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(A Developmental Study at the Tenth Grade of Office Administration Program










2018 M./1438 H.

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Suparti. Developing English for Vocational Purposes (EVP) Speaking Materials (A

Developmental Study at the Tenth Grade Students of SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK –


The objectives of this research were: 1) to identify the office administration

students‟ needs in English for Vocational Purpose (EVP) speaking materials at SMK PGRI

31 LEGOK, 2) to design the appropriate English for Vocational Purpose (EVP) speaking

syllabus for the tenth grade students of office administration program at SMK PGRI 31

LEGOK, 3) to develop English for Vocational Purpose (EVP) speaking materials for the

tenth grade students of office administration program at SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK. This

research was a Research and Development (R & D) study. The steps of this study were:

collecting data and information (needs analysis), writing the syllabus, developing the first

draft of the materials, evaluating the first draft of the materials (expert judgment) and

writing the final draft of the materials. The data were collected from observation, interview

and questionnaires. Based on the needs analysis results, most of the tenth grade students

(84%) of Office Administration Program needs ESP speaking materials to support their

future job which includes some works like handling telephone call, delivering a

presentation and handling guest. This research developed three units of learning materials

which focused on improving the speaking skills. Each unit was organized into: „Warm-

Up‟, „Let‟s Study‟, „Let‟s Practice More‟, „Let‟s Speak More‟, „Summary‟, and

„Reflection‟. The topic of the materials was related to the task in workplace. The input of

the materials was in the form of dialogues and monologues. In addition, there were some

explanations about English expressions and also spelling. Related to the learning activities,

most of the tasks in the materials were in the form of pair-work and small-group work. The

findings from the materials evaluation showed that goals in writing materials, input texts,

language structures, language skills, tasks, textbook organizations and textbook layout are

appropriate. The experts suggested revising some of the instructions in the materials. The

final total value of three units is 99 which is in the interval 76 to 100, so that it was

categorized as “Very well”.

Keywords: English for Vocational Purpose, Materials Development, Office Administration

Study Program, Speaking.

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Suparti. Mengembangkan Materi Berbicara Bahasa Inggris untuk Tujuan Kejuruan

(Studi Perkembangan pada Siswa Kelas 10 SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK -


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Mengidentifikasi kebutuhan siswa

administrasi perkantoran dalam bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan Kejuruan (EVP) di SMK

PGRI 31 LEGOK, 2) merancang silabus bahasa Inggris untuk Keperluan Kejuruan (EVP)

untuk siswa kelas sepuluh program administrasi perkantoran di SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK, 3)

untuk mengembangkan materi pengajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk Keperluan Kejuruan

(EVP) untuk siswa kelas sepuluh program administrasi perkantoran di SMK PGRI 31

LEGOK. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Penelitian dan Pengembangan (R & D).

Langkah-langkah dari penelitian ini adalah: mengumpulkan data dan informasi (analisis

kebutuhan), menulis silabus, mengembangkan draf pertama, mengevaluasi draf pertama

(penilaian ahli) dan menulis draf akhir. Data dikumpulkan dari observasi, wawancara dan

kuesioner. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kebutuhan, sebagian besar siswa kelas 10 (84%)

Program Administrasi Perkantoran membutuhkan materi ESP untuk mendukung pekerjaan

masa depan mereka yang mencakup beberapa pekerjaan seperti menangani panggilan

telepon, menyampaikan presentasi dan menangani tamu. Penelitian ini mengembangkan

tiga unit materi pembelajaran yang difokuskan pada peningkatan kemampuan berbicara.

Setiap unit diorganisir menjadi: „Pemanasan‟, „Mari Belajar‟, „Mari Berlatih Lagi‟, „Mari

Bicara Lagi‟, „Ringkasan‟, dan „Refleksi‟. Topik materi terkait dengan tugas di tempat

kerja. Masukan bahan itu berupa dialog dan monolog. Selain itu, ada beberapa penjelasan

tentang ungkapan bahasa Inggris dan juga ejaan. Berkaitan dengan kegiatan belajar,

sebagian besar tugas dalam materi berupa kerja pasangan dan kerja kelompok kecil.

Temuan dari evaluasi bahan menunjukkan bahwa tujuan dalam menulis materi, teks

masukan, struktur bahasa, kemampuan bahasa, tugas, organisasi buku teks dan tata letak

buku teks sesuai. Para ahli menyarankan untuk merevisi beberapa instruksi dalam materi.

Nilai akhir dari tiga unit adalah 99 yang berada pada interval 76 sampai 100, sehingga

dikategorikan sebagai “Sangat baik”.

Kata kunci: Bahasa Inggris untuk Tujuan Kejuruan, Pengembangan Materi, Program Studi

Administrasi Perkantoran, Berbicara.

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ملخص البحث

ني )دراسة تطويرية لدى طلبة الصف العاشر سوبارتي. "تطوير مادة الكالم باللغة اإلنجليزية للغرض المه ".7102تانجيرانج( –ليجوك PGRI 31بالمدرسة المهنية

( يف EVP(. معرفة احتياج طلبة اإلدارة ادلكتبية إىل اللغة اإلجنليزية للغرض ادلهين )1أهداف هذا البحث هي: ( لدى طلبة الصف EVP(. صناعة ختطيط اللغة اإلجنليزية للغرض ادلهين )2ليجوك، PGRI 31ادلدرسة ادلهنية

(. تطوير ادلادة التعليمية يف تعليم اللغة 3ليجوك، PGRI 31العاشر لربنامج اإلدارة ادلكتبية بادلدرسة ادلهنية PGRI 31بادلدرسة ادلهنية ( لدى طلبة الصف العاشر لربنامج اإلدارة ادلكتبية EVPاإلجنليزية للغرض ادلهين )

كما يلي: مجع البيانات وادلعلومات ف(. وأما ادلناهج ادلستخدمة R&Dليجوك. صار هذا البحث حبثا تطويريا ))حتليل احلاجة(، كتابة التخطيط التعليمي، تطوير ادلسودة األوىل، تقومي ادلسودة األوىل )تقييم ادلتضلعني( وكتابة

عت ال بيانات من ادلالحظة ادلباشرة وادلقابلة الشخصية واالستفتاءات ادلنتشرة. ومن حتليل احلاجة، ادلسودة اآلخرة. مجم( للدعم ESP%( لربنامج اإلدارة ادلكتبية حيتاجون إىل ادلادة اإلجنليزية للغرض ادلهين )44يوجد أن معظم الطلبة )

ذلاتف، وتقدمي ادلادة، واستقبال الضيوف. على عملهم يف ادلستقبل الذي يشتمل على األعمال األخرى مثل إجابة اتطّور هذا البحث ثالثة ادلواد التعليمية اخلاصة يف ترقية مهارة الكالم. كل القسم منها يتضمن: "التدفئة"، و"حي نتعلم"، و"حي منارس"، و"حي منارس"، و"اخلالصة"، و"ادلنعكس". وكان موضوع ادلادة يتعلق باألنشطة يف ادلعمل.

ادة من احلوارات وادلونولوجيات. وهناك بيان عن العبارات اإلجنليزية واذلجايية. وأما العملية التعليمية، وتركبت ادلفمعظمها من التعلم التعاوين واجملموعة الصغرية. وأما النتايج من تقومي ادلادة فتدل على ادلوافقة بني الغرض واذلدف

اللغوية والعمليات التعليمية وحمتوى الكتاب وتنظيمه. ورأشار ادلتضلعون يف كتابة ادلادة وادلدلول والًتاكيب وادلهارات حىت 67فتقع على فاصلة 99إىل أن تنقح التعليمات اليت كانت يف ادلادة. والقيمة اآلخرة من ثالثة أقسام هي

، فصارت "جيد جّدا".111

برنامج اإلدارة ادلكتبية، الكالم.العبارات الرييسية: اللغة اإلجنليزية للغرض ادلهين، تطوير ادلادة،

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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Praised be to Allah, Lord of the world, who has given the writer His love and

compassion to complete my Master‟s Degree. Peace and salutation be upon to the prophet

Muhammad SAW, his family, his companion, and his adherence.

It is a pleasure to acknowledge the help and contribution to all of lecturers,

institution, family and friends who have contributed in different ways hence this thesis is

processed until it becomes a complete writing which will be presented to the Master

Program of English Education Faculty of Educational Sciences in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of M.Pd. in English Language Education.

First of all, the writer would like to express her great honor and deepest gratitude

to her advisor Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd. and all the examiners Dr. Farida Hamid, M.Pd., Dr.

Alek, M.Pd. and Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd. who had empowered the writer to enhance

this thesis with their intellectual recommendations and constructive comments. Her special

gratitude goes to her beloved parents, brothers, husband and daughter who never stopped

motivating her in accomplishing this thesis.

The writer‟s sincere gratitude also goes to:

1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A., the dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences.

2. Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd., the head of master program, Faculty of Educational Sciences.

3. Muslikh Amrullah, S.Pd., the staff of master program, Faculty of Educational


4. All the lecturers in Master Program of English Education Department who had

transferred his/ her knowledge and also for the valuable guidance and encouragement.

5. The writer‟s classmates in graduate program of English Education Department UIN

Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta class of 2012 especially Dwi Pramesti who has struggled

together to finish this thesis.

6. Headmaster of SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK–TANGERANG and the interviewees from

English for Vocational Purposes (EVP) teachers whom I interviewed and asked survey

from, thank you for helping me to complete this research data. This research will be

nothing without your help.

7. All of people who participated in the process of the thesis that the writer couldn‟t

mention one by one.

May Allah bless you all.

Ciputat, January 2018

The Writer

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TITLE PAGE........................................................................................................ ii

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ..................................................................... iii

APPROVAL BY EXAMINERS .......................................................................... iv

ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................... viii

TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................... ix

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................... xii

LIST OF CHARTS ............................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................. xiv

LIST OF APPENDICES ...................................................................................... xv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Research .................................................................... 1

B. Focus and Sub- Focus of the Research .................................................... 3

C. Research Questions ................................................................................. 4

D. Research Objectives ................................................................................ 4

E. Research Significance ............................................................................. 4

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................... 5

A. ESP (English for Specific Purposes) ....................................................... 5

1. The Nature of ESP ............................................................................ 5

2. ESP Characteristics ........................................................................... 6

3. Types of ESP..................................................................................... 7

4. ESP Teaching and Learning Process ................................................ 10

4.1 The Role of ESP Teacher ........................................................ 11

4.2 Vocational High School Students as ESP Learners ................ 11

5. Objectives in Teaching ESP .............................................................. 12

6. Teaching Skills in ESP ...................................................................... 13

6.1 Listening ................................................................................. 13

6.2 Reading ................................................................................... 15

6.3 Writing Grammar .................................................................... 18

6.4 Speaking .................................................................................. 20

B. Speaking .................................................................................................. 20

1. The Nature of Speaking .................................................................... 20

2. Functions of Speaking ....................................................................... 21

3. Speaking Aspects .............................................................................. 22

4. Teaching Speaking ............................................................................ 23

C. Needs Analysis ........................................................................................ 24

1. Target Needs ..................................................................................... 25

2. Learning Needs ................................................................................. 25

D. Material ................................................................................................... 26

1. The Nature of Material ...................................................................... 26

2. ESP Material ..................................................................................... 28

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a. Typology of ESP Material .......................................................... 28

1) Materials for Reading .......................................................... 28

2) Materials for Writing ........................................................... 28

3) Materials for Listening ......................................................... 29

4) Materials for Speaking ......................................................... 29

b. ESP Materials Selections ............................................................ 29

1) Authenticity vs Simplicity ................................................... 29

2) Criteria for ESP Material Selection ..................................... 30

3. Purpose of Materials ......................................................................... 31

4. Material Development ...................................................................... 32

a. The Nature of Material Development ......................................... 32

b. Step of Designing Material ......................................................... 33

c. Advantage of Creating Own Material ........................................ 34

d. The Principles of Language Learning Materials ........................ 34

e. Materials Design ......................................................................... 35

f. Speaking Task Criteria ............................................................... 36

g. The Qualifications of Office Administration in the Work Field 37

5. Materials Evaluation ......................................................................... 39

a. Evaluation Process ..................................................................... 39

b. Evaluation of the Materials ........................................................ 39

E. Previous Related Studies ......................................................................... 40

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................ 42

A. Research Design ...................................................................................... 42

B. Place and Time of the Research .............................................................. 42

C. Research Instrument ................................................................................ 43

D. Data Collecting Technique ...................................................................... 43

E. Data Analysis Technique ......................................................................... 45

F. Research Procedures ................................................................................ 47

G. Validity .................................................................................................... 48

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION .............................................. 49

A. Findings ................................................................................................... 49

1. The Results of the Needs Analysis ................................................... 49

a. The General Information of the Learners ................................... 49

b. The Target Needs ....................................................................... 49

c. The Learning Needs ................................................................... 56

2. The Syllabus...................................................................................... 58

3. The Materials Design ........................................................................ 59

4. The Expert Judgments ....................................................................... 63

a. The Result of Expert Judgments and Revisions of Unit 1 .......... 63

b. The Result of Expert Judgments and Revisions of Unit 2 .......... 67

c. The Result of Expert Judgments and Revisions of Unit 3 .......... 71

B. Discussion ............................................................................................... 76

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CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ................................. 81

A. Conclusions ............................................................................................. 81

B. Suggestions .............................................................................................. 82

REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 83

APPENDICES..................................................................................................... 88

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Table 2.1 The Standards of Graduate Competence

of Office Administration ................................................................. 37

Table 2.2 The Selection Section of Office Automation Subject Syllabus ....... 38

Table 2.3 The Selection Section of Correspondence Subject Syllabus ........... 38

Table 2.4 The Evaluation Criteria for Practical Examination of Office

Administration Study Program ........................................................ 39

Table 2.5 Evaluation of the Materials ............................................................. 40

Table 3.1 The Organization of Needs Analysis Questionnaire ....................... 44

Table 3.2 The Organization of Expert Judgment Questionnaire ..................... 45

Table 3.3 Data Conversion .............................................................................. 46

Table 4.1 Tasks of Unit One ............................................................................ 60

Table 4.2 Tasks of Unit Two ........................................................................... 61

Table 4.3 Tasks of Unit Three ......................................................................... 62

Table 4.4 The Appropriateness of Goals in Writing Materials of Unit 1 ........ 63

Table 4.5 The Appropriateness of Input Texts of Unit 1 ................................. 64

Table 4.6 The Appropriateness of Language Structures of Unit 1 .................. 64

Table 4.7 The Appropriateness of the Language Skills of Unit 1 ................... 64

Table 4.8 The Appropriateness of Tasks of Unit 1 .......................................... 65

Table 4.9 The Appropriateness of Textbook Organization of Unit 1 .............. 65

Table 4.10 The Appropriateness of Textbook Layout of Unit 1 ....................... 66

Table 4.11 The Revisions of Unit 1 ................................................................... 66

Table 4.12 The Validation of Unit 1 .................................................................. 67

Table 4.13 The Appropriateness of Goals in Writing Materials of Unit 2 ........ 67

Table 4.14 The Appropriateness of Input Texts of Unit 2 ................................. 68

Table 4.15 The Appropriateness of Language Structures of Unit 2 .................. 68

Table 4.16 The Appropriateness of the Language Skills of Unit 2 ................... 68

Table 4.17 The Appropriateness of Tasks of Unit 2 .......................................... 69

Table 4.18 The Appropriateness of Textbook Organization of Unit 2 .............. 69

Table 4.19 The Appropriateness of Textbook Layout of Unit 2 ....................... 70

Table 4.20 The Revisions of Unit 2 ................................................................... 70

Table 4.21 The Validation of Unit 2 .................................................................. 71

Table 4.22 The Appropriateness of Goals in Writing Materials of Unit 3 ........ 71

Table 4.23 The Appropriateness of Input Texts of Unit 3 ................................. 72

Table 4.24 The Appropriateness of Language Structures of Unit 3 .................. 72

Table 4.25 The Appropriateness of the Language Skills of Unit 3 ................... 72

Table 4.26 The Appropriateness of Tasks of Unit 3 .......................................... 73

Table 4.27 The Appropriateness of Textbook Organization of Unit 3 .............. 73

Table 4.28 The Appropriateness of Textbook Layout of Unit 3 ....................... 74

Table 4.29 The Revision of Unit 3 .................................................................... 74

Table 4.30 The Validation of Unit 3 .................................................................. 75

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Chart 4.1 The Necessities of Students in Office Administration Program ...... 50

Chart 4.2 The Lacks of Students in Office Administration Program .............. 51

Chart 4.3 The Goal of the Target Needs .......................................................... 52

Chart 4.4 The Language Functions.................................................................. 53

Chart 4.5 The Input in Learning English of Office Administration

Students ............................................................................................ 54

Chart 4.6 The Learning Techniques ................................................................ 55

Chart 4.7 Textbook Layout .............................................................................. 55

Chart 4.8 The Learning Activities ................................................................... 56

Chart 4.9 The Teachers‟ Role .......................................................................... 57

Chart 4.10 The Learners‟ Role .......................................................................... 58

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Figure 2.1 Tree of ELT by Hutchinson and Waters (1987, p.6) ..................... 9

Figure 2.2 Division of ESP by Dudley- Evans and St. John (1998, p.5) ........ 10

Figure 2.3 List of Consideration for Developing Materials

by Grave (2000, p. 156) ................................................................. 33

Figure 2.4 A Materials Design Model by Hutchinson and Waters

(1987, p. 109) ................................................................................. 35

Figure 3.1 Research Procedures adopted from Borg and Gall (2003, p. 571)

modified by the researcher ............................................................. 47

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Appendix 1 Observation Result ......................................................................... 88

Appendix 2 Needs Analysis Questionnaire to Students ................................... 91

Appendix 3 The Result of the Needs Analysis Questionnaire to Students ....... 96

Appendix 4 Interview Guideline of Need Analysis to Teacher ........................ 115

Appendix 5 Interview Transcript of Need Analysis to Teacher ....................... 117

Appendix 6 Current Syllabus ........................................................................... 120

Appendix 7 Developed Syllabus ...................................................................... 132

Appendix 8 First Developed Materials ............................................................. 138

Appendix 9 Final Developed Materials ............................................................ 169

Appendix 10 Curriculum Vitae of the Experts ................................................... 201

Appendix 11 The Result of Expert Judgment Questionnaire .............................. 206

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This study was aimed at developing EVP Speaking materials for the tenth grade

students of Office Administration Program at Vocational High School. This chapter

discussed about background of the research, focus and sub- focus of the research, research

questions, research objectives and research significance.

A. Background of the Research

It is unavoidable that English as an international language is widely used in

many kinds of different needs. People often use English for daily communication,

study, company negotiation, jobs application and many others. In term of education

specifically in secondary level, English teaching is applied on two conventions. The

first is that English is taught as a foreign language which comprises at four language

skills and two language components, known as General English. The second is that

English is given to the students with specific ultimate goals to enable them to

understand English written texts in their field of study. This is known as English for

Specific Purpose.

Hutchinson & Waters (1987, p. 6) state that ESP is categorized into two

divisions: English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and English for Occupational

Purposes (EOP). EAP is subjected to the learners who need English for academic

study such as English for Medical Study, English for Economics, English for

Agriculture and the like. Whereas, EOP is intended for the learners who need English

for work training such as English for Technicians, and English for Secretaries.

However, there is no clear-cut distinction between the two divisions since language

learners can study simultaneously. It is also possible that language competence owned

by the learners will be used later if the students apply for job.

The phenomenon of ESP will be easily found at students„ specific area of

competence, especially at Vocational Schools or Colleges that educate learners to

reach their specific purposes for joining the course at the colleges or schools. SMK

(Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan) identically with the vocational high school in

Indonesia. Then, since training and education programs at SMK are aimed at enabling

students to assess certain competence in order to encourage them to get jobs dealing

with national welfare, the English teaching at SMK must be directed at reaching the

aim because vocational high school students are prepared to face the work field after

graduation in a particular field (Acts of Republic of Indonesia, number 20, article 15,

2003). As it is stated previously, that English is needed for job applications, vocational

high school students should master English competences needed to work in


The issue of English teaching, in this case concerns with how to provide

English to meet learners needs. ESP, then becomes an essential approach in English

language teaching. When English is used for special purposes, there should be a

particular program for learners in order to learn it effectively. As a matter of fact,

English teaching in vocational high school is focused on developing communicative

competence. It is based on curriculum 2013, specifically in the Minister of Education

and Culture Regulation No. 70 year 2013 about the basic competences of English for

Vocational High School. The objective is to enable the students to communicate in the

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target language orally and in writing accurately and appropriately in the four language

skills to support their competence in a certain program.

To set up a program for ESP, a teacher has to concern with several points:

teaching guideline, syllabus, selecting a good materials selection for ESP program, the

objectives and the students. Along with this program, good teachers will set up a

program (teaching guidelines) before they begin teaching. These programs are

necessary because they can prepare all the teaching and learning activities. When they

do this, they can make an evaluation for the teaching materials and they can eliminate

a repetition of the same materials that can cause students‟ boredom.

Materials are needed and take a significant part in the language teaching and

learning. Good and appropriate materials will give positive influence to the students‟

learning process. Since English teaching in vocational high school aims to support the

students‟ competence in a certain study program, appropriate English learning

materials for vocational high school should be based on the learners‟ needs, and they

should represent the characteristics of each study program. Materials play a crucial

role in EVP and have received considerable attention in the literature of the subject.

They depend on the methodologies adopted, forming with them “the interface between

teaching and learning, or the points at which the course needs, objectives and

syllabuses are made tangible to both learners and teachers” (Hyland, 2006, p. 89).

Materials are used to stimulate and support language instruction and their design

and/or adaptation is an important element of EVP teaching practice. Since the

objective of EVP materials is to expose learners to real language as it is used in a range

of professional and/or academic settings, they are to be closely related to students‟

target needs.

Based on the preliminary observation, there was problem in the availability of

the materials since there was no specific material used in the teaching learning of ESP

subject. Further, the English book for vocational high school students cannot be found

in the official website of the Ministry of Education and Culture. The website only

provides the English book for senior high school students that is Curriculum 2013

textbook. This statement is also supported by the article of the performance of the

Corporation of National Education Standard (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan)

2014. It explains that BSNP team do the book evaluation of English for Curriculum

2013 only in the level of senior high school (SMA/MA). It means that vocational high

school students do not have specific books of English whereas they have different

needs with senior high school students in general.

Related to the English materials above, there are English books that are

specifically made by the team of regional teachers for vocational high school students

but the topics are still general. They do not cover the needs of each study program in

vocational high school. Each study program of course has different needs of English.

