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Degaisdoagoh 8. THE MENTAL ELEVATOR. · 2018. 11. 8. · Do'syowl Ganok'dayali, Ti yull'not aah 21,...

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Do'syowl Ganok'dayali, Ti yull'not aah 21, 1845. Degaisdoagoh 8. Neh nonah dahsat'haak neh asa'awih'sek neh nonah ah- sandah asa'yahda'nonak : neli nonah ahseh asawa nah'sek. 4Nesahah ne gai'wihsahoh, yontchisdodah'gwah ; nehkuh ne gaya'neshah, deyiuhhatheh; nehkuh nonda'detgehahdanih na'yaguhnigoh'dahet nehhuh heyuthai'nehsoh ne yohhehoweh. Oyadohshadogahdihgeh tgawanagwah nehhooweh, ne Pro¬ verbs 6; 22, 23. THE MENTAL ELEVATOR. Buffalo-Creek Reservation, March 21, 1845. Number 8. When thou goest, it shall lead thee ; when thou sleepest, it shall keep thee ; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee. For the commandment is a lamp ; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life.”—Proverbs vi: 22, 23. Y fprinte<3 at the Seneca Mission-HcuseA
Page 1: Degaisdoagoh 8. THE MENTAL ELEVATOR. · 2018. 11. 8. · Do'syowl Ganok'dayali, Ti yull'not aah 21, 1845. Degaisdoagoh 8. “ Neh nonah dahsat'haak neh asa'awih'sek neh nonah ah-

Do'syowl Ganok'dayali, Ti yull'not aah 21, 1845.

Degaisdoagoh 8.

“ Neh nonah dahsat'haak neh asa'awih'sek neh nonah ah-

sandah asa'yahda'nonak : neli nonah ahseh asawa nah'sek.

4‘ Nesahah ne gai'wihsahoh, yontchisdodah'gwah ; nehkuh

ne gaya'neshah, deyiuhhatheh; nehkuh nonda'detgehahdanih

na'yaguhnigoh'dahet nehhuh heyuthai'nehsoh ne yohhehoweh.

Oyadohshadogahdihgeh tgawanagwah nehhooweh, ne Pro¬

verbs 6; 22, 23.


Buffalo-Creek Reservation, March 21, 1845.

Number 8.

“ When thou goest, it shall lead thee ; when thou sleepest, it

shall keep thee ; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee.

“ For the commandment is a lamp ; and the law is light; and

reproofs of instruction are the way of life.”—Proverbs vi: 22, 23.

Y fprinte<3 at the Seneca Mission-HcuseA

Page 2: Degaisdoagoh 8. THE MENTAL ELEVATOR. · 2018. 11. 8. · Do'syowl Ganok'dayali, Ti yull'not aah 21, 1845. Degaisdoagoh 8. “ Neh nonah dahsat'haak neh asa'awih'sek neh nonah ah-


O nah a ya'gwah sa wall da'yg gvvais'do aak nogwa'ya dos'-

hah, he ni q gwai'yuh da no gwa'yah da ye'ih o ngli ne C011-

ven tion ; neh na gai'waye ih neh o i'wa ah'heh oh da gais'.-

do.a'gogk ne gagah'sahgoh he'ni o gwai'oh dah, Feb ru-

a ry 1845.

N I Y A' G W A Y 1’ NO II DA



Ga ya'sQh. O gwat'gen ih'sah Qfi, & c.

§ 1. Nell na ga Con ven tion, o di'yah da ye'ih gh a ga'ya- so'gk, ne yeih ni yg'gyo an'ja ge nodi'wi'yusdoh agyo'gweh- q weh.

'$"2. Ga gwe'goh nodi'wi'yusdoh ni gan'dyiuh gwa ge ne yeih ni yo'gyo an'ja ge, ti ga'wan ni yuh'sho he nah'ga waji'- yuh dah, ti ga'wan ni yuh'sho he'o weh tha di'na geh, shah- dan dwa yah'da gwen ni yuk'sho he'o weh na gwa yah'da- ye ih'sek.

§3. Yq w'ant he'na wah'sa haak, oh gaas'ah a wah'sa haak dyu dye'ah dgh wa rils'ha deh ne Tues day, Feb ru a ry Wa-( nih'dadeh: neh huh' nayuh'da ak na sga'a hwah'sek.

§ 4. Dya gwvs'hoh gat gaah' ni ga'an dyieh, dya gwors'- hgh ni o mrs'ha non'yitrs hah ne gun dyiuh'gwah.geh, neh gwa'ah de'yu do'an j ggh ng'sa'o di yah'da ye ih, a yu'gwe nyo'- gk ne'ne ne neh huh' na yawah, ga'wenniyuh neh neh a o di ga'yah no gweh'g weh no noh'ne go'sa oh ne de o'di non'- dage, aa'yahdaah kuh gas no di jaas'da jis'hah ; neh kuh ne dyiut gont dek ni da ya'wan da'do gent'het as ha go dih'ni go'- an do'gas dook ayag'wandak kuh gas he'g weh, ga gwe'- ggh as ha'go dih'ni go'an do'gas do'gk he ni gan'dyiuh gwa ge, neh sah gaat a'a nan doh na o di'yah da ye ih.

