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DELAY Dr.Lyon's ToothPowder PERFECT Fall Fancy Suits, … · 2017. 12. 16. · bond market ls ilnll...

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CHIEF JUSTICE ARRIVES LATE Begins His Work as Member United States Circuit Court of Appeals. The Unlted States Circult Court of Appeals convened yesterday nionilnif at 10 o'clock, wlth Circult .ludfjo Pritch¬ ard and Dlstrlct Judge Brawley slttlng. The court took a rccess until 4 o'clock, whon Hon. Melville \V. Fuller, Chlef Jitatlco of the Unlted States, arrlved In the clty and nat as a member of. tha court. along wlth Dlstrlct Judges Mor¬ rls and Brawley. Justlce Fuller wurt expected earller ln tho day, but wus dolayed. Cm-en Argued. Tho followlng cases-were argued: C. 1L Bernurd, nppellant. vs. Union Trust Company et al., nppnlleca; appeal from the Circult Court nt Raleigh. N. C. Ht'limttt.-il on brlofs by C. M. Bcr- nard, of Raleigh; N. C, for the uppcl- Innt, and by Iredell Moares. of Wll¬ mington, N. C, for the uppellcen. G. H. westfeldt et al., nppellants, vs. North Curollna Mlnlng Company, ap¬ pellee; appeal from tlio Circult Court at Ashevlllo, N. C Argued partly hy F. A. Sondley. of Ashevllle. N. C, for Uie appellunt. and to be further argued hy F. A. Sondley, .luilue C. Martln. AU. S. Harnard und D. Ralph Mlllard, of Ashevllle. N. C, for the* cppellants. and by James 1-1. M«*rrlmon. Charles A. Moore. of Ashevllle. N. C, and Joseph J. Hooker, of Dillsboro. N. C. for tha appellee. Peiidln-j tho urgument court adjourned. Mr. Haywood Parker, of Ashevllle. N. C, was admltted to practlce In tlil« court. The court adjourned until thls mornlng at 10 o'clock. C'ase-H la C'nll Tn-Dny. Atlantic Const Llne Rallroad Com¬ pany. plaintlff in error, vk. XX. O. Dtin- nlng and Edward Mynrn, defendants ln* error; In error to Circult Court ut f'linrlf-uton, S. C. To hp. argued bv T. M. Morilecnl. of Charleston. S. r., for tlie plnlntlff ln error, and by XV. A. Ilolinan, of Charleston, S. C. and AV. B; Oruber, of Wnitprboro, S. C, for tlio defendants in error. Tlie Toxawny Hotel Company. bank¬ rupt, appellant. va. J. I.. Smatherx & t'o. etal.. appollers; appeal from tlie Dlstrlct Court at Ashevllle. N. C. To be argued by Davldson. Boiirne & Parker, <>r Ashevllle. N. C, for the appellant, and by J. C. Murtln. Cbctrle** N. Malom. nnd xv. n. Wliltson, of Ashevllle. N. «'.. nnd \v. \v. Zackard, ot Brevcrd, N. C, for thv" appc-llfes. Walter II. Taylor, trustee. appollant, vs. Norfolk and Ocean Vlew Rallway Company. appt'llee; appeal from tha Cir¬ cult Court at Norfolk. Va- To be ar¬ gued by C. A. Han.son, of HU-hmond. Va.. and Hurr. Brotvn & Lloyd, of f'hll- 'nl.lt.lil;*., Pa., for tlio appellant. und by Menrv XVi Anderson, of thls clty. end D. Ltawrerice Groner, ot Norfolk, Va., for the appellee._ ANOTHER BLOCK OF CITY BOiS SOLO Local People Subscribe for $60,- 000 at Par.Encouraging to Committee. Clty Audltor "A'arren was tnstructcil by tlie Flnance Commlttee lnst nlghc' to sel.l a block of $00,000 of clty bonds at par. an ofrer having been mado from local people Thls snle, when tho bond market ls ilnll nnd at a tlme ot unsettled linanclal condltlons. ts re- gnrded us n good evidence that the sc-* BUrlUea ot the clty are In demand, nnd thnt they are excellent lnvestments for purcliasers. School Bo>* Robbed. Ashby Spetit's, fourteen years old, son of Mr Juilan Spears, brakeman on tlie Ches- utu-oke and Ohlo Rallway. was robbed on hls way to school yesterduy mornlng of hla overcoat and lunch. Youns Spears says tliat tho rolibor had a mask on his face, an«l U would be Impossible for hlm to identlfy t-;m. The county otTlcer** are looklng out f-ir th<* nian. hut there seems to be small rcsflblllty of hls belnts caught. Cclebrate Flrst Anniversarj*. Iu honor of Its flrst annlvereary tho CJlianers' Society of the TVestmlnster Prcs- bvtorlan Church wlll cntertain Its frlonda- Iri tho lectura-room of the church between the hours of 8:15 and 10:30 o'clock to- nl£fht. A One progrkm has been arranged l'or Ihe oceasion. ,.im iEADJtGHE Posltlvelr cured by these Little Pills. Tlie*- nlso relleve Dls- tres3 frosci ri-j-spepsla, In- digcstion and Too Hearty Eatlng. A> pcrfect rem¬ edy for Dlzzlness, Mauaeo, Drowslness, Bad Tasta In tho Moutli, Coated Tonfjue, Paln ln tlie Sldo; TORPID LrVER. TUoy .egulate tbo Bowels. PureiyVefjetatole. # SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE, CAKTER'S ITTLE VER ILLS. CARTERS ¦iTTL YlVE ITTtE IVER PILLS. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile SignaturB nrriiob ?ii*><*r>TlJTFS- T. y* Crimp And Other Styles of ROOFING LARGKST STOCK JAND. PRICBS. The Implement Co. 1303 K. Mulii Street. ltlOlUlOM). "- . - 1 ¦» - VIBOINLl*; &R|MMUb Mail Orders Filled at Advertised Prices. Stylish Suits, '21st $21.50 ln Richmond's Lead¬ ing Garment Store, Pure AVorsteds.. in Herringbone Stripes, Black, Navy, Brown, Garnet and Green. Tnllor-maele, tijrht fltting; 20-lnch coats, llned wlth taffeta: stltched ciifts.- The skirt Is plaited nnd stltc.|cd below tha lilps; three two-inch folda. Quality and style Is ln evldence all through these Sults. We planned to furnish.. the best values possible at this and all other prices ih., the Suit department. How our efforts are appreciated is shown by the largely incrcascd sales and the favorablc comparisons daily made. When wearing this $21.50 Suit you can rest assured therc's nothing better sold anywhere at the price. Mny Mnnton PnttcrnM, 10c; by mnll, 12<>. MUST SHUT DOWN ON SALARY GRABBERS Councilman Hobson Declares .Time Has Come When Final Halt Should Be Called. BUT PARK-KEEPERS WIN OUT Committce Calendars Crowded With Pctitions from City Employes. "The tlme linx comc when we hnve -jtit lo cnll n hnlt on these dc- iiininN from clty <.ini.li.vi***. for In- vreii-trd nnlnrlcsi. They liob up nt .very ¦ncctln***', nnd the utimber of pr-tltlnns Ih liirger noiv tbnn ever before.'' Wlth this statement. Councilman