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  • 8/10/2019 Dendroid ESWA 2014 Pp


    This document is published in:

    Expert Systems with Applications(2014),41 (4), 11041117.


    2013 Elsevier Ltd.

    Ins t i tu t ional Reposi tory

  • 8/10/2019 Dendroid ESWA 2014 Pp


    Dendroid: A Text Mining Approach to Analyzing and

    Classifying Code Structures in Android MalwareFamilies

    Guillermo Suarez-Tangila,, Juan E. Tapiadora, Pedro Peris-Lopeza,Jorge Blasco Alisa

    aComputer Security (COSEC) LabDepartment of Computer Science, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

    28911 Leganes, Madrid, Spain.

    AbstractThe rapid proliferation of smartphones over the last few years has come hand inhand with and impressive growth in the number and sophistication of maliciousapps targetting smartphone users. The availability of reuse-oriented develop-ment methodologies and automated malware production tools makes exceed-ingly easy to produce new specimens. As a result, market operators and mal-ware analysts are increasingly overwhelmed by the amount of newly discoveredsamples that must be analyzed. This situation has stimulated research in intel-ligent instruments to automate parts of the malware analysis process. In thispaper, we introduce Dendroid, a system based on text mining and informa-tion retrieval techniques for this task. Our approach is motivated by a statisticalanalysis of the code structures found in a dataset ofAndroid OSmalware fam-

    ilies, which reveals some parallelisms with classical problems in those domains.We then adapt the standard Vector Space Model and reformulate the modellingprocess followed in text mining applications. This enables us to measure similar-ity between malware samples, which is then used to automatically classify theminto families. We also investigate the application of hierarchical clustering overthe feature vectors obtained for each malware family. The resulting dendogramsresemble the so-called phylogenetic trees for biological species, allowing us toconjecture about evolutionary relationships among families. Our experimentalresults suggest that the approach is remarkably accurate and deals efficientlywith large databases of malware instances.

    Keywords: Malware analysis, software similarity and classification, textmining, information retrieval, smartphones, Android OS

    Corresponding authorEmail addresses: [email protected] (Guillermo Suarez-Tangil),

    [email protected] (Juan E. Tapiador), [email protected] (Pedro Peris-Lopez),[email protected] (Jorge Blasco Alis)

    Preprin t submitted to Expert Systems with Applications July 19, 2013

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    1. Introduction

    The past few years have witnessed a rapid proliferation of smartphones aspopular portable devices with increasingly powerful computing, networking andsensing capabilities. In their current generation, most existing smartphones arefar more powerful than early personal computers (PCs). But perhaps the keyfeature of these devices is that they offer the possibility to easily incorporatethird-party applications (apps, for short) through online markets. The pop-ularity of smartphones has been repeatedly corroborated by recent commercialsurveys, showing that they will very soon outsell the number of PCs worldwide[1]. For example, the number of smartphone users has swiftly increased overthe past few years. In 2011, global mobile handset shipments reached 1.6 billionunits [2], and the total smartphone sales reached 472 million units (58% percentof all mobile devices sales in 2010) [3]. According to a report by Nielsen [4], thenumber of Android OS and iOS users alone increased from 38 to 84 million

    between 2011 and 2012. Specifically, the global mobile operating system marketshare shows that Android OS reached 69.7% at the end of 2012, racing pastother platforms such as Symbian, BlackberryOS and iOS. The same report alsoindicates that the average number of apps per device increased from 32 to 41,and the proportion of time spent by users on smartphone applications almostequals the time spent on the Web (73% vs. 81%). Furthermore, the numberof worldwide smartphone sales saw a record of 207.7 million units during 2012,rising up 38.3% with respect to the same period in the previous year [5].

    In many respects, smartphones present greater security and privacy issues tousers than traditional PCs [6]. For instance, many of such devices incorporatenumerous sensors that could leak highly sensitive information about users loca-tion, gestures, moves and other physical activities, as well as recording audio,pictures and video from their surroundings. Furthermore, users are increasinglyembedding authentication credentials into their devices, as well as making useof on-platform micropayment technologies such as NFC [7].

    One major source of security and privacy problems for smartphone users isprecisely the ability to incorporate third-party applications from available onlinemarkets. Many market operators carry out a revision process over submittedapps, which presumably also involves some form of security testing to detectif the app includes malicious code. So far such revisions have proven clearlyinsufficient for several reasons. First, market operators do no give details abouthow (security) revisions are done. However, the ceaseless presence of malwarein official markets reveals that operators cannot afford to perform an exhaustiveanalysis over each submitted app. Second, determining which applications aremalicious and which are not is still a formidable challenge. This is further

    complicated by a recent rise in the so-called grayware [8], namely apps that arenot fully malicious but that entail security and/or privacy risks of which theuser is not aware. And finally, a significant fraction of users rely on alternativemarkets to get access for free to apps that cost money in official markets. Suchunofficial and/or illegal markets have repeatedly proven to be fertile groundfor malware, particularly in the form of popular apps modified ( repackaged) to


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    include malicious code.

    1.1. Motivation

    The reality is that the rapid development of smartphone technologies andits widespread user acceptance have come hand in hand with a similar increasein the number and sophistication of malicious software targeting popular plat-forms. Malware developed for early mobile devices (e.g., Palm platforms) andfeatured mobile phones was identified prior to 2004. The proliferation of mo-bile devices in the subsequent years translated into an exponential growth inthe presence of malware specifically developed for them (mostly Symbian), withmore than 400 cases between 2004 and 2007 [9, 10]. Later on that year, iOS andAndroid OS were released and shortly became the predominant platforms.This gave rise to an alarming escalation in the number and sophistication ofmalicious software targetting these platforms, particularly Android OS. For

    example, according to the mobile threat report published by Juniper Networksin 2012, the number of unique malware variants for Android OSincreased by3325.5% during 2011 [2]. A similar report by F-Secure reveals that the numberof malicious Android OSapplications received during the first quarter of 2012increased from 139 to 3063 when compared to the first quarter of 2011 [11],and by the end of 2012 it already represents 97% of the total mobile malwareaccording to McAfee [12].

