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Detox sap foot patch catalog

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Page 2: Detox sap foot patch catalog

Easy attaching

Natural material

Delightful aroma

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Eucalyptus patch product manufactured by Haengbok Vitamin has strong and cool scent of Eucalyptus. According to Organic Facts, the scent of Eucalyptus can help remove exhaustion and mental sluggish-ness and is also e�ective in treating stress and tension from the body. With high content of oxygen, it improves one's ability to concentrate. Eucalyptus Sap Patch may help reduce body wastes by absorbing unnecessary moisture and sweat in the body and make human feel renewed by natural FIR (Far Infrared Rays) emitted from the powdered mixture in the patch. We strongly recommend you to use it when you feel tired and your feet are heavy, and then you may feel better.

Eucalyptus oil, Chitosan, Tourmaline, Wood vinegar, Highly puri�ed silica, Loquat extract, Polysaccharide, Agaricus, Mugwort extract, Starch, Vitamin C, Microcapsule, Warming pigment

Sap Patch : 60mm x 90mm, 4g Adhesive Sheet : 95mm x 132m

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You can feel that your soles are getting warm because of its excellent warming e�ect. If you apply Warm Sap Patch to the soles of the feet or the targeted area on the body, the body temperature gradually increases because warming pigments in the internationally patented microcapsules have excellent heating e�ect. Moreover, it may help promote the circulation of the blood by natural FIR (Far Infrared Rays) emitted from the powdered mixture of natural ingredients in the patch , which make you feel refreshed and light. If you use Warm Sap Patches for a long time, it may help increase the normal temperature of your body. We strongly recommend this product to those who have been su�ering from cold hands and feet even in �ne weather.

Microcapsule, Tourmaline, Agaricus, Eucalyptus oil, Mugwort extract, Loquat extract, Vitamin C, Chitosan, Starch, Polysaccharide

Sap Patch : 60mm x 90mm, 4g Adhesive Sheet : 95mm x 132mm

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Healthful natural ingredients such as Wood vinegar, Tourmaline, Chi-tosan, Pearl stones, Highly-puri�ed silica, and Starch etc. are mixed and powdered together to be put into a patch through Haengbok Vitamin's own Production process. Forest Sap Patch has an e�ect of natural forest bath because it absorbs body wastes and sweat. It may help promote the circulation of the blood by generating natural FIR(-Far Infrared Rays), which make you feel refreshed and light. Basically, you may apply them on the soles of the feet, where vital spots of the whole body is concentrated, but it is also possible for you to apply them on the irritated area of hand, joint, shoulder, waist, abdomen, and chest etc.. We strongly recommend you to use it when you feel tired and your foot is heavy, and then you can feel better.

Wood vinegar, Tourmaline, Chitosan, Pearl stone, Highly puri�ed silica, Plyhydric alcohol, Starch, Mugwort extract

Sap Patch : 60mm x 90mm, 4g Adhesive Sheet : 95mm x 132mm

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Rose oil, also referred to as the queen of diverse range of aroma thera-py oils, is very e�ective on dried and aged skin. It may help clear and exalt one's mind and assist one to have digni�ed con�dence. Further-more, its aromatic e�ect may help remove various foul odors. Rose Sap Patch manufactured by Haengbok Vitamin always emits natural far infrared ray and has re�ned scent of Rose. It may lead you to an ener-getic and pleasant life. It also absorbs body wastes and sweat, which makes you feel lively and refreshed. We strongly recommend you to use it when you feel tired and your feet are heavy, and then you may feel better.