Gra¬ ham B. Hobson. nt a meetlng of the Commlttee on Grounds and Bulldlngs lnst niglH. opposed u petltlon seht ln by keep.rs of parks, asking tliat tlielr pay bo lncreased to $1,000 n year. Alder¬ man Reuben Burton took tlie same vlew as to tlie keepers, nud nfter n long dls¬ cusslon the committe decided to rec. ommend that the Council act favornbly. the vote belng tlvo to threo. General Phllllps wns tho third nian on the minority slde. Beslcgcd l>>* Kraployca. Mr. Hobson referred Incldentnlly to the pleas from what have been pop- ularly termed "salary grabbers" now with other commlttees. some of which were then under conslderntlon hy the Flnunc**- Commlttee ln nnother part of the building. When tbe calendar of tlie Commlttee on Ordlnanre. Charter nnd Reform was cxamined by Chalrman Dabney last Frlday nlght, in antlclpatlon of u meet- iiiB". hc found it crowded wlth salary- ralslng- potltlons, tlie majority of whicli came from the Llght Department gen¬ erally nnd from tlie Gns Department ln partlcular. These matters wlll be taken up on Frlday nlght. Councilman Lynch, tbe former chalrman, reslgned. according to hls friends. because he could soldoni go on the street without belng held up by some employe of the clty wiio wanted more pay. It Is the vlew of conservative mem¬ bers of the Council thnt tliere must be a complete shutdown on thes0 deiunnds. Marrlnoe^ Xleepses I*.ii-*,i. Marriages ^Icei-rsea vf'ere issued yesterday e*< follows: Willlam* II. Umlauf nnd .Tosio JB. Horner; "Ylllln-m C, Sbepherd anti Do'r.i V. Jett: R. Moorman Royal and Grace A. Van Peli; John J. C'ox and Cella R. Fln- .rty; Lewis M. Lipsoomb and Loulse B. Crowder; Robert B. Kamcs nnd Mary Har¬ wood. Temporary Pastor. The cnni-recatloii of the Ginter Park Pitsbytcrian Church; which was recently organlzed at Ginter Park, hns elected ns It* temporary pastor the Rev. Pr. Q, B. Slrickter, of I'nlon Thcologlcal b'emlnary. H Many aLover of coffee has had to give it up on account of the nervous headaches, insomnia, dys- pepsia, etc, it caused, It used to be "hard to give np coffee" until Postum was introduced to mankind. Now it's easy to change from a harmful habit to a healthful one.coffee to Postum. After a week or io days of the "change" it is clear that "There's a Reason" foi P05TUM COSTS LARGE SUM. IS Prisoners. May Easily Hang Themselves in City Jail.Fund for Equipment. Reports prepared by a special com¬ misslon appolnted by Jutlge Wltt, of thO llustings Court, nnel by Dr. Gor- ileui. tlie physician, cullliig attention to the- urg-ent need of oqulpplng tlie hos¬ pltal ward nt lhe Cltv Jail, were trans- mltted otllclally to tlio Committee on Grounds anel Buildlngs last nlght. Dr. Oorelon said that condltions were such that prlsoners could easily Imng them¬ selves. The commisslon founel that though the hospltal ward had beon completed feir 11101 o tlmn a year it hael not been equipped, and that tlio delay was cost- Jrig the clty large sunis of monev. adeleel e:ells cannot he used the Clty Englneer havlng: issue>d orders to that effe-ct wlthout expliiiiilng -vhv. To A.k for Kuud»." Mr. Dnrton thought tlie proper thing to do was to take the bull by the norns, so lo speak, and iind out how much money would be neeeleci. A mo¬ tlon to tlils effect was adopted, and Councll Avill be asked to provlde the Out of courtesy to the Conrederate Memorlal Association, the petition to erect a Battle Abbey ln Monroe Park went over to tho next meeting, at wlilch tlme representatives of the as¬ sociation wlll he heard. Tho commlttee recommended to HJiVa1]0" Ule PUr(5haso of a park slte on Willlamsburg Avenue, contalnlng- four- {.%". aBuVned.081-0' VhtCh ',0S n0t HELPS MERCHANTS Important Annoiinccnieiit Jlnile Wltb Itc-crencc to Stumiied l.nv.leepes. Pqstmastur Cabell yesterday an¬ nounced thnt a new und important or- ekr hael just been Issued by the Fost- Offtec pepartment nt Washington, "wlth rctereiuv to the orderlng of rjtamped envelopes upon whlch buslness address¬ es are to be printed. llerctofe.ro tlie entlre amount of money coverlng or¬ ders of this klnd was requiroel to bo put up nt tho tlmo the order.. wore glven. Tiie department moUifics thls so as to require only a deposlt of ah amount sufllclent to cover the cost of the paper and prlnting at tlie time tlie orders are glven. the coat of tlie stamp. tn bn pald when the envcJopos are de¬ llvered. The heavy portion of tho cost is, o_ courso, for tho staiups. and this con- ccsslon on the part of the govornmen. is weMeomed hy the buslness commu¬ nity. lloivlt-ers' Drlll. The Richmond Howltzers held a regulnr elilll at their armory last nlght. The elec¬ tlon of a lieuienant to succeed Lleutenant Taylor, rcslKiiod, was postpom-d owlng to the rnforced ahwnco of Captain Myers, who l.as boen lll nt hls home for several days, The orda-r of Governor Swanson, through AeJJutant-General Andnrson. ellrecting an olection, de-Klgnates Cuptaln Myers to pre- telele;. ane! untll he ln able to be out or thero li a e-hnng.' in the order, there can bc no electlon. Wins Flrst Prli-.e. Announcemcnt wus maeie yosterdav thni the flrst prlze, dlploma nnel medal; luis been awarded at the Jamestown J-xpoialtloii to tlio horsoshoo of iho Old Dominlon Iron and Nall Works, of Rlchmond CHASED NEGRO THROUGH STREETS AND CAUGHT HIM Mr. Dubose Collared Man Who Had Been Peeping in Window and Turned Him Over to Police. Colored Woman Gave the Alarm. Scelng a nian peeping 111 a wlndow of Uie itouse at No. 223 Enst Marshall Street last nlght, Ellen Barber, col¬ ored, who oeeupies a tenemetu ln the rcnr, shoutcd a wnrnlng. and the ne¬ gro touk to liis heela, but not beforo Mr. Charles Du Bose ran out in tlme tu see the fugltlve and glve chase. Wltli the negro settlng a hot pnce, the iwo men ran ns far us Second and Broad Streets. Here the. negro dashed around the corner Just ahead of hls white purt-uer, and then tur.ncd hls tUtips, walklng ralmly back an If noth¬ lng hud occurred. Mr. Du Bose