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Developing a quality culture presentation [autosaved]

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Developing a Quality Culture Quality culture is the pattern of human habits, beliefs, values and behavior concerning quality. By Dr/ Fadila Amer Dr/ Youmna Motea
  • 1. Quality culture is the pattern of human habits,beliefs, values and behavior concerningquality.By Dr/ Fadila Amer Dr/ Youmna Motea

2. Technology and culture An organization is the integration of two major systems:1-TheTechnical system (touches the head)2-The Social system ( touches the heart)So to become superior in quality, we must pursue two courses of action :1-Develop technologies that meets customer needs2-stimulate a culture throughout the organization that continually viewsquality as a primary goal.Wouldnt it be great if we could Identify techniques for creating a qualityculture? 3. Theories of Motivation (cont)Two types of motivation have been identified:Extrinsic motivation .The satisfaction of either material or psychological needs that are applied byothers or the organization through pre- action incentive or post- actionreward.Intrinsic motivation.the qualities of work itself or the relationships, events, or situations thatsatisfy basic situational needs ( achievement, power, affiliation,autonomy, responsibility , creativity, and self- actualization) in a self-rewarding process. 4. Management Theories , Styles and ToolsTheories of Motivation (cont)How Human behavior respond to various stimuli ?Behavioral theory is the background of Motivation theories :Two landmark theories related to the motivation are:1- MASLOW Hierarchy of Human needs. By Ibraham Maslow.2- Two factor theory ( satisfaction and dissatisfaction) by Frederick herzberg 1959 5. Motivation is the drive to achieve a goal or follow a particularcourse of action. Unmotivated employees will most likely notperform as well as motivated employees. The hierarchy-of-needstheory is the theory of motivation that hold people are motivated bya hierarchical series of unmet needs 6. Two factor theory ( satisfaction and dissatisfaction)by Frederick herzberg 1959It indicates that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are not oppositeJob dissatisfaction is a result of specific dislikes :Example: the pay is low, the working condition is poor (hygienic factor)its possible to eliminate these dislikes-raise the pay, change the workingcondition.In contrast job satisfaction depends on the what the work does ,Satisfaction comes from doing Motivation comes from factors such asjob challenges , opportunities for creativity .To illustrate: -- An assembly line worker -- Research way 7. Behavioral Theory( theory X versus theory y)by Douglas McGregor,1985Controversy about whether the change is in the worker or in the work ?Theory X is a negative view of human nature, assuming that most employeesare lazy, uncooperative therefore, managers should motivate them throughskillful use of incentives and penalties.Theory y is a positive view,There has been no change in human nature . What has changed is the way inwhich work is organized( create a new job conditions )Believing that employees want to work and will seek responsibilities that cansolve organizational problems and personal growth.It is common to find, even within the same organization some managers whosupport theory X and others who support theory y. 8. Theory z by william ouchisJapanese style of managementCharacterized by long- term employment, slow promotions, considerable jobrotation, consensus-style decision making, and concern for the employee as awhole.Theory Z organizations have consistent cultures in which relationships areegalitarian and based on trust ,organizational goals, are obvious and areintegrated into individuals belief system, so self-direction is dominant 9. Theories of Motivation (cont)Motivational theories related to rewards:Equity theory. (McCelland) Job motivation depends on how equitable theperson believes the rewards( or punishment) to be.Expectancy theory. ( Victor Vroom) What people do is based on what theyexpect to gain from the activity.Reinforcement theory( B.F. Skinner) What people do depends on whattriggers a behavior initially( the antecedent) and the consequences that have inpast resulted from such behavior, or the consequences the performer believeswill happen as a result of a behavior. 10. Kurt lewin model for understanding change unfreezingmovementfreezingTypical reasons for resistance Future Changes processstate-Like the current -dont like change-future states condition. -poorly comm- Unknown. -indicates timeUnicated.-Fair of failure. Is wrong.-wrong people,-additional-poor history Method,timing.Workload.of change. 