    The main factors driving the development of malware have swiftly changedfrom research, amusement and the search for notoriety to purely economicaland political, to a lesser extent. Current malware industry already generatessubstantial revenues [13], and emergent paradigms such as Malware-as-a-Service(MAAS) paint a gloomy forecast for the years to come. In the case of smart-phones, malware is a profitable industry due to (i) the existence of a high number

    of potential targets and/or high value targets; and (ii) the availability of reuse-oriented development methodologies for malware that make exceedingly easyto produce new specimens. Both points are true for the case of Android OSand explain, together with the open nature of this platform and some technicalparticularities, why it has become such an attractive target to attackers.

    Malware analysis is a thriving research area with a substantial amount ofstill unsolved problems (see, e.g., [14] for an excellent survey). In the case ofsmartphones, the impressive growth both in malware and benign apps is makingincreasingly unaffordable any human-driven analysis of potentially dangerousapps. This state of affairs have consolidated the need for intelligent analysistechniques to aid malware analysts in their daily functions. For instance, whenconfronted with a continuously growing stream of incoming malware samples,it would be extremely helpful to differentitate between those that are minor

    variants of a known specimen and those that correspond to novel, previouslyunseen samples. Grouping samples into families, establishing the relationshipsamong them, and studying the evolution of the various known species is alsoa much sought after application.


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    1.2. Overview and Contributions

    Problems similar to those discussed above have been successfuly attackedwith Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining techniques in many applicationdomains. In this paper, we explore the use of text mining approaches to auto-matically analyze smartphone malware samples and families based on the codestructures present in their software components. Such code structures are rep-resentations of the Control Flow Graph (CFG) of each method found in the appclasses [15, 16]. A high level overview ofDendroids main building blocks andsalient applications is provided in Fig. 1. During the modeling phase, all differ-ent code structures are extracted from a dataset of provided malware samples.A vector space model is then used to associate a unique feature vector witheach malware sample and family. This vector representation is then used twoillustrate two main applications:

    Automatic classification of unknown malware samples into candidate fam-ilies based on the similarity of their respective code structures. Our clas-sification scheme involves a preparatory stage where the sample is trans-formed into a query in the text mining sense. Thus, a slight variation ofthis process can be used to search for a set of given code structures in adatabase of known specimens, a task that could be remarkably useful formalware analysts and app market operators.

    We show how it is possible to perform an evolutionary analysis of mal-ware families based on the dendograms obtained after hierarchical clus-tering. The process is almost equivalent to the analysis of the so-calledphylogenetic trees for biological species [17], although using software codestructures rather than physical and/or genetic features. This enables usto conjecture about evolutionary relationships among the various malware

    families, including the identification of common ancestors and studying thediversification process that they may have gone through as a consequenceof code reuse and malware re-engineering techniques.

    Dendroid is novel in two separate ways. On the one hand, to the bestof our knowledge using code structures to characterize Android OS malwarefamilies has not been explored before. One major advantage of focussing onthe internal structure of code units (methods) rather than on their specificsequence of instructions is an improved resistance against obfuscation (i.e., de-liberate modifications of the code aimed at evading pattern-based recognition[18]). Furthermore, such structures prove to be particularly useful for the caseof smartphone malware, where rapid development methodologies heavily basedon code reuse are prevalent. On the other hand, the idea of using text mining

    techniques to automate tasks such as classifying specimens, searching for codecomponents, or studying evolutionary relationships of malware families is, toour knowledge, novel too. Besides, text mining techniques were developed toefficiently deal with massive amounts of data, a feature which turns out to bevery convenient for the problems that we address here.


  • 8/10/2019 Dendroid ESWA 2014 Pp


    !"#$%&'() (+

    ,(-. /#$0$.1

    !"#$%&'() (+

    ,(-. /#$0$.1

    !"#$"%& (")*#&+ ,-**+.





    !"#$"%& (")*#&


    ,5%1167.$/")7#8 /9


    ,501#.$6): ;


    @(-.56): ;







    -** >6?& (:%;=:;%&+

    -** >6?& (:%;=:;%&+

    Figure 1: Overview ofDendroids architecture.

    The remaining of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we describethe dataset of Android malware families used in this paper, together with thetools and methodology followed to extract code structures from each app. InSection 3 we analyze and discuss various statistical features of the code struc-tures found in the malware instances. Based on our findings from this analysis,in Section 4 we propose Dendroid, a text mining approach to classify and an-alyze malware families according to the code structures present in their apps.

    We first introduce a suitable vector space model and report experimental resultsrelated to classifying instances into families, measuring similarity among fam-ilies, and using dendrograms to analyze the evolutionary relationships amongfamilies. In Section 5 we provide an overview of related work in this area. Fi-nally, Section 6 concludes the paper and discusses our main contributions andfuture research directions.

    2. Dataset and Experimental Setting

    The work presented in this paper is largely based on a sizeable dataset ofreal-world Android OS malware samples. The dataset, known as the AndroidMalware Genome Project1 was collected, characterized and discussed by Zhou

    and Jian in [19], and covers the majority of malware families for Android OS

    up to late 2011. It consists of 1247 malicious apps grouped into 49 differentfamilies that include a variety of infection techniques (repackaging, update at-

    1Available at http://www.malgenomeproject.org


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    tacks, and drive-by-download) and payload functionalities (privilege escalation,remote control, financial charge, and private information exfiltration). For the

    purposes of this paper, we discarded 16 out of the 49 families as they only con-tain one specimen each, resulting in a final dataset of 1231 malware samplesgrouped into 33 families. More details on this will be later provided in Section3.

