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Demographics of The Aging people

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  • 8/20/2019 Demographics of The Aging people


    Demographics of Aging

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    Demographics of Ag ing 

    Perceptions of Age 

    Myths of Aging

     Age and Abi li ty

    The Demographics of Aging... 

    Fifty million aging Baby Boomers are sparking demand for  products and environments that accommodate their  changing physical and sensory capabilities.



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    The Aging Process



    The Swelling Aging 


    Why the Population 

    is Aging

    The Skewed Sex 


    Race and Ethnicit y 

    Characteristics of Our Aging Population

    Human Aging— A Recent Phenomenon

    NEVER BEFORE IN HUMAN HISTORY has our planet contained so many

     older people— or such a large percentage of them. This has not always

     been the case. As late as 1930, America's older population numbered less

     than 7 million—only 5.4% of the population.

    Today, one in three Americans is now 50 or older. By 2030 one out of every

     five people in the U.S. will be 65-plus. One out of every 8 Americans is

     considered "old" and represent 12.9% of the U.S. population.Those age 65

     and older numbered 39.6 million in 2009, a number that has continued to


    The latest U.S. Census Bureau brief on data from the 2010 Census shows

     seniors increasing faster than younger populations, raising the nation's

     median age from 35.3 in 2000 to 37.2 in 2010, with seven states having a

     median age of 40 or older.

    In the year 2000, people 65+ represented 12.4% of the population—a

     number expected to swell to 19% of the population by 2030. Between 2000

     and 2010, the 45 to 64 population grew 31.5 percent to 81.5 million, and

     now makes up 26. 4 percent of the total U.S. population. This rapid growth is

     due to aging of the Baby Boom generation.

    January 2011 ushered in the first of approximately 77 million Baby Boomers,

     born from 1946 through 1964 and surging toward the gates of retirement. Each year more than 3.5 million Boomers turn 55. Their swelling numbers

     predict that, by 2030, there will be about 72.1 million older persons, more

     than twice their number in 2000.

     And according to the UN Population Division, 1 in 5 people are expected to

     be 65 or older by 2035.This dramatic growth in numbers and proportions,

     increased life expectancies, and energetic life styles, now enables us to live

     20 to 25% of our lives in active retirement. Moreover, today's physically and

     intellectually active younger generations predict that tomorrow's elderly

     population will be better educated, healthier, culturally literate and, as

     individuals, more discerning consumers.

     As they begin to experience declines in their physical and sensory

     capabilities, they will demand—and respond to—products and services that

     help them maintain their active lifestyles and activities: flexible scheduling,

     continuing education, travel, intellectual and stimulating experiences, and

     opportunities for companionship.

    Transgenerational design provides a harmonious bond between products

     and services and the people that use them. Additional information— 



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     including a description of "Transgenerational Design", its origins, benefits,

     and history—can be found on Wikipedia.

    The Elderly Sub-Population


    THE DRAMATIC INCREASE in the number 

     of people reaching age 65 — coupled with

     their increased life expectancy — have

     expanded the classification of those age 65

     and older to include three sub-populations

     commonly referred to as the "young old," the

     "old," and the "old-old" groups.

    The "Young Old" 65-74The first wave of aging Baby Boomers reached full retirement age in 2011.

     For the next 20 years, 74 million Boomers will retire. This means that 10,000 new retirees will be added to the Social Secrity and Medicare rolls each day.

    The "Old" 74-84During the next decade, increased life expectancy will strengthen the wave

     of aging Boomers and steadily increase their total number contained within

     the elderly sub-population.

    The "Oldest-Old" 85+ The fastest-growing segment of the total population is the oldest old—those

     80 and over. Their growth rate is twice that of those 65 and over and almost

     4-times that for the total population. In the United States, this group now represents 10% of the older population and will more than triple from 5.7

     million in 2010 to over 19 million by 2050.

    Elderly Boomers Will be Different


     Boomers will be a market with very different

     characteristics. They exercise twice as much

     as previous generations. No bocci ball or  badminton—no rocking chairs or vegitating in

     the desert sun.

    They'll continue to bike, hike, swim, sail, and ski—play softball and

     basketball. They'll move to the mountains, beaches, islands, college towns

     — where the physical and intellectual action is.

     A survey by Del Web showed that half of them expect to work at least part-


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    time once they retire. And they'll want offices in their homes—with highspeed

     internet connections for those two or more computers, which 40 percent of 

     them already own. As LeRoy Hanneman, president and CEO of Del Web


    "Boomers should be called "Zoomers."


    The Swelling Aging Population

     A Recent Global Phenomenon



     CENTURY, population aging has emerged

     as a major demographic trend worldwide.

     Declining fertility, and improved health and

     longevity, have swelled the older populations

     dramatically—and at an unprecedented rate.

    For the f irst time in history, people aged 65 and over will soon

     outnumber children under the age of 5.

