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Derelict Kit Instructions

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  • 8/13/2019 Derelict Kit Instructions



    1. ScoringScoring is a technique used to make folding easier by pre-creasing the paper along a fold line. Themost common method of scoring is to lightly drag a knife blade across the fold line, slicing through theupper layers of the paper. The recommended method is to instead use an empty ballpoint pen or a ballstylus tool to gently compress the paper along the fold lines. This prevents the appearance of unsightlynaked edges and makes for a much stronger model.

    2. CuttingCutting may seem to be a glaringly obvious technique, but a few pointers are essential. For the maorityof cutting where paper models are concerned, a sharp knife and a steel ruler are far more precise andefficient than a pair of scissors. Save the scissors for separating individual parts or groups of partsfrom the rest of the sheet.

    3. Edging!dging improves the appearance of paper models considerably by hiding the naked edges of cut parts."nything from color markers to soft pencils and various types of paints may be used to edge parts.#owever, in most cases, matching the color e$actly is less of a concern than simply matching thecontrast. For most purposes, three or four shades of gray from lightest to darkest will more thansuffice.

    4. Folding and Gluing%epending on the thickness of the paper or cardstock used, some parts may be difficult to assemblewith fingers alone. &n this situation, a pair of twee'ers is worth more than its weight in gold. Twee'erscome in a wide variety of si'es and aw shapes, and some of the more e$otic shapes are fantastically

    useful for assembling tiny parts. Twee'ers can be used to fold tiny flaps and clamp them in place whilethe glue sets, as well as making it much easier to attach small parts to other parts.

    2003 Christopher Roe. All rights reserved. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.

    Tools Needed(. )nife*. Steel ruler+. Scissors. Twee'ers. hite glue

    /. !mpty ballpoint pen0. 1arkers or paint2. Cutting mat3. &nket or laser printer(4. Cardstock or heavy photo paper((. 5atience

    The Basics Of a!er "odeling# age 1 of 2

  • 8/13/2019 Derelict Kit Instructions


    S!ecial Notes

    1. Gluing Ta$sThis model includes integral gluing tabs for oining certain parts together. #owever, the utility of gluingtabs decreases proportionally as the thickness of the paper or cardstock increases. Thick cardstockor paper can be used for printing this model, but it is recommended that you try a test assemblybefore committing wholly to assembling a model. &f the gluing tabs won6t fit or otherwise throw off the

    tolerances of the finished test assembly, leave them off the parts entirely and cut your own gluing tabsout of scrap cardstock.

    These separate gluing tabs should overlap both of the parts to be oined, and glued to the unprintedsurface along the oining edges of both parts. This is called 7backing8, and a side effect of this is thatparts will fit more or less flush. 9acking parts with separate gluing tabs also generally yields bettermodeling results, but the integral gluing tabs are retained for the convenience of beginners and thosewho prefer to use thinner media for their paper models.

    2. Sealing&n most cases, sealing the model with varnish or other form of spray sealant isn6t necessary. #owever,if you want to add further detail to the model with decals or paint, you may want to seal the model with

    several light coats of a waterproof glossy clear sealant first. This will protect the model from amoderate level of moisture, and the smooth surface will facilitate the application of decals. :ou canalso apply a final coat of a matte clear sealant to kill the gloss afterwards. )eep in mind that the simpleact of sealing a model does not necessarily render it waterproof, and that any application of waterslidedecals needs to be done with great care.

    3. %einforcing"t times you may need to reinforce large pieces, either to make them heavier or to increase theirstrength. To do this, you may wish to glue toothpicks, craft sticks, or other suitable items to the interiorof a model as shown in the picture below.

    2003 Christopher Roe. All rights reserved. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.

    The Basics Of a!er "odeling# age 2 of 2

    The craft sticks used in the photo above serve the important purpose of strengthening the longsections along the sides and bottom of the model. ;einforcing models goes a long way towardsimproving their durability and heft as gaming props.

  • 8/13/2019 Derelict Kit Instructions


    Walls and Floor ilesThis set contains 1 type of short wall (Part C) and 13 different kinds of long walls (Parts A, E, F, H eing fo!r e"a#ples),with and witho!t doorways$ Each wall is designed to rest atop its own floor tile, and to facilitate the process the gl!ingareas ha%e een #arked in white$

    This set also incl!des dedicated floor tiles in three si&es$ 'n #ost cases, setting !p a playing area in%ol%es laying o!t floortiles and then ordering the# with walls and connectors$

    ConnectorsThere are three types of connectors in this set (*a#e geo#etry as Part +), (Part -), and T (Part .) connectors$ Theseare in the for# of col!#n pieces that gl!e to their own floor tiles$ As with walls, the gl!ing areas are #arked off in white$Connectors are !s!ally placed at the corners of a roo#, and then ordered with wall pieces as needed$

