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Developed by ETR Associates, as part of grant 0217221 from ...whyville.s3.amazonaws.com ›...

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Flash Flowcharts (i.e., Skill Instruction Diagrams) Developed by ETR Associates, as part of grant 0217221 from the National Science Foundation

Flash Flowcharts(i.e., Skill Instruction Diagrams)

Developed by ETR Associates, as part of grant 0217221 from the National

Science Foundation

Contents________________________________________________________________These materials were developed using Flash MX v.6.0, and include

instruction for the following topics:

Text Drawing Tools Clip Art Convert to Symbol Adding Buttons Scenes “Stop” ActionScript on Frame “Goto” ActionScript on Button Add Sound to Button Download Sounds Frame-By-Frame Animation Motion Tweening Text Shape Tweening Morphing Text Add Music to Movie Input Text Fields Dynamic Text Fields Set Variable Screen shots for Input Dynamic Text fields


TIP: If Properties Panelis not open, go to

Window > Properties

2) Double click name of Layer to give it a new nameRename Layer: “Text”

5) Using text cursor, highlight textand use the Properties Panel

to change the type, size or color

4) Click once on the Stagewhere you want your text

to go. Start typing

3) Click once on the Text Tool

1) Open a Flash fileType

New Text

Note:Cursor stylechanges to

crosshair + andletter A

Note:Text Box shows

up on stage.

Change& Move Text

6) Select Black Arrow tooland click on text to moveto new location on stage

Note:A blue line will appear

around text whenit is selected

Developed by ETR Associates, as part of grant 0217221 from the National Science Foundation


5) To change color of shape:Using Black Arrow Tool, single click on

Fill (inside shape) or the Stroke (line around shape)

Tip: hold the Shift keydown while you draw,for straight lines, perfect squares or


3) Click on a drawing tool from Tool Panel

8) Select Black Arrow toolto change shape

6) Use Paint Bucket (K)to change the Fill

1) Open Flash fileDrawShape

4) On the Stagedraw a shape

ChangeColor, Size,


7) Use Properties Panel tomake other changes

6) Use Ink Bottle (S)to change the Stroke

TIP: Change Stroke Style,Stroke Height orStroke Color inProperties Panel

TIP: Change Fill Colorin Properties Panel

Note: cursorhas small curve or angle

next to arrow when next toa shape. This indicates

that you can changethe shape.

Note: there are 2 parts to

every shape you draw: Fill & Stroke

9) Use Transform Toolto adjust size

Rotate, Resize & Skewimage by putting curser

near black squares.

2) Add New Layer:(Insert > Layer) or click on layer iconDouble click name to give it a new name

Developed by ETR Associates, as part of grant 0217221 from the National Science Foundation


2) Add & Rename layer: Clip ArtPut name of clip art as layer name

if you know what it will be (e.g. “cat”).

3) Open Common LibraryWindow > Common Libraries > ClipArt

1) Start FlashClipArtfrom


4) Choose a Clip Art symbolClick and drag the clip art from Library to the stage

5) Double click on piece of cliparton stage or in Library to go “backstage”

6) Select clipart with black arrow tool

ModifyingClipartin yourLibrary

7) Modify > Break Apart as many timesas necessary to completely break apart

Note: Clipart will thenlook like it is drawn with

many dots or “pixels”

8) Make changes to the clipart(draw on it, change colors, etc.)

Note: Changes youmake will change the

image in the library and allinstances throughout

your Flash file9) Click on scene icon

to return to main stage

Note: Thisautomatically puts

a copy of symbol intoYOUR movie’s Library

Check that youare “backstage”

by looking for graphicname by scene icon

Developed by ETR Associates, as part of grant 0217221 from the National Science Foundation

CONVERT TO SYMBOLMaking a Drawing, Clipart or Buttoninto a Graphic, Button or Movie Clip

3) Insert > Convert to Symbol

1) Draw a shape,bring out a button,

or import cliparton it’s own layer

4) Name the Symbol

Draw orSelect aShape onStage

2) Use Black Arrow toolTo select ALL of the

shape, button or clipart.