As the main focus of this research is in Office Administration Study Program, this

study program needs English primary in communication skill. The evidences that

speaking is needed for office administration students are proved by some following

documents. The first is Indonesian Qualification Framework for Office

Administration. The Ministry of Education and Culture (2014) proposes the standards

of graduate competence of Office Administration as called Level II Secretary

(Sekretaris Level II). It is stated that one of the standards of graduate competence in

Office Administration is to be able to communicate in English for daily conversation

related to the office context. The second is the syllabus of Office Administration Study

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Program, there are two syllabuses for two subjects which contain some competences of

Office Administration. These two syllabuses are called the syllabus of Office

Automation subject and the syllabus of Correspondence subject. And the last

document is the evaluation criteria for practical examination for Office Administration

Program. National Board of Education Standard (BSNP) (2014) proposes some criteria

for practical examination of Office Administration Program. It is stated that some

competences which need English primary in communication context are handling

telephone call and delivering a presentation.

In contrast, the students of vocational high schools, especially in the Office

Administration Study Program, are only prepared to face the national examination.

The language skills tested in the national exam are listening skill and reading skill. It

clearly shows that speaking skill is not tested in the national exam. As the result, the

students„ speaking skill does not reach the expectation. It is because teachers do not

really pay attention to teach speaking skill in the learning process. It is proved that

there is lack of English speaking skill of vocational high school students. They are

only prepared to pass the national exam when learning English. It means that they will

not meet their needs in learning English. They need English for Vocational Purposes

(EVP) primary, to face the real work field. If the students only learn to pass the

national exam, most of them cannot apply English in practice because they never learn

to do so. In addition, as it is stated previously in the Minister of Education and Culture

Regulation No. 70 year 2013 about the basic competences of English for Vocational

High School states that English teaching in vocational high school is focused on

developing communicative competence, so that speaking becomes the important skill

to be mastered by vocational high school students specifically for office administration


Furthermore, after observing and holding an interview with the English

teacher, it can be found that the teacher does not have materials used as a guidance to

teach EVP to the students, she just used learning materials taken from internet and

other sources. According to the teacher, it is very hard to find a set of specific

materials that is provided for and ready to use by the students of each study program.

So that EVP speaking materials in vocational school is need to be developed in order

to be relevant to their area of specialism in relation to their future or present jobs, the

materials should focus on the appropriate topics and include tasks and activities that

practice the target skills areas.

Based on the above statement, the researcher is interested in Developing

English for Vocational Purposes (EVP) Speaking Materials for the Tenth Grade

Students of Office Administration Program at SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK –


B. Focus and Sub- Focus of the Research

To specify this research, it was then delivered through its focus and sub- focuses.

1. The focus of this research was to develop English for Vocational Purposes (EVP)

speaking materials at the tenth grade of Office Administration Program at SMK


2. The sub- focuses of the research were about the need analysis of the students and

designing the appropriate syllabus for the students at the tenth grade of Office

Administration Program at SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK which is designed based on the

result of need analysis.

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C. Research Questions

From the explanation above, the researcher formulates the questions as follows:

1. What are speaking materials needed by the office administration students in

English for Vocational Purposes (EVP) at SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK?

2. What is the appropriate English for Vocational Purposes (EVP) speaking syllabus

for the tenth grade students of office administration program at SMK PGRI 31


3. How is English for Vocational Purpose (EVP) speaking materials developed for

the tenth grade students of office administration program at SMK PGRI 31


D. Research Objectives

Related to the formulation of the problem, the objectives of the research are:

1. To identify the office administration students‟ needs in English for Vocational

Purpose (EVP) speaking materials at SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK.

2. To design the appropriate English for Vocational Purpose (EVP) speaking syllabus

for the tenth grade students of office administration program at SMK PGRI 31

LEGOK that accommodate the students‟ need.

3. To develop English for Vocational Purpose (EVP) speaking materials for the tenth

grade students of office administration program at SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK.

E. Research Significance

This study is expected to give valuable contribution to the following parties:

1. For the students of Office Administration Study Program, the result of this

research can be useful to improve their speaking skill in order to prepare them to

face the work field.

2. For the English teachers of Office Administration Study Program, the developed

materials from this research can be a guidance to improve the students„ speaking

skill. The result of this research can also be useful to give an idea to develop other

learning materials.

3. For other researchers who focus on Research and Development study, this research

will encourage them to conduct relevant studies in different settings.

4. For textbook writers of Vocational High School, the result of the developed

materials can be used as guidance in writing Vocational High School textbooks

since the materials are based on the students„ specific needs.

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In this chapter, terms and concepts that were used in the discussion were presented.

The main terms were ESP (English for Specific Purposes), Speaking, Need Analysis and

Material. Apart from that, the previous related studies are presented at the end of this


A. ESP (English for Specific Purposes)

1. The Nature of ESP

The aim of learning English is to make students able to communicate in

English. Communicative usage of English is communication in context. To meet the

objective of learning English for Vocational High School students, English for specific

purposes is needed. English for specific purposes is English course for specific group

of learners with specific situation and needs.

There are almost as many definitions of ESP as the number of scholars who

have attempted to define it. Many have tried to define ESP in terms of what it should

and what it should not be, however, we would rather concentrate on finding out what

ESP really means.

First, Mackay and Mountford (1978, p. 2) defined ESP as the teaching of

English for a clearly utilitarian purpose. The purpose they refer to is defined by the

needs of the learners, which could be academic, occupational, or scientific. These

needs in turn determine the content of the ESP curriculum to be taught and learned.

Mackay and Mountford also defined ESP and the special language that takes place in

specific settings by certain participants. They stated that those participants are usually

adults. They focused on adults because adults are usually highly conscious of the

reasons to attain English proficiency in a determined field of specialization, and

because adults make real use of special language in the special settings they work.

They also argued that there is a close relationship among special settings and adults

and the role, usually auxiliary, that English plays in those particular settings for those

particular people.

Second, Hutchinson and Waters (1987, p. 13) stated that English for Specific

Purposes (ESP) is not a specific kind of language or methodology; it is an approach to

language learning which is based on learner needs. ESP grows from the three

important factors. Hutchinson and Waters say that they are broadness of demand for

English to meet particular needs, the developments of linguistic fields and the

developments of educational psychology.

Third, Richards and Schmidt (2002, pp. 181) stated that English for specific

purpose is the role of English in a language course or program of instruction in which

the content and aims of the course are fixed by the specific needs of a particular group

of learners. For examples, English for business, English for science, and in this

research is English for grade X students of office administration program. From the

above statements, it can be concluded that ESP is an approach to language teaching

which aims to meet the needs of a particular learner.

Furthermore, Basturkmen (2010, p. 17) defined that ESP concerns in teaching

language and communicative skill that specific group of language learners needs or

will need to function effectively in their discipline of study, professions or workplaces.

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Moreover, Richards (2006, p.5) agreed that learners needed English in specific

needs. They learn English in order to use it in specific occupational or educational

settings. It will be more effective to teach the students based on their specific needs

rather than to teach students in general English. Further, Richards (2006, p.3) proposes

some differences in the use of language when it is used for specific purposes. Such

differences are those in vocabulary choice, differences in grammar, differences in

kinds of text that commonly occurring, differences in language functions and

differences in the need for particular skills.

Even if it is slightly similar with the above scholar's idea, Schleppegrell (cited

in Quarniki, p. 7) suggests that the common factor in all ESP programs is that they are

designed for adults who have a common professional or job- related reasons for

learning English, a common context in which to use English, content knowledge of

their subject area, and well- developed learning strategies. Here it is possible to infer

that the student brings to the ESP class a reason for learning and a context for use of

English, knowledge of the vocational or professional field, and well equipped adult

learning strategies.

Referring to the arguments above, it can be concluded that in brief, ESP is the

combination of subject matter and English language teaching, in order to make

students able to apply what they learn in their English classes to their main field of

study. ESP is teaching English for specific group of learners with specific needs of

English. As the characteristic of ESP, ESP is designed to meet the needs of the learners

in specific teaching activities with different methodology from general English. Beside

the definition and characteristics of ESP, teacher role and learner role in ESP are

important aspects to be considered.

Finally, in relation to this study, ESP is suitable for vocational high schools

because they have particular needs of English. They need English to prepare them to

face the work field. As we know, the global competition is getting higher. The students

have to compete in this globalization era, one of them, by mastering the international

language (English).

2. ESP Characteristics

ESP is a recognizable activity of English Language Teaching (ELT) with some

specific characteristics. Dudley-Evans and St. Johns (1998) tried to apply a series of

characteristics, some absolute and some variable, to outline the major features of ESP.

(p. 4).

Absolute Characteristics:

1. ESP is defined to meet specific needs of the learners;

2. ESP makes use of underlying methodology and activities of the discipline it


3. ESP is centered on the language (grammar, lexis, and register), skills, discourse

and genre appropriate to these activities.

Variable Characteristics:

1. ESP may be related to or designed for specific disciplines;

2. ESP may use, in specific teaching situations, a different methodology from that of

General English;

3. ESP is likely to be designed for adult learners, either at a tertiary level institution

or in a professional work situation. It could, however, be for learners at secondary

school level;

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4. ESP is generally designed for intermediate or advanced students. Most ESP

courses assume some basic knowledge of the language systems, but it can be used

with beginners.

It is obvious that the absolute characteristics are specific to ESP because

learners‟ needs are of central importance when designing language activities.

Concerning the variable features, ESP courses can be designed for a specific group

using definite teaching methodology, nevertheless, all learners‟ categories and

disciplines can be concerned with ESP. For that reason ESP should be seen simply as

an 'approach' to teaching, or what Dudley-Evans and St. John illustrate as an 'attitude

of mind'. Similarly, Hutchinson and waters‟ (1987, p. 19) stated that, "ESP should

properly be seen not as any particular language product but as an approach to language

teaching in which all decisions as to content and method are based on the learner's

reason for learning".

Referring to the explanation above, it can be summed up that the

characteristics of ESP usually refers to teaching the English language to students or

people with reference to the particular vocabulary and skills they need. As with any

language taught for specific purposes, a given course of ESP will focus on one

occupation or profession, such as Technical English, Scientific English, English for

medical professionals, English for waiters, English for tourism, etc. In this research,

the materials developed focused on English for Secretary (Office Administration


3. Types of ESP

Dudley-Evans and St. John, (1998) have divided EAP into two divisions:

English for General Academic Purposes (EGAP) and ESAP. EGAP is related to the

teaching of language skills that are common in different disciplines but ESAP refers to

the teaching of language features that are specific for various disciplines. Research has

offered insights into the mutual relationship of EGAP and ESAP. Skills and language

functions learnt in EGAP programs may be transferred to specific disciplines in ESAP

programs. Many researchers have discussed about the types of ESP and most of them

have grouped ESP into two main categories: English for Occupational Purposes (EOP)

and EAP (Hutchinson and Waters, 1987; Robinson, 1991) whereas Carter (1983) has

identified the following three types of ESP:

1. English as a restricted language

2. English for Academic and Occupational Purposes (EAOP)

3. English with specific topics.

Mackey and Mountford (1978) clearly defined the concept of “restricted

language”in their following statement:

“... the language of international air-traffic control could be regarded as 'special', in

the sense that the repertoire required by the controller is strictly limited and can be

accurately determined situationally, as might be the linguistic needs of a dining-

room waiter or air-hostess. However, such restricted repertoires are not languages,

just as a tourist phrase book is not grammar. Knowing a restricted 'language'

would not allow the speaker to communicate effectively in novel situation, or in

contexts outside the vocational environment” (Gatehouse, 2001 cf. Mackey and

Mountford, 1978, pp. 4-5).

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The scope and canvas of this first type of ESP is extremely limited which

allows the learners learn English language for very restricted purposes and it trains the

learners to handle specific situations in extremely limited linguistic settings. This kind

of ESP teaching restricts itself to "limited number of phrases and expressions and these

learners remain unable to use English in any setting other than the one they have been

trained for.

EAOP has been recognized as the second kind by Carter (1983) whereas

majority of other researchers have confined their classification of ESP to EAP and

EOP. Robinson (1991) has also included these two types in his classification of ESP.

Kennedy and Bolitho (1985) have added English for Science and Technology (EST) in

their list of types of ESP. It seems to transpire that ESP has been separated from EOP

and EAP because of the fact that it was basically scientific and technological

knowledge that this new approach of ELT was supposed to transfer to non-native

speakers of English (Hutchinson and Waters, 1987; Gatehouse, 2001; Dudley-Evans

and St John, 1998; Strevens, 1977). “Tree of ELT” (Hutchinson and Waters, 1987, p.

6) describes the classification of ESP in detail which offers significant insights into the

broad scope of ESP:

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English for Specific Purposes

English for Academic Purposes English for Occupational Purposes

English (Academic) English for Professional

for Science and Purposes


English (Academic) English for

for Legal Purposes Occupational


English for English for

Medical Business

Purposes Purposes

English (Academic)

for Medical


English (Academic) Pre- vocational Vocational

for Management, Finance Purposes Purposes

and Economics

Figure 2.1 Tree of ELT

Hutchinson and Waters (1987, p. 6)

Hutchinson and Waters (1987, p. 16) seem to agree with Carter (1983) in his

belief that EOP and EAP are not entirely separate phenomena. They have argued that

“people can work and study simultaneously; it is also likely that in many cases the

language learnt for immediate use in a study environment will be used later when the

student takes up, or returns to, a job”. What transpires from the above discussion is

that EOP and EAP have approximately common goals but their dynamics and means

to achieve the ultimate goals are indeed different. Dudley-Evans and St. John (1998, p.

5) have also included only EAP and EOP in their division of ESP. Their suggested

classification is as under:

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Pre- experience As a school subject

Post- experience English for Occupational


Simultaneous/ Independent Integrated

In- service

Pre- study Post- study

In- study

Figure 2.2 Division of ESP

Dudley-Evans and St. John (1998, p. 5)

“English with specific topics” is the third type of ESP according to Carter

(1983). He has mentioned activities like post-graduate reading studies, working in

foreign institutions and attending conferences as future needs for scientists. This third

category of ESP requires that the linguistic needs of the learners should be properly

determined before any ESP material is designed. It confines itself to the target future

(linguistic) needs (TFN) of the learners to prepare them for their future needs. It seems

that this category of ESP is not very distinguishable because all ESP courses have a

proper NA procedure as an integral component of developing ESP teaching material

which targets situational language, including topics mentioned by Carter (1983) and

others, in present and target workplace settings (Gatehouse, 2001).

4. ESP Teaching and Learning Process

In ESP teaching, some basic elements have to be taken into consideration, the

most important of which are the learner needs, teacher‟s role, goals and motivation.

Furthermore learners‟ attitudes towards learning and learning strategies are

emphasized and seen as fundamental to the ESP process.

As the students are sited in the core of the learning process they have to be

dynamic contributors in their learning either in the classroom or out of it. Kashani et al

(2007, p.87) stated that students use the adequate and favorite learning strategies and

put a rapid and durable learning rhythm to achieve the stated objectives. They are more

intrinsically than extrinsically oriented. Learning is more individualized than

standardized and students are more open to new ideas. They take responsibility for

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their own actions and accept related consequences. However, teacher‟s role is

significantly important in teaching and learning process.

3.1 The Role of ESP Teacher

ESP teaching is different from General English teaching. In relation to the

ESP teaching, ESP teachers have different roles from General English teachers.

Dudley-Evans and St John (as cited by Istanti, 2012, pp. 12-13) proposed five key

roles of ESP teacher.

a). The ESP teacher as teacher

The main focus as teacher is helping students to learn. It means that

the teacher is not in the position of being the “primary knower” of the carrier

content of the materials. In this situation ESP teacher has the opportunity to

draw on students‟ knowledge of the content in order to generate genuine

communication in the classroom.

b). The ESP teacher as a researcher

Before designing course or writing materials, ESP teachers should

conduct a research named needs analysis. They also need to observe the

situation in which students use the identified skills and analyze the discourse

of the texts that students use.

c). The ESP teacher as a course designer and a materials provider

ESP teachers often have to plan the course they teach and provide

materials for it. It is rarely possible to use published materials or textbooks.

The role of ESP teachers as providers of material thus involves choosing

suitable published materials, adapting materials when published materials are

not suitable or even writing materials.

d). The ESP teacher as a collaborator

ESP teacher collaborates with subject experts as team-teaching in

order to get more understanding on subject matter.

e). ESP teacher as an evaluator

The ESP teacher is often involved in various types of evaluation,

including the testing of students and the evaluation of courses and teaching

materials. Evaluation course design and teaching materials should be done

while the course is being taught, at the end of the course and after the course

has finished. The ESP teacher also needs to be able to device achievement test

to assess how much learners have gained from a course.

3.2 Vocational High School Students as ESP Learners

Vocational High School students are learners of ESP for they have to

apply the English knowledge and basic skills needed for their skill program‟s

competence achievement in their learning and real-world context. The language

used, hence, is not the general one for it conveys the specific terms and context in

a specific program, in this case, office administration program.

English in Vocational High School is an adaptive course which aims at

equipping learners the English communication skills in materials context needed

for their skill program both in oral or written communication. For that reason,

English cannot be taught as a general course. Teaching English for Vocational

High School students should be based on the learners‟ skill programs. On the

contrary, English in Vocational High School is taught as the general one which

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covers the general context. It means that the learners are not yet equipped with the

English communication skills needed for their program.

According to BSNP (National Board of Education Sandard) (2006), the

aim of learning English in the Grade X of Vocational High School is to

communicate in English at Novice Level. In this level, they have to master the

basic skill used in the communication and apply them in their learning context.

They have the terms used in their learning context and apply them in the real-

world context. The recent English teaching in the Vocational High School does not

lead to the application.

In short, an ESP teacher should be able to help students to learn, to

conduct research to find the needs of the learners, to develop materials that meets

the student‟s needs, to work together with expert to get more understanding and

evaluate the whole aspects in the teaching and learning process. Characteristics,

goals, and aspects are the terms that can support the success of teaching English

for specific purposes. One more important term in ESP that plays crucial role in it

is needs analysis. By analyzing the students‟ need, the teacher would be easier in

designing the syllabus and developing the materials which is appropriate with their

area of specialism. So that, the objectives of teaching and learning would be


5. Objectives in Teaching ESP

The main aims of the teaching and learning process is to enable the learners to

acquire information in its general sense. Concerning ESP Basturkmen (2010, p. 133)

states the existence of five broad objectives, on which specific teaching process is

based and should be reached:

a. To reveal subject-specific language use.

b. To develop target performance competencies.

c. To teach underlying knowledge.

d. To develop strategic competence

e. To foster critical awareness.

The researcher shall examine these objectives one after the other.

a. Reveal subject-specific language use

This objective aims to demonstrate to the learners how the language is used in the

target setting.

b. Develop target performance competencies

This objective is concerned with what learners do with language and the needed

skills to be competent.

c. Teach underlying knowledge

The aim is to focus on developing students‟ knowledge of fields of study or work in

addition to their language skills. The objective of teaching underlying knowledge

can be classified as a cultural knowledge objective.

d. Develop strategic competence

Strategic competence is the link between context of situation and language

knowledge and enables successful and efficient communication.

e. Foster critical awareness

This objective can be linked to the cultural knowledge and affective objectives and

aims at making students conscious and culturally aware of the target situation.

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The teaching and learning process associated to appropriate methodology may

result in mastery of language by correctly using it in the context. Thus, English for

Specific Purposes (ESP) is different from General English (GE) for example. The

purpose of ESP is to enable students to master English in the field they are studying.

For example, chemistry students, then they have to understand English for chemistry,

or if they are an engineering student, they have to know English for engineering. In

this research, the objectives in teaching ESP to vocational school students is to make

the students are able to communicate in English for daily conversation related to the

office context since their area of specialism is office administration.

6. Teaching Skills in ESP

Listening, reading, speaking, and writing are the four basic language skills.

The needs assessment will show which of these skills should be emphasized in your

ESP class. Emphasis will vary from situation to situation, but in many cases, students

typically need ESP to understand English and will therefore expect priority help in

developing their listening and reading skills. However, no skill should be taught in

isolation. This section described the language skills, lists objectives for the

development of each skill, give guidelines and suggestions for classroom activities to

give students practice.

6.1 Listening

Listening comprehension, although vital for communication in English, is

usually the most neglected of the language skills in English programs. Everything that

the teachers say in the classroom can be useful in developing the students' listening


To be effective, however, teacher‟s spoken communications with the class

must be comprehensible. Language which is not understood is just "noise" and does

not lead to student language acquisition. For this reason, it is important for teacher to

test students' level of comprehension and adjust the speech to reflect students‟

understanding. Teacher should spend some time at the beginning of the course to be

sure that students understand. The students may be accustomed to hearing a British

accent, for example, and may need time to adjust to teachers. Look at the students

carefully as the teacher talk to get cues about their comprehension.

Check comprehension frequently by asking questions about content which

require listening comprehension, or by allowing more clarification requests.

The cloze exercise is a good way to check students' listening comprehension.

Give them a short passage with some words deleted. Read the passage aloud twice. If

they are unable to fill in the missing words, they are unable to make sense of the

passage. Other ways of using cloze exercises include deleting articles or verbs, for

example, if teacher are working on these forms, to focus students' attention on these

language structures.

The tape recorder is a valuable asset to the language teacher. If teachers have a

recorder available, they can tape listening exercises in advance to allow themselves the

freedom to circulate in the classroom as students complete them. Teachers can also

record other native English speakers reading or other passages to give the students

practice hearing other accents and speakers of the opposite sex.

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Give students practice taking notes as they listen. The students may be used to

write notes down, as a dictation exercise, and will need practice in listening for main

points of information. Help them to recognize clues to meaning introduced by the

speaker. A summary of such clues includes:

a) Numerical statements, such as "There are two reasons... "

b) Rhetorical questions.

c) Introductory summaries: "Let me first explain...n; "The topic which I intend to

discuss is interesting because... "

d) Development of an idea, signaled by statements such as: "Another reason... "; "On

the one hand... "; "Therefore... "; "Since... "; "In "; etc.

e) Transitions such as "Let us turn our attention to...n; "If these facts are true,

then...n; etc.

f) Chronology of ideas, signaled by "First...n; "The next... n; "Finally...‖ etc.

g) Emphasis of ideas, such as "This is important because...n; "The significant

results were... "; "Let me repeat...‖ etc.

h) Summary of ideas signaled by "In conclusion... n; "As I have shown..."etc.

(Adapted from Mary Shleppergrell and Brenda Bowman, Teaching English for

Specific Purposes, Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington, DC.)

Use graphics and visuals whenever possible with listening exercises. Students

may also need help in learning to read graphics (maps, charts, etc.) because they may

have had little experience with this skill. Listening comprehension activities can help

them see how graphic information is read and analyzed.

6.1.1 Objectives for Developments of Listening Comprehension

1. Students will understand short lectures in the content area when vocabulary

is familiar, as demonstrated by their ability to answer questions about the


2. Students will understand spoken numbers, including percentages, fractions,

decimals, and other numerical expressions common to the specialty field, as

demonstrated by their ability to write those numbers when they hear them in


3. Students will be able to follow instructions given in class regarding

assignments and activities, as demonstrated by their correct performance of

such instructions.

