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1Eng Training Manual © 2011 DesSoft Version: 4.1.1105.86
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1Eng Training Manual

© 2011 DesSoft

Version: 4.1.1105.86

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All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, ormechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems - without thewritten permission of the publisher.

Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered trademarks of therespective owners. The publisher and the author make no claim to these trademarks.

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the author assume noresponsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information contained in thisdocument or from the use of programs and source code that may accompany it. In no event shall the publisher andthe author be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been causeddirectly or indirectly by this document.

Printed: April 2011 in Eldoraigne, South Africa

1Eng Training Manual

© 2011 DesSoft

PublisherSpecial thanks to:

All the people who contributed to this document.DesSoft

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© 2011 DesSoft

Table of Contents

Foreword 0

Part I Introduction & Setup 8

................................................................................................................................... 81 Introduction

................................................................................................................................... 92 Setup and Navigation

................................................................................................................................... 103 Log in

................................................................................................................................... 114 User Management

Part II License Management 14

................................................................................................................................... 141 Activating Licenses from the Web License Server

................................................................................................................................... 152 Concurrent User Management

................................................................................................................................... 163 Firewall and Proxies

Part III Help and Licensing 18

................................................................................................................................... 181 Activating a Local License

................................................................................................................................... 182 Returning a Local License

................................................................................................................................... 193 About Dialog

Part IV MAPS 22

................................................................................................................................... 221 How to use MAPS-1Engineer to add a MAPS project

................................................................................................................................... 252 Configuring the Equipment Schedule worksheet

................................................................................................................................... 263 How MAPS implements the S88 / S95 hierarchy

................................................................................................................................... 274 Configuring the IO Allocation worksheet

................................................................................................................................... 285 How to bulk import your equipment and allocate the IO for your


................................................................................................................................... 326 Default Electrical equipment templates

................................................................................................................................... 327 Default Instrumentation equipment templates

................................................................................................................................... 338 Setting up the Adroit Agent Server

................................................................................................................................... 359 Creating and configuring PLC devices in Adroit

................................................................................................................................... 3710 Deleting a MAPS project

Part V Projects 40

................................................................................................................................... 401 Project Building Options

................................................................................................................................... 402 Creating a project

................................................................................................................................... 413 Opening a project

................................................................................................................................... 424 Project Information

................................................................................................................................... 425 Backup & Restore Projects

Part VI Creating Electrical Plant Components 46

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................................................................................................................................... 471 Create a Cubicle and add Devices

................................................................................................................................... 482 Creating Cables and Cores in the Cubicle

................................................................................................................................... 503 Creating a Motor in the Cubicle

................................................................................................................................... 514 Creating Signals in the Cubicle

................................................................................................................................... 515 Creating a Control Instrument in the Cubicle

................................................................................................................................... 516 Creating a Schematic Diagram for the Cubicle

................................................................................................................................... 537 Creating a MCC and associating Cubicles to it

................................................................................................................................... 548 Creating a Single Line Diagram

................................................................................................................................... 559 Selecting SLD Symbols for Panels

Part VII Creating Instrumentation Plant Components 58

................................................................................................................................... 591 Create Instruments

................................................................................................................................... 592 Create Instruments with Tag Rules

................................................................................................................................... 613 Create a Junction Box

................................................................................................................................... 614 Create a PLC, Cards & Soft Addresses

Part VIII Cable Block Diagram 64

................................................................................................................................... 641 Block Connect

Part IX Card Connect 68

................................................................................................................................... 681 Allocating Instrument I/O

Part X Datasheets 70

................................................................................................................................... 701 Creating Datasheets

................................................................................................................................... 712 Linking a database field to a datasheet cell

................................................................................................................................... 723 Creating Multi-Tag Datasheets

Part XI Standards 78

................................................................................................................................... 791 Updating Standards

................................................................................................................................... 802 Associate a standard to an instrument

Part XII Hands-On One 82

Part XIII Tables 84

................................................................................................................................... 841 Modifying Table Structures

................................................................................................................................... 852 Exporting Tables

................................................................................................................................... 853 Importing Tables

................................................................................................................................... 864 Rebuild Tag Numbers

................................................................................................................................... 865 Parse Tag Numbers

Part XIV Queries 90

................................................................................................................................... 901 Creating Queries

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Part XV Reports 94

................................................................................................................................... 941 Viewing Reports

................................................................................................................................... 942 Creating Reports

Part XVI Speed Tools 98

................................................................................................................................... 981 Cable Block Import

................................................................................................................................... 992 Build Loops

Part XVII Tag Rules 102

................................................................................................................................... 1031 Internal Functions

Part XVIII 1Eng Options & Tools 106

................................................................................................................................... 1061 Options

................................................................................................................................... 1072 Data Tools

................................................................................................................................... 1093 Duplicate Tags

................................................................................................................................... 1104 Compare Tools

................................................................................................................................... 1105 Cable Drums

................................................................................................................................... 1116 Motor Calculations

................................................................................................................................... 1127 Cable Calculations

Index 115

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1 Introduction & Setup

In this section we will cover:

How to setup DesSoft 1Eng.How to navigate within DesSoft 1Eng.How to log in .How to manage users.

1.1 Introduction

This training manual is aimed at giving a general understanding of DesSoft 1Eng, it's features andhow it's modules function.

Minimum requirements are:

Basic knowledge on the Windows system. Field Bus and Instrumentation knowledge.Basic knowledge of Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server.





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Introduction & Setup 9

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1.2 Setup and Navigation

How to install DesSoft 1Eng

This will guide you on how to install 1Eng - Engineering Tool for Instrumentation and Electrical.Please go to www.dessoft.co.za to download the latest version of DesSoft 1Eng, if you do notalready have it.

Run the Setup.exe and follow onscreen prompts.The default install path for DesSoft 1Eng is C:\Program Files\DesSoft\4.1\1Eng(Where [4.1] is the version which you are installing.)

How to navigate within DesSoft 1Eng

Go Button:If you click on this button, you will find all the available modules in DesSoft 1Eng.This is the main way to navigate within DesSoft 1Eng.

Ribbon Bar:The ribbon bar will show all the related functions for the currently open module.

(Note that it works on the area or w indow where the mouse pointer is currently hovering.)


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Almost every window has a green field above the components listed in the window. Thisenables you to filter the content of the window for any specific criteria.

Tag List:This list displays the tags of all the components in the current project. eg. Loops, instruments,panels, documents etc.

List Options:This acts as a filter for the various component groups. The tag numbers displayed in the Tag List,are a result of the group selected in the List Options. Eg. If Panels is selected in the List Options,ONLY Panel tag numbers will be displayed in the Tag List.

Navigation Bar:The Navigation Bar is another way to navigate within DesSoft 1Eng. Click on them to open therespective module.

Window Tabs:All the currently open modules will be displayed here, for easy access. You can close a window tab by clicking the "x" on the left side of the tab.

Splitter Bars / Expansion BarsOn the edge of almost every window, there is a line of dots with an arrow on either side of theline. This identifies a splitter bar (or otherwise known as an Expansion Bar).If you click the bar once, the window will minimize in the direction the arrows are pointing. Onceminimized, only the splitter bar will be visible. Clicking the splitter bar again, will make thewindow visible again. In the window's visible state, the splitter bar is also used to resize the windowto the user's preference.

1.3 Log in

When launching DesSoft 1Eng, The following dialog box will appear.

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Introduction & Setup 11

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The default login and password for DesSoft 1Eng is Administrator.

1. Copy & Paste Administrator into the password field. User Config and Login will becomeavailable.

2. Click on Login.

1.4 User Management

How to modify, add or delete a user in a project

Once you are in DesSoft 1Eng, click on the Application Button in the top left corner as shown belowand click on Login.

You will recognize the login screen that appears. This time we are going to manage users that willbe using this system. Fill in the password (Default password is administrator) and click on the UserConfig button. The following dialog box should appear.

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Here you can modify, delete and/or add new users. Lets create a new user.

1. Click Add.2. Enter the desired Username and Password.3. Under Role, select Supervisor.4. Click OK.5. Click Close.6. Enter the new Username and Password.7. Click Login.

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2 License Management

This section explains the various methods to activate DesSoft Software.

To remove DesSoft 1Eng from Evaluation mode, the software needs to:

1. Be activated with a Local Workstation license.2. Connect to the DesSoft Concurrent User Manager (CUM) that will issue a license to DesSoft

1Eng.3. Be setup to use the licenses on the CUM License Manager.

2.1 Activating Licenses from the Web License Server

Upon purchase of DesSoft Software the client is issued with a ClientID and a login Password toaccess his/hers licenses on the DesSoft Web License Server. To access your licenses, visit theDesSoft Web Licence Server at www.dessoft.co.za/licencelogin.aspx

How to Activate CUM with Client Licenses

1. Make sure that the DesSoft Concurrent User Manager (CUM) is Installed.2. Visit the DesSoft Web License Server.

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License Management 15

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3. Generate an activation code for all the licenses you want to make available on the CUM orcontact your company's License Administrator to issue you with an activation code.

4. Start the CUM application.5. In the CUM application, click Activate.6. Paste the activation code you generated from the Web License Server or received from the

Company's License Administrator, in the Activate License dialog.7. Click Activate. If the transaction is successful, a message box will appear indicating the amount

of licenses that were activated on the CUM. After closing the Activate Licenses dialog thelicenses will appear in the CUM license list and the licenses are now ready to be used on thecompany's Local Area Network (LAN). If the transaction was unsuccessful see the section onFirewall and Proxies.

