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Derek Morphew - Hebrews Seminar #1

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Hebrews: The Voice of a NT Prophet
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Hebrews:The Voice of a NT Prophet

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Hebrews as Prophetic

The author calls it a ‘word of encouragement’ (13:22)!


The Holy Spirit: Parakleitos

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Barnabas, ‘son of encouragement’ ‘encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts’ (Acts 11:23).

Judas and Silas, who were prophets (15:32), ‘said much to encourage and strengthen the brothers.’

But everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort (1 Corinthians 14:3).

Parakleisis (prophetic) in the NT

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Hebrews: prophetic characteristics

1.The superlative language about Jesus2.The rhetoric (presentation)3.The rhetoric embedded in the structure

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Text1:1-2 The final word of God

2:9 Jesus, crowned with glory & honour

4:6 Jesus, the apostle and high priest

4:14 The great high priest, Jesus, the Son of God

7:26 Such a high priest … holy, blameless, pure, exalted

8:1 We do have such a high priest … at the right hand …

10:19-20 Since we have such a high priest …

12:2 Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith

13:21 Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever

Describing Jesus

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Text1:2 The Son of God

1:2 The heir of God

2:6 The Son of Man

3:1 The apostle and high priest

4:14 The great high priest

7:2 King of righteousness and king of peace

9:15 The New Covenant mediator

13:8 Jesus Christ: the same yesterday, today, forever

13:20 The great shepherd of the sheep

Titles for Jesus Christ

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Text2:1 Jesus ‘greater than’: Pay more attention therefore

2:18 His true humanity: He is really able to help people

3:1 Fix your thoughts on Jesus

4:14-15 He can sympathise with us in all our weaknesses

7:22 Jesus guarantees a secure salvation

7:25 He can save us eternally

10:18-22 Therefore: draw near to God through him

12:2 Fix your eyes on Jesus

13:3 Come to him

Calling people to Jesus

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Its all about Jesus!

Where are you with Jesus?

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The Prophetic: David Hill thesis Passages of exposition/doctrine & exhortation, but the

former serve the latter In exhortation, alternates warning and encouragement Never called a letter, but a ‘word of exhortation’ (13:22) Author is “speaking” throughout, not “writing” A written sermon, a Synagogue homily Uses pesher form of midrash, conveys revelatory and

inspired interpretation of scripture

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Hebrews: Some key features In terms of literature: polished Greek Grammar, rhetorical

argument, the highest point of NT writings Author was trained in a gymnasium (University) or private

school Uses three genres:

Midrash Rhetoric Prophetic

The ultimate theology of atonement, plus a major statement on the divinity & humanity of Christ

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Placed inside a prophetic exhortation

A chiastic structure, from the Greek chiazo, or letter X

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Text Subject

1:1-4 God has spoken through his Son

1:5-14 The majesty of the Eternal Exalted Son

2:1-4 Pay attention to God’s Son-mediated revelation!

2:5-18 The Son of God became incarnate, and suffered

3:1-6 Fix your thoughts on Jesus: Son over God’s house

3:7-19 Avoid the company of the faithless generation

4:1-11 Do not emulate those who lost the blessing

4:12-13 You are accountable before the Word of God

4:14-16 Embrace this Great High Priest

5:1-10:18 Jesus Christ: All-Sufficient Sacrifice and High Priest

10:19-25 Avail yourself of this Great High Priest

10:26-31 You are more accountable because of this High Priest

10:32-39 Pursue the blessing promised to the faithful

11:1-40 Join the company of the heroes of faith

12:1-3 Keep your eyes on Jesus, seated at God’s right hand

12:4-13 Endure suffering, as God’s true sons and daughters

12:14-17 Don’t sell your birthright as Esau did, carelessness!

12:18-24 You are firstborn sons of God, in the city of God

12:25-29 God will speak once more at the Final Judgment

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The Eternal SonJesus the Messiah

Perfect SacrificeGreat High


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The Central Presentation


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Jesus is fully divine

Jesus is fully human


He is uniquely qualified as High Priest

In a New Covenant

In a heavenly temple

Offering a perfect sacrifice

Applied by the Holy Spirit


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The Author Not Paul:

Barnabas? Apollos?

Author profile Architectural mind – brilliant structured presentation Zealous “heat” – on fire for Jesus Pastoral care

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To whom: Educated guesses Urban based House group within a larger congregation Jewish Christians in a Greco-Roman majority Second generation: not early witnesses Becoming lax, or discouraged Between past persecution and possible future martyrdom Tempted to return to Judaism (Religio Licita) to avoid it Would require renouncing Christ Rome, between AD 49 and AD 64

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AD 49 Seutonius, The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, on the Emperor Claudius:

Since the Jews constantly made disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus, he expelled them from Rome.

Acts 18:1-2:There he found a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla because Claudius had ordered all the Jews to leave Rome.

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AD 64: Tacitus Annals Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular. Accordingly, an arrest was first made of all who pleaded guilty; then, upon their information, an immense multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of firing the city, as of hatred against mankind.

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AD 64: Tacitus Annals Mockery of every sort was added to their deaths. Covered with the skins of beasts, they were torn by dogs and perished, or were nailed to crosses, or were doomed to the flames and burnt, to serve as a nightly illumination, when daylight had expired. Nero offered his gardens for the spectacle, and was exhibiting a show in the circus, while he mingled with the people in the dress of a charioteer or stood aloft on a car. Hence, even for criminals who deserved extreme and exemplary punishment, there arose a feeling of compassion; for it was not, as it seemed, for the public good, but to glut one man's cruelty, that they were being destroyed.

Tactitus, Annals, Book 15,44

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The triple contextWho? A group of Christians converted from orthodox Judaism, in Rome, a home group within the larger church.

1.The Roman authorities were worried about the many new religions. Christianity was viewed as a “dangerous superstition.” Roman persecution past and future, demanding allegiance to Caesar as “Lord.”

2.Judaism as “religio licita” meant if they returned to Judaism, they could “dodge the bullet.”

3.But, to return to Judaism, the Synagogue authorities demanded formal renunciation of Christ as a false Messiah and blasphemer.

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For Reflection

What spiritual state might you be in?

Do we face persecution and martyrdom, or forces more subtle and sinister (pluralism, relativism)?

Could you drift away, or turn away?

What warnings and encouragements do you need to hear?
