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DETROIT/GRAND RAPIDS/ANN ARBOR SALES:313-729-4435 …laprensa1.com/PDF/2019/101819pdf.pdf · 2019....

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Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly TOLEDO CLEVELAND • LORAIN Since 1989. www www www www www . l a p r ensa ensa ensa ensa ensa 1 .com .com .com .com .com TOLEDO: TINTA TINTA TINTA TINTA TINTA CON CON CON CON CON SABOR SABOR SABOR SABOR SABOR FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! Classified? Email [email protected] 18 de octubre, 2019 Weekly/Semanal 16 páginas Vol. 66, No. 7 CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 DOLORES RODRIGUEZ MOURNED, PP. 6, 16 DETROIT/GRAND RAPIDS/ANN ARBOR SALES: 313-729-4435 DETROIT, 2019: El Consulado de México invita al Festival de Cine Mexicano Contemporáneo que se llevará a cabo del 18 al 23 de octubre en tres lugares diferentes: Arab American National Museum en Dearborn, MI; The Crofoot en Pontiac, MI y The Senate Theater en Detroit. Entrada gratuita. Cecilia Fragoso Miranda, Coordinadora de Asuntos Culturales, Económicos y Políticos en el Consulado de México, comentó: “Queremos invitar a la comunidad en general a participar de este gran ciclo de cine. Realizamos cuidadosamente la selección de las películas y esperamos sean de su agrado”. Esta es la primera vez que se lleva a cabo un Festival de Cine contemporáneo, pues aunque anteriormente el Consulado había realizado otros festivales de cine, se habían enfocado a la época de oro. “Ahora queremos presentar algo diferente, con la finalidad de que la gente aprenda algo y se divierta”, agregó la entrevistada. La selección de películas en esta ocasión, es la siguiente: La Carga es una historia de acción y romance que tiene lugar en Nueva España a fines del siglo XVI. El intenso y dinámico viaje de un indígena Tameme y una joven española a través de la vasta geografía del Nuevo Mundo en busca de justicia. Durante su inclemente viaje, las tensiones y diferencias entre los protagonistas se suavizan y surgen los lazos emocionales. La Negrada es la primera película mexicana filmada íntegramente en una comunidad negra, en Oaxaca (sur de México) con gente local, sin actores profesionales. Es un esfuerzo darles voz y hacerlos visibles. En México, las comunidades afro- mexicanas representan el 1% de la población total. Nunca han sido reconocidos como un grupo étnico y han sufrido discriminación como un grupo marginado. Refleja una realidad desconocida sobre la sociedad mexicana. Sacúdete Las Penas . González, un recluso que cumple una larga condena, cuenta la historia de Pepe Frituras, el bailarín más famoso de la Ciudad de México, que perdería su libertad durante una noche de fiesta y terminaría en el Palacio de Lecumberri, la penitenciaría más peligrosa del país. A través de anécdotas llenas de música, bailes y ro- mance, González narra cómo se convirtió en el único convicto que logró escapar de los muros de la prisión utilizando el poder de su imaginación. Me Llamaban King Tiger. En junio de 1967, la corte de Tierra Amarilla, Nuevo México, fue agredida por hombres armados bajo el mando del líder chicano Reies López Tijerina. El resultado de una acción tan audaz fue la mayor cacería humana en la historia reciente de los Estados Unidos. Este documental revela la historia del asalto y las secuelas, explora si la violencia se puede usar para crear justicia y descubre más sobre la vida de un hombre del que su comunidad lo trataba como un santo. El orden en que se presentarán las películas y los lugares, es: Viernes 18 de octubre en el Arab American National Museum: La Carga (7:00pm) y La Negrada (9:15pm) Sábado 19 de octubre en el Arab American National Museum: Sacúdete las penas (4:30pm) y Me Llamaban King Tiger (7:00pm) Domingo 20 de octubre en The Crofoot: La Carga (2:00pm) y la Negrada (4:30pm). Domingo 20de octubre en The Senate Theater: Sacúdete Las Penas (7:00pm) Miércoles 23 de octubre Invitan a Festival de Cine Mexicano Contemporáneo en Detroit Por: Isabel Flores, corresponsal La Prensa en The Crofoot: Me Llamaban King Tiger (6:30pm) y Sacúdete las Penas (8:30pm) En todas las funciones se obsequiarán palomitas gratis y adicionalmente en The Sentate Theather se venderá comida. “La idea es que además de pasar un grato momento con la película, la gente tenga la oportunidad de conocer estos maravillosos lugares y realizar un recorrido por las instalaciones. De esa manera, no solo aprecian el cine, sino que viven la experiencia de estar en nuevos lugares”, concluyó Cecilia. Call Adrianne at 419-870-2797 or email [email protected]
Page 1: DETROIT/GRAND RAPIDS/ANN ARBOR SALES:313-729-4435 …laprensa1.com/PDF/2019/101819pdf.pdf · 2019. 10. 15. · 18 de octubre, 2019 La Prensa Page 3 LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND/LORAIN

Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly






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Since 1989. w w ww w ww w ww w ww w w ..... lllll aaaaa ppppp rrrrr e n s ae n s ae n s ae n s ae n s a 11111. c o m. c o m. c o m. c o m. c o mTOLEDO: TINTATINTATINTATINTATINTA CON CON CON CON CON SABORSABORSABORSABORSABORF R E E !F R E E !F R E E !F R E E !F R E E !

Classified? Email [email protected] de octubre, 2019 Weekly/Semanal 16 páginas Vol. 66, No. 7









DETROIT, 2019: ElConsulado de México invitaal Festival de Cine MexicanoContemporáneo que se llevaráa cabo del 18 al 23 de octubreen tres lugares diferentes: ArabAmerican National Museumen Dearborn, MI; The Crofooten Pontiac, MI y The SenateTheater en Detroit. Entradagratuita.

Cecilia FragosoMiranda, Coordinadora deAsuntos Culturales,Económicos y Políticos en elConsulado de México,comentó: “Queremos invitara la comunidad en general aparticipar de este gran ciclode cine. Realizamoscuidadosamente la selecciónde las películas y esperamossean de su agrado”.

Esta es la primera vez quese lleva a cabo un Festival deCine contemporáneo, puesaunque anteriormente el

Consulado había realizadootros festivales de cine, sehabían enfocado a la épocade oro. “Ahora queremospresentar algo diferente, conla finalidad de que la genteaprenda algo y se divierta”,agregó la entrevistada.

La selección de películasen esta ocasión, es lasiguiente:

La Carga es una historiade acción y romance quetiene lugar en Nueva Españaa fines del siglo XVI. Elintenso y dinámico viaje deun indígena Tameme y unajoven española a través de lavasta geografía del NuevoMundo en busca de justicia.Durante su inclemente viaje,las tensiones y diferenciasentre los protagonistas sesuavizan y surgen los lazosemocionales.

La Negrada es la primera

película mexicana filmadaíntegramente en unacomunidad negra, enOaxaca (sur de México) congente local, sin actoresprofesionales. Es un esfuerzodarles voz y hacerlosvisibles. En México, lascomunidades afro-mexicanas representan el1% de la población total.Nunca han sido reconocidoscomo un grupo étnico y hansufrido discriminacióncomo un grupo marginado.Refleja una realidaddesconocida sobre lasociedad mexicana.

Sacúdete Las Penas.González, un recluso quecumple una larga condena,cuenta la historia de PepeFrituras, el bailarín másfamoso de la Ciudad deMéxico, que perdería sulibertad durante una nochede fiesta y terminaría en el

Palacio de Lecumberri, lapenitenciaría más peligrosadel país. A través de anécdotasllenas de música, bailes y ro-mance, González narra cómose convirtió en el únicoconvicto que logró escapar delos muros de la prisiónutilizando el poder de suimaginación.

Me Llamaban King Tiger.En junio de 1967, la corte deTierra Amarilla, NuevoMéxico, fue agredida porhombres armados bajo elmando del líder chicano ReiesLópez Tijerina. El resultadode una acción tan audaz fue lamayor cacería humana en lahistoria reciente de los EstadosUnidos. Este documentalrevela la historia del asalto ylas secuelas, explora si laviolencia se puede usar paracrear justicia y descubre mássobre la vida de un hombre delque su comunidad lo trataba

como un santo.El orden en que se

presentarán las películas ylos lugares, es:

Viernes 18 de octubre enel Arab American NationalMuseum: La Carga (7:00pm)y La Negrada (9:15pm)

Sábado 19 de octubre enel Arab American NationalMuseum: Sacúdete las penas(4:30pm) y Me LlamabanKing Tiger (7:00pm)

Domingo 20 de octubreen The Crofoot: La Carga(2:00pm) y la Negrada(4:30pm).

Domingo 20de octubre enThe Senate Theater: SacúdeteLas Penas (7:00pm)

Miércoles 23 de octubre

Invitan a Festival de Cine Mexicano Contemporáneo en DetroitPor: Isabel Flores, corresponsal La Prensa

en The Crofoot: MeLlamaban King Tiger(6:30pm) y Sacúdete lasPenas (8:30pm)

En todas las funciones seobsequiarán palomitas gratisy adicionalmente en TheSentate Theather se venderácomida.

“La idea es que ademásde pasar un grato momentocon la película, la gentetenga la oportunidad deconocer estos maravillososlugares y realizar unrecorrido por lasinstalaciones. De esa manera,no solo aprecian el cine, sinoque viven la experiencia deestar en nuevos lugares”,concluyó Cecilia.

Call Adrianne at 419-870-2797or email [email protected]

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October 18, 2019Página 2 La Prensa

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La Prensa18 de octubre, 2019 Page 3

LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND/LORAIN 216-688-9045 • TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • DETROIT 313-729-4435

WASHINGTON, DC,Oct. 11, 2019: On Twitteryesterday, President DonaldTrump falsely declared theDeferred Action for Child-hood Arrivals (DACA) pro-gram unlawful, reiterated hisadministration’s desire tohave the Supreme Court endthe popular and successfulprogram, and called for law-makers to work on legisla-tion – a transparent attemptto hold Dreamers hostage inan attempt to win radicalchanges to our immigrationsystem.

According to FrankSharry, Executive Directorof America’s Voice: “DACAis lawful, popular and ben-eficial to both hundreds ofthousands of Dreamers andthe country as a whole. TheTrump administration’sdrive to kill DACA is unlaw-ful according to multiplefederal courts. Young immi-grants who grew up pledg-ing allegiance to our flagdeserve to be formally rec-ognized as the Americansthey already are. Trump’s at-tempt to ruin their lives inpursuit of a racist and xeno-phobic agenda deserves togo down in history as one ofthe ugliest chapters of thisugly presidency.

