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Destination C1&C2 Test Units 11-20

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I. Rewrite the sentences, starting with the words given. 1. They're gradually getting rid of the old-style passports. They're phasing out the old-style passports. 2. Did you know that you can choose not to pay into the state pension scheme? Did you know that you can opt out of the state pension scheme? 3. The police are making a special effort to deal with illegal parking around here. The police are cracking down on illegal parking around here. 4. Police officers in plain clothes tried to join the crowd and not be noticed. Police officers in plain clothes tried to blend in with the crowd. 5. You shouldn't let Stephanie bully you. You should stand up to Stephanie. 6. The press directed most of their criticism at the Deputy Prime Minister. The Deputy Prime Minister was singled out for criticism by the press. 7. I wish you wouldn't speak to me as if you were superior. I wish you wouldn't talk down to me. 8. Kyle got in trouble for bullying kids in the playground. Kyle got in trouble for pushing kids around in the playground. 9. We'd prefer the successful candidate to have previous experience in the field. We'd rather the successful candidate had previous experience in the field. 10. Would you prefer me to come back later? Would you rather I came back later? 11. To be honest, I'd prefer you not to tell anyone about this. To be honest, I'd rather you didn’t tell anyone about this. 12. I'd prefer us to get a new kitchen rather than go on an expensive holiday. I'd sooner we got a new kitchen than went on an expensive holiday. 13. The window was broken by a cricket ball. It was a cricket ball which/ that broke the window. 14. The driver didn't see the motorcyclist. What happened was (that) the driver didn’t see the motorcyclist. 15. None of the passengers was injured because of the driver's quick reaction. But for the driver’s quick reaction, (some of) the passengers would have been injured. 16. We'll have to cancel the meeting if Wendy doesn't turn up soon. Unless Wendy turns up soon, we’ll have to cancel the meeting.
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I. Rewrite the sentences, starting with the words given.

1. They're gradually getting rid of the old-style passports. They're phasing out the old-style passports.2. Did you know that you can choose not to pay into the state pension scheme? Did you know that you can opt out of the state pension scheme?3. The police are making a special effort to deal with illegal parking around here. The police are cracking down on illegal parking around here.4. Police officers in plain clothes tried to join the crowd and not be noticed. Police officers in plain clothes tried to blend in with the crowd.5. You shouldn't let Stephanie bully you. You should stand up to Stephanie.6. The press directed most of their criticism at the Deputy Prime Minister. The Deputy Prime Minister was singled out for criticism by the press.7. I wish you wouldn't speak to me as if you were superior. I wish you wouldn't talk down to me.8. Kyle got in trouble for bullying kids in the playground. Kyle got in trouble for pushing kids around in the playground.9. We'd prefer the successful candidate to have previous experience in the field. We'd rather the successful candidate had previous experience in the field.10. Would you prefer me to come back later? Would you rather I came back later?11. To be honest, I'd prefer you not to tell anyone about this. To be honest, I'd rather you didn’t tell anyone about this.12. I'd prefer us to get a new kitchen rather than go on an expensive holiday. I'd sooner we got a new kitchen than went on an expensive holiday.13. The window was broken by a cricket ball. It was a cricket ball which/ that broke the window.14. The driver didn't see the motorcyclist. What happened was (that) the driver didn’t see the motorcyclist. 15. None of the passengers was injured because of the driver's quick reaction. But for the driver’s quick reaction, (some of) the passengers would have been injured.16. We'll have to cancel the meeting if Wendy doesn't turn up soon. Unless Wendy turns up soon, we’ll have to cancel the meeting.17. Mr Jones would be quite lonely if he didn't have his daughter's visits. Were it not for his daughter’s visits, Mr. Jones would be quite lonely.18. Here's my phone number, because you might need it. In case you need it, here’s my phone number.19. Agree to be back by midnight and you can go. Providing you are back by midnight/ you agree to be back by midnight, you can go.20. Sue didn't get me a birthday present, which is why I didn't get her one. If Sue had got me a birthday present, I would have got her one.21. The climate is undergoing such radical changes that scientists are worried. If the climate wasn’t/ weren’t undergoing such radical changes, scientists wouldn’t be so worried.22. The accident happened as a result of the driver's not paying attention to the road. If the driver had been paying attention to the road, the accident wouldn’t have happened.

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II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between one and eight words, including the word given.

23. If the English team can work together, they should win. so The English team should win, so long as they can work together.24. Some people will do anything to make money. lengths Some people will go to any lengths to make money.25. Simon said he had no idea what he was doing for the first few weeks of his new job. depth Simon said he was (completely/ totally) out of his depth for the first few weeks of his new job.26. I think they're largely responsible for what's happened. small I hold them in no small way responsible for what's happened.27. The red shoes are slightly more expensive than the green ones. quite The green shoes are not quite as expensive as the red ones.28. Richard is much more committed to the project than Grant seems to be. like Grant seems to be nothing like as committed as Richard (is) to the project.29. My new MP3 player was twice the price of yours. expensive Your MP3 player was half as expensive as mine.30. England is much bigger than Wales. nowhere Wales is nowhere near as big as England.31. Despite having looked for it everywhere, Donald never found his contact lens. he Even though he (had) looked for it everywhere, Donald never found his contact lens.32. Dom couldn't finish the crossword despite really trying hard. might Try as he might, Dom couldn't finish the crossword.33. Although Sarah shouted loudly, she wasn't able to get the audience to pay attention. might However loudly she might have shouted, Sarah wasn't able to get the audience to pay attention.34. Despite our being late, we didn't think for a second we wouldn't make it on time. though Late though we were, we didn't think for a second we wouldn't make it on time.35. We've searched everywhere for the lottery ticket and can't find it anywhere. low We've searched high and low for the lottery ticket and can't find it anywhere.36. We talked about investments for a very long time. length We talked at (great) length about investments.37. Spending two weeks in hospital was very different from lying on the beach! cry Spending two weeks in hospital was a far cry from lying on the beach!38. The medicine should start working soon. benefits You should feel the benefits of the medicine/ see the benefits of the medicine soon.39. I just did what the sergeant ordered me to do, sir. acting I was just acting on the sergeant’s orders, sir.40. Alan's got food poisoning. taken Alan has been taken ill with food poisoning.41. I had to clear the spare room before I could start decorating. cleared Only when I had cleared the spare room could I start decorating.42. The phone rang again as soon as I put it down. had Hardly had I put the phone down when it rang again.43. The Watsons moved to London and very soon after they decided to get divorced. had No sooner had the Watsons moved to London than they decided to get divorced.44. I had no idea the manager wanted to see me to fire me. realise Little did I realize (that) the manager wanted to see me to fire me. It 45. Buying a plane ticket at the last minute isn't often possible. to Rarely is it possible to buy a plane ticket at the last minute.46. Unless the plans change, we'll see you on the 19th. no Provided (that) there are no changes to the plans, we'll see you on the 19th.

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47. You're asking for trouble by arguing with the boss so aggressively like that. ice You're skating on thin ice by arguing with the boss so aggressively like that.48. Are you saying Dan gets angry easily, Fiona? short Are you saying Dan has (got) a short temper/ fuse , Fiona?49. There's no doubt shopping around is a good idea. pays There's no doubt it pays to shop around.50. Why didn't you search everywhere for your wallet? Then you might have found it. low If you had searched high and low for your wallet, you might have found it.51. Jane was the unlucky one so she had to tell Ed he was losing his company car. straw If Jane hadn’t drawn the short straw, she wouldn't have had to tell Ed he was losing his car.52. If you applied now, there's a good chance you would get the job. apply Were you to apply now, there's a good chance you would get the job.53. I wouldn't confront the manager if I were you. horns I wouldn't lock horns with the manager if I were you.54. The website wouldn't allow me to access certain pages. denied The website denied me access to certain pages.55. A reliable source told me that the local newspaper is going to shut down. authority I have it on good authority/ got it on good authority that the local newspaper is going to shut down.56. There was so much concern about the situation that the police were called. so The police were called, so much concern about the situation was there.57. I'd love to travel the world if I didn't have to pay off my mortgage. having Were it not for having/ I not having to pay off my mortgage, I'd love to travel the world.58. He was arrested when they caught him driving a stolen vehicle. act Being caught in the act of driving a stolen vehicle, he was arrested.59. The price of prescriptions will increase tomorrow. effect The price of prescriptions will increase with effect from tomorrow.60. You're going to enjoy tonight! treat You're in for a treat tonight!61. The parents of that girl are furious about her expulsion. arms That's the girl whose parents are up in arms about her expulsion.62. You need to watch Lauren closely to make sure she does her work properly. sharp You need to keep a sharp eye on Lauren to make sure she does her work properly.63. Pauline doesn't want to be given a main part in the school play. rather Pauline would rather not be given a main part in the school play.64. We didn't get to meet the Minister and that was a great shame. only If only we had got/ we had only got to meet the Minister!65. Why don't they stop making so much noise downstairs? wish I wish they would stop making so much noise downstairs!66. What a shame I didn't see his face when you told him the news. could I wish I could have seen his face when you told him the news.67. The accusation was that the Prime Minister made his statement less forceful because of public opinion. watering The Prime Minister was accused of watering his statement down because of public opinion.68. The new theatre is extremely ugly and spoils the view of the village. blot The new theatre is a blot on the landscape and spoils the view of the village.

III. Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. The hotel was away / far from the most luxurious I've stayed in.2. The new law is less / little more than an attempt to divert attention from the real problems.3. My mum's getting a little / little older now, so she needs someone to look after her.

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4. It was quite / somewhat the most delightful little puppy I had ever seen!5. Imogen was told that she would have to work a better / good deal harder than she had been doing.6. I'll finance / deposit the money in your bank account in the morning.7. I'm thinking of speculating / depositing on the stock exchange. Do you think it's risky?8. Why don't you arrange to pay your bills by direct debt / debit? That way, they're automatically paid from your account.9. If we hadn't taken a wrong turning back there, we wouldn't be / have been in this mess now.10. Should / Would you need any further assistance, please don't hesitate to ask.11. Had they not / Hadn't they warned people in time, a lot more lives could have been lost.12. If you worked / had worked last weekend when the boss asked you, then you wouldn't have to work this weekend.13. I would have asked the person for ID before I let him in, if I were / have been you.14. It seems that agriculture / crop first developed in the Middle East.15. If the drought / famine continues, the government is planning to introduce a ban on washing cars.16. Over half a million people were forced to leave their homes as a result of the recent global warming /natural disaster. 17. This area is frequently hit by floods / hurricanes that start at sea and then move inland.18. In Britain, prisoners are not entitled / exempt to vote in elections, but I think they should be allowed to.19. Colonel Wilson commands / intimidates over 5,000 men.20. Queen Victoria saw many changes during her time as dictator / monarch.21. It's one thing having this law, but unless the police enforce / reinforce it, it's useless.22. I don't think I'll ever master / reign surfing.23. Our manager at work just tries to bully / conquer us all into doing what she wants.24. Dave doesn't really trust Ian, and I have to say that neither I do / do I. 25. Such a valuable painting it is / is it that the public are not allowed to get close to it.26. My dad's never been abroad, and nor my mum has / has my mum.27. Such the media interest was / was the media interest in the wedding that there were over a dozen photographers.28. So nervous he was / was he that I was almost certain he was lying.29. All of my friends have got mobiles. I wish I have / had one too!30. If only we didn't leave / hadn't left the map at home!31. If only we don't / didn't have to go to school tomorrow!32. I do wish the bus came / would come. I'm going to be late.33. I wish / hope it snows tomorrow!34. Why on earth does Geoffrey wish he would be given / they would give him a knighthood?35. If only you were / you'd been watching Thomas instead of checking your e-mail. He wouldn't have fallen off the slide then.36. I do wish the taxi driver didn't go / wasn't going so slowly. We're never going to get there!37. Have you been inoculated / injected against tetanus?38. I've cut my finger. Have you got plaster / a plaster?39. My diagnosis / prognosis is that you're suffering from stress.40. My grandmother spent the last two years of her life in a nursing house / home.41. It took quite a while but at slow / long last the website's starting to take off.42. Nice apartments are a bit thin / slim on the ground round here.43. I literally went weak on / at the knees when he told me how much he'd won.44. They said on the news the escaped convict's still at / in large.45. The problem with Jimmy is that he's such a weak / poor loser.46. I hate landlords who grow fat / large on the rent they collect.47. There were a whole number / load of people I knew at the opening.48. My grandparents have just moved into a built-up / high-rise block and they seem to like it.49. I love to look at the skyline / skyscraper of London at night, don't you?50. I grew up on a local estate / housing, so I know the area quite well.