§ 5. Hah'de wa ge gas no'di'yah'daye ih neh de o'di ho'- on dyet na'nan da na'yaah, tah ah nae ne dah'ji'ah gas na'- a nan do'is hah ; neh' kuh gas no nah us ha'ngh ga'o air as- h4 nan'da na'yah.


Ho n o n' d j, o'rfVd o ft... . II e ' n 1 a,' d i y a' n o h d ah

Page 3: Degaisdoagoh 8. THE MENTAL ELEVATOR. · 2018. 11. 8. · Do'syowl Ganok'dayali, Ti yull'not aah 21, 1845. Degaisdoagoh 8. “ Neh nonah dahsat'haak neh asa'awih'sek neh nonah ah-


We re-commence our paper by publishing the Rules bP Con¬

vention, in accordance with a resolution of Convention that

they should be printed, passed at Cattaraugus, February 1845.



Meetings, Name, <§'C.

§ 1. This Meeting shall be called the Convention of the Christian Indians of the Six Nations.

§ 2. All the Christian Congregations of the Six Nations, of whatever denomination, and wherever residing, shall have a right to participate in the meetings of this convention.

§ 3. The Stated meetings of Convention shall commence on the evening of the 1st Tuesday of February, annually.

^ 4. If at any time the great interests of the people shall de¬ mand a special meeting of Convention, such a meeting may be called by the consent of the Indian churches with their ministers on two of the Reservations, provided always, that two weeks no¬ tice of the time and place of meeting shall be given to all the Congregations expected to unite in the meeting.

§ 5. Every Meeting, except in case of short recesses, shall be opened and closed, with prayer.


Officers, their Flection,' Duty, tyc

Page 4: Degaisdoagoh 8. THE MENTAL ELEVATOR. · 2018. 11. 8. · Do'syowl Ganok'dayali, Ti yull'not aah 21, 1845. Degaisdoagoh 8. “ Neh nonah dahsat'haak neh asa'awih'sek neh nonah ah-


aha'go di y &h'd4a' gvva gh ; kuh he'ni- g a i* w a yan dah'gwa noli ho non'di on'* dahgwangli, & c.

§ 1. Ga gwe'gQh g|s o n|h 4 o di'yah'da ye ih 4 a'yah da'- g4'yadak gas 4ga'yaso'Qk gajih'ga yah'ge o nQh; neh kuh n4a'yado'gk.

§2. Neh gas adwa'dyeant na o'wa no'wandooh, da o nah gas ga ya'dos'hah a wan dye at gan dyiuh'gwah geh o nah a yu'ah het he'ni gaah a'o wa yah'da ga'ya dah he ni- yo' yo want. Neh he ni yo'weh a'nos de'is do'ok neh nah- oh'dah ah ho wan'di yah'da ga'yas dirk he na yo'nis het a'o- nont gen'ih sah'o ok, neh kuh he na yo'nis het neh no yah as ho'wan'di yah'da ga'ya dah, nas ho'nos de'is do ok.

§3. A ga'ak gihshah deahdyoh gatgaah, oyah'sho gas a'o wa yah'da ga'ya dah a as'de is he'ni yo'weh dant heh.

§4. Gajih'ga yah'ge o noh agwtrs' awi'yuaak aga'as- handirk aot'gaok: neh a ah'ga'o gwat'haak, aan'dana'yah kuh nas hah'ga'o ah ; a eh' gih'shuh oyah'gaak: neh asha'- go yah'da ga'yat haak na o'di'yah'do wah'sek na ye'i wi'nyont- haak; de i'yirs he gihshah aaneh agis'nyiet, neh antha'- nohdooh he'ni'gaah' a dyon'dye ant; neh kuh a a'go ya'is- da'niaak na'disnyiehs lie deh'dyut hoh' gihshah gas na- ont'yuowih; haehgwah' kuh ne juh'jih gihshah hai'wa- noh'gooh, suhjih gihshah o de'at ne'adoh; neh kuh adih- gwa'nah ot naye'winyont, ga'wen ni yuh'sho de i'yirs heh'- het, onah a as'de is, neh kuh da a'gon dyuh'gwa ah no nah a yu'ah het; anthai'o wanant' kuh no nali a yu'ah het.