“President Trump andStephen Miller’s game is asobvious as it is disgusting.They are determined to cre-ate and then exploit the endof DACA and the despera-tion it would cause to lever-age legislation that wouldradically restructure ournation’s immigration sys-tem. They want to codifyinto legislation what theyare currently attempting toimplement by administra-tive fiat – slash legal immi-gration, end legal immigra-tion categories used mostlyby people of color, gut asy-lum for refugees, indefinitelydetain kids and families, andbuild an ineffective andcostly border wall. All poli-cies that would never have achance of enactment asstandalone measures.

“They won’t get awaywith it. Following Trump’sdecision to end DACA in Sep-tember 2017, Trump talkeda good game while Millermade sure the White Housetorpedoed every serious bi-partisan effort to achieve alegislative deal. Their realgame is to combine hostagetaking with a shamelessshakedown. Sound familiar?

“The bigger question iswhether the Supreme Courtwill, once again, enableTrump’s radicalism by end-ing DACA.

“To date, SCOTUS hasauthorized the Muslim ban,approved Trump’s nationalemergency declaration thatallowed him to raid militaryprojects to build his borderwall, and greenlighted thereturn of asylum applicantsto violent conditions in coun-tries they passed through ontheir way to America. End-ing DACA would be yet an-other blow – to immigrantssettled in America and to theSupreme Court’s reputa-tion.”

ON THE INTERNET:www.americasvoice.org

Frank Sharryon Trumpand DACAOp Ed by America’sVoice, http://bit.ly/30X6LpS

LA PRENSA AT LARGE: The FarmLabor Organizing Committee (FLOC) presented itsannual Songs of Justice concert on Saturday, Oct. 12,6:30 p.m., at the Sofia Quintero Art and CulturalCenter. The performance featured FLOC founder andpresident Baldemar Velásquez and The Aguila NegraBand. The theme of the evening was migrants andimmigrants. At the end of the concert, Velásquezpresented a $8,000+ grant to the Sofia Quintero Artand Cultural Center at its fundraiser so that the Centercould sound-proof the concert area of the Center.

• The Distinguished Hispanic Ohioan Awards(DHO) will be presented Saturday, Oct. 26, 2019 at anevening gala, 6 to 10 p.m., to be held in the Governor’sBallroom at the Sheraton Columbus at Capitol Square,75 E. State St., Columbus. The gala honors the out-standing accomplishments of the Hispanic/Latino com-munity across the state, recognizing individuals, mili-tary servicemen and women, and organizations whowork with and on behalf of the Hispanic/Latino community for their contributions in Ohio.

Ticket information is forthcoming. For more information or to purchase tickets, contact Lair Marin at OCHLA either by email at [email protected],by calling 614.728.8344, or visiting https://ochla.ohio.gov/Events-Calendar/OCHLA-Annual-Events/DHO-Awards-Gala.

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La Prensa—Michigan/Ohio EventsPágina 4 October 18, 2019

Aztlán Communications, Inc. PublisherADVERTISING:Adrianne Kolasinski 216-688-9045 General Sales ManagerRaena Smith 419-870-2797 Marketing RepresentativeRico 313-729-4435 Sales, Graphics, Editing; Photography,

Cacography, & Hispanic MarketingEditorial:Isabel Flores Latin America CorrespondentAdrianne Chasteen II Junior Correspondent

Art/Graphics/WebSite:Jennifer Retholtz Graphics & Web ManagerOne Year Subscription (52 issues) = $125.00.

Aztlán Communications Inc.Aztlán Communications Inc.Aztlán Communications Inc.Aztlán Communications Inc.Aztlán Communications Inc.PO Box 792, Saline MI 48176

SALES: 419.870-2797 or 313-729-4435SALES: 419.870-2797 or 313-729-4435SALES: 419.870-2797 or 313-729-4435SALES: 419.870-2797 or 313-729-4435SALES: 419.870-2797 or 313-729-4435E-mail: [email protected] wwwwwwwwwwwwwww.la.la.la.la.laprprprprprensa1.comensa1.comensa1.comensa1.comensa1.com

La Prensa Newspaper

Copyright 1989 - 2019 by La Prensa Publications, Inc.Since 1989

El Mes de la Herencia Hispana o Mes de laHispanidad se celebra en Estados Unidos del 15 deseptiembre al 15 de octubre. A continuación tepresentamos un calendario de algunas de lasactividades que se estarán desarrollando duranteeste tiempo en Michigan y Norte de Ohio:

21 de octubre de 2019• SAO will host its fall fundraiser

“Bienvenidos Amigos”on Monday, Oct. 21 atMi Hacienda. The buffet dinner will include asilent auction and raffles.

Tickets are $25 and can be purchased in advanced from SAO officers or with acheck mailed by to SAO, 1103 Rochelle Rd., Toledo, OH 43615. Proceeds benefitSAO’s community activities, including college scholarships, as well as Thanksgiv-ing and Christmas baskets for Toledo families.

Mes de la Herencia HispanaCalendario de eventosPor: La Prensa

Consulado de México anuncia calendario deConsulados Móviles 2019

¿Preguntas? Natalia, 248-336-0320.

Norwalk, OH 19/10/2019St. Paul Church • 91 East Main St. Norwalk,OH

Youngstown, OH 02/11/2019Saint Columba Parish Hall • 144 West Wood, St.Youngstown, OH

Toledo, OH 16/11/2019Mayores Senior Center • 2 Aurora Drive, Toledo, Ohio

GRAND RAPIDS, Octo-ber 8, 2019: Grand RapidsCommunity College is of-fering Saturday classes thiswinter to make collegemore accessible, especiallyfor learners trying to workaround jobs and home re-sponsibilities.

Starting with the winter2020 semester, the collegewill offer classes on Satur-days, including algebra,English, and sociology.Classes are offered in GrandRapids, with some sectionsalso available at theLakeshore Campus.

GRCC leaders said en-rollment for the fall 2019semester dipped slightly,but they know there arepeople in Kent and Ottawacounties who can take ad-vantage of Saturday classesto advance in their jobs orgain skills for new careersin evolving fields.

GRCC’s fall enrollmentfor credit-seeking studentsis 13,326, down 3.6 per-cent from fall 2018, accord-ing to draft enrollmentdata. There have been in-creases in non-credit ca-reer programs, with the col-lege serving about 25,812

LANSING: The Michi-gan Department of Healthand Human Services(MDHHS) is taking addi-tional steps in its efforts topreserve coverage forHealthy Michigan Planbeneficiaries by launchingregional forums regardingthe upcoming work require-ments.

The meetings begin Oct.21, 2019 and will be held atlocations around the state.The goals of the regionalforums are increasing aware-ness about new work require-ments for the Healthy Michi-gan Plan and preparing ben-eficiaries to meet the newrequirements.

MDHHS is implement-ing the new work require-ments to comply with legis-lation approved in 2018. Be-ginning on Jan. 1, 2020,Healthy Michigan Planbeneficiaries will be requiredto report 80 hours of work orother activities, such as jobsearches, to MDHHS eachmonth.

Healthy Michigan Planbeneficiaries can be excusedfrom the requirements insome circumstances.Healthy Michigan Plan ben-eficiaries who are not ex-cused from the requirementsand fail to report may losetheir health care coverage.

More than 640,000Michiganders have cover-age under the HealthyMichigan Plan, the state’sexpanded Medicaid pro-gram that began in 2014.

“While Gov. Whitmerhas made it clear that thisadministration does not sup-port the new law, MDHHSneeds to do everything wecan to make sure that benefi-ciaries are aware of these newrequirements so they canmaintain their health carecoverage,” said Kate Massey,senior deputy director forMDHHS’s Medical ServicesAdministration. “TheHealthy Michigan Plan hasbeen a great success – pro-viding health care coverageto many more Michiganders,

reducing enrollees’ reliance onthe emergency room by 58percent, cutting uncompen-sated care by nearly 50 per-cent, and adding $2.3 billionto the state’s economy.”

MDHHS will conduct fo-rums in the following loca-tions and will provide addi-tional updates on locations andtimes soon:

• Lansing: October 21, 10-11:30 a.m., Lansing Commu-nity College – West Campus,5708 Cornerstone Drive.

• Marquette: Oct. 22, 10-11:30 a.m., Upper PeninsulaHealth Plan, 853 W. Washing-ton St.

• St. Ignace: Oct. 22, 5-6:30p.m., St. Ignace Public Library,110 W. Spruce St.

• Roscommon: Oct. 23, 10-11:30 a.m., Ralph A.MacMullan Conference Cen-ter, 104 Conservation Drive.

• Detroit Meeting No. 1:Oct. 30, 10-11:30 a.m.,Cadillac Place, ConferenceRoom L-150, 3044 W. GrandBlvd.

• Detroit Meeting No. 2:Oct. 30, 1-2:30 p. m. CadillacPlace, Conference Room L-150, 3044 W. Grand Blvd.

• Flint: Oct. 31, 1:30 - 3:30p.m., Genesee County Com-munity Action Resource De-partment (GCCARD), 601 N.Saginaw St.

• Saginaw: Details to beannounced at a later date.

• Waterford: Nov. 4, 1:30-3p.m., Oakland Schools Con-ference Center, 2111 PontiacLake Road.

• Jackson: Nov. 5, 10-11:30a.m., Center for Family Health,505 N. Jackson St.

• Kalamazoo: Nov. 5, 2-3:30 p.m., Family Health Cen-ter, 505 E. Alcott St.

• Grand Rapids: Nov. 6, 10-11:30 a.m., Eberhard Confer-ence Center, Grand ValleyState University, 301 W. FultonSt.

• Muskegon: Nov. 6, 2-3:30p.m., Stevenson Room,Muskegon Community Col-lege, 211 Quarterline Road.

• Dearborn: Details to beannounced at a later date.

MDHHS is encouraging

attendees to register for theforums so the department canensure that sufficient spaceand printed materials areavailable for participants.Register and find more in-formation about the HealthyMichigan Plan and work re-quirements byvisiting HealthyMichigan-Plan.org and clickingthe Changes Coming in2020 tab.

In addition to informingbeneficiaries, the forums willhelp MDHHS further collabo-rate with community part-ners and navigators to bettercoordinate efforts to preservehealth care coverage forHealthy Michigan Plan en-rollees.