Convert toA Symbol

5) Choose a Symbol Behavior:Movie Clip




For a shapeselect both fill & strokewith black arrow, lasso

or transform tool

Note:Which behavior you

choose dependson how you wantit to work in your

Flash movie

Note:This symbol

is automatically placedin your

movie’s Library

6) Click OK

7) Window > Library to checkthat your symbol is there

Note:The blue lined box

around the symbol onthe stage tells you that

it is an instance ofthat symbol

Note:A dialog box comes upwith questions about

this new symbol

Developed by ETR Associates, as part of grant 0217221 from the National Science Foundation


5) Add new layer for button textType new text on button

3) Open Common LibraryWindow > Common Libraries > Buttons

1) Start FlashUseButtonsCommonLibrary

4) Choose a button symbol. Click and drag the buttonfrom Library to the stage

6) To see button move Control > Test Movie


2) Add a new Layer, Rename new layer: “Button”

7) Close inside “x” to return to stage

Note: The button willnot take you anywhere

because it’s notprogrammed yet

Note: Thisautomatically puts a copy

of this button symbol intoYOUR movie’s Library

Developed by ETR Associates, as part of grant 0217221 from the National Science Foundation


1) Start FlashAdd & Name New


6) Control > Test SceneTestScene

2) Open Scene PanelWindow > Scene

4) Double click on text torename scene to “Welcome”

TIP: To switch betweenScenes, click on

Scene Icon on rightside of Timeline

3) Insert a new Scene

by clicking on + icon

5) Click and drag the scene youwant to come up first in your

Flash movie(“Welcome”)

TIP: You can alsodelete scenes in the

Scene Panel by clickingon the garbage can icon

Check that this is thescene you just added

Developed by ETR Associates, as part of grant 0217221 from the National Science Foundation


3) Open Actions PanelWindow > Actions (F9)

1) Add a new layer.Rename new layer: “ActionScript”

6) Control > Test Movie(Apple(Command)+Return)


toMovie 2) Select (single click)

Blank KeyFrame (empty circle)on the ActionScript layer of the timeline

Test tosee one scene

4) Put a Stop Action on the Frame

Action Panel: Actions > Movie Control> double click on the stop action

Note: thestop action on the

Frame stops anythingfrom moving past thatpoint on the timeline

7) Click inside “x” to return to stage

5) Close or minimizeAction Panel

Check that it says“Actions – Frame” at

the top of the Action Panelbefore selecting “stop”

Check that a small“a” above the

Blank KeyFrameappears in timeline

Developed by ETR Associates, as part of grant 0217221 from the National Science Foundation


6) Close or minimizeAction Panel

5) Where it says Scene:, use the drop down arrow menuto select which scene you want your button to go

2) Select the Button instanceon the Stage (single click).

3) Open the Actions PanelWindow > Actions (F9)

1) Start Flash. Add and name a new scene.

Put a button on the stage of one of the scenes.

7) Control > Test Movie(Apple(Command)+Return)

Add “goto” ActionScriptto Button

4) Put a “goto” Action on the button

Action Panel: Actions > Movie Control > Double click (or drag and drop) on goto


Note: “event”called “on Release”

It means whenyou “release” the

button with mouse,an action will


Check that it says“Actions – Button”at the top of the

Action Panel. If not,click on buttonon the stage

to select


Check that theScene name is now

included in theactionscript code

Developed by ETR Associates, as part of grant 0217221 from the National Science Foundation

7) Choose a Sound.Click and drag sound to stage.

3) Add and nameNew layer “Sound”

2) Go backstage bydouble-clicking on button

on stage OR in your Library

8) Return back to stage(main timeline)

4) Insert Blank KeyFrame (F7)where you want the soundto be heard (down state)


1) Start FlashEditSymbol

9) Control > Test Movie(Command (Apple) + Return)

6) Open Window > Common Library > Sound


Note:Sound waveshows up onTimeline on

Blank KeyFrame

Note:you are backstage

& can make changesto your symbol.

