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State of Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mi neral Technology DEPTH TO RIVER GRAVEL TEMPE QUADRANGLE, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT The <lnClent and modern deposit" crttilled by a stream are of graal Ill lersst 10 land-use plllnnarn, as well as a guide to Interpret geologiC history The deposits 01 the Salt Rive, COIIS !!':t or alternating layers of rounded cabbies Igrealar than BO mm In diamet er ), gravel 12 to SO mm) , sand m 05 to 2 mml , Silt 1000210 0,05 mm) , and clay (less then 0 002 mml' Not only ere there f'aquenl vertica l variations In gram S1 2e, but there are also lateral variatiOns The coarser material IS depoSIted as bedlood In Ihe channels, whlll'aas Ihe Silt and clay accumulate as overbank depOSits on the floodp lain As t ho channel becomes choked w,th cobbl es and gr avl:!l, the straam gladua ll y sh ifts, depositing COll rser bedloed over pr eviously deposited f'no-g r: : ll ncd xd lmenll; In tll rn , Silt and clay sl owly accumulate over the send and grevel of the IIbandoned channel As the IIvor swmgs from Side to Side across the va lley, sand and grevel beds record Its ancient courses The modern Sliit River IS il tYPIG;)1 b,;:r ldod stroam m an arid environment. To mterpret t he distribution of sand and gre vel depOSits. It IS neceSS(l ry to understand the process es of dP.PO'il tIOi l and erosion presently occulTIng in the Selt River, and to assume that the conditions of climate, sediment load, and discharge were Similar In the past A braided stream IS one that diVides Into several channels w hich SlJccBSslvely meet and r&dlvlde. The Interwoven channels diverge around I sla nds 01 mrd·channelgravel bars, wh ich separate the at low flow but are often submerged at high flow large braldoo nvers me ch.. racten2ed by Wide channels, rapid shl lt mg of bed malerlal, end continuous shiftmQ of the positIOn of t he r!VeI course Straams ale constantly adjustIng to create a balance between erosion and depOSition As tho banks 01 the river art:! 91 0ded, depoSition occu rs downstream The largest particles are the first t o be deposned since thoy arc the meSI difficult to I/ ansport VelOCities reqUired to keep lar ge par- t icles in mot ion ere less then those reqU ir ed to I"(llllltl(lte movemeni llfter th ll particles hav9 COlll9 to rest Once concentrated, l ar ge panlctes act as a locus for continued depos,lIon . As tllC dcposlt grows surfaceward, the currenl lS deflected against the Sides of the channal, causing soounng 01 tha banks and enlargement of the cross·sectlonal area of the stream As a result, the weter surface becomes Incraaslllgly sllall ow (I ller the mid-channel bar, and deposition of f lner-\;)ralned se diment oceurs Vegelatlon (Ivontually covers and the bar as It emerges as an Island Rivers In flood exhibit tremendous er odln\;) and transporting ebi ll ties, During flood st age tho,o 's [l accretion of sedlmenl As the waters fiSC, velocll185 increase, and abundanl Sedl ment IS picked up and comed <.Il ong Whoo the river overtops the channel, th ere IS a rapid spreedlng out of the weter. wi th en ImmOOl1lte decrease .n veloclly, ,esultlng III tim dcpo';ltlon of the coarsesl material: grevel and cobbles, In the channel, end sand across t he fIoodpkll n A.; t oo wate rs continue to rrse, velocities again il'lCrease, CIIU91ng local scour of t he newly depOSit ed sediments. DUling the fal li ng stages of the flood the velocity greduelly decreese9, resulting m so.llng 01 th e sedIments Silt IS depOSi t ed across tr,e floodplOlln, and clay eventually settl es out of standing water, usually In depr e5S la'llj The ba lance of erosler; and deposition In a stream ,ystem doss not r6ffillin constanl through time On some occasions dissection ldegradation) has been promlnant throughout the Sa lt RI VIl I sysie,,', wl" le (hiring othe, times all uv13110n (aggradation) has proceeded, Although changes In climate or veg(ltallve cover am cummonly responS lbta 10r a change m Sheam reg lman, lOClonlc doform;;llon IS i1 ssoe'''too With "helng"" In t ha S.,II River Alluvl(ll terraces result from shflilm erosion and are formed w hen a river cuts Into the floodplain wh ich It had deposited preViously A tcr r<JCIl conSists of a lIat am..'