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Detecting and Escaping In nite Loops with Jolt · grep, indent, look, ping). We attached Jolt to...

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Detecting and Escaping Infinite Loops with Jolt Michael Carbin, Sasa Misailovic, Michael Kling, and Martin C. Rinard Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA {mcarbin, misailo, mkling, rinard}@csail.mit.edu Abstract. Infinite loops can make applications unresponsive. Potential problems include lost work or output, denied access to application func- tionality, and a lack of responses to urgent events. We present Jolt,a novel system for dynamically detecting and escaping infinite loops. At the user’s request, Jolt attaches to an application to monitor its progress. Specifically, Jolt records the program state at the start of each loop it- eration. If two consecutive loop iterations produce the same state, Jolt reports to the user that the application is in an infinite loop. At the user’s option, Jolt can then transfer control to a statement following the loop, thereby allowing the application to escape the infinite loop and ideally continue its productive execution. The immediate goal is to enable the application to execute long enough to save any pending work, finish any in-progress computations, or respond to any urgent events. We evaluated Jolt by applying it to detect and escape eight infinite loops in five benchmark applications. Jolt was able to detect seven of the eight infinite loops (the eighth changes the state on every iteration). We also evaluated the effect of escaping an infinite loop as an alternative to terminating the application. In all of our benchmark applications, escaping an infinite loop produced a more useful output than terminating the application. Finally, we evaluated how well escaping from an infinite loop approximated the correction that the developers later made to the application. For two out of our eight loops, escaping the infinite loop produced the same output as the corrected version of the application. 1 Introduction From: "Armando Solar-Lezama" <[email protected]> To: "Martin Rinard" <[email protected]> Subject: Thanks I was writing a document in Word this morning, and after about an hour of unsaved work, Word went into an infinite loop that made the application completely frozen. So, having listened to your talks too many times, I got my debugger, paused the program, changed the program counter to a point a few instructions past the end of the loop, and let it keep running from there. Word went back to working as if nothing had ever happened. I was able to finish my document, save it, and close Word without problems. So thanks, Armando.
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Detecting and Escaping Infinite Loops with Jolt

Michael Carbin, Sasa Misailovic, Michael Kling, and Martin C. Rinard

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA{mcarbin, misailo, mkling, rinard}@csail.mit.edu

Abstract. Infinite loops can make applications unresponsive. Potentialproblems include lost work or output, denied access to application func-tionality, and a lack of responses to urgent events. We present Jolt, anovel system for dynamically detecting and escaping infinite loops. Atthe user’s request, Jolt attaches to an application to monitor its progress.Specifically, Jolt records the program state at the start of each loop it-eration. If two consecutive loop iterations produce the same state, Joltreports to the user that the application is in an infinite loop. At the user’soption, Jolt can then transfer control to a statement following the loop,thereby allowing the application to escape the infinite loop and ideallycontinue its productive execution. The immediate goal is to enable theapplication to execute long enough to save any pending work, finish anyin-progress computations, or respond to any urgent events.

We evaluated Jolt by applying it to detect and escape eight infiniteloops in five benchmark applications. Jolt was able to detect seven ofthe eight infinite loops (the eighth changes the state on every iteration).We also evaluated the effect of escaping an infinite loop as an alternativeto terminating the application. In all of our benchmark applications,escaping an infinite loop produced a more useful output than terminatingthe application. Finally, we evaluated how well escaping from an infiniteloop approximated the correction that the developers later made to theapplication. For two out of our eight loops, escaping the infinite loopproduced the same output as the corrected version of the application.

1 Introduction

From: "Armando Solar-Lezama" <[email protected]>

To: "Martin Rinard" <[email protected]>

Subject: Thanks

I was writing a document in Word this morning, and after about an hour of

unsaved work, Word went into an infinite loop that made the application

completely frozen. So, having listened to your talks too many times, I got

my debugger, paused the program, changed the program counter to a point a

few instructions past the end of the loop, and let it keep running from

there. Word went back to working as if nothing had ever happened. I was

able to finish my document, save it, and close Word without problems.

So thanks,


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As the above email illustrates, infinite loops can make an application un-responsive to its users. The potential consequences include loss of work or aninability to use the application for its intended purpose.

One potential solution (as deployed by Professor Solar-Lezama above) isto drop the application into a debugger, find the infinite loop, then move theprogram counter past the end of the loop, thereby enabling the application tocontinue its productive execution. Unfortunately, not everyone has the technicalskill to use this solution. And even if one does, using the debugger, finding theloop, and moving the program counter past the end of the loop can be a tediousand annoying process.

1.1 Automatic Detecting and Escaping Infinite Loops

We present Jolt, a novel system for detecting and (if desired) escaping infiniteloops. If a user suspects that an application may be in an infinite loop, he orshe can instruct Jolt to monitor the execution of the application. Specifically,Jolt records the program state at the start of each loop iteration. The next timeexecution reaches the start of the loop, Jolt compares the current state to thesaved state. If the current and saved states are the same, then the loop has madeno progress and Jolt has detected an infinite loop. At the user’s option, Jolt canescape the loop (i.e., transfers control to a statement after the loop to enable theapplication to continue its execution beyond the loop). The immediate goal of thecontinued execution is to enable the application to save any pending work, finishany pending computation, or respond to any urgent events. Ideally, escapingthe loop would also enable the application to continue its normal executionindefinitely.

1.2 Evaluation

We evaluated Jolt by applying it to eight infinite loops in five applications (ctags,grep, indent, look, ping). We attached Jolt to each of these applications whilethey were executing on inputs that triggered the infinite loops. Jolt successfullydetected seven of the eight infinite loops; the remaining loop changes the stateon every iteration (Jolt is designed to detect only infinite loops in which theprogram state does not change across iterations).

As part of each case study, we used Jolt to exit the infinite loops and observedthe resulting continued execution. In general, the applications are structured toprocess multiple input units (such as lines, modules, or records). The infiniteloops occur when one of the input units hits a corner case in the application’scode. Escaping the loop typically causes some perturbations in the computationon the current unit. But, by the time the application starts processing the nextunit, it has recovered and is able to process this unit with no problems (unless,of course, this unit also triggers the infinite loop). The end result is that theapplication is often able to produce largely or even fully useful output.

We note that a similar phenomenon is partially responsible for the effec-tiveness of failure-oblivious computing [28] and SRS crash suppression [22] inenabling applications to recover from memory errors — because the applications


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tend to have short error propagation distances, errors that occur when processingone unit tend not to affect the processing of the next unit.

