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Design and Fabrication of 4-bit processor

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A 4-bit CPU is implemented using TTL components and was based on micro-programmed control. The system implements 12 basic arithmetic, logic and control instructions with a 4 bit data bus and an 8 bit address bus. This project was done during 2nd year at IIT Guwahati
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DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING IIT Guwahati CS 223: HARDWARE LABORATORY LAB REPORT DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF 4 BIT PROCESSOR Group 16 Name Roll No Priyatham Bollimpalli 10010148 Pydi Prasanna Sai Kamanuru 10010150 Revanth Bhattaram 10010153 Sunku Vinesh Reddy 10010167 Under the guidance of Dr. S. B. Nair & Dr. Hemangee Kapoor Date of Completion: 11 th March 2012 Date of Submission: 13 th March 2012
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IIT Guwahati





Group 16 Name Roll No Priyatham Bollimpalli 10010148

Pydi Prasanna Sai Kamanuru 10010150

Revanth Bhattaram 10010153

Sunku Vinesh Reddy 10010167

Under the guidance of

Dr. S. B. Nair & Dr. Hemangee Kapoor

Date of Completion: 11th March 2012 Date of Submission: 13th March 2012

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BASIC DESIGN CHARACTERISTICS Single Bus Architecture 4 bit data bus 8 bit address bus Micro-programmed Control Unit Micro-instruction length:16 bits 12 types of instructions Storage Capacity: 256 X 4 bits RAM 2 General Purpose Registers (B and C) Recursion Depth:8

The CPU architecture is Micro-programmed control based with of 12 instructions in the EPROM. Each instruction is identified by a unique opcode which is fetched from the RAM throughout the execution of the program. There are two general purpose registers and 2 registers A (Accumulator) and temp register which are not manipulated by the assembly programmer. The ALU is of 4 bits and the stack is of 4 bits. The specific details of Hardware Organization and Control Unit are as follows:

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COMPONENTS USED Following components are used for the CPU Design S.No Chip No. Description Number 1. 4-Input Dip Switch 1 2. 8-Input Dip Switch 1 3. 7-Segment Display Unit 3 4. 74181 4 bit ALU 1 5. 2732 EPROM 2 6. 2114 1K x 4 bit RAM 1 7. 7447 BCD 7 Segment Decoder 3 8. 74161 4-Bit Binary Counter with Synchronous load

and Asynchronous Clear 2

9. 7495 4 bit PIPO register 5 10. 74194 4 bit register with clear 3 11. 74191 4-Bit Bidirectional Counter 1 12. 74157 Quad 2 to 1 MUX 6 13. 74153 Dual 4 to 1 MUX 3 14. 74126 Quad Tristate Buffers 14 15. 74367 Hex Tristate Buffers 4 16. 74163 4-Bit Binary Counter with Synchronous load

and Synchronous Clear 1

17. 74154 4 to 16 Decoder 2 18. 7404 Hex Inverter 4 19. 7408 Quad 2 input AND 1 20. 7432 Quad 2 input OR 1 The use of each individual component was discussed below. Before the discussion, first we note that for the entire processor there is only one main clock. For those components which require positive edge triggering, this clock is given but the main clock is inverted with the help of HEX inverter and is given to the components which require negative edge triggering. For making the contents of the register (R, say) retain its value, the below design is implemented for one bit.

Figure : Input and Output gating for 1 Register bit

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Initially the program must be loaded into the RAM. So we should write into the RAM by giving appropriate bits. The DIP switches serve this purpose by making the user to give external input and to write into the RAM as and when required by disabling the internal address and data bus. BCD 7 SEGMENT DECODER (7447):

This takes 4 binary inputs and the outputs a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h are fed into the 7-segment display so that the user can see the output in the 7-segment display as decimal number. Three chips are required as for 4 bits one chip is required. So for the data bus 1 is required and for the address bus 2 are required. 7-SEGEMENT DISPLAY UNIT:

A seven segment display, as its name indicates, is composed of seven elements. Individually on or off, they can be combined to produce simplified representations of the Arabic numerals

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4-BIT ALU (74181):

The ALU requires 6 bits for controlling the operations – S0,S1,S2,S3,Cn,M.We are using ALU for the operations ADD, SUB, AND, OR, NOT. So we are reducing the number of control signals by using the combinational logic to get 4 control signals. One of the input comes from the A register(Accumulator) and the other comes from the data bus. The result is stored in the temp register. ALU is asynchronous in nature. EPROM (2732):

It is 4KB memory device. Since we need 16 microinstructions and each EPROM has only 8 outputs we require 2 such IC’s. All the micro instructions for each of the 12 instructions are programmed into EPROM after initially erasing it in UV light.

