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Detailed FAQ on MACP

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  • 8/10/2019 Detailed FAQ on MACP


    Frequently asked questions (FAQ) on MACP Scheme with clarifications and references are

    shown below for guidance

    Sl.No. Questions Answers

    ! "hat does MACPS stand for # Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme

    $%ow did the scheme come into

    force#As recommended by &' CPC ara !!*

    + "ill ACPS continue#,o MACPS is in suersession of re-ious


    . MACPS is alicable to whom#All /rou 0A12 0312 0C1 emloyees e4cet

    5fficers of 5rgan

    * "hat about /rou 061 staff# /rou 061 status would cease on comletion ofrescribed training and the emloyees would be

    treated as /r1C1 emloyees

    "ho will not be entitled for this#

    Casual emloyees2 including those granted

    07emorary Status1 and ersons engaged on

    adhoc or contract basis

    8"ho will consider admissibility of

    an emloyee#Screening Committee formed for this urose

    9"hat should be the constituents of

    the screening committee#

    a) Constituents are : Chairerson and two other

    members; (b) Chairman generally be one gradeabo-e other members; (c) members should hold

    osts at least one le-el higher than the grade in

    which MACP to be considered; (d) ,o 5fficer

    should be below Sr Scale


    Ds$9>>=?) is ayable


    Should there be ay fi4ation at the

    time of regular romotion after

    getting MACPS benefit#

    At the time of actual romotion2 e-en ithaens to be in a ost carrying higher /rade

    Pay than what is a-ailable under MACPS2 no

    ay fi4ation would be a-ailable 5nly

    difference of /rade Pay would be made


    $+ "hat would be the stes for ay

    fi4ation in this scheme#

    i) $+>9!!>>9 : ligible for

    MACPS benefit2 if not romoted

    (5ncomletion of !> yrs effecti-e wef !9

    iii) Pay should be fi4ed by granting him one

  • 8/10/2019 Detailed FAQ on MACP


    increment (+E) lus the difference of grade ay

    (Ds$>>>?Ds!>G Ds!>>=?)


    "ill romotions that were earned or

    ugradations that were granted due

    to ACP Scheme carry same /P dueto merger of ay scales or

    ugradations of osts shall be


    ,o 't should be ignored


    'n a case : A Dailwayman recruited

    in aysale Ds*>>>?9>>>?=?(Pre?

    re-ised) did not get romotion after

    $* years of ser-ice rior to !!9

    got $ ACP Scheme gradations in

    Ds**>>?>>=? and *>>?!>*>>=?

    "hat will be the grade ay as erMACPS#

    a) Decruitment grade ay : Ds.$>>=(P3?$) b)

    For !> yrs regula ser-ice2 /P Ds.>>=? (P3?$)2

    c) For $> yrs ser-ice2 /P Ds.9>>= (P3?$)


    'n a case : A Dailwayman recruited

    in ay sale Ds*>>>?9>>>?=?(Pre?

    re-ised) and got two romotions in

    $* years of ser-ice in Ds**>>?

    >>=? and *>>?!>*>>=? "hat will

    be the grade ay as er MACPS#

    Decruitment and ne4t romotion were in P3 $

    and /P .$>>=? 7herefore2 the emloyee is

    eligible for (!) one ugradation to /P

    Ds.>>=?(P3?$) for !> yrs regular ser-ice and

    ($) another ugradation to Ds.9>>=?(P3?$) for

    $> yrs regular ser-ice


    "hat will be the reference ay for

    re-ision as er &' CPC in case ofthe emloyees2 who got the benefit

    of ACPS till >!>!$>>#

    De-ised ay will be with reference to the ayscale granted to them under the ACPS


    "hat should be done for the

    emloyees2 who ha-e got the benefit

    of ACPS between >!>!$>> to


    Such emloyees has the otion to ha-e his ay

    fi4ed with reference to re?re-ised ay either

    (a) wef >!>!$>> or (b) wef date of financial

    ugradation underACPS 'n case of (b) the

    emloyee will be eligible for arrear from the

    date of his=her otion2

    $>? gets regular romotion in

    /P Ds$.>>=? "hat will be the date

    of $nd MACPS#

    For $ MACPS benefit only !> yrs ser-ice in

    /P Ds$.>>=? will be considered 7hus on

    comletion of !9 yrs total regular ser-ice $nd

    MACPS benefit is alicable

    > 'n case an emloyee? a) !!!9!) $9 yrs of regular

    ser-ice2 ie on $9$>!9 in /P Ds.$>>=?