Rose oil, Tourmaline, Agaricus, Wood vinegar, Eucalyptus oil, Mugwort extract, Loquat extract, Vitamin C, Chitosan, Highly puri�ed silica, Pearl stone, Starch, Polyhydric alcohol

Sap Patch : 60mm x 90mm, 4g Adhesive Sheet : 95mm x 132mm

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Bamboo Sap Patch may help promote the blood circulation of human body since Bamboo has root always absorbs water and nutrition in the ground to send them up to trunks and leaves where carbonic acid assimilation takes place. Bamboo Sap Patch is produced with healthful natural ingredients such as Bamboo vinegar, Tourmaline, Chitosan, and Starch etc., you may feel natural forest bath e�ect and natural FIR (Far Infrared Rays) e�ect which may keep your body and mind stable. It may help promote metabolism by making your body warm, assist the body's recovery from fatigue, reduce a hangover, keep the balance of mind and body, and sustain Bamboo has original e�ect of antibiotic and detoxi�cation actions. Basically, it is e�ective for you to apply Bamboo Sap Patches on the soles of the feet at night before going to bed. You can �nd the evidence of body wastes after taking o� the patches from the soles the next morning. We strongly recommend you to use them when you feel tired and your foot is heavy, and then you will feel better.

Bamboo vinegar, Tourmaline, Chitosan, Pearl stone, Highly puri�ed Silica, Polyhydric alcohol, Starch, Mugwort extract

Sap Patch : 60mm x 90mm, 4g Adhesive Sheet : 95mm x 132mm

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Lavender contains an ingredient referred to as ester, which is excellen-tin relieving fatigue and enhancing the quality of sleep by assisting user to have sound sleep through lowering blood pressure, and relax-ing body and mind. It is a pure natural ingredient with unique aroma and vital life energy extracted from herb with the e�ect in releasing tension and pacifying the nerves. Lavender Sap Patch product manu-factured by Haengbok Vitamin always emits natural far infrared ray and has fragrant scent of Lavender. It absorbs body wastes and sweat, which makes you feel lively and refreshed. We strongly recommend you to use it when you feel tired and your feet are heavy, and then you may feel better.

Lavender oil, Tourmaline, Agaricus ,Wood vinegar, Eucalyptus oil, Mugwort extract, Loquat extract, Vitamin C, Chitosan, Pearl stone, Highly puri�ed silica, Starch, Polyhydric alcohol

Sap Patch : 60mm x 90mm, 4g Adhesive Sheet : 95mm x 132mm

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Function of Sap Patch

Applying the theory of Osmotic Pressure to sap patches

Using sap patches can provide the following bene�ts.** Helps absorb body wastes** Helps stimulate re�exology points of the sole** Helps reduce minor irritation** Helps support general health and wellness** Helps improve quality of sleep** If people feel heavy and tired, these signs may indicate

that there are body wastes in their bodies. In these cases, applying sap patches to the soles of feet can make their body feel lighter due to the powerful absorbency of sap patches for body wastes.

** If people who are undergoing much stress from their daily life such as hard workers, examinees, employees, housewives, etc. use sap patches composed of bene�cial natural materials and tourmaline which emit natural far infrared rays, they feel lighter and refreshed as if they walk in the forest.

** Sap patches are also recommendable for the aged people to maintain general health and wellness.

High levels of natural FIR can be found in our natural environment. Sap Patches emit natural Far Infrared Rays through the combination of natural ingredients in them. These rays resonate with the body has own energy to warm the body. This results in maintaining blood circulation around the feet and opening the pores to eliminate excrements which are drawn out under Osmotic Pressure from the blood and lymphat-ic systems. It is a similar way to when we work out at a gym or when we take a sauna.

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Product Review

Using sap patches can provide the following bene�ts.** Helps absorb body wastes** Helps stimulate re�exology points of the sole** Helps reduce minor irritation** Helps support general health and wellness** Helps improve quality of sleep** If people feel heavy and tired, these signs may indicate

that there are body wastes in their bodies. In these cases, applying sap patches to the soles of feet can make their body feel lighter due to the powerful absorbency of sap patches for body wastes.

** If people who are undergoing much stress from their daily life such as hard workers, examinees, employees, housewives, etc. use sap patches composed of bene�cial natural materials and tourmaline which emit natural far infrared rays, they feel lighter and refreshed as if they walk in the forest.