§ 5. Na'ya'do ooh na a ya'do on dyieh he ni ya'wah o'on- dyieh nonont'gen ih'sah oh a o'i wa ye'is do'on dyieh neh nah- ot ho wa'yah da'ga yasdoh ; ga'wen ni yuh' gas a. wa'dah gwih onah . a'antgah' he ni yoh hoya'doh he ni ya'wah syooh a a'ye naah hos de'is doh, do ga a ga'yan dak he non'da ya- wah'o on dyieh ho di'yah da ye'is.

§ 6. Ga ya'dos hah'geh o di'ah dah'goh ho wa yah da'ga yat nos de'is doh, [Stated C'erk,] neh huh' nayuh'daak, aos'de- is'do ok ha? ga'a hwah'so ok he'ni yo'weh no yah as ho'wa- yah'da ga'ya dah ; neh a o'di wa dek, neh a o'o'o ok he'non'- da ya wah'syon dyieh no di'yah da ye'is ; a o'i wah'sa no'ni a- dyieh ga gwe goh no i'o wa nas he non'da ya wah'syon dyieh he nah o'nishet, a a'ya doh'syo ni ne ga ya'dos yu wa nah, neh huh' a ya'do on dyieh, neh huh' na ya'wah sek dya'weh oh, ga'wen ni yuh'sho a wan'dah gwih ho di'yah da ye'is ga gwe'- ggh he ni yon ho di wa'ah heh'doh da a nan ni'dyuh gwa hah : 4 oh'sl no*ni aak, kuli ga gwe goh : & ot'ga gk, a o'deb safc-

Page 5: Degaisdoagoh 8. THE MENTAL ELEVATOR. · 2018. 11. 8. · Do'syowl Ganok'dayali, Ti yull'not aah 21, 1845. Degaisdoagoh 8. “ Neh nonah dahsat'haak neh asa'awih'sek neh nonah ah-


'• § 1. In all the meetings of Convention, there shall be a pre¬ siding officer who shall be called the Chairman, and a recorder who shall be called the Clerk, of the Convention.

§ 2. They shall be chosen by ballot, free opportunity having been given for nomination, from among the persons nominated, and shall hold their offices during the meeting for which they are chosen, and until a new election shall put others in their places.

§ 3. In the absence of either of these officers, some person may be chosen by nomination to fill the place till his return.

§ 4. The chairman shall keep good order in the meetings ; open and close them with prayer, or call on some other person to do so ; appoint the committee of bills and overtures : if two or more persons try to speak at once, decide who has the first right; call speakers to order if they wander from the subject in hand, or use indecent or disrespectful language in debate ; put to vote all motions which have been duly seconded ; and declare the result after the vote has been fairly taken.

§ 5. The Clerk shall keep a record of the meeting for which he is appointed, and deliver it over into the hands of the Stated Clerk, together with all other papers which belong to the Con¬ vention, at the close of each meeting.

§ 6. There shall be a Stated Clerk chosen by baPot, who shall hold his office from year to year until a new one is appointed, whose duty it shall be to collect the records of all past meetings of the Convention, and write the same in a large and firmly bound book ; and from time to time, after each successive meet¬ ing, copy into said book all the votes and resolutions passed at said meeting ; keep safely all the papers of the Convention and see that they are ready at the appointed time and place for the commencement of each meeting ; receive and keep and pay out at the direction of the. meeting all the mppjes helqnging.jp Cqn- vention,' arid give a full* account of his doings at each'stated meeting of the Convention.

Page 6: Degaisdoagoh 8. THE MENTAL ELEVATOR. · 2018. 11. 8. · Do'syowl Ganok'dayali, Ti yull'not aah 21, 1845. Degaisdoagoh 8. “ Neh nonah dahsat'haak neh asa'awih'sek neh nonah ah-


o ok' g&s no n&h & sho di yah'da ye ill he's weh yo'want: neh kuh 4 o ye na'an dyieh na oh'sa no'ni aak, a'oganyak'- go on dyieh kuh, neh gas na a neh neh huh' n|yaw|h no'- di'yah daye'ih gh nodi'wisdah; gagvve'ggh kuh gas ashai'- wa'd|hda'ah he'nio yl na'w.ah syigh haii'dewage neh neh- huh' na yuh'da ak no nah as ho di yah'da ye ih.

§7. Neh'huh gas .no nah a o di'yah'da ye'ih o'gk ag'wan- di'yah'da'ga ya dggh neh a o'nos de'is da'nogk nas'ha non- yus'hlh ne gin dyun'gvvah geh, he n| yuh'da ak neh skat has gaa'hwah'sek : a'sha di'wi nyont' gas he nah a'wah syggh no nah gas a'sho di'yah'da ye ih. Neh na ga no'non'di on- dgh, nefi kuh' nae ne doga' a di'na geh' gas a o vva no'- wando'gk, he o weh kuh' daan'dih nyaak, o nah gas de a- nl ni'dyiuh gwa'ah no di'yah'da ye'ih oh. Nadah na yuh'¬ da ak.

