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Democracy and Governance Committee 03.12.14

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Change, Policy and Research GUILD COUNCIL Democracy and Governance Committee 03/12/14 Chair: Maria Finnerty

Change, Policy and Research


Democracy and Governance Committee


Chair: Maria Finnerty

Change, Policy and Research


Kane Davis – proxy to Maria Finnerty

Oscar Maddox

Milly Hindle

Bess Tuo – proxy to Natasa Christofidou

Chris Ngyuen – proxy to Alexandra Beeler

Rachael Gillies – proxy to Matt Bate

Ben Street – proxy to Kate Hawkins

Emily Bevan – proxy to Kate Hawkins

Naomi Armstrong

Carlus Hudson – proxy to Harry White

Marcel Golten


Lucy Whitaker

Harry White

Alexandra Beeler

Natalie Anderson

Natasa Christofidou

Maria Finnerty

Fong Khei Mah

Kate Hawkins

Matt Bate

In attendance

Julia Bush

Johannes Neumann

Change, Policy and Research


1. Student Idea: Develop Cross Keys into a Functional Study

and Social Space and/or Food Outlet

2. Student Idea: To Have a Quiet Non-study 'Zen' Space on

Campus to Think, Re-charge and Relax

3. Student Idea: To Reinstate the Cafe in the Institute of Arab

and Islamic Studies

4. Student Idea: To Support the Inclusion of the Green Party in

the National Televised Debates

Change, Policy and Research

5. Student Idea: The Guild Should Stop Accepting Political

Statements as Student Ideas

6. Student Idea: The Grove Diner Should be able to Serve Hot

Drinks in China Cups or Mugs Instead of Just Disposable


7. Student Idea: More Development and Training on Public

Speaking and Lecturing

8. Student Idea: Create Opportunities for Student Workers

Along the Lines of the German System

Change, Policy and Research

1. Student Idea: Develop Cross Keys into a Functional

Study and Social Space and/or Food Outlet

138 votes

95.7% positive approval

More PGCE students engaged with this issue, while on

placement, than have voted in Sabb Elections for 3 years.






Change, Policy and Research

1. Student Idea: Develop Cross Keys into a Functional

Study and Social Space and/or Food Outlet

This idea was postponed to be held at a Guild Council meeting

on St Luke’s Campus in January 2015

Change, Policy and Research

2 . Student Idea: To Have a Quiet Non-study 'Zen' Space on

Campus to Think, Re-charge and Relax

130 votes

84.6% positive approval






Change, Policy and Research

2 . Student Idea: To Have a Quiet Non-study 'Zen' Space on Campus to Think,

Re-charge and Relax

Kate Hawkins stated that there were quiet spaces already available in the Chaplaincy –

Lucy Whitaker replied that the proposer was keen for an area without religious

connotations and closer to study spaces. Natasa Christofidou suggested the loft; Matt

Bate replied that study and society spaces are also needed and Maria Finnerty agreed

that space shouldn’t be taken away from those needs.

Fong Khei Mah suggested using unused Forum seminar rooms; Harry White stressed

the need to separate its purpose from just being used as another study space.

Alexandra Beeler told Council that the Meditation Society, who support the idea, have

recently acquired meditation cushions. Julia Bush suggested using these to trial ‘pop-up’

quiet/meditation zones across campus. Lucy Whitaker discussed the practicalities of this,

specifically if Meditation Society could just book rooms and do this in the daytime, with

this space being open to all (not just the society).

Change, Policy and Research

2 . Student Idea: To Have a Quiet Non-study 'Zen' Space on Campus to Think,

Re-charge and Relax

Johannes Neumann suggested an empty corridor in the Library; MF stated that she

thought the ideas discussed were more realistic as a starting point than designating a

permanent space to this right away. KH suggested that she liaise with the proposer and

Meditation Society about these options, with Matt Bate and Ben Street to investigate

other space options for this idea.

Council voted to instruct the Sabbatical Officers to work with the proposer

and Meditation Society on options such as pop-up meditation zones and

explore space options for a more long-term solution.


Change, Policy and Research

3. Student Idea: To Reinstate the Cafe in the

Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies

119 votes

94.1% positive approval






Change, Policy and Research

3. Student Idea: To Reinstate the Cafe in the

Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies

Council discussed why the Cafe was closed in the first place, with questions

raised about its profitability. Suggestions were made about ways this

potential issue could be overcome, for example running the Cafe as a co-

operative or non-profit venture. Lucy Whitaker and Kate Hawkins both

agreed that, as neither of them knew that a cafe had ever existed there, there

was a potential communications issue to be resolved.

Council voted to pass this idea to Rachael Gillies to investigate

options for reopening a cafe.