** Sap patches are also recommendable for the aged people to maintain general health and wellness.

Miraculous ExperiencesYoolim Apt. Hwamyung-dong, Buk-gu, Busan/Ahn, Jin gu, a painter

*My left knee began to give dull pain about 10 years ago, giving me di�culties in walking up and down stairs. My wife also su�ered from same symptoms, which eventually became highly aggravated to the point of having di�-culty in walking even at home. Both of use visited the Sungshim Hospital in Gupo, Busan and underwent thorough physical examination including MRI. My wife was diagnosed with serious degenerative arthritis in both of her knees and I was diagnosed with degenerative arthritis in progress. However, without availability of any particular treatment, we were prescribed only with pain killer and ointments. We visited oriental medical clinic for treatments such as acu-puncture or moxibustion without any improvement in our symptoms. We continued to su�er from this disability.


I heard about "herbal and tree sap patch containing the vitality of forest" from a friend. I bought them and began put-ting them on the sole of my foot, shoulder, knees and on my back.

Initially, enormous quantity of black and pungent secretion was produced. Now, cleaning secretion discharged by the "herbal and tree sap patch containing the vitality of forest" every morning has become our daily task. About a month since we began to use the product, di�culties that I used to experience when walking up and down stairs began to disappear, and my wife was also able to walk around in the house and now is able to walk up stair. My wife and I are tree sap patch containing the vitality of forest," my symptoms were completely disappeared and I was able to once again enjoy the pleasure of climbing a small mountain at the back of our house for the �rst time in 10 years. My wife has gotten much better and is now able to go to the market and join me in climbing mountain for about an hour.

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Product Review

* About the end of July this year (1999), O was introduced to sap patch by a friend <to try using the product as it is highly popular among many people who experienced substantial reduction in pain by putting them on the sole of foot>. Since he deals with health related products, he seems to be receiving various information on wide variety of products. OmittedMrs. K (61 years old) was su�ering from severe pain in the sole of foot. Mrs. K began to feel excruciating pain in the concaved portion of sole of her right foot about 2 years ago. She took powerful pain killer several times in order to pacify the pain. Without any improve-ment even with large amount of pain killers, she visited my clinic about 2 months ago.

When I felt her sole of the foot that she is experiencing pain, tem-perature was quite low, indicating that the pain has subsided some-what. Nonetheless, she needed to continue to take pain killer in order to contain the pain to manageable level. As such, I recom-mended her to try using the sap patch. In the case of Mrs. K, she visited me once a week. Accordingly, I instructed her to put them on the sole of her foot on her return to home from my clinic, Although the patch became soaked from the �rst day, Pain continued for about a week or two. She then bought sap patch on her own and

began to put them on every day before she went to sleep. The e�ect of the sap patch began to appear gradually. About a week later, the pain improved substantially and she did not have to take pain killer in the afternoon. Her conditions then improved such that she only had to take pain killer every other day.

There is the following case for rheumatism. All of toes of Mrs. F(58years old) were deformed, dislocated and bent since 10 years ago due to rheumatism. Accordingly, she could not put her toes on the ground and su�ered pain in bone in the concaved section of sole her foot. In addition, she began to experience abnormalities in her wrist joint with severe pain. As such, she began to use sap patch. In the case of Mrs. F, I instructed her to put patch after treat-ment as she was leaving. It seems that she felt good about the product and she personally purchased the sap patch and has been using it everyday. Omitted

She has been using the sap patch for 3 months now. Saturation of the patch decreased and pain subsided substantially.

Sap patch is receiving highly favorable responses from pa-tients who reported disappearance of pain in the sole of foot and rheumatoid pain, which are di�cult to treat.Murano Norihiro/Director of clinical Center of Oriental Medical Science

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Re�exology as with other foot therapies works on similar principles to SAP Patches, based on the theory that every organ, area and system of the body is mirrored by a meridian point (acupuncture point) on the feet. Re�exology is a complementary therapy, based on the same principles as Chinese acupuncture. Pressure-point massage of the feet was used in China over 5,000 years ago, as well as by the Ancient Egyptians, Hopi tribes of North America and 16th century European medical practitioners. Meridian points on the feet can be stimulated to encourage a smooth �ow of energy to the major organs of the body.