recog- nlze'd hlm. however, and Immedlately collarc-rl him. The negro, who gave hls name as M. H. Woolrldge, waa taken to the Second l-olloe Statlon by two offl- cors, and there locked up. Ellen Barber status that she has fceei] tlie same negro peeping Into the houae before, Onco she tlireutened to throw bolllng water on hlm If he did not leave. IIo asked her wliat bUBlubus li was of '*ers, und told her to let hlm alone. v j The houso Is oeeupled by Mr. D, XH, iiiruntr, Mrs. Iv, J3. Du Bose ana he* DIRECTORS ORDER DELAY IN OIVIDEND Atjantic Coast Line Stockholders Approve Action, Owing to Money Condltions. LOW RATE HURTS REVENUE More Than One Million Paid Out in Year for Extra and Incrcased Wages. Becauso of tlie unsettled flnanclal sltuatlon, directors of the Atlantlc Coast Llno Rallroad Company notllled the stockholders, In sesslon here yes¬ terday that tho question of dlvldend payments would bo deferred untll De¬ cember, at whlch tlme a special meet¬ ing will be held in New York. The company heretofore has been paylng 6 per cent. per annum, and notwlthstand- Ing the unfavorable condltions whlch havo affected rallroads, the report bf Presldent Emerson made a gratlfylng record, tho company belng wlthout any lloating debt. The same board of di¬ rectors was re-elected, wlth the ex¬ ceptlon of W. W. Mackall, of Savan¬ nah, who was nnmod to fill tho va- cancy ratised by tho death of Colonel .1. II. Estill. of that clty. Snine Offlcer* Ile-cleetril. Tho stockholders' meeting was largely attended. Tho directors met an hour earller, at the concluslon of tho conference ,tho announcoment be¬ lng made as to the dlvldend. OfBclnls of the company who came to I-lchmond from Baltlmore. Wilmlngton and other polnts left the clty at 2 P. M. for Cliarleston, S. C. T.' M. Emerson, of Wilmlngton. N. C, was re-elected presldent, Alexander Hamilton, of Pe¬ tersburg, lirst vlce-presldent, C. S. Gadsden, of Charlo.ton, second vlce- presldent, and J, K. Kenley, of Wil¬ mlngton, thlrd vlce-presldent The hoard of directors Is composed of the following: Henry .Walters. of Baltl¬ more; Mlchael Jenklns. Bnltlmore; Walelo Newceimer, Baltlmore: Warren Delano, .7r., New Vork; M. V. Plant, New York; Fred W. Scott. Riclimond: Alexander Hamilton, Petersburg; E. B. Borden. Goldsboro; Donald McRae, Wilmlngton, N. C.; H. B. Short, Nortli Carollna: J. J. Lucas, South Carollna, aiul W. W. Mackall. Savannah. Two-Cent Law Ilnrmful. Presldent Emerson cailed attention ln his'report to tlie fact that the Atlantlc Coast Llno wns now operatlng the re¬ duced passenger rates In threo States, "although." he added. "we belleve them to lio conflscatory, and their legallty is being tested in the courts. In tho meantlme the company is sufferlng Irreparablo loss, pcndlng llnal decls- ion." , To the stockholders Chalrman Wal¬ ters, ot the board of directors, said that the great Increase ln the cost of operatlng was due to two reasons.. labor nnel materlal. The labor unlons. he sald. are strongly organlzed and "had enforccd unfair burilens on tne ronel" He also sald that wlthln the past ten years the cost of materlal hael incrcased about 70 per cent. There was retreni-hment ln every clepartim-iit Mr Walters saiel, anel he felt confident tluit this pollcy. made necessary by uniisual condltions. woulel serve as a protectlon to stockholders and thepiop- erty itself. W'ngc llierruse One Mllllon. For the last JUcal -year the, total earnings were »26.77l;5_8.6.., an in- crea-. over the precedlng year of *_.- _W.080.49. or a galn of 7.60 per cent ^r.^ye^^r^0^^.^ rs^ ¦..^o^s..ftVnltonSs was pald out durlng the twelve months ... evtra anel Incrcased wages. f°The._ Uitereatlng facts nbout t,e road are taken from the presldent ie- P°"nwlinr to the shortage of the straw- blirMnd vegetable crops. the gross revenue froni that source was .**__».- -!.¦.- ICH_ an the precedlng year. Othp? trafftc conditloris were favorable. Ser ^ BsssrfmE$m oreusod ".00 per cent. C -The statement attaclied to .tlila re¬ port. page .'_, shows ln detall our traffic nnel mileage statlstlcs. .I'lic Inelustrlnl Feature. "Through the efforts of our agrlcul¬ tural and Immigration department. 5;S settlers were located on our llnes ln dlfferent States. and engaged ln agrl¬ cultural pursults. The llgures stated cover heads of famllles only. One hundred anel seventy-seven Industrles. such ns factorles, mllls, etc, wero lo¬ cated on our llnes'- durlng the flscal yoar. "In adelitlon to the above a largo number of settlers have been located on our llnes by private organizatlons. real estate agents, etc. wlth all of whom our agrlcultural and immigra¬ tion department co-operates. TO LYNCHBURG ACADEMY Slster Alo.vhlns, of Rlchmond, Become* Sl-ter Snperior There. Holy f'ross Acndnmy. Lynchburg, con- elucteid by the Slsters ot Charity, has a new slster -uperlor. She is Slster Aloyslus (Miss Ge-rtrutle Vlrglnla Golden. of Itich- mond), who was recently transferred from St. Krancos Xavler Academy, Octtysburg Fa., whero she, was ln charge for soveral years: Slster Aloyslus has many relatlve. anel friends ln tlils clty. A brother ls Mr. ltniii-n Golden, of tho staff of the Newa Leiid-r. . son, Mr. Charles Du Bose, all of whom were ln the room at the time the ne¬ gro was peeping through the wlndow. HANDS NEED MONEY Whole Force Ma.v (te Lald Off Vnle**.*, Help Is Trovided Now*. Chalrman Adams of the Street Commlt¬ tee, Informed tho Flnance Commlttee lasi nlj-ht that unless the sum ot $5,000 was nij-de avallable to tho account of hands and carts these well known constltuents would have to be lald off Just before tho Christ¬ mas season. Ho explalns that more than {.1,000, orediled to lhat account. had been expended In May to put Monument Avenue ln llrst-class conditlon for the i.'onteder.i..; Rcunlon. Nn djjdslon was reached. For nearly threo hours the commltteo I't.iril citlzens and iiiembi.rs of Cuunoll, the li-ticr uiuing the passage of certain ordl- nances whlch carry approprlatlons. The questlon ot tho Rlchmond Llght Infantry Blues' armory was not reached. About 11 o'clock the commlttee adjourn¬ ed, to act on tha various matters after lt has dlsposed bf the liquor ordinance Fjildny Bftcrnoon, Dr.Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder Cleanses, preservei and beautii.es the teeth, and Purifies the breath A superior dentifrice (or people of refinement EsUbliihed in 1866 by SAYS PLAN IS IMPRACTICABLE "Xo l-Jea-f, 7fo Vare". Snggeiitloi*., Op- potted Bj* Street Cnr Compnny. Announcement yesterday mornlng that Clty Attorney Pollard. at the re¬ quest of -a member of the Common Council, was preparlng an ordinance. stlpulatlng that unless scats for all passen-rers on street cars wero pro- vlded fares should not be paid, pro- voked a varletv of commont nnd a statemont from the Passenarer and Power Company. It was polnted out that the company was gi,vlng an ex¬ cellent servlce, tliat moro cars are operated to tlie numbor of passengers hauled than ln any clty of slmllar lm¬ portance, and that the Intended legls¬ lation, lf rlgldly cnforced, would be a hnrdshlp, rather than a help to the public at large. lt was snld that condltlons in Rlehmond are Bticli that It would be a physlcal lmposslblllty to perfect the arrangement without Im- palrment of the servlce on less con- gested Unes. ' From what could be heard. tho or¬ dinance wlll have many supporters, wlille many others wlll urge Its de¬ feat on the ground of Impractlcablllty. MAY BE RIGHT MAN Pollce Belleve Claude IfIII to Re Negro Who Committed Criminal AhhmuH. Tn the person of Claude Hlll, a tall, ycllow-faced negro, wlth a squlnt In hls left eye. the pollco belleve they have the man who erlmlnally assnultcd a young whlte womnn on Church Hlll nbout two weeks ngo. Sergeant Kraft, who hns been worklng on tho case for some tlme, recelved information whlch led hlm to thlnk thnt Hlll wns the much-wanted mnn, nnd he, wlth Po¬ llceman Brantley, yesterday mornlng arrested the negro as a susplclous eliaracter. Hlll was locked up In the Flrst Pollce Stntlon. Apparently not knowlng under what a serlous charge he Is belng held. the prisoner recllnes comfortably ln hls cell. and does not seem at all perturbed. Hlll llves nenr Hardln's Shop, ln Henrico. County Sonstable Temple was instrumental ln pecurlnrr clues in connectlon wlth the case. Tho llrst Information relative to Hlll wns furnlshed by a negro pal. who wns no doubt influeneed by tlVe J"00 andarConv°£r.re*1 f,orM the «PPrehens7ong miVt.3°n,vlotl°n ot the man who com¬ mitted the brutal assault. TWO SMALLPOX CASES llenHI, Offlcer I.ei-y A-r;nln TrrKei. Pco- ple lo Bc Vneelnn-ed for Protection" Two cases of smallpox.the flrst ro. w0erIe3<,r^!'1?,in "lore tl'a'1 flve^Rmths!: S f0l"ul yesterday, the patientF v*enfcTHr,t0 .$? C,ty °" a vegetable \enuing trlp. The inatter was Im. medlately reported to tlie HeaUh De- partment and the smallpo" diagnosU proving correct., the victlnjs were rc moved to the pest-bouse. niKhethS-^l! omcer Levy **¦'.** .<-« !.,-o r^. t.therc was no cauae whnt- ?ir*ed^halar,n,* "-though he strongly urged the publlc to be vueoinated ciHar 1fS?3 af° Dr- ,-^vy semt-aac?r: s -jresiini Vi,ol.° 11n*P*0-*'*--r8 generally, V. ?estlD8r that all operatlves be maiio mmune against the disease, Thla ter was publlshed In The TlmTs-Dh*. f&fySS ahd'^dc8o.fpef,^ £ ^ WILL HAVE NEW CHURCH Commlsslon Appolnted to Orgsml.e One oreanite.i P0r?sb>'t,eriat' chtirch will be oiganlzed at Fairmount ln the new terrltory recently annexed to the cltV met ^T,1'!5"0" t0 °,reanlZe the chSiwh ft«* t>»..err Hy rn,ornJn«-'* n consists of the Itey. Drs. F. T. McFaden. chalr¬ man; Russell Cecll and D. K. Wai- thall, wlth Elders Dr. Curd and Mr. Gervas Storrs. The tlme set for the organlzation Is the second Sunday in December at 4 P. M. The chalrman wlll presldo. and tlie sermon wlll be preach- ed by Dr. Cecll. Thls church ls the outgrowth of the Hoge Memorlal Church. and ls tbe re¬ sult of the work whlch hns beon car¬ rled on In that sectlon of the city by Jhe Rev. Tllden Scherer, the pastor of tho Hoge Memorlal Church. The new church wlll stnrt off wlth a member- shlp of about thl**ty or forty persons. FOX MAY DIE Joe AVIlltnnii* Clalma That Shooting Was Acuidental, But Will lie Held. Joe Wllllams. who shot Thomas Fox In tlie head Monday afternoon. appear- ed ln the Police Court' yesterday morn¬ lng. but the case was contlnued to the 30th, to glve tlme* to determine what further actlon' shall be taken. Fox ls In the City Home. where.his chances for recovery are.sald to bc very slen- der. "Wllllams claims that the shooting was an aceldent.. He surrendered hlm¬ self to Captaln Whltlock |n the rlrst Pollce Station Boon after tne shoot¬ ing. FIVE YEARS IN PEN GeorK* Wllllams Sent There for SlafT-hlog- Marla .lones. Georgo Wllllams was sent to the penl- tehllary for flve years by a Jury. In tho Hustlngs Court yesterday. Ho .was con¬ victed on a charge of malicious woundlnc. Mnrla Jones belng hls vlctlm. There was another charge agalnst hlm, but he was ac- nultted on that. the court bolng satlsfled thni hls puntshmont would hold hlm for a Robert I-,ewls was flned $25 for the mali¬ cious woundlng of John Seldon. THsmlsses Youthful Tlghter*-. .Tnhn Rlckmaiv and Horace Johnson. two whlte bovs, were ln tho Pollce Court yes¬ terday morning, charged wltli threatcn- In*,* Randolph Gentry. -Johnson was also charged wlth entering'Mrs. Gentry s room, where he pursuod the fleelng boy. It de- veloped that three famllles llve In tbe one house, and not seelng how trouble betwesn them could nlways bo avoldnd under such condltlons. Justlce Crutchtleld dlsmlssed botl*. boya. , Charged Wlth Forgery. "Blllott A thoy, allas Elllott Wllson (col- oredv appoared Inthe Pollec* Court yes¬ terday mornlng on th> charge of forglng a paper purportlng to be a check drawn oy Dr Landon B. Kdwards for *>1» and pass- Inc tt on K. C. BurKe. of tho St. Lukc s Penny Savings Bank. Pr. Bdwards