6.1.2 Activities for Teaching Listening:

1. Mini-lectures. Give a short lecture every class meeting to provide students

with opportunities to develop note taking and other listening skills. Make

mini-lectures as contextualized as possible. Demonstrations are particularly

effective. Use visual aids and real objects at every opportunity to increase

the comprehensibility of your presentation. If possible, go into the laboratory

with your students and demonstrate an experiment or process. Organize

practical. Following your presentation, ask true/false and yes/no questions to

give students the opportunity to check the comprehension. You can do this

orally, or make it a paper and pencil task and call it a self-evaluation test to

allow students to assess their own progress.

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If teachers have sufficient preparation time, it is also useful to

construct a cloze exercise in which, fallowing your mini-lecture, you re-read

some parts to the students while they follow along and fill in the blanks.

This exercise can be checked immediately in class so students receive

feedback on their understanding.

2. Reading aloud to the students. They will enjoy listening to the teacher. Read

short passages aloud as they read them silently. They can listen to the

intonation patterns and pronunciation and absorb some of the features of

native speaker spoken language, which will provide additional clues for the

interpretation of complex sentences which might otherwise be beyond the

students Competence. If possible, tape recordings of reading assignments

can be made available to students out of class.

3. Dictation exercises. Dictation combines listening and writing practice. When

dictating, read the whole sentence at normal speed three times, allowing

time for writing between each repetition.

When evaluating dictation, do not focus on spelling as a primary

goal of the exercise. If the teachers think of dictation as a listening

comprehension exercise, they can evaluate the product according to whether

or not meaning is reflected in what is written.

For example, plural endings or past tense endings are necessary for

correct interpretation of meaning. Spelling errors which reflect the

irregularities of English orthography may not affect meaning.

6.2 Reading

Reading is the primary channel through which the students will progress

in English after the course is over. A good reading program provides instruction in

the skills required at various levels of reading, along with plenty of practice in this

skill, which can only be developed through extensive and continual practice.

Two types of skills are needed in reading: simple identification skills,

(decoding) and higher level cognitive skills such as analyzing, synthesizing, and

predicting. Reading program should work on two levels to develop both types of


In order to do this, the program should incorporate two types of reading

tasks: intensive and extensive. Intensive reading is close analysis of a short

passage and can be used to develop vocabulary, grammar skills, and

comprehension. Extensive reading is faster reading of longer passages to develop

understanding of writers' organizational strategies, to improve reading speed, and

to focus on main ideas.

Fluent reading depends primarily on knowledge of vocabulary and subject

matter, and secondarily on knowledge of grammatical structure and familiarity

with the ways that writers organize texts in English. Vocabulary development,

then, is a vital aspect of reading (and listening) development. Students will need to

develop a good vocabulary in English in order to be efficient readers and listeners.

Teacher will probably find that they already know quite a lot of technical

vocabulary in English in their fields. Teacher can help students to expand their

technical vocabulary and develop the additional vocabulary they need for further


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Vocabulary should be taught only in context, never in word lists to be

memorized with dictionary definitions. Use real objects or pictures whenever

possible to introduce new words. The vocabulary taught should be words which

are useful for the students in the situations in which they encounter English. Do

not give long lists of words each week; instead, focus on useful words that are

present in the reading and listening passages students are working with.

Grammar is best taught in connection with writing, but exercises related to

the reading and listening passages the students have worked with can also help

them to increase their reading comprehension. Help students focus on grammatical

structures which appear in reading texts, such as verb forms, possessives,

adjectives and adverbs, and comparative forms.

Higher level cognitive skills necessary for good reading depend on

knowledge of the subject matter of the texts and knowledge of the way that

information is organized in writing. ESP students already bring their knowledge of

the subject matter to the reading task, and their backgrounds in their fields will

help make the reading materials more comprehensible to them.

Students' higher level cognitive skills can be tapped by giving them

information about the texts they are asked to read, and by teaching them to

preview texts before beginning to read. Previewing is a quick reading for general

familiarity, in which students a) read the introductory paragraph; b) read the first

sentence of each of the body paragraphs; and c) read the entire concluding

paragraph. This should take students only a few minutes, and will enhance their

reading comprehension.

The SQ3R technique is commonly used to help students get the most from

their reading. SQ3R means Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review. Students

are asked to complete these five activities:

1) To survey; looking over headings, reading introductory and concluding

paragraphs, and identifying the core ideas of the passage.

2) To formulate questions from text headings.

3) To make a conscious effort to find the answers in the text as they read.

4) Having read the first section, to look away from the book and try to recite the

answers to their questions, using their own words and trying to give an

example. Training in this procedure will help students to read more efficiently.

Students should receive practice in reading for different purposes, such as

finding main ideas, highlighting specific information, or discovering the author's

point of view. Students should have a clear idea of the purpose of their reading

before they begin. Background information is very helpful in understanding texts.

Students need advance guidelines for approaching each assignment.

Knowing the purpose of the assignment will help students get the most

from their reading effort. From the title, for instance, they can be asked to predict

what the text is about. It is also helpful to give students some questions to think

about as they read. The way they approach the reading task will depend on the

purpose for which they are reading.

Use different texts for different reading tasks. Teach the skills of

skimming and scanning. Skimming is quick reading to get the general drift of a

passage. Students can be asked to skim a text to discover the author's purpose.

Scanning is a focused search for specific information. Students can be asked to

scan a text to answer a specific question.

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Comprehension checks can be built into reading as well as listening

exercises. Students read part of the passage, then mark statements as "true" or

"false" based on what they have read, and then continue reading. You can also

teach them to read the questions about the text first, and then read the text itself.

Use long articles as well as short passages. Students need practice with

long blocks of text which they read for main ideas as well as intensive work with

paragraphs and short passages. Long articles can be read outside of the class to

provide background for the work that will be done during the class period. You

can make long passages more accessible to students by dividing the text into

sections and adding appropriate sub- headings.

Do not ask students to read aloud in class to test their comprehension.

When reading aloud, the reader focuses on pronunciation, not comprehension. In

any case, listening to other students' inaccurate reading is boring and

counterproductive. Students should read silently when reading is to be done in


Students will appreciate hearing you read aloud; it is one way to accustom

themselves to the sound patterns of English. Students often believe they must

understand every word in order to read English. In fact, good 'reading means the

ability to process chunks of language larger than single words, so striving for

word- for- word recognition will actually slow students down and interfere with

their overall comprehension. Encourage them to use the context of the passage to

understand it, rather than reaching for the dictionary every time they do not

recognize a word.

Be sure to get the most out of any reading passage assign, using it in

various ways so that students work with familiar material that they understand well

in doing various types of reading and study skills exercises.

6.2.1 Objectives for Teaching Reading

1. Students will demonstrate their understanding of authentic material in their

content area, including stating the main points of the text and giving the

author's point of view.

2. Students will be able to scan a passage quickly to find specific information.

3. Students will use an increasing large vocabulary in the subject area and in

general academic language.

6.2.2 Activities for Development of Reading Skills

1. Use fill- in- the- blank vocabulary exercises. This type of exercise also doubles

as a listening comprehension exercise if you read the sentence aloud and ask

students to write in the missing vocabulary word.

2. Vocabulary can also be developed through instruction about prefixes and

suffixes that carry meaning in English. These include:

a) prefixes which convey negative meaning, such as un-; in-; non-; a-; dis-;

anti-; de-; counter-; contra-; mis-; under-; over-;. Examples: like/dislike;


b) Noun-agent suffixes such as -er; -or; -ent; -ant; mist;-ian. Examples:

teach/teacher; science/scientist.

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c) Verb- forming suffixes such as -ize; -ify; -ate. Examples: organize;


d) Noun- forming suffixes such as ration; -cation; -tion. Examples:

organization, specification.

3. Have students use what they read in order to perform a task.

4. Encourage students to read extensively by asking them to report on material

they have read outside of the class which is relevant to the topic under


5. If time permits, incorporate some time for silent reading into the instructional


6.3 Writing Grammar

Although the students will probably place great emphasis on learning

grammar, teacher should assure them that grammar is not the most important

aspect of language learning. This is easily demonstrated by reference to the person

who knows many grammar rules and yet cannot understand or express anything in

the spoken language. Students whose language courses have always focused

exclusively on grammar may urge teacher to spend lots of class time explaining

various points of English grammar and structure. Such explanation is actually

teaching English linguistics, and there is controversy in the field of EFL teaching

regarding the real value of such instruction for language learners. Students may

have a false sense that they are learning English, when, in fact, they are learning

about English, but making little progress toward comprehending and being able to

use the language in the contexts for which they need it.

Understanding and communicating in English is within the students' reach

even if they don't understand the fine points of grammar. The ability to function in

English is not directly linked to accuracy of grammatical use or pronunciation.

Students need to be encouraged to use English even if they make mistakes.

The main purpose of language use, after all, is communication. Some instruction

in grammar is necessary, however. Especially in written work, learning grammar

rules can help students to recognize and correct their errors. In preparing to teach

grammar, be sure you have a good understanding of the structures that you want to

teach, so that your presentation is clear. It is also important that your students be

able to use the grammar they practice. One way to ensure that students can make

effective use of what they learn is to teach grammar in conjunction with writing,

the skill in which it can best be practiced. In speaking, we do not usually have the

time to remember and apply rules of grammar, but in writing we have the

opportunity to monitor our usage. It is in writing that grammar instruction is most

useful. The grammatical forms which are most useful and most learnable are those

which control sentence level functions such as question form, negation, relative

clause formation and other structures involved in subordination and coordination.

Development of writing ability takes lots of practice. Start with simple,

structured exercises and allow students to develop confidence as writers before

you give them longer free writing tasks. As in other skills, development of writing

can be enhanced through the use of appropriate visuals.

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According to previous works, the following are the most common errors

found in the students‟ compositions

1. Subject- verb agreement.

2. Articles.

3. Word order problems: adverbs, win- clauses.

4. Present perfect tense

5. Verb + Verb- ing (gerunds) vs. Verb + to + Verb (infinitive).

6. Passive Voice.

7. Spelling.

8. Punctuation.

6.3.1 Objectives for the Development of Writing Skills

1. Students will be able to summarize material which they have read.

2. Students will be able to take notes on lectures or readings.

3. Students will be able to compose coherent paragraphs on familiar topics.

4. Students will be able to write short letters in standard format.

5. Students will be able to write for a variety of purposes, depending on the needs

of their specialty area.

6.3.2 Activities for Developing Writing Skills

1. Copying exercises are helpful for beginning learners, especially if their native

language uses a writing system different from English.

2. Writing exercises include dictation and completion of cloze or fill-in-the-blank

exercises. Completion of cloze exercises forces students to hypothesize and to

recognize relationships between sentences.

3. Sentence- combining exercises require students to combine short sentences

into longer ones. This gives them practice with coordination and subordination

without requiring the composition of coherent prose passages.

4. Re-ordering jumbled sentences helps students build understanding of

paragraph structure.

5. Note-taking exercises give students practice recording information. Guide

them in developing good note taking style. Teach them that when they take

notes they should include content words, important diagrams, correct figures

(such as percentages, quantities), transitional expressions, and appropriate

abbreviations and symbols.

6. Summarizing exercises can be combined with reading or study skills

assignments. Such exercises can also be used to develop skills in paraphrasing

and to caution students against plagiarism. For example, students can be asked

to read and summarize information in preparation for writing a research paper.

The teacher can evaluate the summary in terms of how well the students

express the information in the article in their own words.

7. Writing descriptions can include descriptions of substances, places, and

objects. At more advanced levels this might include interpretations of

illustrations, graphs, and charts.

8. Writing descriptions of processes, including writing instructions or "how to"

exercises as well as descriptions of how things happen over time.

9. Writing definitions.

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6.4 Speaking

Needs assessment will determine whether the development of speaking skill is

a goal in your ESP class. For many ESP situations, development of speaking skills

may be beyond the scope of what it is possible for you to provide. To provide every

student with practice in speaking is an inefficient use of classroom time. Discussion

groups are difficult to manage. Aggressive students usually take and hold the floor,

and it becomes impossible to give everyone the same amount of practice. Even if

everyone did get the same amount of practice, in the typical class of 50 students and

two hours of class time, each student could not possibly get more than two minutes of


Teacher and students should not despair, however, because although in your

situation the direct teaching of speaking may not be practical, studies have shown that

increased listening comprehension leads to increased ability to speak. You can assure

the students that the exercises they are doing to increase their listening comprehension

will make them better able to hold conversations with native speakers of English.

Give students practice in conversation management. Teach them greetings and

closings, and replies to greetings and closings. Teach them how to introduce

themselves and others. Teach them forms they can use when they do not understand,

such as "Pardon me. What was that again?" or "What does mean?" or "Please speak

more slowly."

Role playing is an effective way to stimulate conversation in the classroom.

You can use flowcharts to outline a situation which you want to use as a base for

developing your students' speaking skills. You may want to select a small group of

students to demonstrate this method until the whole class understands the procedure,

once this is done, you can divide the class into groups, vary the flowcharts for each

group, and then ask each group to act out their situation for the rest of the class.

Referring to explanations of teaching skills in ESP above, this research

focused only on speaking skill. It is clearly stated previously in the background of the

research that based on the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 70 year

2013 about the basic competences of English for Vocational High School states that

English teaching in vocational high school is focused on developing communicative

competence, so that speaking becomes the important skill to be mastered by vocational

high school students specifically for office administration program.

B. Speaking

1. The Nature of Speaking

There are many definitions of speaking that have been proposed by some

experts in language learning. Speaking is a part of daily life that we cannot ignore.

According to Thornburry (2005, p. 1), people produce tens of thousands words a day

in average. Some of them like businessmen and politician may produce more.

Speaking is one of the language skills that learners should have and develop

(Hughes, 2002). Furthermore, Hughes sees speaking as the interaction of individuals

who share the social activity of talking. The interaction is about things that the

individuals may interest in. Its purpose can be to spend the time, share ideas, and

entertain each other and so on.

In conclusion, speaking is the interaction between two people or more to share

what they have in their minds in spoken language. In this research, the researcher

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focused on speaking because it is in line with Indonesian Qualification Framework for

Office Administration. The Ministry of Education and Culture (2014) proposes the

standards of graduate competence of Office Administration as called Level II

Secretary (Sekretaris Level II). It is stated that one of the standards of graduate

competence in Office Administration is to be able to communicate in English for daily

conversation related to the office context. It is clearly stated that speaking became the

focus skill for vocational school students, especially for office administration program.

4. Functions of Speaking

Brown and Yule (as cited by Richards, 2008, p. 21) make a useful distinction

between the interactional functions of speaking (in which it serves to establish and

maintain social relation.), and the transactional functions (which focus on the exchange

of information.). There are three parts of Brown and Yule‟s framework: talk as

interaction, talk as transaction, and talk as performance. The description of each

function is presented as follows.

a. Talk as interaction

This refers to what we normally mean by “conversation” and describes

interaction which serves a primarily social function. When people meet, they

exchange greetings, engage in small talk and chit chat, recount recent experiences

and so on because they wish to be friendly and to establish a comfortable zone

interaction with others. The aim of having conversation is casual or more formal

depending on the circumstances and their nature that has been well described by

Brown and Yule (as cited by Fabianto, 2012, p. 15). The main features of talk as

interaction can be summarized as having a primarily social function, reflecting role

relationship, reflecting speaker‟s identity, being formal or casual, using

conversational register, and being jointly constructed.

Furthermore, some of the abilities involved in using talk as interaction are

presented as opening and closing conversations, choosing topics, making small-

talk, recounting personal incidents and experiences, turn-taking, interrupting,

reacting to others. In brief, people must be able to speak appropriately in order to

have interaction with others.

b. Talk as transaction

This type of talk refers to situations where the focus is on what is said or

done. The message, which makes oneself understood clearly and accurately, is the

central focus here rather than the participants and the social interaction among the

participants. In transactions, talk is associated with other activities. In this type of

spoken language, students and teachers usually focus on meaning or on talking

their way to understanding. The main feature of talk as transaction is a

conversation which has information focus. The main focus is the message and not

the participants. There are frequent questions, repetitions, and comprehension

checks. However, linguistic accuracy is not always important here. In addition,

some of abilities involved in using talk as transaction are explaining a need or

intention, describing something, asking questioning, confirming information,

justifying an opinion, making suggestion, clarifying understanding, making

comparison, and agreeing and disagreeing. Besides interaction with others for

having socialization, people also have to be able to speak appropriately in order to

have a transaction. In transactional circumstances, people should show their ideas

on certain situation more clearly and accurately.

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c. Talk as performance

The third type of talk which can clearly be distinguished has been called

talk as performance. This refers to public talk, that is, talk which transmits

information before audiences such as lectures, public announcement, and

speeches. Jones (1996: 14) states that spoken texts of lectures, public

announcement, and speeches often have identifiable generic structure. The use of

the language is more predictable. Because of less contextual support, the speaker

must include all necessary information in the text; hence the topic is as important

as textual knowledge. While meaning is still important, there will be more

emphasis on form and accuracy.

Talk as performance tends to be in the form of monolog rather than dialog,

often follows a recognizable format (e.g. a speech of welcome) and is closer to

written language than conversational language. The main features of talk as

performance are there is a focus on both message and audience. It reflects

organization and sequencing. Form and accuracy are important. Language is more

like written language, and it is often monologic. Furthermore, some of the abilities

involved in using talk as performance are using an appropriate format, presenting

information in an appropriate sequence, maintaining audience engagement, using

correct pronunciation and grammar, creating an effect on the audience, using

appropriate vocabulary, and using appropriate opening and closing. It can be

concluded that talk as a performance is more formal than two functions before.

This is used by people to convey their ideas in order to get other people‟s


In short, there are at least three functions of speaking. The first is talk as

interaction which has primarily social function. The second is talk as transaction

which conveys a message. This message consists of meaningful information which

makes somebody understood clearly and accurately. The third is talk as

performance which transmits information before audiences.

5. Speaking Aspects

In order to be successful in speaking, there are some aspects that should be

taken into account. Nunan (1991, p. 27) proposes some aspects of speaking as follow.

1) Pronunciation

2) Stress, rhythm and intonation patterns

3) Fluency

4) Transactional and interpersonal skill

5) Turn taking

6) Management of interaction

7) Expressions and fillers

From the speaking aspects proposed by Nunan, it can be summed up that there

are some aspects need to be considered in speaking in order the communication can

run smoothly. The above mentioned criteria are also the same criteria we use to test

students‟ ability to speak.

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6. Teaching Speaking

There are some techniques of teaching speaking that considered as the

communicative activities by experts. The explanations of each are as follow.

1) Conversation

Conversation is an important thing in human activities; it takes a large

proportion in the people„s daily language use (Thornburry and Slade, 2006). That

is why we should consider that conversation should be taught in speaking activities

in a class.

Richards in Brown (2001) proposes two major approaches in teaching

conversation. They are direct and indirect approaches. A direct approach involves

student„s engagement in conversational rules, conventions and strategies. An

indirect approach focuses on the use of language to complete a task.

2) Role play

According to Richards (2006), role play is an activity in which students

are assigned roles and improvise a scene based on given information or clues.

Many students obtain great advantages in doing role play. As it is proposed by

Harmer (2001), role play can be used to encourage students‟ oral fluency and/or to

train students for specific situations. Furthermore, role play can be fun and

motivating. It decreases the students‟ hesitation and makes them free to use a

much wide range of language.

3) Survey

According to Harmer (2001, p. 89) Surveys can be used to provoke

conversation and opinion exchange. In addition, surveys can be more useful if the

students plan them by themselves. It means that students can make their own

questions while the teacher can act as a resource.

Thornbury (2005) says that we can conduct a survey through milling

activities. It involves learners to walk around and ask all the other learners

questions to complete their surveys.

4) Communication games

Richards and Schmidt (2002, p. 67) define games in language teaching as

an organized activity which has some characteristics. They are particular task or

objective, set of rules, competition between players and communication between

players. According to Cambridge dictionary, game is a fun activity. Furthermore,

Harmer (2001, p. 272) sees games as a designed activity that can provoke

students‟ communication by providing information gaps.

To conclude, game is a fun activity which can be used in language

teaching to provoke communication between learners. In teaching speaking, we

have to consider using games since they are interesting and challenging so that

learners can learn to speak without any hesitation.

5) Simulation

According to Richards and Schmidt (2002, p. 90), simulation is defined as

an activity to simulate the real situations. Students should follow the given

instructions by the teachers. The instructions may be in the form of tasks, roles in a

situation or problems to be solved.

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Moreover, Jones in Harmer (2001, p. 269) proposed three characteristics

of a good simulation. The first characteristic is that students should think of

themselves as the real participants in the simulation. Second, teachers should

create a simulated environment. This will help students to be the real participants.

At last, the simulation activity should be constructed effectively and the

instructions must be very clear.

6) Prepared Talk

Harmer (2001, p. 271) sees the prepared talk as the popular speaking

activities where students can make a presentation based on their own choice of

topics. This activity helps students to have a well-prepared activity so that they can

speak in front of the class confidently. Furthermore, Harmer says that this activity

can be extremely interesting for teachers and students because the talk is properly


7) Opinion-Sharing Activity

This activity enables learners to collect and compare their opinions

(Richards, 2006). Not only their opinions but also they can compare their values

and beliefs.

For example, a group of 5 students lists some qualities of delivering a

good presentation then students may sequence them in order of importance. This is

how the activity works. Every student can take part in a speaking activity because

each of students should share his/her opinions.

So, the point is the teacher should pay great attention in teaching speaking. Reduce

teacher speaking time in class while increasing student speaking time. Teacher should

also provide maximum opportunity to students to speak. Make students more active in

the learning process and reduce their anxiety. Make their learning more meaningful

and fun for them.

C. Needs Analysis

An important principle of ESP approach is the purposes of the learners in

learning the language. An ESP approach starts with an analysis of the learner‟s needs.

As Richards and Schmidt (2002, p. 352) stated a needs analysis is the process of

determining the needs for which learners require a language and make priority scale of

need. The process is normally required before a syllabus can be developed for

language teaching.

The needs analysis is defined as the analysis of students‟ needs of English in

order to designed effective learning materials which are suitable for them. The

effective learning materials, then, help the students to use the language in the

vocational workplace. Basturkmen (2010, p. 19) said that needs analysis in ESP refers

to a course process in which the language and skill that the learners will use in the

vocational workplace are identified by considering the existing knowledge of the

learners, their perception of their needs and the teaching context. The information

gathered from the needs analysis is used in determining and refining the content and

method of the ESP course.

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Hutchinson & Waters (1957, p. 58) classify the needs into the target needs and

the learning needs. They will be discussed below.

1. Target Needs

The target needs refer to what the learners need to do in the target situation.