! or bench boullded by a front and back scarp Il lS above the present stream so ri ver no longer flows IIcross It In the case of extremely large floods, The ,erraces of the Sel t Ri ver In Ihe Tempe Quadrangle are alluvial terraces meamng they occur on both sides of the modern c ha nnel and are C\lt Into the ri ver's own depoSits There are f our terraces racognl 2ed along the Salt River, three of which extend mto Ihe Tempe Quadrangle The lowest terrace, the l ehl Terrace, IS only 5 ft (1,5 m) above the dry nver bed nea r Tllmj:M!, and ri ses to 20 11 16 ml above the "Vilr 25 miles 140 2 km) upstream. A higher terraco, the Bl ue POlllt Terrace, IS UOlloc{)(Jrll l. ed In ti llS q\ladrangle The mOSI prcmlnant terrar:e IS t he old and dissected Mesa Terraco It IS 10 to 15 ft (3 to 4 5 m) above tho dry river bed al Tempe, and extends toward Stewart Mountain Dam, wh ere It IS 220 ft (66 m) above tho nvor, and eastward towa rd Roosevelt Dam where It is more than 300 ft ( 90 m) above the river. The oldest <.Ind highest terrace the Sawlk Terrace IS the most fragmentary, It 16 about 45 ft (13,5 m ) above tl1f.J river III Scottsdaic, where II bulled ullder alluvial fan depOSits from Camelback Mountain and the McDowell Moumli ins (sec GI-2-DI The terraces suggest a ponochc ,eglonal uplift of the mountains to the north end east, wh ich would cause rejuvenati on In the upper parts of the dra inage basin and Increased all\lVlaliOn in the lower partS, In this way the terreces come together nl:l8r the centar of th l:! baSl1l (GI-2·G) which IS s\lbsld ing rela l lve to the upli fting moun· Hllns, Within the TOIl1IJC almdr.IJlglf> some galloralizatlons can be made concerning the dlstubu \Ion of Sell River Sand and Gravel Nem the scarp of t he terrac(!S tho doplil t o 91(1 ... el IS very shallow, for erOSion has removed the overlying SIlt to expose th e gra vel benellth The depth to gravel Increases awa y from the modem channel, as the gl"8vel becomes buried by overbank silt of the fiver, alluvlat fan depO Sits h om the surrounding mountains, and t he tons of wind- blown dl,lst that are deposlled annually ' ll the v(lIl"'Y T he depth to r!VIII daposlts 01 sand and gravel Incraases more rapid ly than the "SO In the surface topograpl,y away h om the rlvel How can tha older, higher terra ce depOSits be l OWEr In elevation thon the modern chann el depoSits? The explana tl(l'1 IS thllt the basin Is s\lbsldlng toward the south and we sl In tha southwest patl 01 the quadlongic the depth to gravel Incraases very rapidly as alluvium from South Mountelns 15 C(l",ed out ilI al depOSl tad over the river sediments Some bUrial of the Mesa and Sawlk Terrace gravels has been achieved by the dist al eo(is of allUVial fans from the McDowe ll Mounlams and Camelback Mou n taln However, bunal alone connot expl ain tha anomalous dept h to gravel west of Indian Bend 'Nesh It is probeble t ha i at some time m tho post, Ind ia n Bond Wash occupi ed a cllil "' 1IJI "OlJlfl what to the west of t he prese nt locetlon At that time the wash was a degradmg strcom and In Clsp.d a doop channel into the Sa lt Alvei gravel s. ThiS channel was subsequently filled With fi ne grmned Silt depoSits by the wash Itsell River depOSits defi ni tely do not eXist on or under the bedrock end calichlfred co ll UViu m lGI 2 A B, C) However, there remams a questionable araa where, according to available subsurface date, nver gtllvel was never deposlt(!