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51. They're going to demolish / evict the old Town Hall today.52. St Paul's Cathedral is a really impressive structure / infrastructure.53. Alex was far and away / considerably more successful at school than his twin brother.54. Given / Giving the opportunity, would you like to spend a year abroad?55. Having seen / Seen an advert in the paper, we decided to write off for more information.56. I don't know how I'm going to summon up / back the courage to tell Dad.57. Grandpa says his leg's playing up / around again so he's not going to come for a walk with us.58. We all creased up / off when Nick walked in wearing a skirt.59. Antony says he felt a little dizzy when he came round / back from the anaesthetic.60. These carrots have shrivelled up / down a bit so I think I'll throw them out.

IV. Write one word in each gap.

1. It seems to get a mention whenever the newspapers get onto the subject. 2. Those wearing them are often classed as yobs or hooligans, even when they have done nothing against the law. 3. There is a danger that young people will actually be provoked into behaving in antisocial ways through rules like this.4. At the end of the day, what the members of their peer group think will always be more important to the young than what people running shopping centres think they should or shouldn't wear.5. Rarely does one find as clear an account of social change as Olivia Harris's Changing Britain.6. Those who prefer to bury their heads in the sand and imagine that Britain is the same as it was even 20 years ago are in for a shock. 7. At no point in the book are any of Harris's claims presented without evidence, and neither does she talk down to the non-expert.8. Her main conclusion, that not until we all realise that there is a problem and decide to confront the powers that be will the situation improve, is powerful and irresistible.9. Do you really think the month in which you're born affects your character?10. They declared war on Austria, the reason for which completely escapes me now.11. Josephine came to the rescue, of course, for which I'm eternally grateful.12. The law needs to be strengthened, by which I mean the police need to be given new powers.13. The Home Secretary promised to be tough on crime.14. The hotel looked good from the outside, but we soon realised it was just window dressing.15. The music coming from next door is driving me round the bend!16. Jane just stood there and watched while we did all the work. A fat lot of use that was!17. You can make a lot of money if you work in high finance.18. We've travelled the length and breadth of the country looking for the next Teen Star!19. Hi Chloe! Long time no see.20. It only cost five euros and we were there all day. We really did get our money's worth. 21. It's a pay and display car park, so get a ticket from the machine before you go shopping.22. 'That was very generous of you to give half of your lunch to Tony.' 'Share and share alike, that's what I say.'23. And suddenly Diana appeared out of thin air.24. I think you're on very weak ground with that argument.25. It certainly gave me a window on/ into/ onto the world of architecture to hear my architect explain the problems he knew we were going to face. 26. It had to look great, but under(neath)/ beneath the surface I wanted it to be high-tech and environmentally friendly.27. I did a lot of research, and that certainly smoothed the way for what was to come.28. I did some of the physical work myself, putting up walls and bending things into shape, and I'd like to erect a monument to the person who invented solar-powered heating.

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29. In the end, my architect's predictions of doom had no foundation and it all took just eight months.30. After decades of neglect, it's not unusual to see buildings which have been boarded up in Britain's inner cities.31. If your debts are mounting up and your financial problems are weighing you down the first thing to do is to stay calm. 32. Sizing up your financial situation — however painful — is far better than just ignoring it. 33. Break these outgoings down into essentials (such as electricity bills and food) and luxuries (such as nights out). 34. The amount that's remaining is the amount you can afford to pay back to your creditors each month. 35. Most credit card companies are willing to accept payment in instalments as they know that if you — and they — just let the debt build up indefinitely it will never be paid off. 36. If your essential expenses add up to more than your income, then your situation is more serious and you'll have to consider drastic action either to increase your income or reduce the amount of money you have to pay out each month on essentials.37. I would never be able to afford a new house if it wasn't for all the overtime I've been doing.38. But for the kindness of a complete stranger, I would never have found the hotel.39. Don't forget to mention the new schedule to Veronica if you should happen to see her this evening.40. Football matches would be ideal family outings were it not for the danger of violence.41. If you should/ do find the book I was asking you about, give me a call.42. Many people only manage to give up gambling by dint of a lot of hard work.43. A sudden gust of wind blew the letter out of my hand.44. I can't believe you bet your car on the toss of a coin!45. I'd love to be a cat and spend all day lying in the sun.46. I believe we're in luck this time and we won't have lost our money.47. You're either lucky by nature or you have to work hard all your life.48. If you were to hazard a guess, what would you say? 49. Scientists need to decide whether to put lives at risk by not issuing a warning, or constantly issue warnings about the threat of an earthquake that may be ignored. In the end, the odds seem to be against us solving this difficult problem any time soon.50. I think Jay plays poker, but I couldn't say for certain.51. If one species survives at the expense of another, then I think that's just natural selection.52. I'll just call Jimmy to make certain he can look after the dogs.53. The Minister gave the green light for the bypass to go ahead.54. People are pushing their luck a bit too far when they live on the slopes of a volcano.55. Global warming will pose/ present a great threat to mankind in years to come.56. Just at the moment we had to go out, it started to pour with rain.57. I'm in bed by eleven when I've got lectures the next day as a rule.58. Am I right in saying that you used to live in Saudi Arabia?59. Of course, this decision is subject to confirmation by the whole company board.60. I've served my sentence, but it's not easy fitting back into society.61. The hotel manager promised to keep my valuables under lock and key.62. Politicians should remember that no one is above the law.63. The rebel group in the north of the country have laid down their arms and agreed to discuss the situation.64. The headteacher decided to make an example of Richard and exclude him from the school.65. Rarely do neighbours have the best of relationships for any length of time. 66. Of course, some people become close friends, but only if there is a lot of give and take is this possible.67. So common are disputes between neighbours that there are many laws to cover arguments over noise, property and rubbish. 68. On no account should you do anything to damage your neighbours' property, or their overhanging trees if that's the problem, without knowing what your legal rights are.

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69. Not until you are sure you are acting within the law should you do anything. 70. There has been a steady rise in the average temperature around the planet over the last hundred years or so, and the majority of scientists put it down to human activity. 71. The solution, they claim, is to cut back on our consumption of fossil fuels.72. According to them, we should just continue to get through the fossil fuels that are available and find alternatives when they run out.73. It is predicted that over the next few decades many species will die out as once fertile areas turn to desert.74. Seas will rise in some areas and rivers will dry up in other areas, killing off animal and plant life that rely on them. 75. At the risk of appearing rude, Minister, would you please answer the question?76. John's a very keen fisherman and goes out in all weathers.77. I realised I didn't have any money on me, but as luck would have it I wasn't far from the bank.78. I did a lot of research before the job interview because I didn't want to leave anything to chance.79. Most of us go through a period of crying our eyes out. 80. We might feel like crying when we hear sad news, or even cry with happiness. 81. Expressions such as 'there's no point crying over spilt milk' in English reflect a culture that — at least historically — does not value adult crying.82. If you cry 'crocodile tears', you are putting on an act — pretending to be upset when in fact you are not.83. In the 1950s and 60s, the tower block seemed to offer a solution to two problems. Firstly, houses built much earlier in the century. 84. New, vertical tower blocks, able to house more people in a relatively small space than a horizontal street, started to appear. 85. They were far and away the most affordable alternative for many people, and they also offered excellent views.86. I want you kids to be on your best behaviour tonight.87. My father's been in poor health for a while now.88. You shouldn't have reacted by getting so annoyed.89. We were always polite to our teachers when I was at school,90. I don't think I'll ever be rich, but you live in hope, don't you?91. I hope I live to the grand old age of 94!92. I am writing in response to your letter of 15th July.93. So in effect what you're saying is that I'm being made redundant.94. However, these buildings soon became less attractive to residents as crime rose.95. It also became clear that a tower block was nothing like as friendly a place to live in as a traditional street. 96. More often than not, residents in a tower block didn't interact with each other on a regular basis. 97. A patient whose arm, let's say, is suspected of being broken will first be given an X-ray. 98. Having determined the extent of the fracture, the orthopaedic surgeon will decide on the most effective treatment. 99. For a fracture where manipulation is required, this may involve the patient being given a general anaesthetic while the bone is essentially re-broken. 100. Patients who/ that have more serious fractures may require 'fracture fixation', in which pins and rods are connected to the bone to strengthen it.

V. Choose the correct answer.

1. While most scientists dismiss tales of out-of-body experiences on the operating table as dreams and delusions, there are some cases which seem to defy rational explanation. a. Despite b. While c. However d. In spite2. Try as they might, the surgeon and anaesthetist were unable to resuscitate her. a. as b. for c. with d. so

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3. Despite having been clinically dead, Margaret suffered no brain damage and no adverse side effects. The story doesn't stop there, though. a. However b. Whereas c. Although d. Despitea. even if b. even though c. although d. though4. When the anaesthetist went to visit her in her hospital bed, Margaret Frobisher recounted an amazing story. She said that whereas three of the walls were bright white, one was dark grey. a. nevertheless b. whereas c. in spite of d. however5. Even if one does not believe in a 'soul' or in life after death, it is difficult to explain what happened in that operating theatre when Margaret Frobisher's heart stopped beating.a. so b. if c. though d. that6. Make sure you mix the ingredients well, otherwise you might get lumps in your cake.a. unless b. otherwise c. provided d. supposing7. Unless Ray gets here soon, I'm going to leave because I'm getting bored.a. doesn't get b. gets c. won't get d. will get8. At no time did I think I was going to fail the exam.a. did I think b. thought I c. I thought d. was I thought9. Never have I heard such complete and utter rubbish!a. have I heard so b. I heard such c. did I hear so d. have I heard such10. Since it was a minor offence, Derek was sent to an open prison.a. an open b. an easy c. a soft d. a weak11. Don't worry — the documents are safely under lock and key at my place.a. under b. in c. on d. within12. The most powerful force in a teenager's life is probably peer pressure.a. friend b. peer c. company d. crowd13. We are pleased to inform you that we have decided to grant your request for British citizenship.a. give b. grant c. permit d. donate14. We finally managed to force our way through the crowd and reach the exit.a. create b. insist c. move d. force15. If there should happen to be any reason for late delivery, please inform our Accounts Department.a. might b. could c. would d. should16. If the service isn't up to standard, I think you have every right to complain.a. all b. each c. much d. every