Change, Policy and Research

4 . Student Idea: To Support the Inclusion of the Green Party in

the National Televised Debates

Petition to Condemn the BBC for their stance on this issue:

Idea submitted following discussion between proposers and Guild Staff

99 votes

85.9% positive approval



Report: http://www.exeterguild.org/pageassets/change/ideas/idea98-


Change, Policy and Research

4 . Student Idea: To Support the Inclusion of the Green Party in the National

Televised Debates

Maria Finnerty told Council that the Guild is required to remain politically neutral in

the run up to the General Election, and that while the idea could still pass, it would

need to be reworded to not state direct support for the Green Party, but rather be a

neutral statement on the importance of equal inclusion.

Harry White defended the idea in its current form, saying that this was not necessarily

an expression of support for the Green Party, but rather just their right to be

included in the debates. Natalie Anderson argued that it would nonetheless appear

the wider student body that the Guild was supporting them.

Julia Bush stressed the weight of opinion behind this idea as showing that, even if the

idea cannot be passed as it stands, the Sabbatical Officers should discuss other

options with the proposers. Maria Finnerty suggested the Sabbs should talk to the

submitter about rewording the motion and lobbying the NUS on making a statement

about this issue.

Change, Policy and Research

4 . Student Idea: To Support the Inclusion of the Green Party in the National

Televised Debates

Matt Bate added that the Guild would be including the Green Party in its debates, and

that he would communicate this to the proposers.

Harry White reiterated his support for the motion, saying that the Green Party is a

traditionally a party that receives a lot of support from students.

In light of the need for Guild neutrality, Council voted to instruct Matt

Bate to work with the proposer on possible alternatives to the idea, such

as rewording the idea to be politically neutral and lobbying the NUS to

take a stance on this.


Change, Policy and Research

5. Student Idea: The Guild Should Stop

Accepting Political Statements as Student


64 votes

Neutral - 57.8% positive approval

Results: http://www.exeterguild.org/change/ideas/idea94-political/




Change, Policy and Research

5. Student Idea: The Guild Should Stop Accepting Political Statements as Student Ideas

Alexandra Beeler said she didn’t think the Guild could support students to get involved in politics

and creating change if they were to stop accepting political ideas. Lucy Whitaker questioned what

would be considered to be ‘too political’ – supporting students attend demonstrations, for

example. Matt Bate said that Student Ideas should be for students to decide how to interpret, and

if a student was against a political idea they could choose to vote against it or not vote at all.

Julia Bush pointed out that this idea received 37 votes in agreement, whereas some of the most

political ideas have passed with hundreds of votes. Kate Hawkins stated that the Guild itself, as a

union, is inherently political. Lucy Whitaker suggested creating guidelines for submitting ideas; KH

said she felt this would create a barrier to student engagement, and that we should keep the ideas

system as open as possible and not restrict what students can submit. Matt Bate said it was better

to discuss each idea as it comes in rather than impose a blanket ban.

Council voted on the idea:


The idea failed.

Change, Policy and Research

6. Student Idea: The Grove Diner Should be able

to Serve Hot Drinks in China Cups or Mugs

Instead of Just Disposable Cups

37 votes

Neutral – 62.2% positive approval






Change, Policy and Research

6. Student Idea: The Grove Diner Should be able to Serve Hot

Drinks in China Cups or Mugs Instead of Just Disposable Cups

Maria Finnerty asked about the motivations behind the idea and if it was about

sustainability; Matt Bate replied that he believed this was an environment issue.

Lucy Whitaker asked which is more sustainable, paper cups or reusable mugs

taking into consideration recycling and the water used to clean mugs. MF

suggested that this is something Rachael Gillies could look into and use her best

judgement on.

Council voted to instruct Rachael Gillies to use her own judgement to

look into the issue, come to a decision over which option is the most

sustainable and act accordingly.


Change, Policy and Research

7. Student Idea: More Development and

Training on Public Speaking and Lecturing

33 votes

84.8% positive approval





Change, Policy and Research

7. Student Idea: More Development and Training on

Public Speaking and Lecturing

Some councillors expressed concern at this appearing insulting

or patronising to lecturers. Council were informed that the

Head of Academic Development and Director of ASPIRE had

been consulted and offered their support to the idea.

Council voted to pass this idea to Ben Street to work



Change, Policy and Research

8. Student Idea: Create Opportunities for

Student Workers Along the Lines of the

German System

33 votes

75.8% positive approval

Result: http://www.exeterguild.org/change/ideas/idea96-





Change, Policy and Research

8. Student Idea: Create Opportunities for Student

Workers Along the Lines of the German System

This idea was postponed on request of the proposer due to

their inability to attend the meeting.

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9. AOB

There was no other business.