The department has beenconducting outreach to ben-eficiaries, providers, healthplans, and other communityorganizations over the lastyear to inform stakeholdersabout the new requirements.MDHHS is expanding theseefforts through the regionalforums to prepare beneficia-ries to meet the new require-ments. Beneficiaries, healthcare providers, health plans,community organizationsand the general public areinvited to participate in theseforums.

MDHHS also has issuedproposed policy to imple-ment the new work require-ments for public comment.As part of this proposedpolicy, MDHHS is updatingits policy and operationalprocesses related to the Sec-tion 1115 DemonstrationWaiver Amendment forMichigan that was approvedby the federal government.

The public can submitcomments on the proposedpolicy changes until Nov. 6,2019.

To review the policy andfor instructions on how tosubmit comments, visitthe Proposed MedicaidChanges page on theMDHHS website and selectthe notice for Healthy Michi-gan Plan Updates 1926-HMP.

MDHHS holding community meetings aboutupcoming work requirements for HealthyMichigan Plan

GRCC offering Saturday classes to makecollege more accessible

students overall.“Our mission is to

serve the people ofWest Michigan, andwe are finding moreways to connect with them,”GRCC Provost Brian Knetlsaid.

“The expanded offeringson Saturdays are great oppor-tunities for current students,new students, or people whowere working toward a de-gree and were interrupted. Thetraditional schedule often isnot an option for studentswho are working around jobsand family obligations. Manyof them can benefit from theseexpanded offerings.”

The Saturday classescomplement current offeringsthat provide flexibility to stu-dents, including onlineclasses and hybrid classes thatallow students to work onlinein addition to classroom ses-sions. The college also is ex-ploring an expansion of thecurrent seven-week classschedule in some areas.

The efforts are intended tohelp people continue or startan education that can helpthem advance in careers andimprove – in some cases, trans-form – their lives. There were

about 280,000 adults inKent and Ottawa countieswho have not attended col-lege or have not completeda degree or certificate, ac-cording to 2017 statisticsfrom the federalgovernment’s AmericanCommunities Survey.

The changes come asstate leaders call for increas-ing the number of Michi-ganders with college de-grees or certificates, andadding programs to help re-duce costs of attending forresidents age 25 and older.

“GRCC offers high qual-ity programs with excel-lent faculty and we wantmore people in West Michi-gan to access that quality,”Knetl said. “A flexibleschedule helps make usmore accessible.”

People interested in en-rolling in Saturday classesor any other GRCC classescan contact the Admis-sions and Enrollment Cen-ter at (616) 234-3300 oronline at grcc.edu/enroll.

The next Stooges ComedyShowcase is Wednesday,October 30, 2019, starting at 7PM.No Cover Charge to attend thecomedy show, but feel free to dineat an outstanding Cuban/Mexicanrestaurant, Carlos’ POCO LOCO,1809 Adams St., in Uptown Toledo.

Participate in the #DayOfTheDeadmakeup contest. Prizes!

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La Prensa—Ohio Page 518 de octubre, 2019

LA PRENSA AT LARGE, OCT. 2, 2019: According to event plannerRick Keel, the inauguration of Stooges Comedy Showcase went exceedingly well, witha full house at Carlos’ POCO LOCO, 1809 Adams St. in Uptown Toledo. 6 comediansperformed clever stand-up comedy.

Keel advised La Prensa that the next Stooges Comedy Showcase is scheduled forWednesday, October 30, 2019, starting at 7PM. No Cover Charge to attend the comedyshow, but feel free to dine at an outstanding Cuban/Mexican restaurant. Participate inthe #DayOfTheDead makeup contest. Prizes!

TOLEDO: Heart &Soul: Caring for ourCommunity is havingits 16th Annual Ben-efit to raise awarenessof mental illness andhelp erase the stigmaassociated with it onSaturday, October 26,2019, from 6:30-10:00PM in The Roost atHensville at Fifth ThirdField.

Proceeds go toward pa-tient facility upgrades for theWellness Management &Recovery & Education Pro-grams at NOPH (NorthwestOhio Psychiatric Hospital)and the Thomas M WernertCenter, a community centerfor those living with mentalillness that offers programs

Toledo Museum of Art(TMA) will offer guests achance to decorate sugarskulls, a traditional activitybefore the celebration of Díade Los Muertos. The skullsand a wide variety of deco-rating materials will be avail-able in the Museum CaféSaturday, Oct. 26 from 10a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday,Oct. 27, 2019, from noon to4 p.m.

“The sugar skull, orcalavera, is used to decoratethe altars families create onthe Day of the Dead to cel-ebrate a loved one,” saidTMA Executive Chef JoeFelix. “Often the altars willhave favorite things and pho-

which address recoverythrough education, peer sup-port, advocacy, art classes andsocialization.

Admission is $40.00 perperson in advance and $50.00at the door. Cost includes din-ner, entertainment, and freeparking. Entertainment in-cludes Ramona Collins andthe band Distant Cousinz. Asilent auction will take place,

along with a live auc-tion by Karen Rose.Costumes are encour-aged but not required.There will be a costumecontest with prizes forthe winners.

Honorary Chairper-sons are Dr. David andMrs. Heather Billian.Emcee for the evening

is Shaun Hegarty from 13abcAction News.

To purchase admission forthis event, visitheartandsoultoledo.com orcontact Abbey Riley athea r t andsou l to l [email protected] or 419-764-4387.

Visit on the web atheartandsoultoledo.com oron Facebook at Heart & Soul:Caring for our Community.

tos rememberingvery close familymembers andfriends. The col-orful sugar skullswith fun designscontribute to thecelebratory natureof the holiday.”

Day of the Dead, which iscelebrated in México and otherparts of Latin America, wel-comes spirits of family mem-bers in commemoration of lifeand death. During the holiday,it is believed the passagewayfrom the living world to thespirit world is opened so thatdeceased loved ones may re-turn to visit their families andfriends. Day of the Dead takes

place between Oct.31 and Nov. 2.

Sugar skulls arenot limited for thosewho have died, Felixexplained. “A deco-rated calavera canalso be given as a gifton Day of the Dead to

a living loved one,” he said.The cost, which in-

cludes all the decoratingmaterials, is $10 for one sugarskull or $15 for two sugarskulls. Participants will re-ceive a 10 percent discounton the cost with a purchaseof an item from the MuseumCafé’s children’s menu. Pre-registration is not requiredto participate.

Halloween at Hensville event to raiseawareness of Mental Illness, Oct. 26

TMA visitors can decorate sugar skulls forDia de Los Muertos, Oct. 26 and Oct. 27

Toledo Zoo and the Uni-versity of Findlay’s MazzaMuseum are presenting a newlearning opportunity withAuthors, Animals and Art, ameet-the-creative series at theZoo.

The first event of this se-ries will feature Steven Sav-age, illustrator of “PolarBear Morning” on Sunday,November 10, 2019, from 1-3 p.m. in The Great Hall of theProMedica Museum of Natu-ral History at the Toledo Zoo.The afternoon will beginwith a short multimedia pre-sentation from the illustra-tor, followed by Savage read-

ing the bookaloud and con-clude with abook signing.Copies of “Po-lar Bear Morning” will be avail-able for purchase at the event.

“Polar Bear Morning” is achildren’s book created for ages3-5, authored by Lauren Th-ompson and illustrated bySteven Savage. It tells the storyof two polar bear cubs that ven-ture from their dens to exploretheir Arctic habitat and form anew friendship. The 32-pagebook was released in January of2013 as a follow-up to the award-winning “Polar Bear Night”

and has garnered rave re-views.

Authors, Animals andArt is open to all ages andfree with Zoo admission.Guests are encouraged tocome early and explore thenew Museum, including theMazza Gallery on the sec-ond floor. No pre-registra-tion is required.

For more information,visit mazzamuseum.org/events.

A new family series at the Toledo Zoo

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LA PRENSA SALES: TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • DETROIT 313-729-4435

La Prensa October 18, 2019


Dolores “Lola” D. Rodríguez, Latina and civil rights activist, passed away peacefullyon October 8, 2019, in her beloved North End home, Toledo, surrounded by her lovingfamily. She was born November 22, 1940 in San Antonio, Texas to Ramona and CirilioGaráy. At 18, she married Santos Rodríguez, Jr. and they moved to Lima, Ohio. They latersettled in Toledo where they raised their family.

During her 50+ years of civil and political activism, she impacted thousands of lives.Her passion was to empower her Latino community. She was a recipient of one of the firstCésar Chávez Humanitarian [2003] and Diamante [1992] awards. She was a lifelongmember of Latins United and sat on numerous Democratic boards and committees. She wasthe loudest cheerleader for many local politicians.

She had an incredible relationship with God. She was a devout Catholic, whose faithlives on through her family.

She is preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Santos Jr.; sister, Rita; brothersOscar, Tiodolo, Gustavo, and Cirilio; sons Richie and Robert; granddaughters Marissa andJayme; sisters-in-law Paula and Donna; and brothers-in-law Jared and Rojo.

Surviving are: her brothers Francisco (Josie), Martin (Virginia), Richard (Mary), andLupe (Maryann); sister Charlotte; brother-in-law Pete and sister-in-law Lori (Vincent);also, her children RoseMary (Jack), Santos (Beth), Ramona (Kyle), Rebecca (Marcus),Little Ricky (Heather), Paulie (Melody); her daughters-in-law Catherine and Annie; also,her grandchildren Cecelia (Vincent), Jessica, Ricardo (Jennifer), Kyle (Crystal), Erika(Chris), Rubén, Jimmy, Santos, Ramón (Nicole), Brock, Pierce (Mary), Austin, Bria, Geena(Giovanni), Mariah, Sena, Saúl, Joey, Reyna, Donna, Patrick, Chenzo, and Marcus; andher 21 great-grandchildren, numerous nieces and nephews in Ohio and Texas, andcountless “acquired” children.

SOURCE: www.urbanskifuneralhome.com

SARITA (AVALOS) VASQUEZSarita (Sara) Vásquez/Avalos unexpectedly passed away Thursday, Oct. 3, 2019 at the

age of 47. She was brought into this world on Oct. 17, 1971 in Toledo to Epifanio and SaraAvalos. Sarita enjoyed playing 10,000 with her family and friends. She also enjoyedhelping all her customers as a businesswoman entrepreneur. Everyone who knew her, knewthat she loved making money. Sarita was known for her dedication, ambition, outgoingattitude, and beautiful soul. She was one of a kind and she truly was a BOSS.