8. To setup DesSoft Software to use the CUM licenses on the company's LAN see the topic Helpand Licensing

2.2 Concurrent User Management

1. Click here to enter your activation code you generated on the DesSoft website.2. Here you can change your proxy settings, and how often Concurrent User Manager must look for

Licenses.3. Refresh queries the web server for licenses. Be sure to hit Refresh after entering your Activation

code.4. The ID of the license.5. Your company name.6. The type of license. 7. The computer the license is on.8. If the license is available or in use.9. If the license is being used, this will tell you who is using it.10. When your license expires.11. Shows connectivity to the web server. If it's red, it means CUM cannot access the internet.

Please check your firewall / proxy settings and ensure everything is correct.


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2.3 Firewall and Proxies

If the transaction to activate your license on the CUM was unsuccessful, make sure that the CUM is notblocked by a Firewall. If your company uses a Proxy server contact your network administrator for theproxy settings.

To setup the proxy settings in the CUM application.

1. Click the Options button.2. Enter the proxy settings.3. Click OK.

To setup the proxy settings in DesSoft 1Eng.

4. In the menu bar, click Tools.5. In the Options ribbon bar, click 1Eng Options.6. In the Options dialog, click on Proxy Server in the list.7. Enter the proxy settings.8. Click OK.

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3 Help and Licensing

In this section we will cover:

Activating a local license.Returning a local license.Finding version information.

3.1 Activating a Local License

1. Visit the DesSoft Web License Server and generate an activation code for all the licenses youwant to make available for the workstation/notebook or contact your company's LicenseAdministrator to issue you with an activation code.

2. In the menu bar, click Help.3. In the Licensing ribbon bar, click Activate.

4. In the Activation Code field, enter the activation code you generated on the DesSoft WebLicense Server or your company's License Administrator issued you with.

5. In the Host Computer field, enter the name of the computer the CUM is running on.6. In the Port Number field, enter the Port Number the Host Computer uses to access the internet

.7. Click Test Host to test whether your computer can communicate with the CUM.8. Click Activate Local License.9. The Activation code will be verified on the Web License Server and if the code is valid a local

license will be created on your computer. 10.If the transaction failed, refer to the Firewall and Proxies Section.

3.2 Returning a Local License

1. In the menu bar, click Help.2. In the Licensing ribbon bar, click Activate.





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Help and Licensing 19

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3. Click De-Activate Local License.

4. If the transaction failed, refer to the Firewall and Proxies Section. 5. If DesSoft 1Eng was previously setup to connect to the CUM and there are licenses available on

CUM your computer will automatically fetch a license from the CUM on your company's LAN.6. If DesSoft 1Eng stays in EVALUATION mode refer to the License Management section to set

up licensing.

3.3 About Dialog

The about dialog shows information about the current version as well as support information.

1. In the menu bar, click Help.2. In the Actions ribbon bar, click About.



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In this section we will cover:

How to use MAPS-1Engineer to add a MAPS project

Configuring the Equipment Schedule worksheet

How MAPS implements the S88 / S95 hierarchy

Configuring the IO Allocation worksheet

How to bulk import your equipment and allocate the IO for your PLCs

Default Electrical equipment templates

Default Instrumentation equipment templates

Setting up the Adroit Agent Server

Creating and configuring PLC devices in Adroit

Deleting a MAPS project

4.1 How to use MAPS-1Engineer to add a MAPS project











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MAPS-1Engineer uses an Excel spreadsheet to bulk configure the items of electrical and instrumentationequipment in your plant and to automatically allocate their IO. For this reason, we recommend that youpre-configure this spreadsheet before using MAPS-1Engineer to import it.

By default, MAPS-1Engineer installs the Sample Maps ImportSheet.xls into the My Documents\MAPSfolder, which contains the equipment and sample IO configuration for the demo MAPS project (ACME) -modify this spreadsheet to create your project.

This spreadsheet consists of the following two worksheets:Equipment Schedule: to define the list of electrical and instrumentation equipment required

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within your process site (MAPS project).Example:

This list requires that you organize your equipment according an extended physical model of thehierarchical structure specified by the ISA S88 and S95 standards (the organizing structure of yourprocess site). See Configuring the Equipment Schedule worksheet.IO Allocation: to define the physical location and the starting addresses of the various IO cardsrequired to provide the IO for your instrumentation and electrical equipment (specify the layout ofyour racks in each PLC). See Configuring the IO Allocation worksheet.Example:

Once the Equipment Schedule is imported into MAPS-1Engineer, an IO Summary is generated on thisworksheet for each PLC, listing the required quantities of the different types of IO required by theirassociated equipment. This allows you to finalize your IO cards (ensure that have sufficient capacity)before auto allocating the addressing.

Note: While you can manually add items of equipment later, in the MAPS Designer – we recommendthat your initial equipment list is comprehensive to accurately finalize the IO cards of each PLC.

Using MAPS-1Engineer to bulk configure a new MAPS project:

Pre-requisitesCreate a list of ALL the items of electrical and instrumentation equipment required in each plantsite that is organized according to an extended physical model of the S88/S95 hierarchicalstructure. For more details, see How MAPS implements the S88 / S95 hierarchy.

Note: You need to create a MAPS project for EACH of your process Sites.Specify the IO types in each PLC and group the virtual IO cards to ensure efficient scanning.Ensure that you have installed the MAPS Server and the MAPS SQL Server database and can loginto this SQL Server and configure its databases.Ensure that you have installed GX IEC Developer.Ensure that you can log into the MAPS Designer to configure MAPS projects.Configure the settings of each Agent Server - do not rely on the default settings. For details, see Setting up the Adroit Agent Server.Create and configure the necessary Mitsubishi PLC devices (instances) in Adroit for each PLC. Formore details, see Creating and configuring PLC devices in Adroit.

Create a new DesSoft project1. In MAPS-1Engineer, if you are not using the other DesSoft applications, then you need to create a

new DesSoft project (to create the DesSoft database) before you can create the MAPS project.Otherwise skip this step and simply select your existing DesSoft project.To create a new DesSoft project:

By default the Project view is displayed; click New on the Project section of the Project viewribbon to configure a new DesSoft project (you can return to this Project view by clicking the Gomenu and selecting the Projects item or pressing the CTRL+SHIFT+P shortcut).


When the New Project dialog opens, configure this DesSoft project, as follows:a. Specify where you want your DesSoft projects stored, by browsing in this folder as the Project

Root.b. Specify the Project Name, which creates the project folder under the Project Root folder.c. Use the default options for the Build Project From (System project) and Build Project With

(Shared libraries) sections.d. Change the Project Type to SQL Server and complete the SQL Server Information section,

as follows:e. Server Name: specify the (named instance of) SQL Server that MAPS uses.

IMPORTANT: Server Name ALWAYS specifies the name of the LOCAL computer, by default.But if you have installed a named instance of SQL on the local computer then this will NOTwork!

Tip: If you are unsure of SQL Server (instance) name that you have used for MAPS, thenopen the Connect to MAPS Database shortcut from the MAPS program group and extractthis information from the Connection String field, as follows: the Data Source is the SQLServer Name and possibly the User ID is the Admin Name and Password is the AdminPassword.

f. Admin Name and Admin Password: specify the user credentials used to log into the SQLServer.

g. User Name and User Password: specify the user credentials used to connect to the SQL

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database on the SQL Server. By default, the User Name is the Project Name and the UserPassword is the Project Name + "PassWord21".


Connect to the MAPS SQL database and create the MAPS project2. Click the MAPS Project Configurator button in the MAPS section of the Project view ribbon, to

connect to the MAPS SQL database and create the tables for your MAPS project. Example

3. When the MAPS Project Tools dialog opens, specify the connection details to the MAPS SQLdatabase, as follows:

a. SQL Server name: specify the SQL Server (instance) that MAPS uses.b. If necessary, specify the Username and Password required to log into this SQL Server

(instance).c. Click the Test Connection button to test that the specified details CAN connect to this SQL

Server.d. MAPS Project Name: specify name of this MAPS project (the name of this plant Site).e. Click the Create MAPS Project button to create this MAPS project on the MAPS SQL Server, the

successful creation of which is confirmed by a message box.

Tip: If you are unsure of these MAPS SQL Server Connection Properties, open the Connectto MAPS Database shortcut from the MAPS program group and extract this informationfrom the Connection String field, as follows: the Data Source is the SQL Server name;and possibly the User ID is the Username and Password is the Password.

f. After successfully creating the MAPS project, click the Close button, in the top left hand corner ofthe dialog.

Now you need to click the Import Equipment and PLC button in the MAPS section of the Projectview ribbon, to configure this new MAPS project. For details, see How to bulk import your equipmentand allocate the IO for your PLC's.

4.2 Configuring the Equipment Schedule worksheet

For each item of electrical and instrumentation equipment within your process site, you need to specifythe following:

Note: ONLY Complete the Orange columns - the Yellow columns are completed automatically,when you import this spreadsheet into MAPS-1Engineer and select the required MAPS template andthe associated SCADA graphic.

1. Plant Area Name (S88 Plant Area): the name of plant area in which this equipment is located.

WARNING! You CANNOT rename this plant area name.

Note: Ensure that each plant area name is unique.2. Plant Description: describe the function performed by this plant area.3. Plant Area Code: an OPTIONAL (unique 3-character alphanumeric) code, which becomes the

prefix for this item of equipment within this plant area.

Tip: The Plant Area Code is recommended as it helps one to ensure unique and identifiable tagnames in the project, that allow you to easily differentiate your plant equipment.

4. MAPS Server: the name of the MAPS Server that contains (stores) this MAPS Project. Typicallythis specifies the local MAPS Server, which is the Default setting.

