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Design Patterns - ETH Zfose.ethz.ch/slides/gamma.pdf · major contribution is communication of...

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Design Patterns

Design Patterns


Erich Gamma IBM Distinguished Engineer IBM Rational Research Lab Zurich [email protected]



  past   patterns in action   patterns today   next


a fifteen year old thought experiment imagine that you are

struggling with a difficult software design


•  you have spent days on the problem •  there was no obvious answer

... and find the answer in The Software

Architecture Handbook

•  presents design problems, issues, and solutions in a commonly understood and shared language

•  captures experience and expertise of designers •  provides a common and agreed position of what constitutes good and

bad design

•  what should such a handbook contain and not contain? •  Who would use it? How would they use it? •  how could readers can best absorb the content and put into it into


but raises some interesting questions

about what it might look like

…in frustration and desperation you reach up to your bookshelf or google ....

unfortunately the handbook does not


See also http://www.handbookofsoftwarearchitecture.com created by Grady Booch


towards the goal

•  http://www.handbookofsoftwarearchitecture.com initiated by Grady Booch


The Handbook of Software Architecture is a concise reference on the design of software-intensive systems. Written for software architects, developers, and project managers, the Handbook presents the fundamentals of software architecture, covering contemporary best practices for specifying, visualizing, documenting, governing, and evolving a system's significant design decisions. The center of this work presents the as-built architecture of a variety of software-intensive systems selected from across the industry and from across the world.


clues from other disciplines


“I have drawn up definite rules to enable you to have personal

knowledge of the quality both of existing buildings and of those

which are yet to be constructed." ...

"A temple is called IN ANTIS, when it has antæ or pilasters in

front of the walls which enclose ..."

Marcus Vitruvius Pollio “De Architectura Libri Decem" 27


mechanical engineering handbooks

“Mechanisms of Modern Engineering Design”: Ivan

Artobolevsky 1947

furniture and timber framing handbooks

"If you combine technique and knowledge of the material, will

automatically design around the construction, and not construct

around the design. ... as construction becomes second

nature when you are designing."

Tage Frid


capturing and describing good design

A Pattern is a way to capture recurring designs in such a way that others can readily acquire and use the knowledge and experience

extracts essence of design •  provides freedom to adapt to particular context

describe commonly

recurring designs

•  captures commonly occurring solutions to problems that occur again and again

•  helps avoid design déjà vu

not just descriptive

•  provides guidelines when to use and when not •  captures “why” decisions, design alternatives,

rationale •  provides design alternatives and describes

relative merits and trade-offs •  provides implementation hints

Design Patterns

grounded in real practice


a design patterns inspiration

  The iPhone SDK is based on the NeXTStep object-oriented frameworks

  Existed before we wrote Design Patterns 15 years ago

  Source of inspiration for several design pattern variations for: Adapter, Bridge, Proxy, Observer and Chain of Responsibility

 good design survives


early steps - recurring patterns in object-oriented designs

Initial Focus on Object Oriented Design

First dozen of patterns reverse architected from ET++ (91) Jim Coplien’s catalog of C++ idioms (91) John Vlissides, Ralph Johnson, Richard Helm, Erich Gamma get together between (90-92) to write Design Patterns

•  Smalltalk, C++ focus •  first version of catalog

• 23 pages long • only experts understand it: •  “oh, I’ve done that”

•  Inspirations from Smalltalk, InterViews, NeXTStep, ET++

Design Patterns published October 1994



  introduced   pattern variations

  XML based configuration   extension points, lazy loading

  API focus   evolution patterns


eclipse pattern variations

<action toolbarPath=“search" icon="icons/opentype.gif“ toolTip=“Open Type” class="org.eclipse.jdt.OpenTypeAction"/>


contribution implementation

lazily instantiated using reflection


 XML based configuration for extending the system


APIs first

 APIs don’t just happen; we need to design them

  specifications with precisely defined behavior   what you can assume (and what you cannot)

  it works ≠ API compliant

  documented classes ≠ API

 must have at least one client involved, preferably more


API evolution patterns

  compatibility layer   I*2 extensions interfaces

 extension object pattern: IAdaptable

public interface IActionDelegate { … } // original interface public interface IActionDelegate2 extends IActionDelegate { void dispose(); }

if (d instanceof IActionDelegate2) { IActionDelegate2 d2 = (IActionDelegate2) d; d2.dispose(); // call new method }