(J Sand and gravel ara a valuable materia l resource, 8nd may 00 l,I sefcl e9 decorative stone, conclele aggl egate, road construction material and fill metettal, depending on the g ra m size distributi on and t ho devalopmont of caliche. The gravel of the Mesa end Sawrk Terraces IS w ell cellchlfled lit or ne(lr the su rface wh m" (l " Ihe younger lehl gravel has weak to no caliche develop· ment IGI·2- G) Althou gh deeply burled and C<l IIGlufled gravel may nol be economl Gal ln term5 of quarrymg, these depoSits prOVide excellent foundation stability for mu ltlstorled bU il dings Anot hel value of these permaable river depoSIts IS that they prOVide a netu rel recepllcal for runoH Vill dry Willis IGI-2 J, Th iS mllp w as p re p' JJlld from 01 data from vaJl ous sO\lrces mcludlng U.S Geo· logical Survev well records the 'Ites of McGuc km Drilling Company, OUi own d ri lling prOlect per fo rmed In cooperallon With Allzona Deoartment of a nd on Slt P. IIlSper.llon of numarDUS dunng the past '20 years, SELECTED RE FER ENCES Bruck, G. R. , Jorden, M, S , and T. l, 1982, EnVironmen ta l geology uf the Guada lupe Quadran gle, M aricopa County, Anzona, Plate 8, Depth to Ri ver Gravel City of f emr Je IBpott, 1 sheet, 1 24,000 Lee, W T 1905 Underground WOlte,,, 01 the Sail River Va ll ey U S Geological Survey Water Supp ly end ir ri gation Paper No 136. 196 p Leopold, L, B.. Wolman, M G, and Miller, J P 1964, FlUVial pror.csscs 111 geomorphology Vii H. Freeman and Co. , Sen Fra nCISco 522 P MOrlEav..a, M , 1 9613, Streams, Their dynami CS and morphology McGraw Hili Book Co Nfl". York, 175 p PowO, T L , 1978, Terraces of the lower Salt River Valley In relation to t he lete Ceno20ic history of the Phooolx Bt,,,,, ,, A" 7UII;] m Burl, 0 M., and P awli , T l. , GU idebook to the gaology of Centlal Ari20 na ArlZonll Bure-du of Geology and Minera i Technology, SpeCial Paper No 2, p, 1-45 Th is map Involves a general evaluallon on a br oa d sc ale and does not preclude the necessity of site Investigat IOn. grade diVISions accord in g to US Department of Agriculture and SOil SClsnllsls Society of Amorrcu. DO 140 o "9 A- B EXPLANATION o tu 5 feat (0 to 1 5 metars ) of fme- grelned allUVi um over river gravel G indicates gravel at sur- f ace. 5 to 15 fee l (1 5 to 4 5 maters) of f lne-gramed allUVium over Jl v er gravel 15 to 20 feet 14 .5 to 6,0 metersl of 1 1"0 warned all\lvlum over fiver gravel 20 to 30 1ee l (6 to 9 metersl of flne-gramed alluvium over river gravel Greater th an 30 foct 19 met ers) 01 fine-gramed elluvium over river gravel Modern channel, sand and gravel gene rally at the surface Gravel not pr8gent undel or \lpon be drock end callchlfied collu- ViUm, Quesl,o Jl alole are(l, available data md'catcs that Salt River never flowed here Data point, depth to gravel given m feet Plus symbol means no "V(JJ U'dvel \· ... il9 enGountered to depth indicated Cross-section FEET ----- BA SE MA P FROM U S GEOLOGICAL SURVEY TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 1 24000 SERIES TEMPE QUADRANGLE (1952 PHDTOReVISED 19671 Additional revisions compiled by the Geol og ical SUIVay from aellal photographs taken 1978 and other sources ThiS IIlfU rrllut,un no t I lCld checked. Map edited 1 982, A Eleve tlo n in feet 1300 IDE A LIZED CROSS· SE CTIONS Elevetlon In feet 1250 1150 1100 c SHOWING DEPTH TO RIVER GRAV EL VERTICAL EXAGGERA TI ON - ax ovcrhank Si lt o ElevlltlOn In feet 1200 T1 00 Cathy S. Wellendorf James T. Bales Troy L. Pew!! Department of Geol0l:lY Arizona State University 1986 Prepared in cooperation with the cities of Tempe, Scottsdale, and Phoenix, and the Arizona State Land Department * , ·0 " I \ I / I D' 0 ' 31 I 1 23 t "'ILS LJT "' GRIO "' NO 1 98 2 MiII,(l NETtC NQRTH OeCLINATION AT CENTER Of SHEET 12 '11 SCALE 124000 CON TOUR INTERVAL 10 FEET OATU M IS MEA N SEA LEVE L Mode- rn ,h almel of th e- Salt E South Moun l alnS GrllnodlOfite F II ,-- - Geologic Investigation Series Map GI-2-H 33°30 G , ' B .. ,It_ SGott.taht ';,. I;: '1 , S"".r o ritullOn ::;' 1'0'11'= -=-" 10 Mlle. , 000 FEET III 05 2'30" -- II 18 07 z o Q Z "06 l' 05 T" T HI 2/ ' 30" IN
Page 1: DEPTH TO RIVER GRAVEL TEMPE QUADRANGLE, MARICOPA …repository.azgs.az.gov/sites/default/files/dlio/... · spreedlng out of the weter. with en ImmOOl1lte decrease .n veloclly, ,esultlng

