT, or fibrinogen

    levels before therapy is implemented; either TT or aPTT should be

    less than twice the normal control value following infusion of

    streptokinase and before (re)instituting heparin; do not take blood

    pressure in the lower extremities as it may dislodge a possible deep

    vein thrombi; PT, aPTT, TT, or fibrinogen should be monitored 4 h

    after initiation of therapy

    Drug Name

    Alteplase, t-PA (Activase) -- Thrombolytic agent for DVT or

    pulmonary embolism. A tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) produced by

    recombinant DNA and used in the management of acute ischemic stroke,

    AMI, and pulmonary embolism.

    Safety and efficacy of this regimen with coadministration of heparin

    and aspirin during the first 24 h after symptom onset have not been


    Adult Dose Front-loaded regimen recommended

    15 mg IV bolus initially followed by 50 mg IV over the next 30 min

    and then 35 mg IV over the next 1 h

    Pediatric Dose Not established

    Contraindications Documented hypersensitivity; active internal

    bleeding; intracranial or intraspinal surgery or trauma; intracranial

    neoplasm; arteriovenous malformation or aneurysm;

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    subarachnoid hemorrhage, or serious head trauma or recent previous

    stroke; do not administer with a history of intracranial hemorrhage,

    uncontrolled hypertension, intracranial neoplasm, seizure at onset of

    stroke, active internal bleeding, arteriovenous malformation or

    aneurysm, or bleeding diathesis

    Interactions Drugs that alter platelet function (aspirin,

    dipyridamole, abciximab) may increase risk of bleeding before,

    during, or after alteplase therapy; may give heparin with and after

    alteplase infusions to reduce risk of rethrombosis; either heparin or

    alteplase may cause bleeding complications

    Pregnancy C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been


    Precautions Monitor for bleeding, especially at arterial puncture

    sites, with coadministration of vitamin K antagonists; control and

    monitor blood pressure frequently during and following alteplase

    administration (when managing acute ischemic stroke); do not use >0.9

    mg/kg to manage acute ischemic stroke; doses >0.9 mg/kg may cause ICH

    FOLLOW-UP Section 8 of 10

    Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials Workup

    Treatment Medication Follow-up Miscellaneous Bibliography

    Further Inpatient Care:

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    Most patients with confirmed proximal vein DVT may be treated safely

    on an outpatient basis. Exclusion criteria for outpatient management

    are as follows:

    Suspected or proven concomitant pulmonary embolism

    Significant cardiovascular or pulmonary comorbidity

    Morbid obesity

    Renal failure

    Unavailable or unable to arrange close follow-up care

    Patients are treated with a low molecular weight heparin and

    instructed to initiate therapy with warfarin 5 mg PO the next day.

    Low molecular weight heparin and warfarin are overlapped for about 5

    days until the international normalized ratio (INR) is therapeutic.

    If inpatient treatment is necessary, low molecular weight heparin is

    effective and obviates the need for IV infusions or serial monitoring

    of the PTT.

    With the introduction of low molecular weight heparin, selected

    patients qualify for outpatient treatment only if adequate home care

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    and close medical follow-up care can be arranged.

    At some centers, patients with isolated calf vein DVT are admitted

    for full anticoagulant therapy. Many physicians do not treat calf

    vein DVT with anticoagulation unless proximal extension is documented

    objectively with close clinical surveillance.

    The activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) must be monitored

    every 6 hours while the patient is on IV heparin until the dose


    Platelets also should be monitored and heparin discontinued if

    platelets fall below 75,000.

    While on warfarin, the prothrombin time (PT) must be monitored daily

    until target achieved, then weekly for several weeks. When the

    patient is stable, monitor monthly. Inability to monitor INR

    precludes outpatient treatment of DVT.

    For the first episode, patients should be treated for 3-6 months.

    Subsequent episodes should be treated for at least 1 year.

    Significant bleeding (ie, hematemesis, hematuria, gastrointestinal

    hemorrhage) should be investigated thoroughly since anticoagulant

    therapy may unmask a preexisting disease (eg, cancer, peptic ulcer

    disease, arteriovenous malformation).

    Further Outpatient Care:

    Treatment for isolated calf vein DVT is best individualized, taking

    into account local preferences, patient reliability, the availability

    of follow-up care, and an assessment of ongoing risk factors.

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    Patients with suspected or diagnosed isolated calf vein DVT may be

    discharged safely on a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) or

    aspirin with close follow-up care and repeat diagnostic studies in 3-

    7 days to detect proximal extension.

    At certain centers, patients with isolated calf vein DVT are admitted

    for full anticoagulant therapy.

    Patients with suspected DVT but negative noninvasive studies need to

    be reassessed by their primary care provider within 3-7 days.

    Patients with ongoing risk factors may need to be restudied at that

    time to detect proximal extension because of the limited accuracy of

    noninvasive tests for calf vein DVT.


    Transfers may be necessary for patients with special concerns such as

    those with inherited coagulation disorders.

    Transfers may be required depending on local expertise for treatment

    with thrombolytics, surgical therapy, or insertion of a filter.


    Prophylaxis for DVT is required for all patients who develop risk

    factors. DVT prophylaxis for patients scheduled to undergo major

    surgery is well recognized.

    Recently a large multicenter double-blind placebo-controlled trial

    showed a 63% reduction in the incidence of DVT/pulmonary embolism in

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    general medical patients admitted to the hospital.


    Acute pulmonary embolism still may occur despite adequate


    Hemorrhagic complications are the most common adverse effects of

    anticoagulant therapy. The risk of hemorrhage on heparin is

    approximately 5%.

