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Detailed Instructions for Updating VIMS Version 2.0.1 - 2.1 To Version 2.2
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Detailed Instructions forUpdating VIMS

Version 2.0.1 - 2.1 To

Version 2.2

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Modification Log

Date ChangesMay 13, 2008 CreatedFeb 12, 2013 Modified for VIMS 2.2

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Table of Contents

Modification Log....................................................................................................2Table of Contents..................................................................................................3

System Requirements.......................................................................................4Type of Installation.............................................................................................5Run the Patch....................................................................................................5

Updating a Stand Alone Installation...............................................................8Updating a Network Installation....................................................................11Ready to Launch VIMS 2.2..........................................................................13

Upgrade Changes:...........................................................................................14Updates and Fixes addressed by patch VIMS-2.2-Patch................................15

Major Enhancements...................................................................................15Known Issues...............................................................................................16Other Enhancements...................................................................................16

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Detailed Upgrade Instructions

System Requirements

This application has been successfully tested on this minimum hardware:Pentium II/23364 MB of RAM200 MB of free hard drive spaceMinimum Screen Resolution 1024x768

The recommended hardware for the application is:Celeron/Pentium 4 - 1.5 GHz512 MB of RAM200 MB of free hard drive spaceMinimum Screen Resolution 1024x768

.NET Framework.Net Framework Version 1.1

Operating systems supportedWindows 2000 Professional SP4Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7Windows 8

Important: You must be an administrator of your computer or logged into an administrator’s account in order to upgrade this software. If your computer is connected to a Local Area Network please consult with your network administrator before proceeding.

It is essential that you read these Instructions before you begin the upgrade process, as all of the steps must be done in the correct sequence for successful upgrade of the VIMS software to version 2.2.

If you are running a version of VIMS previous to 2.0.1 (such as 1.1.3 or 1.2) you will need to apply the patch 20050711.exe before applying this upgrade patch. In that case, call VIMS Support for instructions at 1-800-691-7233.

If you are unsure of the impact of the upgrade to your existing data, please call VIMS Support for assistance

Copyright 2008-2013 Versatile Information Management Systems a division of Burnell & Associates Inc. 4All rights reserved.

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Detailed Upgrade Instructions

Normally a software upgrade is quite simple and straightforward. However, given the complexity of VIMS, the large variety of computer hardware available and the many different versions of Windows operating systems, the upgrade process may vary from the instructions in this guide.

The files required for the upgrade are on the VIMS CD that you placed in your CD-ROM drive or, if you downloaded the files from the VIMS Web site the files will be located on your hard drive where you saved in your download folder (directory). If you downloaded the files, it is important that you remember where you saved them, because you will be going to this download folder (directory) to access them at least once during the upgrade procedure.

Updating the VIMS software will take you approximately 5-10 minutes to complete, not including time to download or performing the Database Backups

Type of Installation

Determine if you are running a Stand Alone System or are part of a network where the database is shared by a number of clients and resides on a separate server.

If you are running a Stand Alone System then you need to up upgrade your databases at the same time as you upgrade the client software. If you are running a network installation where the databases are shared and reside on a separate server then you need only upgrade just the client software. Check with your network administrator as to the timing of the database upgrade otherwise you will not be able to run your upgraded client after applying this patch.

Important – in both types of installation, please ensure that your databases have been backed up and archived to enable a database restore in case the Upgrade needs to be backed out.

Run the Patch

The application update program is called “VIMS-2.2-Patch” (VIMS-2.2-Patch.exe) and is located either on the CD that you placed in your CD-ROM drive, or in a download folder (directory) if you downloaded the patch from the VIMS Web site.

Copyright 2008-2013 Versatile Information Management Systems a division of Burnell & Associates Inc. 5All rights reserved.

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Detailed Upgrade Instructions

1. To run the application patch program, double-click the patch program (VIMS-2.2-Patch.exe) file.

This screen will appear:

The first step in the upgrade process will be to extract the files needed to apply the patch.

