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Depression, Reaction and the Return of World War

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Depression, Reaction and the Return of World War. How did a world order devoted to peace in 1920 become engulfed in the world’s worst war?. Objectives. How did the results of World War I leave some countries bitter and unsatisfied with the international order? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Depression, Reaction and the Return of World War How did a world order devoted to peace in 1920 become engulfed in the world’s worst war?

Depression, Reaction and the Return of World War

Depression, Reaction and the Return of World WarHow did a world order devoted to peace in 1920 become engulfed in the worlds worst war?ObjectivesHow did the results of World War I leave some countries bitter and unsatisfied with the international order?How and why would Italy abandon democracy for ultra-nationalistic right wing dictatorship? How did Italy become the model for Germany by 1933?Why did Japan turn to ultra-nationalistic militarism in the 1930s? How did this conflict with Americas position in the Pacific?How did Germany turn to an ultra-nationalist dictatorship under Hitler and the Nazi party?How did German right wing nationalism work against the Jewish population of that country?How did American isolationism and European appeasement support the rise of militarized dictatorships?The BIG PictureThis lecture focuses on World History since these events would draw America into World War IIFollowing World War I, some of the victor nations were left too weak to maintain their position while defeated nations were too bitter to accept the terms of peaceWar debts and reparations were lingering problems in international relations following World War IThe Depression had a catastrophic effect on many nations that would promote the support of militarized dictatorshipsThe 1930s can be compared to a gathering storm as the world moved to war. Attempts to disarm and promote peace rapidly failed though the 1930sThe Brutality of Equality: Stalin and The Soviet UnionJosef Stalin leads USSR following death of Lenintoo brutal to rule.Forces Soviet farmers into collectivesUsed starvation to force obedienceMurdered opponentsWhen one person dies, it is a tragedy, when a million people die, it is a statistic.May have been responsible for death of 30 million Soviet citizensHatred of Communism united right wing governments

Germany after VersaillesRight Wing Ultra NationalismRight wingFar right of political spectrumFocus on the individuals duty to the stateLittle interest in the rights of the individualNationalist dictatorshipNationalismA focus or devotion to the interests and identity of the nationUltra-nationalism buries the interest of the individual to serve the interests of the state and often promotes military solutions in foreign relationsRight wing dictatorships saw left wing Communists as the great evil and Democracies as weak and unfocusedMussolinis Fascist Italy: A Model of a Right Wing Ultra-Nationalist StateItaly was weak and divided in spite of being on the winning side of World War ICommunists promoted the end of capitalism and class identity (rather than Italian nationalism) as the future for Italys peopleItalian capitalists turn to a former socialist Benito Mussolini to restore orderMussolini impresses the public with large flashy shows of power (militarism), nationalism, public symbolism and fiery speeches- paramilitary BlackshirtsTakes on title Il Duce (the leader)Il Duce seeks to rebuild the Roman Empire and restore Italian prideThe Italian king asked Mussolini to form a government for Italy in 1922-Following Mussolinis threatened march on Rome Restore discipline and order at the expense of individual rightsA look at MussoliniAn American newsreel that examines Mussolini from 1935A look at Mussolinis speech 1934He is actually talking against Germany who he fears as gaining too much power and influenceHis hate and fear of France (shared with Hitler) would eventually bring about the Axis alliance of 1936Hitler was leading a political party with 20 members when Mussolini was inspiring right wing dictatorship in Italy Hitler was watching with great interest!The Theatre of Fascism in Italy

Hitler and the Rise of National Socialism in Germany: The Right TimeThe shock of World War I generated bitter resentment in GermanyAccept full responsibility for World War IForced to pay crippling reparations to AlliesLost sizable parts of territoryOccupied and demilitarizedShocks to national pride played well to the efforts of ultra-nationalist groups to restore German greatnessAustrian-born German Corporal Adolf Hitler one of many who refuse to accept defeat in World war IHitler back in the day

Hitler promoted the idea that Germanys surrender was a stab in the back by Jews and Communists in BerlinSome General Observations about the Early NAZI PartyThe Nazi Party began as a small group of frustrated soldiers who felt that Germany was being held back from its glorious destinyThe Nazi Party grew most powerful when civil and economic order broke down, especially after the Depression hitHitler and some Nazis attempted to overthrow the state of Bavaria- failed and he went to jail in 1924- imitating Mussolinis march on Rome

General Principles of the Nazi PartyUltra-NationalismFanatic devotion to German heritagePseudo-scientific application of Darwinism with Germans as the master race- social DarwinismJews considered defilers of the raceMilitarismBreak the yoke of the Treaty of VersaillesRebuild the military to support Germanys rightful place in the world- expand German living space to the eastSocialism- Take control of the economy to support the interests of the stateHitler wrote about his vision for Germany while in jail in 1923 where he wrote Mein Kampf

Nazi PoliticsThe Nazi Party was one of over a dozen political parties fighting to control the German Reichstag (Parliament) in the late 1920s Party grows in power following the Depression1928- 12 seats in Reichstag 1933- 288- Nazi party turned to the political process to rise to power- message of national pride and redemption grew popularNazi paramilitary forces SA (Storm Troopers) intimidated enemies and managed discipline at Nazi ralliesRallies were impressive displays of military discipline and German nationalism