The target needs include necessities, lacks and wants.

a. Necessities

Necessities refer to what the learners have to know in order to function

effectively in the target situation. This is a matter of observing what situation the

learners will need to function in.

b. Lacks

The learners‟ lack is the gap between the target proficiency and the existing

proficiency of the learners. It means that, what the learners know already should be

recognized to decide which of the necessities the learners‟ lack. It is illustrated as a

gap between the ideal situation or target situation with the real conditions.

c. Wants

The learners may have a clear idea of the necessities of the target situation

and their lacks. They also have a view to what they want or they need. The learners‟

motivation is important in the learning process, so learners‟ perceived wants cannot

be ignored. Wants related to learners‟ desires. They are realized that they need

English to support their career.

2. Learning Needs

Learning needs refer to what the learners need to do in order to learn.

According to Hutchinson & Waters (1987, p. 19), learning needs indicates the route:

how the learners are going to get from their starting point (lacks) to the destination

(necessities). To have useful analysis of learners needs, the needs, potential and

constraints of the route must be considered. In addition, the learners must choose their

route according to the conditions of the learning situations, their knowledge, skills and

strategies, and their motivation.

Basturkmen (2010, p.17) proposes the process of needs analysis:

1. Target situation analysis: identification of tasks, activities and skill learners

are/will be using English for; what the learners should ideally know and be able to


2. Discourse analysis: Descriptions of the language used in the above.

3. Present situation analysis: Identification of what the learners do and do not know

and can or cannot do in relation to the demands of the target situation.

4. Learner factor analysis: Identification of learner factors such as their motivation,

how they learn and their perceptions of their needs.

5. Teaching context analysis: Identification of factors related to the environment in

which the course will run. Consideration of what realistically the ESP course and

teacher can offer.

The main difference between target needs and learners‟ needs are in the depth

that they cover. Target needs are very much the surface needs or the surface

representations of the needs of the students have. Learning needs of the other hand go

deeper. They focus on what the learners will have to do to those target needs. Target

needs really focus on what the learners need, but they lack, and lastly what they want

or what they feel they want while the learning needs focus more on the cognitive basis

which will support these target needs.

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Hutchinson and Waters (1987, p. 59) then propose frameworks to analyze

target needs and learning needs. The frameworks are as follow.

A target situation analysis framework

The needs of language will give the information whether the language is needed for

1) study;

2) work;

3) training;

4) a combination of these;

5) or for some other purpose, e.g. status, examination, promotion.

A framework for analyzing learning needs

The purpose in taking the course may differ in many ways as follow.

1) Compulsory or optional

2) Apparent need or not

3) Are status, money, promotion involved?

4) What do learners think they will achieve?

5) What is their attitude towards the ESP course? Do they want to improve their

English or do they resent the time they have to spend on it?

A needs analysis is a pre-course design process in which information is

gathered to help the teacher or course developer decide what the course should focus

on, what content in terms of language or skills to include and what teaching/learning

methods to employ. The needs analysis also plays a role in refining the ESP course.

To meet the learners‟ need, ESP materials have been developed especially for

students who were perceived to have specific needs which could not be met fully by

general material. These needs were originally seen mainly in terms of subject content.

For example, engineers need the language of engineering, doctors need the language of

medicine, pilots need the language of aviation and in this research is secretaries need

the language of business or office administration such as correspondence, receptionist,

handling telephone, making presentations, and other specific language features found

in business.

Related to the theory and description about learning needs above, it is clear

that developing materials should be based on the students‟ need analysis. In this

research, the researcher analyzed the learning needs of the Tenth grade students of

Office Administration Program. The students‟ needs referred to their area of

specialism and the office context. Speaking became the focus of the English skill that

is analyzed in this research because one of the standards of graduate competence in

Office Administration program is to be able to communicate in English for daily

conversation related to the office context.

D. Material

1. The Nature of Material

Materials become very crucial part in English teaching and learning. They

help the students to expose themselves to language. Start from comprehending what

language is, the students can expand their knowledge to the use of language through

materials they learn. There are several definitions of materials proposed by some

experts. Richard and Rodgers (1986) view materials as a way to influencing the quality

of classroom interaction and language use. Tomlinson (1998: 2) defines materials as

any tools in the forms of both audio-video and printed- no printed things that are used

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to facilitate the learning of the language, not only restricted to course books. For

examples: CD-ROMs, dictionaries grammar books, workbooks, photocopied exercises,


The Ministry of Education and Culture Rule No. 81A year 2013 about

curriculum implementation states that the standards of the English learning materials

based on curriculum 2013 are as follows:

1. The materials are taught to develop language competency

2. Students are rehearsed to read and understand the meaning of text, summarize and

then present it with their own language

3. Students are rehearsed to create text systematically, logically, and effectively

4. Students are taught how to create contextual text

5. Students are rehearsed to express themselves and their knowledge using the target

language confidently and fluently.

Based on curriculum 2013, good materials should support the teaching

learning process achieving the basic competences. Before developing English learning

materials, it is necessary to consider:

1. The students‟ potential

2. The relevancy with the local characteristics

3. The level of physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual development of

the students

4. The meaningfulness of the materials for the students

5. The Structure of the knowledge

6. The actuality, depth, and the breadth of the learning materials

7. The relevancy with the students‟ needs and the environment‟s demand

8. Time allocation

Meanwhile, Hutchinson and Waters (1987: 96) suggested three kinds of

materials production; they are:

a) Select from existing materials: materials evaluation

b) Write your own materials: materials development

c) Modify existing materials: materials adaptation

Referring to the explanation above, this research included to materials

development since the researcher wrote researcher‟s own material. Actually, there

were no existing materials used by the ESP teacher in teaching ESP for office

administration program. So that the researcher tried to develop the materials based on

the result of need analysis. By developing ESP materials, it is expected that the

developed materials would help and support the ESP teacher in teaching ESP to the

students which is suitable with the students‟ need.

2. ESP Materials

ESP Materials are the useful means in language teaching. “Teaching materials

are tools that can be figuratively cut up into component pieces and then rearranged to

suit the needs, abilities, and interests of the students in the course (Graves, 1999, p.

27). They are anything that the teacher may use in order to help learners get better

understanding. Such materials can exist in different forms; they can be textbooks,

workbooks, texts, activities, etc.

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ESP materials must be varied so that to attract and motivate students; they

appear in most times interesting, fun and clear. Sometimes, materials are appropriate

for the content but sometimes they need to be modified and creative, the teacher has to

adapt or supplement in order to fit the local context.

a. Typology of ESP Material

ESP materials can be done for different reasons and can be presented in

different forms. Kennedy and Bolitho (as cited by El Imane, 2013, p. 12, points out

that ESP materials are helpful in making students read then get the meaning, read then

write such as summarizing or paraphrasing, listen when teachers read from them,

speak when the teacher motivates his students to communicate, or do different tasks

when the teacher integrates different skills. Activities are very useful means in

language teaching. They are of different forms; reading, listening, speaking and

writing. Each specialty is based on some skills according to students‟ needs and the

form of present lesson.

1) Materials for Reading

Materials for reading are the texts given to learners to practice them in

order to achieve a specific aim or various ones. According to Kennedy and Bolitho

(as cited by El Imane, 2013, p. 13), materials for reading play the role of activities;

students are asked to read and try to comprehend as they are allowed to use

dictionaries to learn new structures and vocabulary. Students have to skim, scan,

relate graphs to text, relate diagrams to text, predict and sequence the structure of a

text, and understand elliptical writing- telexes. Such activities are means of joy as

well as of teaching and learning. They help students in using and practicing their

available language recourses as to develop their own skills, strategies and level of

comprehension; they are the practical contribution of theoretical lessons. Each

material for reading is given to students in order to make hem master specific

points which themselves are helpful for their studies.

2) Materials for Writing

When students are given a text and after reading it, they are asked to write

something. Here, the aim of the material is to serve the skill of writing. Since

students are not English ones, they are not asked to write using great styles.

Instead, they have to write correct grammar and simple wording. Kennedy and

Bolitho (as cited by El Imane, 2013, p. 13), insist on the importance of being

coherent when writing.

Some adult ESP students do not experience too many problems with

coherence as there is classroom evidence to suggest that the ability to organize

writing coherently is largely transferable from the mother tongue. Conversely, an

absence of this ability in English in an adult student is bad news for the ESP

teacher as it may signal lack of practice in writing coherently in any language.

When implementing written activities, students also must have a purpose.

There is no activity without one aim or more as their answers should be relevant to

them. ESP students are asked to write reports, take notes, summarize a text, write

descriptions of processes and systems, and write letters and telegrams.

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3) Materials for Listening

According to Kennedy and Bolitho (as cited by El Imane, 2013, p. 14),

materials for listening might be the most difficult choice. They have to be selected

in an appropriate way in order to motivate students and make them listen without

getting bored. ESP students may listen to lectures, instructions, seminars,

meetings, and committees. Then they have to get key words, main ideas, speakers‟

attitude, and switches of register. The teacher‟s role here is to be attentive

concerning students‟ reactions and to the atmosphere of each lesson so that to

attract students‟ attention and satisfy their needs in an appropriate way without

making them get bored or confused.

4) Materials for Speaking

Though those activities need more work for teachers but it is worth using

them. They make the speaking process seems easier and more active as they help

in making the students‟ involvements more obvious. So, the use of speaking

activities would highly improve students‟ retention. Such activities add variety to

range of learning situations, maintain motivation, refresh learners during formal

learning, encourage students‟ interest, help in making teacher- student distance

less marginal, and provide more student- student communication. The more

students get motivated, the more students get comfortable and can speak

confidently. Kennedy and Bolitho (as cited by El Imane, 2013, p. 14).

Referring to the explanation above, the researcher did not develop all the

English skills mentioned above, the researcher only developed the ESP (English for

Specific Purposes) materials which focusing on Speaking skill (Materials for

Speaking) for Office Administration students. This is based on one of the standards of

graduate competence in Office Administration program is to be able to communicate

in English for daily conversation related to the office context, so the researcher

decided to emphasize only in Speaking skill.


b. ESP Materials Selections

Some teachers may use the same ESP material for different classes ignoring

the variation among different classrooms. Also, some of them may use the same

material in all lectures. In this situation, students will get bored and may hate this

class. That is why appropriate ESP materials selection would be important and can

play a crucial role in ESP lesson planning. Ellis and Johnson (1994) distinguish

between two levels of materials selection. The first one occurs at the beginning of the

course when teachers suggest their course books and materials. The second level

occurs when the teacher is going to select items from the chosen course book.

1) Authenticity vs Simplicity

Authentic texts are very important in showing real language use though it

is sometimes difficult the find appropriate ones. In fact, most teachers prefer to use

them. “Authentic material is any kind of material taken from the real world and

not specifically created for the purpose of language teaching.” (Ellis and Johnson,

1994, p. 157). Authentic materials are those taken as they are in the original or

natural sources. “It has been traditionally supposed that the language presented to

learners should be simplified in some way for easy access and acquisition.

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Nowadays there are recommendations that the language presented should be

authentic.” (Widdowson, 1990, p. 67) Many people prefer such classroom

resources because of their natural language use and explanations.

In language teaching, the use of materials that were not originally

developed for pedagogical purposes, such as the use of magazines, newspapers,

advertisements, news reports, or songs. Such materials are often thought to contain

more realistic and natural examples of language use than those found in textbooks

and other specially developed teaching materials.

On the one hand, using authentic materials is very helpful because they

have a positive impact on learners‟ motivation, satisfy learners‟ needs, and supply

authentic cultural information and exposure to real language. On the other hand,

using authentic materials may contain difficult language, difficult vocabulary

items and complex language structures as they can be too culturally. Some

interesting texts may go beyond students‟ level and current abilities. This would

not make problems only for students, it may also struggle teachers. Simplified

materials are materials used by teachers to facilitate the learning process. When

using authentic materials may not be very helpful and it is difficult for students to

understand them since the language and the use of words may be highly complex,

thus, the use of simplified ones would be the solution. Simplified materials use

understandable language, provide clear objectives, and focus on specific items of

the lecture.

2) Criteria for ESP Material Selection

It seems that most, is not all, ESP lessons include the use of an ESP

material or series of materials. Not all students enjoy them and not all lessons

provide appropriate ESP materials selection. There is no rule for selecting or

adapting them but some said that following specific criteria may take it easier for

them. Paul (as cited by El Imane, 2013, p. 1) proposes a division of the lesson into

two parts: educational and fun sections. Selecting materials for ESP students does

not resemble the same as selecting for general English students which need only

print, audio, and video materials as Ellis and Johnson point out. For ESP teachers,

the selection extends the use of what is available. Sometimes, they need to adapt or

look for over the shelf materials in order to help ESP students achieve their aims.

When doing so, they need to respect certain criteria. Ellis and Johnson explain the

criteria for selecting ESP materials: types of learners and their language level,

relevance, learners‟ age and cultural background, and appropriateness of

methodology or style. Moreover, they emphasize the distinction between different

types of learners and their language level; pre- experience learners and job-

experienced learners. Relevance of language and skills is the second key element

that must be respected when selecting materials. Another important criterion is to

respect learners‟ age and cultural background. In other words, types of activities

differ among groups of different age, background knowledge and cultural features.

The last element is the appropriateness of methodology or style for learners. In

other words, “the trainer should experiment to find out an approach to use with a

particular group and then select activities accordingly.” (Ellis and Johnson, 1996,

p. 127).

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Wallace (1992) suggests the following criteria when selecting ESP


a. Adequacy : the selected materials should contain appropriate

language and information about the course.

b. Motivation : they should present interesting content in order to help

students be active and work hard in order to understand

better. This criterion should be respected in order to

make students‟ work more effective.

c. Sequence : it is important to have materials that are related to the

lecture. There must be a relation to previous texts,

activities, topics not to miss the sense of a lesson.

d. Diversity : the selected material should lead to a range of classroom

activities, be a vehicle for teaching specific language

structure and vocabulary, and promote strategies.

e. Acceptability : it should contain acceptable cultural customs and


In conclusion, in selecting the material there should be criteria which can

determine the quality of the materials. Moreover, selecting ESP materials is

different to selecting for general English because the ESP teacher should adapt the

materials to the students‟ area of specialism so that the students can achieve their

goals. Materials evaluation helps an ESP practitioner to adjust the teaching

materials to the learners‟ needs and their level of proficiency, as well as to keep

them motivated.

3. Purpose of Materials

Dudley- Evans and St John (2002, pp. 170-172) assert that there are four reasons

for using materials which seem significant in the ESP context are:

a. As a Source of Language

In some situation in which English is a foreign language, not a second

language like in Indonesia, English is the only source. In this context materials

play a crucial role in exposing learners to the language, which implies that the

materials need to present real language, as it used and the full range that learners


b. As a Learning Support

As a learning support, according to Dudley- Evan and St. John (2002, pp.

170-172). “Materials need to be reliable, that is , to work, to be consistent and to

have some recognizable pattern. “to enhance learning, materials must involve

learners in thinking about and using the language.

c. Materials can be for Motivation and Stimulation

To stimulate and motivate, materials need to be challenging yet achievable;

to offer new ideas and information whilst being grounded in the learners‟

experience and knowledge; to encourage fun and creativity. The input must

contain knowledge that is familiar but it must also offer something new.

d. Materials can be for Reference

It means, for reference purposes materials need to be complete, well laid out,

and self- explanatory. The learner will want explanations, examples and practice


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All in all, materials are covered all the purpose mentioned above since

materials are the central aspect in language teaching and learning. The availability

of materials can support the teaching and learning process in classroom.

4. Material Development

a. The Nature of Material Development

According to Tomlinson (1998, p. 2), materials development refers to

anything which is done by writers or teachers to provide source of language input

and to use that source to promote language learning. So, in developing materials

they need to identify, first, learners‟ needs and consider the objective of the

learning. Then, they can develop the materials by adapting them in order to

improve or to make them more suitable to learners‟ needs. Adaptation can be

carried out by reducing, adding, omitting, modifying, and supplementing learning

materials (Tomlinson, 1998, pp. 8-11). Tomlinson also sums up some basic

principles of developing learning materials for language learning as follows:

a. Materials should achieve impact

Impact is achieved when students are interested, curious, and pay much

attention to the material.

b. Materials should help learners to feel at ease

Sometimes, students feel uninterested, anxious, and bored during teaching and

learning process. When students are at ease, however, they are comfortable

and relaxed when producing language.

c. Materials should help learners to develop confidence

When students are at ease, they can develop their confidence in producing the

language during the teaching and learning process.

d. What is being taught should be perceived by learners as relevant and useful

The material being taught should be related to learners‟ needs and learners‟

interests. They should be able to practice it by using their target language not

only in their real-life but also in the classroom.

e. Materials should require and facilitate learner self- investment

The material, even media, should allow students to carry out many activities in

learner-centred classroom. The media should also facilitate students when they

do the activities.

f. Learners must be ready to acquire the point being taught

Teacher can use the material that is familiar with students‟ life. It means that

the material should be related to students‟ interest and students‟ needs.

Another definition of materials development is proposed by Graves (2000)

that is the planning process which is created by the teacher to make units and

lessons in order to reach the goal and objectives of the course. To conclude,

materials development is a process done by writers or teachers to create

information used for language learning process to reach the goal.

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Grave (2000, p. 156) points out there are several aspects to be considered

in developing unit of materials; the learners, learning processes, language, social

context, activities/task-types, and the materials. The considerations are listed as


A List of Consideration for Developing Materials


1. Make relevant to their experience and background

2. Make relevant to their target needs (outside class)

3. Make relevant to their affective needs

Learning Processes

4. Engage in discovery, problem solving, analyzing

5. Develop specific skills and strategies


6. Target relevant aspect (grammar, vocabulary, functions, etc)

7. Integrate four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing

8. Use/understand authentic text

Social Context

9. Provide intercultural focus

10. Develop critical social awareness


11. Aim for authentic tasks

12. Vary roles and groupings

13. Vary activities and purposes


14. Authentic (texts, realia)

15. Varied (print, audio, visuals, etc)

Figure 2.3 A List of Consideration for Developing Materials

Grave (2000, p. 156)

b. Step of Designing Material

Nunan (1991, p. 210) states that the material is designed and provided

through the consideration of learners‟ needs, syllabus and the curriculum. In this

regard, the material should be in line with learners‟ needs, syllabus and

curriculum. In addition, Nunan (1991, p. 216) proposes the steps of material

design as follows:

1. Selecting the topic

2. Collecting the data of the chosen topic

3. Determining the students‟ needs in relation to the topic

4. Creating pedagogical activities

5. Analyzing texts and activities

6. Creating activities focusing on language elements

7. Creating application tasks

The steps stated above should be integrated with the characteristics of a

good task. The aim is to enhance student‟s involvement in the classroom. In

addition, learner- centeredness can be achieved in the classroom by conducting the


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Ellis and Johnson (1994, p. 115) point out that the choice of materials has

a major impact on what happens in the course. This impact is demonstrated on the

following three levels:

1. It determines what kind of language the learners will be exposed to and, as a

consequence, the substance of what they will learn in terms of vocabulary,

structures, and functions;

2. It has implications for the methods and techniques by which the learners will


3. The subject of or content of the materials is essential component of the

package from the point of view of relevance and motivation.

c. Advantage of Creating Own Material

Due to the characteristics of ESP which is focusing on specialist subjects,

and due to unavailable commercial materials, very often ESP teachers need to

design or develop the materials themselves. In fact, there are some advantages of

creating our own teaching materials.

1. It is relevance. It means materials can be produced that are directly relevant to

students‟ and institutional needs. Using available commercial textbook does

not guarantee this relevance.

2. It is developing expertise. Creating our own materials can help develop

expertise among staff.

3. It is reputation. What it means by reputation is it can enhance the reputation of

the institution. The institution that creates its own materials will be more

acknowledged that the institution that uses commercial materials available in

the market.

4. It is flexibility. Of course materials produced within the institution can be

revised or adapted as needed. It gives them greater flexibility than a

commercial course book.

Teacher-created material is an easy way to meet the needs of many

students, the teacher can adapt the objective, materials, teaching methodology,

deciding task/ assignment with the students‟ characteristics and ability. The

materials probably won‟t be perfect, but that is OK. Make notes on what worked

and what didn‟t so teacher can adapt them if necessary for the next time. The more

teachers create materials to fit his/her class and the students, the better teacher will

become at it.

d. The Principles of Language Learning Materials

Tomlinson (1998, p. 24) proposes some principles of second language

acquisition as the good characteristics of materials in language teaching. They are

as follow:

1) Materials should achieve impact.

2) Materials should help learners feel at ease.

3) Materials should help learners to develop confidence.

4) What is being taught should be perceived by learners as relevant and useful.

5) Materials should require and facilitate learners„ self-investment.

6) Learners must be ready to acquire the points being taught.

7) Materials should expose the learners to language in authentic use.

8) The learners„ attention should be drawn to linguistic features to the input.

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9) Materials should provide the learners with opportunities to use the target

language to achieve communication purposes.

10) Materials should take into account that the positive effects of instruction are

usually delayed.

11) Materials should take into account that learners have different learning styles.

12) Materials should take into account that learners differ in affective attitudes.

13) Materials should permit a silent period at the beginning of instruction.

14) Materials should maximize learning potential by encouraging intellectual,

aesthetic, and emotional involvement that stimulates both right and left


15) Materials should not rely too much on controlled practice.

16) Materials should provide opportunities for outcome feedback.

Those principles above used as a guidance to design the materials for

students of Office Administration Study Program, specifically for speaking skill.

e. Materials Design

According to Hutchinson and Waters (1987, p. 109), the model of

materials design consists of four elements. They are input, content, language and


The model itself is shown in Figure 2.4

Figure 2.4 A Materials Design Model

Hutchinson and Waters (1987, p. 109)

1) Input

This can be a text, dialogue, video-recording, diagram or any learning

material which depend on the needs as the result of needs analysis. The input

provide the following things:

a) stimulus material for activities;

b) new language items;

c) correct models of language use;

d) a topic for communication;

e) opportunities for the use of learners„ processing skills;

f) opportunities for the use of learners„ entry knowledge.




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2) Content focus

In order to generate a meaningful communication in the classroom,

nonlinguistic content should be omitted. The content focuses only on the

linguistic materials.

3) Language focus

The main purpose of this focus is to enable learners to use language. In

language focus, learners have opportunities to take the language and study how

it works. Good materials should contain opportunities for analysis and


4) Task

Materials are designed to lead towards communicative task so that

learners can use its content and knowledge. Therefore, the tasks are built up

through the unit.

The model provides “a coherent framework of integration of various

aspects of learning” and, at the same time, allows “creativity and variety” to

develop. From the model above, it is clear that designing ESP can be seen as an

activity of thinking about designing course materials since it is one important part

in ESP program. It involves teaching learning activities.

f. Speaking Task Criteria

Thornbury (2005) proposes some criteria of speaking task in order to

maximize the speaking opportunities so that students can experience the real-life

language use. Some of the criteria are explained as follows.

1) Productivity

A speaking activity needs to maximize language productive in order to

provide the best conditions for the students to use the language autonomously.

2) Purposefulness

The language productivity can be increased if the speaking activity has

a clear purpose, especially for activity which asks students to work together to

achieve a certain goal. Asking students to report the result of work discussion is

an effective way to ensure a commitment to the task.