Note: If you have more than one MAPS Servers on your network (and their Broadcast Enabledsetting is TRUE), then you can specify the name of the required MAPS Server, as follows:[Computer Name] Literal Server Name.

5. Adroit Data source Name: the name of the Adroit data source (the connection to the AgentServer that manages the required SCADA tag of this item of equipment - as specified in the MAPSDesigner) and is NOT necessarily the name of the Agent Server as it is specified in Adroit.

6. PLC Name (S88 Process Cell): specify the PLC that controls this item of equipment.

WARNING! You CANNOT rename this PLC name.

Note: Ensure that each PLC name is unique.

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7. Adroit Device Name: Specify the name of the device that the Adroit Agent Server uses tocommunicate to this PLC in the field.

Note: You can ONLY specify Adroit devices for the supported Mitsubishi PLC's that are configuredfor the specified Agent Server.

8. Process Unit (S88): specify the unit (tag grouping) within this PLC that contains this item ofequipment.Units are essentially logical groupings of the electrical and/or instrumentation equipment.

Typically a unit is defined for each operation controlled by each PLC, such as Filling, Packing,Flocculation etc. However, units can also be defined, in MAPS, to represent complex items ofequipment, such as conveyors that consist of more than one items of electrical and/orinstrumentation equipment.

WARNING! You CANNOT rename this unit name.

Note: Ensure that each Unit name is unique.9. Equipment Tag name: specify the name used to identify this item of equipment in the SCADA

and PLC.The following suggested naming format is provided: a name that is prefixed by the specified plantarea code (if any) and that has an incrementing counter as a suffix. For instance: 11-WT-001,assuming the plant area code is 11.

WARNING! You CANNOT rename this equipment name.

Note: Ensure that each equipment name is unique.10.Description: specify a description for this item of electrical or instrumentation equipment, which

describes its function or purpose. For instance: Tank Weight.11.I_O: if this is an item of instrumentation equipment then specify the required IO abbreviation,

such as AI for analogue input or DI for digital input etc.; otherwise if this an item of electricalequipment specify ‘N/A’.

4.3 How MAPS implements the S88 / S95 hierarchy

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The ISA S95 standard divides the manufacturing enterprise into: plant floor automation control, MES andERP. This standard focuses on MES and ERP, as its goal is to seamlessly coordinate business andproduction processes.

The ISA S88 standard, originally created for batch processes, can be used to structure ANY process. Thisstandard focuses on plant floor automation control.

BOTH standards share a SIMILAR hierarchy describing the structure of automation projects, as follows:

MAPS implements (and enforces) the following extended physical model:

Note: These hierarchical categories ALL have a 1 to many relationship with their components i.e. aSite can contain MANY Areas, an Area can contain MANY Process Cells (PLC's) etc.

The Site level is the MAPS project. So you will have one MAPS project per site. For example, XYZFoods.The Area level is the defined Plant area/s of the MAPS project. For example, Batching Plant.The Process Cell level is the PLC/s of each defined plant area. For example, BATCHING PLC.The Unit level is the collection/s of equipment items within each PLC. Typically these relate to theplant area-specific operations, such as Filling, Packing, Flocculation etc. For example, Batching.However, you can ALSO create a unit for each item of complex equipment i.e. equipment thatconsist of more than one Electrical or Instrumentation item, such as conveyors. The Equipment module and the Control module levels are NOT separately implementedbecause this is not supported by the PLC programming architecture. These levels are the defineditems of equipment that are classified into either the Electrical or Instrumentation categoriesfor each of the defined units.

4.4 Configuring the IO Allocation worksheet

For each IO card of each PLC within your process site, you need to specify the following:

IMPORTANT: When specifying numbers in the Rack, Slot and Start Address columns, ensure thatyou type in a ’ character first and then specify the required rack number, so that it is specified astext.

1. Panel: The name of the panel that contains the PLC.2. PLC Name: This is the SAME name, as specified for this PLC in the Equipment Schedule

worksheet. For instance: BATCHING_PLC3. Description: This describes the type of IO and/or channels supported by this IO card. For

instance: QX81 - 32 Channel Digital Input (24 Vdc).4. Rack : For physical IO cards, this specifies the rack number of this IO card in the PLC, for

instance: '00; otherwise for virtual (software) cards, set this value to ‘Virtual’.5. Slot : For physical IO cards, this specifies the slot number of the specified Rack containing this IO

card, for instance: '01; otherwise for virtual (software) IO cards, set this value to ‘IO’.6. IO Type: This column specifies the type of IO provided by this card, as follows:

Abbreviation Description

DI Digital Input

DO Digital Output

AI Analogue Input

AO Analogue Output

RI Remote Input

RO Remote Output

SCL SCADA Control - Low Scan Rates

SCH SCADA Control - High Scan Rates

SSL SCADA Status- Low Scan Rate

SSH SCADA Status- High Scan Rate

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7.Chnl Count: The number of channels (physical points) provided by this IO card.8.Start Address: The starting address of the IO provided by this IO card, as follows:9.for physical IO cards, this specifies the starting address of this IO card as specified by the GX

Developer PLC parameters (the physical location of each physical IO card is irrelevant and does notaffect the scanning). For instance: '60.

Tip: The X or Y prefix is optional and if omitted will be specified, when the addressing isallocated.

for virtual IO cards, this ensures that these IO types are grouped together thereby ensuringefficient scanning. For instance D01040 - as determined by a formula that uses the adjacent twocolumns to create this address.

4.5 How to bulk import your equipment and allocate the IO for yourPLCs

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After, creating the necessary DesSoft and/or MAPS project and configuring Adroit and the Excelspreadsheet containing your equipment schedule and your IO cards, then you can import thisspreadsheet into the MAPS-1Engineer to bulk configure your MAPS project. For details of these precedingsteps, see How to use MAPS-1Engineer to add a MAPS project.

Import the Excel spreadsheet to bulk configure your MAPS project1. Click the Import Equipment and PLC button in the MAPS section of the Project view ribbon, to

configure a new MAPS project.Example

2. When the MAPS Equipment Import dialog opens, click the Excel icon to browse for andopen the Excel spreadsheet that specifies your project’s electrical and instrumentation equipmentlist and the IO cards of each PLC.This will typically be the Excel spreadsheet, in the MAPS folder of your documents, which youcreated/modified previously. For details on editing the two worksheets of this spreadsheet, see Configuring the Equipment Schedule worksheet and/or Configuring the IO Allocation worksheet.

3. If necessary, click the Equipment Schedule section of the MAPS Import option (on the lefthand side) to display the Equipment Schedule worksheet of the opened Excel spreadsheet thatlists the configured equipment to assign their relevant MAPS template.Example

The MAPS template associates a SCADA graphic and PLC function block to this item of equipmentand creates and configures the necessary tags to represent and control this item of equipment,when the equipment list is built.

Assign MAPS templates to the equipment and generate the equipment IO list4. Assign the relevant MAPS template to each item of equipment, as follows:a. Click in the row of this item of equipment in the Equipment Schedule worksheet.

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b. If necessary, click the Electrical or Instrumentation button underneath the Templates list todisplay the appropriate list of MAPS templates, depending upon whether this item of equipment iselectrical or instrumentation.

c. Select the appropriate MAPS template from the Templates list to represent this item ofequipment. In other words, the template that provides the correct function block in the PLC andSCADA tags in Adroit to represent and control this item of equipment.

Default Electrical equipment templates: the electrical equipment templates

Default Instrumentation equipment templates: the instrumentation equipment templates

IMPORTANT: If you change the MAPS template for an item of equipment, especially whenchanging instrumentation templates OR changing an electrical template to an instrumentationtemplate - ensure that the I_O column provides the required IO type for this template.

d. Select the required graphical representation and orientation of this item of equipment (as it willappear in the SCADA mimic) from the Process Graphic… list.

Typically the provided template graphics will always list one or more ISO representations (ofthe associated ISO 14617 symbol, if one exists for this item of equipment) at the top of the list,which may be followed by one or more physical representations of this item of equipment.

The Yellow columns of the row of this item of equipment in the Equipment Scheduleworksheet now specify the selected MAPS template and graphic.

Note: To change the graphic after you have selected it, select the row of the requiredequipment, select the required MAPS template from the Templates list and select therequired graphic from the Process Graphic list.

5. Once you have assigned templates to all the necessary equipment, click the Build Equipment

button to generate the required number of each type of IO required by each PLC for thisequipment - as dictated by their assigned MAPS templates.

Note: While you can manually add items of equipment later, in the MAPS Designer – werecommend that your initial equipment list is comprehensive to accurately finalize the IO cards(in other words, determining that the IO cards of each PLC have sufficient capacity for the IO oftheir associated equipment).

The status bar of the MAPS Equipment Import utility displays the progress of this BuildEquipment process.


Finalize the IO cards and then automatically allocate the equipment IO6. Once the Build Equipment process has completed, the Card Schedule section of the MAPS

Import option is opened that displays the IO Allocation worksheet.Example

This important step of the import process allows you to finalize the IO cards of each PLC, asfollows:On the right hand side of the IO Allocation worksheet, an IO Summary is created for each PLC,by the Build Equipment process, which lists the number of the different types of IO required forthis site.For each IO Type of each PLC Name, compare the IO Count amount of the IO Summary to thecorresponding IO Type and Chnl Count fields and ensure that the SUM of the Chnl Count fieldsfor each IO Type is preferably greater that or at least equal to its IO Count amount, in the IOSummary for this PLC.Example:

7. Once you have finalized the IO cards of each PLC, click the Build PLC and auto allocate IO button, to automatically allocate the equipment IO.The status bar of the MAPS Equipment Import utility displays the progress of this Build PLC andauto allocate IO process.


