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Deploying PHP on PaaS: Why and How?

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Deploying PHP on PAAS: Why & How? Midwest PHP — March 2013, Minnesota
Page 1: Deploying PHP on PaaS: Why and How?

Deploying PHP on PAAS: Why & How?

Midwest PHP — March 2013, Minnesota

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Page 3: Deploying PHP on PaaS: Why and How?

Outline •  PHP deployment "back then"

o  a (biased) history

•  PHP deployment today o  unresolved issues

•  How PaaS can help o  any PaaS—not just dotCloud! ☺

•  How to help yourself with PaaS o  and make your lives (as developers) easier

•  What's next?

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Who am I? Who was I? •  Sysadmin in a (French) PHP shop

during the "dotcom bubble" (1999-2001)

•  What did it mean to "create a site?" o  Apache <VirtualHost> section o  FTP account o  MySQL database o  sendmail aliases (hellyeah!) o  DNS zone

•  What did it mean to "go to production?" o  Easy! Update the <VirtualHost>

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The awful truth •  Repetitive tasks are error-prone

o  Script everything!

•  Custom setups are error-prone o  Knowing where to differentiate is black magic

•  Moving development→production is easy o  Having development+production is hard

A production environment is a customized, repeat version of the development environment.

I don't see how anything could possibly go wrong.

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PaaS 2000: Account creation •  Summer 1999: Apache mod_vhost_alias

(Apache 1.3.7/1.3.9) o  Create a directory, boom, you're done!

•  April 1999: proftpd mod_mysql ("experimental and utterly undocumented") o  INSERT a user, boom, you're done!

•  Postfix virtual domains o  With all due respect, sendmail was creepy

•  BIND generic zones (PowerDNS later)

Bliss level: 9000!

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PaaS 2000: Go to production •  Move directories, rename users

o  Error prone!

•  Create a new, clean account; copy DB o  Different from the dev environment!

Whatever you do: if you push the wrong code to the wrong place, something hits the fan.

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PaaS 2000: Musings with SQLite •  In May 2000, two great things happen:

PHP4 and SQLite.

•  Deployment of simple PHP apps is easy: Just upload the code. No DB creation.

•  Migration of said PHP apps is easy: Just copy the code (and the .db file).

•  As long as you have this non-standard PHP. •  And you don't mind blewing up the DB.

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PaaS 2000: It's Web Scale!

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PaaS 2000: It's Web Scale!

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PaaS 2000: It's Web Scale!

•  No load balancer yet, DNS round robin o  Then HAProxy arrived, and Nginx, and F5...

•  Files (PHP and static assets) over NFS o  Today, we could talk about GlusterFS, S3...

•  User accounts shared with NIS o  LDAP is the new cool (... kind of)

•  MySQL: no replication yet o  But if you like, we can talk about 3-way multi-master

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PaaS 2000: The Downfall "We need this Java thing" •  mod_jk, mod_jserv, mod_ajp, ... "And media streaming, too" •  realserver, ...

Those things were changing quickly. We needed test environments. Virtualization wasn't there yet. ☹

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Let's talk about you!

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Let's talk about you! Please raise your hand if you... •  Write PHP code? •  Use (mainly) FTP to deploy? •  Use SCP/rsync/similar to deploy? •  Use capistrano/fabric/similar to deploy? •  Deploy to a PaaS? •  Deploy to something else? •  Always use a staging environment? •  Have a clean staging→production workflow?

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What I do today •  Server-whisperer for dotCloud

o  ...Among other things

•  Tackling the PaaS challenge again o  development→production workflow o  deployment should be as easy as "upload, done!" o  ... even when $language  !=  "php"  

•  Trying to steal NetBSD's motto o  "Of course it runs on dotCloud"

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Waitaminute... What's a PaaS?

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Waitaminute... What's a PaaS?

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running apps beefy servers

A large

Waitaminute... What's a PaaS?

The Great Internet

Load balancer Load balancer

number of


Tools: CLI, API...

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PaaS: What's the point? (1/5)

Deploying new environments ...

•  It's fast! o  In minutes, you have your whole stack,

complete with DB, memcached, bells & whistles o  Cool to test some now code o  Or to deploy older code to find regressions

•  It's cheap! o  On most PaaS, development = free

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PaaS: What's the point? (2/5)

Leverage git, hg, ...

•  If you don't know git, I beg you to attend Mike Stowe's talk in Room 62 at 10:30am!

•  Keep all versions of your code, ever; go back to any of them

•  Redeploy the exact version which was online last week before that horrible bug happened

•  Compare conversion rates on two variants of your site

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PaaS: What's the point? (3/5)

Someone else takes care of ...

•  Optimizing your stack (≠code) o  Crafting that crazy Nginx/PHP-FPM setup o  Lower memory footprint o  Better performance (APC...)

•  Upgrading your stack o  Watch security disclosure mailing lists o  Roll out performance and security updates o  Give you new versions of PHP, MySQL, etc.

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PaaS: What's the point? (4/5)

Comprehensive HTTP routing

•  Attach/detach domains (virtualhosts) o  Easy transitions to new versions

(And you keep the old version around)

•  Get nice metrics o  Request rate, error rate, latency o  (See screenshots!)

•  WebSocket support o  And other languages as well

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PaaS: What's the point? (5/5)

Be Web Scale!

•  Scale horizontally and vertically o  horizontally = more servers o  vertically = bigger servers

•  Reliability o  horizontal scaling for web tier o  replication for database tier

→ Deploy to the Cloud

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PaaS: What's the point? (5/5)

Be Web Scale!