    !upport Columns*!pport col!#ns (Part +) are handy for reaking !p line of sight in large roo#s as well as generally spicing !p the place$ike connectors and walls, s!pport col!#ns ha%e their own floor tiles with the gl!ing areas #arked in white$ To !ild roo#sthat contain one or #ore s!pport col!#ns, yo! #ay need to !se the 1"1 and 3"1 inch pieces to fill o!t the space aro!nd as!pport col!#n/s floor tile$

    Corridor Adapters*o#eti#es yo! #ay want to connect #!ltiple roo#s y long corridors rather than !sing 1"1 or 3"1 tiles etween ad0oiningroo#s to for# corridors$ To this end, this set incl!des corridor adapter pieces designed to interface with the doorwaypieces$ The corridor adapters create a sea#less ottlenecking fro# a 3"1 inch wide doorway to a narrow corridor$ Thecorridor itself will still e three tiles wide, !t the effecti%e area within the corridor itself is one tile wide$

    &sse'$l( )nstructions

    2003 Chr istopher Roe. All r ights r ese rve d. Perm iss ion granted to photocopy for pers onal use only.


    B C

    *E F


  • 8/13/2019 Derelict Kit Instructions


    Wall "ayer PiecesThis set also incl!des so#e speciali&ed flat pieces intended to e gl!ed to a wall piece (Part ' eing 0!st one e"a#ple)$These layer pieces can e !sed to gi%e walls a specific f!nction or p!rpose rele%ant to yo!r ga#ing needs$ +enerally yo!wo!ld want to gl!e those layer pieces to one of the 3"1 inch special walls (Part F eing one e"a#ple) since those are also

    #ore geo#etrically interesting than the standard o" walls$

    #ecorationshile this set does not incl!de loose decorations s!ch as tales, chairs, consoles, and so forth, those are c!rrently eingprepared as a series of s!pporting releases$ For the #ost part, these will e free !pgrades #ade a%ailale to c!sto#ers atthe Eles 2iniat!res we site$ Please %isit httpwww$eles#iniat!res$co# reg!larly to see what free !pgrades to thisset are a%ailale as well as gi%ing o!r for!# a %isit$

    $asing the Pieces-asing yo!r pieces helps keep the# well4aligned and st!rdy d!ring !se$ .!e to the inherent lightness of cardstock, yo!#ay wish to ase yo!r floor tiles and walls with foa#core, 2.F oard, ill!stration oard, or thin chipoard$ Alternati%ely,yo! #ay wish to look into the affordale, laser4c!t 3## #icroplywood ases offered y itko Aerosyste#s(www$litkoaero$co#), which already co#e in all of the correct si&es needed 1"1 inch, 3"1 inches, and 3"3 inches$ This isthe ideal ro!te to take for those who dread the tho!ght of slicing !p its of foa#core and 2.F y hand$ All yo! need to dois c!t o!t the floor and wall tiles and then gl!e the# to the appropriately si&ed #icroplywood ases$ At the end of theinstr!ctions yo! will find links and so#e helpf!l pricing infor#ation related to the itko Aerosyste#s ases$

    !ecuring the Pieces.!ring ga#eplay yo! #ay find that errant hand gest!res or e%en a #ild ree&e #ay ha%e the sa#e effect !pon yo!rcardstock scenery as a 51,666 po!nd f!el4air e"plosi%e de%ice detonating in the #idst of a trailer park$ hile this #ay econ%enient for resol%ing the effects of large e"plosi%e de%ices in ga#es, for the #ost part this is an e"tre#ely irritatingpheno#enon$ Th!s, yo! #ay wish to sec!re yo!r pieces to the playing s!rface !sing one of the #ethods on the ne"t page$

    &sse'$l( )nstructions

    2003 Chr istopher Roe. All r ights r ese rve d. Perm iss ion granted to photocopy for pers onal use only.


  • 8/13/2019 Derelict Kit Instructions


    !ecuring %ethod &' %agnetic $ac(ing

    The first #ethod of sec!ring yo!r pieces to the playing s!rface is to !se #agnetic acking$ A%ailale fro# #ost stores aseither s7!ares or rolls of adhesi%e4acked plastic i#pregnated with #agnetic particles, #agnetic acking #ay e gl!ed tothe otto# of yo!r pieces and placed on a sheet #etal s!rface$ This #ethod is only reco##ended if yo! already ha%eaccess to these #aterials, either as lefto%ers fro# other pro0ects or eca!se it/s on sale at the local craft store$

    !ecuring %ethod 2' )elcro

    'n this #ethod, s7!ares of 8elcro are !sed to hold pieces in place on the playing s!rface$ 9o! #ay wish to attach only the

    hook end to yo!r pieces and co%er the playing s!rface in a hook4friendly #aterial s!ch as felt or a si#ilar s!rface d!e to thefact that if yo! ond 8elcro to itself, trying to re#o%e a piece with !nd!e haste #ay well lea%e yo! holding a freshlycr!#pled wad of cardstock in a state of open#o!thed horror$ 8elcro hooks ha%e a less tenacio!s hold on felt, !tnonetheless grip sec!rely eno!gh that yo!r scenery will re#ain in place$ This #ethod is reco##ended for s#all layo!tsspecifically designed for roleplaying ga#es$

