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Developing an Island Diagnostic Analysis

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Developing an Island Diagnostic Analysis Report and Workshop Guide

Developing an Island Diagnostic Analysis Report and Workshop Guide


Table of Contents 1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3

1.1. What is the Island Diagnostic Analysis approach? .................................................................. 3

1.2. What does it comprise of? ....................................................................................................... 3

1.3. The analytical component – The IDA ....................................................................................... 4

1.4. The strategic component – The SAP ........................................................................................ 5

2. Developing the IDA .......................................................................................................................... 5

2.1. IDA Contents ............................................................................................................................ 5

2.2. Data Information Collection and Analysis ............................................................................... 6

2.3. Identifying and Prioritising Environmental Problems.............................................................. 6

2.4. Determination of Impacts ........................................................................................................ 7

2.5. Causal Chain Analysis ............................................................................................................... 9

2.6. Leverage Points ......................................................................................................................15

2.7. Brainstorming Ideas and Opportunities for Reform and Action ...........................................15

3. Planning the Diagnostic Analysis ...................................................................................................17

3.1. Key milestones .......................................................................................................................17

3.2. IDA Development Team .........................................................................................................18

3.3. Meetings and Workshops ......................................................................................................19

3.4. National Consultation Process ...............................................................................................20

Annex 1: Criteria and templates ............................................................................................................22

Annex 2: Workshop Examples ...............................................................................................................26


1. Introduction

1.1. What is the Island Diagnostic Analysis approach?

The approach taken for this Ridge to Reef Programme Island Diagnostic Analysis (IDA) has

been derived from the Global International Waters Assessment (GIWA), the GEF

Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis, and Pacific IWRM Diagnostic Analysis methodologies.

The substance of these methodologies have been adapted to suit the broader ecosystem

approach of the Ridge to Reef Programme and include terrestrial and marine ecosystems as

well as water.

The resulting approach is a highly collaborative process to be used as a major strategic

planning tool for integrated coastal management nationally.

The main role of the IDA is to identify, quantify, and set priorities for environmental

problems that are cross-sectoral (or from ridge-to-reef) in nature. In particular, the IDA aims


• Identify & prioritise the ridge to reef problems

• Gather and interpret information on the environmental impacts and socio-economic

consequences of each problem

• Analyse the immediate, underlying, and root causes for each problem, and, in

particular identify, specific practices, sources, locations, and human activity sectors

from which environmental degradation arises or threatens to arise.

• Identification and evaluation of options for reform and action

Consequently, an IDA provides the factual basis for the formulation of a Strategic Action

Plan (SAP) for Ridge to Reef. In addition to this, however the IDA should be part of a process

of engagement with stakeholders through the initial IDA development steps and the

subsequent development of alternative solutions through the development of the SAP.

1.2. What does it comprise of?

National stakeholders will be engaged at the outset to form part of the IDA Development

Team and perform the bulk of the analysis. National consultants will be engaged to develop

specific aspects of the IDA reports, particularly the economic and social evaluations of

options for reform.

The bulk of the IDA will be developed nationally over two workshop periods. This

programme of events is further described in part 3.

The schematic below outlines the analytical IDA component and the strategic SAP

component. This document focuses only on the IDA development.


Figure 1: Schematic outline of the TDA and SAP process

1.3. The analytical component – The IDA

The main technical role of an IDA is to identify, quantify, and set priorities for environmental

problems that are cross-sectoral in nature. The key steps in the IDA development process are:

• Collection and analysis of data/information

• Identification & prioritisation of the cross-sectoral (ridge to reef) problems

• Determination of the environmental and socio-economic impacts

• Analysis of the immediate, underlying, and root causes

• Identification of leverage points

• Brainstorm ideas and options for reform and action

• Strategise the new ideas and opportunities– prioritising alternatives

• Drafting the IDA

The IDA provides the factual basis for the strategic component of the IDA/SAP Process – strategic

thinking, planning and implementation of the SAP. In addition to this, the IDA should be part of a

larger facilitative process of engagement and consultation with all the key stakeholders from the

initial IDA steps through to the subsequent development of alternative solutions during the

formulation of the Strategic Action Programme.

IDA and SAP Process

Island Diagnostic Analysis

Collection and analysis of data and information

Identification and prioritisation

of problems

Determination of the impacts of each priority


Analysis of the immediate,

underlying and root causes for each problem

Brainstorm ideas and options for

reform and action


Strategic thinking,

planning and implementation


1.4. The strategic component – The SAP

The preparation of the SAP will be a highly cooperative and collaborative process involving

the IDA Development Team and key stakeholders. The development of the SAP will not be

explicitly addressed at this stage. A methodology and trial of SAP Development will be

developed at the completion of the national IDA’s and State of the Coast reports.

2. Developing the IDA

2.1. IDA Contents The contents of the IDA may differ slightly between countries but the Table of Contents will


1) Executive Summary

2) Introduction

3) Methodology

i) Identification of priority of environmental problems

ii) Analysis of causal chains

iii) Identification of priority options for reform and action

4) Description of [country]

i) Physical and Geographic characteristics

ii) Socio-economic situation

iii) Ecological status

5) Ridge to Reef Management in [country]

i) Natural resources

ii) National Protected Areas

iii) Island Vulnerability

iv) Institutional Arrangements

v) Public and Stakeholder Participation

6) National Priority Issues

i) Introduction

ii) National Priority Issue 1

a) Description of the problem and its national importance

b) Major environmental impacts and socio-economic consequences

NOTE: The IDA is a mechanism to help the participating countries to 'agree on the facts' -

many conflicts are driven by perceptions and removing these can be an enormous step in


Furthermore, the IDA should be seen as more than just an analysis of data and information.