Sarita is preceded in death by her husband Alex Vásquez and is survived by her kidsAlex Vásquez, Danny Vásquez, Sarita Negrin, and Priscilla Vásquez; six siblings; bestfriends “Baby” Vásquez (dog) and Melissa Asad as well as numerous nieces, nephews, andcousins.

SOURCE: Castillo Funeral Home & Cremation Services, 1757 Tremainsville Rd., Toledo.

TOLEDO: Anila QuayyumAgha: Between Light andShadow opens to the publicSaturday, Oct. 19, 2019 at theToledo Museum of Art (TMA).The much-anticipated exhi-bition will transform TMAGalleries 4, 5, and 9 into stun-ning illuminated spaces. Thereis a special preview for Mu-seum members Friday, Oct.18 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.

AnilaAgha is a Pakistanti-American artist who createsthe awe-inspiring spaces fromintricate patterns of light andshadow, evoking the sacred,while also raising questionsof exclusion and belonging.She won the two top prizes atArtPrize, the international artcompetition held in GrandRapids, Michigan, in 2014.Her entry, titled Intersections,is the first work to win both theArtPrize Public Vote andJuried Grand Prizes.

As an interdisciplinary art-

TOLEDO, Oct. 3, 2019:Art & Geometry, the first in anew series of Toledo Museumof Art (TMA) professionaldevelopment workshops foreducators, includes an ex-clusive opportunity to visitAnila Quayyan Agha: Be-tween Light and Shadow andmeet the artist before the ex-hibition opens to the public.This workshop will takeplace Friday, Oct. 18 from 4to 6 p.m.

“Learning is more fun andproductive with colleagues,so the Toledo Museum of Artwanted to offer a professionaldevelopment series for botharts and non-arts teachers,”explained Kate Blake,TMA’s assistant director ofeducation. “Art &…providesToledo-area educators withtools and teaching strategiesfor cross-curricular and arts-integrated learning.”

Following a tour of theexhibition, participants willexplore paper-cuttingprojects that can be used inthe classroom with local art-ist Mary Gaynier. The ses-

sion is designed for K-12 artand math teachers.

The next Art &… series isSaturday, Nov. 2 at 1 p.m. andis Art & Music, which willprovide Toledo area educa-tors with tools and teachingstrategies for pairing musicalselections with works for art todeepen student learning. Thesession will feature a specialpresentation and performancewith guest artist Lisa Moore.Information on the benefits ofusing a multisensory ap-proach to learning and dem-onstrations of classroom writ-ing activities using visual artsand performance will also beincluded. The session is de-signed for K-12 art and musiceducators.

The cost for either work-shop is $20, which includesthe registration for both teach-ers and parking. Participantswill receive a certificate ofattendance, a visual literacyactivity car deck, a teacherresource packet, and two con-tact hours.

In addition to the Art&….series, the TMA also of-

fers professional developmentopportunities for early child-hood teachers with the ABC’sof Art series.

The ABC’s of Art offers isa series of 1.5 contact hourworkshops, which provideToledo area early childhoodeducators with tools and teach-ing strategies to help pre-school students’ pre-literacydevelopment through art.

The first workshop is M forMatisse Thursday, Oct. 24from 5:30 to 7 p.m. This ses-sion features ideas for intro-ducing 3-5 year-olds to thework of Henri Matisse, pro-vides tips and tricks for usingworks of art to introduce Tier2 vocabulary, and demon-strates an open-ended studioactivity that is designed toreinforce learning.

The cost is $15 per teacherand participants receive a cer-tificate of attendance, 1.5 con-tact hours, teacher resourcepacket with lesson plans, anda classroom poster.

To register for anyworkshop, visittickets.toledomuseum.org.

ist, Agha creates artwork thatexplores global politics, cul-tural multiplicity, mass me-dia, and social and gender rolesin the current cultural and glo-bal climate, explained DianeC. Wright, TMA’s senior cura-tor of glass and decorative arts.“This exhibition will offer Mu-seums visitors an immersive,sensory experience,” Wrightsaid. “As one progressesthrough the exhibition, theirmovements will modify theprojected light and patternedshadows, creating a unique in-teraction with each visit.”

Agha will speak Saturday,Oct. 19 at 2 p.m. in the LittleTheater. She will join Wrightfor a conversation about hercareer and the work includedin the exhibition. “This is agreat opportunity for visitorsto hear directly from the artist,to better understand what in-fluences her and what motivedher to create these awe-inspir-

ing spaces from intricate pat-terns of light and shadow,”Wright said.

The exhibition is on viewfrom Saturday, Oct. 19, 2019through Sunday, Feb. 9, 2020.Tickets for the exhibition arefree for Museum members and$12 for nonmembers, withdiscounts for seniors, collegestudents, military, and youthages 5 to 17. Children 4 andyounger receive free admis-sion. Tickets are on sale nowat tickets.toledomuseum.org.

Anila Quayyum Agha: Be-tween Light and Shadow issponsored by KeyBank, theTMA Ambassadors, the OhioArts Council, Lathrop, andGross Electric with additionalsupport from 2019 Exhibi-tion Program SponsorProMedica.

For general information,call 419-255-8000 or 800-644-6862, or visittoledomuseum.org.

Anila Quayyum Agha: Between Light and Shadowopens Oct. 19 at Toledo Museum of Art

TMA offers professional developmentopportunities

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Saturday, October 26 ~ Los TemiblesSaturday, October 26 ~ Los TemiblesSaturday, October 26 ~ Los TemiblesSaturday, October 26 ~ Los TemiblesSaturday, October 26 ~ Los Temibles

Saturday,Oct. 19th

SweetestDay Dance

withLa Traizión

Hispanic HeritageMonth CelebrationEvent at LCCC:

Lorain CountyCommunity College’sStudent Life will host aHispanic Heritage MonthCelebration from 11:30a.m. to 1:30 p.m. onOctober 15, 2019 in theLCCC College CenterCommons.

Come celebrate andpay tribute to the genera-tions of Hispanic Ameri-cans who have influencedand enriched our nationand community. Theevent will include food,live entertainment andpresentation on the his-tory of the salsa dance byEileen Torres.

Lorain County Com-munity College is locatedat 1005 N. Abbe Road,Elyria.

• LCCC’s UniversityPartnership RidgeCampus to HostFamily Fall Fest andOpen House:

LCCC’s UniversityPartnership Ridge Cam-pus will host a FamilyFall Fest and Open Housefrom 4-7 p.m., onWednesday, October 23,2019. It is free and opento the community. Theopen house will givefuture students and com-munity members a lookat all that is available atLCCC’s Ridge Campuslocation in NorthRidgeville. Kids cancome dressed in theircostumes and participatein indoor trick-or-treat,pumpkin decorat ingand games. Also, freehealth screenings, avisit from a local firetruck, food and more.Registration is encour-aged but not required atwww. lo ra inccc .edu /ridge or by calling (440)-366-4800.

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La Prensa Página 918 de octubre, 2019LA PRENSA SALES: TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • LORAIN/CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 • DETROIT/GRAND RAPIDS 313-729-4435

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La Prensa—NE OHIO Page 10 October 18, 2019



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El Centro de Servicios SocialesUpcoming Events

For more information on any of these events please contact El Centro at 440-277-8235.2800 Pearl Avenue Lorain Ohio 44055


October 2019 – City Fresh brings local fruits & vegetables directfrom the farms to you! Drop off will be every Wednesday from 3:00p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at El Centro. Family shares cost $18 and feed 3-4people and single shares cost $10 which feed 1-2 people. You canorder for additional dates at any time. Ohio Direction Card/SNAPaccepted for payment. To place your order, go online atwww.cityfresh.org or call 440-707-6606. This will run from June 2019 – October 2019.

Every Monday until November 11 - Parent Engagement /Padres Comprometidosclasses. These classes are in collaboration with Lorain County Community College, andUnidosUS. Join us every Monday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for an 11-week series andlearn how to work with your schools to prepare your child for college and beyond. Workshopsare offered in Spanish and will end with a family celebration. Parents can join any time duringthe 11-week period. For more information please contact María Carrión at 440-277-8235.

October 17 - El Centro Food Pantry and Farmer’s Market – In collaboration with SecondHarvest Food Bank of North Central Ohio, the Food Pantry and Farmer’s Market is from 12:00p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at El Centro. Income eligible households (below 200% of the poverty level)are given one box of food and multiple bags of fresh vegetables on a first-come, first-servedbasis – FREE. Photo ID and proof of residency required. This event occurs every thirdThursday of each month at the same time.

Upcoming El Centro event:November 2: El Centro 45th Annual Gala Dinner/Dance from 6 p.m. to 12 midnight at

New Russia Township Hall. For more information on sponsoring, placing an ad in programbooklet, or purchasing tickets, contact Lourdes Bennett at [email protected].

George LópezSpecial Appearance at the

FunnyBone Comedy ClubPerrysburg, Ohio

Saturday, October 19, 20192 shows, must be 21 & over


Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2019CLOSED FOR PROFES-SIONAL DEVELOP-MENT: All LPLS locationswill be closed to allow staffto complete professionaldevelopment.

Thursday, Oct. 17; 10:30a.m. to noonRising Titans Playgroup:Want to play and learn withyour child? Join the RisingTitans playgroup forchildren ages 0 to 5 whereparents and caregivers cantake part in leisure play,then have small parentgroup discussion while kidstake part in a themededucational play. Snackswill be provided. Preregis-tration required.

Thursdays, Oct. 17, 17; Nov.14; 6 p.m.Cozy Book Discussion:“The Haunting of HillHouse” by Shirley

Jackson: Get ready to cozyup to some good mysteriesand thrillers with this laid-back book discussion.Preregistration required.

Thursdays, Oct. 17; Nov. 7,21; 6 to 7 p.m.Color Me Calm: Join us fora coloring program this fall.All ages welcome. Coloringpages and coloring pencilswill be provided. Come andcolor at your own pace.Preregistration required.

Friday, Oct. 18; 3:30 to 5p.m.Witches Brew Party: Joinus for what is sure to be ascary good time! Playgames, have a tasty treat andmake a spooky craft!

Families and children of allages welcome. Preregistra-tion required.

Saturday, Oct. 19; 6 to 8p.m.Murder Mystery: Join usfor a chilling evening ofintrigue at the library as wesolve a mystery together.Attendees have a chance toplay key roles. Refresh-ments provided. Preregis-tration required.

Saturday, Oct. 26; 3 p.m.The Wolf: Fact vs Myth:Learn about a wolf’s familylife, habitat, diet. We willalso decipher between wolffacts and wolf myths. Wewill learn more about theirimportant role in theecosystem and why we haveno reason to fear theseamazing animals. Comemeet one of these beautifulcreatures. All ages welcome.Preregistration required.