    2.1. Extracting Code Structures

    One key aspect of our work is the decomposition of an app into a number ofconstituent code elements referred to as code chunks. Each code chunk corre-sponds to a method associated with a class within the app. Thus, an app will befragmented into as many code chunks as methods contained in it. Rather thanfocusing on the specific sequence of instructions contained in a code chunk, weextract a high-level representation of the associated Control Flow Graph (CFG).

    CFGs use graphs as a representation of the paths that a program might tra-verse during its execution. Each node in a CFG represents a basic block, i.e.,a piece of code that will be sequentially executed without any jumps. The CFGof a piece of code is explicit in the source code, is relatively easy to extract, andhas been extensively used in static analysis techniques [20].

    Each malware instance contained in the dataset described above has beenfirst disassembled into Dalvik instructions. We then used Androguard [21] toextract the code chunks of all malicious apps and compute their structure. An-droguard is an open source tool that implements a number of static analysisfunctions over Android OS apps. CFGs provided by Androguard are basedon a grammar proposed by Cesare and Xiang [15] and shown in Fig. 2. Thesequence of instructions contained in a code chunk is thus replaced by a list ofstatements defining its control flow, such as a block of consecutive instructions

    (B), and bifurcation determined by an if condition (I), an unconditional go-tojump (G), and so on. After parsing each code chunk with this grammar, the re-sulting structure is a sequence of symbols of varying length such as those shownin Fig. 2.

    After this process, each malware sample a is represented by a sequence:

    a= c1, c2, . . . , c|a| (1)

    whereciis a string describing the code structure of thei-th method ina, and|a|is the total number of methods contained in a. In the remaining of this paper,we will refer tocis indistinctly as code chunks or code structures. The resultingdataset of code chunks, grouped by app and family as in the original AndroidMalware Genome Project, has been made publicly available2.



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    Procedure ::= StatementListStatementList ::= Statement | Statement StatementList

    Statement ::= BasicBlock | Return | Goto | If | Field | Package | String

    Return ::= R

    Goto ::= G

    If ::= I

    BasicBlock ::= B

    Fie ld ::= F0 | F 1

    Package ::= P PackageNew | P PackageCall

    PackageNew ::= 0

    PackageCall ::= 1

    PackageName ::= Epsilon | Id

    String ::= S Number | S Id

    Number ::= \d+Id ::= [a-zA-Z]\w+


    CC1 B[P0P1]B[I]B[P1R]B[P1P1I]B[P0SP1P1P1]B[P1G]|B[F1P1R]





    CC3 B[P1SF1R]

    Figure 2: CFG grammar used by Androguard to extract code structures.

    3. Analysis of Code Structures in Android Malware Families

    In this section, we analyze and discuss various statistical features of thecode structures found in the malware apps and families of the dataset describedabove. Our findings will subsequently motivate the use of text-mining techniquesfor tasks such as, for example, the classification of new apps into candidatemalware families or the analysis of similarities among families.

    3.1. Definitions

    We are interested in exploring questions such as how large, in terms of num-ber of code chunks (CCs), apps are; what the distribution of CCs across appsand families is; or how discriminant a subset of CCs is for a given family. Wenext introduce a number of measures that will be later used to perform this

    analysis.Definition 1 (CC). We denote by CC(a) the set of all different CCs found inapp a. We emphasize that CC(a) is a set and, therefore, it does not containrepeated elements.


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    Definition 2 (Redundancy). The redundancy, R(a), of an app a is given by:

    R(a) = 1 |CC(a)||a|


    where |a| is the total number of CCs (possibly with repetitions) ina.

    Note that redundancy measures the fraction of repeated CCs present in anapp, with low values indicating that CCs do not generally appear multiple timesin the app, and vice versa.

    Definition 3 (FCC). The set of family CCs for a familyFi is given by:

    FCC(Fi) =aFi

    CC(a) (3)

    Definition 4 (CCC). The set of common CCs for a familyFi is given by:

    CCC(Fi) =aFi

    CC(a) (4)

    In short, the set CCC(Fi) contains those CCs found in all apps ofFi. Eventhough this can be certainly seen as a distinctive feature of family Fi, it doesnot imply that all those CCs are unique to Fi. For instance, code reuse whichis a recurrent feature of malware in general and, particularly, of smarphonemalware will make the same CCs appear in multiple families.

    Definition 5 (FDCC). Given a set of malware familiesM = {F1, . . . ,Fm}, asetC= {c1, . . . , cn} of CCs is fully discriminant forFi with respect toM iff:

    (i) C


    ), and

    (ii) Fk M,Fk=Fi: C FCC(Fk) =

    We denote by FDCC(Fi|M) the maximal set of fully discriminant CCs for Fiwith respect toM; that is,C= FDCC(Fi|M) iffC is fully discriminant forFiwith respect toM, and for allC such thatC is fully discriminant forFi withrespect toM, C C.

    Put simply, a set of CCs is fully discriminant for a family Fi if and onlyif every CC in the set appears in every app of Fi and, furthermore, no CCin the set appear in any app of any other family. Consequently, such a setunequivocally identifies the family, provided that it is not the empty set.

    3.2. Results and DiscussionWe computed the various measures and sets described above over all the

    apps and families in our dataset. Table 1 and Figure 3 summarize the mostrelevant results.