Extension Object Pattern: IAdaptable

 adding interfaces to existing types   Interface negotiation

<extension point="org.eclipse.core.runtime.adapters"> <factory class="org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.JavaElementAdapterFactory" adaptableType="org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement"> <adapter type="org.eclipse.ui.IPersistableElement"/> … </factory>



 A simple framework   Design pattern dense

 Simplified using annotation/attribute based programming

Pluggable Adapter

TestCase run(TestResult) runTest() setUp() tearDown() fName

Test run(TestResult)

TestSuite run(TestResult) addTest(Test) fTests


Template Method


Composite: Leaf



Collecting Parameter

  thinned framework for the client (inspiration from NUnit)

  “replaced” inheritance with annotations

MoneyTest setUp() testSimpleAdd() testMixedAdd()

MoneyTest @Before setUp() @Test simpleAdd() @Test mixedAdd()

JUnit3 JUnit4

JUnit3 ⇒ JUnit4




 past  patterns in action  patterns today  next


scope of patterns has broadened

Source: Amazon,com, Hillside.net

Software Design Architecture

Buildings & Architecture


System Design

Project Management, Organisation


Requirements Analysis

90's 2000's



70's 80's

Real-time, Embedded





16 years of growth


patterns today - useful, used, useable

  useful - patterns enable to repeat a successful design done by someone else   between 'if-then-else" and layering, decoupling   a good pattern is convincing   non-obvious solution ⇒ surprise its users, experts “I’ve done that”

  used - recurring phenomenon   used in discussions, in code and documentation

to talk about design   APIs and libraries

  usable   include coding details, support many variations major contribution is communication of commonly occurring

design problems and solutions


patterns community

  the active pattern community was and is a key element to the success of patterns

  the pattern community has its own culture   writer’s workshop   shepherding work   published as “Pattern Languages of Program Design”

  9 regular conferences on 5 continents   ChiliPLoP, EuroPLoP, VikingPLoP, KoalaPLoP, SugarLoaf

PLoP,…   5 volumes of “pattern languages of program design”

⇒ patterns continue to flourish ⇒ new leaders are emerging


patterns & design

  refactor to patterns   patterns not measure of goodness

  some patterns are cool, but this doesn't make them more relevant

  patterns used for   variability management   decoupling   dependency management

patterns a means to an end, not the end


patterns & complexity

  each pattern makes a system a little bit more complex

  software infrastructures are getting more and more complex…

  using lots of unnecessary patterns makes a system so complex that it becomes unmanageable  this isn't the patterns fault…

but…we have never discussed when to remove a pattern from a system


dangerous patterns

  Mediator   supposed to be used to allow colleagues to be

reusable   is often used to allow programmers to continue to

be procedural.   Singleton

  supposed to be used to encapsulate global state when it cannot be eliminated

  is often used as a justification of global state  adding global state is easy – removing it hard!


what the students are saying about patterns

  “we had them all…”  Erich Gamma is considered the enemy by many CS

students   patterns are supposed to solve real software engineering

problems (or something; what do I know?)   I spent most of the time trying to figure out what "Chocolate

Factory" and various bizarre chocolate eating habits that border on obsessive-compulsive disorder had to do with the Abstract Factory and Singleton design patterns

have we solved how to teach patterns?


feedback: “voting off the island”

  OOPSLA workshop 2004*: people voted on the patterns to indicate which ones they felt needed deletion in the current form

  four patterns were voted off   Factory Method – confusion with Factory   Bridge   Flyweight   Interpreter

  reason: people felt they were sufficiently uncommon   split decisions

  Singleton   Chain of Responsibility

* http://martinfowler.com/bliki/OOPSLA2004.html



“while the book is still essential reading for anyone in the OO space, there's much that could be done to modernize it” -- Martin Fowler

