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Determining Ozone Damage to Trees in Southern California

Date post: 08-Aug-2018
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  • 8/22/2019 Determining Ozone Damage to Trees in Southern California


    Gmyim Zymd) Vdevfrsety al St$ Xna`ms@fdtars; Hr$ Susmd Vsted) VC HmvesSnmdf Oreosjy) VC Smdtm Jmrjmrm

  • 8/22/2019 Determining Ozone Damage to Trees in Southern California


    } Sautnfrd Cmielardem fxpfrefdcfh >< hmys alneon azadf cadcfdtrmtead ed :2=:} Studts pimdt orawtn mdh cmusfs hesfmsf} _mtfr ifvfis mrf dar`mi) cniarapnyii ifvfis mrf


    Fxm`pif al m ifml tnmt nmsjffd sfvfrfiy hm`mofh jyazadf ifvfis$

  • 8/22/2019 Determining Ozone Damage to Trees in Southern California


    } Rimdt nfmitn es e`partmdt jfcmusf; Mi`ast mii laah ca`fs lra` pimdts sa`fnaw @mdy prahucts mrf `mhf lra` pimdts .pmpfr) tmjifs)

    ftnmdai lufi) ftc$% Rimdts pravehf mfstnftec vmiuf

  • 8/22/2019 Determining Ozone Damage to Trees in Southern California


    } Iacmtfh dartnwfst alLrfsda

    } Ratfdtemi lar azadfhm`mof lra` Lrfsda ms wfiims IM

    } Azadf ifvfis mt aur setf;

  • 8/22/2019 Determining Ozone Damage to Trees in Southern California


    } Xrmds`essead trmdsfcts} Ifml spfctrmi `fmsurf`fdts

  • 8/22/2019 Determining Ozone Damage to Trees in Southern California


    } Se`uimtfs ifml herfcteadmi-nf`espnfrecmirflifctmdcf mdh trmds`ettmdcf avfr md aptecmiha`med

    } < pmrm`ftfrs; D) Cmj) Cmr) Cjrawd) Cw) C`

    Xrmds`ettmdcf mdh rflifctmdcf vs

    wmvfifdotn al adf ifml spfctrm

  • 8/22/2019 Determining Ozone Damage to Trees in Southern California


    Vds`aatnfh spfctrm al jatntrmds`ettmdcf mdh rflifctmdcf lra`adf spfctrm$ Rmrm`ftfrs mrf iestfh adtap al tnf spfctrm$

    S`aatnfh spfctrm al jatntrmds`ettmdcf mdh rflifctmdcf lra` adfspfctrm$ Rmrm`ftfrs mrf iestfh ad tap altnf spfctrm$

  • 8/22/2019 Determining Ozone Damage to Trees in Southern California


    }Dat `mdy sm`pifs wetn tnf sm`f setf!spfcefs

    } @ast sm`pifs mrf lra` Mprei) wnecn ofdfrmiiynms iawfr ifvfis al azadf tnmd su``fr`adtns

    } Azadf hm`mof es `ast fmseiy hftfctfh edpedfs

    } _f adiy nmvf hmtm lra` amgs

  • 8/22/2019 Determining Ozone Damage to Trees in Southern California


    y 0 82?=$:x ' 2$?3>=Z 0 2$8>623








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    wmtfr cadtfdt .o!`I%

    Mii al `y usmjif Kudf hmtm


    Iedfmr .Sfrefs=%

    Hmtm lra` Kudf tnmt wms ca`pmrmjif

    ta hmtm lra` Mprei ed arhfr taca`pmrf cniarapnyii ifvfis$

  • 8/22/2019 Determining Ozone Damage to Trees in Southern California


    } \fry iettif ifml spfctrm lra` Kudf) sa usf lieontiedfs

    } Iaag mt iequeh wmtfr vs peo`fdt `mp

    Cimsselefh @MSXFZ e`mofal tnf uppfr fifvmtead setf$

    Fxtrmctfh pedfs lra`@MSXFZ cimsselefh e`mof$

  • 8/22/2019 Determining Ozone Damage to Trees in Southern California


    } @msg trff e`mof wetn iequeh wmtfr mdhpeo`fdt e`mofs

    } :-H scmttfr piat

    :-H scmttfr piat al cniarapnyii vswmtfr cadtfdt al tnf pedfs ed tnfe`mof ta tnf reont$

    Neonieontfh mrfms snaw wnfrf trffsnmvf iaw ifvfis al cniarapnyiica`pmrfh ta tnf m`audt al wmtfr$

  • 8/22/2019 Determining Ozone Damage to Trees in Southern California


    Mii al tnf fxtrmctfh trffs lra` tnfareoedmi cimsselefh @MSXFZ e`mof$

    Xrffs tnmt cadtmed iawfr tnmd mvfrmofm`audts al cniarapnyii

    Riat al wmtfr vs cniarapnyiirmteas lar tnf @MSXFZ e`mof$

  • 8/22/2019 Determining Ozone Damage to Trees in Southern California


    } Zfimtevfiy neon ifvfis al azadf mrf patfdtemiiynmr`edo trff nfmitn dfmr tnf Smd KamquedFxpfre`fdtmi Zmdof ms sffd jy tnf rfimtevfrmteas al cniarapnyii ta wmtfr ed `mdy trffs edFD\E imyfrfh `mps

    } Ifvfis dffh ta jf cadler`fh tnrauoncnf`ecmi `fmsurf`fdts

  • 8/22/2019 Determining Ozone Damage to Trees in Southern California


    } :$Lfrft) K$) Lrmdcaes) C$) Msdfr) O$) Oetfisad) M$) @mrted) Z$) Jehfi)I$) Vsted) S$) if @merf) O$) Kmcquf`auh) S$ .:22>%$ RZASRFCX-8mdh 6; Mhvmdcfs ed tnf ifml aptecmi prapfrtefs `ahfi sfpmrmtedopnatasydtnftec peo`fdts$ Zf`atf Sfdsedo al Fdverad`fdt$ \ai$== .:%) 3232-3283

    } 3$Kmcquf`auh) S$) Jmrft) L$) .=552%$ RZASRFCX; M @ahfi al IfmlAptecmi Rrapfrtefs Spfctrm$ Zf`atf Sfdsedo al Fdverad`fdt$ \ai$38$ ?6-5=$

    } >$Vsted) S$) Zajfrts) H$) Om`ad) K$) Msdfr) O$) Orffd) Z$ .:228%$Vsedo E`moedo Spfctrascapy ta Stuhy Fcasystf` Rracfssfs mdhRrapfrtefs$ Jeascefdcf$ \ai$ 68 .

  • 8/22/2019 Determining Ozone Damage to Trees in Southern California


    } Hr$ Susmd Vsted lar nfr ouehmdcf ed tnes prakfct} Snmdf Oreosjy lar nes nfip ed `avedo tnes prakfct larwmrh} Imurm Kuhh lar nfr fxpfrtesf ed ca`putfr praorm``edo} Hr$ F`eiy Scnmiifr lar nfr hfhecmtead ta `mgedo tnes

    praorm` warg}

    Mii al tnf pfapif jmcg mt DMSM Hryhfd lar tnfer rftrefvmi altnes hmtm} C-SXMZS) fspfcemiiy @e`mr) Gffiy) mdh @egf lar tnfer nfip

    ed tnf lefih ms wfii ms tnfer warg wetn tnf cnf`estry} Mii al tnf imdh oraup lar ifttedo `f usf tnfer hmtm mt tnf

    imst `edutf

    } RXO oraup lar tnfer azadf hmtm

  • 8/22/2019 Determining Ozone Damage to Trees in Southern California