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RAM (2114):

The memory is divided into 2 parts –

1. code/data segment 2. Stack segment

If the upper four bits are 1111 then we are accessing the stack segment of the memory. The lower 4-bits are given by SPL bidirectional counter depending on the control signals. And if the 4-upper bits are other than ‘1111’then we are accessing the data segment. All the data is stored concerned with the operations of the CPU is kept at these locations. Since the size of stack we are using is 4 bits the bottom part of the RAM with higher nibble as 15H is used for stack. Size of the RAM which we are using is 1K x 4 bits. We require only 256 K memory locations. So, two of the address bits are grounded. Now the size of our address bus is 8 from which the RAM takes its input address. It takes the 4-bit data to write in a particular location from the data bus. RAM gives the data of a particular location given in address bus as output to the data bus. For entering a program into RAM we use the DIP switches. 4-BIT COUNTER WITH ASYNCHRONOUS CLEAR (74161):

We are using this component for the Program counter.2 IC’s are used – one for higher nibble and the other for lower nibble. (PCH and PCL) Both registers (PCH & PCL) take their inputs from data bus when their synchronous load is enabled. They have asynchronous clear signals. They should be cleared manually whenever required. They have positive edge triggered clock. ‘P enable’ and ‘T enable’ are two signals which are to be high in order to make the registers count. Whenever a PC++ signal comes PCL should be incremented and that of PCH depends on PCL. These counters have carry output which is ‘1’ when ‘T enable’ signal is present and the count in that particular counter is ‘1111’. PCH should be

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incremented depending on the count control signal and carry output of PCL. So, we gave the higher bit as clock to PCH. 4-BIT COUNTER WITH SYNCHRONOUS CLEAR (74163):

We are using this for μ-PC (The program counter for the micro programmed control).We are using this so that the counter does not immediately resets to zero if the clear signal is given to it. This is required so that the last instruction in the microinstruction will be executed and then the counter will be cleared. 4 BIT PIPO REGISTER (7495):

We are using 5 IC’s – one for each of the registers B, C, Temp and 2 for MAR (MARH and MARL – two nibbles). This register takes its input from the data bus. Its outputs are via the tri state buffer. 4 BIT REGISTER WITH CLEAR (74194):

We are using 3 IC’s – one for A register, one for opcode register and one for operand register. We need this because initially before execution these registers need to be cleared. This register has a positive edge triggered clock.

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We are using this for the Stack. We are assuming that our stack segment can have a maximum of 16 locations and we are fixing the stack segment address higher 4 bits to ‘1111’. So, we are using only one bidirectional counter SPL. SPL has the control signals connected to count enable and up/down signals accordingly which it will up count, down count, do nothing. Initially SPL should be reset manually by giving inputs ‘0000’ and enabling the load signal. The output of SPL is connected to the Address bus via tri-state buffer. The higher 4-bits are also connected to address bus through a tri-state buffer. This has positive edge triggered clock. TRISTATE BUFFERS (74126 and 74367): As given in the Figure-1, the tristates are required to control the operation out of a component. 74126:

This IC has four tri state buffers. We used them as follows: 5 – Bout,Cout,Tempout,MARout 3 – for DIP connections to the address and data bus 2 – for the program counter(PC) 1 – for StackHout signal

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This IC has six tri state buffers in it. The function of tri state buffer is to just make the input appear as output if the strobe controlling it is enabled. 4 tri-state buffers are controlled by 1 strobe and 2 tri state buffers are controlled by another strobe. So, the control signals are connected to the strobes of these buffers to enable particular output into data bus and address bus. We used them for PCLout,PCHout,MARLout,MARHout connections to the databus and StackLout connection to the address bus. QUAD 2 to 1 MUX (74157):

As given in the Figure-1, the muxes are required for retaining the value. So we used 6 of them for Ain,Bin,Cin,Tempin,MARLin,MARHin DUAL 4 to 2 MUX (74153):