1. Hu di'yah da'ga'ya dooh sah ni yo'gweh da'ge a dyieh sga non'dashgh ; neh a on di'on dah'go ok ne ga'wenniyuh he na o'di'gwe'nyo ok a on di'wah doh thaak no'ne gah ; (1), a sha'go di'yah de'o ek sek a sha'go dit'hl'ni aak ga'wen ni yuh' sho hi dyu'yaas doh neh huh' na wan'dyok, ne gih shah ne ga gwe goh ne ju nak'daat; ga do'ga gih. shah ho'odi'gwa ah ; neh gill shah na dih'sa no wa nas ; neh gih shah nae nodis'- geh a'geh dah ; shodih'selt gih shah ; wa ni'yos hoh'oh gih- shah : ne gih'shah ne waeh odo'dya an dyieh, nadik'sah- shoh oh kuh; ga'wenniyuh gwa' sho he nant ho di'yaas thes ha a neh ni dyu'yaas doh neh huh' naya'gwayeh, neh huh' nan'di yeh ; ga gwe goh a o di'wah si no'ni a dyieh he ni ya'- wah syon dyieh ha'a nont'gen ih'sah o'on dyieh, a. sha di'wi- nyont kuh gas no nah a sho di'yah'da ye ih. (2), A'o non- dyoh'se a'dyieh sek he'o weh ga noh'so do nyoh ; da on'dit ha'- o nyg'ok ga gwe goh na'di'ne ga'gah wus'thah, a sha'go na is'- da'ni ak no'sa a neii'ni ha. (3), Ga'wen ni yuh' he na'o di gwe'- nyo ok he ni dyiu'i wa'yaas doh as ha'go di'wah'gwih se'aak ne waeh hanon'dodyah, neh kuh heniyo ne 1 tah ah deodi'- negehah ; *a sha'go di'eja'o nyo'ok, a sha'go di'has dis'yomaak &a noh wan doh hah da'on di ya'o nyooh not goh. (4), A sha'¬ go di'eja'o nyo'ok ne tah ah de o'di ne'ge ha nyoh neh tha- on'dis nyuh'dah gwaak he na o'di sa'yaas thet, a on di'wah has'- dek | on di'wah doh thaak. (5), A o di'wah sa'no ni'a dyieh neh neh huh' ni ya'wah syo'nygh no'ne gah dyiu'i wah ; aondi'o- wa'nent haak ne gin dyiuh'gwah geh ga'wen ni yuh na o'di- gwe'nygok ; a yu'ga ak' sah'ah nae a sho di'wi nyont no nah a,sho di'yah da ye ih, a.ga'ya do gk g&s na sho di'wi nyont.

2. Oyah' kuh,’ deyo gweh da'ge a dyieh. ne ..sgfi non'd^ST neh iik% non cn ws ifek, I sha'go di'yah de'o ek sek na-

Page 7: Degaisdoagoh 8. THE MENTAL ELEVATOR. · 2018. 11. 8. · Do'syowl Ganok'dayali, Ti yull'not aah 21, 1845. Degaisdoagoh 8. “ Neh nonah dahsat'haak neh asa'awih'sek neh nonah ah-

§ 7. At each meeting of Convention, Committees shall be ap¬ pointed to attend to all the important interests which occupy the attention of the meeting, and make their report at the succeeding meeting. These committees shall all be nominated by the diffe¬ rent Reservations On which they are to act respectively, and then the vote of the Convention shall be taken upon the nomination, as follows ;

1. A committee of three on each reservation whose duty shall be to do all in their power to prevent the use of strong drink : (1), by calling meetings and holding discussions on the subject as often as practicable, either for the whole reservation, or for a particular neighbourhood, or for the chiefs, or for the warriors, or for the clans, or for the women, or for the young people and children, as shall at the time be thought most necessa¬ ry and expedient, and keeping a regular account of all such meetings, and of the important measures taken in them, if any, and reporting minutely to the Convention : (2), by visiting from house to house, and conversing with all1 drinkers, and persua¬ ding them to reform : (3), by using every reasonable argument with the youth, and such as do not drink, to strengthen them in their resolution never to touch the poison : (4), by rousing up all the friends of temperance to speak and act at all suitable times and places, freely and boldly upon the subject: (5), by collecting all the facts .which they can hear of, .which go to show the benefits of temperance, or the evils of the use of strong drink, and communicating them as extensively as possible among the people, and especially relating them at.the meeting of Convention.

2. A committee of two on each reservation, whose special business shall be to gather in children and yoijng people into the'

Page 8: Degaisdoagoh 8. THE MENTAL ELEVATOR. · 2018. 11. 8. · Do'syowl Ganok'dayali, Ti yull'not aah 21, 1845. Degaisdoagoh 8. “ Neh nonah dahsat'haak neh asa'awih'sek neh nonah ah-


04^ 29. C. M. (with chorus.)