We also compared the output of escaping infinite loops with that of simplyterminating the application at the infinite loop (for example, by hitting Ctrl-C).Terminating the application, of course, leaves it unable to process subsequentinput units. And in some cases, the application produces no output at all — it isdesigned to produce all of its output after it has processed all of the input units.We found that for all of our applications, escaping the infinite loop produced amore useful output than terminating the application.

Finally, we acquired versions of the applications that were corrected by theirdevelopers. We then compared the outputs of escaping our infinite loops withthe outputs of these versions of the applications. In two out of our eight infiniteloops, escaping a loop produced an output that is identical to the output ofthe fixed version of the application. For the remaining infinite loops, outputdegradation was limited to the portion of the output that was generated fromthe input unit that caused the infinite loop.

1.3 Contributions

This paper makes the following contributions:

– Detection and Escape: It presents a system, Jolt, for detecting and (ifdesired) escaping infinite loops. Our technique uses both static source codeinstrumentation and dynamic binary instrumentation. Jolt statically instru-ments the source of an application with runtime calls that demarcate theentry, exit, and body of every loop in the control flow graph of each functionin the program.

When instructed by a user, Jolt dynamically attaches to a running in-stance of the application and inserts instrumentation to record the state atthe start of each loop iteration. As the application executes, Jolt comparesthe current state with the state from the previous iteration. If the states areequal, Jolt has detected an infinite loop. At the user’s option, Jolt can thenescape and continue execution at a statement following the loop.

– Detection Evaluation: It presents empirical results from applying Jolt toeight loops in five applications. Jolt detects seven of the eight loops (theremaining loop changes the state on every iteration). It also presents anevaluation of the performance of our technique; it imposes no more than 8.6%overhead on our applications when Jolt is not monitoring the application.And, when monitoring, Jolt detected all infinite loops in less than 1 second.

– Escape Evaluation: It presents empirical results that demonstrate thatfor all of our benchmark applications, escaping an infinite loop producesa more useful output than terminating the application. Moreover, escapingan infinite loop produces an output that is identical to the output of amanually fixed version of the application for two out of our eight infiniteloops. In general, continued execution after the loop is successful becausethe applications tend to have short error propagation distances.


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In our opinion, our results support the hypothesis that Jolt can providea useful alternative to simply terminating the application when it encountersan infinite loop. We anticipate that Jolt will prove to be useful for interactiveapplications in which terminating the application would cause the user to losework or leave the user without useful output. More generally, we expect thatJolt may also enable a wide range of applications to provide useful service evenin the presence of infinite loops that would, in the absence of Jolt, render theapplication completely unresponsive.

2 The Jolt System

To provide users with a low-overhead system for infinite loop detection andescape, we have designed Jolt around two components:

Compiler: Jolt’s compiler enables a developer or user to compile the source codeof his or her application to obtain a binary executable that is amenable to infiniteloop detection. In particular, Jolt’s compiler adds lightweight instrumentationto the source of the application to identify the boundaries of loops, which canbe difficult to identify accurately from a binary executable [15, 34].

Detector: Jolt’s detector can, at the user’s request, dynamically attach to andanalyze a running instance of an application that the user believes is caught inan infinite loop (if the application has been compiled with Jolt’s compiler). If thedetector determines that the application is caught in an infinite loop, it presentsthe user with the option to escape the loop.

2.1 Example

To illustrate how Jolt compiles and analyzes an application, we present an in-depth example of applying Jolt to an infinite loop in ctags, one of our benchmarkapplications.

Ctags scans program source files to produce an index that maps programentities (e.g., modules, functions, and variables) to their line numbers withinthe source files [1]. Ctags contains multiple modules for parsing and extractingthe index, each of which is specific to a particular programming language. Anintegrated development environment can later use such an index file to allowprogrammers to quickly navigate to the definitions of modules, functions, andother program entities by name.

1 def get_pkgdocs(self):

2 if symbols:

3 retstr += """\n\nGlobal symbols from subpackages""" \4 """\n-------------------------------\n""" + \5 self._format_titles(symbols,’-->’)

Fig. 1. Example Python Code


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Figure 1 presents a Python code snippet taken from the numpy numericalmatrix manipulation routine library. Ctags was designed to parse this sourcecode and output an index, which indicates that, e.g., the function get pkgdocs()

begins on Line 1.

This code snippet uses multi-line strings (which are delimited by matchedpairs of triple-quote literals, ’’’ or """, and can span more than one line) onLines 3 and 4 to construct the string retstr. The backslash between the twolines is admissible Python syntax and appears in the original file; in Pythontwo lines that are separated by a backslash are treated as a single line. As aconsequence, ctags merges the two lines into a single line during its preprocessingstage. However, when multiple multi-line strings appear on the same line in aPython source file, ctags version 5.7beta can enter an infinite loop.

2.2 Infinite Loop

1 static void find_triple_end(char const *string, char const **which) {

2 char const *s = string;

3 while (1) {

4 s = strstr (string, *which);

5 if (!s) break;

6 s += 3;

7 *which = NULL;

8 s = find_triple_start(s, which);

9 if (!s) break;

10 s += 3;

11 }

12 }

Fig. 2. Source Code for Ctags

Figure 2 presents find triple end(), the function from Ctags’s Python mod-ule that loops infinitely on the code snippet from Figure 1. The function deter-mines if string, which points to a character buffer containing a single line oftext from a parsed file, closes an already open multi-line string. The parameterwhich contains the delimiter that began the multi-line string (either ’’’ or """).

At the beginning of each iteration of the loop, s points to some position instring and which contains the triple-quote that began the last multi-line string.Within the loop, if s does not contain a matching triple-quote, then the loopexits (Line 5). If s does contain a matching triple-quote, then the computation1) records that the currently opened multi-line string has been closed, by settingwhich to NULL on Line 7, and 2) checks if s contains any additional triple-quotes.

If s does not contain an additional triple-quote, then the computation exitsthe loop (Line 9). Otherwise, the computation 1) records that a new multi-line string has been opened (by updating which in find triple string()), and2) updates s to point to the character after the newly found triple-quote. The


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1 #define LOOP_ID 148


3 static void find_triple_end(char const *string, char const **which) {

4 char const *s = string;


6 jolt_loop_entry(LOOP_ID);

7 while (1) {

8 if (!jolt_loop_body(LOOP_ID)) {

9 goto jolt_escape;

10 }

11 s = strstr (string, *which);

12 if (!s) {

13 jolt_loop_exit(LOOP_ID);

14 break;

15 }

16 s += 3;

17 *which = NULL;

18 s = find_triple_start(s, which);

19 if (!s) {

20 jolt_loop_exit(LOOP_ID);

21 break;

22 }

23 s += 3;

24 }

25 jolt_escape:

26 }

Fig. 3. Instrumented Source Code for Ctags

computation then returns to the beginning of the loop to look for a triple-quotethat closes the newly opened multi-line string.