    The entire dataset contains 84854 different CCs. In terms of number ofunique CCs, apps do not display a uniform behavior, neither within the same


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    App stats Family stats

    Family Fi |Fi| Avg{|CC(a)|} Avg{R(a)} |FCC(Fi)| |CCC(Fi)| |FDCC(Fi|M)|

    ADRD 22 416 0.59 2726 21 8AnserverBot 187 367 0.64 17635 44 9Asroot 8 78 0.57 462 1 0BaseBridge 122 433 0.53 9918 5 0BeanBot 8 746 0.68 3081 61 34Bgserv 9 384 0.53 487 67 34CruseWin 2 82 0.53 82 82 40DroidDream 16 302 0.51 2545 10 0DroidDreamLight 46 529 0.54 3339 40 13DroidKungFu1 34 501 0.58 7609 10 0DroidKungFu2 30 295 0.51 2418 9 0DroidKungFu3 309 872 0.58 19092 48 11DroidKungFu4 96 936 0.56 9239 19 2DroidKungFuSapp 3 351 0.66 411 310 0FakePlayer 6 6 0.73 7 10 2GPSSMSSpy 6 13 0.44 23 9 3

    Geinimi 69 430 0.58 12141 77 37GingerMaster 4 223 0.64 297 159 108GoldDream 47 513 0.54 9129 13 3Gone60 9 35 0.41 56 26 5HippoSMS 4 148 0.67 262 8 1KMin 52 502 0.50 795 120 42NickySpy 2 65 0.71 84 47 34Pjapps 45 1160 0.58 15128 6 0Plankton 11 133 0.52 876 14 2RogueLemon 2 962 0.54 1441 483 321RogueSPPush 9 365 0.60 633 114 60SndApps 10 28 0.55 54 20 11Tapsnake 2 33 0.57 55 12 2YZHC 22 316 0.48 1704 33 11Zsone 12 365 0.40 535 338 1

    jSMSHider 16 113 0.46 266 64 52

    zHash 11 1348 0.56 2344 645 390

    Table 1: Statistical indicators obtained for all apps and families in the dataset.

    family nor across families. Apps in some malware families have, on average,only a few different CCs: see for exampleFakePlayer (6), GPSSMSSpy (13), orSndApps (28). In contrast, others are quite large, such as for examplezHash(1348),Pjapps (1160), or DroidKungFu4 (936).

    The variance, both of apps length and redundancy within each family, isgenerally large, as illustrated by the boxplots shown in Figures 3(a) and 3(b).This can be explained by a number of factors, including the fact that in manycases malware belonging to the same family appears in very different apps, each

    one with its own set and distribution of CCs. In general, however, all appsdisplay a redundancy between 0.4 and 0.7 regardless of their size.

    The sizes of the FCC, CCC, and FDCC sets for each family reveal some re-markable details. The number of family CCs (FCC) varies quite significantlyacross families. Furthermore, such variability seems uncorrelated with the aver-


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    (a) (b)


    Figure 3: Distribution of (a) unique CCs (CC); (b) redundancy (R); and (c)common and fully discriminant CCs for each family (CCC/FDCC).

    age number of CCs in the apps. The most likely explanation for this has to dowith the proliferation and prevalence of each malware family. Families such asAnserverBot, Geinimi,Pjapps, andDroidKungFuappeared in a variety of verypopular repackaged apps and infected a significant number of devices. Thus,finding the same malware in very different apps induces a sharp increase in thesize ofFCC.

    The CCC set removes this diversity and identifies code structures common


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    to all available apps within a family. The size of this set varies across families,being quite low in families where the malware code has undergone significant

    evolution, possibly after being included in different apps. For example, only6 CCs appear in each of the 45 samples of Pjapps. On the contrary, apps inunpopular or rare families share essentially the same version of the malware:see for example zHash, where all its 11 apps share 645 CCs.

    Finally, the rightmost column in Table 1 shows the number of fully discrim-inant CCs for each family. Surprisingly, The FDCC set is non-empty for 26 outof the 33 families. This suggest that, in principle, those CCs might be used asa signature to perfectly classify an app into one of those families. We believe,however, that such a scheme would be extremely weak for a number of reasons.One of the most important shortcomings of using FDCCas the basis to representmalware family features is that it is very fragile: the addition of a new app toa family such that it does not share any CCs with those already in the familyautomatically makes the CCC set empty, which in turn makes FDCC empty too.Such an app might have actually been incorrectly labeled as belonging to thefamily, or perhaps carefully constructed to avoid sharing CCs with all otherapps. In either case, the characterization of the family would not be usefulanymore.

    We next study the distribution of CCs across families, which will motivatea more robust representation of family features.

    3.3. Distribution of Code Structures

    Fig. 4 shows the distribution of CCs as a function of the number of familieswhere they appear. This plot is obtained by iterating over all different codestructures and computing, for each one of them, the number of different familieswhere they appear. (A CC appear in a family if it appears in at least one app

    of that family.) The results reveal that 78.9% of all code structures appear injust one family. Note that this does not mean that such a family is the same,as different code structures may appear in different families. Rather, this valueindicates that if a code structure is found in one family, it is unlikely to findthat same code structure in an app belonging to a different family. Similarly,the number of code structures that appear in 2, 3, 4, and 5 different familiesdrops to 12.6%, 3.5%, 1.5% and 1.1%, respectively. Consequently, less than 1%of all available code structures appear in 6 or more different families.

    This distribution of code structures across malware families suggests thateach family can be sufficiently well characterized by just a few code structures,possibly accompanied by some extra information such as the frequency of thatcode structure in each app of the family, the fraction of apps where it appears,etc. We next elaborate on this.

    4. Dendroid: Mining Code Chunks in Malware Families

    Based on the findings discussed in the previous section, we next describeDendroid, our approach to analyzing malware samples and families based on


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    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 3310








    Number of Families






    Figure 4: Distribution of CCs as a function of the number of families wherethey appear.

    mining code structures. We first present the vector space model used and de-scribe the main features of our prototype implementation. Subsequently wepresent two main applications classifying unknown malware apps and analyz-ing possible evolutinary paths of malware families and discuss the experimentalresults obtained.

    4.1. Vector Space Model

    In this section, we adapt to our problem various numerical indicators wellresearched in the field of information retrieval and text mining. One central con-cept in those fields is the so-called Vector Space Model (VSM) [22], sometimesknown as Term Vector Model, where each object dj of a corpus is representedas a vector of identifiers

    dj = (w1,j, . . . , wk,j) (5)

    Each identifier wi,j is a measure of the relevance that the i-th term, ti, has inobjectdj . In the most common setting, objects and terms are documents andwords, respectively. Thus,wi,j is an indicator of the importance of word ti indocumentdj .