was not In court. and the case waa contlnued ti Saturday. ¦¦-¦'¦ .y Verdict for Plaintlff. lr. the Clty Circult Court yesterday. ver¬ dict for the plalntiff ln the sum of $134.o0 waa awarded ln the sult of tho P'oneer Transfer Company agalnst the B. B. Tay'or cempany. The sult was the result of an accident on Cary Street August 31 ^1906, between dellvery wagons, the Plaintlff al- leglng that its mule waa Injured. Motlon to sot astde tho verdict was contlnued, Torrored Two Mules. Peter Jackson'(colored) appenred In tho FMIce Court yesterday mornlng. charged with beailng and torturlng two mules. Agent K G, Taylor, of the S. P. C. A. appt-are.1 ueulnsl the negro, and stated that he had drlven tho mules at a gallon whlle thav weru drawlng a heavy load of brlcks. lio was flned »10 and put *JB<lei' *}1Q0 seoivlty lui; thlrty dw» Senator Danicl Islndisposcd and Cannot Appear To-Day. MANY ATTORNEYS ARE HERE Two-Cent Rate Matter Scheduled to Come Before Judge Pritchard. Owlng to tho lllness of Unltod States Senator John W. Danlel, who is de- talned at hls home In Lynchburg by a severe cold, the Vlrglnla passenger rate casos scheduled for hearing be¬ fore Judge Jeter C. Prltehard ln the Unlted States Clrcult Court for to-day may go over, Attorney-General Anderson ls in re¬ ceipt of a letter from Major Daniol, in whlch ho says he wlll not be ablo to appear to-day, and as he is to open tho case fbr tho Commonwealtli, a brlef contlnuance may be asked. Such a courso would probably not Incon- venfence Judgo Prltehard. ns he wlll be ln the clty somo tlme lu connectlon wlth hls dutles in tlie Unlted States Clrcult Court of Appeals. It is not deflnltely known that any contlnuance wlll be asked, though it Is not un- llkely that a request wlll be made for tlme enough for Senator Danlel to re- cover, as lTe is regarded as an Im¬ portant factor In the case. Many I.awyern Here. A number of prominent rnllroail nt- torneys were ln tho city last night In antlclpatlon of the beginning of tho argument to-day, and most of them were stopplng nt the Jefferson. It ls understood that so far as Judgo Prlteh¬ ard is concerned, ho is ready tr> hear the cases, though ho has tho reputn- tlon of always belng wllllng to llst.n to reasonable excuscs from nttorneys for tlclay. The cases are' of great Interest to the rajlroaels nnel to tho public, ns thev Involve the rlght of tho Corporatlon Commisslon to preserlbe passenger rates on all the rallroaels operntlng wlthln the State. - i The proceedlngs hefore Judge Prlteh¬ ard arlse out of Injunetlbns Issued by hlm restrainlng the State from en- forcing tlio proposcd rate schodules of the commisslon pendlng further hear¬ ing of,the causcs. Meanwhlle Judge Prltehard modlfind the order so as to permlt tlie schealulos of the commisslon to be ln effect un¬ tll tho matter Is flnally aeljnellcated by the Unlted States Supremo Court. FORM NEW CHURCH Fifth .Street (Colored) Beparatifcts Are Ad- mltteal by Reeognltieeii Cuunrll. By a vote of nfty-ono to one the recog¬ nition councll of thn colored Baptist pastors of Rlchmond, Manchester and vlclnlty Mon¬ day aftornejoii admlttcel the Ulsgruntlcd faction of the Flfth Street Hnptlst Church. Thl» faction wlthdrew from the mother church on account of hostlle feellng against tho present pastor, Bdwards, nbout whom a avar wageei for somo'tlme; bofore the matter was flnally settle-d. After the ln- terventlon of the court a volo was taken, anal the church ellvleled Itself Into two pae - tleit. one* standing by the pastor nnd the othor taking positlon ngalnst hlm. Tho sa-paratlsts asked for letters of wlthUrawil, and a general letter was Issued to nbout SOc), who wlll now form a church. Some objec¬ tion was ralsed in the meeting Monday af¬ ternoon by tht old mem.e-rai against aelmit- tliJK the wlthdrawing wlng of the church, biit they were outvoted. Tho new congre¬ gatlon has not yet secured elther a church or n pastor. A committee has been ap¬ polnted to seoure a pastor, and It lir sald that H.-00 has already been procured for the bulldlng of a church. Judge Prentis, of Corporation Commissiori, Issues Statement Concerning Matter. Hon. Henry C. Stuart. of tho State Corporation Commlssion. lias been crl- tlci-eel In some quarter* for purchas- Ing stock Jn the new Garden Bank, of Russell county, whlle a member of the commisslon. The stock was at onco solal by Mr. Stuart at the figure he pald for it. Judge Prentis does not think that there was any Improprlety ln Mr. Stu¬ art buying and holdlng stock ln the bank. and authorl-es the statement that ho has acted upon this opinion by holdlng stock ln State banks. Cer¬ talnly there ls no constttuttonal pro- vlsloh nor statute forblddlng such ownershlp. The members of tho commisslon wlio have acted upon the Idea that such ownershlp ls improper havo been superscnsltlve, ln the opinlon of Judge Prentis. This opinion ia supported by tho Constltutlon, which. while lt for- bids a memb* r from being "in any wise flnanolaUly Interested" in anyi transportatlon or transmlsslon cora- panv, contains no such Inlilbltton as to banks or^any other corporatlons. The stockholder. as such, can never be the subject of Investlgation by the commisslon, and In common wlth the deposltor and the general public. ls In¬ terested in holdlng the presldent, cashler and directors; to the strlct per- formance of all of thelr dutles. LECTURE ON PLAYGROUND Mrs. Hirshfield to Sponk at Cenlral School To-NlgUt/ , F-eoplo of Rlchmond generally. and par- ticularty the niembefs of the Board of Kaalth and the.School Board, aro lnvlted to attend the lectAini to bo glven ln tho Central School audltorlum thls ovoning oy Mrs. Ruth Ashley Hlshflold, of New York, ou tlVo playground questtons. Mrs. Hirshfield ls well known, havlng es- toblished playgrounds anel put them Into successful operatlon ln many places. Her v-c.rk ls hlghly commended all over tlu country. SAN1TARY .'UNDERWEAR THSNl-NOW! Twenty yeart ago: One .for*. no