1 Neh na gvvvs oh ni ggi'yus deli

A gwan'ni non'dok hah' Yu an j a deh, ga ny iu'dai nyQh

GagwegQh agaat

(Chorus.) Oh ni go i'yus deh do gas neh'huh Oh ni go i'yus deh, no'na jo gwa'yah'da ye ih No'n&jo gwa'yah'da ye ih Ca naan dyu an ja deh,

He th|h dygh ne Cha gaQ he dors, tah do she dwa'dek hah sih.

2 Neh sah wadoh'thah tga'oyadeh

ThlhdyQh Na'wen ni'yuh Neh ne Je ru sa lem ho weh

Ne dyiuhnigQi'yusdeh. (Chorus.)

3 Neh Na di'Q yah'ge o nah

Kuh, d| q waah'sa o nyQh, Neh syigwa gan dyiuh'go wa nah

Neh kuh no'non da not. (Chorus.)

4 O'gweh neh huh' daye'ganak

O ngk'da do'gah dih, Ne,h he'Qweh Ha dyan'dah gwah

Na yah'da gwen ni'yuh. (Chorus.)

Ha'wgn ni'yuh thohah'oh no do'gas da nih ha yah'da deh ne gowah'gowa ne Judah, nandah'ni gai'yuh'da, “ da ga'di wat'- hondadah, Asa, gagwegoh kuh ne gan dyuh'gwah geh, neh Na yah'da gwen ni'yuh da swa'di ak, na'she swah'ni go'- ah gaa'do ok. Nas she'vva yah'dih saak sek, a she'swa gah neh'huh, a she'swa yah'doh nek'sek a she'swa yah'dgh nek kuh nah is Na'wenni'yuh/’

Page 9: Degaisdoagoh 8. THE MENTAL ELEVATOR. · 2018. 11. 8. · Do'syowl Ganok'dayali, Ti yull'not aah 21, 1845. Degaisdoagoh 8. “ Neh nonah dahsat'haak neh asa'awih'sek neh nonah ah-

Do'syowa Ganok'dayah, Olinoot'ah 1, 1845.

Degaisdoagoh 9.

“ Neh nonah d&hsat'haak neli asa'awih/sek neli nonah ah-

sandah asa'yahda'nonak : neli nonah ahseh asawa nah'sek.

“ Nesaliah ne gai'wihsahoh, yontchisdodah'gwah.; nelikuh

ne gaya'neshah, deyiuhhatheh; nelikuh nonda'detgehahdanih

ria'yaguhnigoh'dahet nehhuh heyuthai'nehsoh. ne yohheliQweh.

Oyadohshadogahdihgeh tg'iwanagwah nelihooweh, ne Pro¬

verbs 6: 22,23.


Buffalo-Creek Reservation, April 1, 1845.

Number 9, —_i-.

44 When thou goest, it shall lead thee; when thou sleepest, it

shall keep thee ; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee.

“For the commandment is a lamp ; and the law is light; and

reproofs of instruction are the way of life.”—Proverbs vi: 22, 23.

^Printed at the Seneca Mission-HouseO

Page 10: Degaisdoagoh 8. THE MENTAL ELEVATOR. · 2018. 11. 8. · Do'syowl Ganok'dayali, Ti yull'not aah 21, 1845. Degaisdoagoh 8. “ Neh nonah dahsat'haak neh asa'awih'sek neh nonah ah-


dik'sah sliQh oh, na dik'sah da'sell shoh oh kuh lion daifye'o- nyanoni, a ya'dyoh se aak' kuh gagwe'goh non dad ye o nya'- no nih he o weh i'na geh, sah sho ni wa'nih da'ge a dyieh na- wan'dyok : ga'an di gwah ni ga an dyieh a o wa gah nak- sah'aah lie gihshah de as'de is thah, deh oh'ni go'o wih, ne dya'wehoh a'a de'yas thaak, a o wa e'jaonyo'ok ga'wenni- yuh he'na i gwe'nih na oh'ni'go o wih : a sho di'wi nyont', kuh, no nah a sho di'yah da ye ih.

3. Honon'diont a da'ni da'os hah, neh a'non di'wa dek, a- sha 'go di eja'o nyo'ok ne gan dyiuh'gwah geh ha a nan'da na- ya'ak ne swanih'da shoh, naya guh'ni go'o nyah dirk gagwe'¬ goh no gweh : a sha'go non'dah waa do gah'da ni'aak he ni- yuda'ant neh tah ah dehei'wa'aah ne gai'wi yu : aodi'wis- de'o ek sek ne swa nih'dashoh ha non danaya'ak : ga do'ga he o weh na'wan dye ah'dah gwaak, na'a go'yah da'ge hah oh- son'da go go doh oh ; a'a go'yah da'ge hah'dtrk na ya go'yan- dirk ne gai'wi yu. Neh na ga no'non'di ont, asha yah daat'- ga ak, de i'yus he gih'shah ne sga non "das hoh ; ga'wenni- yuh' gwa'sho na odih ni'go a wah na sho di'yah'da ye is. A- shi'wi nyont he ni o'non dah'swa wah ne swa nih'dashoh, neh kuh he ni yiu'i wah ho non'di wa gwah ; kuh he ni a dye'ah dvk no wis dah.