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    Many interesting problems related to information retrieval and text miningcan be easily reformulated in the VSM in terms of vector operations. For ex-

    ample, the cosine of the angle between two vectors is a good measure of thesimilarity between the associated documents. Such vector operations are thebasis for a number of interesting primitives, such as comparing two documentsor ranking various documents according to their similarity to a given query(after appropriately representing queries as vectors too).

    One popular statistical indicator used in the VSM is the term frequency-inverse document frequency (tf-idf). Using the notation introduced above, thetf-idfwi,jof termtiin dj is the product of two statistics: (1) the term frequency(tf), which measures the number of times ti appears in dj ; and (2) the inversedocument frequency (idf), which measures whether ti is common or rare acrossall documents in the corpus. Thus, a high tf-idf value means not only that thecorresponding term appears quite often in a document, but also that it is notfrequent in other documents. As a result, one important effect is that the tf-idftends to filter out terms that are common across documents.

    Our proposal essentially mimics the model discussed above. Each familyFj is represented by a vector vj = (I1,j, . . . , I k,j), where Ii,j = I(ci,Fj ,M) iscomputed as

    I(ci,Fj ,M) = ccf(ci,Fj)iff(ci,M) (6)

    The indicators ccf(c,Fj) and iff(c,M) are approximately equivalent to the tfand idf statistics, respectively, and can be computed as follows.

    Definition 6 (CCF). The frequency of a CCc in a familyFj is given by

    ccf(c,Fj) =


    freq(c, a)

    max{freq(c, a) : a Fj} (7)

    where freq(c, a) is the number of occurrences of CCc in app a.

    Definition 7 (IFF). The inverse family frequency of a CCc with respect to aset of malware familiesM= {F1, . . . ,Fm} is given by

    iff(c,M) = log |M|

    1 +|{Fi M : c FCC(Fj)}| (8)

    4.2. An example

    We next illustrate the model presented above with a numerical example anddiscuss some relevant features. Assume two different datasets, M1 andM2, ofmalicious apps, with |M1|= 4 and |M2| = 400. Given a CC ci, we can easily

    see how each family feature vector varies according to the relevance ofci.On the one hand, when ci is a rather common CC (see Fig. 5a), i.e., itappears in most families, theiff value quickly vanishes (see Fig. 5b). Similarly,it can also be observed how the components of a family vector grow when thefrequency of a CC increases, as shown in 5a. On the other hand, whenci is avery uncommon CC, the iff value grows significantly: see, e.g., Fig. 5 where


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    F1 F2 F3 F4Apps a

    1 a

    2 a

    3 a

    4 a

    5 a

    6 a

    7Is ci in ak? ccf(ci,Fj) 2/3 1/2 0 1iff(ci,M1) log

    41+2 = 0.288

    I(ci,Fj ,M1) 0.192 0.144 0.000 0.288

    (a) Rather common CC with |M1|= 4.

    2 4




    (b) iff(ci,M1)

    F1 F2 F 400Apps a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 anIs ci in ak? ccf(ci,Fj) 1/3 1/2 0 1iff(ci,M2) log

    4001+3 = 4.605

    I(ci,Fj ,M2) 1.535 2.302 0.000 4.605

    (c) Very uncommon CC with |M2|= 400

    0 2 4 6





    (d) iff(ci,M2)

    Figure 5: Computation of I(ci,Fj ,M) and distribution of the iff value de-pending on the popularity of the CC in two different malware datasets: tiny(a)and (b), and large(c) and (d).

    iff(ci,M2) is 16 times larger than iff(ci,M1). The overall result is that therelevance of a CC is strongly influenced by its frequency across families. Thus,CCs that are common to many families have a low influence in the family featurevector, even if they are very frequent.

    4.3. Implementation

    We have built a Java implementation of the VSM discussed above and ap-plied it over all families in our dataset to obtain a family feature vector foreach of them. The process is described by the algorithm shown in Fig. 6 andoutputs one vector vj for each malware family Fj , with each vector componentrepresenting the relevance of a CC in Fj .

    The algorithm comprises three main steps: (i) initialization, (ii) inversefamily frequency computation, and (iii) CC frequency computation. First, weextract the frequency freq(c, a) for every CC c CC(a) of each app a M(lines 25). The inverse family frequency is then computed for each extractedCC using Eq. (8) (lines 810). Finally, the frequency of each CC is computedby applying Eq. (8), and the associated indicator for the CC is obtained (lines


    4.4. Modelling Families and Classifying Malware Instances

    In our first experiment, we have tested the ability to correctly predict thefamily of a malware instance. To do this, we have split our dataset in two sub-sets of approximately equal number of malware instances and the same family


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    Algorithm 1. Computing Family Vectors

    Input:Dataset of labelled malware apps (sequences of code chunks):

    M= {(a1,Fa1), (a2,Fa2), . . . , ((ap,Fam))}whereFai {F1, . . . ,Fq}

    Output:Vectorsvj = (I1,j , . . . , I k,j) for each Fj {F1, . . . ,Fq}

    Algorithm:1 FCC(Fj) = j = 1, . . . , q 2 For each(a,Fa) Mdo3 FCC(Fa) = FCC(Fa) CC(a)4 Update freq(c, a) for eachc CC(a)5 end-for6 C(M) =


    7 k= |C(M)|8 For eachi = 1, . . . , k do9 Compute iff(ci,M) according to (8)

    10 end-for11 For eachFj do12 For eachi = 1, . . . , kdo13 Compute ccf(ci,Fj) according to (7)14 vj[i] =Ii,j=ccf(ci,Fj)iff(ci,M)15 end-for16 end-for17 return{v1, . . . ,vq}

    Figure 6: Algorithm for obtaining each family vector.

    distribution. This has been simply carried out by randomly picking from eachfamily half of the malware instances (or the closest integer number when thefamily had an odd number of members). The process resulted in two datasetswith 621 and 610 malware instances, respectively.