It is a powerful process that can help create confidence among the partners involved.


c) Linkages with other national problems

d) Immediate, underlying and root causes

e) Knowledge gaps

f) Conclusions and recommendations

iii) National Priority Issue 2

iv) National Priority Issue 3

7) Options for Reform and Action

8) Summary and conclusions

2.2. Data Information Collection and Analysis

The aim of the IDA is to use existing data and information and analyse it in an

interdisciplinary or holistic manner. The amount of data and information available will vary

from country to country. For most IDA’s it is likely that data and information will come from:

• IWRM Diagnostic Analysis

• National environmental and socio-economic assessments

• National Rapid Coastal Assessments being undertaken concurrently through the

Regional R2R Programme

• Data collected in National R2R Project

• Regional environmental and socio-economic reports

• National statistics

Data and information will be needed to confirm the findings in the IDA. In particular it is

important to substantiate the:

• General situation in the various ecosystems (land, water, coast etc.)

• Priority national environmental problems

• Key impacts – environmental and socio-economic

• Causal chains – immediate, underlying, root causes

• Governance and stakeholder analysis

Background data and information will be collected for sections 4 and 5. A draft report that

includes brief methodology will be prepared for circulation among the IDA Development

Team prior to the start of the workshops. This is to ensure that there is a general

understanding of the current state. This and further analysis will be reviewed and agreed

upon by the development team.

As the IDA development progresses, various stages will require further confirmation with

existing data. For example, after the prioritisation of options for reform, socio-economic

evaluation will be undertaken on each and integrated into the final draft report.

2.3. Identifying and Prioritising Environmental Problems


The identification of national environmental problems is a crucial part of the IDA process.

The difficulty and effort involved at this stage will vary widely depending on the particular

circumstances of the country, and how recently this type of identification exercise has been

done. Generally, the key determinants are likely to be the extent to which:

• Potential island environmental problems have been the subject of scientific research

or project development at the national level

• Particular environmental problems have already been recognised as essentially

‘ridge-to-reef’ in nature

A key to the IDA development is the importance of prioritisation. Because there are often

limited available resources, prioritisation helps to identify which environmental problems

need to be considered further in the IDA.

For the purpose of the initial problem prioritisation, the problems need to be assessed by

reference to criteria – features of the problem that contribute to its relative importance.

The criteria that will be used has been synthesised from the IWRM Diagnostic Analysis

criteria, GEF TDA criteria, GIWA criteria and trial feedback. This IDA is addressing

environmental issues across a wide range of ecosystems and sectors and criteria needs to

remain broad enough as to not become unwieldy for the Development Team to use.

An initial list of environmental problems that can be used to guide discussion is available in

Annex 1. There are two sets of criteria for prioritising identified environmental problems;

the first can be used at the initial national prioritisation exercise as it is broad enough to

cover many issues. The second list is more specific and can be used to prioritise further at

identified sites. These can be found in Annex 1.

2.4. Determination of Impacts

2.4.1. What are Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts

In the context of the IDA and SAP process, environmental impacts are the effects of an

environmental problem on the integrity of an ecosystem. Socio-economic impacts are a

change in the welfare of people attributable to the whole-of-island problem or its

environmental impacts.

For example, eutrophication due to nutrient over-enrichment may result in high

concentrations of nitrates or phosphates in a particular water body. The questions is: what

are the impacts or consequences of this? An environmental impact might be a reduced fish

population. This could result in a loss of income or food source for the coastal community.

These are indirect socio-economic impacts. It could also result in impact on health from

drinking or bathing in polluted waters. This is a direct socio-economic impact. This is shown in

Figure 2 below.

Environmental Problem


Environmental Impact

Reduced fish population

Indirect Socio-Economic Impact Loss of income

Loss of food source

Direct Socio-Economic Impact Health impacts from polluted



2.4.2. Determining Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts

There are 2 key steps in this process:

Step 1: Identification of the impacts of each of priority environmental problem

This step can be accomplished through the collaborative workshop involving the IDA

Development Team.

Step 2: Further description of key environmental and socio-economic impacts

The purpose of this step is to describe the problem itself (using available survey data

showing changes over time etc.) and the impact of the problem on the environment and


This step will be undertaken by the local consultant and include analysis of the following:

• economic costs of environmental impacts,

• gender analysis of the issues and impacts,

• social costs of the issues such as adverse effects on human health and welfare

This could likely result in detailed supporting text for each impact, including maps, graphics and figures. The following is an example from the Kura-Aras Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) of impacts and consequences and the contributing economic sector. A similar template will be used in this IDA.

Figure 3: Example of Kura-Aras Basin impacts and contributing sectors


2.5. Causal Chain Analysis

2.5.1. What is Causal Chain Analysis

Causal chain analysis (CCA) is closely related to the Driver-Pressure-Sate-Impact-Response

approach that is being used in the development of the framework for the State of the

Coasts Reports.