When the Build PLC and auto allocate IO process is finished, you can:Click the View equipment allocation option (on the left hand side) to see the extended physicalmodel of the S88/S95 hierarchical structure for your MAPS project (the process site).

ExampleClick the View IO allocation option (on the left hand side) to view which PLC addresses areassigned to the signals of each item of equipment and which of these are allocated to each IOcard.

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Perform the final MAPS project configuration in the MAPS Designer8. Close the MAPS-1Engineer application and, if necessary, start the MAPS Server.9. Log into the MAPS Designer application and ensure that the MAPS window is displayed.

10.In the MAPS window, right click the MAPS project that you have just created in MAPS-1Engineer and select Initialize Project to create the folder structure and the Operator viewgraphic form.

Note: This step is ONLY required for MAPS projects created by the MAPS-1Engineer application,as this step is automatically performed for projects created by the MAPS project wizard.

The Operator view graphic form is used by your operators to view and control your process site(MAPS project).

For more details on building your PLC programs and creating the SCADA tags and views andfinishing these off, see the How to use MAPS-1Engineer to add a MAPS project help topic inthe MAPS Designer help file.

Note: If you make a mistake when importing your project, you need to remove this project in BOTHMAPS1-Engineer and in the MAPS Designer, see Deleting a MAPS project.

4.6 Default Electrical equipment templates

The following electrical equipment templates are provided by MAPS, by default:

DOL_A_v1_0 : Advanced Direct Online Starter (motor)

DOL_B_v1_0 : Basic Direct Online Starter (motor)

DOL_S_v1_0 : Standard Direct Online Starter (motor)

VALVE_D_A_v1_0 : Advanced Double Actuating Valve

VALVE_D_B_v1_0 : Basic Double Actuating Valve

VALVE_D_S_v1_0 : Standard Double Actuating Valve

VALVE_S_A_v1_0 : Advanced Single Actuating Valve

VALVE_S_B_v1_0 : Basic Single Actuating Valve

VALVE_S_S_v1_0 : Standard Single Actuating Valve

Note: The more advanced the template the greater the number of signals (scanned tags) required torepresent this item of equipment. This can increase the size (and cost) of your required Adroit licence- so assign these templates to your equipment carefully.

The documentation (that can be opened from the MAPS Templates folder of the MAPS program group)contains a summary of the physical steps used for each function block including the PLC memory usage;the number of physical IO required for the PLC and the required Adroit Scan point licenses. This willenable you to easily estimate the CPU and SCADA licensing required for a project.

4.7 Default Instrumentation equipment templates

The following instrumentation equipment templates are provided by MAPS, by default:

AI_A_v1_0 : Advanced Analog Input

AI_B_v1_0 : Basic Analog Input

AI_S_v1_0 : Standard Analog Input

AO_A_v1_0 : Advanced Analog Output

AO_B_v1_0 : Basic Analog Output

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AO_S_v1_0 : Standard Analog Output

DI_A_v1_0 : Advanced Digital Input

DI_B_v1_0 : Basic Digital Input

DI_S_v1_0 : Standard Digital Input

DO_A_v1_0 : Advanced Digital Output

DO_B_v1_0 : Basic Digital Output

DO_S_v1_0 : Standard Digital Output

GS_A_v1_0 : Advanced Group Start

GS_S_v1_0 : Standard Group Start

PID_A_v1_0 : Advanced PID Control

PID_S_v1_0 : Standard PID Control

VESSEL_A_v1_0 : Advanced Vessel

VESSEL_B_v1_0 : Basic Vessel

VESSEL_S_v1_0 : Standard Vessel

Note: The more advanced the template the greater the number of signals (scanned tags) required torepresent this item of equipment. This can increase the size (and cost) of your required Adroit licence- so assign these templates to your equipment carefully.

The documentation (that can be opened from the MAPS Templates folder of the MAPS program group)contains a summary of the physical steps used for each function block including the PLC memory usage;the number of physical IO required for the PLC and the required Adroit Scan point licenses. This willenable you to easily estimate the CPU and SCADA licensing required for a project.

4.8 Setting up the Adroit Agent Server

This shows the default Agent Server settings as configured by the Adroit installation"

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o Cluster Aware Server: This is required when you need stand-alone Agent Servers to operate with

an Adroit Active Cluster pair (a set of hot-standby Agent Servers) in a distributed project. Since youare otherwise unable to have multiple Agent Servers with the same name in a Project.

o Cluster Server: If you are setting up a hot standby solution (cluster pair) you need to select each of

the Agent Servers in the cluster to be of type Cluster.

When Adroit is installed, it creates default settings for your Adroit project, which it is recommended thatyou configure these settings for each of the Agent Servers required by your MAPS project. Typically oneAgent Server is required per plant Area, but this is not always the case.

On each computer that has the Adroit Agent Server installed:

Navigate from the Start menu to the Adroit 7 program group and run the Adroit Setup link to open theAdroit Configuration Setup program.

By default the required Agent Server tab is displayed.


Configure the Agent Server ParametersAgent Server Type: Usually the default selection of Stand-alone/Distributed Server is requiredfor a typical installation; but this also provides the following options:Project Name: Adroit shares information seamlessly between Agent Servers that have the sameProject Name. So if you need to share data between Agent Servers, then give them a commonname, such as the name of the your MAPS project. By default this is the name of your computer.

Note: You need unique agent (tag) names in a Project.Agent Server Name: This is the logical name for the Agent Server. You can call this what youlike, typically it might be the area of plant that you are controlling.Auto-Load File Name: This is the logical name for the Adroit Agent Server tag database (WGPfile). This stores the entire configuration of this Agent Server. You can call this file whatever youlike, typically this might be the area of plant that you are controlling.

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Tip: You will notice that this file is saved to the Adroit project folder that you specified wheninstalling Adroit, which is by default: C:\Adroit Project\Data folder.

If necessary, save your Adroit Agent Server (Project) Configuration: click the Save As button in thebottom left corner of the dialog box, by default the specified Project Name is provided for you and clickthe OK button.

This adds this name to the Select Configuration drop down list box, at the top of this dialog, whichallows you to load the settings configured for your Agent Server, which is useful if you have anotherAgent Server configuration for testing or demonstration purposes.

Note: In addition to configuring the Agent Server, the Adroit Configuration Setup program allowsyou to install drivers and add and configure their devices (which you need to create for EACH PLCthat your MAPS project uses). For details, see Creating and configuring PLC devices in Adroit.

4.9 Creating and configuring PLC devices in Adroit

This shows the default Agent Server settings as configured by the Adroit installation"

Note: You will notice that the Adroit OPC Client driver is also installed by default, so that you canconnect to other PLC types via OPC. The other default driver, the Adroit Simulation driver, is a softwareonly driver emulation that is provided for testing and demonstration purposes.

a.Click the Install button, in the bottom right corner.b.Click the Browse button and browse to the required list of drivers (such as the \Adroit7\Drivers folder

of the MAPS installation DVD).c. Click the Open button.d.Double click Mitsubishi Q/QnA Ethernet in the Available drivers list.This installs this driver and open its document in MS Word - read this document carefully as it contains allthe information you need to get Adroit communicating to the PLC, including cable setup etc.e.Click the Close button.You should see Mitsubishi Q/QnA Series Ethernet driver in the left hand Installed Drivers + devices

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You need to create and configure a Mitsubishi PLC device (instance) in the Adroit Agent Server for everyPLC in each plant area. Each device is essential a clone of the installed driver that is separatelyconfigured to communicate to a specific PLC in the field.

To add and configure a device for an installed driver:

On each computer that has the Adroit Agent Server installed:1. Navigate from the Start menu to the Adroit 7 program group and run the Adroit Setup link to

open the Adroit Configuration Setup program.By default the Agent Server tab of the Adroit Configuration Setup utility is displayed.

2. Click the Drivers tab.3. Ensure that the Mitsubishi Q/QnA Series Ethernet driver appears in the left hand Installed

Drivers + devices list.Example:

Note: If you installed Adroit from the MAPS installation DVD, then the Mitsubishi Q/QnA SeriesEthernet driver is installed by default.

If this driver does NOT appear in the list, then you need to install it for this Agent Server, asfollows:

4. Right click the Mitsubishi Q/QnA Series Ethernet driver in the left hand Installed Drivers +devices list and select the topmost Add Device… item.This displays the Mitsubishi Q/QnA Series Ethernet driver device dialog to provide a logicalname for this device.

Note: You are limited to 8-characters when naming this device.

For example, you could call it PLCA, if this device communicates to the PLC responsible for Plant A.5. Click OK to display the device-specific configuration dialog, in this case the Mitsubishi Q/QnA

Series Ethernet driver: PLCA dialog.Example:

6. Configure the necessary settings to communicate to your Mitsubishi Q series PLC for this device.For assistance, click the Help button to display an MS word document that describes how to useand configure a device of this driver.

7. Click the OK button when you have finished configuring this device.

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Note: Adroit provides a number of communications diagnostics tools - the most important one is theDriver Monitor which can be launched from Adroit Program group, which allows you to watch anddiagnose the communications to and from your PLC.

4.10 Deleting a MAPS project

If you make a mistake when (bulk) configuring your MAPS project or need to remove a test project, thenyou can remove it, as follows:

In the MAPS window, right click the MAPS project and select Delete.