    !ecuring %ethod 3' *lue

    'f yo! asol!tely, positi%ely want to #ake s!re yo!r scenery ne%er goes anywhere, e%er$$$gl!e it to the playing s!rface$hile this #ethod #ay see# !tterly nonsensical at first l!sh, there are !ses for per#anently fi"ed layo!ts$ 'deally thes!rface yo! gl!e it to wo!ld e dedicated to 0!st that p!rpose, s!ch as a it of e"tr!ded polystyrene terrain or so#e for# ofrigid acking$ This allows yo! to create predesigned, fi"ed layo!ts for taletop warga#es that yo! #ay re!se as neededo%er #!ltiple ga#es$

    As an e"a#ple of what can e done with a fi"ed layo!t, one co!ld !se 15"15 inch flooring tiles a%ailale at ho#ei#pro%e#ent centers as a asic scenery !nit to !ild !pon$ +l!ing str!ct!ral pieces atop the flooring tile wo!ld create a15"15 lock of interior scenery that can easily e !tted !p against other 15"15 locks to for# large co#ple"es 7!ickly$ 'naddition to the #!ch 7!icker set!p ti#e when !sing s!ch prefaricated scenery locks, #ost flooring tiles ha%e asignificant eno!gh #ass that the scenery won/t e shifted o!t of position accidentally$ As an alternati%e to flooring tiles,#any ho#e i#pro%e#ent centers will gladly c!t wood or e"tr!ded polystyrene stock to specific si&es on re7!est$ This#ethod is reco##ended for taletop warga#es where larger locks of prefa scenery are #ore practical to set !p$

    Ca%eat +l!ing scenery to the dining roo# tale per#anently !s!ally ca!ses %ery entertaining and dra#atic reactions fro#spo!ses and fa#ily #e#ers$ For this reason, it is not reco##ended that yo! do so$

    !pecial +otes and ips

    .!e to %arying cardstock thickness and printer capailities, there #ay e so#e slight tolerance iss!es with a co!ple of

    parts$ 2ost notaly, the doors and door tri# strips #ay need tri##ing to fit after asse#ly$ 'n the case of doors, yo! #ayneed to tri# the# slightly s#aller all aro!nd to #ake the# fit$ For the door strips, start gl!ing the# to the !pper #iddlesection of the doorway first, and then e%enly attach the rest of the strip to the doorway fra#e$ 9o! #ay see ro!ghly 1$: to5## of o%erlap on oth of the lower doorway fra#e edges$ *nip off the e"cess it of door tri# strip and r!n a dark gray orlack #arker across the c!t edges as a final it of to!ching !p$

    'f yo! ha%e tro!le asse#ling the walls, try lea%ing off the otto# flap entirely in order to create a %ol!#e that is open onthe otto#$ This will allow access to the side flaps for cla#ping with twee&ers, and will generally #ean an easier !ild atthe e"pense of so#e str!ct!ral strength$ 'f yo! elect to do so, #ake s!re to slice so#e tas along the otto# edges sothat yo! ha%e so#ewhere to apply the gl!e while attaching the wall piece to the floor tile$ Also, it is strongly reco##endedthat yo! reinforce the walls as descried in the -asics of Paper 2odeling section in order to negate any potential twistingand warping along the long a"is of wall pieces$


    &sse'$l( )nstructions

    2003 Chr istopher Roe. All r ights r ese rve d. Perm iss ion granted to photocopy for pers onal use only.

  • 8/13/2019 Derelict Kit Instructions


    ;ote that this list is c!rrent as of 2arch 1*creen?CT+9@*toreCode?A'@CategoryCode?2-'* (scrolldown to 1"3 ases)&0ct B5$2ct B:$=0ct B$D:&00ct B1:$

    3,3 -nch $ases

    "in( httpwww$litkoaero$co#2erchant5#erchant$#%>*creen?CT+9@*toreCode?A'@CategoryCode?2-*-3in&0ct B3$2ct B$0ct B15$&00ct B53$

    $undles of all three types/ y 1uantity

    &0ct B$=D2ct B1D$=D0ct B31$D3&00ct B:1$D

    ptimal !tarter $undle' :6ct 1"1, :6ct 1"3, 16ct 3"3, for B55$D3$ (This !ndle will create 16 f!ll walled 3"3 roo#s with16 1"1 and 16 1"3 pieces left o%er for corridors$ This is s!fficient to !ild asic layo!ts s!itale for #ost roleplayingscenarios$ For larger layo!ts co%ering significant taletop real estate, yo! #ay wish to instead look into the other !ndleslisted ao%e$)

    &!!endi,- it/o &eros(ste's Bases and rice ist

    2003 Chr istopher Roe. All r ights r ese rve d. Perm iss ion granted to photocopy for pers onal use only.