At its most basic, a causal chain is an ordered sequence of events linking the causes of a

problem with its effects. Each link in the causal chain is created by repeatedly answering the

question ‘Why?’ A simple schematic showing the major components of a CCA is shown in

Figure 4: Major components of a causal chain below. It is usually the case that we can “see”

the direct and indirect socio-economic impacts and perhaps the environmental impacts, but

often it is harder to decipher the causes.

CCA is predicated on the belief that problems are best solved by attempting to address,

correct or eliminate root causes as opposed to merely addressing the immediately obvious

symptoms. By directing corrective measure at root causes, it is more probable that a

recurrence of the problem will be prevented. It is likely that there may be several sectors

that appear more often as root causes and therefore corrective actions can be focussed

towards those areas.

CCA is historically used in a linear manner however keep in mind that a causal chain is a

component of a policy response system which by its nature is cyclical (Figure 6).

Direct Socio-economic impact Indirect Socio-economic impact

Environmental impact

Immediate Cause

Underlying Cause

Root Cause

Figure 4: Major components of a causal chain


2.5.2. Components of a Causal Chain

At its most basic a causal chain is an ordered sequence of events linking the causes of a

problem with its effects. However, causal chains developed as part of the IDA tend to

consist of 3 broad categories of causes:

• Immediate or technical causes

• Underlying causes

• Root causes

Immediate or technical causes – are usually the direct technical causes of the problem.

They are predominantly tangible (e.g. enhanced nutrient inputs) and with distinct areas of

impacts. Immediate causes usually being technical in nature are the most straightforward to

quantify, prioritise and geographically locate using maps. A few examples of immediate

causes are shown in Table 1 below.

Table 1: Examples of immediate causes

Environmental Problem Examples of immediate or technical cause

Pollution Discharge of untreated industrial effluents Diffuse pollution from improper application of fertilisers Point and diffuse sources of effluent from livestock farms Point and diffuse sources of effluent from untreated wastewaters

Fisheries Excessive fisheries effort/overfishing Destruction of benthic habitats Damage to nursery/spawning areas Destructive fishing methods

Changes in biodiversity Introduction of exotic species Sediments and pollution from land-based activities

Degradation of habitats Changes in land use Conversion and/or degradation of mangroves

Underlying causes – are those that contribute to the immediate causes. They can be broadly

defined as underlying resource uses and practices, and their related social and economic

causes. Governance related causes are often identified here.


Driver Immediate


Underlying Cause

Root Cause


Policy Response

Figure 5: The causal chain as a component of a policy response cycle


Resources use and practice causes Social and economic causes

Land uses – reclamation, deforestation, agriculture Lack of investment, operation and maintenance Damaging or unsustainable practices – intensive livestock production, outdated water treatment technology, destructive fisheries practices

Poor awareness or education

Uses of water – diversion, storage etc. Governance failures – legislation, regulation, enforcement

To identify these underlying causes it is necessary to understand which sector they fall in

(agriculture, industry, tourism) and the governance framework within which they operate.

Root causes – are linked to the underlying social an economic causes and sectoral pressure

but they are often related to fundamental aspects of macro-economy, demography,

consumption patterns, environmental values, and access to information and democratic

processes. Many of these may be beyond the scope of the R2R interventions but it is

important to document them for two reasons:

1. Some proposed solutions might be unworkable if the root causes of the problem are


2. Actions taken nearer to the root causes are more likely to have a lasting impact on

the problem.

Root causes can be divided into the following categories:

In terms of importance to the degradation of the coastal, aquatic and terrestrial

environment, root causes are often the most difficult to assess. Within each of the above

categories, the underlying causes or pressures will link to numerous

social/economic/governmental causes, at scales and levels that may vary significantly from

country to country.

Population pressure and demographic


Poverty, wealth and inequality

National, regional and international governance


and formulation

of values

Social change and

development biases

Development models and

national macro-economic


Climate change


In the following example, the R2R Project would not be able to intervene in the root cause -

cultural change in diet - but it is important to understand the driving force for this causal

chain when deciding to whether to intervene at all.

2.5.3. How to Develop a Causal Chain

A causal chain should be developed for each priority environmental issue with its associated

impacts and socio-economic consequences. A stepwise process is followed, the result of

which will be a flow diagram for each priority environmental problem. A completed causal

chain from the Kura-Aras TDA is shown below.

There are 2 key steps in the CCA process:

Step 1: Identification of the components of the causal chain

As with previous sections this step can successfully be accomplished through a collaborative

workshop involving the IDA Development Team.

Step 2: Further development of the causal chains based on the outputs from the CCA


It is highly probable that the outputs from the CCA workshop will only provide a starting

point for the completed causal chains. At the very most it will produce a comprehensive list

of sectors, immediate, underlying and root causes for the priority environmental problems

with information on linkages between different levels.

Direct Socio-economic impact Indirect Socio-economic impact

Higher nitrogen and

phosphorus emissions

Intensification of animal


Market demand for cheap meat

Cultural change in diet

Figure 6: Example of a simple causal chain


The purpose of this step is to complete each causal chain and provide quantitative or

qualitative data to substantiate the analysis if possible. Data collected from the Rapid

Coastal Assessments, STAR Projects and existing data will be used for this. A flow diagram

approach will be developed for communicating the information gathered through the CCA.