The programmer wrote this loop with the intention that each iteration ofthe loop would start at some position in string (given by s) and either exit,or continue with another iteration that starts at a later position in string. Toestablish this, the value of s is incremented by the functions strstr() (Figure 2,Line 4) and find triple string() (Figure 2, Line 8).

However, in the call to strstr() the developer mistakenly passed string,instead of s, as the starting position for each iteration. As a consequence, everyiteration of the loop starts over at the beginning of string, which can cause aninfinite loop. For example, if the triple-quotes of the first and the second multi-line string are of the same type (as in Figure 1), then at the beginning of everyloop iteration (except the first), the values of s and which are always the same: sequals to the starting position of the second multi-line string and which containsthe triple-quote that starts the second multi-line string.


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2.3 Compilation

Figure 3 presents the instrumentation that Jolt’s compiler adds to the sourcecode of this loop in ctags. For every loop in the application, Jolt identifies andmarks the following:

– Loop ID: Jolt gives each loop in the application a unique identifier (Line 1).

– Loop Entry: At the entry point of the loop, Jolt adds a call to the functionjolt loop entry() to notify Jolt’s runtime that the application has reachedthe beginning of a loop (Line 6).

– Loop Exit: At each exit point from the loop, Jolt adds a call to the functionjolt loop exit() immediately before exiting the loop to notify Jolt’s runtimethat the application is about to exit a loop (Lines 13 and 20).

– Loop Body and Loop Escape Edge: Jolt adds a call to the functionjolt loop body() at the start of the loop body to let Jolt control the execu-tion of the loop (Line 8). If jolt loop body() returns true, then the appli-cation will execute the body of the loop. If jolt loop body() returns false,then the application will escape the loop by branching to the block immedi-ately after the loop, which is marked by the label jolt escape (Line 25). Bydefault, jolt loop body() returns true if a user has not used Jolt’s detectorto attach to the application.

After instrumenting ctags source code, Jolt uses the LLVM 2.8 compilerinfrastructure [16] to compile the source code down to an executable (a 32-bit or64-bit ELF executable in our current implementation). Though the instrumentedexecutable incurs some overhead (Section 6), its semantics are exactly the sameas that of the uninstrumented application — that is, until a user instructs Jolt’sdetector to attach to a running instance of the application.

2.4 Detection

Once the user believes that ctags may be caught in an infinite loop, he or shecan use Jolt’s user interface to scan the list of active system processes and selectthe suspect ctags process. When the user selects the process, Jolt’s infinite loopdetector attaches to the running process and begins monitoring its execution.

Conceptually, Jolt records a snapshot of the state of the application at thebeginning of each loop iteration. If ctags is caught in the infinite loop fromSection 2.2, Jolt’s detector will recognize that 1) the application modifies onlythe variables s and which, and 2) that these variables have the same values atthe beginning of each loop iteration. Given this observation, Jolt will report tothe user that the application has entered an infinite loop.

2.5 User Interaction

After Jolt detects an infinite loop, it presents the user with the option to escapethe loop. If the user chooses to escape the loop, he or she can place Jolt into oneof two interaction modes:


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– Interactive Mode: After Jolt forces the application to escape the loop, Joltdetaches from the application. Jolt will not detect any subsequent infiniteloops unless the user again instructs Jolt to attach to the running application.

– Vigilant Mode: After Jolt forces the application to escape the loop, Joltstays attached to the application. Jolt will continue to detect and escapeinfinite loops without further user interaction. Vigilant mode is useful whenthe application encounters an input that repeatedly elicits infinite loops.

It is also possible to support additional modes in which Jolt stays attached,but asks the user each time it detects an infinite loop before escaping the loop.Or, if Jolt is unable to detect an infinite loop, a user may, at his or her owndiscretion, choose to escape a loop that has been executing for a long time.

2.6 Escaping the Infinite Loop

Terminating ctags during the infinite loop from Section 2.2 would cause the userto lose some or all of the indexing information for the current file. Moreover,terminating ctags would leave it unable to process any subsequent files thatcould have been passed on the command line. If, instead, a user elects to escapethe loop, then Jolt will force the application to exit the loop by returning false

for the next call to jolt loop body(). As a consequence, ctags will terminate andproduce a well-formed output. This output will include some of the definitionsfrom the current file and all of the definitions from any subsequent files.

The quality of the output from the current file depends on the position of thetriple-quote that closes the second string. If the triple-quote is on the same line(such as in Figure 1), then the quotes become unmatched, effectively causingctags to treat the remainder of the current file as a multi-line string. On theother hand, if the triple-quote is on a subsequent line, then ctags will producethe exact same set of definitions as intended by the developers (which we verifiedby inspecting a later, fixed version of the application).

3 Implementation

Our design adopts a hybrid instrumentation approach that uses both staticsource code instrumentation and dynamic binary instrumentation. Jolt staticallyinserts lightweight instrumentation into the application to monitor the applica-tion’s control flow. Then, after it has attached to the application, Jolt insertsheavyweight dynamic binary instrumentation to monitor changes in the appli-cation’s state. Between these two components, our design balances Jolt’s needfor precise information about the structure of an application with our desire tominimize overhead on the application when it is not being monitored.

3.1 Static Instrumentor

Jolt’s static instrumentor provides Jolt’s detector with control flow informationthat may otherwise be difficult to extract accurately from the compiled binary of


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a program. The static instrumentor inserts function calls that notify the detectorof the entry, body, and exit of each natural loop [21] in the control flow graphof each function in the program (as we presented in Section 2). Jolt currentlydoes not instrument potential infinite recursions or unstructured loops that mayoccur because of exception handling or gotos that produce unnatural loops.

Jolt’s static instrumentor also selects an escape destination for each loopin the application. The static instrumentor chooses an escape destination fromone of the normal exit destinations of the loop. In general, a loop may containmultiple exit destinations (this can occur, for example, if the loop body usesgoto statements to exit the loop). Jolt currently chooses the first loop exit asidentified by LLVM.

It also possible for the loop to contain no exits at all. This can happen, forexample, if the program uses an exception mechanism such as setjmp/longjmpto exit the loop. In this case Jolt inserts a return block that causes the applicationto return out of the current procedure. When Jolt escapes the infinite loop, ittransfers control to this return block. Researchers have demonstrated that simplyreturning from a function can be an effective way to work around an error withinits computation [30].