•  Scale horizontally and vertically o  horizontally = more servers o  vertically = bigger servers

•  Reliability o  horizontal scaling for web tier o  replication for database tier

→ Deploy to the Cloud without the hassle

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How to deploy PHP to PaaS

Note: my example will use dotCloud. But the principle is the same on any PAAS.

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Deployment example: Symfony2 "KnpIpsum"

Original code:https://github.com/KnpLabs/KnpIpsum  

dotCloudized version:https://github.com/jpetazzo/KnpIpsum/tree/dotcloud  

(Make sure you use the "dotcloud" branch)

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To the Cloud, and beyond! 0: setup environment

•  Create (free) account on www.dotcloud.com •  Install Python (!) •  pip  install  dotcloud  •  dotcloud  setup(Asks for login+password)

(Note: web-based push is →← that close)

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To the Cloud, and beyond! 1: dotcloud.yml  

•  The app is described by a small YAML file

www:      type:  php      approot:  web  mongodb:      type:  mongodb  mysql:      type:  mysql  

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To the Cloud, and beyond! 2: dotCloud+Symfony2

•  dotCloud has Symfony2 docs •  The docs tell us we need a nginx.conf file •  That's because most people deploy

Symfony2 on Apache + mod_php •  Symfony2 apps typically ship .htaccess  file •  We need the equivalent of that file

→ Drop nginx.conf file in the web directory.

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To the Cloud, and beyond! 3: application specifics

•  README says to run a few manual steps:bin/vendors  install  php  app/console  doctrine:database:create  php  app/console  doctrine:schema:create  

•  We will put those steps in a postinstall script (that's just a shell script called "postinstall"), and the postinstall script will be executed automatically when we deploy

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To the Cloud, and beyond! 4: deploy application

$  dotcloud  create  symfonipsum  [...]  $  dotcloud  push  ==>  Pushing  code  with  rsync  from  "./"  to  application  symfonipsum  building  file  list  ...  done  

[...uploading...]  [...and  a  couple  of  minutes  later...]  14:38:10.312838:  -­‐-­‐>  Application  (symfonipsum)  fully  installed  ==>  Application  is  live  at  http://symfonipsum-­‐skaya.dotcloud.com  

But of course, it doesn't work: we never configured the database host/port/etc.

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To the Cloud, and beyond! 5: configure database

•  Find out database information:

$  dotcloud  info  mysql  



   ssh:      ssh://mysql@symfonipsum-­‐skaya.azva.dotcloud.net:12345  

   mysql:  mysql://root:XXX@symfonipsum-­‐skaya.azva.dotcloud.net:23456  

•  Edit app/config/config.yml, update host/port/login/password

•  Push again

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Quick break: "The Twelve Factor App"

•  http://www.12factor.net/ •  http://www.12factor.net/config •  "Store config in the environment"

o  App config = everything that is likely to vary between deploys (staging, production, developer env., etc.)

o  Includes: database/memcached access information, credentials to external services (Twitter, S3...)

o  Storing config as constants in the code is wrong! Please don't do it!

o  A good test: can you open source the code without compromising any credential?

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To the Cloud, and beyond! 5bis: configure database

•  dotCloud will put all information in two files: o  ~/environment.json  o  ~/environment.yml  

•  We do the following changes: o  Update postinstall to generate ~/symfony.yml (using the

information in environment.json) o  Update app/config/config.yml to import ~/symfony.yml  

•  Push again

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To the Cloud, and beyond! 6: Multiplicate the Loaves

$  dotcloud  create  ipsumdev  $  dotcloud  push  [...]  

$  dotcloud  create  symfonymongotest  $  dotcloud  push  [...]  

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To the Cloud, and beyond! 7: Go live!

$  dotcloud  create  ipsumprod  -­‐f  live  

$  dotcloud  push  

$  dotcloud  scale  db:instances=2  

$  dotcloud  scale  www:memory=800M  

$  dotcloud  domain  add  www  www.loremipsum.com  

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Drawbacks of PaaS •  One-time initial investment (small)

o  Get familiar with the CLI, tools...

•  Per-app initial investment (variable) o  Inject configuration variables o  Rework your app "for the Cloud" (when needed) o  Meddle Not In The Affairs Of Wizards!

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Page 42: Deploying PHP on PaaS: Why and How?

Drawbacks of PaaS •  One-time initial investment (small)

o  Get familiar with the CLI, tools...

•  Per-app initial investment (variable) o  Inject configuration variables o  Rework your app "for the Cloud" (when needed) o  Meddle Not In The Affairs Of Wizards!

•  Higher apparent cost o  PaaS hosting can be 4x-10x more expensive o  Comes with 24x7 ops team, scaling, support o  Current PaaS don't leverage cheap hosts yet

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One more (semi-) Drawback of PaaS

•  "dotcloud  run" (SSH access) doesn't work on the WiFi access in this conference!

•  But we're working on that... (WebSocket tunneling of SSH)

•  And you can't access your server, neither. (Unless you have a cunning VPN; OpenVPN running on 443/tcp anyone?)

•  Meawhile, you can still push to dotCloud! Yaaay!

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Future of PaaS •  PaaS on your servers / local machine

•  PaaS on a wide range of platforms (from cheap entry-level to high-end SSD)

•  Support for more languages & databases

•  Support for more frameworks

•  More integration with 3rd parties (e.g. github)

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Thank you! Questions? @jpetazzo [email protected]


Slides deck: http://goo.gl/jZwdC

Feedback: http://joind.in/8217

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Thank you! Questions?