    The first dataset (621 instances) was used to derive a vectorial representationfor each malware family as described in Section 4.1. A total number of 84854 CCwere found across all instances in the dataset, so each family is represented by avector with this dimensionality, as specified in (6). We note, however, that suchvectors are very sparse (as expected by the analysis given in Section 3), whichin practice makes very efficient to store and manipulate them. For illustration

    purposes, the largest family vectors correspond to DroidKungFu3 (19091 non-null components),AnserverBot(17634),Pjapps(15127), and Geinimi(12140).On average, only around 11% of each feature vector contains discriminant in-formation.

    The second dataset (610 instances) was processed in a similar way, obtaininga vectorial representation for each malware instance. We then implemented a


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    Algorithm 2. 1-NN malware classifier


    Family vectors{v1, . . . ,vq} and data structures C(M), iff(ci,M)Malware instance a

    Output:Predicted familyFj

    Algorithm:1 for each ci C(M)do3 u[i]) =freq(ci, a)iff(ci,M)4 end-for5 j = arg mini{dist(u,vi)}6 return Fj

    Figure 7: 1-NN malware classification algorithm.

    1-NN (nearest neighbor) classifier [23] to compute the predicted family for eachmalware instance under test. Such a prediction is the family whose vector isclosest to the instances vector (see Fig. 7). 1-NN is a widely used method indata mining that only requires to compute n distances and one minimum. Tocompute distances between vectors, we relied on the well-known cosine similar-ity:

    Definition 8 (Cosine similarity). The cosine similarity between two vectorsu= (u1, . . . , uk) andv = (v1, . . . , vk) is given by

    sim(u,v) = cos(u,v) = u v

    u v =









    The cosine similarity, which measures the cosine of the angle between vectorsu and v, has been extensively used to compare documents in text mining andinformation retrieval applications. Besides, it is quite efficient to evaluate indomains such as ours, since vectors are sparse and, therefore, only a few non-zero dimensions need to be considered in the computation. As for our purposesa distance, and not a similarity, is required, we use:

    dist(u,v) = 1 sim(u,v) (10)

    The overall classification error per family attained in this experiment isshown in Table 2. In overall terms, 35 out of the 610 malware instances aremisclassified, resulting in a global classification error around 5.74%. A closestinspection reveals that the classification error is not uniform across families.On the contrary, errors concentrate on 6 out of the 33 malware families studied


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    Classification Error: Incorrectly classified / total instances (%)

    ADRD 0/11 (00.00%) GingerMaster 0/2 (00.00%)AnserverBot 4/93 (04.30%) GoldDream 0/23 (00.00%)Asroot 0/4 (00.00%) Gone60 0/4 (00.00%)BaseBridge 5/61 (08.20%) HippoSMS 0/2 (00.00%)BeanBot 0/4 (00.00%) KMin 0/26 (00.00%)Bgserv 0/4 (00.00%) NickySpy 0/1 (00.00%)CruseWin 0/1 (00.00%) Pjapps 0/22 (00.00%)DroidDream 0/8 (00.00%) Plankton 0/5 (00.00%)DroidDreamLight 0/23 (00.00%) RogueLemon 0/1 (00.00%)DroidKungFu1 2/17 (11.76%) RogueSPPush 0/4 (00.00%)DroidKungFu2 3/15 (20.00%) SndApps 0/5 (00.00%)DroidKungFu3 13/154 (08.44%) Tapsnake 0/1 (00.00%)DroidKungFu4 8/48 (16.67%) YZHC 0/11 (00.00%)

    DroidKungFuSapp 0/1 (00.00%) Zsone 0/6 (00.00%)FakePlayer 0/3 (00.00%) jSMSHider 0/8 (00.00%)GPSSMSSpy 0/3 (00.00%) zHash 0/5 (00.00%)Geinimi 0/34 (00.00%) Global 35/610 (5.74%)

    Table 2: Malware classification error per family using 1-NN.

    (AnserverBot, BaseBridge, and DroidKungFu1 through DroidKungFu4), whileinstances belonging to the remaining 27 families are perfectly classified.

    Interestingly, DroidKungFuhas been considered a milestone in Android OSmalware sophistication [19]. After the release of its first version, a number ofvariants rapidly emerged, including DroidKungFu2 through DroidKungFu4 orDroidKungFuApp. A common feature shared by all these variants is the useof encryption to hide their existence. In fact, some of them embedded theirpayloads within constant strings or even resource files (e.g., pictures, asset files,etc.). Furthermore, DroidKungFu aggressively obfuscates the class name anduses native programs (Java Native Interface, or JNI) precisely to difficult theanalysis. Similarly, AnserverBot use sophisticated techniques to obfuscate allinternal classes, methods, and fields. Moreover, instead of enclosing the payloadwithin the app, AnserverBot dynamically fetches and loads it at runtime (thisis known as update attacks). In this regard, some authors (e.g., [19]) believethat AnserverBotactually evolved from BaseBridge and inherited this featurefrom it. Our results seem to confirm this hypothesis.

    More insights can be gained by observing the confusion matrix given in Ta-ble 3. Each cell (x, y) in the matrix shows the number of instances belonging tofamilyx whose predicted family is y . Here, for instance, we can observe that 5out of the 61 samples ofBaseBridgehave been predicted as AnserverBot. Sim-ilarly, we can observe that a few samples ofDroidKungFu1 have been classifiedasDroidKungFu2and, in a similar way, there is some missclassifications betweenDroidKungFu3andDroidKungFu4. Thus, the aforementioned classification error


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    ADRD 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11AnserverBot 0 89 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 93

    Asroot 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4BaseBridge 0 5 0 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61

    BeanBot 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4Bgserv 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4

    CruseWin 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1DroidDream 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8

    DroidDreamLight 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23DroidKungFu1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17DroidKungFu2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15DroidKungFu3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 154DroidKungFu4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48

    DroidKungFuSapp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1FakePlayer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3

    GPSSMSSpy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3

    Geinimi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34GingerMaster 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

    GoldDream 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23Gone60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4

    HippoSMS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2KMin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26

    NickySpy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1Pjapps 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22

    Plankton 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5RogueLemon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

    RogueSPPush 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4SndApps 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 5Tapsnake 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

    YZHC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 11Zsone 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 6

    jSMSHider 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 8zHash 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5

    11 94 4 60 4 4 1 8 23 18 14 149 53 1 3 3 34 2 23 4 2 26 1 22 5 1 4 5 1 11 6 8 5 610

    Table 3: Confusion matrix for malicious app classification.

    is actually justified by the evolutionary relationships of these particular malwarestrands.