We have implemented the static instrumentor as an LLVM compiler pass thatoperates on LLVM bitcode, a language-independent intermediate representation.Given the instrumented bitcode of an application, we then use LLVM’s nativecompiler to generate a binary executable.

3.2 Dynamic Instrumentor

When a user enables Jolt’s infinite loop detection on a running program, Jolt’sdynamic binary instrumentation component dynamically attaches the runningprogram and inserts instrumentation code to record the state of the program as itexecutes. Jolt’s instrumentation (conceptually) records, at the top of each loop,a snapshot of the state that the last loop iteration produced. To avoid having torecord the entire live state of the application, Jolt instruments the applicationto produce a write trace, which captures the set of registers and addresses thateach loop iteration writes.

Write Trace: Jolt instruments each instruction in the application that modifiesthe contents of a register or memory address. For each register or memory ad-dress that an instruction modifies, the instrumentation code dynamically recordseither the identifier of the register or the memory address into the write trace.

Snapshot: At the top of each loop, the inserted Jolt instrumentation uses theresulting write trace to record a snapshot. This snapshot contains 1) the list ofregisters and memory addresses written by the last iteration and 2) the values inthose registers and memory addresses at the end of the last iteration. Jolt recordsa snapshot only if it has a complete write trace from the last loop iteration (thetrace may be incomplete if the user attached Jolt to the application sometimeduring the iteration).


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Library Routine Abstraction: To record a full write trace of an application,Jolt must instrument all of the application’s running code, including libraries.However, some libraries may modify internal state that is unobservable to theapplication. For example, some libc routines modify internal counters, (i.e., thenumber of bytes written to a file, or the number of memory blocks allocated bythe program), that change after every invocation of the routine. If an applicationinvokes one of these routines during a loop that is, otherwise, producing thesame state on each iteration, then Jolt will be unable to detect the infinite loop.However, these counters are often either 1) not exposed to the application, or2) exposed but not used by the application in a given loop. Therefore, we allowJolt to accept a set of library routine abstractions to explicitly specify the set ofobservable side-effects of library routines.

A library routine abstraction specifies if the routine modifies observable prop-erties of its arguments. For example, consider the write routine from libc:

ssize_t write(int filedes, const void *buf, size_t nbyte);

This function does not modify the contents of buf, but it does modify thecurrent position of the file cursor, which the application can query by callingftell(filedes). If during an infinite loop, Jolt does not observe any calls fromthe application to ftell(filedes), then Jolt can exclude the side-effects of a callto write(filedes, ...) from the snapshot.

We have implemented library routine abstractions for the subset of libc li-brary calls that are invoked by our benchmark programs (e.g., read, write,printf). We anticipate that library routine abstractions need only be imple-mented for libraries that are considered a part of the runtime system of theapplication (e.g., allocation, garbage collection, and input/output routines).

Detection: At the beginning of each loop iteration, Jolt’s detector compares thesnapshots of the two previously executed loop iterations. If the two snapshotsare the same — i.e., both snapshots contain the same registers and memoryaddresses in their write traces and the recorded values for these registers andmemory addresses in the snapshots are the same — then Jolt reports that it hasdetected an infinite loop.

We have implemented the dynamic instrumentor on top of the Pin dynamicprogram analysis and instrumentation framework [18]. Our use of Pin enablesthe dynamic instrumentor to analyze both Linux and Windows binaries thathave been compiled for the x86, x64, or IA-64 architectures.

4 Empirical Evaluation

We next present a set of case studies that we performed to investigate the con-sequences of using Jolt to detect and escape infinite loops.


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Benchmark VersionReference Bug

LocationVersion Report

ctags-fortran 5.5 5.5.1 Ctags-734933 fortran.c, parseProgramUnit, 1931

ctags-python 5.7b (646) 5.7b (668) Ctags-1988027 python.c, find_triple_end, 364

grep-color gnu.utils.bugs grep.c, prline, 579

grep-color-case 2.5 2.5.3 03/21/2002 grep.c, prline, 562

grep-match message 9 grep.c, prline, 532

ping 20100214 20101006 CVE-2010-2529 ping.c, pr_options, 984

look 1.1 (svr 4) - [37] look.c, getword, 172

indent 1.9.1 2.2.10 [37] indent.c, indent, 1350

Table 1. Studied Infinite Loops

4.1 Benchmarks

Table 1 presents the loops that we use in our evaluation. The first column (Bench-mark) presents the name we use to refer to the loop. The second column (Version)presents the version of the application with the infinite loop. The third column(Reference Version) presents the version of the application in which the infiniteloop has been corrected. The fourth column (Bug Report) presents the sourceof the infinite loop bug report. The fifth column (Location) presents the file, thefunction, and the line number of the infinite loop.

We evaluated Jolt on eight loops in five benchmark applications. We selectedapplications for which 1) bug reports of infinite loops were available, 2) we couldreproduce the reported infinite loops, and 3) we could qualitatively characterizethe effect of escaping the loop on the application’s output. All of these applica-tions are commonly used utilities that the user either invokes directly, from thecommand line, or as a part of a larger workflow:

– ctags: Scans program source files to produce an index that maps programentities (e.g., modules, functions, and variables) to their locations within thesource files [1]. We investigate two infinite loops in ctags:

• ctags-fortran: The ctags Fortran module (version 5.5) has an infiniteloop that occurs when processing 1) source code files with variable andtype declarations separated by a semicolon, or 2) syntactically invalidsource files with improperly nested components. In both cases, ctagsenters a mode in which it infinitely loops when it is unable to recognizecertain valid Fortran keywords.

• ctags-python: The ctags Python module (version 5.7 beta, svn commit646) has an infinite loop that occurs when one multi-line string literalends on a line and another multi-line string literal starts on the sameline (as we discussed in Section 2.1).

– grep: Matches regular expressions against lines of text within a single inputfile or multiple input files [2]. We investigate three infinite loops in grepversion 2.5. Although all of these loops are distinct, they appear to share acommon origin via a copy/paste/edit development history.


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• grep-color: This infinite loop occurs when grep is configured to displaymatching parts of each line in color and is given a regular expressionwith zero-length matches.

• grep-color-case: This infinite loop occurs when grep is configured todisplay matching parts of each line in color with case-insensitive match-ing and is given a regular expression with zero-length matches.

• grep-match: This infinite loop occurs when grep is configured to printonly the parts of each line that match the regular expression and is givena regular expression with zero-length matches.

– ping: Ping client is a computer network utility which checks for the reach-ability of a remote computer using the Internet Control Message Protocol(ICMP) echo messages. The infinite loop can occur when processing certainoptional headers (time stamps and trace route records) of the echo replymessage from the remote computer.