  • 8/10/2019 Detailed FAQ on MACP


    in /P Ds$.>>=? c) !>9? 7he

    emloyee gets $nd MACPS benefit

    (/P Ds$9>>=?) "hat will be the

    date of +rd MACPS#


    'n case an emloyee? a) !!!9? gets $nd

    MACP benefit in /P Ds$9>>=? d)

    !$>!$? getsromotion in /P

    Ds.$>>=? "hat will be the date of

    +rd MACPS#

    %e will get +rd MACPS benefit on comletion

    of +> yrs of regular ser-ice2 ie wef !!$>$$

    in /P Ds.>>=?


    'n case an emloyee? a) !!!< N A-ails MACPS benefit in/P Ds$>>>=? c) !*+$>>>=? "hen

    should the emloyee get $nd and

    +rd MACPS benefit if does not get

    any regular romotion#

    a) !!$>!>=? b) !!$>$>=?


    'n case an emloyee? a) !!!< N A-ails MACPS benefit in

    /P Ds$>>>=? c) !*+$>>>=? d)!>.$>!$N /ets further romotion

    in /P Ds.$>>=? "hen should the

    emloyee get +rd MACPS benefit if

    does not get any regular romotion#

    5n comletion of !>yrs ser-ice in /P

    Ds.$>>=? or after +>yrs of regular ser-ice?whiche-er is earlier


    'n case an emloyee has been

    granted $ financial ugradations

    under ACP Scheme of 5ct!?+$>>=? and got subsequent

    romotion in scale Ds$!>?+*.>=?2then to Ds$*>?.>>>=?#

    5n the analogy of Para?* of Anne4ure to D3

    ,o !>!=$>>$=$>>>=? should beignored for MACPS urose %owe-er2

  • 8/10/2019 Detailed FAQ on MACP


    romotion=u?gradation to the scale now carry

    of /P Ds!>=? shall be counted for MACPS


    For which eriod ACDs to be

    considered to e4tend the benefit of


    ACDs for the same eriod as required for 6PC

    uroses are to be considered while granting

    benefits under MACPS

    9 %ow ACD ratings should be made#

    7he ractice of a-eraging ACDs ratings as

    followed in case of normal 6PC be adoted

    with reference to the resecti-e bench mark for

    MACPS uroses

    Can the bench mark for awarding

    MACP benefit be higher to that

    require for normal romotion#



    %ow the clerical staff should be

    considered who Boined the ost of

    @r Clerk and got absortion against


    For e4tending the benefit of MACPS the

    ser-ice from the !st entry grade should be



    "hether the Pay 3and would

    change in the hierarchy of Pay 3andand /rade Pay on grant of MACPS


    7he ugrdation under MAPC are to be granted

    in the immediate higher grade ay in the

    hierarchy of recommended re-ised ay band

    and grade ay as rescribed in DSDP Dules



    Can it be allowed to emloyees who

    ha-e later on inducted in organiKed

    /rou? A ser-ice#

    ,o 5rganiKed /rou? A ser-ice ha-e already

    been allowed arity of $ years on non?

    functional basis with officers of 'AS


    'n case of isolated ost2 i)


    2>>>=? ii) >!!>!>>=? iii)

    >!!>$>>N $nd ACP due in

    Ds*2>>>?92>>>=? (/P Ds.$>>=?)

