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Demantra Installation

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info Demantra 7.3 Integration with EBS 12.1.1 Patches required: Demantra 7.3 Install - Patch 8781523 EBS Patches : Patch 8671721 - EBS 12.1.1 - DEMANTRA 7.3 INTEGRATION 1.Install Oracle R12.1.1 2.Install Oracle EBS-Demantra Integration Patch - 8671721 3.Install Oracle 11g Client 4.Install Oracle iAS 10.1.3 Middle Tier 5.Install Oracle Demantra 7.3 6.Create and Deploy demantra.war file to Oracle AS 10.1.3 Middle Tier 7.Startup Oracle Demantra Steps
Page 1: Demantra Installation

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Demantra 7.3 Integration with EBS 12.1.1 Patches required: Demantra 7.3 Install - Patch 8781523 EBS Patches : Patch 8671721 - EBS 12.1.1 - DEMANTRA 7.3 INTEGRATION

1.Install Oracle R12.1.1 2.Install Oracle EBS-Demantra Integration Patch - 8671721 3.Install Oracle 11g Client 4.Install Oracle iAS 10.1.3 Middle Tier 5.Install Oracle Demantra 7.3 6.Create and Deploy demantra.war file to Oracle AS 10.1.3 Middle Tier 7.Startup Oracle Demantra Steps

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Step 1- Install R12.1.1 on Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.2 http://www.appsdba.info/docs/oracle_apps/Installation/R12/sni-ln64bit.pdf Step 2 – Install Oracle EBS-Demantra Integration Patch - 8671721

- Stop application services cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME sh adstpall.sh apps/apps

- Enable Maintenance Mode adadmin defaultsfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/adalldefaults.txt logfile=adadmin.log menu_option=ENABLE_MAINT_MODE workers=4

- Apply patch 8671721 adpatch defaultsfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/adalldefaults.txt logfile=u8671721.log patchtop= /patches/demantra/8671721 driver=u8671721.drv workers=4 apply=yes

- Disable Maintenance Mode adadmin defaultsfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/adalldefaults.txt logfile=adadmin.log menu_option=DISABLE_MAINT_MODE workers=4

- Start application services cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME sh adstrtal.sh apps/apps

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

3. Install 11g Client on Windows XP/2003 http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/database/oracle11g/111060_win32soft.html

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

See that you are able to connect to E-Business Suite from Oracle 11g Client

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

4. Install Oracle iAS 10.1.3 Middle Tier on Linux http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/ias/htdocs/101310.html

Download Disk1 - soa_linux_x86_101310_disk1 useradd orademan –g dba su – orademan vi .bash_profile export PS1="`/bin/hostname -s`-> " export EDITOR=vi export ORACLE_SID=PROD export ORACLE_HOME=/home/orademan/product/ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch umask 022 ./runInstaller

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Add TNS Entry so that you can connect to E-business Suite – cd /home/orademan/product/ cp /d02/oracle/PROD/db/tech_st/11.1.0/network/admin/PROD_linux1/tnsnames.ora . linux1-> tnsping PROD TNS Ping Utility for Linux: Version – Production on 19-APR-2010 23:23:38 Copyright © 1997, 2003, Oracle. All rights reserved. Used parameter files: Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=linux1.com)(PORT=1531)) (CONNECT_DATA= (SID=PROD)))

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

5.Install Oracle Demantra 7.3 on Windows Xp/2003 Download from the below site http://edelivery.oracle.com/EPD/Search/get_form

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 27: Demantra Installation

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 28: Demantra Installation

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 29: Demantra Installation

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 30: Demantra Installation

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 31: Demantra Installation

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 32: Demantra Installation

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 33: Demantra Installation

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 34: Demantra Installation

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Add datafiles – alter tablespace APPS_TS_TX_DATA add datafile '/d02/oracle/PROD/db/apps_st/data/a_txn_data05.dbf' size 100m autoextend on next 100m maxsize 2000m; alter tablespace APPS_TS_TX_IDX add datafile '/d02/oracle/PROD/db/apps_st/data/a_txn_ind07.dbf' size 100m autoextend on next 100m maxsize 2000m;

