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developing basic public

Date post: 13-Apr-2017
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OUR OBJECTIVE To become an effective, confident public speaker. To learn how to overcome and master the fear of public speaking. To provide all the information necessary to prepare and present effective public speeches. To provide the means to express ideas so well that others are touched, moved, and persuaded by them.
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• To become an effective, confident public speaker.

• To learn how to overcome and master the fear of public speaking.

• To provide all the information necessary to prepare and present effective public speeches.

• To provide the means to express ideas so well that others are touched, moved, and persuaded by them.

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The art of effective communications is not only significant; it is an essential, critical life skill.

It is important that everyone develop excellent communications skills and techniques.

This development grows out of increased self awareness, knowledge of various communications methods, personal experience, and constant practice

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WHAT EXACTLY IS PUBLIC SPEAKINGPublic speaking is the process and act of

communication or giving a lecture to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain a

listening audience.

Public speaking is commonly understood as face-to-face speaking between individuals and

an audience for the purpose of communication.

It is closely allied to "presenting", although the latter is more often associated with

commercial activity. Most of the time, public speaking is to persuade the audience.

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The Importance of Public Speaking

Good public speaking can enhance your reputation, boost your self-confidence , and open up countless opportunities.

For example, you might have to talk about your organization at a conference, make a speech after accepting an award, or teach a class to new recruits.

Speaking to an audience also includes online presentations or talks; for instance, when training a virtual team, or when speaking to a group of customers in an online meeting.

Good public speaking skills are important in other areas of your life, as well. You might be asked to make a speech at a friend's wedding, give a eulogy for a loved one, or inspire a group of volunteers at a charity event.

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Engaging Your Audience

Start by telling your audience what they will

take away from your talk.

What are the three things

worth paying attention to and remembering?

One of my talks starts with: “When you leave after two hour workshop, you will know how to

(1) organize a talk and save hours of time; (2) use my professionally

designed slides to categorize information on your slides and

keep your audience engaged; and (3) feel more confident and excited

about giving a presentation.

Speak less than the

time allotted.

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5. Use silence effectively. When you are playing catch and you throw the ball to someone, you find yourself waiting—will the other player catch it, and how? You don’t throw ball after ball without looking to see if the person caught one of them.

6.Pause periodically. Silence not only gives your audience a chance to digest your information—it also gives them permission to participate.

7.Emphasize key words. If you speak in the same voice tone throughout the entire presentation, no one knows what is really important. Make it obvious to your audience what they really need to pay attention to.

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8.Use numbers, and emphasize them. A person can pay attention better when you say, “There are three

strategies to solve this situation.

Number 1 is…

Number 2 is…

Number 3 is…”

Every time you say a number, it reengages your audience’s attention and helps their brains to listen.

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9.Remind your audience of the benefits of what you just told them. I frequently say something

like, “By using these professionally designed slides you will feel more confident when

speaking, and you’ll be able to make eye contact with your audience because you won’t be reading

the slides.”

10. You have to engage the “child” part of your audience by using emotional words. “I’m excited

today to be here to tell you some good news.”

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11.Tell a story that interests your audience. We all love stories—especially ones that have some emotion connected to them. Tell a story within 5 to 8 minutes of starting your talk.

12.Do something unexpected. One of my clients stopped talking in the middle of his presentation, blanked out the screen and said, “OK, you’ve heard enough of the possibilities of PUBLIC SPEAKING, let’s discuss your views so far.” The energy changed in the room. People started talking and came to some understandings before he went on. Another presenter passed out several products and asked people to talk about them.

.Give people “brain food”. Literally, give them food, and I don’t mean donuts. Here are some ideas: almonds, walnuts, cashews, small cups of bananas and blueberries, dark chocolate, small turkey sandwiches, yogurt (without the sugar), green tea. These foods will help them concentrate, which means they will be more engaged with you.

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Have it at the back of your mind that you could be asked to speak. Whether you are

at a company cocktail party, launch of a combined harvester, or a cousin’s

wedding; as long as you attend, you are a candidate for public speaking. It could be

to introduce yourself, move a vote of thanks or to offer a prayer. In any event,

you will have to socialize and that still counts as public communication.

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rehearsed self-introduction or elevator pitch.

• You cannot afford to begin by stalling, “Err, my err, name err, is err…” Polish your self-introduction script and to work on its dynamic delivery in advance.



Keep equipping yourself with

material that could one day come in


To accomplish this, keep brushing up

on your knowledge of topical issues as

well gradually expanding your

vocabulary and use of language.

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Speaking up makes you look confident and lends credibility to your utterances. Do not whimper. If you speak, speak to be heard – be visible and audible to all present. Make it count! Or to put it in Oliver Wendell Holmes’ words: “Speak clearly, if you speak at all; carve every word before you let it fall.”