They are used to implement the combinational circuit which was used in the design of the CPU.We need 2 muxes for S1.S2 logic and another for the reduction

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in the 2 bits of the ALU control signals(The logic and their details are explained later) 4 to 16 DECODER (74154):

Since there are many control signals we group them into 2 categories such that 2 signals can never occur together. For example Ain and Bin can never occur together as ours is single bus architecture. Hence we are using 2 decoders – one for the in signals and the other for out signals. The output from the EPROM are fed into these decodes and appropriately we get the required control signals to perform the required instructions. HEX INVERTER (7404):

The outputs of the decoders are active low. But we need high signals for activating the appropriate signals in the components. Hence we will invert the output obtained from the decoder. For this 3 IC’s are used. Another IC is used for inverting the clock so that then it would be fed into the components which require negative edge triggering.

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QUAD 2 input AND and OR (7408 and 7432): 7404:


: We require the AND gate for the combinatorial circuit for S1, S2 signals. We are using OR gate for using the Stack out signal which is in both Decoder-1 and Decoder-2.So to use if either of the signal is high, we are taking OR of the both.

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The Architecture has been explained in the Component Description which gives a more elaborate idea after looking at the Architecture Diagram. Explanation Of Two Control Signals S1 And S2 Which help in Operand Decoding We have added two muxes and an operand register to take control of the last two bits in the Decoder1 and Decoder2 to decode the operand and perform the operations. DECODER1 ------------------ The Last two bits of the decoder1 coming from the EEPROM are connected to two 4 X 1 Muxes and the then 4bits of the operand register are connected in the fashion shown in the Diagram. The First two bits are respectively anded with s1 and act as Select lines for the two 4 X 1 Muxes. Regular Case (s1 = 0 or s1 = D) ------------------------------------------- When s1 is zero, the regular two bits are shown Special Case (s1 = 1 or s1 = A) ------------------------------------------- When s1 is one, then depending on the last two bits of the EEPROM either the first two bits of the operand register or the last two bits of the operand register are output or 00 if they the two bits are 00. Note- -------- If the two bits output are 01 then Bin is activated. If the two bits output are 10 then Cin is activated. Decoder2 -------------- Everything is the same about the two muxes used for this as well but, Note- ------- If the two bits output are 01 then Bout is activated If the two bits output are 10 then Cout is activated Note - The format of the operand is further discussed in the report which helps us understand thoroughly about s1 and s2 meanwhile keep a note on the notes given above. Take a look at the Two Mux Diagrams for the above explanation.

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The outputs from the EEPROM are fed into the decoders to get the appropriate control signals. The control signals are as follows for the two decoders: Decoder1 Decoder2 0000 ( Stack Decrement / None ) 0000 (None) 0001 ( Bin ) 0001 (Bout) 0010 ( Cin ) 0010 (Cout) 0011 ( Ain ) 0011 (TEMPout) 0100 ( TEMPin ) 0101 (PCLout) 0101 (MARLin) 0111 (PCHout) 0110 (MARHin) 1000 (Pcounter) 0111 (OPCODEin) 1001 (PCout) 1000 (OPERANDin) 1011 (StackEN) 1001 (PCLin) 1100 (Stack Out) 1010 (PCHin) 1101 (MARLout) 1011 (MARout) 1110 (MARHout) 1100 (StackUp) 1101 (StackOut) The control signals for the ALU are given as follows:

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So finally for the control signals are obtained as given below

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Control Signals which correspond to 16bit output of the 2 EEPROMS Decoder1 | Decoder2 | ALU Control | CS R/W( Ram Control Signals) | S1 S2 S1 , S2 When Put to D means Deactivated And A means Activated. Micro Instructions For Operations MicroInstructions Of Operations In Detail A) START Opcode – 0000 Fetch Opcode of the first instruction which triggers the sequence of instructions. 1. Opcode in | PC out | ALU – None | Ram Read | D D 0111 | 1001 | 0000 | 01 | 00 B) HALT/STOP Opcode – 1100 1. Do nothing, u pc keeps on cycling down throughout the time doing nothing. 0000 | 0000 | 0000 | 01 | 00 The next 15 micro instructions are the same as well. C) LOAD Opcode – 0010 Program Structure for load 0010 (load opcode) R00 (Register Operand tells which register to be loaded into ) //0100 represents register B //1000 represents register C XXXX (Represents Binary value that has to be loaded into the register) Equivalent Assembly Code - load R00 XXXX Micro Instructions 1. Pcincr None | PcCounter/Incr | None | Ram Read | D D 0000| 1000 | 0000 | 01 | 00 2. Fetch Operand and feed it to Operand Register Operand in | Pcout | None | Ram Read | D D 1000 | 1001 | 0000 | 01 | 00