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17. Warning: anyone caught stealing from these premises will be prosecuted.a. advocated b. undermined c. prosecuted d. enforced18. Jim's a tough character and certainly won't let anyone push him around. a. up b. off c. around d. through19. The local authorities need to crack down on illegal parking, in my opinion.a. hit b. force c. move d. crack20. It's high time we got rid of this old sofa.a. we got b. we get c. for us to get d. to get 21. In a few hundred years' time, oil will not be nearly so abundant here on Earth.a. abundant b. ample c. considerable d. immense22. Maps on paper can only show the world in two dimensions.a. areas b. masses c. dimensions d. proportions23. Why are all your clothes in a heap on the floor?a. bulk b. batch c. heap d. sum24. Don't you think the wealthy in society have a responsibility to help those less fortunate?a. wealthy b. wealthier c. wealthiest d. the wealthy 25. More than 80 people came to the exhibition, many of whose children had pictures on the walls.a. who b. whom c. whose d. which26. Even if they get the letter tomorrow, you still won't get a reply before the weekend.a. Even though b. Even if c. While d. However

27. The woman arrested is being held at Granchester Police Station.a. who arrested b. arresting c. arrested d. was arrested28. I always take my lucky charm with me into an exam.a. sign b. item c. charm d. spell29. Johnnie broke the vase, but I'm sure it wasn't deliberate. a. purposeful b. instrumental c. desirable d. deliberate30. We can only speculate as to the causes of the disaster.a. think b. speculate c. consider d. ponder

VI. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

inadvertent transpire foresee haphazard meander startle blow jinx wobble stray mishap freak ascribe

1. The woman claimed to be able to foresee the future, but I knew she was only guessing.2. When the glass fell off the table on its own, it really startled me.3. The first I knew of the earthquake was when the furniture started to wobble. 4. As the river gets closer to the sea, it begins to meander across the flat lowlands.5. This government doesn't seem to have a plan and is just reacting to events in a haphazard manner.6. Having an accident in the first race was a real blow to Johnson's ambitions of becoming world champion.7. We should get there by midnight, as long as there are no mishaps along the way.8. Nobody could have foreseen what would happen — it was just a freak accident.9. The politician's inadvertent comments to the press started a national scandal.10. Seven people have got ill on the voyage so far; I think the cruise is jinxed.11. Wilson ascribed his defeat to bad luck.12. Apparently, the car was hit by a stray bullet during the riot.13. We may never know what transpired that fateful night.

chance upon come across dig up slip up spring up throw up

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14. We were walking through the woods when we chanced upon/ came across a trap set by hunters.15. It's a huge risk, and we can't afford to slip up or everything will go wrong.16. The new law has thrown up a number of problems for farmers that weren't expected.17. As I was flicking through the magazine, I chanced upon/ came across an article about the local nature reserve.18. According to the evidence that has been dug up , people have been farming this area for over a 1,000 years.19. Organisations concerned about the environment seem to have sprung up everywhere these days.

act of God come rain or shine down on your luck draw the short straw have green fingerslet nature take its course no rhyme or reason out of the blue the luck of the draw touch wood

20. 'I feel sorry for Mrs Shepherd.' 'Yes, she does seem to have been rather down on your luck lately, doesn't she?'21. 'I'm sure Carol will get over the divorce eventually.' 'Yes, I think we should just let nature take its course and see what happens.'22. 'I couldn't believe it when I saw him.' 'It must have been a real shock when he turned up out of the blue after all these years.'23. 'Does Dave still go to the football every week?' 'Oh, yes. You know him. He's there come rain or shine. 24. 'How come the company chose you to go to New York?' 'I don't know. It was just the luck of the draw , I guess.'25. 'Why wasn't there any warning before the floods?' 'Well, it's not easy to predict that kind of act of God,is it?'26. 'I don't understand Harry's decision.' 'Me neither. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to it.'27. 'Who's babysitting tomorrow night?' 'Well, I drew the short straw, so I'm staying in while the others go out.'28. 'I'm so looking forward to the wedding this weekend.' 'The weather should be good, touch wood’. 29. 'I love your garden!' 'Thanks. Yes, I suppose I've always had green fingers.

belt jungle home disillusioned landscape glum sticks town resolute

30. That awful new office block is a real blot on the landscape.31. The crime rate is soaring! It's becoming a real concrete jungle out there.32. You look a bit glum today. Is anything the matter?33. It's my birthday, so I'm planning to go out on the town with my friends this evening.34. Living in the commuter belt is okay, but I'd love to move back into the city.35. I don't know how Nicole survives, living all the way out in the sticks. 36. She remained resolute in her belief that the situation would improve.37. We couldn't afford to live in London, so we ended up living in a satellite town about half an hour away.38. I love this hotel, and it's always been a kind of home from home for me.39. Joe said he's so disillusioned with his job he's thinking of quitting.

fed up glance grin manoeuvre chuckle peep smirk giggle tactic glimpse peer cross

40. The girls were giggling excitedly in their room — it was extremely irritating!41. He occasionally chuckled quietly to himself as he read the letter.42. The boys were grinning after the film so I think they had a good time.

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43. Stop smirking in such an unpleasant way. Just because you won the game doesn't make you better than me, you know!44. I glimpsed something through the window but I've got no idea what it was.45. Terry glanced at the clock and realised he was late.46. The window was so dirty we had to peer through it to see inside.47. Don't peep! Keep your eyes closed or it'll ruin the surprise.48. I'm fed up. It's boring just sitting here. Let's go out for a walk.49. Mr Jenkins was so cross when he heard the news he went red with anger.50. Reversing round a corner is a difficult manoeuvre. 51. I'm going to have to use some underhand tactics to get Adam to agree.

acknowledge agonise comfort disgust moan rejoice resent

52. I've been agonising over this decision for ages but I've definitely made my mind up now.53. The whole country was out on the streets rejoicing when they won the World Cup.54. Do you at least acknowledge that not everyone thinks about things the same way you do?55. I was in such pain I just lay in bed moaning. 56. I'm disgusted with the way this company's dealt with this problem. I'm going to complain.57. I do resent the fact that Josh was promoted and I wasn't, yes.58. We all need to comfort Joyce at such a difficult time for her.bricks and mortar apathy on the table raw materials inertia smooth sailing

59. The bureaucratic system in this country is suffering from extreme inertia. Nothing ever gets done!60. There's just so much apathy from young people these days when it comes to politics.61. We had a few difficulties at first, but it was pretty smooth sailing after that.62. Lance built a log cabin in a Canadian forest, using raw materials that were all around him.63. The offer on the table is far too low and I'm going to ask them to increase it.64. I would invest in bricks and mortar, because property is usually a safe investment.

block chip crumb flake grain lump pile speck

65. When are you going to move that pile of clothes in your bedroom?66. The old man slowly put a few more lumps of coal on the dying fire.67. We need to redecorate. Look — there are flakes of paint coming off the walls.68. The building is composed of blocks of concrete held together by metal poles.69. When I come back, I don't want to find a single speck of dust in here.70. How many grains of sand do you think there are on this beach?71. Eat your sandwich in the kitchen, because I don't want crumbs on my new sofa.72. Be careful! I dropped something and there are chips of glass all over the floor.

pat polish scrub stroke crack crush grind squash squeeze brittle dense hollow stiff mould

73. I felt great when the coach patted me on the back and said, 'Well done'.74. This paper isn't stiff enough to make a birthday card out of.75. Martin quickly polished his shoes and walked out the door.76. Don't stroke the dog's fur the wrong way. She doesn't like it.77. Rocks sink in water because they are dense

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78. I had to really scrub that wall to get the graffiti off it.79. You'll have to squeeze your T-shirt to get all the water out of it.80. After being out in the sun for a month, the plastic container became brittle81. Try to mould the clay into the basic shape of a vase.82. You get the orange juice, and crush some ice.83. I like to grind my own coffee because it tastes so much better.84. Don't squash that spider! Just put it outside on the grass.85. You haven't broken the window, but you have cracked it.86. This wall appears solid, but when you knock on it, it sounds hollow.

book hand law live powers strings tape thumb

87. My dad pulled a few strings and got me the job.88. You can't just take the law into your own hands and attack someone like that.89. Ian's really under his boss's thumb and isn't allowed to make any decisions himself.90. It was a difficult game, but I eventually managed to gain the upper hand. 91. Our neighbour's a bit strange, but live and let live, I always say.92. The powers that be have decided to ban skateboarding in the park.93. I had to get through a lot of red tape, but I finally got the documents I needed.94. This is the third time Heather's been caught — they're really going to throw the book at her this time.

lashing out go down ward off followed up cotton on pulled through

95. Mr. Deacon next door had a very serious operation. Apparently, it’s a miracle he pulled through.96. The first comedian didn’t go down well with the audience and was booed off the stage.97. It took Terry a while to cotton on the fact that I was joking.98. There’s no point lashing out at Dr. Baker. She’s not responsible for what’s happened.99. In some cultures, they wear jewelry to ward off evil spirits.100. The researchers followed up a number of patients who had taken the drug to determine what side effects they had experienced.

at no point in no way little never not not only on no account rarely under no circumstances only after

101. In no way were the security guards to blame for what happened.102. Not once did the old woman thank me for helping her.103. Only after seeing the doctor was Theresa allowed to leave hospital.104. On no account/ Under no circumstances will passengers be allowed to carry more than 6 kg of hand luggage.105. Not only were you late, but you also forgot to bring the correct documents.106. At no point during the meeting did anyone mention that the managing director was planning to leave.107. Little did the passengers know that the driver was really an undercover police officer.108. Rarely do you meet anyone as charming as Mr Beeching.109. On no account/ Under no circumstances should unaccompanied children be allowed to enter the area.110. Never before has the company found itself facing such stiff competition.

dire benign former quality mainstream reluctant

111. What we do here is ensure that our terminally ill patients get the best quality of life possible.

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112. The consequences could be dire if you don't start eating properly and get some exercise.113. Bill Clinton, former President of the United States, arrived in Beijing today.114. After years in small political parties, I gradually became more interested in mainstream politics.115. I was reluctant to help her, but I had no choice.116. A dictator might appear benign, but you never know when they might start to abuse their power.

bureaucracy deterrent institution legislation prejudice reform

117. The demand for prison reform has steadily increased as more and more people have come to see that locking people up in institutions simply doesn't reduce crime. 118. It fails to act as a deterrent. 119. Once outside prison, offenders face prejudice, which tends to force them back into a life of crime.120. It usually demands new legislation to change the system, and while the slow processes of bureaucracy go on, more and more lives are affected.

impose label liberate subject summon undermine victimise

121. We are subject to many different forms of power. 122. There are those forms of power that exist by law: the right of the government to impose laws on a country. 123. There is also the right of courts to summon people to appear to stand trial or to give evidence. 124. It is more difficult to liberate ourselves from other forms of social power. 125. When we are labelled as 'this' or 'that' by other people and put into a category, that too is a form of power.126. Bosses at work might victimize their employees by making them work long hours. 127. A parent might undermine their child's self-confidence with constant criticism.

do dwell get up look suburban stop bypass district

128. It's high time you stopped smoking. It's a disgusting habit!129. The proposed bypass around the city of Rushton has run into more controversy.130. It's time you looked/ were looking for a job, young man!131. However, residents in suburban areas, on the outskirts of the city, are up in arms about the plan, which they claim would spoil the district. 132. It's time for you kids to do your homework.133. Many of those who dwell in the area agree. The council were unavailable for comment.134. Wake up, Bonnie. It's time to get up now.

benefit debt dividend insurance installments mortgage overdraft pension interest

135. Different bank accounts pay different amounts of interest. It makes sense to shop aroundbefore you open an account.136. If your salary doesn't always get you to the end of the month, you'll have to arrange a/an overdraft with your bank, so it's worth being on good terms with your bank manager.137. If you're planning to buy a house, you'll probably need to get a/an mortgage. 138. If you're thinking about taking out life insurance , make sure you talk to an independent financial advisor. They'll give you unbiased advice.139. Make sure you know what benefits you're entitled to. If you're on a low income and have a family, you may be surprised how much you'll receive from the state each month.