Carry out some research before you get to that function. Know before you go! Make it one of your habits to ask yourself these questions: Who will be present? What the event is all about? What issues are likely to be floated, on and off the podium? By way of example, supposing you are a Kenyan fashion designer attending an ICT conference in Portugal hosted by the World Bank, and the guest of honour is the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Then, out of the blue, you are asked to say a few words. What would you speak about

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Calm, Cool, And Calculated; self-possessed, composed.

Cucumbers have long been used in salads and relishes for their refreshing, cooling quality.

This popular simile dates from 1732.

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If you are invited to speak, maintain your composure and wear a confident smile. Do not fidget or, even worse, burst out in shock, “What? Me?…” and a host of other confidence-eroding phrases. For starters, do not apologize for not expecting to speak or for being unprepared. Do not publicize how inadequate you feel. Just K.I.S.S. - Keep It Short and Significant.

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Humor is a form of expression intended to arouse amusement.

"the power to evoke laughter by remarks showing verbal felicity or ingenuity and swift perception,

especially of the incongruous". All modes of expression intended to arouse


Who should use humor?

Anyone whose job it is to communicate to groups of individuals, to share information or to motivate, could use

humor to invigorate their message and improve the reception of their audience.

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If you want to attract an eager audience, then make sure your presentation title and any promotional literature

conveys a sense of fun or enthusiasm.

Because of the disparity between speaking and listening rates, speakers must be aware of the “zap rule”.

Audiences need a “zap” at least once every 3-6 minutes during a presentation to stay focused and interested.

A zap does not have to be a song and dance number; it may be as simple as slipping in a quote, asking the audience a

question or changing your audio-visual medium. Using humor, however, is one of the most effective zaps available. Humor gets people involved, focuses their attention back to the front of the room and keeps their brains tuned to your station.

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Your audience needs to relax too.

Adding humor to the beginning of a presentation sends the message “we’re here to have fun too folks

Humor helps unite an audience

Humor helps deliver controversial, authoritative or bad news

If done effectively, humor can soften bad news. Like the old sugar-with-the-cough-syrup trick, humor helps audiences swallow

difficult news a little easier. Humor diffuses anxieties, shows concern for the audience and

helps people see a bad situation in a more positive light.

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Different people learn in different ways

Your audience is made up of people who learn in different ways, so to be effective at reaching everyone you need think about incorporating different styles and methods into your presentation. Adding humor is just one more way you can

vary your approach to reach different learners in your audience.

Humor helps audiences retain information

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Whether you are having a casual telephone

conversation, teaching a Sunday school class, having a conversation with your boss,

or giving a formal presentation, you are

involved in public speaking.

Next slide are examples of how public speaking can positively influence your

everyday life, your career, your relationships, your

communication style, and much more.

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Build success in your professional life. Most presidents and CEOs of companies possess strong speaking skills. I work with many

high-level executives in the business world, and when I ask them why they feel they need coaching to improve their speaking skills,

they all indicate that they know their success and their companies’ future business ventures rely on their ability to speak

well. Their promotions to the top were related directly to their ability to communicate effectively.

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Communicate with others more clearly. Many mistakes or misinterpretations are a result of not properly communicating your ideas. Good public speaking skills help you articulate ideas well and make them

come alive for the listener. This was one of the most critical skills I needed to develop as a Human Resources Practitioner, because I often had to speak to audiences that

didn’t know anything about the organization's vision and Mission or CEOs who do not understand the benefit of a well structured organization to

attract the desired human capital(DHC), for example, but had the authority and the money to run the office. If I was ineffective in conveying

why they should invest more money, I might have been out of a job.

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Build overall confidence. As you become better at organizing and communicating your ideas effectively, you will start to

exhibit more confidence. People with this ability have a “glow” of confidence when they speak in public. (Let’s not

confuse this with the red glow of terror on the face of someone who is scared to death.

Increase your comfort level in social situations. How many of you have ever been invited to a party and are afraid to strike up a conversation? (Don’t be shy,

no one can see you.) Social situations are, in fact, the perfect opportunity to practice your public speaking skills. Here’s a little bonus: It is a known fact that people who speak well are perceived as better looking. “Thank God, now I know

why I worked so hard at it, and it wasn’t just my cute smile that made me popular with the girls”.

Speak more confidently on the telephone. Whether you call to request information, make a cold call at work, communicate with a

client, or just leave a phone message, others can hear your confidence level in the tone of your voice. Did you know that over 86 percent of your telephone message is communicated through the tone of your


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Run meetings or present new ideas more effectively. Organizing and running a

meeting with adults is more difficult, I think, because you can’t bribe them with


Become an effective member or volunteer. At some point in your life, you may volunteer or even be affectionately

compelled to lead or participate in a professional or social organization.

Establish trust and respect from others with greater ease. Your success in dealing with clients—or even your own children—

depends a great deal on your speaking skills.

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THE END MATTERS ALOT Message conception Encoding

Channel Transmission

Receiving & Decoding Action/ Response


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