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3. PcIncr None | PcCounter/Incr | None | Ram Read | D D 0000| 1000 | 0000 | 01 | 00 4. Put value in Apt Register as per operand. Opreg1 in | Pcout | None | Ram Read | A D 0001 | 1001 | 0000 | 01 | 10 5. PcIncr None | PcCounter/Incr | None | Ram Read | D D 0000| 1000 | 0000 | 01 | 00 6. Fetch Opcode for Next Instruction And Run it Opcode in | Pcout | None | Ram Read | D D 0111 | 1001 | 0000 | 01 | 00 D)STORE Opcode – 0011 Instruction Structure 0111 (Store Opcode ) XXXX (Lower Nibble Address in binary of the location to store) XXXX (Higher Nibble Address in binary of the location to store) R00 ( Tells The register to store ) //0100 represents register B //1000 represents register C Assembly Equivalent code – Store [XXXXH], R00 1. PcIncr None | PcCounter/Incr | None | Ram Read | D D 0000| 1000 | 0000 | 01 | 00 2. Fetch Lower Nibble Address Into MARL MARLin | Pcout | None | Ram Read | DD 0101 | 1001 | 0000 | 01 | 00 3. PcIncr None | PcCounter/Incr | None | Ram Read | D D 0000| 1000 | 0000 | 01 | 00 4. Fecth Higher Nibble Address Into MARH MARHin | Pcout | None | Ram Read | DD 0110 | 1001 | 0000 | 01 | 00 5. PcIncr None | PcCounter/Incr | None | Ram Read | D D 0000| 1000 | 0000 | 01 | 00

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6. Fetch Operand and feed it to Operand Register. Operand in | Pcout | None | Ram Read | D D 1000 | 1001 | 0000 | 01 | 00 7. Store Value in RAM MARout | Opreg1out | None | Ram Write | D A 1011 | 0001 | 0000 | 00 | 01 8. PcIncr None | PcCounter/Incr | None | Ram Read | D D 0000| 1000 | 0000 | 01 | 00 9. Fetch Opcode for Next Instruction And Run it Opcode in | Pcout | None | Ram Read | D D 0111 | 1001 | 0000 | 01 | 00 E) ADD Opcode – 0001 Instruction Structure 0001 ( Opcode ) R1R2 (Represents Which two registers to Add ) //0110 (Add B,C ) ///1001 (Add C,B ) Assembly Language Equivalent – Add R1R2 Micro Instructions 1. PcIncr None | PcCounter/Incr | None | Ram Read | D D 0000| 1000 | 0000 | 01 | 00 2. Fetch Operand From RAM Operandin | Pcout | None | Ram Read | DD 1000 | 1001 | 0000 | 01 | 00 3. Load Register1 Value into Accumulator Ain | Opreg1out | None | Ram Read | DA 0011 | 0001 | 0000 | 01 | 01 4. Put Register2 Value in the Data bus and Add and Store it in Temp Tempin | Opreg2 out | ADD | Ram read | DA 0100 | 0010 | 1001 | 01 | 01 5. Store Value in Reg1 by putting temp value on databus Opreg1in | Tempout | None | Ram read | AD 0001 | 0011 | 0000 | 01 | 10 6. PcIncr None | PcCounter/Incr | None | Ram Read | D D