“there is more to both OO design and patterns than is achieved or intended by the Gang of Four”

-- Frank Buschmann, Kevlin Henney “Beyond the Gang of Four”

I totally agree!!



 past  patterns in action  patterns today  next


a lot has changed since design patterns…

  the Web   Java, C#   XML   RDF   UML   refactoring aware tools   Open Source   annotation/attribute based programming


what hasn’t changed

  object-oriented design principles   most of the patterns   the importance of decoupling and cohasion


a new categorization   Core

 Composite  Strategy  State  Command  Iterator  Proxy  Template Method  Facade  Null Object

  Creational  Factory method  Prototype  Builder  Dependency Injection

  Peripheral  Abstract Factory (peripheral)  Memento  Chain of responsibility  Bridge  Visitor  Type Object  Decorator  Mediator  Singleton  Extension Objects

  Other (Compound)  Interpreter  Flyweight

the patterns the students

should learn lean on demand


new pattern members

 Type Object  Null Object  Extension Object Interface  Value Object  Dependency Injection


current assignment: Jazz - integrating tools and their data


traditional tools integration


the Web as a design inspiration

 patterns emerged before the Web   the Web has changed the way how we produce and

share information

  the Web is a success story for a scalable distributed system   what are the guiding principles that make it successful?   what technologies and can and should we use to build such



REST principles

 Step 1: URLs for resources

 Step 2: specified resource formats

 Step 3: specified resource services


Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration

 Community Driven – specified at open-services.net

 Specifications for ALM Interoperability  Inspired by Internet architecture

  Loosely coupled integration with “just enough” standardization

  Common resource formats and services

 A different approach to industry-wide proliferation

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration

Barriers to sharing resources and assets across the software lifecycle  Multiple vendors, open source

projects and in-house tools  Private vocabularies, formats

and stores  Entanglement of tools with

their data

Aimed at simplifying tool integration across the software lifecycle


“Linked Data”   Linked Data is an approach, defined by Tim Berners-Lee, to

data integration on the Web  http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/LinkedData.html

  Linked Data principles 1. Use URIs as names for things.

2. Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names. 3. When someone looks up a URI, provide useful information, using the standards (RDF, SPARQL).

4. Include links to other URIs so that they can discover more things.


linked lifecycle data


establishing links

Quality Manager Test Case

Test Case & Plan item are linked in both directions

Dialog for interacting with Rational Team Concert

Click to add Plan-item Links

Quality Manager Test Case Dialog for interacting with

Rational Team Concert

Click to add Plan-item Links

Quality Manager Test Case Dialog for interacting with

Rational Team Concert

Test Case & Plan item are linked in both directions

Click to add Plan-item Links

Quality Manager Test Case Dialog for interacting with

Rational Team Concert

40 40

link rendering and previews


eclipse vs. jazz integration architecture

  Eclipse  a tools platform to implement new tools

 Java APIs – single implementation language  patterns

 XML based configuration  lazy creation

 Fine grained integration

  Jazz integration architecture  Integrate existing tools

 specified protocols -> many languages

 patterns – REST with  service documents, services  discovery, factory URLs

 Coarse grained integration



  you cannot learn patterns from a book  no book can completely describe a pattern

  it will never fully describe perfectly when the pattern is applicable

  it will never tell you all you need to know to implement it

  it will never tell you all the consequences of using the pattern.

 … but having a book is better than not having a book

learn from the Web how to build distributed systems


summary: it is all about avoiding this…

Library dependencies – Taligent CommonPoint


see it all live at Jazz.net   transparent development   Jazz architecture   Jazz products

  self-hosting   Using Jazz products…   … to develop Jazz products

  learn about Jazz at Jazz.net   participate in the evolution

  try it   sandbox available

• www.open-services.net