Effects all uses ofthat symbol in

the movie

Click Scene 1 onleft side under timeline



Note:Backstage there is

a differenttimeline for buttonUp, Over & Down

5) Make sure Blank KeyFramein Down state is selected

Developed by ETR Associates, as part of grant 0217221 from the National Science Foundation

DOWNLOAD SOUND from Flashkit.com

Note:This puts acopy of the

music file intoyour movie’s


2) On blue menu at top of website click on:Sound FX to find sound clips for buttonsSound Loops to find music for your game

3) Choose sound category

1) Go to internet website www.Flashkit.comDownloadSoundfor

Movie or Button

4) Click on play button to listen to sound

5) After you choose sound, click on Download

6) Move cursor over mp3 until it turns red,press Control key and click once

7) Choose Download Linked File As and save in your folder

8) In your Flash file,go to File > Import to Library and

select downloaded sound file from your folder

9) Refer to other flowcharts on how to use sound filefrom your library on buttons or scenes

Developed by ETR Associates, as part of grant 0217221 from the National Science Foundation


6) Select Black Arrow Tool.Double click on your object

on the stage (to select all of it)

4) Insert > KeyFrame (F6)on timeline in the next frame

3) Draw object(notice how you are backstage in your symbol)

9) Control > PlayTo test your animation

Frame byFrame


5) Check that the new KeyFrameon the timeline is selected (single click)


7) Click and hold mouse down on objectto move it to new location on stage

TIP:Repeat Steps 4-7to create a longeranimation scene

TIP: Put keyframeslater on timeline to affect

speed of animation.

10) Click on Scene iconto return back to stage

Your animation is now in your library!

1) From the menu,choose Insert > New Symbol

2) Name your animation and select Movie Clip behavior

8) Go back to Step 4 and repeatif you want to create a longer animation

TIP:Click on Onion Skinningto see frame before.

This allows you to know where to position your

object correctly.

Developed by ETR Associates, as part of grant 0217221 from the National Science Foundation


6) Select first keyframe

4) Select the frame whereyou want your text to stop animating

Insert > KeyFrame (F6)on that Frame

2) Name your tween andselect Movie Clip behavior.

7) Select Properties: TweenChoose: Motion


5) Using the Black Arrow tool,select text box and move to new location


Select the1st KeyFrame

because we needto modify the timeline not

the text.

Make aMovie Clip Symbol

3) Type text(SEE ‘TEXT” FLOWCHART)

CHECKthat there is an arrow

& blue backgroundon that layer of the


1) From the menu,choose Insert > New Symbol

9) Control > Playto test your tweened text

10) Click on Scene iconto return back to stage

Your animation is now in your library!

Notice howyou are backstagein your movie clip

Developed by ETR Associates, as part of grant 0217221 from the National Science Foundation


1) From the menu,Choose Insert > New Symbol

6) Select first keyframewith the shape you want to morph

3) Draw a shape(see “DRAWING TOOLS” flowchart)

7) Select Properties: TweenChoose: Shape

MakeMovie ClipSymbol

4) Insert > KeyFrame (F6)on Frame where you want

the shape to stop changing shape/color

8) Control > Playto test your morphed shape




5) Click in the added Keyframe andmodify shape or deleteand draw a new shape

2) Name your animationand select Movie Clip behavior

9) Click Scene iconto return to the main stage.

Your animation is now in your library!

Notice thatyou are backstagein your movie clip

Automaticallycreates an arrow

& green backgroundon that layer

in the Timeline.

Draw & ChangeShape

Developed by ETR Associates, as part of grant 0217221 from the National Science Foundation

MORPHING TEXT(same as Shape Tweening “Text”)

7) Select first keyframewith the text you want to morph

6) Select each Keyframe with text andModify > Break Apart

2 times in a row.

2) Name your animation andselect Movie Clip behavior

8) Select Properties: TweenChoose: Shape


4) Insert > KeyFrame (F6) on Frame whereyou want text to stop changing shape/color

9) Control > Play to test your morphed text



5) Click in Text Box on added KeyFrameand change the text

PrepareText to Tween

MakeMovie ClipSymbol

3) Type text

Automaticallycreates an arrow

& green backgroundon that layer

in the Timeline.

10) Click Scene icon to return to the main stage.Your animation is now in your library!

1) From the menu,choose Insert > New Symbol

Notice thatyou are backstagein your movie clip

Developed by ETR Associates, as part of grant 0217221 from the National Science Foundation


7) Select Blank Keyframeon “music” layer


for Music

9) Control > Test Movie(Command (Apple) + Return)


AddMusic to Movie

TIP: To adjust sound tofade in or out,

Select KeyFramethen Properties Panel

select Effect.