ageneies. To-day: Seven stores, over 2000 ogencies. Thls ln brlef. ls the atory of JAEOER success ln tho Unlted States. What other underwear can show such ntriktng proof of merit? All Welght- for AU Want* O. H. BERRY & CO M1LLER & RHOADS Fall Overcoats, Fall Sjiits, Fancy Vests Three lines that we excel in.showing exelusive and high class novelties, superior in con- struction and (it. Gans-Rady garments are always distinctive. DISCUSS STATE OF WORK IN FAR EAST Missionaries from China and Japan Speak Before Institute. Which Began Yesterday. Tho Interdonomlnatlonal Mlsslonary Institute hold Its flrst aesslon yoster- day afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Sec¬ ond Presbyterian Church. The'devotlonal servlces wore con- ducted by Mr Robert Colt and wero foilowed by nn hour's conference on mlsslonary commltteos In Young Peo¬ ple's Hoclotles. The conferonce was conducted by the Rev. 12. D. Soper, of New York. The Rev. W. A. Brown dellvered a second dlscourse on mlsslonary meet¬ ings In Young People's Socletles. These conferences wero both very helpful and were led by men who enn spenle wlth authorlty on young people's work. A splendid address by the Rev. XV, R. Towson, of Jupnn, was ono of tho features of the day. Mr. Towson pre¬ sented the Japanese questlon In a wuy that showed tho needs of the vast countries of the Orlent. At tlie close of thls address the delegates were ask¬ ed to retlre to the dlnlng-room, where supper was served. llevolutloit In Oblnn. Immedlately after the suppor the mlsslon study classes were organlzed.¦ one for home mlsslons, led by Mr. Rob¬ ert Colt. and two for forelgn mlsslons, led by tlie Itev. Mr. fioper and the Rev. Mr. Rrown. The classes are organlzed nnd tnuglit ns model mlsslon classes. and wlll prove v/y helpful to those attending them. Followlng these classes the Rev. Frank Rawllnson, oS Chlna, nddrcssed the Institute on thS- subject of the "Revolution In Chlnn:". Hls address wns especlnlly fine. and was enjoyed not only hy the delegatoa. but by the large audience which attended the meetlng. At thls servlce speclal music was presented by the Union Theoloxlcal Semlnary quartette. The meetlnBrs nre belng well attend¬ ed. An especlally Interestln-r sesslon has Ju*en arranged for to-day, and tlie public are cordially invlted to nttend. Tlie platform addresses begln at S:13 Flned for Slrlhlns; YVotmin Reuhen I'lncus. a ".yrlan rnercharit. was fineil $10 in the Pollce Court yesterday mornlng on the charge of strlklng Nnnnte Huci-lns. TTho trouble occurred over the pui chase of a pair of shoesc A-.Miiilteil Woman. Harrison .Tohnson (colored) was arrested yet-torday afternoon on the charge of as- .vultlnK and Injurlng Cora Loe Overton Tho arrest was made by Blcycle Pollceman Uryant. NEGR014 YEARS OLD IS Boy He,Shot Some Weeks Ago Died Yesterday Morning at Almshouse. AVillle Walker. tlie fourteen-vear-oM ncr-ro who waa arrested bv Acting Dc- te.aive Folkes. suspected of inanv bur- iTlarle.s, resta now under tlie charge of murder, Burton Epps, tbe colored boy whom he shot some weeks ago, having died In the colored tilmshousc at ,r> o'clock yesterday mornlng. Tlie war¬ rant eharglnpr murder was served on Walker by Olllcer Folkes yesterday af¬ ternoon. and the caso wlll be heard in the Pollce Court thls mornlng. First arrested for having stolen three pair trousers from a man in the om¬ ploy of the Allen & Ginter Tobacco Company. the young negro was thor- oughly examlned, and he finally con- fossed having robbed'Mr. Georgo Rupp, Jr.. of lCl'l West Grace Streot, of-aboul $350 worth of Jewelry. having com¬ mitted the Gebhardt burglary, in whlch he stole about $200 worth of Jewelry and the revolver wlth whlch he sliot Burton Epps; having rllled the llat at 327 East Franklln Street, In whicli Allss T. XV. Edmonds lost a gold watch and a rlng, and having robbed Miss A. C. Younpr, of 220 Shafer Street. Walker states that the shooting was accldental, but boys who wltnessed the affair say the negro turned sud- denly on Epps and shot him full In the breast. It was thought by Dr. Hinch- man at llrst that he could save the boy, hut he suffered an unexpected re- lapse Monday nlght and dled a few hours lnter. Willlam Thorntoti and S. H. Barnes have beon charged wlth recelving stolen goods from Walker. and tlielr cases were contlnued for further evi- dence. In Tliornton.'s room Detectlve Wlltshlre nnd Folkes found. a quantity of jewelry and other stolen. goods and. much of tlie stuff hns been ldentilied and recovered by- the owners. NEW ViRGlTNIA CONCERNS Chnrler Issued Yet-jterdny ?0*5,000,000 Concern In Danvllle. Tlio State Corporution Commlsslon yesterdny Issued tlie followlng char¬ ter*-!' M . Mutual Building hnd I.onn Assocla¬ tlon. ot Danvllle, Vn, (Ine.l; S. W. Martln, president; A. B, Carrlngton, vli-o-presldent; AV. C. Noell, secretary and treasurer.all of Danvllle. Cap¬ ital: Maxlmum. $5,000,000; mlnlmum, $100,000. Object: Building nnd loan assoclatlon. Vlrglnla leo and Fuel Company 'tnc.1, Roanoke; II. B. Rockhll), pres¬ ldent; J. C. Norton, vlee-presldont; L. O. Hopklns, secretary and treasurer. all of Rpanoke, Capital: Maxlmum, $100,000; mlnimum, $20,000. Objects: Ice and fuel buslness. The Globe (Inc.), Graham; J. H. Sluss, presldent; W. S. Klng, vioo-pros- idei)t;' J. F. Galloway, secretary and treasurer.all of Graham. Capital: Maxlmum, $50,000;' mlplmum, $20,000. Objects. Grocery and, dry goods bus¬ lness. , . Douatlon Duy for lufiiul*' Hmtw. Thursday has been deslgnated as do- natlon day for the Infants' Home, on Thlrty-soeond and Clay Streets. Ladles connected wlth the Instltutlon will be there all day for the purpose of vo- ceivlng contrlbutions, This Is one. of tho rnost deservlng charltlos of the clty. and it ls hoped tli«.t tlio people of Rlchmond wlll re- spond wlth thelr usual liberallty. Con¬ trlbutions of clothlng, food and money wfll be gratefully received, The home ls. now^iiarlng for clovoi ' hornclOBi* chlldrev