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140. Even if you're only in your early twenties, it pays to plan for the future. If you can, start paying into a/an pension scheme now to ensure you have a comfortable retirement.141. It goes without saying that you should try to avoid getting into too much debt, only buy things on credit if you're sure you can afford to pay the monthly installments.142. Many companies pay an annual dividend to shareholders — this can be a welcome source of extra income if the company's doing well.

VII. For each question, write one word which can be used in all three sentences.

1. I was wondering how to get home when, as luck would have it, Ben drove past in his car. The assistant said that I was in luck and that they only had one pair left but they were my size. You've won by betting on red the last three times, but don't push your luck.2. It so happens that I've already decided to do that, anyway. As it happens, we can cancel the demonstration because the council have changed their mind. When a freak storm happens, we are not always given any warning of it.

3. I have to admit to feeling a certain amount of fear as I stepped into the lions' cage. The press are certain to find out about this, and then it'll be all over the papers. A certain Mr Pratt rang this afternoon about your donation to the WWF.

4. I guess you must be right about the weather — it feels hot! Don't ask me to guess at her age as I'd be miles out. You'd never guess they were married from the way they act in public, would you?

5. We have it on good authority that they're thinking of closing the local office. The professor spoke with authority on the subject of young people and crime. Responsibility for running the prison has been taken out of the hands of the local authority.

6. The politician denied all responsibility for the prison escape. The authorities denied the couple's request to be allowed to stay in Britain. I didn't believe Abigail when she denied knowing who had stolen the money.

7. My parents have decided to lay down the law so I can't come out this weekend. This government's top priority is law and order. Have things improved since the Freedom of Information Act became law.

8. I think we're running short of petrol. Nick would be a terrible teacher — he's got such a short temper. At least she apologised for calling me in at such short notice.

9. It pays to shop around when you're looking for a mortgage. I don't mind Guy moving in for a few weeks as long as he pays his way. It always puts a smile on my face when someone pays me a compliment.

10. You can have one more bowl of ice cream but then that's your lot Maybe it's just my lot in life never to find someone to settle down with. I've got a lot on this weekend, so I doubt we'll be able to meet up unfortunately.

11. Tom's actually quite a big name in the poultry industry. I've said I'm sorry; there's no need to make such a big thing out of it. It's every teenager's dream to make it big in the entertainment business.

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12. I don't think I've got any small change, I'm afraid. You made me feel so small when you criticised me like that in front of everyone. I'm really not keen on making small talk at parties.

13. These accusations are completely without foundation. The foundation stone for the new hospital was laid by the Mayor. You have to do a foundation course before you can start your degree.14. Joshua looks aggressive, but he's not such a tough guy once you get to know him. It's time this government got tough with people exceeding the speed limit. The last few years have been quite tough on Amanda and I'm glad things seem to be getting better.

15. There was a hush in Parliament as the Minister took the floor. I'd be afraid of burglars if I lived in a ground floor flat. I quite enjoyed the club, but I thought the floor show was terrible.

16. The Smiths were pretty quick off the mark to sell when they heard house prices were falling. I think that what you said to Rita about her taste in furniture really hit the mark Poverty and unemployment have certainly left a mark on this area.

17. A record number of businesses are predicted to fold in the next 12 months. Now carefully fold the paper in two, and you can begin to see the shape of the paper plane. Don't fold your arms and talk to me in that tone of voice!

18. I used to be dead against plastic surgery but I've changed my mind now. There was dead silence throughout the room, and I realised my joke had offended people. If you do that again you'll be in trouble!

19. If you treat people well, they usually respond in kind. I didn't say anything of the kind. That was very kind of you to help Mrs Taylor carry her shopping.

20. The play really came to life in the second act. Darren asked me to go with him to the prom; 'Not on your life’, I told him. You know you're putting your life at risk by smoking, don't you?

21. We only went there for a laugh; we didn't know it would cause so much trouble. You always have to have the last laugh, don't you? It's a laugh a minute when Daniel's around.

VIII. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space.

1. The World Wide Fund for Nature has been involved in conservation (CONSERVE) since its foundation in 1961. 2. Its intention (INTEND) has always been to protect wildlife (WILD) 3. Economic growth and tourism force some species to the brink of extinction (EXTINCT). 4. Refusing to accept that the problems are insurmountable (MOUNT), the WWF works tirelessly on a seemingly (SEEM) never-ending list of projects, all of which help to protect the diversity of life on Earth.5. The chances against this kind of unusual occurrence (OCCUR) are very high. 6. I'm not convinced that there's a causal (CAUSE ) link between pollution and global warming.

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7. Female animals have an instinctive (INSTINCT ) need to protect their young. 8. The expedition travelled miles in search of the elusive (ELUDE ) mountain gorilla. 9. How dare they apportion (PORTION ) blame without knowing all the facts first? 10. At the height (HIGH ) of summer, the temperature can reach 50°C. 11. I'd like to make a withdrawal (DRAW ) from my bank account, please. 12. Doris Carter, who is 107 today, puts her longevity (LONG ) down to having a loving family, and seven cups of tea a day. 13. What strength magnification (MAGNIFY ) do those binoculars have? 14. Liskeard and Callington are basically equidistant (DISTANT ) from here, so it'll take about the same time to get to either of them. 15. Please keep e-mails short. Brevity (BRIEF ) makes everyone's lives easier. 16. The school's football pitch has been lengthened (LONG ) over the summer to conform to new national standards. 17. I don't want to prolong the agony for you, but I'm afraid you'll have to wait another two days to know how much money you've won. LONG18. You might find it hard to answer all the questions in the allotted time. LOT19. Additionally, without E=mc2, we would not have nuclear power — and nuclear weapons — today. ADD20. A recent government report highlights/ highlighted (HIGH) the extent (EXTEND) to which credit card debt is spiralling.21. In the late 30s, analysts (ANALYSE ) knew that the centre of the historic town of Coventry in the West Midlands needed to be redeveloped. Plans had to be shelved (SHELF ) when the Second World War started in 1939. 22. However, the architects' opportunity materialised (MATERIAL) when the city centre was practically destroyed during the war. 23. Many buildings were irreparably (REPAIR) damaged and demolition work began. 24. They would make the city more habitable/ inhabitable (INHABIT) by pedestrianising the centre, preventing cars entering. 25. Whether a flat or a mansion, our surroundings (ROUND) are not built to move. 26. More difficult is creating the infrastructure (STRUCTURE).27. Colin became a political activist (ACT) when he was at university. 28. I know it's a bit annoying but there's no need to overreact (ACT) to such an extent. 29. We stood there watching the unfolding (FOLD) drama with shock on our faces. 30. If one of our nurses has acted negligently (NEGLECT) you can be assured we will take the strongest possible action against him or her. 31. It's fruitless (FRUIT) even trying. We'll never get to the hospital in time. 32. Do you really think your plans are going to come to fruition (FRUIT)?33. By the angry looks on people's faces, I would say there was widespread disapproval (APPROVE) of the proposed changes to the health centre's opening times. 34. I used to think I could change the world, but then disillusionment (ILLUSION) set in when I reached my early thirties.35. I can't believe you forgot to get your wife a birthday present. You're so neglectful (NEGLECT) sometimes!36. There's a lot of discontent(ment) (CONTENT)with the government at the moment. I think they might well get kicked out at the next election. 37. As I told Rose how I felt she was completely unresponsive (RESPOND) so I had no idea at all what she was thinking. 38. The local people then leave the clay to harden (HARD) in the sun, creating simple bricks. 39. The attack in the city centre fast night exemplifies/ exemplified (EXAMPLE) the kind of behaviour amongst young people that many object to. 40. I was a bit demoralised (MORAL) by my performance in the first exam, but I decided to make an extra effort in the ones left. 41. When confronted with a mass of red tape, many people feel a sense of powerlessness (POWER).42. I really believe that it would be a major mistake to decriminalize (CRIME) any drugs that are currently illegal.

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43. Suddenly, without provocation (PROVOKE), the dog sank its teeth into my leg. 44. Steve's bought a handy (HAND) little gadget for tuning his guitar. 45. I want to make sure all my dependants (DEPEND) will be financially secure if I'm incapacitated in any way. 46. At the start of the seminar, they gave us a number of handouts and a nice little folder (FOLD) to keep them all in. 47. All nations need bureaucrats, but too many have become institutionalised (INSTITUTE) and inflexible. 48. While some carry out their jobs dutifully (DUTY), others apply the letter of the law but not the spirit, and behave in an officious (OFFICE) manner, relying on computers and rules to tell them what is permissible (PERMIT) and what is not.49. I agree with Jack Turner that it is a crimal (CRIME) waste of taxpayers'.50. We in this country have arguably (ARGUE) the biggest civil service in this part of the world and it is time something was done about it. 51. What if the patient is n extreme agony? They cannot live independently (DEPEND)of machines and 24-hour care. 52. What if the patient resolutely (RESOLVE) and continually asks for their life to be brought to an end by doctors?

IX. Each of the words in bold is in an incorrect form. Rewrite them correctly.

1. The domineering view is that it's time this Prime Minister went. predominant2. Since the factory closed, many people in the area have been living in hardly. hardship3. Did you know that you can claim charity donations against tax? charitable4. Peter gave the ball a mightily kick and sent it over the wall. mighty5. Verity won a prize at school for her example behaviour. exemplary 6. It's not often you see such agreement between the opposition and the governor party. governing 7. Lois can be so arguable sometimes and never seems to listen to the other person's point of view. argumentative8. I'm only telling you this officialdom, but it looks like you are going to be promoted. unofficially9. After the recent civil war, the country is almost government and crime rates have soared. ungovernable10. I managed to persuasive Mike from sacking you, but just be more careful next time. dissuade 11. The manufacturer industries are a major employer in this area. manufacturing12. Dunscar and the roundness areas have seen a sharp increase in house prices. surrounding13. When the mixture starts to solidity, put it in the freezer. solidify 14. Each housing is responsible for maintaining the area in front of their house householder. 15. 'I'll always be here for you,' Brittany said soften. softly16. Be careful — the floor's wet and it's a bit slippage. Slippery/ slippy

X. Each of the words in bold is incorrect. Rewrite them correctly.

1. Thanks for inviting me but I think I'll give it a leave, if you don't mind. miss 2. I could have hit myself when I invited Claudia to the beach. I'd completely forgotten she's got to stay indoors until she's completely recovered. kicked 3. I'm going to be in plaster for six months so I'm just going to have to smile and bear it. grin 4. Hold your hair on! It's nothing to get upset about, you know. Keep 5. f know you were angry but there was no need to fly off the doorknob like that. handle 6. After working all day, I like to go out with some friends just to let off air. steam

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7. The best way to deal with bullies is to give them a taste of their own tablets. medicine 8. They're closing the local hospital and everyone round here is up in guns about it. arms 9. Fiona's offered to help you. Don't ask why — never look a gift cow in the mouth. horse 10. You could complain to her boss, but it's probably better just to let sleeping cats lie. dogs 11. What's done is done — there's no point crying over spilt liquid. milk 12. It was hard to keep a plain face when Jenny told me how Toby had broken his arm. straight

XI. Underline the word or phrase which cannot complete the sentence.

1. Jackie didn't like the show so much, but I thought it was absolutely / quite / very perfect.2. You were completely / fairly / totally right about Laura — she is from Manchester.3. We've been absolutely / a little / quite busy at work, so I'm looking forward to a break.4. It's completely / totally / very pointless trying to persuade Michael to lend you his new car.5. Anthony seems to be a little / really / utterly worried about the situation.6. Jackson's shot from the halfway line was absolutely / quite / too incredible.7. If you think I'm going to help you after what you did, you're a bit / completely / quite wrong.8. In the end, the documents that the tax office sent us were completely / totally / very useless.