Page 35: Demantra Installation

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 36: Demantra Installation

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 37: Demantra Installation

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 38: Demantra Installation

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 39: Demantra Installation

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Start Tomcat cd C:\Oracle Demantra Spectrum\Collaborator\Tomcat\bin startup.bat

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Connect to Oracle Applications R12.1.1 and add the new responsibility

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 42: Demantra Installation

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

SQL> select fnd_profile.value('MSD_DEM_HOST_URL') from dual; FND_PROFILE.VALUE('MSD_DEM_HOST_URL') -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://D4B8Q2BS:8080/demantra/ SQL> select fnd_profile.value('MSD_DEM_SCHEMA') from dual; FND_PROFILE.VALUE('MSD_DEM_SCHEMA') -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DM Bounce the Application Server sh adstpall.sh apps/apps sh adstrtal.sh apps/apps

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

6.Create and Deploy demantra.war file to Oracle AS 10.1.3 Middle Tier

Run Create_war.bat (%DEMANTRA_HOME%\Collaborator\demantra)

cd C:\Oracle Demantra Spectrum\Collaborator\demantra

Please Enter War File Name:demantra WAR file will be created one folder up ... Creating War file: ..\b2b.war Please Wait ... '"C:\oracle\BIToolsHome\jre\1.4.2\bin\jar"' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Press any key to continue . . . Solution - Install JAVA which will fix the issue jdk-1_5_0_16-windows-i586-p.exe – You can download from the below site or http://java.sun.com http://www.filewatcher.com/m/jdk-1_5_0_16-windows-i586-p.exe.54333208.0.0.html

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 45: Demantra Installation

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Now click - C:\Oracle Demantra Spectrum\Collaborator\demantra create_war.bat which will create demantra.war

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Deploy the demantra.war http://linux1.com:7777/em

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

http://D4B8Q2BS:8080/demantra/portal/loginpage.jsp connect as dm/dm

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

7.Startup Oracle Demantra Steps 1.Startup Oracle Database Listener. 2.Startup Oracle Database. 3.Startup Tomcat Webserver. 4.Startup Oracle iAS Services Connect to R12 instance

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Initially, I got the below error when I clicked “Demand Management Workbench”

Solution - After the patch 8671721 has been applied, please run the concurrent program 'Update Synonyms'. The navigation is: Demand Management System Administrator -> Other -> Requests -> Submit a New Request -> Single Request

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Click Demand Management Workbench -

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Configuring Demantra Spectrum Business Modeller Please refer to the below link http://applicationsdba.blogspot.com/2008/01/r12-demanta-integration-part-iv.html Collaborator Workbench http://D4B8Q2BS:8080/demantra/portal/loginpage.jsp Web client http://D4B8Q2BS:8080/demantra/portal/partnerLogin.jsp Oracle Demantra Anywhere version of Collaborator Workbench http://D4B8Q2BS:8080/demantra/portal/remoteloginpage.jsp Oracle Demantra Anywhere version of Web client alone http://D4B8Q2BS:8080/demantra/portal/anywhereLogin.jsp Offline access to Oracle Demantra worksheets http://D4B8Q2BS:8080/demantra/portal/launchDPWeb.jnlp Dynamic Open Link (DOL) access for third-party reporting tools http://D4B8Q2BS:8080/demantra/portal/DOL_HTML.htm User Management http://D4B8Q2BS:8080/demantra/portal/userManagement.jsp Collaborator Workbench Administration http://D4B8Q2BS:8080/demantra/portal/adminLogin.jsp Workflow Manager http://D4B8Q2BS:8080/demantra/workflow/login.jsp Technical Administration http://D4B8Q2BS:8080/demantra/admin

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Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

References: EBS-Demantra Integration Installation Overview and Diagram (Doc ID 434991.1)

What patches are required to integrate Demantra with EBS? (Doc ID 727237.1)

Oracle Demantra Installation Guide for Release 7.3 (Doc ID 825082.1)

http://beginapps.blogspot.com/2008/07/ebs-demantra-integration-installation.html http://oracledbas.blogspot.com/2008/10/oracle-apps-r12-ebs-demantra.html http://applicationsdba.blogspot.com/2009/02/r12-demantra-patches-for-ebs.html http://applicationsdba.blogspot.com/2009/10/demantra-73-with-e-biz-1211.html Patches for Demantra 7.3 (Doc ID 989204.1)