2. If the VIMS application is currently running an error screen will appear telling you to exit the VIMS application.

3. Click OK to continue and the patch application program will terminate. You will need to exit the Vims application and run the patch application program again to get to Step 4.

Copyright 2008-2013 Versatile Information Management Systems a division of Burnell & Associates Inc. 6All rights reserved.

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Detailed Upgrade Instructions

4. The patch will now try to locate your VIMS installation directory. Once you see the following screen you are ready to begin the upgrade process. This screen will indicate that you will be applying the patch and that you must be already at Version 2.0.1.

5. From here you can click on the OK button to continue with the patch or Close to close the patch.

Important: Before clicking on OK please ensure that you have a proper backup of your VIMS database in the event that an error occurs. It is also a good idea to make sure that you have a back up of the VIMS installation directory even though the patch will try to create a backup before the application is updated.

Now follow the instructions for Updating a Stand Alone Installation (see Page 7) OR Updating a Network Installation (see Page 11).

Copyright 2008-2013 Versatile Information Management Systems a division of Burnell & Associates Inc. 7All rights reserved.

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Detailed Upgrade Instructions

Updating a Stand Alone Installation

After clicking on OK you will see the following screen:

This screen allows you to choose which VIMS component you would like to upgrade. You can select the Database, the Application or Both depending on the type of installation that you are currently running.

For the purposes of this section of the manual we will assume that you will be updating both the Database and the Application

1. Once you have selected which both of the components you want to update then you can click on Update Now to continue installing the patch, or Cancel to return to the previous screen.

Copyright 2008-2013 Versatile Information Management Systems a division of Burnell & Associates Inc. 8All rights reserved.

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Detailed Upgrade Instructions

2. This step will update your production database. Click OK to update your production database or Cancel to leave your existing production database intact.

3. This step will replace your existing demo database with a new 45 day free trial of the 2.2 demo database. Click Yes to install a new 45 day trial or click No to leave your existing demo database intact.

Clicking on Yes will show the following progress screen showing you that your demo database is being built. Clicking on No will take you to Step 4

Copyright 2008-2013 Versatile Information Management Systems a division of Burnell & Associates Inc. 9All rights reserved.

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Detailed Upgrade Instructions

4. This step will ask you if you would like to back up your current VIMS installation.

Clicking Yes will create a new sub directory under your current VIMS installation folder called “VIMSBackup\Pre-VIMS-2.2-Patch”. The patch will attempt to back up all of the current files in your installation folder to this directory. Clicking No will take you to Step 5.

5. This step will update the current VIMS application files with the new 2.2 files. Click OK to update the VIMS application or Cancel to leave the VIMS application intact and move to Step 6.

6. The last step in the patch process will ask you if you want to view the Read Me file for the patch. Click Yes to view the file or no to finish applying the patch.

Please skip to page 13.

Copyright 2008-2013 Versatile Information Management Systems a division of Burnell & Associates Inc. 10All rights reserved.

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Detailed Upgrade Instructions

Updating a Network Installation

After clicking on OK you will see the following screen.

This screen allows you to choose which VIMS component you would like to upgrade. You can select the Database, the Application or Both depending on the type of installation that you are currently running.

For the purposes of this section of the manual we will assume that you will only be updating the Application.

1. This step will ask you if you would like to back up your current VIMS installation.

Clicking Yes will create a new sub directory under your current VIMS installation folder called “VIMSBackup\Pre-VIMS-2.2-Patch”. The patch will

Copyright 2008-2013 Versatile Information Management Systems a division of Burnell & Associates Inc. 11All rights reserved.

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Detailed Upgrade Instructions

attempt to back up all of the current files in your installation folder to this directory. Clicking on No will take you to Step 5.

2. This step will update the current VIMS application files with the new 2.2 files. Click OK to update the VIMS application or Cancel to leave the VIMS application intact and move to Step 6.

