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Deeper into the SEO hole. Does SEO boil down to Crawlability and Content Quality?

Date post: 18-Jan-2018
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Deeper into the SEO hole Does SEO boil down to Crawlability and Content Quality? Okay, So SEO is about Bot Crawability Keyword Research and Targeting Relevant, High Quality Content Yes, but building the Perfectly Optimized Web Page is COMPLICATED . if done right, your SEO efforts will: A) Have the best opportunity to rank highly in Google and Bing B) Earn traffic from social networks like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, etc. C) Be worthy of links and shares from across the web D) Build your brand's perception, trust, and potential to convert visitors What is Schema Schema tells the search engines what your data means, not just what it says. The content on your website gets indexed and returned in search results, but with schema markup, some of that content gets indexed and returned in a different way. This is mostly done through HTML coding. How? Because the markup tells the search engine what that content means. For example, lets say the word Diego Cupolo appears on an article. The search engine sees this, and produces a SERP entry with Diego Cupolo. However, if I put the right schema markup around the name Diego Cupolo, Ive just told that search engine that Diego Cupolo is the author of the article, not just a couple random words. The search engine then provides results that display better information for the user who was searching for Diego Cupolo. Example: Rich Snippets Rich Snippets The presence of the stars in the search listing will tend to draw the human eye and increase the click-through rate for those results. These modified listings are a result of the use of markup in the source code for the webpages. Again, Its a code thing Authorship as another example But Basically The relevancy and keyword-based algorithms that Google and Bing use to evaluate and rank pages are massively more complex. Gaining a slight benefit in a keyword placement-based algorithmic element may harm overall rankings because of how it impacts people's experience with your site (and thus, their propensity to stay on your pages, link to you, or share your content socially all of which are also directly or indirectly considered in ranking algorithms). Keyword Dilemma Less than 15% of the rankings equation is wrapped up in keyword targeting. Smart SEOs in the modern era have evolved to think more holistically. So is it more about Link building and Quality Content? Influencer Outreach Influencer marketing, (also Influence Marketing) is a form of marketing that has emerged from a variety of recent practices and studies, in which focus is placed on specific key individuals or types of individual rather than the target market as a whole. Is this good for SEO? YES! Uniquely valuable Content Unique content simply means that those words, in that order, don't appear anywhere else on the web. Unique value refers to the usefulness and takeaways derived by visitors to the page. Many pages can be "valuable," but few provide a truly unique kind of value one that can't be discovered on other pages targeting that keyword phrase. Provides phenomenal UX A user's experience is made up of a vast array of elements, not unlike the search engines' ranking algorithms. Satisfying all of these perfectly may not be possible, but reaching for a high level will not only provide value in rankings, but through second-order impacts like shares, links, and word-of-mouth. UX Explained Basically, a great UX means the page/site is: Easy to understand Providing intuitive navigation and content consumption Loading quickly, even on slower connections (like mobile) Rendering properly in any browser size and on any device Designed to be visually attractive/pleasing/compelling Crawler/bot accessible Make sure the page is the only URL on which the content appears, and if it's not, all other URLs canonicalize back to the original (using redirects or the rel=canonical protocol)rel=canonical protocol URLs should follow best practices around length, being static vs. dynamic, and being included in any appropriate RSS feeds or XML Sitemaps filesbest practicesXML Sitemaps files Don't block bots! Robots.txt and meta robots can be used to intelligently limit what engines see, but be cautious not to make errors that prevent them from crawling and indexing your content.Robots.txt and meta robots Keyword-targeted You already know this: 1. Page title 2. Headline 3. Body Text 4. URL 5. Images and Image ALT attributes 6. Internal and external links 7.Meta Description Build to Share Using obvious social sharing buttons that are targeted to the page's audience. Don't just list every network on the web. Craft URLs that are short and descriptive so that copying/pasting (for those who prefer) is painless, and whenever/wherever those links appear they provide a good UX for those seeing them. Make content that has inherent, spreadable value. Think about a social influencer and ask yourself, "would I share this page if I came across it?" Find ways to make that answer yes. Build to Share One of the best is to build pages that will make social sharers themselves look good to their audiences (either because the page helps promote them directly/indirectly or because the unique value is so compelling, their followers/fans will be indebted to them for finding it). Multi-device ready More people are using the web through mobile devices than computers. The trend away from computers is likely to continue and so should your marketing strategy. Choosing how to optimize One important takeaway from this post should be that modern on-page SEO is about juggling competing priorities: Create a page that is uniquely valuable to your targeted searchers. If at all possible, make the page likely to earn links and shares naturally (without needing to build links or prod people). Balance keyword targeting with usability and user experience, but never ignore the critical elements like page titles, headlines, and body content at the least. Whats the point of all this? SEO = MONEY But is the end goal of online marketing to convert website visitors to customers? NO! The goal is to create return customers Build your brand And eventually build brand loyalty! Converting Visitors in to Customers Before You Convert Someone Measure and Analyze the Customers movements on your website How do they make purchases? Educate your customers Help them understand why they need your product. SEO Calculus You + Me = US You want to have a brand relationship There will be a higher retention rate