LORAIN: Winter heat-ing assistance for residentswho need help paying forheat or who have had theirheat turned off will be avail-able beginning Nov. 1, 2019through March 31, 2020.Residents may begin call-ing Oct. 18 to make an ap-pointment. To be eligiblefor help, residents must liveat or below 175% of the fed-eral poverty level.

Residents who have re-ceived a disconnection no-tice are especially urged tocall the HEAP hotline at855-806-9620 or go onlineto capappointments.com tomake an appointment. Resi-dents trying to restore, re-connect, and/or transfer ser-vices also qualify for theprogram.

Utility companies willstop a service disconnectionif an appointment to deter-mine eligibility has beenmade. Please note:

• Appointments must beno less than 48 hours beforea disconnection to service isscheduled;

• The appointment mustbe kept to maintain an ac-count hold;

• Account number mustbe added to the appointmentbooking;

• Rescheduling removesthe hold and possibly trig-

gers loss of service; and• If an appointment has

been made but an individualchooses to be seen as a walk-in, the HEAP office needs tobe notified of the active ap-pointment so that the timecan be released.

LCCAA assists clients atfour locations: the main of-fice, 936 Broadway Ave. indowntown Lorain; at theOhioMeansJobs office,42495 North Ridge Road,Elyria; at Wellington VillageHall, 115 Willard MemorialSquare; and in NorthRidgeville on the campus ofLorain County CommunityCollege, 32121 Lorain Road.

At the Lorain office, walk-ins and appointments are seenMonday through Friday from8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Elyrialocation sees only those withappointments on Mondaysand Tuesdays from 8 a.m. to 4p.m. The Wellington locationis open Wednesdays from7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. andsees walk-ins in the morningonly; appointments are re-quired in the afternoon. TheNorth Ridgeville location isopen Thursdays from 8 a.m.to 5 p.m. seeing walk-ins inthe morning and appoint-ments in the afternoon.

All sites are closed forlunch daily from noon to 1p.m. Applicants must beseated with an advocate

within 45 minutes of closingto be seen.

LCCAA’s automated ap-pointment line includes a re-corded message describingthe documents needed for theappointment. Those needingto do so may also speak to arepresentative during regularoffice hours.

Visit www.lccaa.net or call440-245-2009 (select 2 forHEAP) during business hoursfor a detailed list. Customersmay also complete an appli-cation atenergyhelp.ohio.gov.

Documentation includes:• Income information for

all household members 18years of age or older. Any

• member reporting “noincome” must complete a noincome form;

• Social security numbersfor all household members;

• Proof of citizenship forall household members;

• Most recent electric andgas bills;

Additional informationmay be required.

Last year, LCCAA di-rectly helped more than2,000 clients during the win-ter crisis period. The WinterCrisis Program is funded bythe U.S. Department of En-ergy and administered by theOhio Development ServicesAgency’s Office of Commu-nity Assistance.

LCCAA: Appointments for Winter CrisisProgram open beginning Oct. 18

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La Prensa—NE OHIO Page 1118 de octubre, 2019

CLEVELAND: On Satur-day, November 16, 2019, theCleveland Public LibraryFoundation will host “Black,White and REaD” 150th An-niversary Affair benefitingthe Cleveland Public Library.The fundraiser celebrating theLibrary’s sesquicentennialwill kick off at 6:30 p.m. at theMain Library and LouisStokes Wing.

The Anniversary Affairwill showcase the Library’srenowned collections aspartygoers mingle with na-tionally recognized authorswith ties to Ohio. Authors inattendance include: PaulaMcLain who wrote New YorkTimes bestseller The ParisWife, D.M. Pulley, best-sell-ing author of The Dead Key,American poet Philip Metres,Dan Chaon who wrote na-tional bestseller Ill Will, andbestselling author Loung Ungwhose memoir, First TheyKilled My Father, inspired aNetflix Original movie di-rected by Angelia Jolie.

Attendees will feast on lit-erary-themed food and cock-tails while they stroll

CLEVELAND: TheNortheast Ohio HispanicChamber of Commerce hoststhe second annual ClevelandLatino Restaurant Week,October 13 – 19, 2019. Thisevent is being held in cel-ebration of Hispanic HeritageMonth, providing a culturalfood experience.

This year’s participatingrestaurants include:

CLEVELAND: CuyahogaCommunity College (Tri-C®)earned gold for going green.The College’s rebuilt Metro-politan Campus Center recentlyreceived LEED® Gold certifi-cation from the United StatesGreen Building Council. Theaward is based on measured anddocumented evidence of sus-tainable design.

A two-year project reshapedthe Metro Campus Center intoan energy-efficient structurethat will save the College morethan $24,000 a year in utilities.The building along E. 30th Streetreopened in January.

Sustainability highlightsinclude:

• Plumbing fixtures designedto reduce water consumptionby 37% — saving more than120,000 gallons per year

• LED lights installedthroughout the building forenergy efficiency and long life

• Expansive windows incommon areas to take advan-tage of natural light

• Site design changes thatreduced stormwater runoff by69%

The College reused 70% ofthe building’s structural ele-ments during the project,greatly reducing the resourcesneeded for reconstruction.Crews also recycled 4,515 tonsof concrete and metal duringdemolition.

“A commitment to the envi-ronment is woven into our fab-ric at Tri-C,” said David Novem-ber, the College’s sustainabilitymanager. “The College strivesto be a leader in green designand development. With thisproject, we turned Metro Cam-

CLEVELAND: Give bas-ketball legend Bill Waltoncredit for another slam dunk— this time for the benefit ofCuyahoga Community Col-lege (Tri-C®) students.

Walton helped theCuyahoga Community Col-lege Foundation raise morethan $1 million for Tri-C stu-dent scholarships by head-lining the Foundation’s an-nual Presidential Scholar-ship Luncheon.

The sold-out event tookplace Friday, Oct. 11, at theRenaissance Cleveland Ho-tel on Public Square. Morethan 1,000 people attendedthe luncheon, which was pre-sented by PNC Bank.

“This event is about mak-ing an investment in thepeople of Northeast Ohio,”said John Skory, chairpersonof the Tri-C Foundation. “Oursupporters make it possiblefor Tri-C students to pursuetheir ambitions.”

Since its inception in1992, the Presidential Schol-arship Luncheon has raisedmore than $21 million to helpstudents with financial needpursue higher education andachieve their academic andcareer goals.

Walton adds to the list ofdistinguished speakers toheadline the event, joiningfellow Hall of Fame athletesEarvin “Magic” Johnson(2015) and Hank Aaron (1997)as well as sports broadcaster

pus Center into a dynamic spacethat protects natural resourcesand serves as a source of pridefor the community.”

Tri-C collaborated withBialosky Cleveland on the ex-pansion of Metro Campus Cen-ter, which grew from roughly70,000 square feet to 106,000square feet through better utili-zation of the 2-acre site.

The revamped buildingserves as the heart of the down-town campus. It houses a foodcourt; a Barnes & Noble book-store; student government of-fices; classroom space for HighTech Academy and other col-lege prep programs; and a con-ference hall for events and meet-ings.

Metro Campus Center be-comes one of four TriC struc-tures with LEED Gold certifica-tion, which represents a signifi-cant improvement in opera-tional efficiency, sustainabilityand health compared with abuilding simply built to code.

It joins the Advanced Tech-nology Training Center inCleveland, the Eastern Cam-pus Health

Careers and TechnologyCenter in Highland Hills andthe Westshore Campus HealthCareers and Sciences Center in

Westlake.A fifth building — the

Brunswick University Center— holds LEED Silver certifica-tion.

Tri-C created asustainability plan in 2010 toguide efforts to reduce theCollege’s impact on the envi-ronment. Developing greenbuildings and grounds servesas a key component of the plan.

• Tri-C Serves Up BeerBrewing Course

Learn how to brew beer andtaste the results in a hands-oncommunity education coursethis fall by Cuyahoga Commu-nity College (Tri-C®). Thecourse focuses on the science ofbeer making while providingtips to start a home brewingoperation. Students will brewand bottle a batch of beer dur-ing the course, offered over fourMonday night sessions (Nov.4, 18, 25 and Dec. 2, 2019).

Classes take place at Tri-C’sCorporate College® East, lo-cated at 4400 Richmond Roadin Warrensville Heights. Costis $149. Students must be atleast 21 years old to participate.

To register, or for more infor-mation, visit www.tri-c.edu/brewingcraftbeer.

Bob Costas(2008).

The tow-ering center isone of onlyfour players inthe history ofbasketball towin multipleNCAA andNBA cham-pionships .Walton wasnamed thenation’s topc o l l e g i a t eplayer threetimes andclaimed the NBA’s Most Valu-able Player award in 1978.

Following his playingdays, he carried his on-the-court success into broadcast-ing and business careers. Thetransition forced him to over-come adversity. Grit and apositive outlook poweredhis journey.

The man who once stut-tered so badly he struggled tosay a simple “thank you” even-tually was named one of theTop 50 sports broadcasters ofall time by the American Sports-casters Association in 2009.

Walton later became vol-unteer executive chairmanof San Diego Sport Innova-tors, a nonprofit business ac-celerator that drives growthin the city’s vibrant sportseconomy by offering inno-vative programs and servicesfor companies.

He’s also active withmany organizations andcharities, author of the mem-oir Back From the Dead, andperhaps the world’s biggestGrateful Dead fan.

Prior to the luncheon,Walton met with studentsfrom Tri-C’s MetropolitanCampus. The group includesscholarship recipients andmembers of the College’snationally ranked basketballteam.

“Bill’s life is a lessonabout what can be achievedthrough dedication andperseverance,” said MeganO’Bryan, president of theTri-C Foundation. “Hear-ing about his journey willno doubt inspire our stu-dents — and everyone atthe luncheon — to pushbeyond what they thoughtwas possible.”

Tri-C Foundation Presidential ScholarshipLuncheon raises $1 million to benefit students

through different parts of theMain Library’s uniquefinds and interactive technol-ogy. The Library’s SpecialCollections highlight theLibrary’s greatest treasuressuch as the world’slargest collection about thegame of chess and miniaturebooks.

Celebrants will get to turnideas into reality inTechCentral, view the Library’sillustrious city through photos,documents, and interactivemedia in our Cleveland Digi-tal Public Library, and perusehistoric Brett Hall, where thecurrent exhibit “The World ofPuppets: From Stage toScreen” is now on display.