1) From the menu,choose Insert > New Symbol

2) Name symbol(this is going to be your music)and select Movie Clip behavior

5) Return back to the main stage

6) Add & name new layer “music”

8) Open your Library and click & dragyour movie clip symbol to the stage

TIP: Loop music toRepeat more then once;Change Sync to Start

3) While you are backstage in the symbol,Open Window > Common Library > Music

ORWindow > Library

(where your downloaded music clip is)

4) Choose music clip andClick and drag sound to stage

Developed by ETR Associates, as part of grant 0217221 from the National Science Foundation


5) In Properties Panel,find the var field & type “input”

in lowercase letters.

6) Add & name New layer: “Directions”

1) On the scene where you wantthe player to type a name or word/s,

Add & name a New layer: “input box”

2) Select first KeyFrameon “input box” layer

3) Use Text Tool to draw a boxon the stage

9) Go to ‘DYNAMIC TEXT FIELDS’ FLOWCHARTfor the next step!

CreateInput Text


4) In Properties Panel,change type of text to Input Text


Make sureBorder & Selectableicons are selected.

This makes it so usercan see a box wherethey type their name

Note:This will be the

variable name forthis text field

Modify size of Text Box to hold

characters in person’sname (approximately

3 inches).

Directionsfor InputText Field 7) Use the Text Tool to

type Directions for the player.Example: “Type your name in the box below”

8) In Properties Panel,change type of text to Static Text

See backside offlowchart for howit looks in Flash

Developed by ETR Associates, as part of grant 0217221 from the National Science Foundation


2) On the dynamic box layer,

Use the Text Tool to draw a box closeto the same size as input box you made

on previous scene

1) On the scene where you wantthe name or word/s the player typed to appear,

Add & name a New layer: “dynamic box”

3) In Properties Panel,change type of text to Dynamic Text

Start with a file that already has anInput Text Field on the scene where you want

player to type in name or word/s

Set upNewLayer


Text Field


Note:This will be thevariable name

for thistext field.

4) In Properties Panelfind the var field & type “dynamic”

in lowercase letters

5) Go to ‘SET VARIABLE’ FLOWCHARTfor the last step to make your text fields work!

See backside offlowchart for howit looks in Flash

Developed by ETR Associates, as part of grant 0217221 from the National Science Foundation

SET VARIABLE(Program your button to move text)

3) Open Actions Panel (F9)

2) On scene with Input Text Field & button,Select button with black arrow tool

6) In Actions Panel for set Variable,find value parameter (box).

Type “input” (your “input box” var name)

1) Open Flash filewith input & dynamic text fields

9) Control > Test Movie(Command (apple)+Return)

Start by typing a word into Input Text Field!

AddActionScriptTo Button

4) Open Actions > Variables >Double click on set variable


5) In Actions Panel for set Variable,find variable parameter (box).

Type “dynamic” (your “dynamic box” var name) Make sure totype the namesEXACTLY as youdid on the text

field for the var

Note:This tells

Flash to takewhatever is inthat box to

dynamic textfield

8) If you don’t have a “goto” actionon your button, ADD it.


7) Check the value expression box only

See backside offlowchart for howit looks in Flash

Developed by ETR Associates, as part of grant 0217221 from the National Science Foundation

Customize your game! Check out this feature, called “input dynamic text”You input a name on Scene 1,and it dynamically appears in Scene 2.

Step 1. Make an “input text” box on Scene 1.

Hint: Use your text tool to draw your “input text” box, and follow the paw clues to set up the text box properties.

Developed by ETR Associates, as part of grant 0217221 from the National Science Foundation

Step 2. Program your button on Scene 1

This button already has “go to” action script on it. Pressing it takes you to Scene 2.Add more action script to your button.

Tell Flash to take the “input text” and move it so it pops-up in a new “dynamic text” box (You’ll make that next, on Scene 2).

Hint: Follow the paw clues to set up your button action panel to look like this:

Developed by ETR Associates, as part of grant 0217221 from the National Science Foundation

Step 3. Make a “dynamic text” box for the “input text” to dynamically pop-up in!

Hint: The text tool can draw your “dynamic text” box. Follow the paw clues to set up text box properties.

Double check your work and test your movie!

Developed by ETR Associates, as part of grant 0217221 from the National Science Foundation