    "hen will the emloyee get +rd

    MACPS benefit#

    5n >!!>$>!$ on comletion of +> years

    regular ser-ice in /P Ds .2>>=?

    8* 'n case of normal romotional

    hierarchy2 i) >!!>!>?>>=? ii) >!!>!!!>$>!$ on comletion of +>years

    regular ser-ice in /P Ds 82>>=? (P3?+)

  • 8/10/2019 Detailed FAQ on MACP


    !>2*>>=? iii)i-) >!!>$>>N $nd

    ACP due in Ds!>2>>>?!*2$>>=?

    (P3?+2 /P Ds.$>>=?) "hen will the

    emloyee get +rd MACPS benefit#


    "hether the benefits of MACPS begranted from the date of entry in the

    grade or from the date of their

    regular ser-ice=aro-ed ser-ice

    counted under -arious rules#

    7he benefit is a-ailable wef2 the date of actual

    Boining of the ost in the entry grade


    'n a case2 a erson2 aointed to an

    e4?cadre ost in higher scale got

    absortion "hether the eriodsent on deutation on e4?cadre

    ost would be counted as

    continuous ser-ice in the grade for


    ! "here a erson is aointed on direct

    recruitment or on deutation basis from another

    ost in the same grade2 the ast regular ser-ice

    as well as ast romotions=ACP in earlier ost

    will be considered for comuting regular

    ser-ice$ "here a erson is aointed to an e4?cadre ost in higher scale on deutation2

    followed by absortion2 (a) Ser-ice rendered in

    earlier lower scale ost cannot be counted2 (b)

    7he eriod sent initially on deutation in the

    e4?cadre ost rior to absortionmay be

    counted towards regular ser-ice for the

    uroses of MACPS


    Should the ay scale or grade ay of

    substanti-e ost or the ay

    scale=grade ay carried on accountof financial u? gradation under

    ACP=MACP scheme be taken into

    account for aointment of the

    selection to a higher ost on

    deutation basis#

    7he ay scale or grade ay of substanti-e ost

    should be taken into account

    8years2 should he get

    this benefit further #



    Should re?re-ised ay scale of Ds

    $8*>?..>>=? be taken as merged to

    /P Ds!9>>=? for MACPS



  • 8/10/2019 Detailed FAQ on MACP



    'f a Dailway ser-ant on deutation

    earns u?gradation under MACPS

    in arent cadre2 should s=he be

    entitled for deutation allowance on

    the ay emoluments granted

    under MACPS#



    Should the /rou?6 emloyees2

    whose re?re-ised ay scales are

    merged and laced in /P Ds!9>>=?2

    be entitled for grant of increment

    + E during ay fi4ation at e-ery

    stage of MACPS#



    %ow the ser-ice eriod will be

    counted in case of transfer including

    unilateral transfer on request#

    Degular ser-ice rendered in re-ious

    organiKation=office shall be counted alongwith

    the regular ser-ice in the neworganiKation=office for the urose of getting

    financial u?gradation under the MACPS

    %owe-er2 'tem ,o$. of Anne4ure to D3 ,o

    !>!=$>>< (CP5=Dly= Oolkata1s Serial

    Circular ,o!>$=$>>

  • 8/10/2019 Detailed FAQ on MACP


    !st financial ugradation after !> years with /P?Ds.>>;

    $nd financial ugradation after (!>!>) $> years with /P? Ds.9>>;

    +rd financial ugradation after (!>!>!>) +> years with /P? Ds*.>>

    Illustration 2.

    'n case of recruitment of an indi-idual in /rade Pay (/P) of Ds.$>> with first romotion

    after * years with /P of Ds .>>2

    7he romotion will be considered as !st financial ugradation;

    $nd financial gradation after (*!>) !* years with /P?Ds.9>>;

    +rd financial u?gradation after (*!>!>) $* years with /P?Ds*.>>

    Illustration 3.