XII. Match to make sentences.

1. The big supermarket chains have bought A. up over 700 hours of flying time already.2. If we club B. up support is to get people in the high street to sign a petition. 3. Phil's clocked C. it over till next year and take it in January.4. One good way to drum D. up most of the land round here already.5. Six managers bought E. out the company when it was threatened with closure.6. I think I'll carry F. blackmailers off — I'd rather go to the police and face the consequences.7. I'd never buy G. Together, I'm sure we can afford to get Mrs Timms a nice leaving present.

1 D, 2 G 3A 4B 5E 6C 7F

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I. Rewrite the sentences, starting with the words given.

1. They're gradually getting rid of the old-style passports. They're ________ out the old-style passports.2. Did you know that you can choose not to pay into the state pension scheme? Did you know that you can ________ out of the state pension scheme?3. The police are making a special effort to deal with illegal parking around here. The police are ________ down on illegal parking around here.4. Police officers in plain clothes tried to join the crowd and not be noticed. Police officers in plain clothes tried to ________ in with the crowd.5. You shouldn't let Stephanie bully you. You should ________ up to Stephanie.6. The press directed most of their criticism at the Deputy Prime Minister. The Deputy Prime Minister was ________ out for criticism by the press.7. I wish you wouldn't speak to me as if you were superior. I wish you wouldn't ________ down to me.8. Kyle got in trouble for bullying kids in the playground. Kyle got in trouble for ________ kids around in the playground.9. We'd prefer the successful candidate to have previous experience in the field. We'd rather the successful candidate ________ previous experience in the field.10. Would you prefer me to come back later? Would you rather ________ later?11. To be honest, I'd prefer you not to tell anyone about this. To be honest, I'd rather ________ anyone about this.12. I'd prefer us to get a new kitchen rather than go on an expensive holiday. I'd sooner ________ a new kitchen than ________ on an expensive holiday.13. The window was broken by a cricket ball. It ________________________________________________________________________.14. The driver didn't see the motorcyclist. What happened _____________________________________________________________. 15. None of the passengers was injured because of the driver's quick reaction. But ______________________________________________________________________.16. We'll have to cancel the meeting if Wendy doesn't turn up soon. Unless ___________________________________________________________________.17. Mr Jones would be quite lonely if he didn't have his daughter's visits. Were it ___________________________________________________________________.18. Here's my phone number, because you might need it. In case ___________________________________________________________________.19. Agree to be back by midnight and you can go. Providing _________________________________________________________________.20. Sue didn't get me a birthday present, which is why I didn't get her one. If Sue ____________________________________________________________________.21. The climate is undergoing such radical changes that scientists are worried. If ________________________________________________________________________.22. The accident happened as a result of the driver's not paying attention to the road. If the driver ________________________________________________________________.

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II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between one and eight words, including the word given.

23. If the English team can work together, they should win . so The English team should win, _________________________________________ work together.24. Some people will do anything to make money. lengths Some people will ___________________________________________________ to make money.25. Simon said he had no idea what he was doing for the first few weeks of his new job. depth Simon said he ______________________________________for the first few weeks of his new job.26. I think they're largely responsible for what's happened. small I hold them ________________________ responsible for what's happened.27. The red shoes are slightly more expensive than the green ones. quite The green shoes _________________________ the red ones.28. Richard is much more committed to the project than Grant seems to be. like Grant seems to be ___________________________ to the project.29. My new MP3 player was twice the price of yours. expensive Your MP3 player was ______________________________ mine.30. England is much bigger than Wales. nowhere Wales ____________________________ England.31. Despite having looked for it everywhere, Donald never found his contact lens. he Even _______________________________ for it everywhere, Donald never found his contact lens.32. Dom couldn't finish the crossword despite really trying hard. might Try ________________________, Dom couldn't finish the crossword.33. Although Sarah shouted loudly, she wasn't able to get the audience to pay attention. might However ________________________, Sarah wasn't able to get the audience to pay attention.34. Despite our being late, we didn't think for a second we wouldn't make it on time. though Late _________________, we didn't think for a second we wouldn't make it on time.35. We've searched everywhere for the lottery ticket and can't find it anywhere. low We've searched ____________________for the lottery ticket and can't find it anywhere.36. We talked about investments for a very long time. length We talked ________________________about investments.37. Spending two weeks in hospital was very different from lying on the beach! cry Spending two weeks in hospital was ________________________lying on the beach!38. The medicine should start working soon. benefits You should ________________________________________________ soon.39. I just did what the sergeant ordered me to do, sir. acting I ________________________________________, sir.40. Alan's got food poisoning. taken Alan ________________________________food poisoning.41. I had to clear the spare room before I could start decorating. cleared Only when ________________________________start decorating.42. The phone rang again as soon as I put it down. had Hardly ________________________________ it rang again.43. The Watsons moved to London and very soon after they decided to get divorced. had No sooner ______________________________________they decided to get divorced.44. I had no idea the manager wanted to see me to fire me. realise Little __________________________ the manager wanted to see me to fire me. It 45. Buying a plane ticket at the last minute isn't often possible. to Rarely __________________________a plane ticket at the last minute.46. Unless the plans change, we'll see you on the 19th. no Provided ________________________________ the plans, we'll see you on the 19th.

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47. You're asking for trouble by arguing with the boss so aggressively like that. ice You're ____________________________by arguing with the boss so aggressively like that.48. Are you saying Dan gets angry easily, Fiona? short Are you saying Dan ________________________________, Fiona?49. There's no doubt shopping around is a good idea. pays There's no doubt ________________________ around.50. Why didn't you search everywhere for your wallet? Then you might have found it. low If ___________________________________ for your wallet, you might have found it.51. Jane was the unlucky one so she had to tell Ed he was losing his company car. straw If Jane ________________________, she wouldn't have had to tell Ed he was losing his car.52. If you applied now, there's a good chance you would get the job. apply Were ________________________, there's a good chance you would get the job.53. I wouldn't confront the manager if I were you. horns I wouldn't ________________________the manager if I were you.54. The website wouldn't allow me to access certain pages. denied The website _________________________________ certain pages.55. A reliable source told me that the local newspaper is going to shut down. authority I ________________________________________ that the local newspaper is going to shut down.56. There was so much concern about the situation that the police were called. so The police were called, _________________________________________________ there.57. I'd love to travel the world if I didn't have to pay off my mortgage. having Were ________________________________ to pay off my mortgage, I'd love to travel the world.58. He was arrested when they caught him driving a stolen vehicle. act Being ________________________________________a stolen vehicle, he was arrested.59. The price of prescriptions will increase tomorrow. effect The price of prescriptions will increase ________________________________ tomorrow.60. You're going to enjoy tonight! treat You're ________________________ tonight!61. The parents of that girl are furious about her expulsion. arms That's the girl _____________________________________about her expulsion.62. You need to watch Lauren closely to make sure she does her work properly. sharp You need to _____________________________Lauren to make sure she does her work properly.63. Pauline doesn't want to be given a main part in the school play. rather Pauline ________________________ a main part in the school play.64. We didn't get to meet the Minister and that was a great shame. only If _______________________________ to meet the Minister!65. Why don't they stop making so much noise downstairs? wish I __________________________ making so much noise downstairs!66. What a shame I didn't see his face when you told him the news. could I wish _________________________his face when you told him the news.67. The accusation was that the Prime Minister made his statement less forceful because of public opinion. watering The Prime Minister was accused ________________________________ because of public opinion.68. The new theatre is extremely ugly and spoils the view of the village. blot The new theatre is _________________________ and spoils the view of the village.

III. Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. The hotel was away / far from the most luxurious I've stayed in.2. The new law is less / little more than an attempt to divert attention from the real problems.

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3. My mum's getting a little / little older now, so she needs someone to look after her.4. It was quite / somewhat the most delightful little puppy I had ever seen!5. Imogen was told that she would have to work a better / good deal harder than she had been doing.6. I'll finance / deposit the money in your bank account in the morning.7. I'm thinking of speculating / depositing on the stock exchange. Do you think it's risky?8. Why don't you arrange to pay your bills by direct debt / debit? That way, they're automatically paid from your account.9. If we hadn't taken a wrong turning back there, we wouldn't be / have been in this mess now.10. Should / Would you need any further assistance, please don't hesitate to ask.11. Had they not / Hadn't they warned people in time, a lot more lives could have been lost.12. If you worked / had worked last weekend when the boss asked you, then you wouldn't have to work this weekend.13. I would have asked the person for ID before I let him in, if I were / have been you.14. It seems that agriculture / crop first developed in the Middle East.15. If the drought / famine continues, the government is planning to introduce a ban on washing cars.16. Over half a million people were forced to leave their homes as a result of the recent global warming /natural disaster.17. This area is frequently hit by floods / hurricanes that start at sea and then move inland.18. In Britain, prisoners are not entitled / exempt to vote in elections, but I think they should be allowed to.19. Colonel Wilson commands / intimidates over 5,000 men.20. Queen Victoria saw many changes during her time as dictator / monarch.21. It's one thing having this law, but unless the police enforce / reinforce it, it's useless.22. I don't think I'll ever master / reign surfing.23. Our manager at work just tries to bully / conquer us all into doing what she wants.24. Dave doesn't really trust Ian, and I have to say that neither I do / do I.25. Such a valuable painting it is / is it that the public are not allowed to get close to it.26. My dad's never been abroad, and nor my mum has / has my mum.27. Such the media interest was / was the media interest in the wedding that there were over a dozen photographers.28. So nervous he was / was he that I was almost certain he was lying.29. All of my friends have got mobiles. I wish I have / had one too!30. If only we didn't leave / hadn't left the map at home!31. If only we don't / didn't have to go to school tomorrow!32. I do wish the bus came / would come. I'm going to be late.33. I wish / hope it snows tomorrow!34. Why on earth does Geoffrey wish he would be given / they would give him a knighthood?35. If only you were / you'd been watching Thomas instead of checking your e-mail. He wouldn't have fallen off the slide then.36. I do wish the taxi driver didn't go / wasn't going so slowly. We're never going to get there!37. Have you been inoculated / injected against tetanus?38. I've cut my finger. Have you got plaster / a plaster?39. My diagnosis / prognosis is that you're suffering from stress.40. My grandmother spent the last two years of her life in a nursing house / home.41. It took quite a while but at slow / long last the website's starting to take off.42. Nice apartments are a bit thin / slim on the ground round here.43. I literally went weak on / at the knees when he told me how much he'd won.44. They said on the news the escaped convict's still at / in large.45. The problem with Jimmy is that he's such a weak / poor loser.46. I hate landlords who grow fat / large on the rent they collect.47. There were a whole number / load of people I knew at the opening.48. My grandparents have just moved into a built-up / high-rise block and they seem to like it.