3) Interactivity

Speaking activity should require students to consider the effect they are

having on their audience. If it is not, the students may not have a good

preparation for real-life language use. For example, in a presentation or speech,

students should perform their talk in front of the audience so that at least there

is a possibility of interaction, i.e. questions, suggestions and comments at the

end of the performance.

4) Challenge

The task should be challenging so that students can experience the

sense of achievement and excitement. This will help students to use all of their

available communicative resources to achieve the goal. Of course, teachers

should adjust the level of difficulty in each task.

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5) Safety

The classroom should provide the conditions for experimentation,

including a supportive classroom. Teachers are supposed to have a non–

judgmental attitude to students „errors. It is better to correct the error at the end

of the activity. Teachers should also become a prompter when the students

cannot overcome the difficulty in the task.

6) Authenticity

Speaking task should have relation with real-life language use. In order

to become autonomous language use, students need to experience the

communication activity in the classroom which has the same quality with the

communication activity outside the classroom. Role play and simulation can

help a lot to deal with real-life language use.

So the point is ESP teacher should be able to apply all those six criteria of

speaking task in order to maximize the speaking opportunities so that students can

communicate in English for daily conversation related to the office context.

g. The Qualifications of Office Administration in the Work Field

The evidences that English is needed for Office Administration Study

Program primary to prepare in facing the work field are proved by some

documents below. The explanation of each is as follows.

a. Indonesian Qualification Framework (Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia)

The Ministry of Education and Culture (2014) proposes the standards

of graduate competence of Office Administration as called Level II Secretary

(Sekretaris Level II). It is said that one of the standards of graduate competence

of Office Administration is to be able to communicate in English for daily

conversation related to the office context. It is also said that an office staff

should master how to operate the communication means such as telephone,

facsimile, email and other soft wares. Those standards are mentioned in Table

2.1 below.

Table 2.1 The Standards of Graduate Competence of Office Administration

The Ministry of Education and Culture (2014)

1. Study Program Based on KKNI

No Units of Competences Elements of




1 Able to do the specific

secretarial job using


technology either

hardware or software as

well as relevant


i) Able to communicate

in English for daily


Able to speak

fluently using

English for daily

secretarial jobs.

j) Able to operate

communication means

such as telephone,

facsimile, email and

other soft wares as well

as the office means in

line with their kinds and


Able to use


means and other

office means

appropriately in

line with their

kinds and


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Based on the standards of graduate competence above, English is very

needed in work field especially for Office Administration staff as called

Sekretaris Level II. English is needed to support the daily secretarial job as

well as in using the communication means which one of them is handling

telephone calls.

b. The syllabus of Office Administration Study Program

There are two syllabi for two subjects which contain some competences

of Office Administration. These competences are different from the others

competences because they need English to support the students mastering the

daily communication in the office context as proposed in the Indonesian

Qualification Framework.

These two syllabi are called the syllabus of Office Automation subject

and the syllabus of Correspondence subject. These syllabi are learned in the

tenth grade. The sections of the intended competences from these syllabi are

listed in Table 2.2 and Table 2.3 below.

Table 2.2 The Selection Section of Office Automation Subject Syllabus

The Ministry of Education and Culture (2014)

Standard Competence Learning activities

3.4 Explain the ways to operate Ms.

Power Point

4.4 Operate the Ms. Power Point

Present a short presentation related to

the daily office context using Ms.

Power Point.

Table 2.3 The Selection Section of Correspondence Subject Syllabus

The Ministry of Education and Culture (2014)

Standard Competence Learning activities

3.1 Explain about the oral


4.1 Apply the skill of oral


1. Practice to communicate with

friends using telephone in the office


2. Listen and understand the received


c. The Evaluation Criteria for Practical Examination of Office Administration

Study Program.

BSNP (National Board of Education Standard) (2014) proposes some

criteria for practical examination of Office Administration Study Program. It is

stated that some competences which need English primary in communication

context are handling telephone call and delivering a presentation. The criteria of

those competences are presented in the following table.

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Table 2.4 The Evaluation Criteria for Practical Examination

of Office Administration Study Program

National Board of Education Standard (2014)

Components Criteria

2.2 Handling telephone call a. Receiving a phone call

b. Opening a conversation

c. Speaking etiquette

d. Ending a conversation

e. Writing a telephone message sheet

2.6 Presentation a. The presentation should be interesting

b. Mastering the materials

c. Using the appropriate language

d. Performance

e. The slides, etiquettes and ways of

presentation should be done well.

In handling telephone calls, BSNP (National Board of Education

Standard) prepares a telephone message sheet in English. There will be

additional scores for the use of English in delivering the presentation.

5. Materials Evaluation

a. Evaluation Process

Hutchinson and Waters (1987, pp.98-99) propose some questions used to

evaluate the materials in terms of audience, aims, content, methodology and other

criteria. In term of audience, it means that the materials should be appropriate for the

intended audiences. The good materials should have the clear aims. It will be useful

to guide the materials developer to keep in the track while developing materials. The

content of the materials should cover the linguistic descriptions, language points, the

proportion of work on each skill, the covered micro-skills, text types, types of topics,

the organized contents within the units and materials, and the sequenced content

within the units and materials.

In term of methodology, the materials should be based on the theories of

learning. Tasks, teaching and learning techniques and aids should be covered in the

materials. The good material is flexible; they provide guidance for the users. In other

criteria aspect, this is related to the price and the accessibility of the materials.

b. Evaluation of the Materials

There are two components to evaluate the materials based on the BSNP

team. They are the content feasibility and the materials presentation feasibility. The

explanations are listed in Table 2.5 below.

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Table 2.5 Evaluation of the Materials

National Board of Education Standard (2014)

Components Sub- components Descriptions

The content feasibility The appropriateness of

the materials with the

standard competences

and/or goals and


It should be complete and

cover all of the materials

based on the goals and/or


The accurateness of the


It has social functions, the

meaning structures and

elements, and linguistic


The enrichment of

teaching materials

It should develop the life


The materials

presentation feasibility

The presentation


The units should be

systematic and equal.

The learning


It should focus on the

students, develop creativity,

critical thinking, students„

autonomous, and the skill of

self reflection.

The presentation


It should cover the

introduction, the main

content, and conclusion.

There are some conclusion that can be concluded from the materials about

materials evaluation; the first is the teacher observed the materials evaluation as one

way of exploiting a course design. Second, the evaluation process should be systematic

and the third, the evaluation process is best seen as a matching exercise (how far the

materials match the needs).

E. Previous Related Studies

The first previous study was done by Budiantari, et.al who conducted a

research entitled “Developing Authentic Reading Material for the Tenth Year Students

of State Vocational High School 1 Kubutambahan”. This research was conducted to

develop authentic reading material for the tenth year students of Vocational high

school based on the School Based Curriculum that meet the criteria of a good reading

material. It was found that the reading materials were developed based on the criteria

of good materials, and the school-based curriculum and BSNP for the tenth year

students of Vocational High School and considered as good reading materials.

The second previous study was done by Yohana Dian Ratna Purnamasari who

conducted a research entitled “Developing English Learning Materials for Grade X

Students of Beauty Study Program”. This research was conducted to develop

appropriate English learning materials for the students of Beauty Study Program of

SMK N 3 Magelang. The product of this study is three units of English learning

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materials. Each unit has 25 tasks which are divided into three parts: introduction,

lesson proper and reinforcement. The inputs were in the form of spoken and written

texts and grammar explanation. The activities encourage the students to actively

participate in the classroom discussion and be involved in solving the tasks. The tasks

are done individually, in pairs and in small groups. Based on the materials evaluation;

the content, the language, the presentation and the lay-out of the materials are

appropriate. The mean score of all aspects of the developed materials was 3.12 which

is categorized as “Good”.

Furthermore, Erikson Saragih in his journal conducted a research entitled

“Designing ESP Materials for Nursing Students Based on Needs Analysis”. The study

aimed at exploring the learning needs of 50 nursing students, and designing ESP

materials for nurses based on Need Analysis. The findings described the real needs of

students of ESP for nurses, the lecturers‟ view points on the practice of ESP

instructions, and descriptions of ESP for nurses used in English speaking countries.

The next previous research was done by Aprilia Istanti who conducted a

research entitled “Designing Appropriate English Learning Materials for Grade X

Students of Ceramics Craft Skill Programme at SMK N 1 ROTA BAYAT”. This

research was conducted to design appropriate learning materials for grade X students

of ceramics craft programme (Kriya Keramik). This research showed that an

appropriate task has the following features. In term of goal, it helps the students in

learning English based on their skill programme and needs. Pictures, written dialogues,

spoken dialogues, passages, phonetic transcriptions, and given situation which were

comprehensible and suit with the students skill programme were the appropriate input

in the materials. For the procedure, the appropriate activities were listen and answer,

listen and complete, answering questions based on the dialogue, completing dialogues,

having dialogues, practising dialogues, reading passages and answering related

questions, reading explanations, writing descriptive texts, and writing invitation letters.

Another research was done by Choirul Rohmah with the title of her research

“Developing English Learning Materials for Grade X Students of Marketing Study

Program at SMK MUHAMMADIYAH 2 BANTUL”. This research was conducted to

develop three units of learning materials which focuses on improving the students‟

four language skills. Each unit was organized into: „Starting Up‟, „Listening &

Speaking‟, „Reading & Writing‟, „Evaluation‟, „Learning Journal‟, „Summary‟, and

„Glossary‟. The topic of the materials is related to communication in workplace. The

input of the materials was in the form of dialogues, short functional texts, technical

terms, and genre texts. In addition, there were some explanation about English

expressions and also grammar. Related to the setting, most of the tasks in the materials

were in the form of pair-work and small-group work.

This research was different from those previous researches above, the

researcher focused on developing English for Vocational Purpose (EVP) speaking

materials for the tenth grade students of office administration program at SMK PGRI


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In this chapter, there were discussions about the methodological steps which

underlie this study. It covered the research design, the setting, the subjects, research

instrument, data collecting technique, data analysis technique, research procedure, and the

validity of the research.

A. Research Design

The research method used in this research is Research and Development

method (R&D). The main goal of this Educational Research and Development method

(R&D) is to develop learning materials for educational needs. As it is proposed by

Gall, Gall and Borg (2003, p. 569), Educational R & D is an industry-based

development model in which the findings of research are used to design new products

and procedures, which then are systematically field-tested, evaluated, and refined until

they meet specified criteria of effectiveness, quality, or similar standards.

In practice, this type of study takes evaluation to play a key role in the process.

Evaluation or the process of refining products is done over and over until the best form

of the products is found. Borg and Gall (2003, p. 569) say that this model provides a

great promise for improving education because it involves a close connection between

systematic evaluation program and program development. In education, this research is

conducted to design/develop appropriate materials which can be implemented

effectively to meet the students‟ needs.

B. Place and Time of the Research The research about developing ESP Speaking Materials for the Tenth Grade

Students of Office Administration Program was conducted in SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK-

TANGERANG. It is located in Alun- alun Lap. Bola Street, Legok - Tangerang. This

school is a vocational high school focusing on Business and Management Department

which one of the study programs is Office Administration.

The setting of this study was SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK- TANGERANG,

especially to the tenth year students. There were 6 classes of the tenth year students.

Two classes belong to office administration department, two classes belong to

accountancy and the rest belong to computer and networking engineering department,

in which there were more or less 31 students in each class.

The subjects of this research were the tenth year students of office

administration program while the object of this research is ESP (English for Specific

Purposes) speaking material. The participants were grade ten students of Office

Administration Study Program in one class. The researcher took the sample in random.

A cluster random sampling was used because the researcher had to work with

established classrooms (Lodico, 2010). The subjects were asked to fill in the

questionnaire of which the result was used to gather information about learning needs.

The researcher conducted the research on the first semester in academic year


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C. Research Instrument

According to Arikunto (2002, p. 195) research instrument is tools or facility

that is used by the researcher in data collection process in order to get good, faster,

more complete and systematic data. So that it would be easier to be analyzed. The

instruments used are as follow:

1. Questionnaire of Need Analysis

The needs analysis questionnaire was distributed to the students to identify

the target needs and the learning needs of the students.

2. Questionnaire of Expert Judgment

The expert judgment questionnaire aimed to gain the data from an expert in

English teaching about the appropriateness of the materials

3. Interview Guideline

This research used unstructured interview method. The researcher only made

the outline of the problem that was asked to the ESP teacher. By using this

method, the researcher could get the data deeper by analyzing and developing each

informant‟s answer until the data was complete.

4. Written Document

Some selected authentic document from English teacher (English syllabus)

was collected.

5. Recorder

Recorder was utilized to record the interview result. It helped the researcher

in getting and saving the information.

D. Data Collecting Technique

In collecting the data, the researcher used a questionnaire to conduct the needs

analysis and followed by interview using interview questions. Marshall &Rossman

(2006, p. 125) stated that questionnaires typically entail several questions that have

structured response categories; some open- ended questions may also be included.

Questionnaires are usually tested on small groups to determine their usefulness and

perhaps reliability. The questionnaires were distributed to the students and a materials

expert. There were two types of questionnaire used in this research. They were the

needs analysis questionnaire and expert judgment questionnaire. The organization of

the questionnaires was elaborated through the table below.

1. Need Analysis Questionnaire

The needs analysis questionnaire was distributed to the students to identify the

needs of the tenth grade students of Office Administration Program at SMK PGRI 31

LEGOK. In developing the needs analysis questionnaire, this study referred to the

theory of needs assessment proposed by Hutchinson and Waters (1987), Graves (2000)

and Nunan (2004). The questionnaire consists of 17 multiple choices.

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Table 3.1 The Organization of Needs Analysis Questionnaire




of the


The purpose of the

Questions References

1-3 Target


To find the information about the

importance of English to the

students„ target needs

Hutchinson and

Waters (1987:


4-6 Relevant


To find the information

concerning relevant materials that

actually the students need

Graves (2000:


7 Goal To find out what actually the

students want from the materials

Nunan (2004:


8-10 Input to find the information of input

that the students want/need

Nunan (2004:


11-12 Activities To find the information about the

learning activities that the students

prefer to do

Nunan (2004:


13-14 Learning


To find the information about the

learning techniques that the

students need

Hutchinson and

Waters (1987:


15 Learners„


To find the information about the

learners„ role in teaching and

learning process

Nunan (2004:


16 Teachers„


To find the information about the

teachers„ role in teaching and

learning process

Nunan (2004:


17 Layout of



To find the information about

what the students want related to

the layout of the materials in order

to build the learning enthusiasm

Hutchinson and

Waters (1987:


2. Expert Judgment Questionnaire

The second questionnaire was the expert judgment. It was proposed to a

materials expert opinion to know their opinion and suggestions about the

appropriateness of the developed materials. The questionnaire contained the points of

evaluation taken from SMK‟s English Learning Textbook Assessment from Badan

Standar Nasional Pendidikan, DEPDIKNAS (2014), Brown (2001), Nunan (2004),

Hutchinson and Waters (1987), Tomlinson (1998) and Celce-Murcia (2001). The

points involved the appropriateness of the contents, the appropriateness of the

presentation, the appropriateness of the language, and the appropriateness of the

graphic design. The data, then, was analyzed to find whether the materials is

appropriate for the students or not, and did they meet the students‟ needs. The

organization of the second questionnaire was presented in Table 3.2 below.

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Table 3.2 The Organization of Expert Judgment Questionnaire


Numbers The Purpose of the Questions References

1-3 to find information to evaluate the goals of

the materials

Brown (2001:142),

Nunan (2004:174)

(BSNP: 2014)

4-8 to find information to evaluate the input texts

that are used in materials

Nunan (2004:174)

9-11 to find information to evaluate the

vocabularies and pronunciation of the


Nunan (2004:174),

BSNP (2014), Celce-

Murcia (2001: 425)

12 to find information to evaluate the language

skills covered in the materials

Celce- Murcia (2001:

425), BSNP (2014)

13-18 to find information to evaluate the activities

in the materials

Nunan (2004: 174),

Celce-Murcia (2001:

425), BSNP (2014),

Hutchinson and

Waters (1987:102-


19-21 to find information to evaluate the

organization of the materials

Hutchinson and

Waters (1987:102),

Brown (2001:142),

Nunan (2004:174),

Tomlinson (1998:7-

21), BSNP (2014)

22-25 to find information to evaluate the layout of

the designed materials

Hutchinson and

Waters (1987:107),

Brown (2001:142),

Tomlinson (1998:7),

Celce- Murcia (2001:


The researcher also used interview in collecting the data. Estenberg (in

Sugiyono, 2008: 231) stated that a meeting two persons to exchange information and

idea through question and responses, resulting in communication and joint

construction of meaning about a particular topic. Interview was given to the head of

Office Administration Program and ESP teacher to gather opinions and suggestions

about what the appropriate materials should be and the target needs. Besides, it was

also used to ask about their opinion about the appropriateness of the materials.

E. Data Analysis Technique

There were two kinds of data from the research; quantitative and qualitative

data. The quantitative data was gained from the questionnaires of the needs analysis

and the experts judgments, while the qualitative data were from the comments and

opinions from the expert related to their assessments of the materials.

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1. Needs Analysis Questionnaire

The data of needs analysis questionnaire was analyzed using frequency and

percentage. The highest percentages of the the answers of each question was

considered representing the students‟ need. The data were calculated using the

following formula:

P (%) = f x 100



P : percentage

N : total respondents

f : frequency

2. Expert Judgement Questionnaire

The expert judgment questionnaire consisted of statements and responses in

the form of Likertscale. It asked the respondent to indicate the strength of his/her

agreement and disagreement dealing with the provided statements. The responses for

every statement were measured with a score 1 to 5. The statement of Strongly Agree

(SA) has five points, the statement of Agree (A) has four points, the statement of

neutral (N) has three points, the statement of Disagree (D) has two points, and the

statement of Strongly Disagree (SD) has one point. Then the data gathered from the

expert was calculated by using formula proposed by Suharto (2006, pp. 52-53) to find

the range of the data interval. The formula is presented below:

Mn = Σfᵡ N

Mn : Mean

Fx : the scores of the items

N : the number of the scales

The results were then categorized as follows.

Table 3.3 Data Conversion

Suharto (2006, pp. 52-53)

Scale Interval Descriptive Category

5 101 - 125 Extremely Well

4 76 – 100 Very Well

3 51- 75 Fairly Well

2 26 - 50 A Little

1 0 - 25 Not at all

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F. Research Procedures

This research adopted the model of Research and Development

proposed by Borg and Gall (2003, p. 571). Actually the model was very long to

be applied in this research. As the research was conducted in a limited period of

time, the model was simplified as follow:

Figure 3.1 Research Procedures

Adopted from Borg and Gall (2003, p. 571) Modified by the Researcher

There were five steps that have to be completed. In detail, those steps

employed in this study are explained as follows.

1. Collecting data and information (needs analysis)

Collecting data and information included preliminary observation, review of

literature and conducting the needs analysis. In preliminary observation, the researcher

found problems in Office Administration Study Program. The problems were related

with students„ speaking skill and English material. However, the main problem find in

this research is related to the materials.

Based on the main problem, the materials which meet the vocational high

schools„ needs especially for the tenth grade students of Office Administration

Program was developed. In relation to this, the researcher used review of the theories

as guidance to achieve the research goal.

In order to find information related to the target needs, learner needs and

learning needs, the researcher conducted needs analysis. These data were obtained

from the questionnaire. There were two types of questionnaires in this research. They

were the questionnaire of needs analysis and the questionnaire of expert judgments.

The first questionnaire was used to gather information about the learners„ needs and

learning needs. The second questionnaire was used to evaluate the materials. Besides,

Collecting data and information

(needs analysis)

Writing course grid/syllabus

Designing the materials

Evaluating the first draft

(expert judgments)

Writing the final materials



Feedback and Revision


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the researcher also used some interview questions which were distributed to one of

teachers in Office Administration Program to gather information about the target

needs. In addition, the target needs also were collected from supported documents find

in preliminary observation.

2. Writing course grid/syllabus

Writing course grid was the following up from the first and the second step of

the procedures. In writing the course grid, the researcher used information from the

collected data. The collected data was used to determine what subject matters,

language functions, language knowledge and language skills that should be taught. The

course grid/ syllabus were used as guidance to design the materials.

3. Designing the materials

The materials were designed based on the course grid and the needs obtained

from the previous step. It is an application from the course grid itself to see the

appropriateness of the materials design. The materials consisted of three units.

4. Evaluating the first draft (expert judgments)

After writing the designed materials, the researcher asked the experts to judge

or to evaluate it. The experts were the head of Office Administration Program and the

ESP teacher. The researcher chose the head of Office Administration Program and the

ESP teacher as the experts because they were considered as the people who are really

know about the students‟ need and whether the materials designed was appropriate to

meet the students‟ need in Office Administration Program.

In this step, the second questionnaire (expert judgments questionnaire) was

used. The data from the second questionnaire then was analyzed. The data was to get

feedback from experts related to the designed materials. Besides the feedback, the data

was used to know whether the materials were appropriate or not based on the expert


5. Writing the final materials

It was done by using feedback and the data obtained from the second

questionnaire which was distributed to experts. The data was used to revise the

materials. Actually, this last step was also completed with revising the materials after

expert judgment was conducted. Finally, the agreed unit design was as the product of

this research.

G. Validity

The validity that will be used in this research is concurrent validity. As it is

proposed by Cohen, Manion and Marrison (2007, p. 105), concurrent validity means

that the gathered data using one instrument must have high correlation with the gathered

data from using another instrument. Here the researcher has three different data

collecting instruments: observation, interview, and questionnaire.

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This chapter presented and discussed the findings of the research. The first part of

this chapter presented the results of needs analysis, the syllabus of the materials, the

materials design and the results of expert judgment. The second part presented the

discussion of the findings.

A. Findings

1. The Results of the Needs Analysis

In order to get the results of the needs analysis, some instruments had been

used. They were questionnaire, observation and interview. The results were in terms of

general information of the learners, target needs and learning needs. The descriptions

of each are as follows.

a. The General Information of the Learners

The learners were the vocational students in SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK-

TANGERANG. They are in grade ten of Office Administration Program in the

academic year of 2017/2018. There were 31 students in the class. All of them are

female. Their ages range from 15-16 years old.

b. The Target Needs

Necessities, lacks and wants are the required terms to determine the target

needs (Hutchinson and Waters: 1987). The following is the result of the first

questionnaire, observation and interview in term of target needs.

1) Necessities

Necessities are what the learners actually need to know in the target

situations (Hutchinson and Waters, 1987). The following descriptions are the

necessities of grade ten students of Office Administration Program gathered

from the questionnaire, interview and observation.

Chart 4.1 below showed that English was very important to support

the students in facing the work field. All of them agreed with the statement.

There were 26 students who said that English was needed in the work field

because their study program (Office Administration Study Program) needed

English to finish some works such as handling guest, telephoning, and

presenting. There were 4 students who said that English was needed to be one

of the requirements to improve the job achievement. In addition, one student

stated in other choice that English was needed as the basis to face the work

field in the international level.

