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Deeper Engagement with Luminate S Tags

Date post: 01-Jul-2015
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By Derek Martin
Deeper Engagement with Luminate S Tags CHRIS CAIN DEREK MARTIN
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Deeper Engagement with Luminate S Tags



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Taking Luminate Online to the next

level with S-Tags!


going to be a great #bbcon!::]]

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So what are S-Tags?

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S-Tags Make Your Content Dynamic…

• Personalize: Constituent data can

be merged from the Constituent360


• Conditionalize: can be customized

in emails and on web pages based

on a constituent’s history or location

• Calculate: Ask amounts can be

calculated based on a constituent’s

giving history

• Render: TeamRaiser event data, top

participant/team lists, etc.

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And you’re probably already using them…

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Here’s what they look like:

• XML ‘session’ Syntax

<convio:session name="1" param="first_name"></convio:session>

• Shorthand Bracketed Syntax


• Sometimes they have more than 1 parameter

[[S90:1201:Recipient_List]] renders a list of targets for action alert 1201

[[S42:1360:top-participants:10]] renders a list of the top 10 participants for TeamRaiser event 1360

[[S334:url_param_name]] renders the value of a parameter in the URL

• A few even have no parameters

[[S20]] renders the current server date and time, formatted in GMT

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And one more thing…

As we’ll see later, you can use S-tags inside of S-tags!

Just remember to make the first tag an E-tag (for “evaluated”)

• [[E42:[[S80:trID]]:title]]

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S51 for Reusable Content

Reusable Pages (using [[S51:page_name]]) are a powerful tool within


But…don’t think of Reusable Pages as only “pages”

- Reusable Pages can include anything

- CSS, JavaScript, meta data, tracking code, and of course, content

- Reusable Pages enable you to create one piece of content that can be used to

populate multiple touch points.

- Web page content

- Email

- This also helps with design…

- Reusable Pages to build Pagewrapper and stationery elements

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Reusable Content

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More Info in the Customer Center

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And Conditionals? What are those?

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Conditionals put your data to work

• And, again, you’re probably already using them:

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How conditionals work:

Conditionals compare data values to control output.

The basic syntax is "If A matches B, then C, else D."

Bracket Syntax:


Additional syntax rules include:

• The whole conditional must be enclosed in brackets - [[? and ]].

• The double colon :: separates individual values.

• The match is an exact, case-sensitive character match - you can use delimiters to constrain, check for null/blank value

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How conditionals work:

Using a Conditional to Customize a User Greeting

[[?x[[S1:first_name]]x::xx::Welcome, Friend!::Welcome, [[S1:first_name]]!]]

• If the first name of the current user is blank ("xx"), show "Welcome,


• Otherwise, show "Welcome, [First Name]!"

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How conditionals work:

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Let's see it in action with

useful examples...

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Email Personalization

• First, insert some merge/personalization fields…

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Email Personalization

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Email Personalization

• Then use a [[S45]] group check to display content based on


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Email Personalization

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Email Personalization

• Finally, preview it as a particular constituent to test your logic!

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Email Personalization

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Conditional S-tags & TeamRaiser

With S-tags and conditionals you can customize content on event and

Participant Center pages based on things like:

• On an event home page, display the amount raised by the event:


• In the event stationery, display the days until the event is taking place:


And rather than rendering in the context of the logged in constituent, you

can pass a specific cons_id: [[S48:fr_id-cons_id:type:param]]

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Conditional S-tags & TeamRaiser, cont.

These conditionals can be used to display totally custom milestone

badges on personal pages.


Such as…

• If they are a captain of a team

• If they’ve sent out more than a certain number of messages

• If the participant’s goal was above a certain amount

• Many more…

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Conditional S-tags & TeamRaiser, cont.

The S48 tag renders summary information for a TeamRaiser

participant. Use it to provide enhanced guidance in the Participant


[[?x[[S48:0:if-emails-gt]]x::x0x::You're doing a great job sending out emails,

but keep going!::Send some emails!!!]]

[[?x[[S48:0:if-page-updated]]x::xTRUEx::Thanks for personalizing your

page!::You should personalize your page to let your supporters know why

you are participating!]]

[[?x[[S48:0:if-is-self-donor]]x::xTRUEx::Thank you so much for your self-

donation!::You should consider making a self-donation to let your

supporters know how much you are committed!]]

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Best practices in web design

Cool stuff you can do within Pagewrappers!

• Use [[S51]] to modular-ize your site deisgn

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Best practices in web design

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Best practices in web design

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Best practices in web design

• No more out-dated copyright years -


• Do something, but only on certain pages -

conditionalize on [[S334:pagename]]

• Work w/ HTTP request header (UserAgent, Referer,

etc.) - [[S50]]

• Randomize content display for testing - [[S55]]

• Customize Gigya share widget [[S203]] – perhaps

including [[S120]] gift details…

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Don’t forget to complete

a session survey! Each completed survey enters you into a drawing to win a

complimentary registration to bbcon 2015 in Austin, Texas*.

*Blackbaud reserves the right to change or withdraw this promotion at any time, without advance notice. Promotion has no cash value and may not be

exchanged, applied to, or combined with any other offer.

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