11. Does the design of the organization have an impacton culture ? Juran lists five steps for changing to a quality culture : 1-Create and maintain an awareness of quality 2-Provide evidence of management leadership on quality 3-Provide for self development and empowerment 4-Provide participation as a means of inspiring action 5-Provide recognition and rewards 12. Corporate Cultures Corporate culture is the way people do things in an organisation. It is a set ofnorms comprising of beliefs, attitudes, core values and behavioural patternsshared by people in an organisation It is these shared beliefs, core values and patterns of behaviour whichinfluence the performance of an organisation. Beliefs are the assumptions or perceptions about things, which people andthe organisation as a whole take as true or valid. For example, anorganisation may have a shared belief about the great potential of its people. Core values are the primary or dominant values that are acceptedthroughout the organisation, e.g. the core value of respect. A pattern ofbehaviour is the way people act towards one another. For instance, anorganisation that has the belief in the potential of its people and has the corevalue of respect will have the desired pattern of behaviour of treating peoplewell. 13. Corporate CulturesMiletich 1997 describes how honey well space systemsidentified 7 dimensions of organizational culture and thendeveloped a process for changing the culture.The 7 dimensions of culture are: Risk orientation Relationship of people Information Leadership organizational structure organizational focus motivation 14. Organizational change curveAccelerating change and increasing its likelihoodof success 15. The Change Curve model describes the four stages most people go through asthey adjust to change. 16. With knowledge of the Change Curve, you can plan how youll minimize thenegative impact of the change and help people adapt more quickly to it. Youaim is to make the curve shallower and narrower, 17. Quality culture is an integral part of corporate culture. There are two different quality culture: 1.Negative quality culture(hide the scaro scenario 2.Positive quality culture(climb the ladder scenario) knowing the quality culture enables us to implement a strategy in away that encourages people to embrace the quality strategy and make it successful. 18. HOW TO CHANGE QUALITYYCULTURE????? Provide quality goals and measurements at all levels. Provide evidence of upper management leadership. Provide for self development and empowerment. Provide participation as a mean of inspiring action. Provide recognition and rewards. 19. provide quality goals and measurments at all levelsClear quality goals for individuals are important stimuli for inspiringsuperiority in quality.There are two different commitments:1.external commitment management defines the goals for employees andtask required to achive those goals.2.internal commitment management and employees jointly define the goals and the employees define the task to achieve the goals. 20. Provide quality goals and measurments at all levels contIn this process we develop quality goals and measurements that are alignedwith mission ,critical success factors ,and quality strategy of theorganization. 21. Quality measurements as a continuous focus The message on quality must be sustained through continuous reinforcement.one form of reinforcement is quality measurement. Quality measurement is proposed for major functional activities i.e., productdevelopment ,purchasing , manufacturing ,marketing ,and customer service ,andadministrative and support operations. These measurements become the vital signs that provide people with data notonly to perform their tasks but also to maintain a continuing awareness ofquality . 22. Quality as a continuous focus measurementsUnits of measure must be carefully defined to inspire a positive priority for quality.An example that does just the opposite is a poorly defined measure of productivityare usually a ratio of product output to input resources. Some companies calculateproductivity using total output (instead of output meeting specifications)divided byinput resources. Although total out put must be must be measured, a singleproductivity measure based only on total output sends a clear message thatmeeting goals and specifications is not important .Changing such deadlymeasures to count only good output provides continuing evidence thatmanagement sets a high priority on quality. 23. Provide Evidence Of Management Leadership Management commitment is necessary but it is not sufficient . Upper management must initiate and support a vision of total quality culture. An evidence of leadership is that upper management spends time on quality-related activities. Some upper management groups have chosen to be highly visible in thequality process by leading quality training. Managers at a variety of levels personally conduct some of managerialtraining for their subordinates. Upper Management Quality Improvement TeamIs a further form of evidence, in which each team consisting solely of upper management members, addresses a problem that requires attention at its level. 