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DEMF Cosic&Baca CECIIS2010 - presentation

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  • 8/8/2019 DEMF Cosic&Baca CECIIS2010 - presentation


    A Framework to (Im)ProveChain of Custody in DigitalInvestigation Process?

    Central European Conference on Informationand Intelligent Systems CECIIS 2010

    [ September 22nd 24th, 2010 - Varadin, Croatia ]Jasmin osi* and Miroslav Baa**

    *IT Section of Police AdministrationMinistry of Interior of Una-sana canton,Biha, B&H

    jascosic[at]bih[dot]net[dot]ba**Faculty of Organization and Informatics

    University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatiamiroslav[dot]baca[at]foi[dot]hr

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    q IntroductionqqChain of Custody (Chain of Evidence)

    qqDigital integrity (integrity of digitalevidence)


    qProposed DEMF - Digital EvidenceManagement FrameworkqqConclusion and Further Research

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    Digital Forensic and Digital Evidence ?

    Digital forensic is the science of collecting,preserving, examining, analyzing and presenting

    relevant digital evidence for use in judicialproceedings. [Pollit and Whiteledge ] Digital evidence is any constitution or relevant

    digital data enough to prove crime in computerand network storage media, one kind of physicalevidence, including patterns with text, picture,voice and image.[Cassey E.]

    In all phases of forensic investigation, digitalevidence is susceptible to external influencesand coming into contact with many factors


    ital integrity

    cept of proposed DEMF

    equisite for implementation

    clusion and further research

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    Chain of Custody or Chain of Evidence ?

    In order for the evidence to be accepted by thecourt as valid, chain of custody for digital

    evidence must be kept. Some authors use a term chain of evidence

    instead chain of custody The purpose of testimony concerning chain of

    custody is to prove that evidence has not been

    altered or changed through all phases, and mustinclude documentation on how evidence isgathered, transported, analyzed and presented.

    Access to the evidence must be controlled andaudited.


    tal integrity

    ept of proposed DEMF

    qu is it e f or i mpl em en ta tio n

    lusion and further research

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    Chain of Custody or Chain of Evidence ?

    Today most law enforcement agencies have sometype of evidence handling system that are

    unchanged from 1950s years The system are an single room or rooms !!! In some countries agencies uses a bar code or RFID

    to tracking evidence, but in most cases a paperchain of custody is primary.


    tal integrity

    ept of proposed DEMF

    qu is it e f or i mpl em en ta tio n

    lusion and further research

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    To prove the chain of custody, we must know all thedetails on how the evidence was handled everystep of the way. The old formula used by police,

    journalists and researchers - Who, What, When,Where, Why, and How - "Five Ws" (and one H)

    [11] can be applied to help in digital forensicinvestigation:

    WHAT? What is the evidence? HOW? How did investigators get the evidence?

    WHEN? When was it collected and used? WHO? Who handled it? WHY Why that person handled it? WHERE? Where it traveled, where was it stored?


    tal integrity

    ept of proposed DEMF

    qu is it e f or i mpl em en ta tio n

    lusion and further research

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    Digital integrity

    Digital integrity is the property whereby digitaldata has not been altered in an unauthorizedmanner since the time iz was created,transmitted, or stored by an authorized source.[8]

    Adopted methods for digitally signing a evidence inorder to (im)prove its integrity:

    CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) Hash function Digital signature Timestamp Encription Watermarking

    Every function has a an adventages and disadventage [9]


    igital integrity

    ept of proposed DEMF

    qu is it e f or i mpl em en ta tio n

    lusion and further research

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    Concept of proposedDEMF

    DEMF = f{fingerprint _of _file, //what biometrics_characteristic,//who time_stamp, //when gps_location,} ; //where [5]

    WHAT use a SHA-2 hash functionWHO use a biometrics characteristicsWHEN use a digital timestampWHERE use a gps;


    ital integrity

    Concept of proposed DEMF

    e qu is it e f or i mp le me nt at io n

    lusion and further research

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    D ig ita l e vid e n ce

    C alcu la tin g a h a sh( - )SHA 2

    H ash d ata

    A u th e n tica tio n w ith b io m e trics( )ch a ra cte ristis FIN G ER P R IN T O R IR IS

    +h ash d a ta b io m e trics ch a rac te ristik

    WHAT ?

