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DEPARTURE DATE: THESUNTRIP …The arrival was in Astana, Kazakhstan, with Astana EXPO 2017 being the...

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WWW.THESUNTRIP .COM #SUNTRIP2015 @THESUNTRIP With DEPARTURE DATE: May 30, 2015 (Chambéry) June 6, 2015 (Milan EXPO 2015)



DEPARTURE DATE: May 30, 2015 (Chambéry)

June 6, 2015 (Milan EXPO 2015)


PAVILLON FRANCE - Milan EXPO 2015The French Pavillon will be partner of the Chambéry-Torino-Milan prologue , hosting our adventurers.

And also :

OFFICIAL START - Milan EXPO 2015The Sun Trip 2015 will depart from Milano (EXPO GATE) with the patronage of EXPO IN CITTA.

EXPO Milano 2015 is a global event that will attract over twenty million visitors in �ve months, with repre-sentants from about 100 countries all around the world.

PRE-DEPARTURE EVENT - EdisonOne of the the most important energy utility company on the planet. The pre-departure event (press conference and parade) will be organized with Edison «Expo in città», on friday June 5, 2015.

MAIN FRENCH PARTNER - EDFLike in 2013, a partnership is under discussion with EDF, one of the the most important energy utility company on the planet.

MAIN PARTER - EXPO 2016 AntalyaThe Sun Trip 2015 is proud the have a strong collaboration with EXPO 2016 Antalya Agency.

After Astana EXPO 2017 during the �rst editon, in 2015 our solar adventurers will promote the EXPO Turkish event, from Milan to Turkey.

BIKE COMMUNAUTIES - Cyclopride & Bisikletliler DernergiIn Milan Cyclopride communauty will organize a great parade of bike around our solar adventurers. In Turkey Bisikletliler will be part of the organisation, mobilizing its members all over the country.

The Sun Trip adventure

At �rst, it was only an idea crossing my traveller’s mind, then it became a dream, a goal and an international success. The Sun Trip was born in 2013 and for this second edition taking place in 2015, we aim at pushing the dream further and wider.

Participants to the �rst edition brought that concept to life, going from France to Kazakhstan, �nding on their way the attention and the support of the people they met.

At a rate of 200 or 100 km per day, whether they were racing or discovering, the pioneers of the Sun Trip demonstrated that it was possible and useful to travel with solar cycles. These innovative machines are paving the way for energy freedom, along the path of freedom of movement.

Carrying again that spirit of liberty without a constrained route, the Sun Trip adventure continues this year with 43 participants from fourteen di�erent countries.

We will organise a prologue to the adventure from France (Chambéry) and an o�cial start from Italy, Expo Milano 2015, in collaboration with the French Pavilion. The goal will be Turkey, with two chechpoins in EXPO 2016 Antalya and Kayseri.

This EXPO-to-EXPO project supported by the Bureau International des Expositions, aiming more than ever at starting a conversation with a large public, along the road separating the two cities, and beyond!

The adventure is just beginning !

Florian BaillySolar adventurer

Creator of the Sun TripDirector - Sun Trip Company

[email protected]





The Sun Trip team is pleased to introduce the Sun Trip 2015 participants! We recorded a hundred applications and �nally selected 43 pro�les. 14 countries are represented, with 35 men and 8 women (3 of them travelling in solo) aged from 18 to 75 years! 19% of the selected participants do not have any experience with long-distance bicycle travel, 47% already cycled some distance in the past and the remaining 35% are hardcore adventurers!


Solar pannels

Batteries and regulators

Electric motors

Solar pannels

Ultra-modern equipment, allowing to ride up to 300 km per day in total

energetic autonomy!


Adventurers who go to meet the people in a spirit of brotherhood and promotion of solar



Everywhere on the world, solar bikes create the event and attract the medias.


THE PROLOGUE SUN TRIP 2015Chambéry - St Jean de Maurienne - Turin - Pavillon France EXPO 2015

On Saturday, May 30, 2015, some participants will set o� for a prologue 300 km from Chambery (France) at 12.15 pm. They will stop in Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne for the �rst night.

On Sunday, May 31, they will cross the Mont Cenis pass (2 083 m) and will then stay in Turin (Italy), welcomed by the authorities of the city and remaining in the center on Monday June 1 (Piaca Del Castello) for demonstration and press meeting.

On tuesday June 2, the adventurers will make a break in Santhia, welcome by the Mayor.

They will arrive at Milano EXPO 2015, in collaboration with France Pavilion, on June 3.

This prologue will be made as a group, in a spirit of sharing and promoting solar cycles.

3 o�cials city stage :

Chambéry - St Jean de Maurienne - Turin

Des événements de dimension internationale à Milan



Mont Cenis - Dimanche 31 mai 2015


The Sun Trip 2015 will depart from World Expo Milano – (EXPO GATE-, Saturday June 6, 2015.

This 2015 edition will visit about 10 di�erent countries with a special focus on Turkey. A loop in a way or another !

The participants will have to go through checkpoints, in EXPO 2016 Antalya and Cappadocia, but they can choice their routes between them.

In any case, the distance will be around 7 000 km !

A o�cial press conference will be plan in Antalya.