    Begins His Work as Member o£United States Circuit Court

    of Appeals.The Unlted States Circult Court of

    Appeals convened yesterday nionilnifat 10 o'clock, wlth Circult .ludfjo Pritch¬ard and Dlstrlct Judge Brawley slttlng.The court took a rccess until 4 o'clock,whon Hon. Melville \V. Fuller, ChlefJitatlco of the Unlted States, arrlvedIn the clty and nat as a member of. thacourt. along wlth Dlstrlct Judges Mor¬rls and Brawley. Justlce Fuller wurtexpected earller ln tho day, but wusdolayed.

    Cm-en Argued.Tho followlng cases-were argued:C. 1L Bernurd, nppellant. vs. Union

    Trust Company et al., nppnlleca; appealfrom the Circult Court nt Raleigh. N.C. Ht'limttt.-il on brlofs by C. M. Bcr-nard, of Raleigh; N. C, for the uppcl-Innt, and by Iredell Moares. of Wll¬mington, N. C, for the uppellcen.G. H. westfeldt et al., nppellants, vs.

    North Curollna Mlnlng Company, ap¬pellee; appeal from tlio Circult Courtat Ashevlllo, N. C Argued partly hyF. A. Sondley. of Ashevllle. N. C, forUie appellunt. and to be further arguedhy F. A. Sondley, .luilue C. Martln. AU.S. Harnard und D. Ralph Mlllard, ofAshevllle. N. C, for the* cppellants. andby James 1-1. M«*rrlmon. Charles A.Moore. of Ashevllle. N. C, and JosephJ. Hooker, of Dillsboro. N. C. for thaappellee. Peiidln-j tho urgument courtadjourned.

    Mr. Haywood Parker, of Ashevllle.N. C, was admltted to practlce In tlil«court. The court adjourned until thlsmornlng at 10 o'clock.

    C'ase-H la C'nll Tn-Dny.Atlantic Const Llne Rallroad Com¬

    pany. plaintlff in error, vk. XX. O. Dtin-nlng and Edward Mynrn, defendants ln*error; In error to Circult Court utf'linrlf-uton, S. C. To hp. argued bvT. M. Morilecnl. of Charleston. S. r.,for tlie plnlntlff ln error, and by XV. A.Ilolinan, of Charleston, S. C. and AV.B; Oruber, of Wnitprboro, S. C, for tliodefendants in error.

    Tlie Toxawny Hotel Company. bank¬rupt, appellant. va. J. I.. Smatherx & t'o.etal.. appollers; appeal from tlie DlstrlctCourt at Ashevllle. N. C. To be arguedby Davldson. Boiirne & Parker, rAshevllle. N. C, for the appellant, andby J. C. Murtln. Cbctrle** N. Malom. nndxv. n. Wliltson, of Ashevllle. N. «'.. nnd\v. \v. Zackard, ot Brevcrd, N. C, forthv" appc-llfes.Walter II. Taylor, trustee. appollant,

    vs. Norfolk and Ocean Vlew RallwayCompany. appt'llee; appeal from tha Cir¬cult Court at Norfolk. Va- To be ar¬gued by C. A. Han.son, of HU-hmond.Va.. and Hurr. Brotvn & Lloyd, of f'hll-'nl.lt.lil;*., Pa., for tlio appellant. und byMenrv XVi Anderson, of thls clty. endD. Ltawrerice Groner, ot Norfolk, Va.,for the appellee._


    Local People Subscribe for $60,-000 at Par.Encouraging

    to Committee.

