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Delivering pulmonary rehabilitation during the COVID-19 ...

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Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at https://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=ucts20 Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine Revue canadienne des soins respiratoires et critiques et de la médecine du sommeil ISSN: (Print) (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ucts20 Delivering pulmonary rehabilitation during the COVID-19 pandemic: A Canadian Thoracic Society position statement Gail Dechman , Raymond Aceron , Marla Beauchamp , Mohit Bhutani , Jean Bourbeau , Dina Brooks , Roger Goldstein , Donna Goodridge , Paul Hernandez , Tania Janaudis-Ferreira , Didier Saey , Darcy Marciniuk , Sharla- Rae Olsen , Erika Penz , Chris Ryerson , Joshua Wald , Jason Weatherald & Michael K. Stickland To cite this article: Gail Dechman , Raymond Aceron , Marla Beauchamp , Mohit Bhutani , Jean Bourbeau , Dina Brooks , Roger Goldstein , Donna Goodridge , Paul Hernandez , Tania Janaudis- Ferreira , Didier Saey , Darcy Marciniuk , Sharla-Rae Olsen , Erika Penz , Chris Ryerson , Joshua Wald , Jason Weatherald & Michael K. Stickland (2020): Delivering pulmonary rehabilitation during the COVID-19 pandemic: A Canadian Thoracic Society position statement, Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine, DOI: 10.1080/24745332.2020.1828683 To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/24745332.2020.1828683 Published online: 23 Nov 2020. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 146 View related articles View Crossmark data
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Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found athttps://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=ucts20

Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care, and SleepMedicineRevue canadienne des soins respiratoires et critiques et de la médecinedu sommeil

ISSN: (Print) (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ucts20

Delivering pulmonary rehabilitation during theCOVID-19 pandemic: A Canadian Thoracic Societyposition statement

Gail Dechman , Raymond Aceron , Marla Beauchamp , Mohit Bhutani ,Jean Bourbeau , Dina Brooks , Roger Goldstein , Donna Goodridge , PaulHernandez , Tania Janaudis-Ferreira , Didier Saey , Darcy Marciniuk , Sharla-Rae Olsen , Erika Penz , Chris Ryerson , Joshua Wald , Jason Weatherald &Michael K. Stickland

To cite this article: Gail Dechman , Raymond Aceron , Marla Beauchamp , Mohit Bhutani , JeanBourbeau , Dina Brooks , Roger Goldstein , Donna Goodridge , Paul Hernandez , Tania Janaudis-Ferreira , Didier Saey , Darcy Marciniuk , Sharla-Rae Olsen , Erika Penz , Chris Ryerson , JoshuaWald , Jason Weatherald & Michael K. Stickland (2020): Delivering pulmonary rehabilitation duringthe COVID-19 pandemic: A Canadian Thoracic Society position statement, Canadian Journal ofRespiratory, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine, DOI: 10.1080/24745332.2020.1828683

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/24745332.2020.1828683

Published online: 23 Nov 2020. Submit your article to this journal

Article views: 146 View related articles

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Delivering pulmonary rehabilitation during the COVID-19 pandemic: A CanadianThoracic Society position statement

Gail Dechmana, Raymond Aceronb, Marla Beauchampc, Mohit Bhutanid, Jean Bourbeaue , Dina Brooksc ,Roger Goldsteinf, Donna Goodridgeg, Paul Hernandezh, Tania Janaudis-Ferreirai , Didier Saeyj, DarcyMarciniukk, Sharla-Rae Olsenl, Erika Penzk, Chris Ryersonm,n, Joshua Waldo, Jason Weatheraldp , and MichaelK. Sticklandd,q

aSchool of Physiotherapy, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; bFaculty of Nursing, University of Alberta, Royal Alexandra Hospital,Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; cSchool of Rehabilitation Science, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada; dDepartment of Medicine,University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; eResearch Institute of the McGill University Health Centre, McGill University, Montreal, Qu�ebec, Canada;fWest Park Healthcare Centre, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; gRespiratory Research Centre, University of Saskatchewan,Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada; hDepartment of Medicine, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; iSchool of Physical andOccupational Therapy, McGill University, Montreal, Qu�ebec, Canada; jInstitut Universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Qu�ebec,Universit�e Laval, Qu�ebec, Qu�ebec, Canada; kDivision of Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, and the Respiratory Research Centre,University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada; lDepartment of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Heritage Medical Centre,Prince George, British Columbia, Canada; mDepartment of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada;nCentre for Heart Lung Innovation, St Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; oDepartment of Medicine, McMaster University,Hamilton, Ontario, Canada; pDepartment of Medicine, Division of Respirology, Libin Cardiovascular Institute, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta,Canada; qGF MacDonald Centre for Lung Health & Alberta Health Services Medicine Strategic Clinical Network, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Version 1.0 – September 9, 2020