3. The last step in the patch process will ask you if you want to view the Read Me file for the patch. Click Yes to view the file or no to finish applying the patch.

Copyright 2008-2013 Versatile Information Management Systems a division of Burnell & Associates Inc. 12All rights reserved.

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Detailed Upgrade Instructions

Ready to Launch VIMS 2.2

You have now successfully applied the VIMS 2.2 patch. There will be a log of all you actions in the Patch Information box on the bottom of the patch screen. Please read through this information and check for any errors that may have occurred.

At this point you are ready to launch VIMS 2.2.

Copyright 2008-2013 Versatile Information Management Systems a division of Burnell & Associates Inc. 13All rights reserved.

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Detailed Upgrade Instructions

Upgrade Changes:

=======================================================The following Modules will be upgraded to version 2.2.2=======================================================Hiring and Placement (HIR.dll)Incident (INC.dll)Testing (TST.dll)

==========================================================The following components will be upgraded to version 2.2.2==========================================================VIMS Application (VIMS.exe)Common Code (CommonCode.dll)Control Panel (ControlPanel.dllData Tier (DataTier.dll)Incident Reports (IncidnetReports.dll)Incident Reports 2 (IncidnetReports2.dll)Incident Reports 3 (IncidnetReports3.dll)Incident Reports WCB (IncidnetWCBReports.dll)Hiring and Placement Reporting (HIRReports.dll)Incident Reports OSHA (IncidentReportsOSHA.dll)Test Reporting (TSTReports.dll)VIMS Controls (VimsControls.dll)

=======================================================The following Modules will be installed as version 2.2.2=======================================================vSCAT Import (vSCATImport.dll)

Copyright 2008-2013 Versatile Information Management Systems a division of Burnell & Associates Inc. 14All rights reserved.

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Detailed Upgrade Instructions

Updates and Fixes addressed by patch VIMS-2.2-Patch

Major Enhancements

Control Panel Module 1) Object Admin Screen.

All general administrative functions for each module can now be performed here.2) Options Enhanced Email Support

Added support for SMTP server authentication.3) Help Menu

Added the ability for the user to change their password from the help menu.4) Main Window

Added dashboard controls to provide access to commonly used Module functionality, this controls can be shown or hidden from the Help menu.

For more information on the new Object Admin screen and its functionality please download the latest Control Panel User Manual from here. http://www.vimsinc.net/downloads/downloadsdocumentation.htm

Incident Module 1) Recommended Action Approval.

Added an Approval tab to then Recommended Action detail form.2) Multiple Injuries and Illnesses for a single Incident.

Added the ability to add an Injury or Illness record for each employee involved in the incident.

3) Disable Incident TemplateAdded the ability for an administrator to disable an incident template if needed.

4) Change Incident TemplateAdded the ability to allow a Security Group to Change the Incident Template for any given Incident if needed.

5) Incident EmailProvide more information with the email sent out when an New File Number is generated as well as when the General form is saved.

For more information on the new Injury and Illness screens and their functionality please download the latest VIMS Incident User Manual from here. http://www.vimsinc.net/downloads/downloadsdocumentation.htm

Reporting1) Reporting Hierarchy

Added the ability to use the reporting hierarchy to generate reports for a location and any sub-locations below in the tree.

Copyright 2008-2013 Versatile Information Management Systems a division of Burnell & Associates Inc. 15All rights reserved.

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Detailed Upgrade Instructions

Known Issues

Type Codes - Shift Lost FactorDisabling a Shift Lost Factor from the Type Codes admin screen will not remove the

value from the lists on the Illness and Injury forms.

Other Enhancements

VIMS Application

1. Email Validation- Added email validation to all email address fields to reduce the possibility of a badly formed email address being stored in the system.