Coming to PowerNazi candidates became the largest party in Reichstag by the end of 1932German President and war hero Paul Von Hindenburg asked Hitler to become chancellor (prime minister) Jan 1933Reichstag burned down 27 February- Nazis blame the Communists and request extraordinary powers to save the nationReichstag votes overwhelmingly to give Hitler the power of dictatorNazis make other political parties illegal and the Nazi party infiltrates most every institution of GermanyConsolidating Power 1933-1934Hindenberg dies in 1934 and Hitler declared Fuhrer (Leader)Hitler refers to this new government as The Third Reich (Third State) that would last 1000 yearsHe was connecting his vision of Germany to its history.He overestimated the lifespan of his Reich by 988 yearsWithout legal opposition, Hitler and the Nazi Party would craft Germany into a right wing ultra-nationalist militarized stateReplaces the Nazi SA with Hitlers own personal bodyguard (The SS) Germans to pledge loyalty to Hitler (not nation or constitution)Fascist LeadershipHitler was aware that emotion was more powerful than reason in his public appearancesGreat efforts were made to inspire friends and cower opponentsPropaganda and public policy supported the cult of the FuhrerNazi Fascist Theatre

The Success of FascismHitler and Mussolini could point to real success in their countries to 1939Hitlers pump priming (70% for military spending) would end the Depression in GermanyImpressive public works became the envy of the world- Berlin Olympics of 1936The theatre of Fascism in Italy restored order and national pride in ItalyMany inside and outside fascist nations saw this as the new wave of modern governmentA strong stand against communismDemocracies as tired and weakMany supporters in America!Ultra-nationalist fascist states use scapegoats to place blame for the problems suffered by citizensNazis identified Jews and Communists as the cause of Germanys failures in the past19

20Nazi Laws Against the JewsAnti-Semitism- attitudes, beliefs and policies directed against Jewish peopleIn 1935, the Nazis instituted a series of laws that defined and limited the rights of Jews in GermanyLegal restrictions against Jews continued to grow. By 1942, Jewish residents were concentrated in government run work camps in occupied PolandChart on left shows how Jewish heritage is defined. Picture shows fear of Jews breeding with Aryan (German) women.Supported by education (propaganda) and German history

21Hitlers Anti-Semitism: In a nutshell"I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.." Hitler, Mein Kampf

German anti-Semitic Policies up to World War IIAnti- Semitism was a central pillar of the Nazi PartyA scapegoat and targetIdentification and isolation(1935)Nuremberg laws deny Jews citizenship rightsForbid Jews and Germans from marriageExcluded from professionsPersecution and ConcentrationKristallnacht- Night of the Broken Glass- Nation-wide attack against Jewish institutions 9-10 November 1938Jewish populations to wear identificationJewish populations concentrated where they can be controlledExtermination of Jewish populations begins in earnest after the outbreak of warThe Gathering Storm in EuropeHitler broke the Treaty by 1936Did so one peace at a timeAllies did little to stop himAlliance with Italy in 1936 (Rome-Berlin Axis)Worked with Italy to support a fascist revolution in Spain 1936-1939Democracies did nothing to Support Spain against the FascistsA testing ground for Axis military strategyAnnexed Austria in March 1938 Germany and Italy by 1938Hitler claimed every annexation of territory would be his lastConvenient for western democracies to sacrifice the east to placate Hitler

Neutrality, Appeasement and the AxisAmerican neutrality laws tightened by Congress in 1935Limited Americas engagement in Europe and the PacificBritish and French feared another war with GermanyAccepted Germanys demands as reasonableAppeasement- yielding to aggression to keep peaceHitler gambled that Britain and France would not risk war over CzechoslovakiaHe was right- Britain and France yielded to German claims for part of Czechoslovakia at Munich ConferenceGermany took the remained of that country the following springGermany takes huge amounts of territory without firing a shot!A claim on Poland in September 1939 would start the war in EuropeA Brief Look at Japanese Militarism: The OriginsJapan had accumulated a small empire by the end of World War IThe Depression his Japan with a vengeanceShowed economic weakness of JapanWages dropped 50% as did tradeUltra-nationalist societies argued that military conquest would put Japan in its rightful place in the world- self sufficiency Ultra-nationalist secret society assassinates moderate political leadersMilitary would have growing influence in government

A Brief look at Japanese Militarism: The ActionsIn 1931 the Japanese military attacks Chinese forces in ManchuriaClaim to be protecting a Japanese-owned railway that was bombed.Bomb was placed by Japanese nationalistsLeague of Nations demanded Japan leave ManchuriaJapan left the League of NationsJapanese forces attack Chinese forces near Beijing in summer of 1937The beginning of the Pacific warJapanese attack of China matches any attack for its brutality30The Rape of Nanking: (1937): An Example of Japanese Brutality in ChinaAfter fall of city Japanese troops engage in a 6 week brutalizing of military and civilian population200,000 killed20,000 women systematically raped and mutilatedConsidered a war crime in 1946

The World in the Summer of 1939Japan was deep into a bloody war in ChinaGermany and Italy expanding at minimum costBritain and France preparing for a war they fear while Germany needs warHitlers advisors predict a recesson without war by fall 1939America committed to neutrality