The causal chain will be supported with a narrative with quantitative and/or qualitative


An example of a completed causal chain from the Kura-Aras Basin TDA is provided below.

2.5.4. Advice from the field

At each stage in the CCA, keep asking ‘Why?’ – Generally, five iterations of asking ‘why’ is

sufficient to get to a root cause.

Causes interact – It is very likely that there will be links between several causes and the

same effect or the same cause producing several different effects. In addition, activities in

different sectors of society (e.g. agriculture, industry, transport, etc.) will result in specific

causes and effects but these are likely to interact with other sectors.

Do not underestimate the time needed to carry out CCA – It is unlikely that all the CCAs will

be completed in one workshop. Work will need to be continued between sessions.

Expertise – Ensure that the TDA Development team members working on the CCAs cover all

the areas of expertise needed. In particular, good social, legal, political and economic

experts will be required.

Work in a stepwise manner – Start with the immediate causes and work towards the root


Preparedness – Try to be well prepared prior to the main causal chain workshop. Have the

CCA methodology well developed and understood by key members of the TDA Development


Briefing – The CCA process can be difficult for people to conceptualise, so ensure that the

Development team are adequately briefed prior to any workshop by key members of the

team and try not to be over ambitious.



2.6. Leverage Points

A leverage point is a place within a complex system where a small shift at one point can

produce large changes elsewhere.

Leverage points come in many different forms. Some are most appropriately addressed with

a policy change – for example, when an existing policy is causing perverse incentives driving

industries to use water in excess of their actual need. Others are best approached with a

change in technology or management practice – for example, when excessive water is being

lost to evaporation due to out-of-date irrigation methods. Still others may require a change

in attitude or simple habit, perhaps in conjunction with a technology change so that actors

in a system begin thinking differently and making different decisions at the user level on a

daily basis.

2.6.1. Identifying leverage points

The identification of leverage points is a crucial part of the diagnostic analysis process – a

critical linking step between the diagnostic analysis and the development of a strategic

action plan.

At this stage, it is not necessary to identify the specific changes or solutions to be introduced

– this is part of the strategic thinking process.

The IDA Development Team needs to review the environmental problems, impacts, causal

chains and governance analysis and identify where, in the map of cause-and-effect

relationships, would interventions appear that have the largest potential for the broadest

possible, positive influence on the eco-systems. As with previous steps, this can be carried

out in a collaborative workshop.

2.7. Brainstorming Ideas and Opportunities for Reform and Action

2.7.1. What is Brainstorming?

Brainstorming is the rapid generation and listing of solution ideas without clarification and

without evaluation of their merits.

Brainstorming works best with a varied group of people. Participants should come from a

range of disciplines and have different backgrounds. Even in specialist areas, outsiders can

bring fresh ideas that can inspire the experts.

A brainstorming session requires a facilitator, a relaxed environment and something on

which to write ideas. The facilitator’s responsibilities include guiding the session,

encouraging participation and writing down ideas.

Initial brainstorming encourages a quantity of solutions rather than quality – the clearly

inappropriate solutions can be eliminated in subsequent discussions. Brainstorming

produces a creative flow of ideas uninterrupted by critical reflection.


2.7.2. Process for Brainstorming ideas, opportunities and solutions


As described in Section 2.9, it is important to identify leverage points during the final stage

of the TDA development process – thus linking the TDA and the SAP.

This step, aims to identify innovative ideas, opportunities or solutions that could be

introduced, that target the leverage points and meet the goals identified in the previous


These could be innovative “new” ideas or opportunities; they may be defined as solutions or

interventions. They could be “old” ideas – but they may have a new focus (i.e. replication of

solutions or interventions from other regions; or applying a solution for one problem to

another problem). The point is to be as creative as possible during this step – critical analysis

of the proposed ideas or opportunities comes later.

There are numerous approaches to brainstorming, but the collaborative approach to

brainstorming described in Volume 3 (Managing the TDA/SAP Process) is highly effective

because it is energetic, openly collaborative and allows the SAP development team

members to build on each other’s ideas.


A key to the brainstorming process and the ultimate success of the SAP is the importance of

prioritisation – an integral part of any strategic planning process. Because there are often

•The greater the number of ideas generated, the greater the chance of producing radical and effective solutions

Go for quantity, accept everything

•Criticism or evaluation of ideas generated should be put on hold

•Focus on extending or adding to ideasDefer judgement

•Look at the problem form new perspectives and suspend assumptions

•New ways of thinking may provide better solutions

Allow unconventional ideas

•Good ideas may be combined to form a single better ideaBuild on each others


•Their person noting the ideas should not be a censor and should capture the ideas that the originator find acceptableList every idea

•Every person has a valid viewpoint and a unique perspective on the situation and solution

Every person and every idea has equal worth


limited available resources, prioritisation helps to identify which innovative ideas or

opportunities should be considered further during the TDA/SAP process.

This is not about producing a strict ordering of the ideas or opportunities, rather the

purpose is to distinguish those that should be considered further in the SAP process from

those that need not.

The brainstormed ideas and opportunities can be assessed by reference to criteria.

