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Design Portfolio 2008

Date post: 01-Jul-2015
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THINKINg AND MAKINg MIcHAEL gLUZMAN Portfolio, 2008 SELEcTIONS PUMA Promotional Mailer Rörelse Sofa Ovü Digital Photo Album Fanya Kaplan All That is Human

t h i n k i n g a n d m a k i n g

m i c h a e l g l u z m a nPortfolio, 2008

S e l e c t i o n SPUMA Promotional MailerRörelse SofaOvüDigital Photo AlbumFanya KaplanAll That is Human

w h o a m i ?

i a m


j u S t a g u y . a d e S i g n e r .

My grandmother once told me the most important thing in life was to be a good person. That advice has resonated with me ever since. And that advice is something that has transcended into my work.

I believe in solving problems by thinking outside the box. I think design should support and encourage our intrinsic human faculties to solve problems rather than substitute them. To do that, it is vital to have empathy and be sensitive to people’s needs, emotions, and reactions. I believe in connecting people through design and creating the kind of solutions that have meaning and value for the people that experience them.

Design is thinking made visual.S a u l B a S S

The details are not the details. They make the design.c h a r l e S e a m e S

How shall the new environment be programmed now that we have become so involved with each other, now that all of us have become the unwitting work force for social change?m a r S h a l l m c l u h a n

B r a n d . d e l i v e r . e x p e r i e n c e .

p u m a p r o m o t i o n a l m a i l e rBranding / Identity Study

c o n c e p t S k e t c h i n g

S t o r y B o a r d i n g

u r B a n m o B i l i t yLife in the modern world is exciting - but it isn’t always easy. Urban Mobility is PUMA’s collection of accessories designed to simplify life in urban environments and wherever else life’s journey takes you.

p u m a v a l u e SPUMA plans to evolve the organization through the fostering of unique company values, all compatible with the personality of the brand. These can be best summarized in four words:


m o c k - u p S a n d t e S t i n g

d i e c u t S

u S e S e q u e n c e

a B C d e f G h i j k l m n o p q r S










B C d e f G h i j k l m n o p q r S

out AND aBout out OF town out OF offiCe out TO party


YOUR COORDINATES ARE n3.Visit PUMA.com using your map coordinates for exclusive directions to the venue.

1 2 3 4

peel adhesive strips to fasten.


URBAN MOBILITY.Life in the modern world is exciting - but it isn’t always easy. Urban Mobility is PUMA’s collection of accessories designedto simplify life in urban environments and wherever else life’s journey takes you.


o u t t o p a r t yPUMA’s Urban Mobility line of products and accessories are ripe for a promotional party. Like other PUMA hosted party functions, the event fits brand’s culture.

Because PUMA targets the young, hip, and mobile audience with their Urban Mobility line of products, the mailer is designed with multiple levels of interactivity in mind suited for a multitasking, active lifestyle.

l o c a t i o n

i n t e r a c t i o n

e x p e r i e n c e

i S t h i S S e a t t a k e n ?

r ö r e l S e S o f aLounge Seating ConceptForm Study

m o v e m e n tThe framework of beams is an attempt to create dynamism through diametric pairs. Each beam pair varies in length and height that imply growth, transition, or the potential for sliding seats along the beams.

f l o t a t i o nThe beam connection to the seat is a reference to an image of holding something up between two hands; floating. The hidden connection of the supports suggest flotation.

e n v i r o n m e n tThe interplay of diametric beams with floating seats begin to create an environment. The intent is to activate the space beyond the seating area by providing options for alternative use. The resulting negative space achieved by the exaggerated lengths and heights of the beams provides a framework for an environment that is implied by the boundaries and volumes of the sofa.

f o r m d e v e l o p m e n t

c o n c e p t S k e t c h i n g

m o v e m e n t

f l o t a t i o n

e n v i r o n m e n t

B e d r o o m a m B i e n c e

o v üOvulation Beacon

f o r m d e v e l o p m e n t

c o n c e p t S k e t c h i n g

n a t u r a l B i r t h c o n t r o lTypically, the woman is largely in charge of all birth control options. Her motivation drives fertility cycle monitoring. Tremendous pressure rests on the woman’s shoulders to act as executive and messenger. Men are rarely involved, and the barrier created between partners may cause tension in a relationship.