4. Ganoh'gwah ho non'di on'dali goh, sah shoh niyo- gweh da'ge a dyieh ne sga non'da shoh, neh a non di'wa dek neh ach ha'go di'wirs'yu nva'ni aak na yu yah hik ne go nya- ak'liQh : as ha'go di'ya doh'sha wih'sek he gwa dah a'go yah'- hih oh ; he yu'do gas'dah go'ok he ni ga'ya nes'yuh da ne ga- ya'dos hi'yu neh, a'sha di'wi nyont kuh he ni o di'ya na wah'- syioh no'nah gas as ho di'yah'da ye is

Neh na ga he'ni a'nan di ha di'yah'da ga'ya doh, a yu'gwe- nyo'ok o yah gihshah gye oi'wenooh a'a neh godi'ondah'- go ok, a sha go di'yah da'ga ya dah, neh huh kuh haeh gwah na yuh'da ak a sha di'wi nyont'haak no'nah gas a sho di yah- da ye ih.

§ 8. De a'na ni'dyiuh gwa'ah a sha'go di no'onyo ok son'dih- gwa nah oh'dah ah aai'waye'Is, a ga'ya do'ok kuh gas na- ga ne de ana ni'dyiuh gwa'ah neh kuh nos'de'isdoh aa'ya- do'ok ne ga. ya'dos vu'wa na'neh, ga do'ga kuh he'oweh aga'- nok do'da ni'aak neh neh a wan dyaali'dah gwaak ; het ga'- gwa'kuh a gaVa noh'da nok, ne ga ya'noh do wa'n&s, oya'- noh da' yas dohs.


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schools, and visit the schools on their reservation once in three months,' and if at any time they see any scholars neglecting to ^attend constantly and seasonably, or unfaithful in respect to learn¬ ing as fast as possible, they shall exhort them, and use all possi¬ ble influence with them, to make them reform and do their duty ; and report their doings to Convention.

3. A committee of kindness, whose business it shall be to se¬ cure the attendance of the people upon the Monthly Concert of prayer for the conversion of the world, rouse them up to consi¬ der the wretchedness of those without the gospel, and take up collections at the Monthly Concert of prayer, for the single pur¬ pose of doing good to those in darkness, by aiding in furnishing them with the gospel. This Committee may consist of one or two on each reservation as Convention shall decide at each "meeting, who shall report to the convention their success in re¬ gard to the Monthly Concert meetings, the amount collected, and the use made of the same.

4. A Court of Chancery, consisting of three on each Reser¬ vation, whose business it shall be to settle all matrimonial difficul¬ ties, and grant divorces to those who.are, by the laws of the Bi¬ ble, entitled to receive them, and report their doings to Con¬ vention.

Besides these Committees, others may be chosen to attend to any other matter that Convention may think proper*to take in hand, who shall, at the proper time, make their report to the Convention-.

§ 6. Votes of thanks shall be passed in all cases where these committees shall have done their duty well enough to deservo them, and these votes shall be recorded by the Stated Clerk, in a place in the large book, set apart for that purpose, and headed as

'follows, in large and beautiful letters:—THE RECORDS OF THE FAITHFUL, WHO SHOW THEIR LOVE TO THE R PEOPLE BY THEIR ACT ONS.” And it shall be regarded a great honour to any person belonging to a committee •to obtain such a vote of thanks.

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Neh kuh na d weh'he aak oh dyon'dah sa'oli son'dih gwa'- nah oh'dah ah no gweh ho di'ont ne dya gwah da an'do gut ne de a na ni'dyiuh gwa'ah da'o wa no'nyooh.


Tiga'vvenniyuh' sho ni ya'wah o'on dyieh.

§1- A an'dwa nok'dah naan'da na'yah a ah ge'o a guh no- nah' a o di'yah'da ye ih, nell adwa'dyeant odi'vvadeli aon- di'y ah. da'ga ya dah he o weh ant ga'y oh'dah gwah. a dih gwa'- nah oh'dah ah a on di'wi nyont: jo gweh'da shoh sga non'da- shoh. Ga jih'ga yah'ge o noh a a'go yah da ga'ya dah ; neh a o non di'wa dek, aa'nont ga'a oh da a non di yah'do wet a dih gwah a dih'gwa'nah ot no i'waseeh da o non di'yah- do wet no di'yah da ye'ih oh a dih gwah no yah' a i'we nooh he ni yuh da nae ne wah an' i ga gas get ha'ah.

