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Defining and Achieving Differential Privacy

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Defining and Achieving Differential Privacy. Cynthia Dwork , Microsoft. TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: A A A A A A A A. Meaningful Privacy Guarantees. Statistical databases Medical Government Agency Social Science - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Defining and Achieving Differential Privacy Cynthia Dwork, Microsoft
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Defining and Achieving Differential Privacy

Cynthia Dwork, Microsoft

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Meaningful Privacy Guarantees Statistical databases

Medical Government Agency Social Science Searching / click stream

Learn non-trivial trends while protecting privacy of individuals and fine-grained structure

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Linkage Attacks Using “innocuous” data in one dataset to

identify a record in a different dataset containing both innocuous and sensitive data

At the heart of the voluminous research on hiding small cell counts in tabular data

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The Netflix Prize Netflix Recommends Movies to its

Subscribers Offers $1,000,000 for 10% improvement in its

recommendation system Not concerned here with how this is measured

Publishes training data Nearly 500,000 records, 18,000 movie titles “The ratings are on a scale from 1 to 5 (integral) stars.

To protect customer privacy, all personal information identifying individual customers has been removed and all customer ids have been replaced by randomly-assigned ids. The date of each rating and the title and year of release for each movie are provided.”

Some ratings not sensitive, some may be sensitive OK for Netflix to know, not OK for public to know

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A Publicly Available Set of Movie Rankings International Movie Database (IMDb)

Individuals may register for an account and rate movies

Need not be anonymous Visible material includes ratings, dates,

comments By definition, these ratings not sensitive

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The Fiction of Non-PII Narayanan & Shmatikov 2006

Movie ratings and dates are PII “With 8 movie ratings (of which we allow 2 to be

completely wrong) and dates that may have a 3-day error, 96% of Netflix subscribers whose records have been released can be uniquely identified in the dataset.”

Linkage attack prosecuted using the IMDb. Link ratings in IMDb to (non-sensitive) ratings in

Netflix, revealing sensitive ratings in Netflix NS draw conclusions about user. May be wrong, may be right. User harmed either


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What Went Wrong? What is “Personally Identifiable Information”?

Typically syntactic, not semantic Eg, genome sequence not considered PII ??

Suppressing “PII” doesn’t rule out linkage attacks Famously observed by Sweeney, circa 1998 AOL debacle

Need a more semantic approach to privacy

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Semantic Security Against an Eavesdropper Goldwasser &Micali 1982 Vocabulary

Plaintext: the message to be transmitted Ciphertext: the encryption of the plaintext Auxiliary information: anything else known to attacker

The ciphertext leaks no information about the plaintext.

Formalization Compare the ability of someone seeing aux and ciphertext

to guess (anything about) the plaintext, to the ability of someone seeing only aux to do the same thing. Difference should be “tiny”.

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Semantic Security for Statistical Databases? Dalenius, 1977

Anything that can be learned about a respondent from the statistical database can be learned without access to the database

An ad omnia guarantee

Happily, Formalizes to Semantic Security Recall: Anything about the plaintext that can be

learned from the ciphertext can be learned without the ciphertext

Popular Intuition: prior and posterior views about an individual shouldn’t change “too much”. Clearly Silly

My (incorrect) prior is that everyone has 2 left feet. Very popular in literature nevertheless Definitional awkwardness even when used correctly

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Semantic Security for Statistical Databases? Unhappily, Unachievable

Can’t achieve cryptographically small levels of “tiny”

Intuition: (adversarial) user is supposed to learn unpredictable things about the DB; translates to learning more than a cryptographically tiny amount about a respondent

Relax “tiny”?

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Relaxed Semantic Security for Statistical Databases? Relaxing Tininess Doesn’t Help

Dwork & Naor 2006 Database teaches average heights of population subgroups “Terry Gross is two inches shorter than avg Lithuanian ♀” Access to DB teaches Terry’s height Terry’s height learnable from the DB, not learnable

otherwise Formal proof extends to essentially any notion of privacy

compromise, uses extracted randomness from the SDB as a one-time pad.

Bad news for k-,l-,m- etc.

Attack Works Even if Terry Not in DB! Suggests new notion of privacy: risk incurred by joining DB

“Differential Privacy” Privacy, when existence of DB is stipulated

Before/After interacting vs Risk when in/notin DB

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Differential PrivacyK gives -differential privacy if for all values of DB

and Me and all transcripts t:

Pr [t]

Pr[ K (DB - Me) = t]

Pr[ K (DB + Me) = t] ≤ e ¼ 1§

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Differential Privacy is an Ad Omnia Guarantee No perceptible risk is incurred by joining

DB. Anything adversary can do to me, it could

do without Me (my data).

Bad Responses: X XX

Pr [response]

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An Interactive Sanitizer: KDwork, McSherry, Nissim, Smith 2006


f: DB R K (f, DB) = f(DB) + Noise

Eg, Count(P, DB) = # rows in DB with Property P

+ noise


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Sensitivity of a Function f How Much Can f(DB + Me) Exceed f(DB - Me)?

Recall: K (f, DB) = f(DB) + noise

Question Asks: What difference must noise obscure?

f = maxDB, Me |f(DB+Me) – f(DB-Me)|

eg, Count = 1

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Calibrate Noise to Sensitivityf = maxDB, Me |f(DB+Me) – f(DB-Me)|

Theorem: To achieve -differential privacy, use scaled symmetric noise Lap(|x|/R) with R = f/

Pr[x] proportional to exp(-|x|/R)Increasing R flattens curve; more privacy

Noise depends on f and not on the database

0 R 2R 3R 4R 5R-R-2R-3R-4R

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Calibrate Noise to Sensitivityf = maxDB, Me |f(DB+Me) – f(DB-Me)|

0 R 2R 3R 4R 5R-R-2R-3R-4R

Pr[ K (f, DB - Me) = t]

Pr[ K (f, DB + Me) = t]= exp(-(|t- f-|-|t- f+|)/R) ≤ exp(-f/R)

Theorem: To achieve -differential privacy, use scaled symmetric noise Lap(|x|/R) with R = f/

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Multiple Queries

For query sequence f1, …, fd -privacy achieved with noise generation parameter R

i = fi/for each response.

Can sometimes do better.

Noise must increase with the sensitivity of the query sequence. Naively, more queries means noisier answers Dinur and Nissim 2003 et sequelae

Speaks to the Non-Interactive Setting Any non-interactive solution permitting “too accurate”

answers to “too many” questions is vulnerable to attack. Privacy mechanism is at an even greater disadvantage

than in the interactive case; can be exploited

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Future Work Investigate Techniques from Robust Statistics

Area of statistics devoted to coping with Small amounts of wild data entry errors Rounding errors Limited dependence among samples

Problem: the statistical setting makes strong assumptions about existence and nature of an underlying distribution

Differential Privacy for Social Networks, Graphs What are the utility questions of interest?

Definitional and Algorithmic Work for Other Settings “Differential” approach more broadly useful Several results discussed in next few hours

Porous Boundary Between “Inside” and “Outside”? Outsourcing, bug reporting, combating D-DoS attacks and


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Privacy is a natural resource. It’s non-renewable, and it’s not yours.

Conserve it.
