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Developing a Cutting Edge Social Enterprise Software Strategy that Leverages Your SharePoint...

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Developing a Cutting Edge Social Enterprise Software Strategy that Leverages Your SharePoint Investment by Dion Hinchcliffe
Page 1: Developing a Cutting Edge Social Enterprise Software Strategy that Leverages Your SharePoint Investment  Sponsored by Moxie

Developing a Cutting Edge Social Enterprise Software Strategy that Leverages Your SharePoint Investment !by Dion Hinchcliffe!

Page 2: Developing a Cutting Edge Social Enterprise Software Strategy that Leverages Your SharePoint Investment  Sponsored by Moxie

® 2010 Dachis Group. Confidential and Proprietary!

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Sources of Lessons Learned:The 2.0 Adoption Council!

•  Over 200 large firms!•  Practitioners of

Social Business and Enterprise 2.0!

•  Only companies with over 5,000 employees!

•  Our research and insight into these hundreds of firms drive best practices and lessons learned!

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The drivers for next-generation business!

•  Pervasive global connectivity

•  New friction-less interaction platforms

•  Focus on network effects

•  Information superabundance

•  Inherent transparency, openness, and broadcast

•  The rise of social capital

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Social As A Global Trend

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The Map of Social ���Software Opportunity

Creating new rapid growth online products powered by: •  Peer Production •  Jakob’s Law •  The Long Tail •  Blue Ocean •  Network���Effects

Reinventing the ���customer relationship ���to drive revenue: •  Customer Communities • Customer Self-Service •  Marketing 2.0

Driving costs down through less expensive, better 2.0 solutions:

• Lightweight IT/SOA • Enterprise mashups • Expertise Location • Knowledge Retention

Improving productivity and access to value:

• Enterprise 2.0 • Open APIs • Crowdsourcing • Prediction Markets

Business Remodeling and Restructuring

• BPM 2.0 • Employee Communities • Cloudsourcing • Pull Systems

Change Management • Transformation Communities • 2.0 Education • Capability ���


Fostering ���Innovation

•  Internal Innovation Markets • Open innovation • Database of Intentions

Leveraging Innovation • Product Incubators • Open Supply Chains • Product Development 2.0 • Some Rights Reserved


Transformation Cost Reduction


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The Elements of Social Business

Social Business enterprise ecosystem

customers + world

business partners


Dynamic Signal




The significant social computing trends of the last half decade in







High value, high scale, cost effective, and emergent business


The strategic application of social computing to

enterprise challenges: Social Business Design

Source: Dion Hinchcliffe, Dachis Group, 2010 http://dachisgroup.com

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What are the key elements of a social software platform?

•  A holistic social view community that meets business needs

•  Software that puts people and their relationships at the core of their function

•  User profiles that list all of the connections you have with others

•  Activity streams that display an ongoing set of events and messages taking place in your social environment

•  Essential: Social applications that makes most activity public by default

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Business Trading Partners

World Wide Web Customers + Public

Trust, Engagement, Reputation

The Social Web

Public Social Networks Interaction and Social Business

E2.0 Workflow

Unified Comm 2.0

E2.0 Compliance

Community Mgmt Social Web Tech & Standards




Customer Communities

Worker Online


Driving the Agenda: Today’s Social Networking


1-2 billion people

Key Point: New technology and approaches are evolving faster than platforms like SharePoint are

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The Evolution of the ���Enterprise Intranet













From http://blogs.zdnet.com/Hinchcliffe

Most organizations are here today

• Basic intranet presence • Informational directories • Content push


• Content management • Self-service • Productivity apps


• Peer information sharing • Collective intelligence • Social business solutions


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Page 11: Developing a Cutting Edge Social Enterprise Software Strategy that Leverages Your SharePoint Investment  Sponsored by Moxie

Internal vs External Social Networking

Becoming highly


Page 12: Developing a Cutting Edge Social Enterprise Software Strategy that Leverages Your SharePoint Investment  Sponsored by Moxie

Microsoft SharePoint:���The “Default” Social Software Platform

•  About 80% of large organizations already have and are using SharePoint/MOSS!

•  Capable document-management tool !

•  Not always perceived as an adequate social software platform!