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49. I love to look at the skyline / skyscraper of London at night, don't you?50. I grew up on a local estate / housing, so I know the area quite well.51. They're going to demolish / evict the old Town Hall today.52. St Paul's Cathedral is a really impressive structure / infrastructure.53. Alex was far and away / considerably more successful at school than his twin brother.54. Given / Giving the opportunity, would you like to spend a year abroad?55. Having seen / Seen an advert in the paper, we decided to write off for more information.56. I don't know how I'm going to summon up / back the courage to tell Dad.57. Grandpa says his leg's playing up / around again so he's not going to come for a walk with us.58. We all creased up / off when Nick walked in wearing a skirt.59. Antony says he felt a little dizzy when he came round / back from the anaesthetic.60. These carrots have shrivelled up / down a bit so I think I'll throw them out.

IV. Write one word in each gap.

1. It seems to get a mention whenever the newspapers get ________the subject. 2. Those wearing them are often classed as yobs or hooligans, even when they have done nothing ________the law. 3. There is a danger that young people will actually be provoked ________behaving in antisocial ways through rules like this.4. At the end of the day, what the members of their peer ________think will always be more important to the young than what people running shopping centres think they should or shouldn't wear.5. Rarely ________one find as clear an account of social change as Olivia Harris's Changing Britain.6. Those who prefer to bury their heads in the ________and imagine that Britain is the same as it was even 20 years ago are in for a shock. 7. At ________point in the book ________any of Harris's claims presented without evidence, and neither does she talk ________to the non-expert.8. Her main conclusion, that ________until we all realise that there is a problem and decide to confront the powers that ________will the situation improve, is powerful and irresistible.9. Do you really think the month ________which you're born affects your character?10. They declared war on Austria, the reason ________which completely escapes me now.11. Josephine came to the rescue, of course, ________which I'm eternally grateful.12. The law needs to be strengthened, ________which I mean the police need to be given new powers.13. The Home Secretary promised to be tough ________crime.14. The hotel looked good from the outside, but we soon realised it was just ________dressing.15. The music coming from next door is driving me ________the bend!16. Jane just stood there and watched while we did all the work. A ________lot of use that was!17. You can make a lot of money if you work in ________finance.18. We've travelled the length and ________of the country looking for the next Teen Star!19. Hi Chloe! Long time no ________.20. It only cost five euros and we were there all day. We really did get our money's ________. 21. It's a pay and ________car park, so get a ticket from the machine before you go shopping.22. 'That was very generous of you to give half of your lunch to Tony.' 'Share and share ________, that's what I say.'23. And suddenly Diana appeared out of ________air.24. I think you're on very weak ________with that argument.25. It certainly gave me a window ________the world of architecture to hear my architect explain the problems he knew we were going to face. 26. It had to look great, but ________the surface I wanted it to be high-tech and environmentally friendly.27. I did a lot of research, and that certainly smoothed the ________for what was to come.

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28. I did some of the physical work myself, putting up walls and bending things ________shape, and I'd like to erect a monument ________the person who invented solar-powered heating.29. In the end, my architect's predictions of doom ________no foundation and it all took just eight months.30. After decades of neglect, it's not unusual to see buildings which have been boarded ________in Britain's inner cities.31. If your debts are mounting ________and your financial problems are weighing you ________the first thing to do is to stay calm. 32. Sizing ________your financial situation — however painful — is far better than just ignoring it. 33. Break these outgoings ________into essentials (such as electricity bills and food) and luxuries (such as nights out). 34. The amount that's remaining is the amount you can afford to pay ________to your creditors each month. 35. Most credit card companies are willing to accept payment in installments as they know that if you — and they — just let the debt build ________indefinitely it will never be paid off. 36. If your essential expenses add up ________more than your income, then your situation is more serious and you'll have to consider drastic action either to increase your income or reduce the amount of money you have to pay ________each month on essentials.37. I would never be able to afford a new house if ________wasn't for all the overtime I've been doing.38. ________for the kindness of a complete stranger, I would never have found the hotel.39. Don't forget to mention the new schedule to Veronica if you ________happen to see her this evening.40. Football matches would be ideal family outings ________it not for the danger of violence.41. If you ________find the book I was asking you about, give me a call.42. Many people only manage to give up gambling ________dint of a lot of hard work.43. A sudden gust ________wind blew the letter out of my hand.44. I can't believe you bet your car ________the toss of a coin!45. I'd love to be a cat and spend all day lying ________the sun. 46. I believe we're ________luck this time and we won't have lost our money.47. You're either lucky ________nature or you have to work hard all your life.48. If you were to hazard a ________, what would you say? 49. Scientists need to decide whether to put lives at ________by not issuing a warning, or constantly issue warnings about the threat ________an earthquake that may be ignored. In the end, the odds seem to be ________us solving this difficult problem any time soon.50. I think Jay plays poker, but I couldn't ________for certain.51. If one species survives at the expense of another, then I think that's just ________selection.52. I'll just call Jimmy to ________certain he can look after the dogs.53. The Minister gave the ________light for the bypass to go ahead.54. People are ________their luck a bit too far when they live on the slopes of a volcano.55. Global warming will ________a great threat to mankind in years to come.56. Just at the moment we had to go out, it started to ________with rain.57. I'm in bed by eleven when I've got lectures the next day ________a rule.58. Am I right ________saying that you used to live in Saudi Arabia?59. Of course, this decision is subject ________confirmation by the whole company board.60. I've ________my sentence, but it's not easy fitting back into society.61. The hotel manager promised to keep my valuables ________lock and key.62. Politicians should remember that no one is ________the law.63. The rebel group in the north of the country have laid ________their arms and agreed to discuss the situation.64. The headteacher decided to ________an example of Richard and exclude him from the school.65. Rarely ________neighbours have the best of relationships for any length of time. 66. Of course, some people become close friends, but only if there is a lot of give and take ________this possible.67. ________common are disputes between neighbours that there are many laws to cover arguments

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over noise, property and rubbish. 68. On ________account should you do anything to damage your neighbours' property, or their overhanging trees if that's the problem, without knowing what your legal rights are. 69. ________until you are sure you are acting within the law should you do anything. 70. There has been a steady rise in the average temperature around the planet over the last hundred years or so, and the majority of scientists put it ________to human activity. 71. The solution, they claim, is to cut back ________our consumption of fossil fuels.72. According to them, we should just continue to get ________the fossil fuels that are available and find alternatives when they run out.73. It is predicted that over the next few decades many species will die ________as once fertile areas turn to desert.74. Seas will rise in some areas and rivers will dry ________in other areas, killing ________animal and plant life that rely on them. 75. ________the risk of appearing rude, Minister, would you please answer the question?76. John's a very keen fisherman and goes out ________all weathers.77. I realised I didn't have any money on me, but ________luck would have it I wasn't far from the bank.78. I did a lot of research before the job interview because I didn't want to leave anything ________ chance.79. Most of us go through a period of crying our eyes ________. 80. We might feel ________crying when we hear sad news, or even cry ________happiness. 81. Expressions such as 'there's no point crying over ________milk' in English reflect a culture that — at least historically — does not value adult crying.82. If you cry 'crocodile tears', you are ________on an act — pretending to be upset when in fact you are not.83. In the 1950s and 60s, the tower block seemed to offer a solution to two problems. Firstly, houses built ________earlier in the century. 84. New, vertical tower blocks, able to house more people in a relatively small space ________a horizontal street, started to appear. 85. They were ________and away the ________affordable alternative for many people, and they also offered excellent views.86. I want you kids to be ________your best behaviour tonight.87. My father's been ________poor health for a while now.88. You shouldn't have reacted ________getting so annoyed. 89. We were always polite ________our teachers when I was at school,90. I don't think I'll ever be rich, but you live ________hope, don't you?91. I hope I live to the grand old age ________94!92. I am writing ________response to your letter of 15th July.93. So ________effect what you're saying is that I'm being made redundant.94. However, these buildings soon became ________attractive to residents as crime rose.95. It also became clear that a tower block was ________like as friendly a place to live in as a traditional street. 96. More often ________not, residents in a tower block didn't interact with each other on a regular basis. 97. A patient ________arm, let's say, is suspected of being broken will first be given an X-ray. 98. ________determined the extent of the fracture, the orthopaedic surgeon will decide on the most effective treatment. 99. For a fracture ________manipulation is required, ________may involve the patient being given a general anaesthetic while the bone is essentially re-broken. 100. Patients ________have more serious fractures may require 'fracture fixation', in which pins and rods are connected to the bone to strengthen it.

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V. Choose the correct answer.

1. ________most scientists dismiss tales of out-of-body experiences on the operating table as dreams and delusions, there are some cases which seem to defy rational explanation. a. Despite b. While c. However d. In spite2. Try ________they might, the surgeon and anaesthetist were unable to resuscitate her. a. as b. for c. with d. so3. ________having been clinically dead, Margaret suffered no brain damage and no adverse side effects. The story doesn't stop there, ________. a. However b. Whereas c. Although d. Despitea. even if b. even though c. although d. though4. When the anaesthetist went to visit her in her hospital bed, Margaret Frobisher recounted an amazing story. She said that ________three of the walls were bright white, one was dark grey. a. nevertheless b. whereas c. in spite of d. however5. Even ________one does not believe in a 'soul' or in life after death, it is difficult to explain what happened in that operating theatre when Margaret Frobisher's heart stopped beating. a. so b. if c. though d. that6. Make sure you mix the ingredients well, ________you might get lumps in your cake.a. unless b. otherwise c. provided d. supposing7. Unless Ray ________here soon, I'm going to leave because I'm getting bored.a. doesn't get b. gets c. won't get d. will get8. At no time ________I was going to fail the exam.a. did I think b. thought I c. I thought d. was I thought9. Never ________complete and utter rubbish!a. have I heard so b. I heard such c. did I hear so d. have I heard such10. Since it was a minor offence, Derek was sent to ________prison.a. an open b. an easy c. a soft d. a weak11. Don't worry — the documents are safely ________lock and key at my place.a. under b. in c. on d. within12. The most powerful force in a teenager's life is probably ________pressure.a. friend b. peer c. company d. crowd13. We are pleased to inform you that we have decided to ________your request for British citizenship.a. give b. grant c. permit d. donate14. We finally managed to ________our way through the crowd and reach the exit.a. create b. insist c. move d. force15. If there ________happen to be any reason for late delivery, please inform our Accounts Department.a. might b. could c. would d. should16. If the service isn't up to standard, I think you have ________right to complain.a. all b. each c. much d. every

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17. Warning: anyone caught stealing from these premises will be ________.a. advocated b. undermined c. prosecuted d. enforced18. Jim's a tough character and certainly won't let anyone push him ________. a. up b. off c. around d. through19. The local authorities need to ________down on illegal parking, in my opinion.a. hit b. force c. move d. crack20. It's high time ________ rid of this old sofa.a. we got b. we get c. for us to get d. to get 21. In a few hundred years' time, oil will not be nearly so ________here on Earth.a. abundant b. ample c. considerable d. immense22. Maps on paper can only show the world in two ________.a. areas b. masses c. dimensions d. proportions23. Why are all your clothes in a ________on the floor?a. bulk b. batch c. heap d. sum24. Don't you think ________ in society have a responsibility to help those less fortunate?a. wealthy b. wealthier c. wealthiest d. the wealthy 25. More than 80 people came to the exhibition, many of ________children had pictures on the walls.a. who b. whom c. whose d. which26. ________ they get the letter tomorrow, you still won't get a reply before the weekend.a. Even though b. Even if c. While d. However27. The woman ________is being held at Granchester Police Station.a. who arrested b. arresting c. arrested d. was arrested28. I always take my lucky ________with me into an exam.a. sign b. item c. charm d. spell29. Johnnie broke the vase, but I'm sure it wasn't ________. a. purposeful b. instrumental c. desirable d. deliberate30. We can only ________as to the causes of the disaster.a. think b. speculate c. consider d. ponder