The Anniversary Affair is aplace to meet new friends anddance to the sounds of the MikePetrone Band and other Cleve-land favorites. Complimentaryvalet parking will be provided.

The Cleveland Public Li-brary Foundation raises vitalfunds for the Library’s educa-tion and community programs.“The Foundation is integral tothe operation of the ClevelandPublic Library. Help us

strengthen our role as a cen-ter for learning, a culturalinstitution, and a neighbor-hood access point for criticalsocial services by attendingthis once-in-a-lifetimeevent,” says Felton Thomas,Jr., Executive Director andCEO of Cleveland PublicLibrary.

Tickets are on sale nowfor “Black, White andREaD” celebrating 150years of stories. General ad-mission is $150. VIPtickets and sponsorship op-portunities arealso available. The VIP ex-perience includes a specialcocktail reception in theCleveland Digital PublicLibrary and a special invita-tion to a preview night ofour upcoming Cleve-land 20/20 exhibit.

For tickets and more in-formation about the anniver-sary affair, visit https://cplfdn.org/cpl-anniversary-affair/. To learn more aboutthe sponsorship opportuni-ties contact the Foundationoffice at (216) 623-2821 oremail [email protected].


• Blue Habanero (6416Detroit Ave. 44102);

• Tres Potrillos (25765 Cha-grin Blvd. Beachwood 44122);

• Mallorca (1390 W. 9th

Street 44113);• El Arepazo y Pupuseria

(22799 Lorain Rd. 44126);• Campus Grille (10 Semi-

nary St. Berea 44017).“This is a great opportunity

for Northeast Ohio to experi-

ence some of the best Latinodishes in the area, while atthe same time, we are sup-porting our restaurateurs,”explains Jenice Contreras,Executive Director of theNortheast Ohio HispanicChamber of Commerce.

For more information, visitits website at: www.latino-restaurantweekcle.com/or callus at 216.281.4422.

Latino Restaurant Week in Cleveland

Tri-C’s Metro Campus Center achieves LEEDGold Certification

Page 12: DETROIT/GRAND RAPIDS/ANN ARBOR SALES:313-729-4435 …laprensa1.com/PDF/2019/101819pdf.pdf · 2019. 10. 15. · 18 de octubre, 2019 La Prensa Page 3 LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND/LORAIN

La Prensa—AVISOS Page 12 October 18, 2019

Aviso de la Elección sobre la Recaudación de un Impuesto enExceso del Límite de Diez Milésimos

R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25Ayuntamiento de Olmsted

___________________________Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución del Consejode Síndicos del Ayuntamiento de Olmsted del Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio,aprobada el día 23 de julio de 2019, se someterá a votación del pueblo en laElección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes,día 5 de noviembre de 2019, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso dellímite de diez milésimos, que beneficiará al Ayuntamiento de Olmsted con el finde proveer y mantener servicios de protección contra incendios, servicios deprotección policial y servicios médicos de emergencia. El impuesto es un impuestoadicional de 4 milésimos a una tasa que no exceda los 4 milésimos por cada dólarde valoración, lo cual representa 40 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración,por cinco años.

El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. ypermanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m.



p.d. 18, 25 de octubre de 2019

Aviso de la Elección sobre la Recaudación de un Impuesto enExceso del Límite de Diez Milésimos

R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Brooklyn

___________________________Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con una Resolución de la Juntade Educación del Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Brooklyn del Condado deCuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 26 de junio del 2019, se someterá a votación delpueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales devotación el martes, día 5 de noviembre de 2019, la pregunta de recaudar unimpuesto, en exceso del límite de diez milésimos, que beneficiará al DistritoEscolar de la Ciudad de Brooklyn con el fin de cubrir los gastos actuales. Elimpuesto es una renovación de un impuesto de 6 milésimos a una tasa que noexceda los 6 milésimos por cada dólar de valoración, lo cual representa 60centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por cinco años.

El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. ypermanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m.



p.d. 18, 25 de octubre de 2019

Aviso de la Elección sobre la Recaudación de un Impuesto enExceso del Límite de Diez Milésimos

R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25Distrito del Colegio Comunitario de Cuyahoga

___________________________Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución de la Juntade Síndicos del Distrito del Colegio Comunitario de Cuyahoga del Condado deCuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 25 de junio de 2019, se someterá a votación delpueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales devotación el martes, día 5 de noviembre de 2019, la pregunta de recaudar unimpuesto, en exceso del límite de diez milésimos, que beneficiará al Distrito delColegio Comunitario de Cuyahoga, con el fin de financiar los costos operativos delos servicios educativos. El impuesto es una renovación de un impuesto de 1.9milésimos y un aumento de 0.4 milésimos para constituir un impuesto de 2.3milésimos a una tasa que no exceda los 2.3 milésimos por cada dólar devaloración, lo cual representa 23 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, pordiez años.

El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. ypermanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m.



p.d. 18, 25 de octubre de 2019

Aviso de la Elección sobre la Recaudación de un Impuesto enExceso del Límite de Diez Milésimos

R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Euclid

___________________________Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución de la Juntade Educación del Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Euclid del Condado deCuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 2 de agosto de 2019, se someterá a votación delpueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales devotación el martes, día 5 de noviembre de 2019, la pregunta de recaudar unimpuesto, en exceso del límite de diez milésimos, que beneficiará al DistritoEscolar de la Ciudad de Euclid con el fin de cubrir los requisitos de emergenciadel Distrito Escolar. El impuesto es un impuesto adicional de 8.7 milésimos a unatasa que no exceda los 8.7 milésimos por cada dólar de valoración, lo cualrepresenta 87 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por diez años.

El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. ypermanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m.



p.d. 18, 25 de octubre de 2019

Aviso de la Elección sobre la Recaudación de un Impuesto enExceso del Límite de Diez Milésimos

R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25Ciudad de Berea

___________________________Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución del Consejode la Ciudad de Berea del Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 3 de juniode 2019, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General que secelebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 5 de noviembre de2019, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite de diezmilésimos, que beneficiará a la Ciudad de Berea, con el fin de hacer asignacionesde fondos para la hospitalización en el Southwest General Health Center yapoyarlo. El impuesto es una renovación de un impuesto de 1 milésimo a una tasaque no exceda 1 milésimo por cada dólar de valoración, lo cual representa 10centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por cinco años.

El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. ypermanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m.



p.d. 18, 25 de octubre de 2019

Aviso de la Elección sobre la Recaudación de un Impuesto enExceso del Límite de Diez Milésimos

R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25Ciudad de Broadview Heights___________________________

Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución del Consejode la Ciudad de Broadview Heights del Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada eldía 1 de julio de 2019, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección Generalque se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 5 denoviembre de 2019, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite dediez milésimos, que beneficiará a la Ciudad de Broadview Heights con el fin deproveer fondos para el pago de salarios del personal permanente de la policía. Elimpuesto es una renovación de un impuesto de 0.7 milésimos a una tasa que noexceda los 0.7 milésimos por cada dólar de valoración, lo cual representa 7centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por cinco años.

El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. ypermanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m.



p.d. 18, 25 de octubre de 2019


The Cuyahoga County Board of Elections is seeking civic-minded individuals toassist voters on Election Day. Poll workers (Precinct Election Officials) earn upto $200.00 and have the satisfaction of being part of the democratic process.

There is high demand for Republican and Independent (nonpartisan) individuals toserve on bipartisan teams at voting locations throughout Cuyahoga County.

Individuals may apply on the Board’s website: www.443vote.us, or call the PollWorker Hotline at 216-443-3277.

George LópezSpecial Appearance at the

FunnyBone Comedy ClubPerrysburg, Ohio

Saturday, October 19, 20192 shows, must be 21 & over


Page 13: DETROIT/GRAND RAPIDS/ANN ARBOR SALES:313-729-4435 …laprensa1.com/PDF/2019/101819pdf.pdf · 2019. 10. 15. · 18 de octubre, 2019 La Prensa Page 3 LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND/LORAIN

La Prensa—AVISOS Page 1318 de octubre, 2019

Aviso de la Elección sobre la Recaudación de un Impuesto enExceso del Límite de Diez Milésimos

R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25Municipio de Gates Mills

___________________________Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución del Consejodel Municipio de Gates Mills del Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 16de julio de 2019, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General que secelebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 5 de noviembre de2019, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite de diez milésimos,que beneficiará al Municipio de Gates Mills con el fin de cubrir los gastos actuales.El impuesto es una renovación de un impuesto de 3.5 milésimos a una tasa queno exceda los 3.5 milésimos por cada dólar de valoración, lo cual representa 35centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por cinco años.

El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. ypermanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m.



p.d. 18, 25 de octubre de 2019

Aviso de la Elección sobre la Recaudación de un Impuesto enExceso del Límite de Diez Milésimos

R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25Ciudad de Middleburg Heights___________________________

Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución del Consejode la Ciudad de Middleburg Heights del Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada eldía 26 de febrero de 2019, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección Generalque se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 5 denoviembre de 2019, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite dediez milésimos, que beneficiará a la Ciudad de Middleburg Heights, con el fin dehacer asignaciones de fondos para la hospitalización en el Southwest GeneralHealth Center y apoyarlo. El impuesto es una renovación de un impuesto de 1milésimo a una tasa que no exceda 1 milésimo por cada dólar de valoración, lo cualrepresenta 10 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por cinco años.

El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. ypermanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m.



p.d. 18, 25 de octubre de 2019

Aviso de la Elección sobre la Recaudación de un Impuesto enExceso del Límite de Diez Milésimos

R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25Ciudad de Olmsted Falls

___________________________Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con una Resolución delConsejo de la Ciudad de Olmsted Falls del Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobadael día 26 de marzo de 2019, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la ElecciónGeneral que se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 5 denoviembre de 2019, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite dediez milésimos, que beneficiará a la Ciudad de Olmsted Falls, con el fin de hacerasignaciones de fondos para la hospitalización en el Southwest General HealthCenter y apoyarlo. El impuesto es una renovación de un impuesto de 1 milésimoa una tasa que no exceda 1 milésimo por cada dólar de valoración, lo cualrepresenta 10 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por cinco años.