If you created this project using the MAPS-1Engineer, then you ALSO need to remove this project fromMAPS-1Engineer as follows:

1. Log into MAPS-1Engineer.2. Click the Go menu and select Components.3. Click Instrumentation from the List options list in the lower left hand corner.4. Select all (CTRL+A) the items from the Components list (on the left, above the List options list).5. Click the Delete button from the toolbar and OK in the confirmation dialog.6. Click Panels from the List options list in the lower left hand corner.7. Select all (CTRL+A) the items from the Components list (on the left, above the List options list).8. Click the Delete button from the toolbar and OK in the confirmation dialog.

Note: If you need to re-create your MAPS project in MAPS-1Engineer again, you need to completeBOTH the MAPS Project Configurator and import your equipment and IO allocation again.

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5 Projects

In this section we will cover:

The available options when creating a project.How to create a project.How to open a project .Entering project related information.How to backup and restore a project.

5.1 Project Building Options

'Build Project From' options

1. System Project - The project will be created from the original project structures found on theinstallation CD/DVD.

2. Current Project (Without Data) - A duplicate of the current project will be made, excluding thedata. This is useful if you have added custom fields to the database and wish to use it in anotherproject.

3. Current Project (With Data) - A duplicate of the current project will be made, including thedata. This is handy if you have projects that contain very similar data.

'Build Project With' options

1. Local Libraries - The project will have it's own library, which will only be available to that project.2. Shared Libraries - Multiple projects can use the same library.

'Project Type' options

1. Access 2000 - This is mostly used when the project often needs to be mobile.2. SQL Server - This is mostly used when large teams work on the same project and the project

does not need to be mobile.

When creating SQL Server projects, the company's SQL Server Administrator'scredentials are required to give DesSoft FDes rights to create the SQL database

and user login in SQL Server.

5.2 Creating a project

1. Click on the Go Button > Projects.2. In the Project ribbon bar, click New.3. Make the project root C:\Training\1Eng4. Name the project Training.5. Select System Project from the Build Project From section.6. Select Shared Libraries from the Build Project With section.7. Select Access 2000 as Project Type.8. Click Ok.






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5.3 Opening a project

1. Click on the Go Button > Projects.2. Select the project you want to open.3. In the Project ribbon bar, click Open.4. Enter a Username and Password.5. After logging in the project is open and ready for you to work in.

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5.4 Project Information

1. Click on the Go Button > Projects.2. In the Project Data ribbon bar, click Project Information.3. Enter the project related information.

All project related information can be used on diagrams and reports.

5.5 Backup & Restore Projects

1. Click on the Go Button > Projects.2. In the Project Database ribbon bar, click on Backup.3. Create a new folder named Training in the root of C:\4. Specify the location of the new training folder.5. Call the file Training Backup6. Select ALL the Additional Options.

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7. After the backup is complete, click on the Go button > Components.8. Select 20-F-01 in the Tag List.9. In the Component ribbon bar, click Delete.10. Click on the Go button > Projects.11. In the Project Database ribbon bar, click Restore.12. Select your project.13. Click Ok.14. Click on the Go button > Components.15. Notice that 20-F-01 is restored.

Backup & Restore is only applicable on MS Access Projects. For SQL projectsthese functions only backup the documents, templates etc

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6 Creating Electrical Plant Components

In this section we will cover:

Creating a cubicle.Creating Devices in the cubicle.Creating cables and their cores.Creating a motor in the cubicle.Creating signal instruments in the cubicle.Creating a Schematic Diagram for the cubicle.Creating a MCC .Associating cubicles to a MCC .Creating a Single Line Diagram (SLD).Allocating SLD symbols to panels/cubicles.

We will be building the following cubicle according to the schematic below.











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6.1 Create a Cubicle and add Devices

1. Click on the Go Button > Components.2. In the New Components ribbon bar, click Panels > Electrical cubicle.3. Under Tag Number, enter 22-M-01;MCC1/T01-F01.4. Under Tag Rules, select Cubicle.

5. On the component's window that has opened up, click on Devices.

6. In the New Component Items ribbon bar, click Device.7. Under Tag Rule, select DevQ1. (The tag number doesn't matter, since the tag rule contains a

Tagnum rule line)8. When prompted to create a new device tstrip, click No.

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9. Create another device (Contactor) using the DevK1 Tag Rule. (The tag number doesn't matter,since the tag rule contains a Tagnum rule line)

10. Create another device (Overload) using the DevF1 Tag Rule. (The tag number doesn't matter,since the tag rule contains a Tagnum rule line)

6.2 Creating Cables and Cores in the Cubicle

1. In the component's window tree view, click on Cables.2. In the New Component Items ribbon bar, click Cable.3. Under Tag Rule, select CableC. (The tag number doesn't matter, since the tag rule contains a

Tagnum rule line)4. Click OK.5. Repeat step 2 to 4 and create cable C001 using the Num Tag Rule. (The tag number doesn't

matter, since the tag rule contains a Tagnum rule line)6. In the New Component Items ribbon bar, click Electrical Cable.7. Under Tag Rule, select CableP. (The tag number doesn't matter, since the tag rule contains a

Tagnum rule line)8. Click OK.9. Create cores for the cables the same way you created the terminals for the tstrips.

Create the C-22-M-01 cable's cores as follows:

Create the C001 cable's cores as follows:

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Create the P-22-M-01 cable's cores as follows:

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6.3 Creating a Motor in the Cubicle

1. In the component's window tree view, click on P-22-M-01.2. In the New Component Items ribbon bar, click Motor.3. Under Tag Rule, select Motor. (The tag number doesn't matter, since the tag rule contains a

Tagnum rule line)4. Click OK.5. When prompted to create a new motor tstrip, click Yes.

Create the motors tstrip as follows:

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6.4 Creating Signals in the Cubicle

1. In the component's window tree view, click on Signals.2. In the New Component Items ribbon bar, click Instrument Signal.3. Under Tag Rule, select MCCsig-Healthy. (The tag number doesn't matter, since the tag rule

contains a Tagnum rule line)4. Click OK.5. When prompted for a new instrument tstrip, click Yes.6. Create 1 terminal for the instrument signal.7. Repeat step 2 to 6 and create another instrument signal, using the MCCsig-Field Healthy tag

rule. (The tag number doesn't matter, since the tag rule contains a Tagnum rule line)8. Repeat step 2 to 6 and create another instrument signal, using the MCCsig-Run tag rule. (The

tag number doesn't matter, since the tag rule contains a Tagnum rule line)9. Repeat step 2 to 6 and create another instrument signal, using the MCCsig-PLC start tag rule.

(The tag number doesn't matter, since the tag rule contains a Tagnum rule line)

6.5 Creating a Control Instrument in the Cubicle

1. In the component's window tree view, click on the C-22-M-01 cable.2. In the New Component Items ribbon bar, click Control Instrument.3. Under Tag Rule, select MCC-Ctrl. (The tag number doesn't matter, since the tag rule contains a

Tagnum rule line)4. Click OK.5. When prompted for a new instrument tstrip, click Yes.6. Create the Tstrip according to the configuration below.

6.6 Creating a Schematic Diagram for the Cubicle

1. Click on the Go Button > Components.2. In the List Options, select Cubicles.3. From the Tag List, open MCC1/T01-F01.4. In the component's window tree view, click Documents.5. In the New Component Items ribbon bar, click Document.6. Under Tag Rules, select DocDOL. (The tag number doesn't matter, since the tag rule contains a

Tagnum rule line)7. Click OK.

NOTE: The Tag Rule assigns a template to the document.

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Changing the template for the document.

1. In the component's window tree view, select the Document.2. In the Document ribbon bar, click Properties.3. In the Tstrip section, select all the tstrips.4. From Select Document Type, select the desired document type.5. From Select Template, select the desired template.6. Click OK.

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6.7 Creating a MCC and associating Cubicles to it

1. Click on the Go Button > Components.2. In the New Components ribbon bar, click MCC.3. Under Tag Number, enter MCC1.

4. In the List Options, click on Cubicles.5. In the Tag List, select MCC1/T01-F01.6. In the Component ribbon bar, click Associate.7. Click Yes.

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6.8 Creating a Single Line Diagram

1. Click on the Go Button > Components.2. In the List Options, select MCC.3. From the Tag List, open MCC1.4. In the component's window tree view, click Documents.5. In the New Component Items ribbon bar, click Single Line Diagram.

6. Click OK.7. In the component's window tree view, select the Single Line Diagram.8. In the Document ribbon bar, click Preview.

NOTE: The SLD is empty! A symbol has to be allocated to each panel/cubicle in the MCC.

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6.9 Selecting SLD Symbols for Panels

NOTE: For a panel/cubicle to appear on the SLD, a symbol must be allocated to it.

1. Click on the Go Button > Components.2. In the List Options, select MCC.3. From the Tag List, open MCC1.4. In the component's window tree view, select MCC1/T01-F01.5. In the Panel Table Properties window, select Sym_Motor from SLDSymbol.6. View the Single Line Diagram again.

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7 Creating Instrumentation Plant Components

In this section we will cover:

How to build instruments.How to build JB's.How to build PLC's.

We will be building this Cable Block Connection and Control Loop in the nexttwo sections.




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7.1 Create Instruments

Create 1 flow Loop (20-F-01)

1. Click on the Go Button > Components.2. In the New Components ribbon bar, click Loop.3. Under Tag Number, enter 20-F-01. 4. Click Ok.

5. On the components window that has opened up, click on Instruments.

6. In the New Component Items Ribbon Bar, click on Instrument.7. Name the Instrument 20-FT-01 and click Ok.8. When prompted to create a new T-Strip and Cable, click No. We don't want the application to

build the T-Strip and Cable for us. We will do this ourselves in a moment.