§ 2. O nah a o'wa yah da'ga ya dak na ga no'non'di ont, neh da wan'dah hon'da guh no di'wa deh as go'wa wa'nah sa'- wa nyooh he'ni o di'ye na'wah syoh ne'e sga gont sho di yah'- da ye'ih o noh : a gaat ne gah, neh ne'wah o nah o non'da- dagwirs ne ga jih'ga yah'ge o noh kuh na'ya'do oh.

3. Neh ga'nononi na'gaak a gwirs' wesuh dah a'gos- nyiuh'syioh, na ya'go nok'do thus kuh he'ni yoh ne go ga'- yas, o nah na a neh he'aak deh neh'huh na eh'he aak ah'soh asgis'nyiet, onah nae dekni deo'dwa nok'dah o'ok; neh gwa' aando'esyok na eh'he aak ah'soh asgisnyiet :— neh kuh ne ga jih'ga yah'ge o noh neh aak'dooh a dih gwah a'odiga'yah nah soh asinrs'nyiet : neh huh'jih gwa' nae dent hah'nah ne'dah, ne tah ah gihshah de o dih ni'go'a yan- dah'syioh ne gan'doh ne'awaah.

§ 4. Neh kuh no di'yah'da ye ih oh gai'wa yan'dah goh a- sha'go di'yah daa guh ne son'dih gwa'nah oh'dah ah na yok'- hit ha has no nah has ga'eh as ho di'yah da ye ih.

§5. Neh huh' kuh gas na on di'yah'da ye'ih o ok onah as ha'no wan dah he o weh as ho'di yah'da ye ih da ana ni'¬ dyiuh gwa'ah honont'gen nih'sah oh, neh gwa' a dih gwanah- oh'dah ah a wan'de yah'hit neh'huh gwa' nae a yiuh'sa wa'- dyiehsek ne' gagwe'goh sga non'das hoh, neh huh na yuh'- da ak Tirs ge'o wah'geh, Do'syiowa, Gah'daa gas'ge aah, Oh hi'yuh, Ta no'wan deh ; o nah as ga yoh ne Ga'a naah'-

§ 6. Neh na ga na ga'ya noh'da ak na ga'wa noh'sji wak gas hah'de wa ge na sho'di yah'da ye'ih, a gwr-s' neh huh' sho no'nah gas a sho'wa'yah'da ga'ya dah ne ga jih'ga yah'ge o-

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Miscellaneous Rules.

\ 1. After the prayer at the opening of the Convention, the 'Erst regu lar business shall be the appointment of the Committee of bills a nd overtures, consisting of one from each Reservation. They sb.all be appointed by the Chairman, and it shall be their -duty to consider and judge whether any new business which shall require any action of the Convention other than listening to re¬ -marks and addresses, shall be brought up for consideration before .the Co nvention.

§ 2.. After the appointment of this committee, the next busi¬ ness shall be the reading of the minutes of the last Convention, -after which, the next in order shall be the choice of the Chair¬ man and Clerk of the Convention.

§ 3. In order to prevent too much talking and to give an op¬ portunity to all who may desire it, it shall be considered out of order for any person to make more than two speeches on one motion, and if he wishes to do so he must ask leave, and the chairman sha 1 try by vote of Convention whether he shall be al¬ lowed to speak the third time or not. But it is always in order for a member to explain his own words when they have not been rightly understood.

§ 4. Convention may appoint some person to preach the opening sermon at the next meeting.

§ 5. At each meeting of the Convention, the place shall be appointed for the next stated meeting by a vote of the meeting, but unless very special reasons shall prevent, it shall be consi¬ dered the rule to meet at all the reservations in regu’ar order alter¬ nately, as follows :■—Tuscarora, Buffalo, Cattaraugus, Allegha¬ ny, Tonawanda, and so round again.

§6. These rules shall be read at each meeting.immediate¬ ly after the election of;the Chairman and Clerk, also the duties of the committees shall be read and explained to them after their ejection.

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ngb kuh na ya'do gb: kuh haeb'gwah no'non'di on dgb 4*” wan'di wa ngh'sa ha9 gas he'ni gai'wayan dah'ggh henari'diyl- nobdl'&k nonah &Q wa di'yab da'g&yadQQk.

(£7^ [The three lines following, should have come immedi¬ ately after the close of the first paragraph of the seventh section of the second article of the Rules, but were accidentally omitted ; the reader will please refer them to that as their proper place.]

It is expected that a written report will be prepared, by this Committee in connexion with the Missionary on each reserva¬ tion, and read before the Convention.


GAA NAff 30. 10’s. Lentwood,

[New-Year’s Hymn.]