State of Arizona Bureau of Geology and M ineral Technology



The <lnClent and modern deposi t" crttil led by a stream are of graal Ill lersst 10 land-use plllnnarn, as well as a guide to Interpret geologiC history The deposits 01 the Salt Rive, COIIS!!':t or alternating layers of rounded cabbies Igrealar than BO mm In diameter ), gravel 12 to SO mm), sand m 05 to 2 mml, Silt 1000210 0,05 mm), and clay (less then 0 002 mml' Not only ere there f'aquenl vertica l variations In gram S12e, but there are also lateral variatiOns The coarser materia l IS depoSIted as bedlood In Ihe channels, whlll'aas Ihe Silt and clay accumulate as overbank depOSits on the floodplain As tho channel becomes choked w,th cobbles and gravl:!l, the straam gladua lly sh ifts, depositing COllrser bedloed over previously deposited f'no-gr::llncd xdlmenll; In t l l rn , Silt and c lay slowly accumulate over the send and grevel of the IIbandoned channel As the IIvor swmgs from Side to Side across the va lley, sand and grevel beds record Its ancient courses

The modern Sliit Rive r IS il tYPIG;)1 b,;:r ldod stroam m an arid environment . To mterpret t he distribution of sand and grevel depOSits. It IS neceSS(l ry to understand the processes of dP.PO'iltIOil and erosion presently occulTIng in the Selt River, and to assume that the conditions of climate, sediment load, and discharge were Similar In the past A braided stream IS one that diVides Into several channels w hich SlJccBSslvely meet and r&dlvlde. The Interwoven channels diverge around Islands 01 mrd·channelgravel bars, which separate the fI~r at low flow but are often submerged at high flow large braldoo nvers me ch .. racten2ed by Wide channels, rapid shlltm g of bed malerlal, end continuous shiftmQ of the positIOn of the r!VeI course

Straams ale constantly adjustIng to create a balance between erosion and depOSition As tho banks 01 the river art:! 91 0ded, depoSit ion occurs downstream The largest particles are t he first t o be deposned since thoy arc the meSI dif ficult to I/ansport VelOCit ies reqUired to keep large par­t icles in motion ere less t hen those reqU ired to I"(llllltl(lte movemeni llfter th ll part icles hav9 COlll9 to rest Once concentrated, large panlctes act as a locus for continued depos,lIon. As t llC dcposlt grows surfaceward, the currenl lS deflected against the Sides of the channal, causing soounng 01 tha banks and enlargement of the cross·sectlona l area of the stream As a result, the weter surface becomes Incraaslllgly sllallow (Iller the mid-channel bar , and deposition of f lner-\;)ralned sediment oceurs Vegelatlon (Ivontually covers and stab'''~as the bar as It emerges as an Island

Rivers In flood exh ibit tremendous erodln\;) and transporting ebillties, During flood stage tho,o 's [l vertl~ 1 accretion of sedlmenl As the waters fiSC, velocll185 increase, and abundanl Sedl ment IS picked up and comed <.Il ong Whoo the river overtops the channel, there IS a rapid spreedlng out of the weter. w ith en ImmOOl1lte decrease .n velocl ly, ,esultlng III tim dcpo';ltlon of the coarsesl materia l: greve l and cobbles, In the channel, end sand across the fIoodpklln A.; too wate rs continue to rrse, velocities again il'lCrease, CIIU91ng local scour of t he newly depOSited sediments. DUling the falling stages of the f lood the velocity greduelly decreese9, resulting m so. l lng 01 the sedIments Silt IS depOSited across tr,e floodplOlln , and clay eventually settles out of

standing water, usually In depre5S la' llj

The ba lance of erosler; and deposition In a stream ,ystem doss not r6ffillin constanl through time On some occasions dissection ldegradation) has been promlnant throughout the Salt RIVIlI sysie,,', w l" le (hiring othe, times alluv13110n (aggradation) has proceeded, Although changes In climate or veg(ltallve cover am cummonly responSlbta 10r a change m Sheam reg lman, lOClonlc doform;;llon IS i1ssoe'''too With "helng"" In tha S.,II River