    Throughout the world today, there are more people aged 65 and older 

     than the entire populations of Russia, Japan, France, Germany and


    By 2030, 55 countries are expected to see their 65 and older 

     populations at least 20 percent of their total.

    By 2040, the global population is projected to number 1.3 billion older 

     people —accounting for 14 percent of the total.

    By 2050, the U.N. estimates that the proportion of the world's

     population age 65 and over will more than double, from 7.6% today to


    Projected Acceleration of Population Aging


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    Source: United Nations, 2009


    Future Projections



     PEOPLE AGED 60 AND OVER was 680

     million people, representing 11 percent of 

     the world's population. They have increased

     by 10.4 million just since 2007—an average

     increase of 30,000 each day.


    By 2050, the 60 and older population will increase from 680 million to

     2 billion—increasing from 11 to 22 percent of the world's population.

    From 1950 to 2050, the world population will have increased by a

     factor of 3.6; those 60 and over will have increased by a factor of 10;

     and those 80 and over by a factor of 27.

    By 2050, Europe will continue to be the world's oldest region with its

     elder population increasing more than five fold—from 40 million to 219 million.

    Only 5 percent of Africa's population is projected to be 65 and older by

     2050, with sub-Sararan Africa remaining the world's youngest region.

    China and India have the largest older populations. By 2050, China

     will see its number of elders grow 30% from 109 million to 350 million

     —India, from 62 million to 240 milion.

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    Japan, with today's largest share of the world's old-age population, will

     see its percentage of those 60 and over rise from 27 percent to 44

     percent in 2050.

    By 2050, more than 70 countries, representing about one third of the

     world's population, will surpass Japan's present old-age share of 27


    In the coming decades, all regions of the globe will experience population aging. Today's 5-22 percent range will become an 11-34

     percent range in 2050 (UN, 2009)

    One of Nine Americans is Old



     million Americans are age 65 and older, an

     estimated 13% of the population, according

     to the U.S. Census Bureau.

     And their number is expected to more than

     double to 89 million by 2050.


    The United States contains more people age 65 and older than the

     total population of Canada.

     Americans aged 65 and older outnumber the combined populations of 

     New York, London, and Moscow.

    In 2010, Baby Boomers will begin reaching age 65, swelling the 65

     and over population in the United States from 13.0 to 20.0 percent by

     the year 2050.

     America's elderly population is expected to reach 72 million by 2030,

     more than double the number in 2000.

    THE U.S. ADMINISTRATION ON AGING reports that in 2009 the older 

     population of those 65 and older was 39.6 million, representing 12.9 percent of the U.S. population, or about one in every eight Americans.

    Back in 2000, people aged 65 and older represented 12.4 percent of the

     population. By 2030, there will be about 72.1 million older persons, more

     than twice their 2000 number.



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    Growing Old, At Home

    TOMORROW'S ELDER POPULATION will differ from those of past

     decades. They will enjoy longer lives, better health and more active life

     styles than previous generations. Still, the overwhelming majority will also

     face a growing and continuous challenge—maintaining their precious


    Today, according to the AARP, upon retirement, 9 out of 10 seniors already

     stay where they are, prefering to grow old in their own homes. But

     successful "aging in place" demands that one's home and household

     products not only provide continuedenjoyment and stimulation, it must also

     support one's declining functional limitations and enhance one's quality of 


    Refusing to be stigmatized by living in a "home for the Aged" or using

     "elderly products," aging Baby Boomers will seek out designs that

     accommodate rather than discriminate, symmpathize rather than stigmatize,

     and appeal to users of all ages and abilities.

    Transgenerational design provides the accommodation everyone



    Why the Population is Aging

    Three factor s dr ive the Increase in li fe expectancy:



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     AGE DYNAMICS - Past variations in birth and death rates affect the

     evolution of a country's age structure (i.e., the 1946-1964 baby boom

     in the United States).

    DECLINING FERTILITY RATES - A declining share of young people

     within the general population causes the population's share of older 

     people to rise automatically.

    LONGEVITY INCREASE - As the population ages, there is general agreement that an increse in life expectancy will continue.

    Life Expectancy at an All Time High


     According to the Centers of Disease

     Control and Prevention, life

     expectancy at birth has risen to a new

     high of nearly 78 years. Today, a newborn infant can expect to live for 

     78.3 years.

    Two thousand years ago the average

     Roman could expect to live 22 years.

     Those born in 1900 could only expect

     to live 47.3 years.

    By 1930, life expectancy had risen to 59.7 years, rising again in 1960 to 69.7

     years. Continuing its dramatic rise, life expectancy increased 1.4 years from 76.5 in 1997 to 77.9 in 2007.

    This dramatic increase in life expectancy is not accidental. Its substantial and

     pleasing rise results from infectious disease control, public health initiatives,

     and new surgical and rabilitation techniques.