    WHO ?

    Timestamp WHEN ?

    + +hash data biometrics characteristik timestamp




    ...101101 11

    ...101101 11

    gps location



    ...101101 11


    . . :12 12 2009 19 00

    + + +ash data biometrics characteristik timestamp location WHERE ?


    ...101101 11


    . . :12 12 2009 19 00+

    Private key

    Public key

    adding a locationPKI

    WHY ?

    HOW ?

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    Prerequisite forimplementation

    Template database with biometricscharacteristics of:

    First responders, Forensic investigators, Court expert witness, Law enforcement personnel, Police officer (crime inspectors) Others , who handle with digital

    evidence Time stamp authority (TSA) system GPS system PKI system


    gital integrity

    ncept of proposed DEMF

    rerequisite for implementation

    nclusion and further research

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    Prerequisite forimplementation

    Today most country have adatabase with some of biocharacteristics of citizens

    (finger, iris, face) TSA system can b

    implemented in intranet orcan be used from outside.

    All country around the worldhave a PKI and some of firmthat can digitally sign a

    document (FINA).


    ocess ofllecting digital evidence

    ncept of proposed DEMF

    rerequisite for implementation

    nclusion and further research

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    Prerequisite forimplementation

    Implementation in realenvironment

    -> next step !


    ocess ofllecting digital evidence

    ncept of proposed DEMF

    rerequisite for implementation

    nclusion and further research

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    Conclusion and furtherresearch

    In his research authors have deal with aconceptual framework for digitalevidence management and chain ofevidence in forensic investigationprocess.

    It`s presented a conceptual DEMF(Digital Evidence ManagementFramework) on high level view. Withthis framework it can be implementeda secure, reliable and useful systemwhich will enable a secure chain ofcustody of digital evidence.

    Future work will be based onimplementing this framework in realenvironment and testing his



    cess oflecting digital evidence

    can act on theital evidence

    equisite for implementation

    clusion and further research

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    Reference [1] Sammes A, Jenkinson B: Forensic Computing A Practitioners Guide. Springer-Verlag, New

    York; 2000

    [2] Pollit M, Whiteledge A: Exploring big Haystacks. Data Mining and KnowledgeManagement. Advances in Digital Forensic II.IFIP; 2006

    [3] osi J, Baa M: Computer forensic-broad aspects of its application, INFOTEH-JAHORINA,B&H, Vol. 9, Ref. E-VI-9, p. 857-860, March 2010.

    [4] Casey E: Handbook of Computer Crime: Forensic Science, Computer and the Internet.Academic Press; 2000

    [5] osi, J., Baa, M. Do we have a full control over integrity in digital evidence life cycle,Proceedings of ITI 2010, 32nd International Conference on Information TechnologyInterfaces, Dubrovnik/Cavtat, pp. 429-434, 2010

    [6] Yaeger R: Criminal Computer Forensic Management. InfoSec Conference, USA;2006

    [7] Media Awarenes Network. http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/resources/special_initiatives/wa_resources/wa_shared/tipsheets/5Ws_of_cyberspace.cfm [12/20 2009]

    [8]S.Vanstone, P. Van Oorschot,, & A. Menezes: Handbook of Applied Criptografy, CRC Press,1997

    [9] osi, J., Baa, M. (Im)proving chain of custody and digital evidence integrity withtimestamp, MIPRO, 33rd International Convention on Information and Communication

    Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, Opatija, 171-175, 2010

    [10] Hosmer C: Proving the Integrity of Digital Evidence with Time, International Journal ofDigital Evidence, Spring, 2002, Vol.1, Issue 1

    [11] Willassen S: Hypothesis based investigation of Digital Time stamp, IFIP, Advanced inDigital Forensic IV, pp.75-86, 2008

    [12]Strawn C: Expanding the Potential for GPS Evidence Acquisition, Small Scale digitalevidence Forensic Journal, Vol.3, No1., 2009

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