– look: Prints all words from a dictionary that have the input word as aprefix. The infinite loop occurs when look’s binary search computation visitsthe last entry in the dictionary file and this last entry is not terminatedby a newline character. We were not able to obtain the reference version oflook, but instead manually fixed the application to produce a correct result(according to our understanding of its functionality).

– indent: Parses and then formats C and C++ source code according toa specified style guideline [3]. This infinite loop occurs when 1) the inputcontains a C input preprocessor directive on the last line of the input, 2)this line contains a comment, and 3) there is no end of line character at theend of this last line.

4.2 Methodology

For each of our benchmark loops, we performed the following tasks:

– Reproduction: We obtained at least one input that elicits the infinite loop,typically from the bug report. Where appropriate, we constructed more in-puts that cause the application to loop infinitely.

– Loop Characterization: We identified the conditions under which the infi-nite loop occurs. This includes distinctive properties of the inputs that elicitthe infinite loop and characteristics of the program state. We also character-ized the execution behavior (e.g., resource consumption and output) of theapplication during the infinite looping.

– Infinite Loop Detection: We first compiled the application with Jolt’scompiler to produce an instrumented executable. We then ran the executableon our eliciting inputs to send the application into an infinite loop. Finally, wedynamically attached Jolt’s detector to the running application to determineif Jolt could detect the infinite loop.


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– Effects of Escaping Infinite Loop: We characterized the internal behaviorof the application after using Jolt to escape the loop, including the effects ofthe escape on the output and the memory safety of the application. We usedmanual inspection and testing to ensure that the output of the applicationis well-formed, and Valgrind [23], to determine if the continued executionperformed any invalid memory operations (such as out of bounds accessesor memory leaks).

– Comparison with Termination: One common strategy for dealing withan application that is in an infinite loop is to simply terminate the applica-tion. We compared the output that we obtain from terminating the appli-cation to the output from the version that uses Jolt to escape the infiniteloop. Specifically, we investigated whether using Jolt helped produce a moreuseful output than terminating the application.

– Comparison with Manual Fix: We evaluated how well escaping from aninfinite loop approximated the correction that the developers later made tothe application. We obtained a version of the application in which the infiniteloop had been manually corrected. When then compared the output fromescaping the loop to the output from the fixed version of the application.Specifically, we investigated the extent to which the output produced bythe application after using Jolt matched the output of the manually fixedapplication.

4.3 Results

Table 2 summarizes the results of our evaluation of Jolt as a technique for de-tecting and escaping infinite loops. The first column (Benchmark) presents theinfinite loop name. The second column (Detection) presents whether Jolt success-fully detected the infinite loop. If an entry in this column contains the symbol ,detection succeeded; if it contains #, then detection failed — we use the samenotation for positive and negative results in each subsequent column.

The third column (Sanity Check) presents whether escaping the loop main-tained the memory consistency, as reported by Valgrind. The fourth column(Comparison with Termination) presents whether using Jolt to escape the infi-nite loop produces a more useful output than the output that we obtain afterterminating the application. Finally, the fifth column (Comparison with ManualFix) presents whether using Jolt to escape the infinite loop produces the sameoutput as the reference version for every input to the application. If an entry inthis column contains the symbol G#, then the outputs are the same for some, butnot all, inputs.

For infinite loops that Jolt failed to detect, we still present results that de-scribe the behavior of the application after escaping the loop. We performedthese experiments by modifying Jolt to escape the loop, even though it had notdetected an infinite loop.


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Benchmark Detection Sanity CheckComparison With

Termination Manual Fix

ctags-fortran G#ctags-python G#grep-color G#grep-color-case G#grep-match G#ping look indent #

Table 2. Summary Results for Infinite Loops

Infinite Loop Detection: Jolt was able to detect seven out of eight infiniteloops in our benchmark applications. For these infinite loops, Jolt identified thatthe state of the program remained the same in adjacent loop iterations, andescaped the loop immediately. Jolt failed to detect the infinite loop in indentbecause the state changed on every iteration through the loop. We discuss thereasons for why Jolt failed to detect this infinite loop in Section 5.2

Sanity Check: For all of our benchmarks the resulting continued execution ofthe application exhibited no memory errors.

Comparison with Termination: For all our benchmarks, our evaluation in-dicates that using Jolt to escape the loop resulted in outputs that contain asmuch or more useful information than the outputs obtained by terminating theapplication. Terminating the applications after encountering an infinite loop leftthe application unable to process subsequent input units (files, lines or requests).For ctags and indent (when processing multiple input files), grep, ping, and look,terminating the application produced outputs only up to the point of termina-tion (and none thereafter). Ctags and indent (when operating on a single inputfile with, potentially, multiple lines) are designed to produce their outputs atthe end of the computation. Therefore, terminating the application did not yieldany output at all. As an extreme example, terminating indent while in the in-finite loop caused it to overwrite the input source code file with an empty file.Escaping the infinite loop with Jolt, on the other hand, not only helped theapplication finish processing the current input, but also enabled it to continueto successfully process subsequent inputs.

Comparison with Manual Fix: For ping, look and indent, the outputs of theapplication for which we applied Jolt, and the outputs of the application witha manually fixed bug were identical. The computations in these loops finishedprocessing the entire input before the loop started infinitely looping.

Applying Jolt to infinite loops in ctags and grep helped produce an out-put containing a part of the output of the manually corrected application. InSection 2.6 and Section 5.1, we present a more detailed characterization of thequality of these outputs.


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5 Selected Case Studies

In Section 2, we presented an extended case study of ctags-python that demon-strated Jolt’s overall approach to infinite loop detection and escape. In thissection we now present two additional case studies that demonstrate the maincharacteristics of the infinite loops that we analyzed and the details of our evalu-ation. In particular, these case studies highlight the utility of vigilant mode (Sec-tion 2.5), the utility of library abstraction (Section 3.2), and some of the limita-tions of the Jolt’s detector. We have made detailed case studies of the rest of ourbenchmark applications available online at http://groups.csail.mit.edu/pac/jolt.

5.1 Grep

Figure 4 presents the source code of the grep-color loop, which colors the part ofthe current line matching a regular expression. Grep executes this loop when theuser provides the --color flag on the command line. This loop, along with theother two infinite loops in grep, occur in the function prline, which is responsiblefor presenting the text that matches the regular expression to the user. The othertwo infinite loops have the same infinite loop behavior and a similar structure.