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0000| 1000 | 0000 | 01 | 00 7. Fetch Opcode for Next Instruction And Run it Opcode in | Pcout | None | Ram Read | D D 0111 | 1001 | 0000 | 01 | 00 Note- All the Operations Following Operations Follow the Same Micro Instrcutions Except the 4th one where The ALU Control Signals are altered. Subtract Opcode – 0100 ALU Control – 0110 And Opcode – 0101 ALU Control – 1011 Or Opcode – 0110 ALU Control – 1110 F) NOT Opcode – 0111 Instruction Structure 0111 ( Opcode ) R00 (Register Whose value should be complemented ) //0100 (Represents B ) //1000 (Represents C ) 1. PcIncr None | PcCounter/Incr | None | Ram Read | D D 0000| 1000 | 0000 | 01 | 00 2. Fetch Operand From RAM Operandin | Pcout | None | Ram Read | DD 1000 | 1001 | 0000 | 01 | 00 3. Put Register1 Value in the Data bus and NOT and Store it in Temp Tempin | Opreg1 out | NOT | Ram read | DA 0100 | 0001 | 0000 | 01 | 01 4. Store Value in Reg1 by putting temp value on databus. Opreg1in | Tempout | None | Ram read | AD 0001 | 0011 | 0000 | 01 | 10 5. PcIncr None | PcCounter/Incr | None | Ram Read | D D 0000| 1000 | 0000 | 01 | 00 6. Fetch Opcode for Next Instruction And Run it Opcode in | Pcout | None | Ram Read | D D

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0111 | 1001 | 0000 | 01 | 00 G) MOVE Opcode – 1011 Instruction Structure 1011 (Opcode ) R1R2 //0110 Moves Value of C to B //1001 Moves Value of B to C Equivalent Assembly Code- MOVE R1,R2 1. PcIncr None | PcCounter/Incr | None | Ram Read | D D 0000| 1000 | 0000 | 01 | 00 2. Fetch Operand From RAM Operandin | Pcout | None | Ram Read | DD 1000 | 1001 | 0000 | 01 | 00 3. Put R2 Value into R1 Opreg1in | Opreg2out | None | Ram Read | AA 0001 | 0010 | 0000 | 01 | 11 4. PcIncr None | PcCounter/Incr | None | Ram Read | D D 0000| 1000 | 0000 | 01 | 00 5. Fetch Opcode for Next Instruction And Run it Opcode in | Pcout | None | Ram Read | D D 0111 | 1001 | 0000 | 01 | 00 H) JUMP Opcode ( 1000 ) Instruction Structure 1000 (Opcode ) XXXX (Lower Nibble Of the 8-Bit Address we have to jump in binary ) XXXX (Higher Nibble of the 8-Bit Address we have to jump in binary ) Assembly equivalent code- JMP XXH Micro Instructions 1. PcIncr None | PcCounter/Incr | None | Ram Read | D D 0000| 1000 | 0000 | 01 | 00 2. Store Lower Nibble in MARL MARLin | Pcout | None | Ram Read | DD

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0101 | 1001 | 0000 | 01 | 00 3. PcIncr None | PcCounter/Incr | None | Ram Read | D D 0000| 1000 | 0000 | 01 | 00 4. Store Higher Nibble in MARH MARHin | Pcout | None | Ram Read | DD 0110 | 1001 | 0000 | 01 | 00 5. Transfer Values of MAR into PC in two clock cycles i)PCLin | MARLout | None | Ram Read | DD 1001 | 1101 | 0000 | 01 | 00

ii) PCHin | MARHout | None | Ram Read | DD 1010 | 1110 | 0000 | 01 | 00 6. PC Value being loaded , Fetch Opcode for Next Instruction And Run it Opcode in | Pcout | None | Ram Read | D D 0111 | 1001 | 0000 | 01 | 00 I) CALL Instruction Structure 1001 (Call Opcode ) XXXX (Lower Nibble Address in binary we are calling) XXXX (Higher Nibble Address in binary we are calling) Store Register Values into Stack

1) Stackout | Bout | None | Ram Write | DD 1101 | 0001 | 0000 | 00 | 00

2) Stack Dec | Stack Enable | None | Ram Read | DD 0000 | 1011 | 0000 | 01 | 00

3) Stackout | Cout | None | Ram Write | DD 1101 | 0010 | 0000 | 00 | 00

4) Stack Dec | Stack Enable | None | Ram Read | DD 0000 | 1011 | 0000 | 01 | 00

5) PcIncr None | PcCounter/Incr | None | Ram Read | D D 0000| 1000 | 0000 | 01 | 00