9. Repeat step 4 and 5 and make another Instrument: 20-FY-01.10. Once done making the FY Instrument. Select the 20-FT-01 Instrument, and in the New

Component Items ribbon bar click on Tstrip and click Ok. (If you can't see it, you will have toscroll down to select it or open the drop down box to select it.)

11. Click on 20-FT-01 again, but this time click on Cable in the New Component Items RibbonBar.

12. Repeat step 9 and 10 for 20-FY-01.

7.2 Create Instruments with Tag Rules

1. Click on the Go Button > Components.2. Click on Loops in the New Components Ribbon Bar.

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3. Under Tag Number enter 20-F-02.4. Under Tag Rules select Area-Func-Num.5. Click Ok.

6. On the components window that has opened up, click on Instruments.7. In the New Component Items Ribbon Bar, click on Instrument.8. Under Tag Rules select Transmitter.9. Click Ok.10. When prompted to create a new T-Strip and Cable, click Yes. This time we want the application

to build the Cable and T-Strip automatically.

Notice that you didn't have to change the Tag Number to 20-FT-02.

11. Repeat step 6 to 9 and create 20-FY-02, but select I/P under Tag Rules this time.

Notice that you didn't have to change the Tag Number to 20-FY-02.This is the power of Tag Rules, but we'll cover it later on.

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7.3 Create a Junction Box

1. Click on Field Panels in the List Options.2. In the Components ribbon bar, click on Panels > Field Panels.3. Under Tag Number, enter 20-JBA-01.4. Under Tag Rules, select Area-Func-Num.5. Click Ok.6. Make a T-Strip and Cable for the JB, just like we did for the instruments. Tag Rules are Area-


7.4 Create a PLC, Cards & Soft Addresses

Create a PLC panel

1. Click on Card Panels in the List Options.2. In the Components ribbon bar, click on Panels > Card Panels.3. Under Tag Number, enter 20-PLC-01. 4. Under Tag Rules, select PanelCard. 5. Click Ok.

Create an Analog Input and Output card.

6. Click on Cards in the PLC. 7. In the New Component Items ribbon bar, click on Card.8. Under Tag Number, enter AI-01-01.9. Under Tag Rule, select I_O-Rack-Num. 10. Click Ok. 11. When prompted to make a T-Strip and Document, click Yes.12. Repeat step 6 to 10 and create another card AO-01-02.

Create Soft Addresses for the Cards.

13. Click on the card AI-01-01. a similar dialog box as the Cable/T-Strip will come up.14. Under channels click on Add to add 8 Channels for the AI card.15. Repeat these steps for AO-01-02.

AI-01-01 IO configuration

AO-01-02 IO configuration

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8 Cable Block Diagram

In this section we will cover:

How to make a Cable Block Diagram.How to populate the newly made Block Diagram.

8.1 Block Connect

Create a new diagram for the JB

1. Click on the Go button > Block Connect.2. In the Block diagram ribbon bar, click New.3. Make the Tag Number CBD-20-JBA-01 and click Ok.

Drag the instruments, JB and PLC onto the diagram

4. In the Tag List you will see a Documents tab and a Components tab, click on Components.5. Click on Instruments in the List Options view.6. Select all the instruments in the Tag List and drag & drop them onto the empty diagram.7. Click on Panels in the List Options view.8. Select all the panels in the Tag List and drag & drop them onto the diagram.

Build Connections

9. If some of your cables do not appear automatically on the diagram, select the panel(s) and/orinstrument(s) on the diagram and click on Build connections in the Component ribbon bar.

Auto arrange the components on the diagram

10. Click on Auto Arrange in the Diagram ribbon bar.11. Select all the components on the diagram and move it where you want to on the diagram.

Connect the destination side of the cables

12. As shown below, on the tip of each cable, click and drag it over to JB's left hand sideconnection point. Do this for all the instruments.Remember, always work from Left to Right.

13. Do the same for the JB's cable to the PLC



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9 Card Connect

In this section we will cover:

How to allocate I/O to I/O Cards.

9.1 Allocating Instrument I/O

1. Click on the Go button > Card Connect.2. In the Tag List, double click AI-01-01.3. In the Show Tag Numbers For ribbon bar, click All Tag Numbers.4. In the Available Instruments section, highlight 20-FT-01.5. In the Card [AI-01-01] section, select the first channel.6. In the Connect Instrument Tags ribbon bar, click Connect To Card.7. Allocate the rest of the instrument I/O to the correct I/O Cards.


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10 Datasheets

In this section we will cover:

How to create a datasheet.How to link a database field to a datasheet cell.How to create a multi-tag datasheet.

10.1 Creating Datasheets

1. Click on the Go button > Datasheets.2. In the List Options, select All instruments.3. Click on the Open Module button in the ribbon bar.4. Click on New in the Datasheet Documents ribbon bar.5. Under Tag Number, enter TRAINING.6. Click Ok.7. Under Sheet, enter 1 of 1.8. Under Description, enter Training Datasheets and click Ok.9. The message below will appear, informing you that Tag Numbers can now be associated with

the newly created Datasheet.

10.In the Available Tag Numbers list on the left hand side of the screen, double click on 10-FT-01 to associate it with the document.

11.The Synchronize window will appear, allowing you to synchronize data between the documentand the database. At the moment there's no data to synchronize, click Close.




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12. In the Templates list in the bottom left hand corner, click on System Library. (As shownbelow)

13. Filter for FT.14. Double click on FT Mass Flowmeter.15. When prompted to confirm rebuilding the current datasheet from the FT Mass Flowmeter

template, click Yes.16. The Synchronize window will appear again. In the Synchronize ribbon bar, click Select All

and then To Document.

17. Click Close.

10.2 Linking a database field to a datasheet cell

1. Click next to Tag Number.2. In the Database Fields window on the right hand side of the screen, double click on IIndex.

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TagNum.3. Click Yes.

If the database field is already linked to another cell in the current datasheet,you will be prompted whether you wish to move the link to the new datasheet

cell. Thus disconnecting the database field from its original datasheet cell.

10.3 Creating Multi-Tag Datasheets

1. Click on the Go button > Datasheets.2. Click on the Open Module button in the ribbon bar.3. Click on New in the Datasheet Documents ribbon bar.4. Under Tag Number, enter TEMP. 5. Click Ok.6. Under Sheet, enter 1 of 1.7. Under Description, enter Temperature Datasheets and click Ok.8. The message below will appear, informing you that Tag Numbers can now be associated with

the newly created Datasheet.

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9. In the Templates list in the bottom left hand corner, click on System Library. (See below)

10. Filter for TT.11. Double click on TT Temperature Instruments.12. When prompted to confirm rebuilding the current datasheet from the TT Temperature

Instruments template, click Yes.13. The Synchronize window will appear. In the Synchronize ribbon bar, click Select All and

then To Document.

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14. Click Close.15. Add a worksheet to the datasheet and name it TAGLIST16. Select cells A1 to A10. (As shown below)

17. In the Database Fields window on the right hand side of the screen, double click on IIndex.TagNum.

NOTE: If the database field is already linked to another cell in the currentdatasheet, you will be prompted whether you wish to move the link to the new

datasheet cell. Thus disconnecting the database field from its originaldatasheet cell.

18. Click Yes.19. You will be notified that the database field has been linked successfully. Click Ok.20. In the Available Tag Numbers list on the left hand side of the screen, double click on 10-TT-

01 to associate it with the document.21. The Synchronize window will appear. Click Close. (You only need to synchronize after all the

instruments are associated.)22. Repeat step 20 and 21 until 10-TT-01 upto 10-TT-10 are associated with the datasheet.23. When the Synchronize window appears. In the Synchronize ribbon bar, click Select All and

then To Document.24. 10-TT-01 upto 10-TT-10 should appear in cells A1 upto A10, respectively.

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25. View the actual datasheet and next to Tag, enter SEE TAGLIST.

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11 Standards

In this section we will cover:

How to add an instrument standard.How to associate an instrument standard with an instrument .

What are Standards?

A standard is a collection of data, that is provided as standard information by the manufacturer of aspecific component.

Let's take a cable for example:

Who is the manufacturer?What is the core size?What is the outside diameter?What is the rated current?What is the rated voltage?What is the mV drop?How much does it cost? etc.



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11.1 Updating Standards

Add an instrument standard to the instrument standards table.

1. Click on View in the ribbon bar.2. In the Standards Editor ribbon bar, click on Instrument Standards.

3. Click on Add. 4. In the new record that appears, enter Training under Manufacturer.5. Enter Transmitter, under Model.6. Enter TT, under Func.

(Note: Once you have entered TT, the Standard should have disappeared, but don't worry, in the

green field right at the top, under Func, filter for TT. you will see the instrument standard now.)

7. Enter Transmitter, under Description.8. Scroll right to the end, and enter 9 under Cost.9. Click Ok.10. Click View in the ribbon bar.11. In the Standards ribbon bar, click on Project.12. In the Standards list, select the Instruments tab. The new instrument standard will appear in

the list.

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11.2 Associate a standard to an instrument

1. Click View in the ribbon bar.2. In the Standards ribbon bar, click on Project.3. In the Standards list, select the Instruments tab.4. Click on the Go Button > Components.5. In the List Options, select All Instruments.6. In the Standards List, filter for Level in the Model column.7. In the Tag List, select 10-LT-01.8. Drag & drop the selected standard onto the selected component.

The same method is used to associate a Cable-, Card- or device standard.

Bulk association/updates can be done by selecting multiple components in theTag List.