2. Search Result Count- Added a result count to all of the search screens.

3. Main Form- Added a 'Log Off' menu item to the 'File' menu to allow for faster user switching.

4. Dropdown Lists- All of the Dropdown Lists should now auto size to show the full selection text when the Dropdown arrow is clicked.

5. Hidden Fields- Added a 'Hidden' attribute along with the 'Required' and 'Restricted' attributes for fields on standard forms.

Control Panel

1. Corporate Information- Added a 'Country' field to the Corporate Information form.

2. Employee Detail- Removed the testing tab from the Employee Detail screen.- No longer allow for duplicate Employee Numbers

3. Options Screen - Time Format- Added new option to select a 12 hour clock or a 24 hour clock.

4. Options Screen - General Tab/Email Tab- Broke apart the options into two tabs 'General' for system settings, and 'Email' for the enhanced email settings.

5. License Admin - VIMS Version- Added the VIMS version to the License Admin screen to aide administrators in locating out of date client installs.

Copyright 2008-2013 Versatile Information Management Systems a division of Burnell & Associates Inc. 16All rights reserved.

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Detailed Upgrade Instructions

6. Locations- Added the ability to disable a location so that it will not show up in future records.

7. Object Admin- All general administrative functions for each module can now be performed here.

8. Register - Site/Client License- Update the registration process to distinguish between a Site license and a Client license.

9. Type Codes- Added the ability to disable a Type Code so that it will not show up in future records.

INC - Incident--------------

1. Incident Locking- If an Incident Status is set to 'Closed' or 'Void' the application will lock down the incident so that no changes can be made to the information

2. Custom Form Admin - Added a 'Preview' button to the Custom Form.

3. New Incident Email- Added the short description from the general form to the email that is generated when an new incident is created.

4. New Incident Form- Added the template description to the help box on the 'New Incident' screen.

5. Illness & Injury form- Removed the legacy Illness & Injury form from the application.

6. Form Navigation- Only forms that the current user has access to view will be loaded in the navigation list.

INC - Incident Reports----------------------

- Fixed the issue where the Annual\Quarterly\Monthly Pivot reports were not displaying properly.- The report initially titled 'Recordables By Type' has been renamed to "Illness and Injury Cause Summary" and updated to provide more valuable information.

INC - Incident WCB Reports--------------------------

Updated all of the WCB reports to reflect the latest format changes.

INC - Incident OSHA Reports---------------------------

Updated all of the OSHA reports to reflect the latest format changes.

Copyright 2008-2013 Versatile Information Management Systems a division of Burnell & Associates Inc. 17All rights reserved.

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Detailed Upgrade Instructions

HIR - Hiring and Placement--------------------------

1. Interview Set Locking- If an Interview Set Status is set to "Closed" or "Filled" the application will lock down the record so that no changes can be made to the information.

2. Interview Set - Link to Employee.- Added the ability to link a candidate record to an existing employee.

3. Interview Set - Total Score- As you select a candidate from the Candidate list the application will show you the total score for that candidate in the list.

4. Placement Wizard - Updated functionality- Changed the functionality of the placement wizard to be more intuitive and provide more information to the user.

5. Physical Requirement Detail- Added the ability to remove an image from the physical requirement detail form.

6. Orientation Checklist Item Detail- Added the ability to remove a related document from the checklist item detail form.

7. Form Navigation- Only forms that the current user has access to view will be loaded in the navigation list.

HIR - HIR Reports-----------------

1. Added the Interview Summary report to the 'On Demand' Reports.

TST - Testing-------------

1. Test Find- Added a 'Test Find' form to the testing module in order to search existing records.

2. Test Schedule Detail- Added more robust scheduling options.

3. View Schedule List- Added a 'View Schedule List' button to show all scheduled dates for a test and allow the user to easily navigate to a specific test schedule date.

TST Reports-----------

1. Fixed the problem where the export options on the report would generate an error.

Copyright 2008-2013 Versatile Information Management Systems a division of Burnell & Associates Inc. 18All rights reserved.