Alluvl(ll terraces resu lt from shflilm erosion and are formed w hen a r iver cuts Into the floodp lain wh ich It had deposited preViously A tcrr<JCIl conSists of a lIat am..'! or bench boullded by a front and back scarp Il lS above the present stream so I~ river no longer flows IIcross It e~cupt In the case of extremely large floods, The ,erraces of the Selt River In Ihe Tempe Quadrang le are p~lIred alluvial terraces meamng they occur on both sides of the modern c hannel and are C\lt Into

the river's ow n depoSi ts

There are four terraces racognl2ed along the Salt River, three of which extend mto Ihe Tempe Quadrang le The lowest terrace, the l ehl Terrace, IS on ly 5 f t (1,5 m) above the dry nver bed near Tllmj:M!, and rises to 20 11 16 ml above the "Vilr 25 miles 140 2 km) upstream. A higher terraco, the Blue POlllt Terrace, IS UOlloc{)(Jrlll.ed In tillS q\ladrangle The mOSI prcmlnant terrar:e IS t he old and dissected Mesa Terraco It IS 10 to 15 ft (3 to 4 5 m) above tho dry river bed al Tempe, and extends toward Stew art M ountain Dam, where It IS 220 ft (66 m) above tho nvor, and eastward toward Roosevelt Dam where It is more than 300 ft (90 m) above the river. The oldest <.Ind highest terrace the Sawlk Terrace IS the most fragmentary, It 16 about 45 ft (13,5 m ) above t l1f.J river III Scottsdaic, where II bocome~ bulled ullder alluvial fan depOSits from Camelback Mountain and the McDowell Moumliins (sec GI-2-DI The terraces suggest a ponochc ,eglonal uplift of the mountains to t he north end east , wh ich would cause rejuvenat ion In the upper parts of the dra inage basin and Increased all\lVlaliOn in the lower partS, In this way the ter reces come together nl:l8r the centar of th l:! baSl1l (GI-2·G ) which IS s\lbsld ing rela l lve to the uplifting mou n· Hllns,

Within the TOIl1IJC almdr.IJlg lf> some galloralizat lons can be made concerning the dlstubu \Ion of Sell River Sand and Gravel Nem the scarp of the terrac(!S tho doplil t o 91(1 ... el IS very shallow , for erOSion has removed the overlying SIlt to expose the gravel benellth The depth to gravel Increases away from the modem channel, as the gl"8vel becomes buried by overbank silt of the fiver, alluvlat fan depOSits h om the surrounding mountains, and the tons of wind-blown dl,lst t hat are deposlled annually 'll the v(lIl"'Y The depth to r!VIII daposlts 01 sand and gravel Incraases more rapid ly than the "SO In the surface topograpl,y away h om the rlvel How can tha older, higher terrace depOSits be lOWEr In elevation thon the modern channel depoSits? The explana tl(l'1 IS thllt the basin Is s\lbsldlng toward the sout h and wesl In tha sou t hwest patl 01 the quadlongic the depth to gravel Incraases very rapidly as alluvium from South Mountelns 15 C(l",ed out ilIal depOSl tad over the river sediments Some bUrial of the Mesa and Sawlk Terrace grave ls has been achieved by the distal eo(is of allUVial fans from the McDowe ll Mounlams and Camelback Moun taln However, bunal alone connot explain tha anomalous depth to gravel west of Indian Bend 'Nesh It is probeble thai at some time m tho post , Ind ian Bond Wash occup ied a cllil "'1IJI "OlJlfl

what to the west of t he present locetlon At that t ime the wash was a degradmg strcom and In Clsp.d a doop channel into the Salt Alvei gravels. Th iS channel was subsequently filled With fine grmned Silt depoSits by the wash Itsell River depOSits definitely do not eXist on or under the bedrock end calichlfred collUVium lGI 2 A B,C) However, there remams a questionable araa where , according to available subsurface date, nver gtllvel was never deposl t(!(J