To help ease the tension and improve healthy communication regarding natural birth control., men can be involved more by receiving more information. Ambient technologies offer the means to share and display information by discreet and simple methods, ideal for communicating information regarding natural birth control.

a m B i e n t c o m m u n i c a t i o nMany woman practicing natural birth control rely on existing software to document and predict ovulation cycles. Ovü extends the system by establishing a wireless connection with existing software tools and extrapolating only the prediction data. Ovü displays the data as binary information: a soft blue LED light indicates the woman is ovulating. No light indicates she is not. Placed away in the bedroom, the topic remains private. Tension surrounding the topic may now be relieved through shared information.

u n o B t r u S i v e

w o m a n ’ S c h o i c e

i n v o l v e B o t h p a r t n e r S

l i m i t e d f u n c t i o n S e t

S h a r i n g t h e m o m e n t

d i g i t a l p h o t o a l B u mFamily Communication

d i S t a n c el a n g u a g ea g e

p r o B l e m r e p o S i t i o n i n g

c o n c e p t S k e t c h i n g

c o m m u n i c a t i o n B a r r i e r SFamilies constantly struggle with communication problems, but most cannot be solved by a mere product. The problems are primarily attributed to a lack of shared information; a lack of common experiences or interest. Keeping this in mind, the causes for communication problems can be determined.

My personal goal to achieve greater and better communication with my grandparents was the framework for development of the solution. Understanding the actual causes of communication gaps resulted in the proposition for a solution brief: resolve the barriers of distance, language differences, and age. These barriers truncate a great deal of information I attempt to communicate to my grandparents. Resolving them can facilitate and encourage communication across current and future communication devices.

m o c k - u p S a n d t e S t i n g

m o d e l u S e

c o m m u n i c a t i o n B r i d g e SThe ability to share artifacts, experiences, knowledge, and establishing shared interest in subject matter encourages communication. This insight was the most important discovery that validated every detail in the solution: a digital photo album that wirelessly connects to an online sharing center. Uploading content to the website directly corresponds to the three pages of the album: pictures, video, and PDFs. The separate pages and textured cover reference traditional photo albums. Separate pages provide a limited function that decreases confusion. Solid state memory, OLEDs, and durable plastics keep the form slim and light. Power and USB connectivity are available in the “binding” where paper-thin wires connect to the pages. An indicator LED light pulses gently when new media has been transferred to the album.

Distanced family members can share media instantly without accessing a computer. Elderly members no longer need to feel intimidated by a technology with a steep learning curve. Where language differences impede, pictures speak the thousand words. The interaction with shared artifacts is more active and communication is encouraged through a common and simple interface that spotlights the content rather than accessing it.

a r t i f a c t S

e x p e r i e n c e S

k n o w l e d g e

i n t e r e S t

l e t ’ S g o t o t h e m o v i e S

f a n y a k a p l a nArt Director, Codirector

a l l t h a t i S h u m a nArt Director, Codirector

a r t d i r e c t i o n

d i r e c t i o n

a c t i n g

B l i n d B e t r a y a lAugust 1918, Russia: Fanya Kaplan, a zealous Socialist Revolutionary involved in past terrorist acts in revolutionary Russia, attempts the assassination of Vladimir Lenin with the help of two party mercenaries. This film is based on true events.

a r t d i r e c t i o n

d i r e c t i o n

d y S t o p i a n f u t u r eThe film explores the nature of humanity and human sexuality in a desolate and isolated future where interaction is mediated entirely through cyberspace and the nature of human instincts are lost.

t h a n k y o u f o r t a k i n g a l o o k

c o n t a c t

a 2309 Crestcliff Dr. Tucker, GA 30084c 404.510.6348e [email protected] michaelgluzman.com and flickr.com/photos/gluzman