Examples include, amongst others:

• Level of certainty that implementation will produce the expected/desired outcome

• Level of expected impact

• Feasibility of implementation

3. Planning the Diagnostic Analysis

3.1. Key milestones

The key milestones for the development of the Island Diagnostic Analysis (IDA) are:

• Create work-plan and budget

• Form IDA development team

• IDA launch meeting

• Causal chain analysis workshop

• Drafting the IDA (including socio-economic evaluations)

• IDA review meeting

• Strategic thinking workshop (ideas, opportunities and options for reform)

• National consultation process

• Adoption by steering committee

These milestones are presented in a simple checklist in Table 2, together with an indication

of who is likely to be the lead individual or organisation for the action and who else is

involved. In the trial of this methodology the RPCU will be providing lead staff or co-lead for

most milestones. After successful trial and adoption of the methodology by the Regional

Programme Steering Committee, these roles will be taken by the National Project Managers

and National Consultants.

A generic Gantt chart showing key IDA development milestones is shown in Table 3.

Table 2: Checklist of milestones and responsibilities for IDA

Activity PM PSC DT NC (RPCU) Create work-plan and budget L X Form IDA development team L X IDA launch meeting L X X Causal chain analysis workshop X X L Drafting the IDA (including socio-economic evaluations) X X L


IDA review meeting X X L Strategic thinking workshop (ideas, opportunities and options for reform)


National consultation process X Adoption by steering committee X Key: PM – National Project Manager L – Lead; X - Involved PSC – Project Steering Committee DT – Development Team NC (RPCU) – National Consultant (or Regional Programme Coordinating Unit)

Table 3: Key IDA development milestones (indicative only)

*denotes a workshop or meeting

3.2. IDA Development Team

Ideally, the IDA Development Team will consist of high-level representatives of the various

agencies, departments and NGO partners that are involved in the R2R. It is suggested to use

the National Ridge to Reef, Inter-Ministerial Steering Committee (or similar) where possible.

It may be necessary to include additional experts or community representatives.

Additional experts for the Development Team can come from a range of organisations,


• Key ministries or government departments

o Environment, Fisheries, Marine, Forests, Agriculture, Infrastructure, Water,

Climate, Women, Trade, Health, Education, etc.

• Government agencies

• Corporate entities

• Trade organisations

Activity Months

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Develop work-plan and budget

Form IDA development team

IDA Launch meeting *

Causal chain analysis workshop *

Drafting the IDA

IDA review *

Strategic thinking workshop *

National Consultation Process and final IDA review

Review by steering committee

Adoption by steering committee *


• NGO and CSO’s

• Academia and research organisations

• Regional commissions

The Development Team should be as interdisciplinary as possible and should include, or

have access to:

• Natural scientists – based on appropriate disciplines for the country

• Social scientists – social assessment and participation expert

• Economists – e.g. fisheries, environmental economists

• Legal experts – water, land, coast based legislation and regulations

• Policy experts – governance and institutions

In general, the Development Team will number between 10 – 20 participants, although

understanding that not all team members will be available at all times. A participant

checklist is provided in Annex 1.

3.3. Meetings and Workshops

A series of meetings and workshops are to be held during the IDA development phase. The

programme consists of 4 main events. This includes the Strategic Thinking Workshops,

which will be conducted at a later stage to align with Strategic Action Plan development

phase of the R2R Project. The IDA Launch meeting and causal chain analysis workshop will

be conducted on one day. The 4 events are:

• IDA Launch Meeting

• Causal Chain Analysis Workshop

• IDA Review Meeting

• Strategic Thinking Workshop – Ideas and options for reform

Workshop evaluation will be provided at the end of both rounds of workshops, and example

of which can be found in Annex 1.

3.3.1. IDA Launch Meeting

The IDA Launch Meeting, or inception meeting, will bring together the national

representatives from across the previously described organisations and disciplines. The

main objectives of the meeting, through two workshops, will be to initiate the process of:

• Identifying and prioritising the island environmental problems

• Identifying the impacts of the priority problems

More detail on the structure of these workshops can be found in Annex 2.

3.3.2. Causal Chain Analysis Workshop


The objective of this workshop is to produce a comprehensive list of immediate, underlying

and root causes for the priority island problems with information on linkages between

different levels, which the IDA Development Team has reached consensus.

The Causal Chain Analysis Workshop will be held on the same day of the Launch Meeting.

More details of the structure of the causal chain workshop can found in Annex 2.

3.3.3. IDA Review Meeting

The objective of the IDA Review Meeting is twofold:

• To review the draft IDA document

• To identify the key leverage points in the IDA

Review of the draft IDA document: The various workshops, meetings and reports

conducted during the IDA development will have produced a great deal of material that will

be integrated into one document – the IDA. The draft IDA will be thoroughly reviewed by

the IDA development team and key stakeholders to ensure it is fit-for-purpose and can be

adopted by the project steering committee. Copies of the IDA will be circulated well in

advance of this meeting.

Identification of key leverage points in the IDA: The IDA development team and other key

stakeholders will review the island problems, impacts, causal chains and socio-economic

analysis, and identify key leverage points. For example, where in this map of cause-and-

effect relationships, interventions could appear that have the largest potential for the

broadest possible positive influence on the island environment.