This position statement aims to provide guidance for resump-tion of pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) services during the post-peak phase of the COVID-19 pandemic (ie, period of lowcommunity prevalence). These recommendations are based onthe consensus of the authors, who are members of theCanadian Thoracic Society (CTS) and on the information avail-able at the time this document was written. Changes in theprevalence of COVID-19 or in our understanding of the diseasemay affect the recommendations in this statement. Guidancefrom local public health authorities and from institutional infec-tion prevention and control departments should be consideredwhen assessing information in this document. Readers shouldconsult these resources as they develop plans for PR services.

This document will be updated as new informationbecomes available; therefore, we recommend checking theCTS website (https://cts-sct.ca/covid-19/) for updates.


PR is a comprehensive intervention based on a thoroughpatient assessment followed by individualized therapies thatinclude, but are not limited to, exercise training, educationand promotion of behavior change through the inclusion ofself-management interventions. The goal of PR is to improvethe physical and psychological health of people with chronicrespiratory disease and to help patients to develop the skillsand confidence they need to adopt a healthier lifestyle.1 PR isan important component of care for patients with chronic

obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other chronic air-way diseases (asthma, bronchiectasis), interstitial lung diseasesand pulmonary hypertension.1 PR reduces dyspnea, increasesexercise capacity, improves quality of life and diminisheshealthcare resource utilization in individuals with COPD andhas similar positive effects in patients with other chronicrespiratory diseases.1

National PR quality indicators have been developed toprovide guidance on components essential to a quality PRprogram.2 Key indicators among these are: a thorough his-tory and physical assessment; objective measures that facili-tate safe exercise prescription, aerobic and strength training,and outcome assessment. Readers are encouraged to imple-ment the CTS-endorsed quality indicators, as all programs,whether conducted in-person or virtually, should strive todeliver programs of the highest possible quality.2

COPD is associated with an increased risk of severeCOVID-19 illness3,4 and the presence of co-morbidities in thosewith other chronic respiratory diseases likely increases their riskof severe complications and mortality from COVID-19. TheSARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 is acquired and dis-seminated through respiratory droplets spread during coughing,sneezing and talking.5 The virus can also be transferred bytouching the face (mouth, nose, eyes) with hands that havecome into contact with the droplets containing the virus onfomites, such as hard surfaces. Therefore, it is important toconsider how PR can be delivered safely and effectively duringthe COVID-19 pandemic. Although virtual PR is proving to bea viable option for many patients, there are challenges relatedto access and use of technology, optimal assessment and theability to obtain outcome measures, as well as adequate

CONTACT Gail Dechman [email protected] Room 428, Forrest Building, School of Physiotherapy, Dalhousie University, P.O. Box 15000, 5869 UniversityAve, Halifax, N.S. B3H 4R2� 2020 Canadian Thoracic Society


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supervision. These issues as well as the additional benefits ofsocial interactions support the goal of restarting in-person pro-grams when rates of community transmission are low.

This position statement describes approaches to in-personand virtual PR and offers resources to support PR deliveryduring the COVID-19 pandemic. It is acknowledged thatpatients recovering from COVID-19 may need rehabilita-tion, especially after prolonged illness when there can beprofound peripheral muscle weakness and mental healthsequelae. However, recommendations for patients recoveringfrom COVID-19 but without respiratory conditions arebeyond the scope of this statement.

Alternatives to in-person PR

There are a number of ways to offer PR remotely to either elim-inate or substantially decrease the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infectionassociated with in-person delivery models. There is growingevidence to support the use of home-based6–10 and real time,on-line supervised telerehabilitation.9 A group of Canadian clini-cians and researchers have developed a standardized PR pro-gram, which has been endorsed by the CTS.11 This PR programwas adapted from the Living Well with COPD program andfocuses on disease self-management, and can be delivered in-per-son or through web-based platforms (including at home).


� CTS-Endorsed PR Program: https://www.livingwellwith-copd.com/174-introduction-.html

� Guidance on virtual models of PR from the Agency forClinical Innovation in New South Wales, Australia:https://www.aci.health.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/589801/ACI-COP-Guide-for-Virtual-Models-of-Pulmonary-Rehabilitation.pdf

� Home-based PR Program from Australia - https://home-baserehab.net/

PR can be delivered virtually using various online platformssuch as Zoom and Microsoft Teams. Program staff shouldobserve their organization’s policies on privacy and securityrelated to the use of such services. These platforms allow PRstaff to provide interactive education sessions, real-time or pre-recorded exercise classes, and case management. They offersome ability to assess and monitor the patient’s response toexercise but because of inherent limitations associated with theavailability of equipment and other aspects of the home envir-onment, modifications are needed in order to deliver virtual PR.