1 Onah sawe'eyoh' ne wa'gayoh; Hai! hai! a gwa da nos ! hai! hai! hai! hai! Ho nab'wan dab'oh' kuh no'nonf gab. deb : Hai! hai! sa gwa'da nos ! hai ! hai! hai! hai!

2 Yu an'ja deb' jut gah'ha do'on dyieb, Onah sa wan'nagad ne yus'haaseeb ; Jo gwa'doh ha'eh neb sa gwat'gat hub. De gwa'noo nyob, ne Gao'yab geh chib dyob.

3 Dasgwab'nyadook dih he'na yo'nis het Wah dan'dyoon dyieb na ga ne yus'haaseeb Neb kuh nonah nikhuh deb ja'gwab dyob, Dyutgont'da sgwab'nyadQok' ne gao'yab geh.

4 Naya'gwa da'no thak dih dya'web oh Na yiu'i wa'da dyieb ta'wa dok dah He nab'de gaah'sa gh ha yab'da deb Nob none' a gwat Chaga'gbedtys.

Page 15: Degaisdoagoh 8. THE MENTAL ELEVATOR. · 2018. 11. 8. · Do'syowl Ganok'dayali, Ti yull'not aah 21, 1845. Degaisdoagoh 8. “ Neh nonah dahsat'haak neh asa'awih'sek neh nonah ah-


GAjL NAH 31.

[Temperance Hymn.]

1 Nehshoh nah iH ah akne'gehaak

Odoos'hagih no'neganoh, Neh' neh huh' ne dyujne'git gali'gh, O noh'gwah chi yu yeah'dat has.

Wakah' swat his' swa ne'gaet gah Ne whiskey, wine, cram bam buli.

2 A gat'gat'hwah, noil ni goa et gant.

Neh ne hah'ne ga gah'wars thah, Deo det gwah'do nyah'go on'dyiehs'gwah Gwis gwis' deh sha'yaa da dyiehs gwah.

Deh'swah'ni gont swa ne'ge hah Ne brandy gin, cram bam buli.

3 He ngh o'nis het a go hek' nih,

Ne na wa ga doh'noon'dyieh'sek He ga'yah fde ya go'ah ga nyvs O ne'ga noh' a kne'ge haak.

|s ne swa dyuoh wak ah swat his, Ne cider, beer, cram bam buli.

GAlNAH 32. L. M.

1 Gawenuiiyuh' sIiq na je'dok hah'het Ne goi'wa neh'a gQh no gweh, O nah' go yah'don daat hah' gas, YondQh, am/nah ot' na gyeh''{

2 Ga ya'doh' nae he na'ye yeh Neh neh ga ya'dQs hi yu neh 5 Wat yuo will, wadgh, neh tga gonf Ne je sus 4 Q wai'wvs heh.

Page 16: Degaisdoagoh 8. THE MENTAL ELEVATOR. · 2018. 11. 8. · Do'syowl Ganok'dayali, Ti yull'not aah 21, 1845. Degaisdoagoh 8. “ Neh nonah dahsat'haak neh asa'awih'sek neh nonah ah-


3 Cha gao'he dirs nas oh'dah ge’n A ya'go da'dat gah'wa ak; Ga gwe'goh ao wai'wa gon dark ; jL dya guh'nfgois'ah do'ok..

4 A ye'i wah'haas deh'go ok Na o'wai'wa gwen ni yirs'thaak a dya go da'da dis'irt' kuh Na ye i'wa wak' na'’ wa nail.

* 5 * A o'want hon'<3eh ji'wa ak He ni sho gw ah'ni.gooh'das doh ; A yei'wa y'eis ne dya'well oh Ga gwe'gQh nell neh sho gwai'ont.

6 Tah ah' wan doh' ta'yeh he'ak* ih nae ne gah' go gweh'di. yu y Ill waihfj 4 dwa'gi wa.h'ga ak Nell huh agyoh' no gao'yahgelU

7 Neh gw a', I'yeh'he aak' sho' naeh, Hao hwah' ant ho'i wah'ga ak Ne Jesus ne Qha gao'he dirs ; Ao'wa yah'daah'sek' dyut gont.

8 A'sgwa ye na'wahs, Swen ni'yuh, Ga gwe'goh na'ya gwai wa yeis, Na ga ne sgwah'ni gooh'das thah : Neh na sgw|h dyooh ne gao yah geh.

Ha wen ni'yuh tho i o wa'nah doh no do,gas da'ni ak I sai ah,, neh nonah hetgah awant'haak noiwiyus'doh shah neCha- ga'o he dirs ne yu an'jah geh, a dih'gwah no'a no an'joh dah a ga ak de o'nos de'is doh he'ni o'i wi'yus dirs'yuh da ne Cha- ga'ohedirs neh a o'no an'jah doh : nehnaga no'a no an'¬ joh dlh'shoh neh huh' a'a non dyah'dvs a'ah.