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Chart 4.1

The Necessities of Students in Office Administration Program

Furthermore, from the interview session, the Head of Office

Administration Program believed that English was needed to support the

students„ job after graduation. The teacher said that English is the needed

language especially in the work field. She also said that, actually, the officer

should master at least 7 languages which one of them was English.

The importance of English, especially in the Office Administration

Study Program, was confirmed by some of job descriptions which needed

English. The head of Office Administration Program said the following job

descriptions in the Office Administration such as handling a telephone call,

handling guest, and delivering a presentation were some of works which

mostly needed English.

There were some documents which supported the needs analysis.

There were three documents which related to the target needs. They are

Indonesian Qualification Framework (Ministry of Education and Culture,

2014), syllabus of Office Administration Study Program in grade ten

(Curriculum 2013) and the evaluation criteria of Office Administration Study

Program in the final practical examination (BSNP, 2014).

Based on the regulation of president of Indonesia number 8 in 2012,

Indonesian Qualification Framework (Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional

Indonesia) 49 is a competence qualification leveled framework which can

reconcile, equalize and integrate the fields of education, job training and work

experiences in order to award the work competence recognition in line with

the job structure in various sectors. In this document, the SMK students who

graduate from the school are recognized as level 2. In this level, primary for

the Office Administration, one of the indicators graduate is that students

should be able to communicate in English for daily conversation related to the










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The Necessities of Students in Office Administration Program

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office contexts. Some of the contexts themselves include being able to give

information either in written or spoken form and being able to use some means

of communication like telephone, fax, email, etc. This indicator is stated in the

document in point i under the heading of competence element.

As mentioned in chapter three, the syllabus of grade ten of Office

Administration Study Program described some of learning activities in the

office context. Those learning activities were in line with the Indonesian

Qualification Framework document. They were handling guest, handling

telephone call and delivering a presentation. It meant that to fulfill those

activities as classified into the office contexts, they need English.

The standard competences of Office Administration in the final

practical examination also used English to formulate questions. The questions

which need English are related to correspondence, telephoning and

presentation. The telephoning and presentation are the focus in delivering the

speaking materials in this study.

Based on the evaluation criteria of final practical examination in

Office Administration Study Program, students should be able to receive a

phone call in English. Then, using English in delivering a presentation in the

final practical examination is optional. As the result, students who used

English in a presentation would get a higher score.

2). Lacks

Lacks are the gap between what the students already knew and the

target situations (Hutchinson and Waters, 1987). The following chart showed

the lacks of the students of Office Administration Program.

Chart 4.2

The Lacks of Students in Office Administration Program











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The Lacks of Students in Office Administration Program

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It was confirmed by 100% of the students that they did not have

specific material in teaching learning process. Furthermore, the topics did not

match with the topics in their study program. They also said that they rarely

learned speaking skill in the class.

3). Wants

Wants are classified as the learners„ preferences about their own needs

(Hutchinson and Waters, 1987). In these results, the learners„ wants were

classified into the goals, language functions, inputs, learning techniques, and

textbook layout. The complete explanations were as follow.

a) Goals

In learning the English language which suits to their needs, based on

Chart 4.3, there were 84% percent of the students who stated that they

needed materials which would help them to be able to communicate in

English to prepare them facing the work field. In addition, there were 16%

of the students who said that they needed materials which would help them

to master English easily.

Chart 4.3

The Goal of the Target Needs

b) Language functions

Most of the learners wanted the language functions which suitable

with their study program (Office Administration).








Learners wanted to learn English to

communicate well because it would

help them to face the work field

Learners wanted to learn English to

master English itself

The Goal of the Target Needs

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Chart 4.4

The Language Functions

Chart 4.4 showed that making and receiving a telephone call have the

highest percentage among the others (40%). It was followed by delivering

a presentation as the second language functions which is the most

preferred one (19%). Next, 16% of the students preferred to have handling

guest as the language function. Then, there were 13% students who chose

having interview and 9% of them chose offering helps. Further, in option

space, 3% student wanted using the social media as the preferred language


c) Inputs

Related to the inputs, it was classified into types of inputs in speaking

activities and inputs in learning speaking.









Making and

receiving a

phone call





Delivering a


Interviewing Using social


The Language Functions

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Chart 4.5

The Input in Learning English of Office Administration Students

Chart 4.5 described that dialogue was the most preferred input text.

There were 81% students chose it. Then, there were only 19% students

who wanted monologues rather than dialogues.

The input for speaking learning activities in the class which the

students most preferred was the given example by the teacher (52%). The

second activity was pair work speaking practice which chosen by 24% of

the 31 students. That the students were given pronunciation transcripts was

chosen 15% of the students. The last input for speaking activities

perceptions in the beginning of the lesson was only chosen by 9%


d) Learning Techniques

Chart 4.6 below showed that almost all of the students chose to do

learning activities in group. The pair work activity was chosen by four

students while individual activity was chosen by three students. According

to the students, the most favorite learning technique in the class was

games. Next, it is followed by discussion. It was chosen by seven students.

Then, question and answer session is in the third. It was chosen by four

students. Translation was chosen by three students. There were two

students who preferred role play. The last chosen learning technique is

interview, it was chosen by only 1 student. To conclude, students wanted

the group activities in the teaching and learning process. They also

preferred doing games as the most favorite learning technique.









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The Input in Learning English of

Office Administration Students

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Chart 4.6

The Learning Techniques

e) Textbook Layout

Chart 4.7 showed that in term of textbook layout, almost all of the

students (84%) wanted the materials which contained many pictures and

colors. There were 13% students who chose interesting covers and only

3% student filled other choices that the book should be suitable with

Curriculum 2013 textbook and should be simple. In conclusion, the most

wanted English textbook was the colorful one and full of pictures.

Chart 4.7

Textbook Layout











In p


In g





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The Learning Techniques



Interesting covers Full of colors and


Full of words Suit with

Curriculum 2013

and look simple

Textbook Layout

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c. The Learning Needs

Based on the findings, the learning needs were classified into the learning

activities, the teachers„role and the learners„role. The explanations were described


1) Activities

In relation with the learning activities in the class, the module only

focused on speaking.

Chart 4.8

The Learning Activities

In term of speaking activity, acting out the dialogue or monologue had

the highest rank at 65%. It was followed by the activity of creating

monologues or dialogues and performing them in front of the class either in

the form of individual work, pair work, or group work. It was chosen by 19%

students. The last chosen speaking activity is discussing certain topics in group

work. It was chosen by only 16% students.

However, in pronunciation activity, imitating teacher‟s pronunciation

had been chosen sixty eight percent students. Then it was followed by the

activity of reading the English words according to the pronunciation

transcripts available in the material. It was chosen by 32% students.

2) Teachers„ Role

Based on Chart 4.9, 42% students wanted their teacher to give

keywords while they were having difficulties. Then, 25% students preferred

the teacher to monitor their improvement in learning English. There were 20%

students who chose the teacher to open the sharing and question session. The

last choice of the teachers„ role was that students wanted the teacher to be a

facilitator which was only chosen by 13% students. In conclusion, the most

wanted teachers„ role in the teaching and learning process is that teacher

should give key words when the students were in a difficulty.























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The Learning Activities

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Chart 4.9

The Teachers’ Role

3) Learners„ role

Chart 4.10 showed that listening to the teachers„explanations was the

most preferred learners‟ role (48%). The next rank of the learners„role was

chosen by 30% students that they wanted to actively participate in

communication. Then, 18% students chose to act the materials out after the

teacher gave explanations. At last, there were only 4% student who preferred

to do the teacher„s instructions.









Facilitator Teachers open the

sharing and

question session

Teacher give key

words when

students in a


Teachers monitor

the students‟

improvement in

learning language

The Teachers’ Role

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Chart 4.10

The Learners Role

2. The Syllabus

After the target needs and the learning needs had been identified, the syllabus

was then designed. This syllabus became a guideline to develop the appropriate ESP

speaking materials for grade ten students of Office Administration Program. In relation

with the results of the needs analysis, the students needed the materials to help them to

communicate in English in office context. There should be the exposure of language

functions which suit the topics in the study program, certain vocabularies and key

pronunciation items. The following was the description of the syllabus. There were 9

components in each unit. They were Unit Title, Objectives, Indicators, Input Text,

Language Functions, Learning Method, Media and Learning Sources, Activities and

Time Allocation. The complete one can be seen in Appendix 7.

a. Unit One

The unit title is “This is Shirley Speaking”. The goal of Unit one is that

students are able to do telephoning in the office context. The objectives are

receiving an in-going call using the right expressions, making an out-going call

using the right expressions and asking for and giving information. Next, there are

seven indicators in this unit. They are using expressions to receive a call,

introducing themselves when make a call, asking for information in a call, giving

information in a call, ending the call politely, pronouncing words related to

telephoning correctly and doing a dialogue related to handling telephone call in

pairs. The input texts in unit one were dialogues related to a telephone call. For the

language functions, there were six of them. They are receiving a phone call, taking

messages, leaving messages, ending a phone call, asking for information and

giving information.










Students listen to

the teacher‟s


Students do the




participate actively

in communication

Students act out

the materials after



The Learners Role

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b. Unit Two

The title of Unit 2 is “Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen”. This unit is

about delivering a presentation. The goal of Unit 2 is that students are able to

present a short presentation. The objectives are opening a presentation, delivering

main topic, organizing subtopics, summarizing a presentation, ending a

presentation and opening a question and answer session. The indicators are

greeting audience in a presentation, introducing themselves in a presentation,

delivering the topic in a presentation; organizing talk using the right phrases; using

the phrases to deliver every point in the main part of presentation, summarizing up

a presentation with right expressions, ending a presentation with right expressions,

offering audiences to ask questions and delivering a short presentation. The input

texts used in this unit are monologues. The language functions used in this unit are

greeting, stating the topic, delivering main points, concluding a talk, ending a talk

and offering a question in a talk.

c. Unit Three

“Welcome to Sukses Company” is the title of unit three. The goal of this

unit is that the students can welcome guests in the office context. The objectives of

this unit are welcoming guests using the right expressions, offering helps to the

guests, and responding to the offer. The indicators are that students are able to

pronounce the right expressions of welcoming guests, offer helps, respond to the

offer, use the expressions of handling guest in a dialogue, use some vocabularies

related to handling guest in a dialogue and do a dialogue related to handling guest

in pairs. The input texts of this unit are dialogues related to handling guest in the

office context. The language functions of Unit three are greeting, welcoming,

offering helps and responding to the offer.

3. The Materials Design

The units were developed after designing the course grid/ syllabus. The units

followed the principles of Task-Based Language Teaching by Nunan (2004). The

descriptions of each developed unit are explained below. There are 6 main activities in

each unit. They are Warm-Up, Let’s Study, Let’s Practice More, Let’s Speak More,

Summary and Reflection.

a. Unit One

The main topic of Unit One is having a phone call. The unit title is “This

is Shirley Speaking”. Students learn how to receive a phone call, make a phone

call, ask for information and give information.

In Unit 1 activity, students say the expressions of handling a telephone call

and practice it in a sentence. Furthermore, students have more free activities like

making a dialogue following the chart, making a dialogue based on one of cards,

having a telephone simulation and making a conversation on their own. This Unit

is also provided by the summary and reflection. Summary provides the resume in

the whole unit while the reflection will check the students‟ ability after they

learned the unit.

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Table 4.1 Tasks of Unit One

Goals Activities

Warm- up To introduce the students about

the topic and the situation for

the whole unit.

Check list pictures that have

right manner in handling telephone call

and answer the questions about


Task 1 To improve students‟ speaking

skill as well as to learn certain

expressions to handle a

telephone call

Students act out the dialogue and study the

useful phrases about handling a telephone

call and answer the comprehension


Task 2 To improve students„ speaking

skill in using expressions of

receiving a

phone call

Students complete short conversations

about receiving phone call and practice it.

Task 3 To improve students„ speaking

skill in using expressions of

leave taking messages

Students complete short dialogues about

leaving and taking messages and practice


Let‟s Study

Task 4

To make students„ understand

about some expressions used in

handling telephone

Students say the expressions used in


Task 5 To make students get used to

some expressions used in

telephoning when it is applied

in sentences

Students complete the blanks in boxes

related to receiving and making a

telephone call

Task 6 To make the students„ able to

spell names and numbers


Students repeat after the teacher to spell

names and numbers (the phonetic

transcriptions are given)




Task 7

To improve students„ speaking

skill in using expressions of

handling telephone call

The students play a Whispering game.

Let‟s Speak


Task 8

To improve students„ speaking

skill by providing semi-guided


The students make a dialogue following

the flow chart.

Task 9 To improve students„ speaking

skill by providing semi-guided


The students make a dialogue based on the

given telephone messages and present it in

front of the class.

Task 10 To improve students„ speaking

skill by providing semi-guided


The students have a simulation in

telephoning. The simulation cards are


Task 11 To improve students„ speaking

skill by providing freer


The students make their own dialogue

about Telephoning and perform it in the


Summary To recall the student„s memory

about the whole lesson in the


Students read the explanations of

expressions and the structure of the


Reflection To know how far the students

learn in the unit

Students complete the „can-do„ checklist

by ticking the list that they think they can

do or they think they need more practice.

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b. Unit Two

The Unit 2 title is “Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen”. This unit is

about delivering a short presentation. The language functions used in this unit are

greeting, stating the topic, delivering main points, concluding a talk, ending a talk

and offering a question in a talk.

Table 4.2 Tasks of Unit Two

Goals Activities

Warm- up To introduce the students about

the topic and the situation in

the unit

Discussing pictures about good

characteristics in delivering a presentation

Task 1 To check students„

understanding about different

expressions in delivering a


Students classify the scrabble phrases of

delivering presentation into some boxes.

Task 2 To improve students„ speaking

skill in using the language


Students„ practice to open a presentation

by choosing one of the given topics

Task 3 To improve students„ speaking

skill in using language function

Students„ practice to organize the talk

using the given subtopics

Task 4 To improve students„ speaking


Students„ practice to end a presentation

using semi-guided activity

Let‟s Study

Task 5

To make students understand

the other expressions in

delivering presentation.

The students read aloud some useful

expressions in a presentation.




Task 6

To improve students„ speaking

ability in using certain


Students say something about the

following list in pairs.

Let‟s Speak


Task 7

To improve students„ speaking

ability in using certain


Students make a short introduction of a

presentation based on the given card.

Task 8 To improve students„ speaking

ability in using the various


Students have an interview session to ask

about how their friends end the

presentation and open the question-answer


Task 9 To improve students„ speaking

ability by providing freer


Students make their own short

presentation and report it in the class.

Summary To recall the student„s memory

about the whole lesson in the


Students read the explanations of

expressions and the structure of the


Reflection To know how far the students

learn in the unit

Students complete the „can-do„ checklist

by ticking the list that they think they can

do or they think they need more practice.

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c. Unit Three

The title of Unit Three is “Welcome to Sukses Company”. This unit is

about welcoming the guest in the office context. The language functions used in

this unit are greeting, welcoming, offering helps and responding to the offer. The

complete descriptions of each task with its goal were described in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3 Tasks of Unit Three

Goals Activities

Warm- up To introduce the students about

the topic and the situation in

the unit

Studying pictures related to welcoming

guest and answering written questions

about what the people might say when

handling guest

Let‟s Study

Task 1

To make the students know

other expressions used in

handling guest

Students say the expressions of

welcoming guest and offering helps

Task 2 To improve students„ speaking

skill as well as to learn the

certain expressions to offer


Students act out the dialogue and study the

useful phrases about handling guest and

answer the comprehension questions




Task 3

To improve students„ speaking

skill as well as to check

students„ ability in making

interrogative sentences

Students complete short dialogues about

offering helps and act out

Let‟s Speak


Task 4

To improve students„ speaking

skill using expressions in

handling guest

In group, the students write the respond of

the given situations and report it in front

of the class

Task 5 To improve students„ speaking

skill through role play

With a partner, the students make a

dialogue based on the given role

Task 6 To improve students„ speaking

skill by providing freer


The students make a dialogue by choosing

the free situations on their own or

choosing the given situations and then act

the dialogue out with a partner

Summary To recall the student„s memory

about the whole lesson in the


Students read the explanations of

expressions and the structure of the


Reflection To know how far the students

learn in the unit

Students complete the “can-do” checklist

by ticking the list that they think they can

do or they think they need more practice

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4. The Expert Judgments

The first designed materials should be evaluated to a supervisor for an expert

judgment. The questionnaire for the expert judgments then was distributed. The

questionnaire contained two parts. They were close-ended questions and open-ended

questions. The close-ended questions were using five points Likert scale. The open-

ended questions were in the form of questions related to the expert„s opinions about

the materials. There were 7 aspects in evaluating the materials based on some experts.

They were the appropriateness of goals in writing the materials, input texts, language

structures, language skills, tasks, textbook organization and textbook layout. There

were two experts who evaluated the first draft of the materials, they were the head of

Office Administration Program and the ESP teacher. The first materials expert was a

credible teacher and lecturer in office administration field. She graduated from

Graduate Program of Indonesian University and she has experienced teaching for 19

years. While the second materials expert was chosen because she had similar interest

in ESP, she is fresh graduated from English Graduate Program of UHAMKA.

a. The Result of Expert Judgments, Revisions and Validation of Unit 1

The following is the result of the expert judgment, the review and the revisions

of Unit 1.

1) The Result of the Expert Judgments of Unit 1

a) The appropriateness of goals in writing the materials

The first aspect to evaluate was the appropriateness of goals in writing the

materials. The table below showed the result of the expert judgment analysis

of goals in writing the materials of Unit 1.

Table 4.4 The Appropriateness of Goals in Writing Materials of Unit 1

No Statements Score

1 The developed materials are suitable with the learning

goals as stated in the course grid


2 The developed materials are suitable with skill levels of

English for Grade X of SMK


3 The developed materials give students knowledge about

their work field


Total 12

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b) The appropriateness of input texts

The second aspect to evaluate was the appropriateness of input texts. The

following table described the result of the appropriateness of input texts in

Unit 1.

Table 4.5 The Appropriateness of Input Texts of Unit 1

No Statements Score

1 The language in the input texts is understandable

for students


2 The input texts are various and related to

students‟ work field


3 The input texts are suitable with students learning



4 The input texts can improve students‟ motivation

in learning language


5 The input texts can develop students‟ ability in

English communication


Total 20

c) The appropriateness of language structures

The next aspect to evaluate was the appropriateness of language

structures. There were 4 points related to the language structures. Table 4.6

below showed the result of the expert judgment analysis of language structures

in Unit 1.

Table 4.6 The Appropriateness of Language Structures of Unit 1

No Statements Score

1 The materials develop students„ knowledge about

vocabularies in the office context.


2 The choice of words is suitable with the office context. 4

3 The materials develop students„ knowledge about



Total 11

d) The appropriateness of language skills

The appropriateness of language skills was the fourth aspect to

evaluate. Table 4.7 described the result of the expert judgment analysis in term

of language skills of Unit 1.

Table 4.7 The Appropriateness of the Language Skills of Unit 1

No Statement Score

1 The materials develop students„ speaking skill. 4

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e) The appropriateness of tasks

The fifth aspect to evaluate in Unit 2 was the appropriateness of tasks.

Table 4.8 showed the result of expert judgment analysis in term of tasks of

Unit 1.

Table 4.8 The Appropriateness of Tasks of Unit 1

No Statement Score

1 The tasks improve students„ interest to learn English. 3

2 The task are various 4

3 The tasks cover all of aspects contained in the course



4 The tasks develop students„ comprehension about the

given input texts.


5 The tasks serve activities for students to recall their

memory about what they have learned


6 The tasks are organized from the easiest one to the

difficult one


Total 23

f) The appropriateness of textbook organization

The appropriateness of textbook organization was the sixth aspect to

evaluate in Unit 1. It covered 3 points related to the organization of the

textbook. The following table described the result of expert judgment analysis

of textbook organization of Unit 1.

Table 4.9 The Appropriateness of Textbook Organization of Unit 1

No Statement Score

1 The developed materials have been organized well

according to the goals.


2 The instruction in each task is clear for teachers and



3 The sequences of the materials have been organized

well and understandable.


Total 13

g) The appropriateness of textbook layout

The last aspect was the appropriateness of textbook layout. There were

4 points related to the textbook layout in Unit 1. Table 4.10 showed the result

of the expert judgment analysis in term of textbook layout of Unit 1.

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Table 4.10 The Appropriateness of Textbook Layout of Unit 1

No Statement Score

1 The cover is interesting and full color. 4

2 The layout is interesting for teachers and students. 5

3 The font type is interesting and the font size is suitable

so that it looks clear.


4 The picture illustrations are clear and support the input

texts. They do not make students confused.


Total 17

2) The Review of Unit 1

Based on the answer of the open-ended questions, Unit 1 was already good.

Meanwhile, the expert suggested revising some parts of Unit 1 primary in the

instructions of the tasks. Some of the instructions should be revised so that they

could support students in learning speaking.

3) The Revision of Unit 1

After the result of the expert judgment of Unit 1 had been analyzed, some

revisions should be done. Table 4.11 below showed the revisions of Unit 1.

Table 4.11 The Revisions of Unit 1 Parts of Units Suggestions Revisions

Title No revision No revision

Warm- up No revision No revision

Task 1 No revision. No revision.

Task 2 No revision. No revision.

Let‟s Study

Task 3

No revision. No revision.

Task 4 No revision. No revision.

Task 5 No revision. No revision.

Let‟s Practice More

Task 6

No revision. No revision.

Let‟s Speak More

Task 7

No revision. No revision.

Task 8 Revise the statements Please have a meeting at

Cipta Kreasi company on

Monday 08.00 a.m

Please have a meeting at

Cipta Kreasi company on

Monday at 08.00 a.m.

Task 9 No revision. No revision.

Task 10 No revision. No revision.

Summary Change the idea of Summary. Changing the summary

activity into a task.

Reflection No revision. No revision.

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4) The Validation of Unit 1

The developed materials had been validated based on the result of

components analysis by the expert. The following table described the validation of

Unit 1.

Table 4.12 The Validation of Unit 1

No Components N Total

1 The appropriateness of goals in writing the


3 12

2 The appropriateness of input texts 5 20

3 The appropriateness of language structures 3 11

4 The appropriateness of language skills 1 4

5 The appropriateness of tasks 6 23

6 The appropriateness of textbook organization 3 13

7 The appropriateness of textbook layout 4 17

Total value of Unit 100

Based on Table 4.4, the first component which is the appropriateness of

goals in writing materials has the total value 12. The second component has the

total value 20. Next, the third component is the appropriateness of language

structures. It has the total value 11. The appropriateness of language skills has the

total value 4. In term of the appropriateness of tasks, it has the total value 23. 13 is

the total value of the appropriateness of textbook organization and the last

component is the appropriateness of textbook layout. The total value is 17. The

total value of all components in Unit 1 is 100. The interval ranges from 76-100

Therefore, Unit 1 is categorized as “Very well”.

b. The Result of Expert Judgments, Revisions and Validation of Unit 2

The following is the result of the expert judgment, the review and the revisions

of Unit 2.