1 while ( (match_offset = (*execute) (beg, lim - beg, &match_size, 1))

2 != (size_t) -1)

3 {

4 char const *b = beg + match_offset;

5 /* Avoid matching the empty line at the end of the buffer. */

6 if (b == lim)

7 break;

8 fwrite (beg, sizeof (char), match_offset, stdout);

9 printf ("\33[%sm", grep_color);

10 fwrite (b, sizeof (char), match_size, stdout);

11 fputs ("\33[00m", stdout);

12 beg = b + match_size;

13 }

Fig. 4. Source Code for Grep-color Infinite Loop

Infinite Loop: The computation stores the pointer to the current location onthe line in the variable beg. The function execute() on Line 1 searches for thenext match starting from the position beg. Each time a match on the currentline is found, this pointer is incremented to advance the search, first by addingthe offset to the position of the next match (match offset; Line 4), and thenby adding the size of the match (match size; Line 12). However, when using aregular expression that matches zero length strings (such as [0-9]*), the variablematch size will have value zero. Consequently, the value of pointer beg will notincrease past the current match and the progress of the loop execution will stop.


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The loop can still output the first non-zero length match at the beginning ofthe line, since grep uses a greedy matching strategy (it selects the longest stringthat matches the pattern). For example, for the input echo "1 one" | ./grep

"[0-9]*" --color, the output contains a colored number 1, but following loopiterations do not progress past this point — the string one is never printed. Onthe other hand, grep-match will output a single newline character (‘\n’) for eachiteration as it loops after the first match. In the previous example, it will outputa number of newline characters after matching 1.

Infinite Loop Detection: While in the infinite loop, the computation outputsnon-printable characters (which control the text color) to the standard outputstream in every iteration. The printing does not influence the termination of theloop, but may change internal counters and output buffer pointers within thestandard library, which are not observable by the application, but would preventJolt from detecting the infinite loop. Thus, we apply library routine abstraction,which we described in Section 3.2 to allow Jolt disregard possible changes of theinternal state of the library routines and enable detecting this infinite loop.

Effects of Escaping Infinite Loop: Applying Jolt to grep when it has en-tered an infinite looping state escapes the current loop (which also halts printingnewline characters if the loop was doing so). The remainder of the current line isskipped. If Jolt operates in vigilant mode, grep will not print numerous spuriousnewline characters in grep-match case because Jolt escapes the loop after onlytwo iterations, printing only one additional newline character. If Jolt operatesin interactive mode, grep will print a number of newline characters for each linebefore the user instructs Jolt to terminate the loop causing the application toproceed to the next line.

For grep-color and grep-color-case loops, applying Jolt allows all matchinglines of the input to be displayed. However, on a given line that contains multiplematches, only the first match will be colored. For example, for the sample in-put echo "1 one 1" | grep -E "[0-9]*" --color, grep outputs the desired line(‘1 one 1’), but only the first “1” is colored. Using the -o command line flag toprint only the matching string, grep outputs only the first match on each line,followed by newline characters until user invokes Jolt. For example, for the inputecho "1 one 1" | grep "[0-9]*" -o, grep outputs a single line, containing a “1”(unlike two lines with value “1” that a corrected version of the application gen-erates). Escaping the loop after printing the first match “1” skips the remainderof the line, which contains the second match “1”.

Comparison with Termination: Terminating the execution of grep causes itto not process any line after the first zero-length match (which is effectively anyline of the input). In contrast, using Jolt allows grep to continue searching formatches on subsequent lines in the input.


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Comparison with Manual Fix: The correction that the application develop-ers applied for the three infinite loops in Version 2.5.3 causes the application tocontinue printing the line even after encountering the match of length zero. Aspart of the fix, the developers completely restructured the control flow, and re-moved the loops in the progress. This version of the application prints correctlyall non-zero matches, and skips zero-length matches.

While in Section 4 we presented the results of our comparison with Version2.5.3, we also analyzed the correction that the developers of grep implementedin Version 2.5.1. This fix was in place for three years before the release of 2.5.3.In this version, the developers added the code if (match size==0) break; beforeLine 8 to exit the loop when encountering a zero-length match. The effect of thismanual fix is the same as using Jolt to escape the loop.

5.2 Indent

Figure 5 presents the simplified version of the loop that handles comments thatoccur within or on the same line after a preprocessor directive in C programs.

1 while (*buf_ptr != EOL || (in_comment && !had_eof)) {


3 if (e_lab >= capacity_lab) e_lab = extend_lab()


5 *e_lab = *buf_ptr++;

6 if (buf_ptr >= buf_end) buf_ptr = fill_buffer (&had_eof);


8 switch (*e_lab++) {

9 case ’\’:10 handle_backslash(&e_lab, &buf_ptr, &in_comment); break;

11 case ’/’:

12 handle_slash(&e_lab, &buf_ptr, &in_comment); break;

13 case ’"’:

14 case ’´’:

15 handle_quote(&e_lab, &buf_ptr, &in_comment); break;

16 case ’*’:

17 handle_asterisk(&e_lab, &buf_ptr, &in_comment); break;

18 }

19 }

Fig. 5. Source Code for Indent Infinite Loop

Infinite Loop: The loop reads the text from the input buffer (pointed toby buf ptr), formats it and appends it to the output buffer (pointed to bye lab). The function extend lab() on Line 3 increases the size of the outputmemory buffer if needed by using a library function realloc(). The functionfill buffer() on Line 6 reads a single line from the input file to the inputbuffer. If this function reads past the input file, it writes a single character ‘\0’to the input buffer and sets the had eof flag. Finally, the loop body recognizesthe comment’s start and end characters, and sets in comment appropriately.


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The analysis of the loop condition on Line 1 shows that the loop computationends only if 1) the input line contains the newline character and it is not inthe comment (*buf ptr == EOL && !in comment), or 2) if the input line containsthe newline character and it has reached the end of file (*buf ptr == EOL &&

had eof). The loop condition does not account for the case when loop reads theentire input file, but the last line does not end with the newline character (thevalue of buf ptr in this case is equal to ‘\0’).

Infinite Loop Detection: While in the infinite loop, each iteration appendsa spurious ‘\0’ character to the output buffer, and the capacity of the outputbuffer is occasionally increased. Eventually, the output buffer can consume allapplication memory and cause the application to crash. Note that this updateof the output buffer is the reason Jolt in its current version cannot detect thisloop as infinite.

Effects of Escaping Infinite Loop: Although Jolt cannot detect the infiniteloop in this application, we manually instructed Jolt to escape the loop to inves-tigate its effect. After escaping the loop using Jolt, the application terminatednormally, producing a correctly indented output file. Note that this infinite looponly happens after indent has processed all of the input file; the only remainingtask at this point is to copy the output buffer to a file. Escaping the loop enablesthe application to proceed on to correctly execute this task.