    'n case of recruitment of an indi-idual in /rade Pay (/P) of Ds.$>> with !st romotion in *

    years with /P?Ds.>> and $nd romotion after 9 years2(*9G!+ years) with /P of Ds.9>>2

    %e will get only +rd financial u?gradation after (*9!>) $+ years with /P?Ds*.>>

    b. Norms for grant of MACP:

    ! 7he financial u gradation would be on non?functional basis subBect to fitness in the

    hierarchy of ay band and grade ay

    $ 7he only benchmark of R/oodR would be alicable till the grade ay of Ds>> in


    + 7he benchmark will be R&ery /oodR for financial ugradation to the grade ay of

    Ds8>> and abo-e

    . %owe-er2 if the financial ugradation under the MACPS also haen to be in the

    romotional grade and benchmark for romotion is lower than the benchmark for

    granting the benefits under MACPS as mentioned in Para !8 of the scheme2 the

    benchmark for romotion shall aly to MACP also

  • 8/10/2019 Detailed FAQ on MACP


    Dopt orers on ACP S!"eme : AssureCareer Progression S!"eme #ACPS$ for

    t"e Central %o&ernment Ci&ilian

    'mplo(ees ) regaring.

    ,o +*>+.=!=9!

  • 8/10/2019 Detailed FAQ on MACP


    alicable wef >!>!$>>2 those emloyees who recei-ed ACP between >!>!$>> to

    +!>9$>>9 got financial ugradation under ACP Scheme in the re-ised ay scales

    + 'nstances of senior emloyees who got benefit under ACP Scheme rior to !!$>> and

    are drawing less ay than their Buniors who got benefits under ACP Scheme after >!>!$>>

    (ie between >!>!$>> and +!>9$>>9) ha-e been brought to the notice of this 6eartment7he issue has been e4amined in consultation with the 6eartment of 4enditure and it has

    been decided to allow steing u of ay in such cases where the senior2 but for the ay

    re-ision on account of th CPC2 would ha-e continued to draw higher ay2 subBect to the

    following conditionsN

    i 3oth the Bunior and the senior /o-ernment ser-ants should belong to the same cadre and

    the osts in which they ha-e been romoted = financially ugraded should be identical in the

    same cadre

    ii 7he re?re-ised scale of ay and the re-ised grade ay of the lower and higher osts in

    which they are entitled to draw ay should be identical

    iii 7he senior /o-ernment ser-ant should ha-e been drawing equal or more ay than the

    Bunior before recei-ing ACP = Promotion

    i- 7he stiulations as contained in 65P71s 5M ,o .=8=

  • 8/10/2019 Detailed FAQ on MACP


    %*',NM'N/ *+ INDIA

    MINIS/,0 *+ ,AIA0S

    ,ailwa( oar



    ,ew 6elhi2 dated !+=!$=$>!$

    7he /eneral Manager=5S6s=CA5(D)

    All 'ndian Dailways Ps

    (As er mailing list)

    SubN?%rant of finan!ial upgraation uner MACP S!"eme4Clarifi!ation reg.

    Deferences ha-e been recei-ed from onal Dailways seeking clarification as to what /rade

    Pay would be admissible under MACP Scheme to an emloyee holding feeder ost in a

    cadre where romotional ost is in the same /rade Pay 7he matter has been e4amined in

    consultation with 6eartment of Personnel 7raining (6oP7)2 the nodal deartment of the

    /o-ernment on MACP Scheme and it is clarified that ACP=MACP Schemes ha-e been

    introduced by the /o-ernment in order to mitigate the roblems of genuine stagnation faced

    by emloyees due to lack of romotional a-enues

    7hus2 financial ugradations under ACP=MACP Schemes CA,,57 be to higher /rade Pay

    than what are be allowed to an emloyee on his normal romotion 'n such cases financialugradation under MACP Scheme would be granted to the same /rade Pay

    7his issues with the concurrence of the Finance 6irectorate of the Ministry of Dailways

    %indi -ersion is enclosed

    (,P Singh)

    6y 6irector=Pay Commission?&

    Dailway 3oard