    Declin ing Mortality Rates

    While heart disease and cancer, the two leading causes of death, accounted

     for nearly half (48.5 percent) of all deaths in 2007, mortality rates declined

     significantly for eight of the 15 leading causes of death:

    influenza and pneumonia (down 8.4 percent)

    homicide (down 6.5 percent)

    accidents (down 5 percent)

    heart disease (down 4.7 percent)

    stroke (down 4.6 percent)

    diabetes  (down 3.9 percent)

    hypertension  (down 2 .7 percent)

    cancer  (down 1.8 percent)

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    Put in perspective, life expectancy at age 65 has increased more in the last

     30 years than the entire 200-year period from 1750 to 1950. Today, a

     person age 65 can expect to live another 15 years. A man of 75 has a 50-50

     chance of reaching 84; a woman, 86.

    Increased Longevity for All

     ALSO IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER—older people are not the only

     beneficiaries of increased longevity. Life expectancy has increased

     dramatically for those in infancy, childhood, and even early adulthood due to

     improved medical breakthroughs in solving problems with birth, early infancy

     disorders, and contagious diseases.

     Add improvements in nutrition and sanitation, and we can see the reasons

     why most children today reach adulthood and why most adults reach old

     age. The bottom line:

    The longer you live, the longer you're likely to live!


     A Skewed Sex Ratio

    It's a woman's world.


     live longer than men — and this has


     As the world's population grows steadily

     older, it also becomes predominantly more

     female. In 2008 alone, an estimated 62

     million more women than men lived to age 65 and over.

    Today, the 2010 U.S. Census bureau splits the American population 49.2%

     male and 50.8% female. As their share of the population increases with age,

     women characteristically comprise the majority of the older population in the

     majority of countries throughout the world.

    The ratio changes.



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    The sex ratio (the number of men per 100 women) also changes over the

     human life span. Surprisingly, 105 male births occur for every 100 female

     births. As time passes, the number of males continues to exceed females

     until the third decade (20-29). From that age on, women increasingly

     outnumber men.

    For every 100 females In the 65-74 age group, we find only 86 males. Their 

     number continues to drops to 72 in the 75-84 age group. For the old-old

     groups (85 and older) the sex ratio becomes even more pronounced

     expanding to an astounding 49 men for every 100 women.

    But the gap in mortality between men and women that occurs in the older 

     ages continues to narrow. The 2010 Census reports there were

     approximately twice as many women as men at age 89. This point occurs about 4 years older than it did in 2000, and six years older than it did in

     1990, evidence of the narrowing gap .

     Still, the higher mortality rates for men, beginning at birth and continuing

     throughout the life course, result in increasingly fewer men than women

     tallied within each of the elderly sub-populations.

    The implications are self evident...

    Desiging for an aging population means designing for a gender 

     imbalance of older females.



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      Race and Ethnici ty

     One would expect to find older people to be

     similarly distributed among racial/ethnic sub-

    populations. But this is not the case.

    The older population is becoming

     increasingly more racially and ethnically diverse as the overall minority population

     grows and experiences increased longevity.



    They break down like this:


     America's largest and fastest growing minority population is

     Hispanic, making up 15% of the total U.S. population. With a

     life expectancy of nearly 81 years, they outlive whites by 2.5

     years and blacks by almost eight years. By 2019 they will be

     the largest racial/ethnic minority in this age group.

    The population of older Hispanics was 2.7 million in 2008—or 

     6.8 percent of the populaton. Their number is projected to swell

     to over 17 million by 2050 and account for 19.8 percent of 

     America's older population.

    Black or African American

     In 2008, 3.2 million Blacks or African Americans accounted for 

     8.3 percent of the older population. Their number is projected

     to grow to over 9.9 million and reach 11 percent by 2050.

     Asian, Hawai ian & Pacif ic Islanders

     In 2008, this segment contained over 1.3 million people,

     accounting for 3.4 percent of Americns aged 65 and older. By

     2050, their number is projected to reach over 7.6 million,

     accounting for 8.6 percent of the older population.

     American Indian and Native Alaskan

     The American Indian and Native Alaskin older population was

     212,605 in 2007 and accounted for 0.6 percent of the older 

     population.Their number is projected to grow to almost 918,000

     by 2050.



  • 8/20/2019 Demographics of The Aging people


    Demographics of Aging

      An additional 156,794 persons 65 and older 

     consider themselves to be American Indians

     or Alaska Natives along with another race

     category. Thus, a total of 369,399 persons

     65 and older report having Amerian Indian or 

     Alaska Native heritage. By 2050 they will

     account for 1.0 percent of the U.S.


    The country's population distribution by sub-group shows a disparity in life

     expectancy caused by:

    varying birth rates

    socio-economic factors

    immigration rates

    inaccuracies due to enumeration problems of the census itself 

    In the next several decades, the percentages should change, resulting in a decrease in the white majority and proportionate increases in the

     percentages of minority elderly.

    Transgenerational homes and products can help maintain those

     active lifestyles, activities and independence. They help you

     accommodate—and attract—their swelling purchasing power.


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