    Clty Audltor "A'arren was tnstructcilby tlie Flnance Commlttee lnst nlghc'to sel.l a block of $00,000 of clty bondsat par. an ofrer having been madofrom local people Thls snle, when thobond market ls ilnll nnd at a tlme otunsettled linanclal condltlons. ts re-gnrded us n good evidence that the sc-*BUrlUea ot the clty are In demand, nndthnt they are excellent lnvestments forpurcliasers.

    School Bo>* Robbed.Ashby Spetit's, fourteen years old, son of

    Mr Juilan Spears, brakeman on tlie Ches-utu-oke and Ohlo Rallway. was robbed onhls way to school yesterduy mornlng of hlaovercoat and lunch. Youns Spears saystliat tho rolibor had a mask on his face, an«lU would be Impossible for hlm to identlfyt-;m. The county otTlcer** are looklng outf-ir thTlJTFS-T.y* Crimp

    And Other Styles ofROOFING


    The Implement Co.1303 K. Mulii Street.

    ltlOlUlOM). "- . - 1 ¦» - VIBOINLl*;

    &R|MMUbMail Orders Filled at Advertised Prices.

    Stylish Suits,'21st


    ln Richmond's Lead¬ing Garment Store,Pure AVorsteds.. in Herringbone

    Stripes, Black, Navy, Brown, Garnetand Green.

    Tnllor-maele, tijrht fltting; 20-lnch coats,llned wlth taffeta: stltched ciifts.-

    The skirt Is plaited nnd stltc.|cd below thalilps; three two-inch folda.

    Quality and style Is ln evldence allthrough these Sults.

    We planned to furnish.. the bestvalues possible at this and all otherprices ih., the Suit department.How our efforts are appreciated is

    shown by the largely incrcascd salesand the favorablc comparisons dailymade.When wearing this $21.50 Suit you

    can rest assured therc's nothing bettersold anywhere at the price.

    Mny Mnnton PnttcrnM, 10c; by mnll, 12.


    Councilman Hobson Declares.Time Has Come When Final

    Halt Should Be Called.


    Committce Calendars CrowdedWith Pctitions from City

    Employes."The tlme linx comc when we

    hnve -jtit lo cnll n hnlt on these dc-iiininN from clty 't,eriat' chtirch will beoiganlzed at Fairmount ln the newterrltory recently annexed to the cltVmet ^T,1'!5"0" t0 °,reanlZe the chSiwhft«* t>»..err Hy rn,ornJn«-'* n consists ofthe Itey. Drs. F. T. McFaden. chalr¬man; Russell Cecll and D. K. Wai-thall, wlth Elders Dr. Curd and Mr.Gervas Storrs. The tlme set for theorganlzation Is the second Sunday inDecember at 4 P. M. The chalrman wlllpresldo. and tlie sermon wlll be preach-ed by Dr. Cecll.Thls church ls the outgrowth of theHoge Memorlal Church. and ls tbe re¬

    sult of the work whlch hns beon car¬rled on In that sectlon of the city byJhe Rev. Tllden Scherer, the pastor oftho Hoge Memorlal Church. The newchurch wlll stnrt off wlth a member-shlp of about thl**ty or forty persons.

    FOX MAY DIEJoe AVIlltnnii* Clalma That ShootingWas Acuidental, But Will lie Held.Joe Wllllams. who shot Thomas Fox

    In tlie head Monday afternoon. appear-ed ln the Police Court' yesterday morn¬lng. but the case was contlnued to the30th, to glve tlme* to determine whatfurther actlon' shall be taken. Fox lsIn the City Home. where.his chancesfor recovery are.sald to bc very slen-der.

    "Wllllams claims that the shootingwas an aceldent.. He surrendered hlm¬self to Captaln Whltlock |n the rlrstPollce Station Boon after tne shoot¬


    FIVE YEARS IN PENGeorK* Wllllams Sent There for SlafT-hlog-

    Marla .lones.Georgo Wllllams was sent to the penl-

    tehllary for flve years by a Jury. In thoHustlngs Court yesterday. Ho .was con¬victed on a charge of malicious woundlnc.Mnrla Jones belng hls vlctlm. There wasanother charge agalnst hlm, but he was ac-nultted on that. the court bolng satlsfledthni hls puntshmont would hold hlm for a

    Robert I-,ewls was flned $25 for the mali¬cious woundlng of John Seldon.

    THsmlsses Youthful Tlghter*-..Tnhn Rlckmaiv and Horace Johnson. two

    whlte bovs, were ln tho Pollce Court yes¬terday morning, charged wltli threatcn-In*,* Randolph Gentry. -Johnson was alsocharged wlth entering'Mrs. Gentry s room,where he pursuod the fleelng boy. It de-veloped that three famllles llve In tbe onehouse, and not seelng how trouble betwesnthem could nlways bo avoldnd under suchcondltlons. Justlce Crutchtleld dlsmlssedbotl*. boya. ,

    Charged Wlth Forgery."Blllott A thoy, allas Elllott Wllson (col-

    oredv appoared Inthe Pollec* Court yes¬terday mornlng on th> charge of forglnga paper purportlng to be a check drawn oyDr Landon B. Kdwards for *>1» and pass-Inc tt on K. C. BurKe. of tho St. Lukc sPenny Savings Bank. Pr. Bdwards wasnot In court. and the case waa contlnuedti Saturday. ¦¦-¦'¦ .y

    Verdict for Plaintlff.lr. the Clty Circult Court yesterday. ver¬

    dict for the plalntiff ln the sum of $134.o0waa awarded ln the sult of tho P'oneerTransfer Company agalnst the B. B. Tay'orcempany. The sult was the result of anaccident on Cary Street August 31 ^1906,between dellvery wagons, the Plaintlff al-leglng that its mule waa Injured. Motlonto sot astde tho verdict was contlnued,

    Torrored Two Mules.Peter Jackson'(colored) appenred In tho

    FMIce Court yesterday mornlng. chargedwith beailng and torturlng two mules. AgentK G, Taylor, of the S. P. C. A. appt-are.1ueulnsl the negro, and stated that he haddrlven tho mules at a gallon whlle thavweru drawlng a heavy load of brlcks. liowas flned »10 and put *JB