VI. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

inadvertent transpire foresee haphazard meander startle blow jinx wobble stray mishap freak ascribe

1. The woman claimed to be able to ________the future, but I knew she was only guessing.2. When the glass fell off the table on its own, it really ________me.3. The first I knew of the earthquake was when the furniture started to ________. 4. As the river gets closer to the sea, it begins to ________across the flat lowlands.5. This government doesn't seem to have a plan and is just reacting to events in a ________manner.6. Having an accident in the first race was a real ________to Johnson's ambitions of becoming world champion.7. We should get there by midnight, as long as there are no ________along the way.8. Nobody could have foreseen what would happen — it was just a ________accident.9. The politician's ________comments to the press started a national scandal.10. Seven people have got ill on the voyage so far; I think the cruise is ________.11. Wilson ________his defeat to bad luck.12. Apparently, the car was hit by a ________bullet during the riot.13. We may never know what ________that fateful night.

chance upon come across dig up slip up spring up throw up

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14. We were walking through the woods when we ________ a trap set by hunters.15. It's a huge risk, and we can't afford to ________or everything will go wrong.16. The new law has ________a number of problems for farmers that weren't expected.17. As I was flicking through the magazine, I ________an article about the local nature reserve.18. According to the evidence that has been ________, people have been farming this area for over a 1,000 years.19. Organisations concerned about the environment seem to have ________everywhere these days.

act of God come rain or shine down on your luck draw the short straw have green fingerslet nature take its course no rhyme or reason out of the blue the luck of the draw touch wood

20. 'I feel sorry for Mrs Shepherd.' 'Yes, she does seem to have been rather ____________ lately, doesn't she?'21. 'I'm sure Carol will get over the divorce eventually.' 'Yes, I think we should just ________________and see what happens.'22. 'I couldn't believe it when I saw him.' 'It must have been a real shock when he turned up _______________ after all these years.'23. 'Does Dave still go to the football every week?' 'Oh, yes. You know him. He's there ________________. 24. 'How come the company chose you to go to New York?' 'I don't know. It was just ______________, I guess.'25. 'Why wasn't there any warning before the floods?' 'Well, it's not easy to predict that kind of _________,is it?'26. 'I don't understand Harry's decision.' 'Me neither. There seems to be ________________to it.'27. 'Who's babysitting tomorrow night?' 'Well, I ________________, so I'm staying in while the others go out.'28. 'I'm so looking forward to the wedding this weekend.' 'The weather should be good, __________’. 29. 'I love your garden!' 'Thanks. Yes, I suppose I've always _____________.

belt jungle home disillusioned landscape glum sticks town resolute

30. That awful new office block is a real blot on the ________.31. The crime rate is soaring! It's becoming a real concrete ________out there.32. You look a bit ________today. Is anything the matter?33. It's my birthday, so I'm planning to go out on the ________with my friends this evening.34. Living in the commuter ________is okay, but I'd love to move back into the city.35. I don't know how Nicole survives, living all the way out in the ________. 36. She remained ________in her belief that the situation would improve.37. We couldn't afford to live in London, so we ended up living in a satellite ________about half an hour away.38. I love this hotel, and it's always been a kind of ________from home for me.39. Joe said he's so ________with his job he's thinking of quitting.

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fed up glance grin manoeuvre chuckle peep smirk giggle tactic glimpse peer cross

40. The girls were ________excitedly in their room — it was extremely irritating!41. He occasionally ________quietly to himself as he read the letter.42. The boys were ________after the film so I think they had a good time.43. Stop ________in such an unpleasant way. Just because you won the game doesn't make you better than me, you know!44. I ________something through the window but I've got no idea what it was.45. Terry ________at the clock and realised he was late.46. The window was so dirty we had to ________through it to see inside.47. Don't ________! Keep your eyes closed or it'll ruin the surprise.48. I'm ________. It's boring just sitting here. Let's go out for a walk.49. Mr Jenkins was so ________when he heard the news he went red with anger.50. Reversing round a corner is a difficult ________. 51. I'm going to have to use some underhand ________to get Adam to agree.

acknowledge agonise comfort disgust moan rejoice resent

52. I've been ________over this decision for ages but I've definitely made my mind up now.53. The whole country was out on the streets ________when they won the World Cup.54. Do you at least ________that not everyone thinks about things the same way you do?55. I was in such pain I just lay in bed ________. 56. I'm ________with the way this company's dealt with this problem. I'm going to complain.57. I do ________the fact that Josh was promoted and I wasn't, yes.58. We all need to ________Joyce at such a difficult time for her.

bricks and mortar apathy on the table raw materials inertia smooth sailing

59. The bureaucratic system in this country is suffering from extreme ________. Nothing ever gets done!60. There's just so much ________from young people these days when it comes to politics.61. We had a few difficulties at first, but it was pretty ________after that.62. Lance built a log cabin in a Canadian forest, using ________that were all around him.63. The offer ________is far too low and I'm going to ask them to increase it.64. I would invest in __________, because property is usually a safe investment.

block chip crumb flake grain lump pile speck

65. When are you going to move that ________of clothes in your bedroom?66. The old man slowly put a few more ________of coal on the dying fire.67. We need to redecorate. Look — there are ________of paint coming off the walls.68. The building is composed of ________of concrete held together by metal poles.69. When I come back, I don't want to find a single ________of dust in here.70. How many ________of sand do you think there are on this beach?71. Eat your sandwich in the kitchen, because I don't want ________on my new sofa.

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72. Be careful! I dropped something and there are ________of glass all over the floor.

pat polish scrub stroke crack crush grind squash squeeze brittle dense hollow stiff mould

73. I felt great when the coach ________me on the back and said, 'Well done'.74. This paper isn't ________enough to make a birthday card out of.75. Martin quickly ________his shoes and walked out the door.76. Don't ________the dog's fur the wrong way. She doesn't like it.77. Rocks sink in water because they are ________78. I had to really ________that wall to get the graffiti off it.79. You'll have to ________your T-shirt to get all the water out of it.80. After being out in the sun for a month, the plastic container became ________81. Try to ________the clay into the basic shape of a vase.82. You get the orange juice, and ________some ice.83. I like to ________my own coffee because it tastes so much better.84. Don't ________that spider! Just put it outside on the grass.85. You haven't broken the window, but you have ________it.86. This wall appears solid, but when you knock on it, it sounds ________.

book hand law live powers strings tape thumb

87. My dad pulled a few ________and got me the job.88. You can't just take the ________into your own hands and attack someone like that.89. Ian's really under his boss's ________and isn't allowed to make any decisions himself.90. It was a difficult game, but I eventually managed to gain the upper ________. 91. Our neighbour's a bit strange, but ________and let live, I always say.92. The ________that be have decided to ban skateboarding in the park.93. I had to get through a lot of red ________, but I finally got the documents I needed.94. This is the third time Heather's been caught — they're really going to throw the ________at her this time.

lashing out go down ward off followed up cotton on pulled through

95. Mr. Deacon next door had a very serious operation. Apparently, it’s a miracle he ________.96. The first comedian didn’t ________well with the audience and was booed off the stage.97. It took Terry a while to ________the fact that I was joking.98. There’s no point ________ at Dr. Baker. She’s not responsible for what’s happened.99. In some cultures, they wear jewelry to ________evil spirits.100. The researchers ________ a number of patients who had taken the drug to determine what side effects they had experienced.

at no point in no way little never not not only on no account rarely under no circumstances only after

101. ________________were the security guards to blame for what happened.102. ________________once did the old woman thank me for helping her.103. ________________seeing the doctor was Theresa allowed to leave hospital.104. ________________will passengers be allowed to carry more than 6 kg of hand luggage.105. ________________were you late, but you also forgot to bring the correct documents.106. ________________during the meeting did anyone mention that the managing director was planning to

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leave.107. ________________did the passengers know that the driver was really an undercover police officer.108. ________________do you meet anyone as charming as Mr Beeching.109. ________________should unaccompanied children be allowed to enter the area.110. ________________before has the company found itself facing such stiff competition.

dire benign former quality mainstream reluctant

111. What we do here is ensure that our terminally ill patients get the best ________of life possible.112. The consequences could be ________if you don't start eating properly and get some exercise.113. Bill Clinton, ________President of the United States, arrived in Beijing today.114. After years in small political parties, I gradually became more interested in ________politics.115. I was ________to help her, but I had no choice.116. A dictator might appear ________, but you never know when they might start to abuse their power.

bureaucracy deterrent institution legislation prejudice reform

117. The demand for prison ________has steadily increased as more and more people have come to see that locking people up in ________simply doesn't reduce crime. 118. It fails to act as a ________. 119. Once outside prison, offenders face ________, which tends to force them back into a life of crime.120. It usually demands new ________to change the system, and while the slow processes of ________ go on, more and more lives are affected.

impose label liberate subject summon undermine victimise

121. We are ________ to many different forms of power. 122. There are those forms of power that exist by law: the right of the government to ________laws on a country. 123. There is also the right of courts to ________people to appear to stand trial or to give evidence. 124. It is more difficult to ________ourselves from other forms of social power. 125. When we are ________as 'this' or 'that' by other people and put into a category, that too is a form of power.126. Bosses at work might ________their employees by making them work long hours. 127. A parent might ________their child's self-confidence with constant criticism.

do dwell get up look suburban stop bypass district

128. It's high time you ________smoking. It's a disgusting habit!129. The proposed ________around the city of Rushton has run into more controversy.130. It's time you ________for a job, young man!131. However, residents in ________areas, on the outskirts of the city, are up in arms about the plan, which

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they claim would spoil the ________. 132. It's time for you kids ________ your homework.133. Many of those who ________in the area agree. The council were unavailable for comment.134. Wake up, Bonnie. It's time ________ now.

benefit debt dividend insurance installments mortgage overdraft pension interest

135. Different bank accounts pay different amounts of ________. It makes sense to shop aroundbefore you open an account.136. If your salary doesn't always get you to the end of the month, you'll have to arrange a/an ________with your bank, so it's worth being on good terms with your bank manager.137. If you're planning to buy a house, you'll probably need to get a/an ________. 138. If you're thinking about taking out life ________, make sure you talk to an independent financial advisor. They'll give you unbiased advice.139. Make sure you know what ________you're entitled to. If you're on a low income and have a family, you may be surprised how much you'll receive from the state each month.140. Even if you're only in your early twenties, it pays to plan for the future. If you can, start paying into a/an ________scheme now to ensure you have a comfortable retirement.141. It goes without saying that you should try to avoid getting into too much ________, only buy things on credit if you're sure you can afford to pay the monthly ________.142. Many companies pay an annual ________to shareholders — this can be a welcome source of extra income if the company's doing well.

VII. For each question, write one word which can be used in all three sentences.

1. I was wondering how to get home when, as ________would have it, Ben drove past in his car. The assistant said that I was in ________and that they only had one pair left but they were my size. You've won by betting on red the last three times, but don't push your ________.