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12 Hands-On One

For this hands-on session we are going to use all the skills learnt so far tocreate the following project:

Instrument Description I/O Junction Box Card Panel

10-TT-09 TEMPERATURE TX AI 10-JB-01 10-PLC-0110-TT-10 TEMPERATURE TX AI 10-JB-01 10-PLC-0110-FT-01 FLOW TRANSMITTER AI 10-JB-01 10-PLC-0110-FY-01 I/P CONVERTOR AO 10-JB-01 10-PLC-01





1. Create a new project: Training2.2. Add the Instruments, JB's and PLC.3. Analog cards have 8 channels.4. Digital cards have 16 channels.5. Create a cable block diagram for each JB.6. Allocate the instrument I/O to the cards.7. Create a Multi-Tag Datasheet for all the temperature transmitters.8. Assign standards to all the instruments according to the description supplied above. (Create

the standards that don't exist)

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13 Tables

In this section we will cover:

How to modify table structures.How to import table information.How to export table information.How to rebuild tag numbers.How to parse tag numbers.

13.1 Modifying Table Structures

Change the field size of the I_O column in the Term table.

1. Click on the Go button > Tables.2. In the Table List, click on Term.3. In the Table Option ribbon bar, click Modify.4. In the list, select I_O.5. Change the Field Size to 8.

6. Click Update.7. Click Ok.

You can also add / delete columns here.

Always refresh your table for changes to be visible.






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13.2 Exporting Tables

1. Click on the Go button > Tables.2. From the Table List, open the table you wish to import to.3. In the Table Data ribbon bar, click Export.

4. Select the file type you wish to export the table data to.5. Browse to the location where you wish to create the file by clicking the ellipse button.6. Specify the filename.7. Click OK.

13.3 Importing Tables

1. Click on the Go button > Tables.2. From the Table List, open the table you wish to import to.3. In the Table Data ribbon bar, click Import.4. Browse to the file you wish to import.5. Click Open.

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6. Check the field(s) that exist in the file as well as in the table that can be used as the link keybetween the file rows and the table records.

7. Click OK.

13.4 Rebuild Tag Numbers

1. Click on the Go button > Tables.2. Double click on IIndex to open the Instrument table.

You will notice we only have 4 instruments. Out of those 4, only 2 have tag rules (20-FT-01and 20-FY-01). The Area, Func and Num will be empty for the instruments that DON'T haveTag Rules assigned.

3. In the Area field of 20-FT-01 (that is blank), make it 22 and press enter.4. Select the Area field of 20-FT-01 again. 5. Press and hold Ctrl on your keyboard and press the down arrow.

The Ctrl key copies the selected field's value to the next cell.The Alt key increments the selected field's value to the next cell.

6. Once all the Area fields are 22, click on Bulk Tools in the ribbon bar.7. In the Tag Rule Tools ribbon bar, click Rebuild Tag Numbers.8. In the Grid Data Actions ribbon bar, click Refresh.

This will only work if you have Tag Rules in place.

13.5 Parse Tag Numbers

1. Click on the Go button > Tables.2. Double click on IIndex to open the Instrument table.

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3. Clear the Area, Func and Num columns!!4. Enter Area-Func-Num in the TagRule column. 5. Press and hold Ctrl on your keyboard and press the down arrow.

The Ctrl key copies the selected field's value to the next cell.The Alt key increments the selected field's value to the next cell.

6. Once all the rows are populated, click on Bulk Tools in the ribbon bar.7. In the Tag Rule Tools ribbon bar, click Parse Tag Numbers.8. In the Grid Data Actions ribbon bar, click Refresh.

This will only work if you have Tag Rules in place.

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14 Queries

In this section we will cover:

How to create queries.

14.1 Creating Queries

Write a query to return the Instruments, their Manufacturers and Models

1. Click on the Go Button > Queries.2. In the Query Options ribbon bar, click New.3. Select Create a SELECT query.4. Under Query Name, enter Costing.5. Click Import.6. Write the following query to return the amount of terminals in the project, in Notepad/Word.

SELECT IIndex.TagNum, IIndex.Manufacturer, IIndex.Model FROM IIndex

7. Copy and paste the query into the import box in the picture above.8. Click Next.9. Click Finish.10. In the Queries List, expand Select.11. Double click on Costing.

Change the query to include the cost of the instrument

12. In the Queries List, select Costing.13. In the Query Options ribbon bar, select Modify.14. Change your query to the following:

SELECT IIndex.TagNum, IIndex.Manufacturer, IIndex.Model, InstrStandards.CostFROM (IIndex LEFT JOIN InstrStandards ON (IIndex.Manufacturer = InstrStandards.Manufacturer) AND (IIndex.Model = InstrStandards.Model))ORDER BY IIndex.TagNum, IIndex.Manufacturer, IIndex.Model

15. Click Next.16. Click Finish.17. Double click on Costing.

In the query above, added the InstrStandards.Cost column to the SELECT statement. In order toretrieve the correct information for each instrument, the IIndex table and the InstrStandards table mustbe joined at values that are equal in each table. These values are the Manufacturer and Modelcolumns. The brackets are explained as follows:

1. The both equations are put in brackets. (Table.column = Table.column)2. Then the entire JOIN statement, due to the AND statement.

The reason for this is because the statement is broken down and processed from the inside out like amathematical sum.In the ORDER BY statement we specify in what ORDER we'd like the columns presented in the result.


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Change the query to filter only for Temperature Transmitters

18. Modify your query and change it to the following:

SELECT IIndex.TagNum, IIndex.Manufacturer, IIndex.Model, InstrStandards.CostFROM (IIndex LEFT JOIN InstrStandards ON (IIndex.Manufacturer = InstrStandards.Manufacturer) AND (IIndex.Model = InstrStandards.Model))WHERE IIndex.Model = "Temperature tx"ORDER BY IIndex.TagNum, IIndex.Manufacturer, IIndex.Model

In the query above, we added the WHERE statement which filters the specified column(s) of theSELECTed data and returns only those records that satisfies the WHERE statement.


SELECT Selects data from the database

JOIN Joins tables together

WHERE Filters the selected data for a specified value

ORDER BY Presents the columns in the result in the order theyare specified.

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15 Reports

In this section we will cover:

How to view reports.How to create your own reports.

15.1 Viewing Reports

Select and view some reports.

1. Click on the Go Button > Reports.2. Double Click on Instrument Index to view it, close when done.3. Double Click on Instrument Cable Schedule to view it, close when done.

15.2 Creating Reports

We are going to create a report for the query we just created.

1. Click on the Go Button > Queries.2. In the Queries List, select Costing.3. In the Query Options ribbon bar, click Modify.4. Copy the query.5. Click cancel.6. Click on the Go Button > Reports.7. In the Report File ribbon bar, click New.8. Paste the query in the box that appears.

9. Click Next.10. Move all the fields into the Detail section in the order they are in the image below.



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11. Click Next.12. Under Layout, Select Tabular.13. Click Next.14. For training, select the first style for your report. Otherwise, select any style you wish to use.15. Click Next.16. Name the report Costing - Temperature Tx.17. Select Preview the report.18. Click Finish. Your report should look like the one below.

19. In the Reports list, select Costing - Temperature Tx.20. In the Report File ribbon bar, click Design.21. Change the design of the report to look like the one below.

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22. In the Save ribbon bar, click Save.23. In the View ribbon bar, click View. Your report should look like the one below.

Document tokens also work on reports.

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16 Speed Tools

In this section we will cover:

Cable block import.Building loops in bulk.

16.1 Cable Block Import

1. In the menu bar, click Bulk Tools.2. In the Cable Block Tools ribbon bar, click Export Connections.3. In the Export Actions ribbon bar, click All Cable Connections.4. Save the document as Import Connections.xls (remember the path it's saved at)5. Open the document in Excel, and copy the following into it, word for word.

6. Save and close the document.7. In the menu bar, click Bulk Tools.8. In the Cable Block Tools ribbon bar, click Import Connections.9. Browse to the Import Connection.xls file.10. In the Actions ribbon bar, click Check Tags and Build Connections with checked options.

Any existing column in the database can be added to the Cable Block Import.Everytime a matching column is found, the data will be inserted.



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16.2 Build Loops

After bulk importing of instruments the build loops tool can be used to createand associate instruments to loops.

1. Click on Bulk Tools in the ribbon bar.2. In the Building Tools ribbon bar, click on Build Loops.3. Under Loop Tag Number Configuration, you can enter/select rule configurations (similar to

Tag Rules) with which your loop numbers will be created. The default rule is: GetS(1,TagNum,"-") + "-" + GetL(1,GetS(2,TagNum,"-")) + "-" + GetS(3,TagNum,"-"). This rule buildsthe loop with the Area + first character of Func + Num.

4. Click on Select All Tags.5. Click on Build Loop Tags for selected.6. Click OK.

Only instruments with a LoopID that is 0 or empty in the IIndex table will appearin the Build Loops dialog.

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17 Tag Rules

Tag Rules are used to build tag numbers in a certain format as well as populating additionalfields in the table of the component, the rule is applied on.In the following example is an Analog Input Transmitter Tag Rule that populates the Area, Func,Num and the I_O fields in the database for the instrument tag number.

For more functions that are available, see the Internal Functions topic.103

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17.1 Internal Functions

Internal functions used with Tag Rules and Document Tokens

There are just a few internal functions available to the user that can be used when designing tokensor tag rules.

1. GetS function (Get Substring)The GetS function will get a substring from the string passed as a parameter. Definition: GetS(nPos, String, Delimiter) wherenPos (number) is the position of the substring inside the string.String (text) is the passed string to the functionDelimiter (text) is used to determine the count for nPos. By default the delimiter is a "," and when itis something else one has to specify it.