    4.5. Evolutionary Analysis of Malware Families

    In this section, we discuss the application of hierarchical clustering to thefeature vectors that model samples and family. The resulting dendrograms arethen used to conjecture about their evolutionary phylogenesis, giving a valuableinstrument to discover relationships among families. We first describe the hi-erarchical clustering algorithm currently included in Dendroid. Subsequentlywe discuss the results obtained with our dataset.

    4.5.1. Single Linkage Hierarchical Clustering

    Single Linkage Clustering, also known as nearest neighbour clustering, is awell-known method to carry out an agglomerative hierarchical clustering processover a population of vectors. The algorithm, shown in Fig. 8, keeps a set of


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    Algorithm 3. Single-linkage hierarchical clustering of malware families

    Input:Family vectors{v1, . . . ,vq}


    Proximity matricesD(t) = [dij ] and linkages at each level L(k)Algorithm:

    1 K= {v1, . . . ,vq}2 D(0) = [dij ] = dist(vi,vj) for all vi,vj K3 m= 0, L(m) = 04 while|K| = 1 do5 Find r, s K such that dist(r, s) = min


    6 Merger, s into new cluster vrs7 m= m+ 18 L(m) = dist(r, s)

    9 D(m) =D(m1) deleting the rows and columns corresponding tor and s10 Add toD a new row and column for vrs11 D[vrs,x] = dist(vrs,x) = min{dist(r,x),dist(s,x)}for all x12 K= K {vrs} \ {r, s}13 end-while14 returnD(0), . . . , D(m), L

    Figure 8: Single linkage hierarchical clustering algorithm for malware families.

    clusters, K, which is initialized to the set of family vectors. At each iterationm, the two closest clusters r, s K are combined into a larger cluster vrs. The

    distance matrix between each pair of clusters is then updated by removing bothr and s, adding the newly created vrs, and finally computing the distancesfrom vrs to each remaining cluster x through a linkage function. In our case,such a function is simply the shortest between the distance from x to r and thedistancextos. Furthermore, the algorithm keeps a list L(m) with the distancesat which each fusion takes place. The process is iterated until the set of clustersK is reduced to one element.

    4.5.2. Results and Discussion

    The results of a hierarchical clustering can be visualized in a dendrogram asthe one depicted in Fig. 10 for the dataset used in this work. The dendrogramrepresents a tree diagram where links between the leaves (malware families) il-lustrate the parental relationships (ancestors and descendants) in a hierarchy.

    Thus, clusters (denoted as vrs in Fig. 8line 6) are tree nodes representingmerged families, i.e., a common ancestor. The paths that group together differ-ent families illustrate the phylogenetic evolution of the species. Furthermore,the distanceD(t) between an ancestor and its descendants is a measure of theirsimilarity and, therefore, can be interpreted as an evolutionary (or diversifica-


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    jSMSHiderzHash 0.0






    Figure 9: Distance matrix between pairs of malware families.

    tion) distance. Note that the sequence of such distances is provided as an outputby the algorithm in Fig. 8.

    The initial proximity matrix, D(0), for all the families in our dataset isgraphically shown in Fig. 9. As anticipated by the results of the previous ex-periment, the similarity among some groups of families is striking, while in othercases there are substantial differences. The results after applying hierarchicalclustering to the datasets are displayed in the dendrogram shown in Fig. 10.There are a number of interesting observations:

    BaseBridgeand AnserverBot are intimately related, hence that they ap-pear as variants of a common ancestor. Besides, their linkage (distance)is very small compared to the rest of the families, which suggest a large

    share of relevant code structures and, perhaps of functionality too.

    The case of the DroidKungFu variants is remarkably captured. It tran-spires from our results that DroidKungFu1 and DroidKungFu2 are alike,and the same occurs with the pair DroidKungFu3andDroidKungFu4. Fur-themore, both pairs descend from a common ancestor, say DroidKungFuX,


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    Figure 10: Dendrogram obtained after hierarchical clustering over the dataset.

    which in turn is connected with GoldDream. This branch connects withanother one formed by the pair Plankton-DroidDreamLight, and bothgroups relate to Pjapps, which is among the oldest examples of sophisti-cated Android OS malware. Finally, the relationship between this group,Zsone-DroidDream, and BaseBridge-AnserverBotcould be explained bya number of reasons, including the fact that they probably share common


    The remaining malware families seem rather unrelated, and no signifi-cant evolutionary relationship can be inferred. Note, too, that distancesapproach 1 in this area of the dendrogram, which suggest a very weakconnection.


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    5. Related Work

    Tools for automatically detecting and classifying malware have proliferatedover the last years. There are two basic types of malware detection techniquesaccording to how code is analyzed: staticanddynamic analysis. Static analysistechniques attempt to identify malicious code by unpacking and disassembling(or decompiling) the specimen and looking into the resulting code. Contrar-ily, dynamic analysis seeks to identify malicious behaviors after deploying andexecuting the sample in a controlled and instrumented environment.

    Both static and dynamic analysis extract and analyze a number of featuresfrom the sample being scrutinized. In this regard, several techniques have beenproposed to assist the analyst in classifying the malware, including approachesbased on machine learning [24], data mining [25, 26], expert systems [27], andclustering [28]. We refer the reader to [14] for an excellent survey on automatedmalware analysis techniques.