1) The Result of the Expert Judgments of Unit 2

a) The appropriateness of goals in writing the materials

The first aspect to evaluate was the appropriateness of goals in writing the

materials. The table below shows the result of the expert judgment analysis of

goals in writing the materials of Unit 2.

Table 4.13 The Appropriateness of Goals in Writing Materials of Unit 2

No Statements Score

1 The developed materials are suitable with the learning

goals as stated in the course grid


2 The developed materials are suitable with skill levels of

English for Grade X of SMK


3 The developed materials give students knowledge

about their work field


Total 11

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b) The appropriateness of input texts

The second aspect to evaluate was the appropriateness of input texts. The

following table describes the result of the appropriateness of input texts in Unit


Table 4.14 The Appropriateness of Input Texts of Unit 2

No Statements Score

1 The language in the input texts is understandable for



2 The input texts are various and related to students‟

work field


3 The input texts are suitable with students learning level 3

4 The input texts can improve students‟ motivation in

learning language


5 The input texts can develop students‟ ability in English



Total 18

c) The appropriateness of language structures

The appropriateness of language structures was the third aspect to

evaluate Unit 2. The following table describes the result of the expert

judgment of language structures of Unit 2.

Table 4.15 The Appropriateness of Language Structures of Unit 2

No Statements Score

1 The materials develop students„ knowledge about

vocabularies in the office context.


2 The choice of words is suitable with the office context. 4

3 The materials develop students„ knowledge about



Total 11

d) The appropriateness of language skills

The next aspect in evaluating Unit 3 was the appropriateness of

language skills. Table 4.16 below shows the result of the expert judgment

analysis in term of language skills of Unit 2.

Table 4.16 The Appropriateness of the Language Skills of Unit 2

No Statement Score

1 The materials develop students„ speaking skill. 4

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e) The appropriateness of tasks

The appropriateness of tasks was the fifth aspect in evaluating Unit 2.

There were 6 points related to the tasks of Unit 2. The results of the expert

judgment analysis in term of tasks in Unit 2 were described in Table 4.17


Table 4.17 The Appropriateness of Tasks of Unit 2

No Statement Score

1 The tasks improve students„ interest to learn English. 3

2 The task are various 5

3 The tasks cover all of aspects contained in the course



4 The tasks develop students„ comprehension about the

given input texts.


5 The tasks serve activities for students to recall their

memory about what they have learned


6 The tasks are organized from the easiest one to the

difficult one


Total 25

f) The appropriateness of textbook organization

The sixth aspect in evaluating Unit 2 was the appropriateness of

textbook organization. The results of the expert judgment analysis are

described in Table 4.18.

Table 4.18 The Appropriateness of Textbook Organization of Unit 2

No Statement Score

1 The developed materials have been organized well

according to the goals.


2 The instruction in each task is clear for teachers and



3 The sequences of the materials have been organized

well and understandable.


Total 12

g) The appropriateness of textbook layout

The last aspect in evaluating Unit 2 was the appropriateness of

textbook layout. There were 4 points related to the textbook layout. The

following table described the result of the expert judgment of textbook layout

of Unit 2.

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Table 4.19 The Appropriateness of Textbook Layout of Unit 2

No Statement Score

1 The cover is interesting and full color. 4

2 The layout is interesting for teachers and students. 4

3 The font type is interesting and the font size is suitable

so that it looks clear.


4 The picture illustrations are clear and support the input

texts. They do not make students confused.


Total 16

2) The Review of Unit 2

According to the expert, the developed material of Unit 2 was good.

However, there were still revisions needed to be done. In Unit 2, it was necessary

to put another task related to the exposure of the input texts.

3) The Revision of Unit 2

The revisions were done after the results of the expert judgment of Unit 2

were analyzed. The following table showed the revisions of Unit 2.

Table 4.20 The Revisions of Unit 2 Parts of

Units Suggestions Revisions

Title Revise the title Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen

Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen

Warm- up No revision No revision

Task 1 No revision No revision

Task 2 No revision No revision

Task 3 No revision No revision

Task 4 No revision No revision

Let‟s Study

Task 5

No revision No revision

Let‟s Practice


Task 6

No revision No revision

Let‟s Speak


Task 7

No revision No revision

Task 8 Revise the instruction Let„s interview your friends. ...

Let„s observe your friends. ...

Task 9

No revision No revision

Summary Revise the idea of


The idea is the same with the summary

in unit one which is making the activity

into a task.

Reflection No revision No revision

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4) The Validation of Unit 2

The developed materials had been validated based on the result of

components analysis by the expert. The following table described the validation of

Unit 2.

Table 4.21 The Validation of Unit 2

No Components N Total

1 The appropriateness of goals in writing the materials 3 11

2 The appropriateness of input texts 5 18

3 The appropriateness of language Structures 3 11

4 The appropriateness of language skills 1 4

5 The appropriateness of tasks 6 25

6 The appropriateness of textbook


3 12

7 The appropriateness of textbook layout 4 16

Total value of Unit 97

Based on Table 4.21, the first component which is the appropriateness of

goals in writing materials has the total value 11. The second component has the

total value 18. Next, the third component is the appropriateness of language

structures. It has the total value 11. The appropriateness of language skills has the

total value 4. In term of the appropriateness of tasks, it has the total value 25. 12 is

the total value of the appropriateness of textbook organization and the last

component is the appropriateness of textbook layout. The total value is 16. The

total value of all components in Unit 2 is 97. The interval ranges from 76-100

Therefore, Unit 2 is categorized as “Very well”.

c. The Result of Expert Judgments, Revisions and Validation of Unit 3

The following is the result of the expert judgment, the review and the

revisions of Unit 3.

1) The Result of the Expert Judgments of Unit 3

a) The appropriateness of goals in writing the materials

The first aspect to evaluate was the appropriateness of goals in writing

the materials. The table below showed the result of the expert judgment

analysis of goals in writing the materials of Unit 3.

Table 4.22 The Appropriateness of Goals in Writing Materials of Unit 3

No Statements Score

1 The developed materials are suitable with the learning

goals as stated in the course grid


2 The developed materials are suitable with skill levels of

English for Grade X of SMK


3 The developed materials give students knowledge

about their work field


Total 13

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b) The appropriateness of input texts

The second aspect to evaluate was the appropriateness of input texts.

The following table describes the result of the appropriateness of input texts in

Unit 3.

Table 4.23 The Appropriateness of Input Texts of Unit 3

No Statements Score

1 The language in the input texts is understandable for



2 The input texts are various and related to students‟

work field


3 The input texts are suitable with students learning level 4

4 The input texts can improve students‟ motivation in

learning language


5 The input texts can develop students‟ ability in English



Total 20

c) The appropriateness of language structures

The next aspect to evaluate was the appropriateness of language

structures. Its goal was to know whether the developed materials could help

students to improve their knowledge about grammar, vocabulary and

pronunciation or not. The following table showed the result of the

appropriateness of language structures in Unit 3.

Table 4.24 The Appropriateness of Language Structures of Unit 3

No Statements Score

1 The materials develop students„ knowledge about

vocabularies in the office context.


2 The choice of words is suitable with the office context. 4

3 The materials develop students„ knowledge about



Total 11

d) The appropriateness of language skills

The fourth aspect to evaluate is the appropriateness of language skills.

Table 4.25 described the result of the expert judgment analysis in term of

language skills.

Table 4.25 The Appropriateness of the Language Skills of Unit 3

No Statement Score

1 The materials develop students„ speaking skill. 4

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e) The appropriateness of tasks

The appropriateness of tasks is the fifth aspect to evaluate. It covered

six points related to the tasks in Unit 3. The following table showed the result

of the expert judgment analysis of the appropriateness of tasks in Unit 3.

Table 4.26 The Appropriateness of Tasks of Unit 3

No Statement Score

1 The tasks improve students„ interest to learn English. 3

2 The task are various 4

3 The tasks cover all of aspects contained in the course



4 The tasks develop students„ comprehension about the

given input texts.


5 The tasks serve activities for students to recall their

memory about what they have learned


6 The tasks are organized from the easiest one to the

difficult one


Total 24

f) The appropriateness of textbook organization

The next aspect was the appropriateness of textbook organization. It

covered the opinion of the expert related to the sequence of the materials.

Table 4.27 below showed the appropriateness of textbook organization of Unit


Table 4.27 The Appropriateness of Textbook Organization of Unit 3

No Statement Score

1 The developed materials have been organized well

according to the goals.


2 The instruction in each task is clear for teachers and



3 The sequences of the materials have been organized

well and understandable.


Total 10

g) The appropriateness of textbook layout

The last aspect to evaluate was the appropriateness of textbook layout.

It gained four aspects related to the book layout. The result of the expert

judgment of textbook layout in Unit 3 is described in Table 4.28 below.

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Table 4.28 The Appropriateness of Textbook Layout of Unit 3

No Statement Score

1 The cover is interesting and full color. 5

2 The layout is interesting for teachers and students. 5

3 The font type is interesting and the font size is suitable

so that it looks clear.


4 The picture illustrations are clear and support the input

texts. They do not make students confused.


Total 18

2) The Review of Unit 3

Based on the answer of the open-ended questions, the experts stated that

the whole materials in Unit 3 were good. However, there were still some parts that

needed to be revised. Some revisions in the instructions were also needed.

3) The Revision of Unit 3

In relation with the result of the expert judgment analysis in Unit 3, there

were some aspects that needed to be revised. The following table described the

revision of Unit 3.

Table 4.29 The Revision of Unit 3

Parts of Units Suggestions Revisions

Title No Revision No Revision

Warm- up Revise the instruction What do you think of what they are saying?

What do you think of they are saying?

Let‟s Study

Task 1

Revise the instruction Study the following expressions. Pay

attention to the words in color then say the

expressions up.

Study the following expressions. Pay

attention to the highlighted words then say

the expressions up.

Task 2 Revise the instruction With a partner, study the following dialogue

and pay attention to the words in color.

After that, act the dialogue out and answer

the following questions.

With a partner, study the following dialogue

and pay attention to the highlighted words.

After that, act the dialogue out and answer

the following questions.

Let‟s Practice


Task 3

No Revision No Revision

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4) The Validation of Unit 3

The developed materials had been validated based on the result of

components analysis by the expert. Table 4.30 showed the validation of Unit 3.

Table 4.30 The Validation of Unit 3

No Components N Total

1 The appropriateness of goals in writing the materials 3 13

2 The appropriateness of input texts 5 20

3 The appropriateness of language


3 11

4 The appropriateness of language skills 1 4

5 The appropriateness of tasks 6 24

6 The appropriateness of textbook


3 10

7 The appropriateness of textbook layout 4 18

Total value of Unit 100

Based on Table 4.30, the first component which is the appropriateness of

goals in writing materials has the total value 13. The second component has the

total value 20. Next, the third component is the appropriateness of language

structures. It has the total value 11. The appropriateness of language skills has the

total value 4. In term of the appropriateness of tasks, it has the total value 24. 10 is

the total value of the appropriateness of textbook organization and the last

component is the appropriateness of textbook layout. The total value is 18. The

total value of all components in Unit 2 is 100. The interval ranges from 76-100

Therefore, Unit 3 is categorized as “Very well”.

Parts of Units Suggestions Revisions

Let‟s Speak


Task 4

No Revision No Revision

Task 5 Revise the Statement 1. Answer the greeting and say thank you.

Respond to the greeting

and say thank you.

2. Responding to an offer.

Respond to the offer.

Task 6 Revise the instruction ...Later on, find a partner to act your

dialogue out in front of the class. ...

... Later on, in pairs, act your dialogue out

in front of the class....

Summary Revise the idea of


Changing the idea of summary into a task to

recall students„ memory rather than provide

them with the resume of the whole unit.

Reflection No Revision No Revision

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B. Discussions

1. Need Analysis

The objectives of this study was to identify the needs of grade ten students

of Office Administration Study Program and to develop appropriate English for

Vocational Purposes (EVP) speaking materials for the students.

In order to fulfill the first objective which is to identify the needs of the

tenth grade students of Office Administration Study Program, the needs analysis

was conducted. The techniques used to gather the information about needs were in

the form interview and questionnaire. The result of the needs analysis was used to

determine target needs and learning needs (Hutchinson and Waters, 1987).

Need analysis is originated to fulfill the demand by many learners around

the world who needed to learn English and have access to science technology and

economical resources. The very first step to develop the syllabus and materials is

conducting a need analysis. It is also known as needs assessment. It has a viral role

in the process of designing and carrying out any language course. “Need analysis

is the process of establishing the “what and how” a course”.

From the first questionnaire which was distributed to the students, grade

ten students of Office Administration Study Program needed English to support

their job after graduation. From the interview and study documents, it could be

concluded that they had the same result of needs. Students of Office

Administration Study Program needed English to improve communication skills

primary in handling a telephone call, delivering a presentation and handling guest

(BSNP, 2014; Ministry of Education and Culture, 2014; Curriculum 2013).

From the findings above, it can be summed up that the Office

Administration students at SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK- TANGERANG need: First,

students of Office Administration Program needed English to support their job

after graduation. They needed to improve communication skills, this is in line with

the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 70 year 2013 about the basic

competences of English for Vocational High School states that English teaching in

vocational high school is focused on developing communicative competence, so

that speaking becomes the important skill to be mastered by vocational high school

students specifically for office administration program. Most of the learners

wanted the language functions which suitable with their study program (Office

Administration) primary in handling a telephone call, delivering a presentation and

handling guest.

Therefore, English for Vocational Purposes (EVP) is suitable for them,

especially English for Office Administration. It is in line with Tomlinson (2003, p.

307) points out that English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is an umbrella term that

refers to the teaching of English to students who are learning the language for a

particular work or study- related reason. As long as they have ambition to work in

a company, so interact with many colleagues using English is a must. Then,

English for Vocational Purposes (EVP) materials for office administration students

in SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK- TANGERANG is emphasized on speaking skill.

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Furthermore, the students need varied activities for improving their

speaking ability, such as role play, discussion, etc. it is in line with Harmer (2001,

pp. 348-352) states six classroom speaking activities. They are acting from script,

communication games, discussion, prepared talks, questionnaires, simulation and

role play. Furthermore, Evans and St. John add that in an ESP course, the teaching

of effective spoken interaction involved task- based activities and group works to

provide learners with practice of the language. They also argued that speaking

activities often provide interaction where learners may find it helpful and


In addition, in term of textbook layout most of the students wanted the

materials which contained many pictures and colors. It is expected to be able to

stimulate the students‟ interest in reading, comprehending and focusing on the


2. Syllabus that Accommodate Office Administration Students Need

After the students‟ needs had been identified, the syllabus was then

designed. The syllabus was designed based on the result of need analysis since this

study used an EVP approach. They were designed to fulfill the specific needs of

the learners (Tomlinson and Masuhara, 2004: 169). This syllabus became a

guideline to develop the appropriate English for Vocational Purposes (EVP)

speaking materials for grade ten students of Office Administration Program. In

relation with the results of the needs analysis, the students needed the materials to

help them to communicate in English in office context. There should be the

exposure of language functions which suit the topics in the study program, certain

vocabularies and key pronunciation items.

Syllabus is as one of the important component in English Language

Teaching. Hutchinson and Waters (1987, p. 80) defined syllabus as follows: at its

simplest level a syllabus can be described as a statement of what is to be learnt. It

is in line with Richards et al. (1992, p. 368) stated that a syllabus can be defined as

a description of the contents of a course of instruction and the order in which they

are to be taught. Therefore, the researcher developed syllabus for office

administration students based on the finding of need analysis. The researcher

designed course framework in advance. This course framework contained 9

components in each unit. They are Unit Title, Objectives, Indicators, Input Text,

Language Functions, Learning Method, Media and Learning Sources, Activities

and Time Allocation. This course framework became the basis to write the


After that, the researcher developed the syllabus concerning on three

language functions which is mostly needed by the students. They are: handling a

telephone call, delivering a presentation and handling guest. The researcher

elaborated them with the skills that should be achieved. It is in line with the need

analysis for office administration students at SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK-

TANGERANG. The syllabus acted as guidance for producing English for

Vocational Purposes (EVP) speaking materials for office administration students.

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a. Unit One

The unit title is “This is Shirley Speaking”. The goal of Unit one is

that students are able to do telephoning in the office context. The objectives

are receiving an in-going call using the right expressions, making an out-going

call using the right expressions and asking for and giving information. Next,

there are seven indicators in this unit. They are using expressions to receive a

call, introducing themselves when make a call, asking for information in a call,

giving information in a call, ending the call politely, pronouncing words

related to telephoning correctly and doing a dialogue related to handling

telephone call in pairs. The input texts in unit one were dialogues related to a

telephone call. For the language functions, there were six of them. They are

receiving a phone call, taking messages, leaving messages, ending a phone

call, asking for information and giving information.

b. Unit Two

The title of Unit 2 is “Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen”. This

unit is about delivering a presentation. The goal of Unit 2 is that students are

able to present a short presentation. The objectives are opening a presentation,

delivering main topic, organizing subtopics, summarizing a presentation,

ending a presentation and opening a question and answer session. The

indicators are greeting audience in a presentation, introducing themselves in a

presentation, delivering the topic in a presentation; organizing talk using the

right phrases; using the phrases to deliver every point in the main part of

presentation, summarizing up a presentation with right expressions, ending a

presentation with right expressions, offering audiences to ask questions and

delivering a short presentation. The input texts used in this unit are

monologues. The language functions used in this unit are greeting, stating the

topic, delivering main points, concluding a talk, ending a talk and offering a

question in a talk.

c. Unit Three

“Welcome to Sukses Company” is the title of unit three. The goal of

this unit is that the students can welcome guests in the office context. The

objectives of this unit are welcoming guests using the right expressions,

offering helps to the guests, and responding to the offer. The indicators are that

students are able to pronounce the right expressions of welcoming guests, offer

helps, respond to the offer, use the expressions of handling guest in a dialogue,

use some vocabularies related to handling guest in a dialogue and do a

dialogue related to handling guest in pairs. The input texts of this unit are

dialogues related to handling guest in the office context. The language

functions of Unit three are greeting, welcoming, offering helps and responding

to the offer.

3. Material that Accommodate Office Administration Students Need

The term material in language teaching and learning refers to everything

used to help teaching language learners (Tomlinson, 1998, p. 2). After designing

the course grid, the materials then were developed. The developed materials have

included some techniques of teaching speaking. Some of the techniques are

conversation, role play, survey, communication game, simulation, prepared talk

and opinion-sharing activity.

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The result of need analysis was used as guidance to design the course grid.

The developed materials were in line with some principles of a good material

proposed by Tomlinson (1998). That the materials should expose the learners to

language use in authentic use is proved by some tasks in the materials which

enable students practice the language that they will face in the work field, such as

having a telephoning simulation and delivering a presentation based on relevant

topics. Besides, the materials are not relying too much on controlled practice. The

materials provide peer practice for the students in using the target language. This is

useful to help students to achieve communication purposes as further explained by

Tomlinson (1998).

Furthermore, the developed materials have already fulfilled the four

elements proposed by Hutchinson and Waters (1987, p. 109). The four elements

are input, language, content and task. The inputs used in the materials are

monologues and dialogues. These provide the students stimulus for activities, new

language items, correct models of language use, a topic for communication and

opportunities for the use of students„ processing skills and entry knowledge. The

content and the language focus in the materials have enabled the students to use

the target language. Moreover, Hutchinson and Waters (1987) states that materials

should contain the element of tasks since materials are designed to lead towards

communicative task. In this developed materials, tasks were built up through the


The materials were developed for one semester. The determination about

the number of meeting that needed for every unit was referring to the syllabus of

Office Automation subject and the syllabus of Correspondence subject. The

materials in Unit 1 were developed to be conducted in 10 meetings. Due to SMK

PGRI 31 LEGOK has already applied Curriculum 2013, so the core of learning

method is using Scientific Approach but it was specified into simulation, games,

pair and individual work. In Unit 2, the materials would be conducted in 8

meetings, while for the learning method was different from unit 1. Even still use

scientific approach, but here, the methods were discussion, interview and

presentation. The last but not least, in Unit 3 the materials were developed to be

conducted in 5 meetings by applying role play, group and pair work. So the total

meeting is 23 meetings, the rest would be for remedial, formative and summative


According to developed syllabus, the researcher developed materials that

can be used by the students of SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK- TANGERANG, especially

office administration program. Considering the most important skill for office

administration students is speaking, therefore, the materials presented by

emphasizing on developing skill performance. The materials consisted of three

units. The title of Unit 1 is “This is Shirley Speaking”, Unit 2 is “Good Morning,

Ladies and Gentlemen” and Unit 3 is “Welcome to Sukses Company”. Each unit

covered 6 parts; Warm- Up, Let’s Study, Let’s Practice More, Let’s Speak More,

Summary and Reflection.

The developed materials are considered as the first draft of the materials.

The first draft needed to be evaluated by an expert (Borg and Gall, 1983). The

expert judgment questionnaire was distributed. The questionnaire contained two

sections. They were open - ended questions and close - ended questions. The

results of the expert judgment were used to assess the appropriateness of goals in

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writing materials, input texts, language structures, language skills, tasks, textbook

organizations and textbook layout. These aspects to assess the appropriateness of

the materials are implemented from some experts, i.e. Brown, 2001; BSNP, 2014;

Nunan, 2004; Celce - Murcia, 2001; Hutchinson and Waters, 1987; Tomlinson,


The first designed materials should be evaluated to a supervisor for an

expert judgment. The questionnaire for the expert judgments then was distributed.

The questionnaire contained two parts. They were close-ended questions and open-

ended questions. The close-ended questions were using five points Likert scale.

The open-ended questions were in the form of questions related to the expert„s

opinions about the materials. There were 7 aspects in evaluating the materials

based on some experts. They were the appropriateness of goals in writing the

materials, input texts, language structures, language skills, tasks, textbook

organization and textbook layout. There were two experts who evaluated the first

draft of the materials, they were the head of Office Administration Program and

the ESP teacher. The first materials expert is Dra. Sri Meladia, M.Hum. She was a

credible teacher and lecturer in office administration field. She graduated from

Graduate Program of Indonesian University and she has experienced teaching for

19 years. While the second materials expert is Widya Utamidhewi, M.Pd. She was

chosen because she considered that she had similar interest in materials

development especially in English for Vocational Purposes (EVP), she is fresh

graduated from English Graduate Program of UHAMKA.

The results of the expert judgment were in the form of descriptive data.

The data were interpreted by finding the total value using the formula proposed by

Suharto (2006, pp. 52-53). The results were then categorized by using the data

conversion as in Table 3.3. The total value of Unit 1 is 100. It is categorized in

scale 4 and in the interval of 76 to 100. Unit 2 has the total value of 97 which is in

the same interval. The last unit has the total value of 100. All of the units were

categorized as - Very well. At last, the final total value of three units is 99 and it

was categorized as - Very well.