2. It so ________that I've already decided to do that, anyway. As it ________, we can cancel the demonstration because the council have changed their mind. When a freak storm ________, we are not always given any warning of it.

3. I have to admit to feeling a ________amount of fear as I stepped into the lions' cage. The press are ________to find out about this, and then it'll be all over the papers. A ________Mr Pratt rang this afternoon about your donation to the WWF.

4. I ________you must be right about the weather — it feels hot! Don't ask me to ________at her age as I'd be miles out. You'd never ________they were married from the way they act in public, would you?

5. We have it on good ________that they're thinking of closing the local office. The professor spoke with ________on the subject of young people and crime. Responsibility for running the prison has been taken out of the hands of the local ________.

6. The politician ________all responsibility for the prison escape. The authorities ________the couple's request to be allowed to stay in Britain.

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I didn't believe Abigail when she ________knowing who had stolen the money.

7. My parents have decided to lay down the ________so I can't come out this weekend. This government's top priority is ________and order. Have things improved since the Freedom of Information Act became ________.

8. I think we're running ________of petrol. Nick would be a terrible teacher — he's got such a ________temper. At least she apologised for calling me in at such ________notice.

9. It ________to shop around when you're looking for a mortgage. I don't mind Guy moving in for a few weeks as long as he ________his way. It always puts a smile on my face when someone ________me a compliment.

10. You can have one more bowl of ice cream but then that's your ________ Maybe it's just my ________in life never to find someone to settle down with. I've got a ________on this weekend, so I doubt we'll be able to meet up unfortunately.

11. Tom's actually quite a ________name in the poultry industry. I've said I'm sorry; there's no need to make such a ________thing out of it. It's every teenager's dream to make it ________in the entertainment business.

12. I don't think I've got any ________change, I'm afraid. You made me feel so ________when you criticised me like that in front of everyone. I'm really not keen on making ________talk at parties.

13. These accusations are completely without ________. The ________stone for the new hospital was laid by the Mayor. You have to do a ________course before you can start your degree.14. Joshua looks aggressive, but he's not such a ________guy once you get to know him. It's time this government got ________with people exceeding the speed limit. The last few years have been quite ________on Amanda and I'm glad things seem to be getting better.

15. There was a hush in Parliament as the Minister took the ________. I'd be afraid of burglars if I lived in a ground ________flat. I quite enjoyed the club, but I thought the ________show was terrible.

16. The Smiths were pretty quick off the ________to sell when they heard house prices were falling. I think that what you said to Rita about her taste in furniture really hit the ________ Poverty and unemployment have certainly left a ________on this area.

17. A record number of businesses are predicted to ________in the next 12 months. Now carefully ________the paper in two, and you can begin to see the shape of the paper plane. Don't ________your arms and talk to me in that tone of voice!

18. I used to be ________against plastic surgery but I've changed my mind now. There was ________silence throughout the room, and I realised my joke had offended people. If you do that again you'll be ________in trouble!

19. If you treat people well, they usually respond in ________. I didn't say anything of the ________. That was very ________of you to help Mrs Taylor carry her shopping.

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20. The play really came to ________in the second act. Darren asked me to go with him to the prom; 'Not on your ________’, I told him. You know you're putting your ________at risk by smoking, don't you?

21. We only went there for a ________; we didn't know it would cause so much trouble. You always have to have the last ________, don't you? It's a ________a minute when Daniel's around.

VIII. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space.

1. The World Wide Fund for Nature has been involved in ________ (CONSERVE) since its foundation in 1961. 2. Its ________ (INTEND) has always been to protect ________ (WILD) 3. Economic growth and tourism force some species to the brink of ________ (EXTINCT). 4. Refusing to accept that the problems are ________ (MOUNT), the WWF works tirelessly on a ________ (SEEM) never-ending list of projects, all of which help to protect the diversity of life on Earth.5. The chances against this kind of unusual ________ (OCCUR) are very high. 6. I'm not convinced that there's a ________ (CAUSE ) link between pollution and global warming. 7. Female animals have an ________ (INSTINCT ) need to protect their young. 8. The expedition travelled miles in search of the ________ (ELUDE ) mountain gorilla. 9. How dare they ________ (PORTION ) blame without knowing all the facts first? 10. At the ________ (HIGH ) of summer, the temperature can reach 50°C. 11. I'd like to make a ________ (DRAW ) from my bank account, please. 12. Doris Carter, who is 107 today, puts her ________ (LONG ) down to having a loving family, and seven cups of tea a day. 13. What strength ________ (MAGNIFY ) do those binoculars have? 14. Liskeard and Callington are basically ________ (DISTANT ) from here, so it'll take about the same time to get to either of them. 15. Please keep e-mails short. ________ (BRIEF ) makes everyone's lives easier. 16. The school's football pitch has been ________ (LONG ) over the summer to conform to new national standards. 17. I don't want to ________the agony for you, but I'm afraid you'll have to wait another two days to know how much money you've won. LONG18. You might find it hard to answer all the questions in the ________time. LOT19. Additionally, without E=mc2, we would not have nuclear power — and nuclear weapons — today. ADD20. A recent government report ________ (HIGH) the ________ (EXTEND) to which credit card debt is spiralling.21. In the late 30s, ________ (ANALYSE ) knew that the centre of the historic town of Coventry in the West Midlands needed to be redeveloped. Plans had to be ________ (SHELF ) when the Second World War started in 1939. 22. However, the architects' opportunity ________ (MATERIAL) when the city centre was practically destroyed during the war. 23. Many buildings were ________ (REPAIR) damaged and demolition work began. 24. They would make the city more ________ (INHABIT) by pedestrianising the centre, preventing cars entering. 25. Whether a flat or a mansion, our ________ (ROUND) are not built to move. 26. More difficult is creating the ________ (STRUCTURE).27. Colin became a political ________ (ACT) when he was at university. 28. I know it's a bit annoying but there's no need to ________ (ACT) to such an extent.

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29. We stood there watching the ________ (FOLD) drama with shock on our faces. 30. If one of our nurses has acted ________ (NEGLECT) you can be assured we will take the strongest possible action against him or her. 31. It's ________ (FRUIT) even trying. We'll never get to the hospital in time. 32. Do you really think your plans are going to come to ________ (FRUIT)?33. By the angry looks on people's faces, I would say there was widespread ________ (APPROVE) for the proposed changes to the health centre's opening times. 34. I used to think I could change the world, but then ________ (ILLUSION) set in when I reached my early thirties.35. I can't believe you forgot to get your wife a birthday present. You're so ________ (NEGLECT) sometimes!36. There's a lot of ________ (CONTENT)with the government at the moment. I think they might well get kicked out at the next election. 37. As I told Rose how I felt she was completely ________ (RESPOND) so I had no idea at all what she was thinking. 38. The local people then leave the clay to ________ (HARD) in the sun, creating simple bricks. 39. The attack in the city centre fast night ________ (EXAMPLE) the kind of behaviour amongst young people that many object to. 40. I was a bit ________ (MORAL) by my performance in the first exam, but I decided to make an extra effort in the ones left. 41. When confronted with a mass of red tape, many people feel a sense of ________ (POWER).42. I really believe that it would be a major mistake to ________ (CRIME) any drugs that are currently illegal. 43. Suddenly, without ________ (PROVOKE), the dog sank its teeth into my leg. 44. Steve's bought a ________ (HAND) little gadget for tuning his guitar. 45. I want to make sure all my ________ (DEPEND) will be financially secure if I'm incapacitated in any way. 46. At the start of the seminar, they gave us a number of handouts and a nice little ________ (FOLD) to keep them all in. 47. All nations need bureaucrats, but too many have become ________ (INSTITUTE) and inflexible. 48. While some carry out their jobs ________ (DUTY), others apply the letter of the law but not the spirit, and behave in an ________ (OFFICE) manner, relying on computers and rules to tell them what is ________ (PERMIT) and what is not.49. I agree with Jack Turner that it is a ________ (CRIME) waste of taxpayers'.50. We in this country have ________ (ARGUE) the biggest civil service in this part of the world and it is time something was done about it. 51. What if the patient is n extreme agony? They cannot live ________ (DEPEND)of machines and 24-hour care. 52. What if the patient ________ (RESOLVE) and continually asks for their life to be brought to an end by doctors?

IX. Each of the words in bold is in an incorrect form. Rewrite them correctly.

1. The domineering view is that it's time this Prime Minister went. ________2. Since the factory closed, many people in the area have been living in hardly. ________3. Did you know that you can claim charity donations against tax? ________4. Peter gave the ball a mightily kick and sent it over the wall. ________5. Verity won a prize at school for her example behaviour. ________6. It's not often you see such agreement between the opposition and the governor party. ________7. Lois can be so arguable sometimes and never seems to listen to the other person's point of view. ________

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8. I'm only telling you this officialdom, but it looks like you are going to be promoted. ________9. After the recent civil war, the country is almost government and crime rates have soared. ________10. I managed to persuasive Mike from sacking you, but just be more careful next time. ________11. The manufacturer industries are a major employer in this area. ________12. Dunscar and the roundness areas have seen a sharp increase in house prices. ________13. When the mixture starts to solidity, put it in the freezer. ________14. Each housing is responsible for maintaining the area in front of their house ________. 15. 'I'll always be here for you,' Brittany said soften. ________16. Be careful — the floor's wet and it's a bit slippage. ________

X. Each of the words in bold is incorrect. Rewrite them correctly.

1. Thanks for inviting me but I think I'll give it a leave, if you don't mind. ________2. I could have hit myself when I invited Claudia to the beach. I'd completely forgotten she's got to stay indoors until she's completely recovered. ________3. I'm going to be in plaster for six months so I'm just going to have to smile and bear it. ________4. Hold your hair on! It's nothing to get upset about, you know. ________5. f know you were angry but there was no need to fly off the doorknob like that. ________6. After working all day, I like to go out with some friends just to let off air. ________7. The best way to deal with bullies is to give them a taste of their own tablets. ________8. They're closing the local hospital and everyone round here is up in guns about it. ________9. Fiona's offered to help you. Don't ask why — never look a gift cow in the mouth. ________10. You could complain to her boss, but it's probably better just to let sleeping cats lie. ________11. What's done is done — there's no point crying over spilt liquid. ________12. It was hard to keep a plain face when Jenny told me how Toby had broken his arm. ________

XI. Underline the word or phrase which cannot complete the sentence.

1. Jackie didn't like the show so much, but I thought it was absolutely / quite / very perfect.2. You were completely / fairly / totally right about Laura — she is from Manchester.3. We've been absolutely / a little / quite busy at work, so I'm looking forward to a break.4. It's completely / totally / very pointless trying to persuade Michael to lend you his new car.5. Anthony seems to be a little / really / utterly worried about the situation.6. Jackson's shot from the halfway line was absolutely / quite / too incredible.7. If you think I'm going to help you after what you did, you're a bit / completely / quite wrong.8. In the end, the documents that the tax office sent us were completely / totally / very useless.

XII. Match to make sentences.

1. The big supermarket chains have bought A. up over 700 hours of flying time already.2. If we club B. up support is to get people in the high street to sign a petition. 3. Phil's clocked C. it over till next year and take it in January.4. One good way to drum D. up most of the land round here already.5. Six managers bought E. out the company when it was threatened with closure.6. I think I'll carry F. blackmailers off — I'd rather go to the police and face the consequences.7. I'd never buy G. Together, I'm sure we can afford to get Mrs Timms a nice leaving present.