BIE SUPPORT« I believe that The Sun Trip is a beautiful example of eco-friendly behaviour and of an “EXPO to EXPO” event that involves the public and promotes Expos and their principles of sustainability and respect for the environment.

Your last project of Sun Trip between Savoie in France and Astana was very successful anf generated enthusiasm among the public. I sincerely hope that this edition 2015 of Sun Trip will follow the same path and connect and bring our future Expos closer to each other.

Please rest assured of my support in this extraordinary endeavour».





Social Networks In The Real World

Live GPS Map

The Sun Trip Family


Designed in the spirit of a "Paris-Dakar" for the 21st century, the Sun Trip is a solar bicycles event that aims at using the latest connectivity technologies.


Our major success in 2013 – Astounding addictive


Oofficial website hosting the adventurers’ blogs, getting up to 10 000 visits per day in June-July 2013.

A great part of the adventure are

the links created between participants;

Our main challenge in 2015: improve the live sharing ability of our adventurers, connecting people with images.

Connectivity: making people meet on the road, stakeholders of the project and increasing its reputation.

Goals: "Tag Me" and snowball effects.





New in 2015, this communication tool will allow the public to follow the adventurers on the move.



- March 2014 Project launch (key points) and opening of participant registration.

- May - June 2014 First press release about Sun Trip 2015 « One year before ».

- September - October 2014 Presentation of the 43 selected parti-cipants and the Sun Trip 2015 route.

- Begining of 2015 Press presentation opportunity in Paris, in colla-boration with BIE and Pavilion France.

- Saturday May 30, 2015 Pre-departure of French participants in Chambéry (France) and Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne.

- Monday June 1, 2015 Special day of public communication in Turin.

- Tuesday June 2, 2015 Special day of public communication in Santhià.

- Wednesday June 3, 2015 Arrival of the prologue in Milan EXPO 2015, welcomed by Pavilion France.

- Friday June 5, 2015 Official presentation of The Sun Trip with Edison in city center and cyclo parade with Cyclopride.

- Saturday June 6, 2015 Official departure of Sun Trip 2015, in collaboration with Pavilion Italia and Turkey.

- End of June 2015 First arrivals in Antalya.

- Middle of July 2015 First arrivals in Milan at EXPO GATE Castello Sforzesco. .


- WEBSITE www.thesuntrip.com is already online, and receives visits from 134 countries worldwide since March 2014. The website will be translated in French, English and Russian. During the adventure, we can reach up to 10 000 visitors per day, like in our best moments in 2013. A great place of visibilty for our partners.

- MOBILE APPLICATION / CONNECTING IMAGES Something new in 2015 - A project to communicate better, in collaboration with a world leader in mobile telecoms.

- OFFICIAL JERSEY Worn by all participants, provided to media and partners. Logos of main partner and official partners will be present on the jersey.

- LOCAL DEPARTURES Many adventurers will organize pre-departure acti-vities from their hometown, which is an opportunity for visibility in local media. The official pre-departure event will take place in France, in Chambery, Savoie.

- OFFICIAL PAVILIONS COMMUNICATION On the site of Expo Milan, we can benefit from the media relay of the Italian, French and Kazakh Pavilion (partners), but also from each of the pavilions of countries represented on the adventure.

- DURING THE ADVENTURE All participants will be ambassadors of new energies, EXPO projects and of our partners in all country crossed, sponta-neously meeting the media and people. Organizors will facilitate those contacts.

« I believe that The Sun Trip is a beautiful example of eco-friendly behaviour and of an “EXPO to EXPO” event that involves the public and promotes Expos and their principles of sustainability and respect for the environment.

Your last project of Sun Trip between Savoie in France and Astana was very successful anf generated enthusiasm among the public. I sincerely hope that this edition 2015 of Sun Trip will follow the same path and connect and bring our future Expos closer to each other.

Please rest assured of my support in this extraordinary endeavour».

WORLD MEDIA MAPSun Trip 2013 in world media, from France to Kazakhstan.

A great succes for a �rst edition of an new kind of adventure,

obtained with a very limited communication budget.

Media report Sun Trip 2013

Kazakh MEDIA Sun Trip 2013 in Kazakh media, from Atyrau to Astana.

The communication in Kazakhstan was managed by Astana EXPO 2017.

SUn Trip 2015 already in media One year before the departure, the participants are already attracting media interest.

From France to China, The Sun Trip is makinng noise!

SunTrip2013 movie in conferenceSOver twenty projections in France and in the world.

In 2013, we created a brand new adventure: The Sun Trip – a solar bicycle rally gathe-ring 31 participants featuring six di�erent nationalities.

The departure was organized jointly with the National Institute for Solar Energy (INES) and the Savoy Department with the support of Hervé Gaymard, former Minis-ter of Economy.

The arrival was in Astana, Kazakhstan, with Astana EXPO 2017 being the main sponsor for the event.

On their way across Europe, from France to Kazakhstan, adventurers were proudly wearing the colors of EXPO 2017 - Future Energy.

The Sun Trip was also supported by EDF, one of the the most important energy utility company on the planet.






SUN TRIP COMPANY17 Av. du Lac Léman - BP 41173370 Le Bourget du Lac

[email protected]@thesuntrip.com/THESUNTRIP