More details on the structure of this workshop can be found in Annex 2.

3.3.4. Strategic Thinking Workshop – Ideas and options for reforms

The Strategic Thinking Workshop is based around:

• Brainstorming ideas, opportunities and solutions that could be introduced that

target the leverage points and meet the goals identified in the previous meetings

• Identifying options or alternatives that best meet the needs and realities of the


The overall outcome of this meeting will be an elaborated table of specific alternative ideas,

options or solutions that will provide the basis for more detailed in-country studies and

discussions on options and alternatives.

More details on the structure of this workshop can be found in Annex 2.

3.4. National Consultation Process


Meetings to evaluate alternatives: The objective of these meetings will be to:

• Evaluate the options for reform and action developed by each country

• Prioritise options for reform and action

The national consultant will produce a comparative net benefit analysis of the options and

circulate well in advance of national consultation. This will be used as the basis for the

prioritisation exercise and thorough evaluation of the feasibility of the alternatives from a

national perspective.

Adoption by the steering committee: The objective of this meeting is to have the IDA

adopted by the national projects steering committee. The IDA will be circulated well in

advance of the meeting to ensure that all stakeholders have an opportunity to review. Key

agenda points for this meeting are:

• General overview of the IDA components

• The IDA development process

• Discussion of IDA contents

• Linkage between the IDA and the Strategic Action Plan development process


Annex 1: Criteria and templates


1. List of environmental problems to guide discussion

2. Criteria for prioritising environmental problems

3. Template for cause and impacts

4. Criteria for prioritising identified options for reform and action


List of environmental problems

Water systems Exploitation of resources (living/non-living)

Global changes Habitat and community modification


Deterioration of water quality

Decline in commercial fish stocks

Coastal erosion

Habitat and biodiversity changes


Changes in hydrological flow

Deforestation Changes in hydrological cycles

Invasive species


Stress on ground and surface water resources

Deterioration of soil productivity

Increase in catastrophic events

Land degradation

Solid and liquid waste management

Flooding Ecosystem degradation (nearshore, terrestrial, surface water)

Suspended solids

Sea level changes

Criteria for prioritising environmental problems

Table 4: Criteria list for national prioritisation exercise

Criteria Weighting (1 – 4)

Whole-of-island nature of a problem – geographical and temporal scale.

1 = no importance 2 = low importance 3 = moderate importance 4 = high importance

Future risk of the problem – (in 10 years) 1 = no importance 2 = low importance 3 = moderate importance 4 = high importance

Relationship with other environmental problems.

1 = no importance 2 = low importance

3 = moderate importance 4 = high importance

Expected multiple benefits that might be achieved by addressing a problem.

1 = no importance 2 = low importance 3 = moderate importance 4 = high importance

Progress in addressing this problem at the national level

1 = high progress 2 = moderate progress 3 = low progress 4 = no progress

Urgency of addressing this problem 1 = no urgency 2 = low urgency 3 = moderate urgency 4 = high urgency


Table 5: Criteria list for located priority site

1Criteria Rating Weighting (1 – 4) Score

Size of the affected area (as percentage of the total national land area)

1- < 10sq.km 2- 10 to 100sq.km 3- 100 to 1000sq.km 4- 1000 to 10,000sq.km 5- >10,000sq.km

1 = no importance 2 = low importance 3 = moderate importance 4 = high importance

Affected population (as percentage of national population)

1- < 1000 2- 1000 to 10,000 3- 10,000 to 100,000 4- 100,000 to 500,000 5- >500,000

Extent to which the natural catchment, aquifer or receiving coastal and marine waters support the livelihood of local communities (e.g. subsistence or commercial farming, forestry, mining, tourism, fisheries)

1- very low importance (<10%) 2- low importance (10-30%) 3- average importance (30-50%) 4- important (50-80%) 5- very important (>80%)

Extent to which the natural catchment, aquifer or receiving coastal and marine waters support the national development (e.g. commercial farming, forestry, mining, tourism, fisheries)

1- very low importance (<10%) 2- low importance (10-30%) 3- average importance (30-50%) 4- important (50-80%) 5- very important (>80%)

Extent to which the site is a recognized government priority (refer to National Sustainable Development Strategy, or other strategic action plans e.g. NEAPs)

1- no, not a priority 2- yes, low priority 3- yes, medium priority 4- yes, high priority 5- yes, very high priority

Extent to which the site is of regional and/or global significance and priority (see WWF ecoregions, IUCN categories, UNESCO world heritage sites, etc.)

