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Design & AI

Date post: 22-Feb-2017
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My name is Nitzan, which is like Nissan, but with a TZ. I am a designer and researcher.


My name is Nitzan, which is like Nissan, but with a TZ. I am a designer and researcher.


My name is Nitzan, which is like Nissan, but with a TZ. I am a designer and researcher.


My name is Nitzan, which is like Nissan, but with a TZ. I am a designer and researcher.


My name is Nitzan, which is like Nissan, but with a TZ. I am a designer and researcher.

I have worked with some great companies and collaborators, mostly on communication and technology projects

Shadow Box exhibit, 1976

Everything Will Happen started when I was helping an agency with a pitch for an experiential space. I wanted to use little to no electricity, which lead me to discovering the wonderful idea of Soft Technology.Essentially, an alternative approach to designing systems, moving away from assembly line, to merit and value (with some links to mindfulness, slow web and slow food movements). For that work I looked at things like organic objects with light memory, conducive fabrics and more.The idea of soft technology felt very natural to me – and covered sentiments that I had a hard time articulating. Being rejective of linear systems soft technology very easily links to AI, as the best technology to designing an alternative. Around the same time I helped Co: collective on a MoMA project, rethinking the future of the museum. That curved out time for me to really dig deep into the topic, and see what other companies int he field are doing

I started a writing challenge, 1000 words a day

Once I finished the project I realized that I was left with a lot more interest and curiosity. I wasn’t sure how, and in what format should I explore it.So I decided to a writing challenge. Without announcing it, or really tell anyone I started writing a 1000–word piece every day, for a week. It was a great tool for me to think harder, and made me realize that there was a more to explore. In the journey to where I am now, I explored Kurzweil’s visions of singularity and machines taking over, the philosophy of minds and machines and and some lightweight neuroscience


• Today I would like to focus on thinking, as the first step to designing.

• I wonder if we could question, and maybe even shift some of our perspectives.

The Internet

& People

Congress of the Constructivists and Dadaists, Weimar, 1922

Part 1: History

Minsky & McCarthy

In 1959 Marvin Minky and John McCarthy started what is now known as the MIT Computer Science and

Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Mainly building robots and general purpose intelligence, human–

like robots.

Kay & Engelbart

Kay and Engelbart on the other hand were building digital tools, aimed at assisting and

enhancing humans.

Through their respective work in Xerox Parc and Stanford Research Institute they invented educational

hardware, synthesizers, the mouse and laid the foundational thinking for personal computing as we

use it today.

Google Home Demo (Google IO 2016)

You may have seen this video of Google Home.

as you watch it — Can you try and count how many specialist algorithms are being fired?

Google Home Demo (Google IO 2016)

Google Home Demo (Google IO 2016)

What Is The Purpose?Pun very much intended

Despite the great interest, and funding that AI has been enjoying recently, not many people are talking

about the differences between general purpose AI, and single purpose algorithms.

General Purpose Machines

• work like humans

• may or may not have consciousness

• may or may not destroy humanity

• and most importantly can both ask, and answer all questions

Single Purpose Algorithms

• specialist and specific

• can solve problems in their domain better than anyone or anything else

• respond to human questioning and creativity

• ubiquitous in their knowledge as the internet and electricity

Part 2: The Internet

Think of a Digital Product

• can we isolate data, from features and interaction points

• what if we flushed it with unthinkable amounts of data, will it still work?

• what about when we no longer need to carry phones in our pockets, but could just speak to objects? will it work then?

Consider the Future

• what would an app for a room look like?

• what happens when we need to build apps for data that doesn’t have time to make it to a database?

• Imagine being able to plug AI to your app the same way you rent server space from S3. What would you want your app to do then?

Part 3: People

What is in it for the user?

• we’re running out of things to invent

• we have so much technology that we just end up stepping on each other’s work

• maybe we can take a step back and think about thinking

Nicholas Negroponte (MIT Media Lab Founder) about the late Seymour Papert

Nicholas Negroponte (MIT Media Lab Founder) about the late Seymour Papert

What Is a Digital Product?

• Data: of users, the product operation, meta of usage and more

• View: apps, websites, kiosks, interfaces

• Features: fetch this, populate that, render a thing

Can we design like everything is a


In many ways we’re still operating like we’re living in an

industrial, or manufacturing time

Charlie Chaplin - Modern Times (1936)

Charlie Chaplin - Modern Times (1936)

Design For The Industrial Age

• more of the same, hoping to surpass the current

• fencing of product + users’ meta data

• making copying of all data, all the time

• fencing those copies as a matter of business

What would design with data look like?

vSauce about Library of Babel (https://www.youtube.com/user/Vsauce)

vSauce about Library of Babel (https://www.youtube.com/user/Vsauce)

Design with Information

• We don’t need to “fence” data

• operating systems, and “places” change all the time

• humans will ask creative questions, and computers will return unlimited, always–on data

This is a WIPPlease, Let’s Discuss

Here or at everything-will-happen.com

Thank you@byedit