E.g. to get the function (second) part out of a tag number (string) that consists of area-func-num ("-"is the delimiter) the function will be: GetS(2,"22-M-01","-") = "M"If the string must be a specific field in the database then the field name has to be passed like:GetS(2,TagNum,"-") = "M"

A literal string value must be passed with inverted commas ("). When a reference to a text fieldis passed as the string value, then the field name without the inverted commas is typed.A number is also passed without the inverted commas. A number reference is treated the sameas above.

2. GetL function (Get the Left part of a string)The GetL function will get the specified amount of characters from the left of the string.Definition: GetL(nPos, String) wherenPos (number) is the amount of characters from the left in the string.String (text) is the passed string to the function

E.g. GetL(2,"ABCD-123-EFG") = "AB"

3. GetR function (Get the Right part of a string)The GetR function will get the specified amount of characters from the right of the string.Definition: GetR(nPos, String) wherenPos (number) is the amount of characters from the right in the string.String (text) is the passed string to the function

E.g. GetR(2,"ABCD-123-EFG") = "FG"

4. GetN function (Get the Number part of a string)The GetN function will get the first numbers found from the string.Definition: GetN(String) whereString (text) is the passed string to the function

E.g. GetN("ABCD123-EFG") = "123"

5. GetC function (Get the Character part of a string)The GetC function will get the first characters found from the string.Definition: GetC(String) where

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String (text) is the passed string to the function

E.g. GetC(GetS(1,"123ABCD-EFG",”-“)) = "ABCD"

6. GetP function (Get the Position character in a string) (only 2 parameters)The GetP function will get the character from the string at the specified position.Definition: GetP(nPos, String) wherenPos (number) is the position of the character counted from the beginning of the string.String (text) is the passed string to the function

E.g. GetP(2,"ABCD123-EFG") = "B"

7. GetP function (Get the Part of a string) (3 parameters)The GetP function will get part of the string from the specified position for an amount of characters.Definition: GetP(nPos, String, nAmount) wherenPos (number) is the position of the character counted from the beginning of the string.String (text) is the passed string to the functionnAmount (number) is the amount of characters to return from the defined position in the string.

E.g. GetP(3,"ABCD123-EFG",4) = "CD12"

8. GetX function (Get the NeXt value from the last character in a string)The GetX function will get the next incremented value for the last character in a string. It can be anumeric value or a string value.Definition: GetX(String) whereString (text) is the passed string to the function

E.g.1. GetX("ABCD123-EFG") = "ABCD123-EFH"E.g.2. GetX("ABCD123") = "ABCD124"

9. GetX function (Get the NeXt incremented count value from the last character in a string)The GetX function will get the next incremented count value for the last character in a string. It canbe a numeric value or a string value.Definition: GetX(String, nCount) whereString (text) is the passed string to the functionnCount (number) is the amount that the last character in the string needs to be incremented.

E.g.1. GetX("ABCD123-EFG",3) = "ABCD123-EFJ"E.g.2. GetX("ABCD123",3) = "ABCD126"

10. The above functions can be called as a combination like:E.g. TagNum = "22-M-001AB"GetR(2,GetS(3,TagNum,"-")) = "AB"

The function will always first evaluate the function within the brackets and work its way to theoutside. Thus the above example will first return the GetS(3,TagNum) that equals "001AB" then runthe GetR(2 part of the function which results in "AB".

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18 1Eng Options & Tools

In this section we will cover:

The DesSoft 1Eng options dialog.The Data Tools dialog.The Duplicate Tags tool.The Compare Tools.The Cable Drum Allocation tool.Motor Calculations.Cable Calculations.

18.1 Options

1. Displays general project information. You can also change the location of the Libraries andSystem Project here by clicking on the linked path.

2. General options to hide/show inactive ribbon bar tabs, and to enable/disable multi tabs.3. Change document output behaviour as well as the document list's colors.4. Change the location where document repository is kept and general settings for repository

related items.5. Enable/disable tracking of changes and specify what type of changes must be tracked.6. Specify what data is stored with library items and how items are built from the libraries.7. Change the delimiter used for detail connections and if the CoreTag Update query must be run

or not after changes are made.8. Define proxy settings.9. DWG drawing options.








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18.2 Data Tools

Data tools is used to keep your project clean & proper.It's good practice to run the Essential Data Checks after component deletions, imports or afterlots of connection changes.It checks the database for any errors and rectifies them without a hassle.Keeping a database healthy has NEVER been this easy, nor this fast!

1. Deletes invalid block connections.2. Deletes invalid terminals from term table (Tstrip deleted) and detail connections.3. Deletes invalid cores from core table (cable deleted) and detail connections.4. Deletes invalid detail connections.5. Ensures that the connection row has the first connected terminal ID all the connection in the

rows.6. Removes unconnected equipment in the detail connections.7. Deletes loops that have no Instruments, Tstrips and Documents associated.8. Deletes panels that have no Tstrips, Devices, Documents, Cables, Cards and Instruments

associated.9. Finds and moves the physical document files that do not exist in the document table for current

projects, to an Orphaned Document Folder. (Files will be moved to the current projects location ina folder called OrphanedDocumentsBackup)(example > C:\CurrentProject\OrphanedDocumentsBackup)

10. Deletes the files and folders that were moved to the Orphaned Documents Folder.11. Updates empty soft addresses' TstripIDs to be the same as the associated card Tstrip.12. Allocates the instrument tags to the soft addresses, according to the detail connections.13. Clears all the allocated instruments from the soft address table.14. Updates the DocumentCon to have all associated items for each document.15. Updates the Tstrip order numbers in sequential order per panel according to the tag number.

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16. Updates the Device order numbers in sequential order per panel according to the tag number.17. Updates the Instrument order numbers in sequential order per loop according to the tag number.

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18.3 Duplicate Tags

This tool checks for any duplicate tag numbers.It gives you the option to delete them, if there is any.Duplicate Tags can be checked for the different tables by selecting the correct option in the drop-down list.

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18.4 Compare Tools

These tools enable you to synchronize the table structures between:2 ProjectsThe current project with the project libraryThe current project with the system libraryThe project library with the system library.

Find these tools in the Compare Tools ribbon bar, after clicking Tools in the menu bar.

18.5 Cable Drums

Specify cable lengths and cable drum sizes.Manage the amount of cables a drum can accomodate.

1. In the menu bar, click Bulk Tools.2. In the Allocation Tools ribbon bar, click Cable Drums.3. In the Drum Actions ribbon bar, click New.4. Under Tag Number, enter a drum name.5. In the Filter Options for Cables ribbon bar, select which cables to filter for.6. Highlight the cables you wish to allocate to the drum.7. In the Cable Actions ribbon bar, click Allocate.

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18.6 Motor Calculations

Motor Calculations must be done before Cable Calculations otherwise Cable Calculations will beincorrect.The motor's cable must be connected to the motor for the Motor Calculation to be correct.You can filter any column in the Motor Standards and your calculation will then be performed,using only the Motor Standards listed.

1. Click on the Go Button > Tables.2. From the Table List, open the EIndex table.3. Ensure that the AbsorbPower column for the motor is populated.

4. In the ribbon bar, click Tools.5. In the Calculation Tools ribbon bar, click Motor.6. Specify the Load percentage for the calculations.7. In the Motor Standards List (on the left), filter for the Manufacturer you wish to use.8. Select the Motors the calculations must be done for.9. Click Calculate to find the motor closest to the AbsorbPower in the Motor Standards.10. Manual motor sizing can be done by dragging and dropping the Motor Standard on the

Manufacturer column on the right. 11. Click OK to complete the motor calculation.

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18.7 Cable Calculations

1. Click on the Go Button > Tables.2. From the Table List, open the Cable table.3. Ensure that the DeratingFactor column for the cable is populated.

4. In the ribbon bar, click Tools.5. In the Calculation Tools ribbon bar, click Cable.6. Click Configure.7. Under Formulas, select the formula to be used for the calculation.8. Click OK.

9. Select the cables you wish to do the calculations for.10. Click Calculate to calculate the closest cables in the cable standards with the formula

selected.11. Manual cable sizing can be done by dragging and dropping the cable standard on the CableSTD

column on the right. 12. Click OK to complete the cable calculation.

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Index 115

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Index- 2 -20-F-01 59

- A -About Dialog 19

Activate a Local License 18

Addresses 61

Analogue 61

Associate an instrument standard 80

Auto-Core Connect 98

- B -Block Connect 64

Block Diagrams 64

Build assign Cores to Cables 98

Bulk Assignment 98

Bulk Build Loops 98

Bulk Update 98

- C -Cards 59

Concurrent User Management 15

Connections 64

Cores 59

Create a Project 40

- D -Datasheet 70

Datasheets 70

Disconnect 64

- F -FDes Options 106

Flow 59

- G -GetL 102

GetN 102

GetP 102

GetS 102

GetX 102

- H -Help And Licensing 18

- I -Import 98

Import Cable Connections 98

Instrumentation 59

Introducation 8

Introduction 9

- J -JBA 59

- L -Landing Strip 61

Local Libraries for Projects 40

Log in 10

Loops 59

- M -Modifying Table Structures 84

- O -Open Project 41

- P -Panels 59

PLC 59

PLC panel 61

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1Eng Training Manual116

© 2011 DesSoft

Project Building Options 40

Project Information 42

- R -Returning a Local License 18

- S -Setup 9

Shared Libraries for Projects 40

Soft Addresses 59

Standards 78, 79

- T -Table Structures 84

Tag Rules 102

Terminals 59

- U -Understand Document Tokens 102

User Management 10

- V -Viewing Reports 94

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