El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. ypermanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m.



p.d. 18, 25 de octubre de 2019

Aviso de la Elección sobre la Recaudación de un Impuesto enExceso del Límite de Diez Milésimos

R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25Ciudad de Olmsted Falls

___________________________Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con una Resolución delConsejo de la Ciudad de Olmsted Falls del Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobadael día 23 de julio de 2019, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección Generalque se celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 5 denoviembre de 2019, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite dediez milésimos, que beneficiará a la Ciudad de Olmsted Falls, con el fin de proveerpara el desarrollo y mantenimiento de los parques de la Ciudad. El impuesto es unarenovación de un impuesto de 1 milésimo a una tasa que no exceda 1 milésimo porcada dólar de valoración, lo cual representa 10 centavos por cada cien dólares devaloración, por cinco años.

El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. ypermanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m.



p.d. 18, 25 de octubre de 2019

Aviso de la Elección sobre la Recaudación de un Impuesto enExceso del Límite de Diez Milésimos

R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25Ciudad de Olmsted Falls

___________________________Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución del Consejode la Ciudad de Olmsted Falls del Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día23 de julio de 2019, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General quese celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 5 de noviembrede 2019, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite de diezmilésimos, que beneficiará a la Ciudad de Olmsted Falls con el fin de proveer ymantener aparatos contra incendios, artefactos y equipo de rescate de emergenciao fuentes de suministro de agua y materiales para ello, o el pago de bomberospermanentes, a tiempo parcial o voluntarios o compañías contra incendios paraoperarlos. El impuesto es una renovación de un impuesto de 2 milésimos a una tasaque no exceda los 2 milésimos por cada dólar de valoración, lo cual representa 20centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por cinco años.

El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. ypermanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m.



p.d. 18, 25 de octubre de 2019

Aviso de la Elección sobre la Recaudación de un Impuesto enExceso del Límite de Diez Milésimos

R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25Ciudad de Parma

___________________________Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con una Resolución delConsejo de la Ciudad de Parma del Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día5 de agosto de 2019, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General quese celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 5 de noviembrede 2019, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite de diezmilésimos, que beneficiará a la Ciudad de Parma con el fin de construir, reconstruir,repavimentar y reparar calles, carreteras y puentes. El impuesto es un impuestoadicional de 1.5 milésimos a una tasa que no exceda los 1.5 milésimos por cadadólar de valoración, lo cual representa 15 centavos por cada cien dólares devaloración, por cinco años.

El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. ypermanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m.





The Cuyahoga County Board of Elections is seeking civic-minded individuals toassist voters on Election Day. Poll workers (Precinct Election Officials) earn upto $200.00 and have the satisfaction of being part of the democratic process.

There is high demand for Republican and Independent (nonpartisan) individuals toserve on bipartisan teams at voting locations throughout Cuyahoga County.

Individuals may apply on the Board’s website: www.443vote.us, or call the PollWorker Hotline at 216-443-3277.



Page 14: DETROIT/GRAND RAPIDS/ANN ARBOR SALES:313-729-4435 …laprensa1.com/PDF/2019/101819pdf.pdf · 2019. 10. 15. · 18 de octubre, 2019 La Prensa Page 3 LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND/LORAIN

La Prensa—AVISOS Page 14 October 18, 2019


We have opening within our fast-paced production department. Physical labor workwithin a TEAM environment. Full benefits offered including Medical, Dental, LifeIns., 401k Retirement, Paid Vacation and 529 College Fund. Starting pay $450.00/weekly plus opportunity for bonuses weekly. Opportunity for pay increase withinfirst 7 days and advancement available!!

APPLY IN PERSON at2930 Centennial Rd.,

Toledo, OH 43617or CALL FOR DETAILS:

(419) 841-6055



SEALED PROPOSALS for bidding on Metroparks Toledo – WildwoodResurfacing will be received; opened; and read aloud at the Metropolitan ParkDistrict of the Toledo Area, Fallen Timbers Field Office, 6101 Fallen TimbersLane, Maumee, Ohio 43537 Friday, November 8, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. local time.

THE SCOPE OF WORK consists of removal and replacement of approximately59,645 square feet of asphalt pavement with ground tire rubber modified asphalt.General construction includes modest demolition, pavement planing, modifiedasphalt paving, pavement marking, and concrete walks. Bidders may obtaincopies of plans, specifications, contract documents and plan-holder’s list throughNewfax Corporation, 333 West Woodruff, Toledo, Ohio 43604 between 8:30 a.m.and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (check made payable to Newfax Corporation)or via the Newfax Digital Plan Room at www.newfaxcorp.com. Newfax can becontacted at 419-241-5157 or 800-877-5157. A non-refundable fee of $15 is requiredfor each set of full-size documents obtained. For additional information, pleasecontact Jon Zvanovec @ 419-360-9184, [email protected].

EACH BIDDER MUST FURNISH either (1) a bond for the full amount of the bid or(2) a certified check, cashier’s check or irrevocable letter of credit in an amountequal to ten percent (10%) of the bid with its bid. The successful bidder mustfurnish a 100 percent (100%) Performance Bond and a 100 percent (100%) Laborand Materials Bond.

No bidder may withdraw its bid within thirty (30) days after the actual date of theopening thereof.

THE BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS OF THE METROPOLITAN PARKDISTRICT OF THE TOLEDO AREA reserves the right to reject any or all bids,and to waive any informality in bidding.

By order of the Board of Park CommissionersMETROPOLITAN PARK DISTRICT OF THE TOLEDO AREA

David D. Zenk, Executive Director

Lucas County Board of Developmental Disabilities

Lucas County Board of Developmental Disabilities is now hiring,and offers competitive compensation and a comprehensive ben-efits package. For a listing of our current openings, please visitour website at www.lucasdd.org. All candidates must submit arésumé and cover letter along with an employment applicationvia the online application process. We are an equal opportunityemployer. If in need of ADA accommodations, contact us directlyat 419-380-4033.


Distrito Escolar Local de Independence ___________________________

Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con una Resolución de la Juntade Educación del Distrito Escolar Local de Independence del Condado deCuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 25 de junio de 2019, se someterá a votación delpueblo en la Elección General que se celebrará en los lugares habituales devotación el martes, día 5 de noviembre de 2019, la pregunta de la emisión de bonosen la cantidad capital de treinta y dos millones ciento sesenta y cinco mil dólares($32,165,000) con el fin de construir, amueblar y equipar un nuevo centro escolarPreK-8 y construir, añadir, renovar, remodelar, amueblar, equipar y mejorar de otraforma los edificios y las instalaciones del distrito escolar, y comprar, despejar,mejorar y equipar sus terrenos. El número máximo de años durante los que sepuede pagar el capital de los bonos es 35 años. La recaudación anual adicionalpromedio estimada del impuesto sobre la propiedad asciende a 34 centavos porcada cien dólares de valoración tributaria, lo cual representa 3.4 milésimos por cadadólar de valoración tributaria, en exceso del límite tributario calculado y certificadopor el Funcionario Fiscal del Condado. El primer año calendario en que se esperael vencimiento del impuesto es el 2020.

El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. ypermanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m.



p.d. 19, 26 de octubre de 2018

Aviso de la Elección sobre la Recaudación de un Impuesto enExceso del Límite de Diez Milésimos

R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25Ciudad de South Euclid

___________________________Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución del Consejode la Ciudad de South Euclid del Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 23de julio de 2019, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General que secelebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 5 de noviembre de2019, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite de diez milésimos,que beneficiará a la Ciudad de South Euclid con el fin de proveer fondos para laprestación general de servicios de policía, bomberos y otros servicios deseguridad. El impuesto es una renovación de un impuesto de 5.75 milésimos a unatasa que no exceda los 5.75 milésimos por cada dólar de valoración, lo cualrepresenta 57.5 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por tres años.

El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. ypermanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m.



p.d. 18, 25 de octubre de 2019

Aviso de la Elección sobre la Recaudación de un Impuesto enExceso del Límite de Diez Milésimos

R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25Ciudad de Strongsville

___________________________Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución del Consejode la Ciudad de Strongsville del Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 18de marzo de 2019, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General quese celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 5 de noviembrede 2019, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite de diezmilésimos, que beneficiará a la Ciudad de Strongsville, con el fin de hacerasignaciones de fondos para la hospitalización en el Southwest General HealthCenter y apoyarlo. El impuesto es una renovación de un impuesto de 1 milésimoa una tasa que no exceda 1 milésimo por cada dólar de valoración, lo cualrepresenta 10 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, por cinco años.

El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. ypermanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m.


p.d. 18, 25 de octubre de 2019

Aviso de la Elección sobre la Recaudación de un Impuesto enExceso del Límite de Diez Milésimos

R.C. 3501.11(G), 5705.19, 5705.25Municipio de Valley View

___________________________Se da aviso por la presente de que en cumplimiento con la Resolución del Consejodel Municipio de Valley View del Condado de Cuyahoga, Ohio, aprobada el día 7de mayo de 2019, se someterá a votación del pueblo en la Elección General quese celebrará en los lugares habituales de votación el martes, día 5 de noviembrede 2019, la pregunta de recaudar un impuesto, en exceso del límite de diezmilésimos, que beneficiará al Municipio de Valley View con el fin de proveer fondospara parques y fines recreativos. El impuesto es una renovación de un impuestode 2.3 milésimos a una tasa que no exceda los 2.3 milésimos por cada dólar devaloración, lo cual representa 23 centavos por cada cien dólares de valoración, porcinco años.

El día de las elecciones los centros electorales abrirán a las 6:30 a.m. ypermanecerán abiertos hasta las 7:30 p.m.



p.d. 18, 25 de octubre de 2019

Page 15: DETROIT/GRAND RAPIDS/ANN ARBOR SALES:313-729-4435 …laprensa1.com/PDF/2019/101819pdf.pdf · 2019. 10. 15. · 18 de octubre, 2019 La Prensa Page 3 LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND/LORAIN

7 de junio, 2019

With a commitment to improving thehuman condition, The University of

Toledo and University Medical Centerare seeking qualified candidates for

multiple positions.

The University of Toledo offers an excellent salaryand benefit package, which includes the Ohio PublicEmployees Retirement System and State TeachersRetirement System for faculty with employercontribution, medical coverage, paid sick and vacationtime, tuition waiver is available to UT employees andtheir eligible spouses and dependents and 10 paidholidays.

For a complete listing of our openings and desiredqualifications or to apply, please proceed to our websiteat https://www.utoledo.edu/jobs/

We ask that applications and required documents besubmitted electronically.

We are an equal opportunity employer and allqualified applicants will receive consideration for

employment without regard to race, color, religion,sex, national origin, disability status, protected

veteran status, or any other characteristicprotected by law.

La Prensa—Classified18 de octubre, 2019 Page 15

ACCOUNTING ASSOCIATEThe Rudolph Libbe Group is seeking an Account-

ing Associate to join our team in Walbridge, OH. TheAccounting Associate is responsible for misc. ac-counting and administrative functions in support ofthe accounting department and the office as a whole.