Considerations for delivering PR virtually

1. Assessment of exercise capacity

An important factor responsible for the positive outcomesassociated with PR is individually prescribed exercise train-ing that is objectively based on a test of exercise capacity.Neither a Six Minute Walk Test (6MWT) nor anIncremental Shuttle Walk Test (ISWT) can be administeredaccording to recognized standards12 in most home

environments. The one-minute sit-to-stand test has beendemonstrated to be a valid representation of aerobic capacityand leg strength13,14 and is responsive to change15,16 in peo-ple with COPD. However, currently the results cannot beeasily used to prescribe a walking or cycling program.Alternatively, as outpatient services re-open, PR programsmay choose to have patients attend in-person exercise assess-ments using a 6MWT, ISWT or cardiopulmonary exercisetests with appropriate monitoring, the results of which can beused to prescribe personalized in-home or virtual aerobicexercise training. This approach has been used successfully byHolland et al. in their home-based rehabilitation trial.7

2. Monitoring exercise responses

Assessment of the response to exercise is key to guiding exer-cise intensity and progression, and to enhancing patientsafety.2 While some patients may have home oximetry, andheart rate and blood pressure monitors that can assist withobjectively monitoring exercise responses, many programs willneed to rely on the modified Borg Dyspnea (0–10) and Ratingof Perceived Exertion (6–20) scales. Patients will need to beproficient in monitoring exercise responses accurately, andprogram staff should consider whether patient self-monitoringis sufficient or whether real-time virtual monitoring is needed.

3. Safety

While adverse events with home or virtual PR are uncom-mon, safety of the home exercise environment should beassessed. Safety concerns such as electrical cords, clutter, looserugs, dim lighting, oxygen tubing and availability of a sturdysupport surface should be identified and managed. Patientsshould be encouraged to have a support person present dur-ing all exercise sessions to provide assistance or call for help,if needed. The usual precautions regarding the risk of SARS-CoV-2 virus and other virus transmission should also beencouraged and managed especially during exercise sessions.Organizations such as the College of Physiotherapists ofOntario (https://www.collegept.org/registrants/virtual-practice-in-physiotherapy) mandate that physiotherapists must have aplan on how to deal with an emergency when doing virtualcare. Staff should consult their local professional organizationand institutional policies and procedures on this issue.

Caution should be taken when considering home or virtualPR for patients with pulmonary hypertension and those whoare pre-lung transplant or have very high O2 needs, given thelimitations of home monitoring and paucity of data on opti-mal exercise training intensity in unsupervised environmentsin these patient groups.


� Expectations Regarding Tele-rehabilitation (Virtual Practice)Based on Existing College of Physiotherapists of OntarioStandards and Ruleshttps://www.collegept.org/registrants/virtual-practice-in-physiotherapy


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4. Education and Self-Management Intervention

Education and self-management intervention are vital tofacilitate long-term adherence to health-enhancing behav-iors.2 There are many alternatives to offering in-persondelivery of these essential components of PR. Holland andcolleagues provided motivational interviewing by phone intheir home-based PR program.7 The use of videoconferen-cing allows presentations, group discussions and activitiesthat may enhance traditional education and counseling tech-niques. In addition to usual content,2 programs shouldinclude practical education on and reinforce public healthadvisories regarding avoiding acquisition and spread of thevirus that causes Covid-19 illness.


� Canadian PR program endorsed by CTS (http://www.liv-ingwellwithcopd.com/canadian-pulmonary-rehabilitation-program.html). This enhanced program includes educationtools and a slide deck to be used for patient group teach-ing. The resources are web-based and also include toolsfor pre-program evaluation, self-management behaviormodification interventions, exercise program and prescrip-tion, post-program evaluation and long-term follow-up.

� The British Thoracic Society has developed resourcedocuments (https://www.brit-thoracic.org.uk/about-us/covid-19-information-for-the-respiratory-community/) forPR healthcare professionals conducting programsremotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. The docu-ments provide information and links to self-managementtools and a wide array of assessment resources, all ofwhich are available free of charge.

In-person pulmonary rehabilitation

As previously indicated, virtual PR presents significant chal-lenges to exercise prescription and safety. Virtual or home-based PR may be challenging for some patients, especiallythose uncomfortable with the required technology or thoseresiding in rural communities that lack the high-speed inter-net service needed to support viable online PR platforms.Other patients may prefer an in-person social environment.As rates of community spread of COVID-19 decrease, someprograms are considering restarting in-person PR.