    Malicious applications targeting smartphones, particularly Android OS,have rocketed over the last few years [2], evolving from relatively simple appscausing annoyance to complex and sophisticated pieces of code designed forprofit, sabotage or espionage [8]. Current trends in malware engineering sug-gest that malicious software will continue to evolve its sophistication [29], in partdue to the availability of reuse-oriented development methodologies. This is par-ticularly important when analyzingpiggyback attacks. In this regard, one of themost common distribution strategy for smartphone malware consists of repack-aging popular applications and distributing them through alternative marketswith additional malicious code attached (i.e., piggybacked) [19]. In Dendroid,these two properties are exploited to facilitate analysis and detection.

    A substantial number of research works have been recently proposed to en-hance malware detection and classification based on a variety of techniques [29].Static analysis techniques have recently gained momentum as efficient mecha-nisms for market protection; see, e.g., [30], [31], [32], [16], [33], [34], [35], and[36] to name a few. More precisely, researchers have explored different ways todetect piggybacked malware [37], [38], [39] by clustering malware instances introclasses according to some similarity dependencies. While early approaches usesyntactic analysis such as string-based matching [37], recent approaches elab-orate on semantic analysis [38], e.g., program dependency graphs, as they areresilient to code obfuscation. In this regard, Desnos [37] apply several com-pression algorithms to compute normalized information distances between twoapplications based on Kolmogorov complexity measurement. Their algorithmfirst identifies which methods are identical, and calculates the similarity of theremainder methods using Normalized Compression Distances (NCD). DNADroid

    [38] focuses on detecting cloned apps by comparing program dependency graphs(PDG) between methods, detecting semantic similarities through graph isomor-phisms. A system called DroidMOSS is proposed in [39] for detecting repack-aged applications based on a fuzzy hashing technique. Distinguishing featuresare extracted in the form of fingerprints and compared with other applications toidentify similarities. These features are computed by applying traditional hash


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    functions to pieces of code of variable size. The size of the pieces is boundedby smaller chunks of fixed size called reset points. A chunk is considered a

    reset point when the resulting hash is a prime number. Then, the edit dis-tance is calculated between two applications by comparing their fingerprints.Finally, authors in [40] present a system for detecting similar Android OSapplications. They propose an optimization strategy over the representation ofapps as an alternative to k-grams based on feature hashing. Feature hashingreduces the dimensionality of the data analyzed and, therefore, the complex-ity of computing similarities among their feature sets. In particular, they relyon the Jaccard similarity over the set of bit vectors representing each applica-tion. More recently, several other related works have studied different strategiesto recommend appropriateapps to users based on contextual preferences [41],which is particularly relevant due to a recent rise in the so-called grayware [8].

    Dendroid shares with some of these works the idea of finding a suitablerepresentation for pieces of code, in particular one that facilitates measuringsimilarities. However, our use of code structures at the method level is morefine grained, resulting very useful to tell apart new specimens from those that area minor variant of a known strand. Besides, by breaking samples into structuralcomponents we build a large database that can be mined with well-researchedtechniques such as those currently incorporated in Dendroid. Similarity, clas-sification, and hierarchical clustering rely on such structural information, whichis a major difference between our proposal and other existing approaches. Forexample, Hanna et al. [40] apply hierarchical clustering over thek-gram hashes(and pursuing goals different to ours), rather than on high-level representationof code structures.

    In other domains, many works have applied text mining and informationretrieval techniques for decision making and classification, such as for example

    [42] and [43]. Furthermore, recent approaches have also used text mining fordetecting similarities [44, 45]. To the best of our knowledge, Dendroid is thefirst attempt to apply text mining techniques over malicious code structures.

    6. Conclusions and Future Work

    In this paper, we have proposed a text mining approach to automaticallyclassify smartphone malware samples and analyze families based on the codestructures found in them. Our proposal is supported by a statistical analysis ofthe distribution of such structures over a large dataset of real examples. Ourfindings point out that the problem bears strong resemblances to some questionsarising in automated text classification and other information retrieval tasks. Byadapting the standard Vector Space Model commonly used in these domains,

    we have explored the suitability of such techniques to measure similarity amongmalware samples, and to classify unknown samples into known families. Our ex-perimental results suggest that this technique is fast, scalable and very accurate.We have subsequently studied the use of hierarchical clustering to derive dendo-grams that can be understood as phylogenetic trees for malware families. Thisprovides the analyst with a means to analyze the relationships among families,


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    the existence of common ancestors, the prevalence and/or extinction of certaincode features, etc. As discussed in this paper, automated tools such as these

    will be instrumental for analysts to cope with the proliferation and increasingsophistication of malware.

    The work presented in this paper can be improved and extended in a numberof ways. At the time of writing this, we are focussing our efforts in four mainworking directions:

    Address the dimensionality problem. Feature vectors eventually becomeunmanageably large as a consequence of extending the model with newcode structures. In classical text mining, this problem can be easily solvedby the so-called Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) [46]. Roughly speaking,LSA performs a singular value decomposition to identify a reduced setof dimensions (in our case, linear combinations of code structures) thatsuffice to model the population of instances.

    Study obfuscation strategies that seek to defeat classification by modifyingthe code structures of a malware instance while preserving its intendedpurpose (semantics).

    Enrich code structures with an associated semantic describing its func-tionality. This could automate even further the task of reasoning aboutthe goals, tactics, etc. of a piece of malicious software.

    Automated identification of countermeasures. If malware samplex can becounteracted by measure m and sample y is similar to x, there is chancethat countermeasures fory will be similar tom. Enriching code structureswith potential countermeasures would facilitate reasonings such as theone above and can be instrumental in scenarios where a rapid response isrequired, or just to assist the analyst in engineering solutions to thwart anewly found piece of malware.


    We are very grateful to Yajin Zhou and Xuxian Jiang from North CarolinaState University for providing us with access to the samples contained in theAndroid Malware Genome Project, which has been essential in this work.


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