•  Millions spent on customization is common!

•  Frequent Criticism: Requires heavy customization, has poor social computing capabilities, and is difficult to use, too structured, and heavyweight!

•  Often your first and/or biggest challenge!

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Significant Recent Social Software Examples

•  TransUnion - 50x ROI in high value scenarios

•  IBM - 29% reduction in e-mail volume

•  Siemens - Eliminating e-mail entirely

•  GE - Entire company has transformed to enterprise social media + UC

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Where Can Social Intranets Best Be Applied?


online community

cloud computing mashups

open APIs SaaS

Enterprise 2.0 & Open Business Models

social analytics, enterprise search

(social media in the


Product Development 2.0

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The motive forces of 21st century business

• Network effects

•  Peer production

•  Self-service

• Open business models

• New community power structures

that we

know of so



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Why Are Good Social Software Platforms Different?!

•  Maturation of techniques that leverage how people work together best!

•  Realization of the power of emergent solutions over pre-defined solutions!

•  Nearly zero-barriers to use!

•  Highest degree of visible shared value!

•  As well as...!

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The 2010 Social Business Landscape!

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Strategies for Driving Business Value with Social Software!


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1!Define Your Problem First.Select Your Technology Later.!

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2!Understand What Makes Social Software Work Best. Focus on Those Aspects.!

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3!Good enterprise search is a central pillar of a successful social intranet. Itʼs also the key to ROI.!

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4!Invest in a robust community management capability. Itʼs whatmakes social software deliver long-term.!

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5!Everyone needs a little collaborative literacy, make sure they get it.!

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6!Social intranets arenʼt like classical enterprise software.!Actively encourage emergent and unintended consequences.!

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7!Pick the right social platforms.!Social is not a single product.!Also, itʼs OK to get it wrong, once.!

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8!Donʼt make it optional.!Donʼt make it a second class citizen.!Provide clear usage policies.!

Social Intranet

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9!“You Can Skip the Pilot”; or!“Your Pilot Is Your Rollout”!

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10!Social intranets are a platform, not an app. !Leverage the platform.!

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Please Submit Questions ���

Slides: ���[email protected]���

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Employee Spaces

Brian K. Magierski Co-founder, Chief Strategy Advisor

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Connect People. Share Knowledge. Deliver Results.


!  Leading & most complete Social Enterprise Software vendor, over 600 customers - $4.6B market by 2013

!  Strategic partnership with IDEO to deliver unparalleled user experience

!  Privately held venture-funded company, backed by Oak Investment Partners & Foundation Capital

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Spaces by Moxie Social Enterprise Software


Customer  Engagement  Employee  Engagement  

Knowledgebase™     Web Self-Service   Multi-channel Web Service   Support Community   Social Media Response

  Collaboration   Innovation / Ideation   Expertise / Profile   Social Media Monitoring

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Customer Spaces™

Social Engagement Layer People / Groups / Projects

Search / Filtering / Recommendation

Moxie Integration Framework

Employee Spaces™

Spaces by Moxie™

Social  Media  Monitoring  


Innova5on    /  Idea5on  

Exper5se  /  Profiles  

Social  Media  Response  

Web  Self-­‐Service  

Mul5-­‐channel  Web  Service  

Support  Community  

Moxie Architecture

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New Generation Technology Built to Scale


True  SaaS  Architecture  



Consumer  Quality  User  Experience  for  the  Enterprise  

Liquid/Ruby  on  Rails  

Deployment  Speed  


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Ac5ve  Directory  -­‐  Single  Sign-­‐On  SharePoint  Groups  Synch  

SharePoint Integration


Employee  Engagement  Spaces™  Na@ve  in  EES™  

   Calendar  (Sync  to  Exchange  or  SP)     Community     Blogs     Idea  Storm     Wikis     Tasks     Projects     Feeds     Search  across  both  SP  &  EES  

Na@ve  in  SP  

   Documents     Workflow  &  approvals     Forms    

Exposed  from  SP  In  EES™  

   Documents     Consolidated  calendar     Forms  *     Excel  services  *  

SP  Features  Replaced  by  EES™  

   Mysite     Notepad     Blogs     Wikis  

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