The Public Health Agency of Canada, provincial andlocal public health or infection units offer guidance onways to decrease transmission and infection rates ofSARS-CoV-2. Facility specific planning that includes allPR staff as well as other relevant stakeholders (respirolo-gist/medical director, infection control representative,occupational health and safety) is crucial during planningand initiation, and throughout program delivery duringthe pandemic.

The following are some of the issues that must be consid-ered when assessing the safety of providing this typeof program.

1. Screening Procedures for In-Person PR

As respiratory patients may be immunosuppressed, the rela-tive risk versus benefits should be considered when referringthese patients to in-person PR. Patients and staff shouldobserve their facility’s procedures for daily screening forCOVID-19. Many patients attending PR will have symptomsthat are similar to those of COVID-19 (eg, cough, sorethroat, dyspnea, myalgia or fatigue), and therefore patientsshould be asked specifically about new symptoms andpotential exposures. If patients have a positive screen, thelocal SARS-CoV-2 infection control protocols should beconsulted to determine follow-up. In addition, all patientsshould be assessed for their ability to practice appropriatesafety precautions, including physical distancing, handhygiene, proper mask use and the ability to respond accur-ately to pre-program screening questions.

Patients who have had COVID-19 will only be able totake part in in-person PR when they are deemed to no lon-ger be contagious based on local infection control practices.

2. Exercise Space and Equipment

Whenever possible, patients should wear a mask duringexercise to reduce the risk of virus transmission to otherpatients or staff. Some patients may be unable to wear amask during exercise; therefore, physical distancing of exer-cise equipment is recommended. There is some evidence tosuggest that 2 meters between pieces of equipment is insuffi-cient protection as coughing and deep breathing with exercisemay increase the spread of droplets from an infected individ-ual.17 Positioning exercise equipment so patients can avoidbeing in the direct path of expiratory flow from patientsshould be considered. Class sizes will likely need to be limitedto avoid sharing exercise equipment. Facility policies mayallow equipment to be cleaned between participants.Sufficient time should be given between classes to allow fordroplets to settle or dissipate, and for cleaning and disinfect-ing of surfaces.Patients should sanitize their hands when entering the exer-cise space and after using each piece of equipment.

3. Waiting Areas

Hand sanitizer should be available in the waiting area.Patients and caregivers should wear masks and observephysical distancing in waiting areas. This may be encour-aged by using posters that provide education in the waitingarea (Guidance on face mask use can be found on the CTSwebsite.) Single-use medical masks are recommended toensure cleanliness. Caregivers or family members offeringtransportation or other support should not remain in thewaiting area during the class. Limit personal items worn orbrought to class to those used during the session or thosethat are essential for safety.

All non-essential miscellaneous materials, such as maga-zines and plants, should be removed from patient areas.


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Any furniture in the space should be easy to clean and dis-infect between classes (vinyl vs. cloth surfaces) and no pil-lowcases or towels should be used. Use floor marking toindicate appropriate physical distancing and to establishone-way patient flow in and out of the treatment space andwaiting area.

4. Education and Self-management intervention

Consider offering education and behavior change classes vir-tually to limit in-person contact time.

Key points

1. People with chronic respiratory diseases who haveCOVID-19 are at high risk of developing severe illness;therefore, it is important to limit any potential exposureto the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

2. PR should offer education on and reinforce publichealth advisories regarding reducing risk of SARS-CoV-2 infections.

3. Options for remote delivery of PR include home-based,telerehabilitation and computer-based virtual programs.These can be designed to provide education and exer-cise with some programs being capable of remote moni-toring of exercise performance.

4. The ability to individualize and monitor exercise inten-sity may be limited when in-person PR is not possible.

5. In-person PR may be considered when communityspread of COVID-19 is low, and when patients haveneeds that are difficult to address remotely or whenpatient access to technology is limited.

6. Hybrid models that include in-person assessment andexercise testing, and a combination of in-person andvirtual exercise training, education and self-managementcan be used to optimize exercise safety and trainingeffectiveness while decreasing disease transmission andinfection rates.

7. Strict attention to mask use, physical distancing and dis-infection protocols must be observed by staff andpatients if in-person PR is offered. Equipment shouldnot be shared among patients unless appropriate disin-fecting and cleaning protocols are utilized.


Jean Bourbeau http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7649-038XDina Brooks http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6080-5052Tania Janaudis-Ferreira http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0944-3791Jason Weatherald http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0615-4575


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