Candidates should have working knowledge ofaccounting principles and 3-5 years accounting ex-perience. Associate’s degree in accounting or relatedfield preferred. Job cost experience and generalconstruction knowledge is a plus. The ideal candi-date must be detail oriented, self-motivated, havestrong organizational skills, and be able to build andmaintain relationships with colleagues, customersand vendors. Apply online at www.rlgbuilds.com.

SAFETY SPECIALISTRudolph Libbe Inc. is seeking a Safety Specialist

to join our team in Walbridge, OH. The SafetySpecialist is responsible for supporting companyassociates in achieving safety excellence by helpingto identify existing and potential safety risks oncurrent and upcoming projects, providing training,and performing site visits to verify that safety mea-sures are consistently implemented company-wide.

Candidates should have 30 hour OSHA certifica-tion and 3-5 years construction safety experiencewith the proven ability to identify workable solutionsto eliminate hazards. Bachelor’s degree in relatedfield preferred. Must be able to communicate effec-tively with workers, subcontractors, supervisors, andmanagement, and be available for shift work, travel,and out of town assignments. Apply online atwww.rlgbuilds.com.

Cuyahoga Community CollegeCBL IM Security Upgrades

Various Campuses / Cuyahoga County


Statement of Qualifications are due Friday, November 8, by 2:00 PM. Submit six (6) hard copies and one(1) digital PDF copy of Statements of Qualifications (Form F110-330) directly to Judi Cooper, 700Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115.

Submit all questions regarding this RFQ in writing to Jordan Weiss at [email protected] with the projectnumber included in the subject line (no phone calls please).

Project Description:Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C) has standardized on a single Security Management System whichintegrates Access Control, Intrusion Detection, CCTV, and Emergency Phones into a single interface. Thereare significant safety benefits gained by standardizing with an integrated system including:

• Reduced training needs for Campus Police and Security (CPSS) staff• Alarm assessment and response times are enhanced as cameras automatically launch to display the area of concern.• The ability to research historical incidents will be facilitated with a single database of events with links to historic video.

Although prevalent in most areas of the college there are still some sites which have not been upgraded to thestandard system. Tri-C is planning a college wide upgrade of their security infrastructure and security devices.Infrastructure improvements will occur at all campuses and device additions and upgrades will be done at:

Corporate College East 4400 Richmond Rd, Warrensville Heights, OH 44128.Corporate College West 25425 Center Ridge Rd, Westlake, OH 44145.Jerry Sue Thornton Center 2500 E 22nd St, Cleveland, OH 44115.Metro Campus 2900 Community College Ave, Cleveland, OH 44115Eastern Campus 4250 Richmond Road Highland Hills, OH 44122Western Campus 11000 West Pleasant Valley Rd. Parma, OH 44130

Scope of Services:The selected Construction Manager at Risk (“CM”), as a portion of its required Scope of Services and prior tosubmitting its proposal, will discuss and clarify with the Contracting Authority and/or Owner, the breakdown ofthe Agreement detailed cost components, to address the Owner’s project requirements and refine the projectschedule.

As required by the Agreement, and as properly authorized, provide the following categories of services: provideconstructability review comments on documents produced by the A/E during the Construction Documentstages; develop and maintain estimates of probable construction cost, value engineering, project schedules,and construction schedules; lead and manage the Subcontractor Prequalification and Bidding process,Construction and Closeout Stage.

Refer to the Ohio Facilities Construction Manual for additional information about the type and extent of servicesrequired for each. A copy of the standard agreement can be obtained at the OFCC website at http://ofcc.ohio.gov.

Funding / Estimated Budget:Total Project Cost: $2,280,000Construction Cost: $2,213,000

Anticipated Schedule:CMr Preconstruction Services Start April 20, 2020Construction Stage Notice to Proceed July 20, 2020Substantial Completion of all work February, 2021CMr Services Complete April, 2021

Selection Schedule / Subject to Change:Statement of Qualifications Due: November 8, 2019RFP issued to the Short-Listed Firms Week of December 2, 2019Interviews Week of January 6, 2020Selection of CM Week of January 13, 2020

Firms are required to submit the current version of Statement of Qualifications (Form F110-330) available viathe OFCC website at http://ofcc.ohio.gov. Electronic submittals should be combined into one PDF file namedwith the project number listed on the RFQ and your firm’s name. Facsimile copies of the Statement ofQualifications will not be accepted. Proposers are requested to submit the following information in responseto this RFQ within Section H of Form F110-330.

Statement of Qualifications are due Friday, November 8, by 2:00 PM. Submit six (6) hard copies and one(1) digital PDF copy of Statements of Qualifications (Form F110-330) directly to Judi Cooper, 700Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115.

For a complete copy of this legal advertisement, please see Tri-C’s public website using the following link: http://www.tri-c.edu/administrative-departments/supplier-managed-services/current-opportunitiesawards.html.

Call Adrianne at419-870-2797or email [email protected]

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(419) 806-6736or [email protected]

Page 16: DETROIT/GRAND RAPIDS/ANN ARBOR SALES:313-729-4435 …laprensa1.com/PDF/2019/101819pdf.pdf · 2019. 10. 15. · 18 de octubre, 2019 La Prensa Page 3 LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND/LORAIN

Página 16La PrensaOctober 18, 2019

The death of long-timeLatina activist DoloresRodríguez is being feltdeeply by all whose lives shetouched in one way or an-other over the years. She isbeing remembered in manyroles: as mentor, educator,counselor, confidant—allmarked by her deeply-rootedCatholic faith, communityservice, and political activi-ties.

“We have a new angel inheaven. She was a friend tothe Hispanic community,”wrote Carmen Barbosa in anemail to friends and family.“She will keep an eye on us inheaven.”

Ms. Rodríguez, 78,worked for decades at theEconomic Opportunity Plan-ning Association (EOPA) asa case manager. The Univer-sity of Toledo graduate wasforced into retirement a fewyears ago following a stroke,according to family mem-bers. She passed away Tues-day, Oct. 8, 2019 in her NorthToledo home.

“With a heavy heart andfond memories, I extend mythoughts and prayers to thefamily of my Catholic sisterDolores Rodríguez, the manyfriends and family members,”wrote Roberto Torres in aFacebook post. “Yes, Lola, Ihave been going to church.Thank you ma for sharingyour journey in Christ withthis young disciple. You willbe missed.”

“Lola,” as she was calledby many, was well known formentoring young Latinas,always hoping they wouldpick up the mantel of Latinoleadership. Many of themtook toFacebook toextend theirthanks posthu-mously.

“I will missour talks, yourboldness, andyour humor,”wrote SabinaE l i z o n d oS e r r a t o s ,Adelante, Inc.executive di-rector. “Thankyou for youre n c o u r a g e -ment, advice,and supportover the years.Rest peace-fully, love youalways!”

“Our Latino communitysure did lose a great one. Mydeepest condolences andheartfelt prayers going out tothe family,” wrote YvonneRamos Ybarra, lead singer ofYvonne y Fuego. “May Godwrap his arms around youand may you celebrate theblessing of having such anincredible woman as a matri-arch to our Toledo. She willbe missed by many.”

“My condolences to theentire Rodríguez family. To‘Lola,’ thank you for yourkind heart, your compassion,and your dedication to theLatino community in NWOhio,” wrote Lisa Canales.

“The path you walked won’t beforgotten and the doors youopened will not be shut. Thepride for this Latino commu-nity will be felt in the souls ofthose you touched.”

“A true legend and an inspi-ration to so many. My condo-lences to the family. You willtruly be missed,” wrote GuisselleMendoza McDonald. RicoNeller of La Prensa wholeheart-edly agreed.

Born Dolores Garáy in SanAntonio on Nov. 22, 1940, Ms.Rodríguez first settled in North-west Ohio following her mar-riage at age 18 to SantosRodríguez, Jr. They first movedto Lima, where some of herhusband’s relatives resided. Thecouple later moved to Toledo.

Ms. Rodríguez first com-pleted an associate’s degree inchildhood development, thenworked as a preschool teacher

for a decade, part of that timewith the Head Start program.She later earned a bachelor’sdegree in counseling and guid-ance, both diplomas from UT.

Ms. Rodríguez spent manysummers teaching the childrenof migrant farm workers and wasemployed for a time as a socialservices worker at theGuadalupe Center. But herheart of community service,according to those who knewher, extended well beyondthat—ensuring strugglingLatino families had what theyneeded at Christmas andthroughout the year.

“What a beautiful woman,cool lady that was my friend,”wrote fellow Latino activist

Benito Lucio. “Condo-lences to her family. Lolaearned heaven with all herwork in the community.”

A devout Roman Catho-lic, she taught religious edu-cation classes and was ac-tive in Hispanic ministry forthe Toledo Catholic Dio-cese. She also was a long-time member of the formerSt. Hedwig Parish near herNorth Toledo home. Behindthe scenes, Ms. Rodríguezbecame known for ensuringyoung Latinas and Latinosattended church and teach-ing them the proper way toact as emerging leaders.

For all of her efforts, Ms.Rodríguez received 2003César Chávez Humanitar-ian Award from Adelante,where she did volunteerwork and could be seen atfundraisers galore. She wasalso a member of the Span-ish American Organizationand Latins United. Therewas rarely a Latino cause ornonprofit organization thatshe did not support in someway.

Ms. Rodríguez was apowerful force within theLucas County DemocraticParty, working tirelesslyto support candidates onthe campaign trail, help-ing with party fundraisers,and doing much of the be-hind-the-scenes work of apolitical activist that of-ten goes unnoticed.

“We are truly saddenedto hear of her passing. Shehad been a warrior for theentire Toledo area, theLatino community, and ourparty over the years,” wroteparty chairman Kurt Youngon the Facebook page ofthe Lucas County Demo-crats. “Our prayers are withall of her loved ones.”

Ms. Rodríguez was pre-ceded in death by her hus-band in 1974, by son Ri-chard in 2014, and by sonRobert in 2017. She issurvived by three daugh-ters and two sons, threebrothers and a sister, 23grandchildren, and 21great-grandchildren.

A funeral Mass was heldFriday morning, Oct. 11, atSts. Peter and Paul CatholicChurch.

Loss of Dolores Rodríguez Mourned byCommunityBy La Prensa Staff

LA PRENSA SALES: TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • DETROIT 313-729-4435 • LORAIN 440-670-7017 • CLEVELAND 216-688-9045