* About the end of July this year (1999), O was introduced to sap patch by a friend <to try using the product as it is highly popular among many people who experienced substantial reduction in pain by putting them on the sole of foot>. Since he deals with health related products, he seems to be receiving various information on wide variety of products. OmittedMrs. K (61 years old) was su�ering from severe pain in the sole of foot. Mrs. K began to feel excruciating pain in the concaved portion of sole of her right foot about 2 years ago. She took powerful pain killer several times in order to pacify the pain. Without any improve-ment even with large amount of pain killers, she visited my clinic about 2 months ago.

When I felt her sole of the foot that she is experiencing pain, tem-perature was quite low, indicating that the pain has subsided some-what. Nonetheless, she needed to continue to take pain killer in order to contain the pain to manageable level. As such, I recom-mended her to try using the sap patch. In the case of Mrs. K, she visited me once a week. Accordingly, I instructed her to put them on the sole of her foot on her return to home from my clinic, Although the patch became soaked from the �rst day, Pain continued for about a week or two. She then bought sap patch on her own and

began to put them on every day before she went to sleep. The e�ect of the sap patch began to appear gradually. About a week later, the pain improved substantially and she did not have to take pain killer in the afternoon. Her conditions then improved such that she only had to take pain killer every other day.

There is the following case for rheumatism. All of toes of Mrs. F(58years old) were deformed, dislocated and bent since 10 years ago due to rheumatism. Accordingly, she could not put her toes on the ground and su�ered pain in bone in the concaved section of sole her foot. In addition, she began to experience abnormalities in her wrist joint with severe pain. As such, she began to use sap patch. In the case of Mrs. F, I instructed her to put patch after treat-ment as she was leaving. It seems that she felt good about the product and she personally purchased the sap patch and has been using it everyday. Omitted

She has been using the sap patch for 3 months now. Saturation of the patch decreased and pain subsided substantially.

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In applying Sap Patches to the body, the FIR e�ects can help provide targeted relief to soothe minor irritation by maintaining good blood circu-lation to the targeted area and can help increase the temperature on the targeted area of the body

TH Test Results

About Natural FIR (Far Infrared Rays)Far Infrared Rays (FIR) have been in existence for thousands of years in our natural environment. They have the capability to penetrate deep into the human body (more than 1.5 inches) to main-tain good blood circulation, and skin cell revitaliz-ing. Next time you are outside on a cool but sunny day, without wind, try and stand in the direct sunlight and even though the air is cool you will feel the warm rays that are beaming down on you. The reason you feel this natural warmth is due to the Far Infrared Rays entering your body.

Far Infrared Rays Effect

Far Infrared Rays are safe forms of light energy that are thermal. In other words, we experience infrared rays every day in the form of heat like sunlight, a �re or a woarm sidewalk. Far infrared rays heat objects by direct light conversion-a process that directly warms the object, not the surrounding air. It's the heat you feel pene-trate your skin when you stand in the sun-and miss when you walk into the shade. Far-infrared heat(FIR) is also referred to as ratiant heat, infrared heat or infrared energy. Far-infrared heat has been widely used in the healthcare industry; in fact, many neonatal care units are often equipped with infrared heating systems to keep babies warm. Far Infrared Heat is the invisible part of the Sun's spectrum. It has nothing to do with the ultraviolet light which can damage your skin. FIR waves are capable of penetrating deep into the human body, where they gently elevate the body's surface temperature and activate major bodily functions.

Far Infrared Rays Effect

About Natural FIR (Far Infrared Rays)

The human body can easily absorb far-infrared heat because of its deep penetrat-ing abiliy. Studies have shown that far infrared waves can actually penetrate up to 2-3 inches deep into muscular tissue and ligaments. When far infrared heat pene-trates through the skin into muscular tissue and ligaments, it transforms from light energy into heat energy. The thermal e�ect within the deep layers of tissues cause blood vessels in capillaries to dilate which improves blood circulation and promotes healing and wellness

Deep Penetrating Heat

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•Pain Relief •Reduces Stress and Fatigue•Improves Blood Circulation •Removes Harmful Toxins•Improves Immune System

The benefits of far-infrared heat

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