Comparison with Termination: Terminating the application when it entersthe infinite loop prevents the application from executing the code to print theoutput buffer to the file. Because the default configuration of indent overwritesthe input file, the user is left with an empty input file. Terminating the appli-cation also causes indent to skip processing any subsequent files. Escaping theloop, on the other hand, produces the correct output for the file that elicits theinfinite loop, and all remaining files.

Comparison with Manual Fix: The developer fix of the loop in Version2.2.10 modifies a condition on Line 1 to test has eof flag whether the input filehas reached the end, before checking for the newline character in the input buffer.Escaping the infinite loop causes the application that used Jolt to produce thesame result as the reference application version.

6 Performance

In this section, we present performance measurements designed to characterizeJolt’s instrumentation overhead in normal use (Section 6.1) and the time requiredfor detection of infinite loops in our benchmark applications (Section 6.2). Weperformed our performance measurement experiments on an 8-core 3.0GHz IntelXeon X5365 with 20GB of RAM running Ubuntu 10.04.


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6.1 Instrumentation Overhead

We designed this experiment to measure the overhead of adding instrumenta-tion code to track the entry, exit, and body of each loop in the application (asdescribed in Section 2). We measured the overhead of Jolt’s instrumentation innormal use by running each application, with and without instrumentation, oninputs that do not cause infinite loops. In this experiment, infinite loop detectionis never deployed.

Benchmarks: Our benchmark suite consists of the following workloads:

– ctags-fortran: we crafted five workloads by executing ctags version 5.5 withfive different command line configurations on the Fortran language files ofscipy, a suite of scientific libraries for the Python programming language [7].The source code of these programs totals 81800 lines of code.

– ctags-python: we crafted five workloads by executing ctags version 5.7b(646) with five different command line configurations on the Python lan-guage files of numpy, a library of numerical matrix manipulation routinesfor Python [6]. The source code of these programs totals 72218 lines of code.

– grep: we crafted five workloads by executing grep version 2.5 with fivedifferent regular expressions on the concatenated C source code of grep,gstreamer[5], and sed[4]. We crafted regular expressions designed to matchelements within C source code; namely, strings, comments, primitive datatypes (e.g., int, long, or double), parenthesized expressions, and assignmentstatements. The source code of these programs totals 35801 lines of code.

– ping: we crafted five workloads by executing ping client with different op-tions, including targeting a remote machine on a local network (the samemachine we used to reproduce the infinite loop), and the local host. We ranthe same server on the remote machine that we used to elicit the infiniteloop. For each ping execution we send multiple requests to the server (inparticular, 100 requests to the remote host and 1,000,000 to the local host),without delay between the requests.

– look: we crafted five workloads by executing look version 1.1 (svr 4) withfive query words and a corpus of 98569 words from the American Englishdictionary supplied with Ubuntu 10.04.

– indent: we crafted five workloads by executing indent version 1.9.1 with fivedifferent indentation styles on the C source code of gstreamer (15608 linesof code).

Methodology: To evaluate the instrumentation overhead for a single workload,we first ran the workload five times without measurement to warm the system’sfile cache (and, thus, overestimate the impact of instrumentation by minimiz-ing I/O time). We then measured the execution time of each workload twentytimes across two configurations: ten times to measure the execution time of theuninstrumented application and ten times to measure the execution time of theinstrumented application.


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To compute the instrumentation overhead (i.e., a slowdown) for a singleworkload, we take the median execution time of the ten executions of the in-strumented application over the median execution time of the ten executions ofthe uninstrumented application. We use the median to filter out executions —both slow and fast — that may be outliers due to performance variations in theexecution environment.

Benchmark Mean Lowest Highest

ctags-fortran 1.073 1.068 1.080

ctags-python 1.052 1.035 1.057

grep 1.025 1.014 1.028

ping 1.016 1.005 1.024

look 1.0 1.0 1.0

indent 1.084 1.082 1.086

Table 3. Performance Overhead of the Instrumentation

Results: Table 3 presents the results of the instrumentation overhead measure-ment experiments. The first column in Table 3 (Benchmark) presents the nameof the benchmark. The second column (Mean) presents the weighted mean ofthe slowdowns over each benchmark’s five workloads. The third column (Low-est) presents the lowest slowdown that we observed over each benchmark’s fiveworkloads. The fourth column (Highest) presents the highest slowdown that weobserved over each benchmark’s five workloads.

Jolt’s overhead varies between 0.5% (the lowest observed overhead for ping)and 8.6% (the highest observed overhead for indent). In our experiments wefound that the overhead imposed by Jolt on look was, in practice, too small toreliably distinguish it from the noise of the benchmark environment. We also notethat the results for ping depend on the status of the network and the physicaldistance between the hosts. While we used short physical distances between thehosts and no delay between the requests to decrease the network variability andto account for the worst case, we expect that in a typical use the communicationtime will dominate the processing time, making the overhead negligible.

6.2 Infinite Loop Detection

We designed this experiment to evaluate how quickly Jolt can detect an infiniteloop in a running application.

Methodology: To perform this experiment, we ran each infinite loop from ourcase studies on an input that elicits an infinite loop and then attached Jolt. Wethen allowed Jolt to run for two seconds; if Jolt did not detect the loop withintwo seconds, then we classified the loop as undetectable.

For each detected infinite loop in our case studies, we gathered 1) the timerequired for Jolt to detect the infinite loop, 2) the footprint, in number of bytes,of each infinite loop iteration, and 3) the length, in number of instructions, of


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Benchmark Time (s) Footprint (bytes) Length

ctags-fortran 0.319 240 256

ctags-python 0.334 312 992

grep-color 0.585 992 4030

grep-color-case 0.579 992 4036

grep-match 0.490 846 2506

ping 0.287 192 54

look 0.296 300 378

Table 4. Infinite Loop Detection Statistics for Benchmark Applications

each infinite loop. Each of these numbers corresponds to the second, third, andfourth columns of Table 4, respectively:

– Time: To measure the detection time, we repeatedly (five times) measuredthe absolute time that elapsed from the instant when Jolt attached to theapplication until the instant when Jolt detected that the loop iterations donot change the state. We report the median detection time over these trials.

– Footprint: We measured the memory footprint of the infinite loop by record-ing the number of bytes of the program state that Jolt recorded in the snap-shot at the beginning of each iteration of the infinite loop. As discussedin Section 3, Jolt records the value of a register or memory address at thebeginning of the loop only if it was written during the execution of the loop.

– Length: We measured the length of the loop by recording the number ofinstructions dynamically executed during one iteration of the loop. Our re-ported numbers count only user-mode instructions that wrote to a registeror a memory location — this, therefore, excludes instructions executed bythe operating system kernel and nop instructions that do not modify thestate of the application.