6) Lower Nibble Address to MARL MARLin | Pcout | None | Ram Read | DD 0101 | 1001 | 0000 | 01 | 00 7) PcIncr None | PcCounter/Incr | None | Ram Read | D D 0000| 1000 | 0000 | 01 | 00

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8) Higher Nibble Address to MARH MARHin | Pcout | None | Ram Read | DD 0110 | 1001 | 0000 | 01 | 0 9) PCL to Stack Stackout | PCLout | None | Ram Write | DD 1101 | 0101 | 0000 | 00 | 00 10) Stack Decrement Stack Dec | Stack Enable | None | Ram Read | DD 0000 | 1011 | 0000 | 01 | 00 11) PCH to Stack Stackout | PCHout | None | Ram Write | DD 1101 | 0101 | 0000 | 00 | 00 12) Stack Decrement Stack Dec | Stack Enable | None | Ram Read | DD 0000 | 1011 | 0000 | 01 | 00

13) MARL to PCL PCLin | MARLout | None | Ram Read | DD 1001 | 1101 | 0000 | 01 | 00 14) MARH to PCH PCHin | MARHout | None | Ram Read | DD 1010 | 1110 | 0000 | 01 | 00 15)Fetch Opcode for Next Instruction And Run it Opcode in | Pcout | None | Ram Read | D D 0111 | 1001 | 0000 | 01 | 00 J)RETURN (opcode 1010 ) A call follows a return 1)Stackup | Stack EN | None | Read | DD 1100 | 1011 | 0000 | 01 | 00 2) Restore PCH PCHin | Stackout | None | Read | DD 1010 | 1100 | 0000 | 01 | 00 3)Stackup | Stack EN | None | Read | DD 1100 | 1011 | 0000 | 01 | 00 4) Restore PCL PCHin | Stackout | None | Read | DD 1001 | 1100 | 0000 | 01 | 00 5) Stackup | Stack EN | None | Read | DD 1100 | 1011 | 0000 | 01 | 00 6) Restore C Cin | Stackout | None | Ram Read | DD

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0010 | 1100 | 0000 | 01 | 00 7) Stackup | Stack EN | None | Read | DD 1100 | 1011 | 0000 | 01 | 00 8) Restore B Bin | Stackout | None | Ram Read | DD 0001 | 1100 | 0000 | 01 | 00 9) PcIncr None | PcCounter/Incr | None | Ram Read | D D 0000| 1000 | 0000 | 01 | 00 10) Fetch Opcode and Initiate Next Instructions Opcode in | PC out | ALU – None | Ram Read | D D 0111 | 1001 | 0000 | 01 | 00 Sample Program RAM Address Program 00H 0010 //Load 01H 0100 //B00 02H 0001 //1 03H 0001 //ADD 04H 0110 //BC 05H 0011 //Store 06H 1010 //Address Lower Nibble 07H 1010 //Address Higher Nibble 08H 0100 //B0 09H 1000 //Jump 0AH 1111 //Address Lower Nibble 0BH 0000 //Address Higher Nibble 0FH 1100 //Halt Corresponding Assembly Code: 00H LOAD B,1 03H ADD B,C 05H STORE AAH,B 09H JUMP F0H 0FH HALT

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MERITS 1. Custom Design 2. Micro programmed Architecture allows great flexibility in the design. The instructions can be easily changed by just re-writing the Microinstruction codes in the EPROM. 3. This architecture has depth 8 multiple call support (length of stack segment: 16 words) 4. Greater flexibility and faster implementation of machine code. Rather than using accumulator based instructions, direct addressing is used. Using little combinational logic(S1,S2 circuit) we minimized the microinstructions. For example Add B,C and Add C,B have the same set of microinstructions even though they are different.(In the former the result is stored in B while in the later it is stored in C) 5. Flexibility to increase the instruction set Current implementation of Call is as Follows We would put all the contents of the system registers and Program Counter into the Stack and call the address given and return when return is encountered. Issues Faced – We won't be able to implement nested calls and the cost of implementation for a single call as well is expensive for a single call as well. Scope for Improvement 1. We can add an instruction that would help the programmer load the initial value into the Stack Pointer. 2. We can Also Add two instructions such as Push and Pop flexibly that would help the programmer take care of the system registers while he is in nested or independent calls by taking control over the stack.