24. Quality Policy Deployment At Rank Xerox 25. Provide for self-development and empowerment THE TAILOR SYSTEM Is based on the scientific analysis of work usingknowledge and experimentation. The design of work with the concept of (self control) 26. HistoryFrederick W . Taylor was a mechanical engineer ,who concluded from hisexperience that the supervisors and workers lacked the education to make variousessential decisions.Taylors remedy was to separate planning from execution.Mean while, Taylors premise -lack of worker education has been made obsolete bythe remarkable rise in education at all levels including the work force.Taylor system later called( scientific management ) ,became widely used anddeeply rooted at USA. 27. Job characteristics Why Work Redesign Should Survive1. Changing jobs changes the basic relationship between a person and his/her work. Its a powerful point of leverage to make changes in organizations. It can help build internal motivation.2. Work redesign changes behavior, and does so directly. And behavior changes can change attitudes.3. When behavior is changed though the redesign of work, it tends to stay changed. Once on-site stimuli are changed, they are likely to stay that way.4. Work redesign offers- even forces -- numerous opportunities for initiating other organizational changes.5. Work redesign, can result in orgs that rehumanize rather than dehumanize the people who work on them. 28. Horizontal Job Enlargement is based on the idea that increasing job range will reducethe repetitive nature of the job and thus eliminate workerboredom Job range: the number of tasks that a jobholder performs Job extension: an approach in which severaloversimplified jobs are combined into a single new job Job rotation: workers switch jobs in a structured,predefined manner 29. Vertical Job Enrichment is an attempt to increase job depth and is based on thework of Frederick Herzberg Job depth: amount of discretion a jobholder has tochoose job activities and outcomes Herzberg found that certain characteristics of the worksituation influenced employee satisfaction while othersaffected dissatisfaction Motivator factors Hygiene factors 30. Job characteristic model according to Hackman and Old man 31. Job characteristic model according to Hack manand Old man (cont) 32. Self Management TeamA special form of job enlargement is applied to a groupof workers, two elements are emphasized:1.each worker is trained to have a variety of skills,permitting rotation of tasks.2.team is given formal authority to execute job -planning and supervisory tasks 33. Provide For Self-Development andEmpowerment (cont) Empowerment is the process of delegating decision making authority to lowerlevels within the organization. but empowerment goes far beyond delegation authority, it meansencouraging people to take initiative and broaden their scope. it also means being supportive if mistakes are made. the concept of empowerment applies both to individuals andgroups of workers. Note ,under empowerment, how essential it is for management toprovide employees with information ,feedback, and means ofregulating their work(self control). Empowerment requires employees to have the capability , theauthority , the desire to act. 34. Provide For Self-development AndEmpowerment (cont) 35. Provide For Self-development And Empowerment(cont)Performance Appraisal is the process by which the organization periodicallyevaluates an employees behavior andaccomplishments. performance appraisal that coaches employees to ahigher performance level can be helpful., appraisalthat is done only to rank employees for purpose of payand advancement can be destructive. 36. Provide for self-development and empowerment(cont) Selection and training selection and training of personnel have an importantinfluence on peoples development. some organizations are now making annual investmentin training of about 2 percent of sales income. at managerial level rotational assignments help todevelop the individual s concern for the company aswhole. 37. Provide participation as a means ofinspiring action It is tempting to believe that, to inspire action on quality,we must start by changing people attitudes .So we havefirst change peoples behavior. Bypersonally participating in quality activities peopleacquire new knowledge ,See the benefit of the qualitydisciplines ,and obtain a sense of accomplishment bysolving the problems .This participation leads to lastingchanges in behavior. 38. Provide recognition and rewards Recognition is public acknowledgement of superiorperformance of specific activities. forms of recognition range from a simple verbal messagefor a job well done to modest or Token awards(saving abond ,time off ,a dinner) or intangible(sending a letter ofpraise ,sending an employee to a seminar or conference) Rewards are benefits e.g. salary increases ,bonuses,and promotions that are conferred for generally superiorperformance against goals. Forms of rewards may include changes in base pay,merit increases, skill based wages ,stock plans. 39. Questions/Queries