1- no, not a priority 2- yes, low priority 3- yes, medium priority 4- yes, high priority 5- yes, very high priority

Degree of Degradation at the site (e.g. type of degradation)

1- very low 2- low 3- average 4- high 5- extremely high

Extent of degradation on catchment and/or aquifer and any receiving coastal and marine resources and systems

1- very low 2- low 3- average 4- high 5- extremely high

Cultural or traditional value of the site 1- very low 2- low 3- average 4- high 5- extremely high

Extent of community management at the site 1- very low 2- low 3- average

1 The rating set out under this table including proportion of area impacted or population affected, etc., will be manually estimated


4- high 5- extremely high

Template for cause and impacts

Environmental Problem

Environmental Impacts and socio-economic consequences

Rank Sector Rank

Criteria for prioritising identified options for reform and action

Criteria Rating Weighting (1 – 4) Score

Level of certainty that implementation will produce the expected/desired outcome

1 = no importance 2 = low importance 3 = moderate importance 4 = high importance

Level of expected impact

Feasibility of implementation

Nationally appropriate approach



Annex 2: Workshop Examples


1. Example of workshop programme agenda

2. Identifying and Prioritising Island Environmental Problems

3. Determining environmental and socio-economic impacts

4. Developing causal chains

5. Identifying leverage points

6. Brainstorming ideas and opportunities

7. Reviewing options and alternatives

Example of workshop programme agenda

One Day

First IDA Workshop AM Identifying and Prioritising Island Problems Determining environmental and socio-economic impacts

PM Causal Chain Workshop

Second IDA Workshop AM Identifying leverage points Brainstorming ideas and opportunities

PM Reviewing options and alternatives


Workshop Example 1: Identifying and prioritising environmental problems

Length of workshop:

Approximately 2 hours of the first IDA Development Workshop.


Plenary with the full IDA Development Team.


To reach a consensus between the IDA Development Team of the priority cross-sectoral problems affecting the whole-of-island.

The task:

1. With the aid of a good facilitator, and the predefined list provided in Annex 1, the IDA Development Team is encouraged to brainstorm a complete list of the environmental problems in country. The facilitator should prompt and write ALL answers on a flip chart or white board.

2. Once the list has been refined, encourage the team to focus in on the real environmental problems (many in the list are likely to be governance causes or impacts).

3. Finally get the team members to prioritise the problems based on the criteria provided in Annex 1 using printed score sheets. Each team member should score the environmental problems individually.

Island Environmental Problem Prioritisation Criteria:

Based on the set of defined criteria, assign a score to each transboundary problem between 0 (no importance), 1 (low importance), 2 (moderate importance) and 3 (high importance) to determine the relevance of the problem.

Report back and discussion:

Summarise the results in a spreadsheet (template provided) and present to the team for discussion. Conduct a critical discussion on the outputs and ensure a rapporteur captures all comments.


• List of island environmental problems, complete with information on geographical scale

• Agreed set of Island Environmental Problem Prioritisation Criteria

• Detailed list of prioritised transboundary problems with scoring data


Workshop Example 2: Determining environmental and socio-economic impacts

Length of workshop:

Approximately 2 hours of the first IDA Development Workshop.


Initially in plenary to describe the process followed by small breakout groups. After plenary, IDA

Development Team members divide into groups of between 3 and 8. Groups can be by discipline,

environmental problem or mixed.

Preferably, the Project Manager/Consultant will define the groups prior to the workshop. At the end

of the group work, each working group should report back in plenary.


To reach a consensus between the IDA Development Team of the key environmental and socio-

economic impacts for each priority environmental problem.

The task:

1. Each group: Decide on a facilitator/chair, a rapporteur and ensure all members know each


2. Take one of the priority cross-sectoral problems and identify:

• The environmental impacts

• The direct and indirect socio-economic impacts

• Make linkages between impacts and other island environmental problems

• Identify geographical location(s) of impacts/consequences

3. Allow a set time period for each island environmental problem, e.g. 20 minutes

Report back and discussion:

In plenary, ask for feedback from each group. Limit the time for each group (e.g. 5 minutes) and

keep a close eye on timekeeping. Allow time for a critical discussion within the group and ensure a

rapporteur captures all comments.


• Comprehensive list of environmental and socio-impacts for the priority island environmental

problems with information on linkages between impacts and problems

• Information on geographical location(s) of impacts

• Annotated list of discussion comments from IDA Development Team


Workshop Example 3: Developing causal chains

Length of workshop:

At least half-day of the first IDA Development Workshop


Initially in plenary to describe the process followed by small breakout groups. After plenary, IDA Development Team members divide into groups of between 3 and 8 each taking responsibility for an island environmental problem. Mixed discipline groups work well – ensure that the group members working on this process cover all the areas of expertise needed. In addition to natural scientists, social, legal, political and economic experts will be required. Preferably, the Project Manager will define the groups prior to the workshop. At the end of the group work, each working group should report back in plenary.


To reach a consensus between the IDA Development Team of the immediate, underlying and root causes for each priority environmental problem.

The task:

Each group:

1. Decide on a facilitator/chair, a rapporteur and ensure all members know each other. 2. Review the priority problems and their associated environmental and socio-economic

impacts. 3. For each problem, identify and list:

• The key sectors (e.g. industry, agriculture, fisheries etc)

• The immediate causes

• The underlying resource uses and practices that contribute to each immediate cause

• The underlying social, economic, legal and political causes of each immediate cause

• Link the resource uses and practices, and social, economic, legal and political causes

• Determine the root causes

The groups will also need to make linkages so provide white boards, flipchart paper or Post It notes as available.

Note: There might not be enough time to do all of the steps. The task can be reduced according to the level of engagement of the groups, their energy levels and the time available.

Report back and discussion:

In plenary, ask for feedback from each group. Limit the time for each group (e.g. 10 minutes) and keep a close eye on timekeeping. Allow time for a critical discussion within the group and ensure a rapporteur captures all comments.