Results: Table 4 presents the results of our infinite loop detection experiment.The times required to detect an infinite loop are all less than 1 second andthe footprint of each infinite loop is less than 1 KB. Given that ping’s infiniteloop, our smallest benchmark loop (by number of instructions), takes Jolt 0.287seconds to detect, our infinite loop detection technique is predominantly boundedfrom below by the time required to initialize the Pin instrumentation framework.

7 Limitations

Jolt currently detects only infinite loops that do not change program state be-tween iterations. In general, infinite loops can change state between iterations,or cycle between multiple recurring states. We anticipate that Jolt’s detectorcould be extended to eliminate changing state that does not affect a loop’s ter-mination condition, track multiple states, or use symbolic reasoning to provenon-termination [14, 35, 9].


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Jolt does not consider the effects of multiple threads on the termination of theapplication. For example, Jolt may incorrectly report that an application is in aninfinite loop if the application uses ad-hoc synchronization primitives (e.g., spinloops) [38]. In our evaluation, we only considered single-threaded applications.

Jolt does no further intervention after allowing the application to escape aninfinite loop. In principle, it is possible for an application to escape an infiniteloop and then crash, producing no output. In our evaluation, we inspected thesource code of our applications to determine that they continue their executionwithout crashing, and eventually produce outputs. We anticipate that Jolt couldbe extended to use any of a number of program shepherding techniques to helpsteer programs around potential errors [28, 13, 24, 30].

8 Related Work

Researchers have previously studied the causes for program failures, includingunresponsiveness, in operating systems, server applications, and web browsers[20, 17, 32, 25]. In particular, Song et al. identify infinite loops as an importantcause of unresponsiveness in three commonly used server applications and in aweb browser. This paper identifies the causes of eight infinite loops in existingutility applications. Our evaluation also shows that seven of these loops can bedetected by checking that their state does not change across loop iterations.

(Non-) Termination Analysis: Researchers have previously suggested usingprogram analysis to identify infinite loops during software development. Gupta etal. [14] present TNT, a non-termination checker for C programs, which identifiesinfinite loops by checking for the presence of recurrent state sets, which are setsof program states that cause a loop to execute infinitely. TNT uses template-based constraint satisfaction to identify sets of linear inequalities on programvariables that describe recurrent state sets. Velroyen et al. [35] also proposea template-based constraint invariant satisfaction approach to identify infiniteloops — though with a different invariant generation technique. Burnim et al.developed Looper, a tool that uses symbolic execution and Satisfiability ModuloTheories (SMT) solvers to infer and prove loop non-termination arguments [9].

Each of these approaches could, in principle, be used to attach to a runninginstance of a program and detect an infinite loop. And, in fact, developers canuse Looper [9] to break into a debugging mode to prove that a suspect loop isinfinitely looping. While these approaches can identify a larger class of infiniteloops than Jolt — i.e., infinite loops that change state on each iteration — thispower comes at the cost of symbolic execution, SAT solving, or SMT solving.Jolt, in contrast, attaches to the concrete execution of the program and uses aninexpensive detection mechanism to identify infinite loops that do not changestate. In addition, Jolt provides users with the option to escape detected infiniteloops and continue the execution of the program.

Researchers have also developed static analysis tools that can be used duringprogram development to determine statically, when possible, whether each loop


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in the program terminates [11, 10, 8, 33]. We view these approaches as comple-mentary in that it would be possible to incorporate the results of static analysisinto Jolt’s instrumentation decisions. Namely, if it can be proven statically thata particular loop will terminate, then Jolt need not instrument that loop.

Program Repair: Nguyen and Rinard have previously deployed an infiniteloop escape algorithm that is designed to eliminate infinite loops in programsthat use cyclic memory allocation to eliminate memory leaks [24]. The proposedtechnique records the maximum number of iterations for each loop on traininginputs, and uses these numbers to calculate a bound on the number of iterationsthat the loop executes for previously unseen inputs. To the best of our knowledge,this is the only previously proposed technique for automatically escaping infiniteloops. In comparison to the approach we present in this paper, Nguyen andRinard’s technique is completely automated, but may also escape loops thatwould otherwise terminate.

Researchers have also investigated techniques for general program repair thatcould, in principle, automatically generate fixes for infinite loops [31, 27, 30, 26,12, 36, 29]. Weimer et al. [37] have used genetic programming to automaticallygenerate program repairs from snippets of code that already exist in the pro-gram. In their evaluation, they used their technique to generate fixes for theinfinite loops in look and indent, which we also used in our evaluation. Theirautomatically generated fixes eliminated the infinite loops, but at the cost ofsome lost functionality of the application. Compared to these fixes, escaping aninfinite loop enables a user to recover the complete outputs of these applications.

Handling Unresponsive Programs: Finally, we note that operating systemsand browsers often contain task management features that allow users to ter-minate unresponsive or long-running applications or scripts. Mac OS X, for ex-ample, provides a Force Quit Applications user interface; Windows XP providesa Windows Task Manager. Web browsers also contain user interface featuresthat alert users to long-running scripts and offer users the option of terminatingthese scripts [19]. However, these facilities usually offer only termination of along-running task, while Jolt allows for the potential continued execution afterthe long-running loop subcomputation. Extending Jolt to work in these envi-ronments would provide the user with the additional option of detecting andescaping infinite loops in unresponsive or long-running applications.

9 Conclusion

By making applications unresponsive, infinite loops can cause users to lose workor fail to obtain desired output. We have implemented and evaluated Jolt, asystem that detects and, if so instructed, escapes infinite loops. Our results showthat Jolt can enable applications to transcend otherwise fatal infinite loops andcontinue on to produce useful output. Jolt can therefore provide a useful optionfor users who would otherwise simply terminate the computation.


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Acknowledgements. We would like to thank Professor Armando Solar-Lezamafor providing the motivating example presented in the Introduction. We wouldalso like to thank Hank Hoffmann, Deokhwan Kim, Fan Long, Stelios Sidiroglou,Karen Zee and the anonymous reviewers for their useful comments on the earlierdrafts of this paper. We would also like to thank Claire Le Goues for providingus with the bug-containing versions of look and indent benchmarks.

This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation(Grants CCF-0811397, CCF-0905244, CCF-1036241 and IIS-0835652) and theUnited States Department of Energy (Grant DE-SC0005288).


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Page 25: Detecting and Escaping In nite Loops with Jolt · grep, indent, look, ping). We attached Jolt to each of these applications while ... stance of the application and inserts instrumentation

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