Sand and gravel ara a valuable materia l resource , 8nd may 00 l,I sefcl e9 decorative stone, conc lele aggl egate, road construction material and fil l metettal, depending on the gram size distribution and tho devalopmont of caliche. The gravel of the Mesa end Sawrk Terraces IS w ell cellchlf led lit or ne(lr the surface w hm" (l " Ihe younger lehl gravel has weak to no caliche develop· ment IGI·2-G) Although deeply burled and C<l IIGlufled gravel may nol be economlGal ln te rm5 of quarrymg, t hese depoSits prOVide excellent foundation stability for mu ltlstorled bU ildings Anot hel value of these permaable river depoSIts IS that they prOVide a netu rel recepllcal for runoH Vill dry

Willis IGI-2 J,

ThiS mllp w as prep'JJlld from "'lI1 t t l l!:,'~ 01 data from vaJlous sO\lrces mcludlng U.S Geo· logical Survev well records the ' Ites of McGuckm Drilli ng Company, O Ui own dri lling prOlect per fo rmed In cooperallon With Allzona Deoartment of Tran5port~tlOn and on Slt P. IIlSper. llon of

numarDUS e~cavat lons dunng the past '20 years,


Bruck, G. R. , Jorden, M , S , and P~, T. l, 1982, EnVironmenta l geology uf the Guada lupe Quadrangle, M aricopa County, Anzona, Plate 8, Dept h to River Gravel City of f emrJe

IBpott, 1 sheet , 1 24,000

Lee, W T 1905 Underground WOlte,,, 01 the Sail River Va lley U S Geological Survey Water Supply end irrigat ion Paper No 136. 196 p

Leopold , L, B .. Wolman, M G, and Miller, J P 1964, FlUVial pror.csscs 111 geomorphology Vii H. Freeman and Co. , Sen FranCISco 522 P

MOrlEav..a, M , 19613, Streams, Their dynamiCS and morphology McGraw Hili Book Co • Nfl".

York, 175 p

PowO, T L , 1978, Terraces of the lower Salt River Va lley In relation to the lete Ceno20ic history of the Phooolx Bt,,,,, ,, A"7UII;] m Burl, 0 M ., and Pawli, T l. , GU idebook to the gaology of Centlal Ari20na ArlZonll Bure-du of Geology and Minerai Technology, SpeCial Paper No 2, p, 1-45

This map Involves a general evaluallon on a broad scale and does not preclude the necessity of site Investigat IOn.

·SI~ (1 grade diVISions accord ing to US Department of A griculture and SOil SClsnl lsls Society of Amorrcu.


140 o "9

A - B


o tu 5 feat (0 to 1 5 metars ) of fme­grelned allUVium over river gravel G indicates gravel at sur­

f ace.

5 to 15 fee l (1 5 to 4 5 maters) of f lne-gramed allUVium over Jlver gravel

15 to 20 feet 14 .5 to 6,0 metersl of 11"0 warned all\lvlum over fiver gravel

20 to 30 1eel (6 to 9 metersl of flne-gramed alluvium over river gravel

Greater than 30 foct 19 meters) 01 fine-gramed el luvium over river gravel

Modern channel, sand and gravel generally at the surface

Gravel not pr8gent undel or \lpon bedrock end callchlfied collu­ViUm,

Quesl,oJl alole are(l, available data md'catcs that Salt River never flowed here

Data point, depth to gravel given m feet Plus symbol means no "V(JJ U'dvel \· ... il9 enGountered to depth indicated





Additiona l revisions compiled by the Geolog ical

SUIVay from aellal photographs taken 1978 and

other sources T hiS IIlfU rrllut,un no t I lCld checked.

Map edited 1982,

A Eleve t lo n in feet

13 0 0


Elevetlon In feet







ovcrhank Si lt

o ElevlltlOn In feet


T 1 00

Cathy S. Wellendorf James T. Bales Troy L. Pew!! Department of Geol0l:lY Arizona State University

1986 Prepared in cooperation with the cities of Tempe, Scottsdale, and Phoenix, and the

Arizona State Land Department

* , · 0 " I \ I / I D '

0 ' 31 I 123 t "' ILS

~v LJT "' GRIO "'NO 1982 MiII,(lNETtC NQRTH




SCALE 124000


Mode-rn ,halmel of the- Salt R I ~e r


South MounlalnS




,-- -

Geologic Investigation Series Map GI-2-H



, '


.. ,It_ SGott.taht ';,. I;: •

~ '1 ,

S"".roritullOn ::;' 1'0'11'=


10 Mlle. ,

000 FEET III 05 2'30"



18 07

z o







2/' 30"