It might be useful for a second round of group work to incorporate any ideas from the whole group. This would need to be agreed by the project manager, prior to the workshop. If a second round is decided, consider moving team members between groups.


• Comprehensive list of sectors, immediate, underlying and root causes for the priority transboundary problems with information on linkages between different levels

• Annotated list of discussion comments from IDA Development Team


Workshop Example 4: Identifying leverage points

Length of workshop:

Approximately 2 hours of the second IDA Development Workshop


Small group (approximately 5 -7) of key IDA Development Team members – ensure that the group

members working on this process cover all the areas of expertise needed.


To identify leverage points where changes can be made in the environmental system.

The task:

In a small group, or individually:

• Review the island environmental problems, impacts, causal chains and thematic reports.

• Where, in this map of cause-and-effect relationships, would an intervention appear to

have the largest potential for the broadest possible, positive influence on water


• Identify the leverage points – either graphically in the TDA materials and/or in list form

Remind the teams, if necessary that the leverage points are places to make change in the system,

and not the specific changes or solutions to be introduced. Identifying what changes to introduce in

the system is part of the strategic thinking process.


• A full list of leverage points with appropriate reference back to the TDA

• Annotated list of discussion comments from TDA Development Team


Workshop Example 5: Brainstorming ideas and opportunities

Length of workshop:

Approximately 4 hours of the second IDA Development Workshop.


Initially in plenary to describe the process but followed by small breakout groups. After the plenary session, IDA Development Team members divide into groups of between 3 and 8 (possibly based around priority environmental problems or goals). Mixed discipline groups work well – ensure that the group members working on this process cover all the areas of expertise needed. Preferably, the Project Manager will define the groups prior to the workshop. At the end of the group work, each working group should report back in plenary.


Identification of ideas and opportunities that target the leverage points and meet the identified vision and goals.

The task:

In Breakout groups:

1. Decide on a facilitator/chair and a rapporteur and ensure all members know each other. 2. Get each group to review the leverage points associated with a specific environmental

problem. Using this information, ask the question: ‘With reference to the leverage points, what do you think would be some really exciting ideas and opportunities to achieve the goals?’

3. Brainstorm new ideas and opportunities in this area - remember the "Golden rules" of brainstorming. Limit the time for each brainstorming session (20 - 25 minutes is recommended but experience will show how much time is required).

4. Once the brainstorming starts, participants are encouraged to give their ideas and opportunities while the facilitator writes them down – usually on a white board or flip-chart for all to see. There must be absolutely no criticizing of ideas. No matter how silly or how impossible an idea seems, it should be written down. Laughing is to be encouraged. Criticism is not.

5. Once the time is up, encourage the group to identify the top ideas (normally between 3 and 10). Make sure everyone involved in the brainstorming session is in agreement.

6. Once the group has completed the task for the first environmental problem and/or goal, get them to move on to the subsequent problems or goals. Repeat the process until all group have had the chance to brainstorm ideas and opportunities for all problems and/or goals.

Report back and discussion:

In plenary, ask for a 5 to 10 minute report from each group to present the priority ideas and opportunities. Make sure that the whole SAP Development Team has ample time to review the resulting prioritized lists. Discuss whether the lists accurately reflect the thinking of the group and whether it seems like a reasonable set of potential approaches. This is the list that moves forward to the next strategic thinking step. Ensure a rapporteur captures all comments.



• Lists of prioritised innovative ideas and opportunities that target the leverage points and meet the identified vision and goals

• Annotated list of discussion comments from IDA Development Team

Workshop Example 6: Reviewing options and alternatives

Length of workshop:

Approximately 2 hours of the second IDA Development Workshop


Initially in plenary to describe the process but followed by small breakout groups. After the plenary

session, IDA Development Team members divide into groups of between 3 and 8 (possibly based

around priority transboundary problems or goals). Mixed discipline groups work well – ensure that

the group members working on this process cover all the areas of expertise needed. In addition to

natural scientists, social, legal, political and economic experts will be required. Preferably, the

Project Manager will define the groups prior to the workshop. At the end of the group work, each

working group should report back in plenary.


Selection of ideas, opportunities or solutions that best meet the needs and realities of the region

The task:

In Breakout groups:

1. Decide on a facilitator/chair and a rapporteur and ensure all members know each other.

2. Facilitator introduces the review matrix that the group will be asked to complete

3. The breakout groups review (and if necessary, amend) the ideas, opportunities or solutions

and then complete the table row by row, except for the ‘Relative Priority’ column which is

completed by the breakout group once all the proposed solutions have been examined.

4. The facilitator of each group should ensure that his or her group takes its decisions by

consensus; the objective is not to exclude any genuinely viable ideas, just to elaborate them


5. Groups should be encouraged to move forward if they become stuck on a particular point,

and to return to it if time permits.

6. Where lack of information makes it impossible to complete one of the columns, information

can be supplied after the meeting but there must be a clear agreement on who takes

responsibility for this. At this stage, the tables should be seen as a ‘work in progress’.

Report back and discussion:

In plenary, ask for a 5 to 10 minute report from each group to present the key findings. Allow time

for a critical discussion within the group and ensure a rapporteur captures all comments.


• Completed tables of prioritised options and alternatives that meet the needs and

realities of the region

• Annotated list of discussion comments from IDA Development Team