    The treatment of hemorrhage while on heparin depends on the severity

    of the bleeding and the extent to which the aPTT is elevated above

    the therapeutic range. Patients who hemorrhage while receiving

    heparin are best treated by discontinuing the drug. The half-life is

    relatively short, and the aPTT usually returns to normal within a few

    hours. Treatment with fresh frozen plasma or platelet infusions is

    ineffective. For severe hemorrhage, such as intracranial or massive

    gastrointestinal bleeding, heparin may be neutralized by protamine at

    a dose of 1 mg for every 100 units. Protamine should be administered

    at the same time that the infusion is stopped.

    The risk of bleeding on warfarin is not linearly related to the

    elevation of the INR. The risk is conditioned by other factors,

    including poor follow-up, drug interactions, age, and preexisting

    disorders that predispose to bleeding.

    Patients who hemorrhage while receiving oral warfarin are treated by

    withholding the drug and administering vitamin K. Severe life-

    threatening hemorrhage is managed with fresh frozen plasma in

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    addition to vitamin K.

    Additional complications include the following:

    Systemic embolism

    Chronic venous insufficiency

    Postphlebitic syndrome (ie, pain and edema in the affected limb

    without new clot formation)

    Soft-tissue ischemia associated with massive clot and very high

    venous pressures - Phlegmasia cerulea dolens (very rare but should be

    considered a surgical emergency)


    All patients with proximal vein DVT are at long-term risk of

    developing chronic venous insufficiency.

    About 20% of untreated proximal (above the calf) DVTs progress to

    pulmonary emboli, and 10-20% of these are fatal. With aggressive

    anticoagulant therapy, the mortality is decreased 5- to 10-fold.

    DVT confined to the calf virtually never causes clinically

    significant emboli and thus does not require anticoagulation.

    However, calf DVTs occasionally propagate into the proximal system.

    Therefore, suspected calf DVTs should be observed every 3-5 days for

    10 days and treated aggressively if they propagate into the popliteal

    or femoral system.

    Patient Education:

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    Advise women taking estrogen of the risks and common symptoms of

    thromboembolic disease.

    Discourage prolonged immobility, particularly on plane rides and long

    car trips.

    MISCELLANEOUS Section 9 of 10

    Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials Workup

    Treatment Medication Follow-up Miscellaneous Bibliography

    Medical/Legal Pitfalls:

    Failure to consider the diagnosis in patients with risk factors

    Failure to recommend repeat noninvasive studies and reassessment in

    high-risk patients with negative initial evaluations

    Special Concerns:

    Superficial thrombophlebitis

    Superficial thrombophlebitis often is associated with DVT in 2

    specific settings. The following high-risk groups require further

    evaluation for DVT:

    Superficial thrombophlebitis in the absence of coexisting venous

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    varices and no other obvious etiology

    Involvement of the greater saphenous vein above the knee, especially

    if it extends to the saphenofemoral junction

    Uncomplicated superficial thrombophlebitis may be treated

    symptomatically with heat, NSAIDs, and compression hose. Bed rest is

    not recommended.

    Some centers recommend full anticoagulation even with negative

    noninvasive studies for the high-risk groups mentioned above. An

    alternative approach involves symptomatic care alone with close

    follow-up and repeat noninvasive testing in 24-72 hours. Full

    anticoagulation then is reserved only for those patients with proven

    proximal vein DVT.

    Axillary/subclavian vein thrombosis

    This first was described by Paget (1875) and von Schrtter (1884) and

    is sometimes referred to as Paget-von Schrtter syndrome. The

    pathophysiology is similar to that of DVT, and the etiologies

    overlap. The incidence is lower than DVT, of the lower extremities

    because of decreased hydrostatic pressure, fewer venous valves,

    higher rates of blood flow, and less frequent immobility of the upper


    Thoracic outlet compression from cervical ribs or congenital webs may

    precipitate axillary/subclavian venous thrombosis. Catheter-induced

    thrombosis is increasingly a common cause of this condition. The

    increased use of subclavian catheters for chemotherapy and parenteral

    nutrition has resulted in a dramatic increased incidence of proven

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    Similarly, pulmonary artery catheters are associated with a high

    incidence of internal jugular and subclavian vein thrombosis.

    Pulmonary embolism occurs in approximately 10% of patients. Fatal or

    massive pulmonary embolism is extremely rare.

    Ultrasonography and venography are the diagnostic tests of choice.

    Ultrasonography may be falsely negative because of collateral blood

    flow. Duplex ultrasound is accurate for the evaluation of the

    internal jugular vein and its junction with the subclavian vein where

    the innominate vein begins.

    Thrombolytic therapy is the treatment of choice for

    axillary/subclavian venous thrombosis. Restoration of venous patency

    is more critical for the prevention of chronic venous insufficiency

    in the upper extremity. Thrombolysis is best accomplished with local

    administration of the thrombolytic agent directly at the thrombus.

    After completion of a venographic study, a catheter is floated up to

    the site of the clot, and the thrombolytic agent is administered as a

    direct infusion. Venographic assessment for clot lysis is repeated

    every 4-6 hours until venous patency is restored. Heparin usually is

    given concurrently to prevent rethrombosis.

    In the presence of anatomic abnormalities, surgical therapy is

    recommended to minimize long-term morbidity and recurrence. Catheter-

    induced thrombosis may require removal of the device. Locally infused

    thrombolytic agents have been used successfully and are currently the

    treatment of choice.

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    BIBLIOGRAPHY Section 10 of 10

    Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials Workup

    Treatment Medication Follow-up Miscellaneous Bibliography

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