Based on the result of the expert judgment analysis, there were still

revisions needed to be done. Most of the revisions were in term of the instructions

in the tasks. The instructions should be clear either for students or teachers (Celce-

Murcia, 2001). The main differences of the first draft and the evaluated materials

are in the instructions and in the Summary section. In term of instructions, the

changes were mostly in the grammatical structures and the idea of the instructions,

for example learning technique. In the Summary section, the idea of this section

should be changed. In the first draft, the idea of the summary was just providing

students with the complete resume of the whole materials discussed in each unit.

So that the experts suggested that it was better to add a task which enabled the

students to recall their memory of each unit.

After the developed materials had been revised, the second draft of the

materials was called the final draft of the English for Vocational Purposes (EVP)

speaking materials for grade ten students of Office Administration Study Program.

The final draft could be seen in Appendix 9.

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This chapter provides information about conclusions of the research and

suggestions. The discussion of each point is presented as follows.

A. Conclusions

This research had three main goals; the first is to identify the office

administration students‟ needs in English for Vocational Purpose (EVP) speaking

materials at SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK. The second is to design the appropriate English

for Vocational Purpose (EVP) speaking syllabus for the tenth grade students of office

administration program at SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK that accommodate the students‟

need and the third is to develop English for Vocational Purpose (EVP) speaking

materials for the tenth grade students of office administration program at SMK PGRI

31 LEGOK. These goals have been answered as they were showed by the research


The research finding showed that the students of Office Administration Study

Program need English primary to help them in facing the work field after graduation.

There are some works related to the office administration which mostly needed

English for communication. Some of them are handling a telephone call and delivering

a presentation. However, the students stated that they rarely learned speaking in the

class. The students„ goal of learning English is able to communicate in English to

prepare them in facing the work field. They preferred to have some language functions

of handling a telephone call, delivering a presentation and handling guest. Those three

language functions are the most preferred one. Further, the students stated that a good

English textbook should be colorful and full of pictures. Furthermore, the students

wanted to act out the monologues or dialogues in the speaking activity. In the teachers„

role, the students wanted their teacher to give keywords while they were having

difficulties. While in the learners„ role, the students preferred to listen to the teachers„


The appropriate English for Vocational Purpose (EVP) speaking syllabus for

the tenth grade students of office administration program were developed based on the

result of need analysis. The syllabus was developed as a Situational Syllabus. It is

appropriate with the objective of learning English for Office Administration Program

which is want to use the language in the office context and for their career. Therefore,

the syllabus took the real- life context of language uses as their basis. The syllabus also

acted as guidance for producing English speaking materials for Office Administration

students. The complete syllabus could be seen in Appendix 7.

From the students‟ need above, it could be concluded that the appropriate

English for Vocational Purposes (EVP) speaking materials for grade ten students of

Office Administration Study Program consists of three units which have been

validated and each unit has these characteristics. The title of the unit, a good title

should specify the topic of the subject matter being discussed. Warm – Up, the good

activity in the beginning of the material should be able to introduce the topic and

situation being discussed. That is why the materials provided Warm - Up section. Let’s

Study, the language learning activities should provide students explanations about

language expressions and the structure of the grammar used in each unit. That is why

Let‟s Study is developed in the materials. Let’s Practice More, extra practices should

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provide students more tasks related to the grammar and/or the language expressions

explained previously. These are included in Let‟s Practice More. Let’s Speak More, in

order to enable students to practice speaking with more fun speaking activities Let‟s

Speak More are developed. Summary, summary should contain a task that will enable

students to recall their memory about what they learned in the whole unit. And also

Reflection, reflection activities should enable students to measure how much they learn

from the unit. These reflection activities are covered in the Reflection.

B. Suggestions

There are some recommendations proposed for the English materials developer,

the English teacher of Office Administration Study Program and English Vocational

High School Textbook Writers.

1. English Materials developer

The English materials developer is expert in developing the materials more

innovative and effective. Thus, the materials developer could make more interesting

enrichment speaking materials with different theme, activity and teaching and

learning method in other study program in Vocational High School. In order to

develop a good material, there should be a clear needs analysis. A clear needs

analysis will help the materials developer to develop the material which is really

relevant to the needs.

2. English Teachers of Office Administration Study Program at SMK

The teachers of grade ten students of Office Administration Study Program

could use this enrichment speaking materials in the teaching and learning process.

These materials would help the teachers in preparing the students to face the work

field after the graduation since these materials are based on the student‟s specific

needs. In the teaching and learning process, teachers should be able to encourage

students to do the speaking activities. It is important to build student‟s confidence

first to speak because it will influence the teaching and learning process in the class.

3. English Vocational High School Textbook Writers

The results of the English speaking materials for grade ten students of Office

Administration Study Program were based on the student‟s specific needs. The

textbook writers of Vocational High School could implement the process of needs

analysis in developing the textbook since Vocational High School has many kinds of

different study programs.

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Field Note 1 (Senin, 21 Agustus 2017)

Tempat : Ruang Kepala Sekolah SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK

Waktu : 08.00 WIB

P : Peneliti

KS : Kepala Sekolah

KP : Kepala Program

GESP : Guru ESP (English for Specific Purposes)

Pada pukul 08.00 WIB P datang ke SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK untuk menemui

Kepala Sekolah SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK yaitu Bpk. Drs. Mohamad Apipi, M.Pd. P

mengutarakan maksud kedatangan nya ke sekolah tersebut yaitu untuk memohon

izin melakukan penelitian pengembangan materi yang berjudul “Developing ESP

Speaking materials (A Developmental Study at the Tenth Grade of Office

Administration Program in SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK- TANGERANG)”. Kemudian,

P menjelaskan mengenai konsep penelitian pengembangan yang akan dilakukan

yakni untuk mengembangkan materi ESP (English for Specific Purposes)

khususnya pada Program Administrasi Perkantoran kelas 10. KS menerima dengan

sangat baik maksud dari P, mengingat ESP merupakan mulok di SMK ini yang baru

berjalan sekitar dua tahun. Untuk itu, pengembangan materi ESP sangat dibutuhkan

guna mendukung kesuksesan pembelajaran. KS menginstruksikan P untuk menemui

KP Administrasi Perkantoran dan GESP kelas 10 untuk membahas lebih jauh

mengenai penelitian yang akan dilakukan. P berterimakasih kepada KS atas

kesediaan nya untuk mengizinkan penelitian yang diajukan.

Field Note 2 (Senin, 21 Agustus 2017)

Tempat : Ruang Kepala Sekolah SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK

Waktu : 09.00 WIB

P : Peneliti

KS : Kepala Sekolah

KP : Kepala Program

GESP : Guru ESP (English for Specific Purposes)

Setelah bertemu dan memohon izin penelitian kepada KS, pada hari itu

juga, P menemui Ibu Dra. Sri Meladia M.Hum. selaku KP Administrasi

Perkantoran. Kemudian P mengutarakan keperluan menemui Ibu Sri Meladia dan

meminta kesediaan beliau untuk terlibat dalam penelitian pengembangan materi

ESP untuk Program Administrasi Perkantoran sebagai expert. KP menanyakan

konsep penelitian yang akan dilaksanakan. P menjelaskan secara detail tujuan dari

penelitian yang akan dilakukan yakni mengembangkan materi ajar bahasa Inggris

untuk tujuan tertentu (ESP) untuk siswa kelas sepuluh program administrasi

perkantoran di SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK. KP menyetujui rencana penelitian tersebut

dan memberikan arahan kepada P untuk menemui GESP kelas 10 agar dapat segera

melaksanakan penelitian. P mengucapkan terima kasih atas kesediaan KP untuk

menjadi expert dalam penelitian ini.

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Field Note 3 (Selasa, 22 Agustus 2017)

Tempat : Ruang Guru SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK

Waktu : 08.00 WIB

P : Peneliti

KS : Kepala Sekolah

KP : Kepala Program

GESP : Guru ESP (English for Specific Purposes)

P kembali datang ke sekolah pada tanggal 22 Agustus 2017 untuk bertemu

dengan Ibu Widya Utami Dhewi, M.Pd. selaku GESP kelas 10. Kemudian P

mengutarakan keperluan menemui Ibu Widya dan meminta beliau untuk

berkolaborasi dengan P untuk melakukan penelitian pengembangan (R&D). GESP

menanyakan konsep penelitian yang akan dilaksanakan. P menjelaskan secara detail

tujuan dari penelitian yang akan dilakukan yakni mengembangkan materi ajar

bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan tertentu (ESP) untuk siswa kelas sepuluh program

administrasi perkantoran di SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK. GESP menyambut baik

rencana penelitian tersebut. Setelah itu, GESP memberikan jadwal pelajaran ESP

dan memberikan alternatif hari untuk melakukan observasi. P mengucap kan terima

kasih atas kesediaan GESP untuk menjadi kolaborator dalam penelitian ini. P

merencanakan untuk mengadakan observasi awal pekan depan.

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Data Responden

1. Nama :

2. Jenis Kelamin :

3. Asal Sekolah :

Petunjuk pengisian:

Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, c, d dan seterusnya sesuai dengankeadaan

yang paling menggambarkan kebutuhan Anda saat ini.Hendaknya diisidengan

jawaban yang sebenar-benarnya.Jika Anda memilih jawaban lain-lain, tuliskan

jawaban tersebut dengan singkat dan jelas.Jawaban boleh lebih darisatu.

Pentingnya Bahasa Inggris Untuk Siswa SMK

1. Menurut Anda, apakah siswa SMK memang disiapkan untuk menghadapi dunia


a. Ya

b. Tidak

2. Apakah bahasa Inggris penting untuk menunjang keberhasilan Anda dalam

menghadapi dunia kerja?

a. Ya

b. Tidak

3. Mengapa Anda membutuhkan bahasa Inggris untuk menunjang keberhasilan

dalam menghadapi dunia kerja?

a. Jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran membutuhkan bahasa Inggris

untukmenyelesaikan beberapa pekerjaan seperti menerima dan

melakukanpanggilan telepon (telephoning), menerima tamu asing

(handlingguest), presentasi dll.

b. Kemampuan bahasa Inggris dibutuhkan sebagai syarat peningkatan prestasi

kerja nantinya.

c. Lain-lain


Kesesuaian Materi

4. Manakah diantara buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris dibawah ini yang Anda pakai

dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar?

a. Buku bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013

b. Buku bahasa Inggris KTSP 2006

c. Modul dari guru

d. Lain-lain


5. Apakah buku/materi bahasa Inggris yang Anda pelajari sudah sesuai dengan

topik-topik pada jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran?

a. Ya

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b. Tidak

6. Seberapa sering Anda melakukan praktek berbicara (speaking) dalam kegiatan

belajar mengajar dikelas?

a. Satu minggu 1x

b. Dua minggu 1x

c. Tiga minggu 1x

d. Sangat jarang

e. Lain-lain



7. Materi bahasa Inggris yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan saya akan menunjang saya


a. Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris karena penting untuk

menghadapi dunia kerja

b. Mampu memudahkan penguasaan bahasa Inggris

c. Lain-lain



8. Materi speaking (berbicara) mana yang akan efektif untuk membantu Anda

belajar bahasa Inggris?

a. Berupa monolog (presentasi individu)

b. Berupa dialog

c. Lain-lain


9. Saya menginginkan input pembelajaran untuk materi speaking seperti:

a. Diberikan contoh oleh guru dalam praktek berbicara

b. Diberi apersepsi/pengantar dalam bentuk monolog/dialog melalui


c. Dipraktekkan bersama dengan teman (pairwork)

d. Diberikan transkip cara pengucapan dan berlatih secara mandiri

e. Lain-lain


10. Kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris apa saja yang Anda ingin

pelajari untuk menghadapi dunia kerja nantinya?

a. Menerima dan/atau melakukan panggilan telepon

b. Menerima tamu asing

c. Menawarkan bantuan

d. Presentasi

e. Wawancara

f. Lain-lain


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11. Jenis kegiatan speaking (berbicara) yang Anda sukai adalah:

a. Membuat monolog/dialog sederhana dan mempraktekkan didepankelas baik

secara berpasangan, individu, maupun kelompok

b. Mendiskusikan topik tertentu secara berkelompok

c. Mempraktekkan contoh monolog/dialog yang sudah tersedia

d. Lain-lain


12. Jenis kegiatan pronunciation (pelafalan) yang Anda sukai adalah:

a. Menirukan guru dalam melafalkan kata-kata bahasa Inggris

b. Membaca kata-kata bahasa Inggris sesuai transkrip pengucapan yang tersedia

didalam materi

c. Lain-lain


Teknik Pembelajaran

13. Saya suka melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran secara:

a. Individu

b. Berpasangan

c. Kelompok

d. Lain-lain


14. Menurut saya, teknik belajar bahasa Inggris yang efektif adalah:

a. Role play (bermain peran/mempraktekkan dialog)

b. Games

c. Interview

d. Menerjemahkan

e. Diskusi

f. Tanya jawab

g. Lain-lain


Peran Siswa

15. Apa peranan yang Anda inginkan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris?

a. Mendengarkan penjelasan guru

b. Melaksanakan instruksi dari guru

c. Berpartisipasi aktif secara komunikatif

d. Mempraktekkan materi setelah diberi penjelasan

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e. Lain-lain


Peran Guru

16. Apa peran guru yang Anda inginkan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran bahasa


a. Sebagai fasilitator

b. Menerima sharing dan tanya jawab

c. Memberikan kata kunci pada saat mengalami kesulitan

d. Memonitor perkembangan penguasaan bahasa Inggris

e. Lain-lain


Tampilan Materi/Buku

17. Buku bahasa Inggris yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan saya berupa materi yang:

a. Sampul menarik

b. Penuh warna dan bergambar

c. Berisi tulisan penuh

d. Lain-lain



Sources: Developed from Hutchinson and Waters (1987)

Graves (2000) and Nunan (2004).

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A. The Students’ Identities

Number of the


Sex Age

Male Female

31 students 0 31 15-16 years old

B. Need Analysis

Code Pentingnya Bahasa Inggris Untuk Siswa SMK F %

1 Menurut Anda, apakah siswa SMK memang

disiapkan untuk menghadapi dunia kerja?

A01a a. Ya 31 100%

A01b b. Tidak 0 0%

2 Apakah bahasa Inggris penting untuk menunjang

keberhasilan Anda dalam menghadapi dunia kerja?

A02a a. Ya 31 100%

A02b b. Tidak 0 0%

3 Mengapa Anda membutuhkan bahasa Inggris untuk

menunjang keberhasilan dalam menghadapi dunia


A03a a. Jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran

membutuhkan bahasa Inggris untuk menyelesaikan

beberapa pekerjaan seperti menerima dan

melakukan panggilan telepon (telephoning),

menerima tamu asing (handling guest), presentasi


26 84%

A03b b. Kemampuan bahasa Inggris dibutuhkan sebagai

syarat peningkatan prestasi kerja nantinya.

4 13%

A03c c. Lain-lain 1 3%


4 Manakah diantara buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris

dibawah ini yang Anda pakai dalam kegiatan

belajar mengajar?

B01a a. Buku bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 0 0%

B01b b. Buku bahasa Inggris KTSP 2006 0 0%

B01c c. Modul dari guru 0 0%

B01d d. Lain-lain 31 0%


5 Apakah buku/materi bahasa Inggris yang Anda

pelajari sudah sesuai dengan topik-topik pada

jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran?

B02a a. Ya 0 0%

B02b b. Tidak 31 100%

6 Seberapa sering Anda melakukan praktek berbicara

(speaking) dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar

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B03a a. Satu minggu 1x 0 0%

B03b b. Dua minggu 1x 0 0%

B03c c. Tiga minggu 1x 0 0%

B03d d. Sangat jarang 31 100%

B03e e. Lain-lain 0 0%



7 Materi bahasa Inggris yang sesuai dengan

kebutuhan saya akan menunjang saya agar:

C01a a. Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris

karena penting untuk menghadapi dunia kerja

26 84%

C01b b. Mampu memudahkan penguasaan bahasa


5 16%

C01c c. Lain-lain 0 0%



8 Materi speaking (berbicara) mana yang akan efektif

untuk membantu Anda belajar bahasa Inggris?

D01a a. Berupa monolog (presentasi individu) 6 19%

D01b b. Berupa dialog 25 81%

D01c c. Lain-lain 0 0%


9 Saya menginginkan input pembelajaran untuk

materi speaking seperti:

D02a a. Diberikan contoh oleh guru dalam praktek


16 52%

D02b b. Diberi apersepsi/pengantar dalam bentuk

monolog/dialog melalui audio

3 9%

D02c c. Dipraktekkan bersama dengan teman (pairwork) 7 24%

D02d d. Diberikan transkip cara pengucapan dan berlatih

secara mandiri

5 15%

D02e e. Lain-lain 0 0%


10 Kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris

apa saja yang Anda ingin pelajari untuk

menghadapi dunia kerja nantinya?

D03a a. Menerima dan/atau melakukan panggilan


12 40%

D03b b. Menerima tamu asing 5 16%

D03c c. Menawarkan bantuan 3 9%

D03d d. Presentasi 6 19%

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D03e e. Wawancara 4 13%

D03f f. Lain-lain 1 3%



11 Jenis kegiatan speaking (berbicara) yang Anda

sukai adalah:

E01a a. Membuat monolog/dialog sederhana dan

mempraktekkan didepankelas baik secara

berpasangan, individu, maupun kelompok

6 19%

E01b b. Mendiskusikan topik tertentu secara


5 16%

E01c c. Mempraktekkan contoh monolog/dialog yang

sudah tersedia

20 65%

E01d d. Lain-lain 0 0%


12 Jenis kegiatan pronunciation (pelafalan) yang Anda

sukai adalah:

E02a a. Menirukan guru dalam melafalkan kata-kata

bahasa Inggris

21 68%

E02b b. Membaca kata-kata bahasa Inggris sesuai

transkrip pengucapan yang tersedia didalam materi

10 32%

E02c c. Lain-lain 0 0%


Teknik Pembelajaran

13 Saya suka melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran


F01a a. Individu 3 10%

F01b b. Berpasangan 4 12%

F01c c. Kelompok 24 78%

F01d d. Lain-lain 0 0%


14 Menurut saya, teknik belajar bahasa Inggris yang

efektif adalah:

F02a a.Role play (bermain peran/ mempraktekkan


2 5%

F02b b. Games 14 46%

F02c c. Interview 1 3%

F02d d. Menerjemahkan 3 9%

F02e e. Diskusi 7 24%

F02f f. Tanya jawab 4 13%

F02g g. Lain-lain 0 0%


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Peran Siswa

15 Apa peranan yang Anda inginkan dalam kegiatan

pembelajaran bahasa Inggris?

G01a a. Mendengarkan penjelasan guru 15 48%

G01b b. Melaksanakan instruksi dari guru 1 4%

G01c c. Berpartisipasi aktif secara komunikatif 9 30%

G01d d. Mempraktekkan materi setelah diberi


6 18%

G01e e. Lain-lain 0 0%


Peran Guru

16 Apa peran guru yang Anda inginkan dalam

kegiatan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris?

H01a a. Sebagai fasilitator 4 13%

H01b b. Menerima sharing dan tanya jawab 6 20%

H01c c. Memberikan kata kunci pada saat mengalami


13 42%

H01d d. Memonitor perkembangan penguasaan bahasa


8 25%

H01e e. Lain-lain 0 0%


Tampilan Materi/Buku

17 Buku bahasa Inggris yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan

saya berupa materi yang:

I01a a. Sampul menarik 4 13%

I01b b. Penuh warna dan bergambar 26 84%

I01c c. Berisi tulisan penuh 0 0%

I01d d. Lain-lain

Suit with Curriculum 2013 and look simple 1 3%

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A01a A01b A02a A02b A03a A03b A03c B01a

B01b B01c B01d B02a B02b B03a B03b b03c B03d

B03e C01a C01b C01c D01a D01b D01c D02a D02b

D02c D02d D02e D03a D03b D03c D03d D03e D03f

E01a E01b E01c E01d E02a E02b E02c F01a F01b

F01c F01d F02a F02b F02c F02d F02e F02f F02g

G01a G01b G01c G01d G01e H01a H01b H01c H01d

H01e I01a I01b I01c I01d

N Valid 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31

31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31

31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31

31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31

31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31

31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31

31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31

Missing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Mean 1.00 .00 1.00 .00 .84 .13 .03 .00

.00 .00 1.00 .00 1.00 .00 .00 .00 1.00

.00 .84 .16 .00 .19 .81 .00 .00 .10

.23 .16 .00 .39 .16 .10 .19 .13 .03

.19 .16 .65 .00 .68 .32 .00 .10 .13

.77 .00 .06 .45 .03 .10 .23 .13 .00

.48 .03 .29 .19 .00 .13 .19 .42 .26

.00 .13 .84 .00 .03

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Frequency Table

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Interview Protocol : Need Analysis

Time of Interview : Tuesday, 10.00 a.m

Date : August 29th 2017

Place : Ruang Guru

Interviewer : Researcher (TIE)

Interviewee : Widya Utamidhewi, M.Pd. (WUD)

Position of Interviewee : Guru ESP

Bapak/ Ibu Guru ESP yang terhormat, pertama- tama peneliti mengucapkan terima

kasih atas kesediaannya untuk menjawab pertanyaan di bawah ini. Ini akan

digunakan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan siswa dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris

serta mengembangkan materi ESP yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa program

Administrasi Perkantoran.

Jawablah pertanyaan- pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan jelas dan ringkas.

1. Menurut Ibu, apakah siswa SMK memang disiapkan untuk menghadapi dunia


2. Seberapa pentingkah pembelajaran ESP untuk siswa program Administrasi

Perkantoran dalam menghadapi dunia kerja?

3. Kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris apa saja yang kira-kira akan

siswa temui untuk menghadapi dunia kerja nantinya?

4. Menurut Ibu, teknik pembelajaran seperti apa yang dirasa efektif dalam

pengajaran ESP untuk siswa program Administrasi Perkantoran?

5. Apa peran siswa yang Ibu inginkan dalam dalam pengajaran ESP untuk siswa

program Administrasi Perkantoran?

6. Apa peranan paling efektif yang Ibu lakukan dalam pengajaran ESP untuk

siswa program Administrasi Perkantoran?

7. Bagaimana diktat dan bahan ajar yang digunakan selama ini untuk

pembelajaran ESP?

8. Materi seperti apa yang Anda butuhkan untuk pengajaran ESP pada program

Administrasi Perkantoran?

9. Apakah dibutuhkan pengembangan silabus ESP untuk siswa program

Administrasi Perkantoran?

10. Tampilan buku/materi pembelajaran seperti apa yang Ibu rasa menarik sehingga

dapat meningkatkan motivasi siswa?

Sources: Adopted from Creswell, 2012.

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No Pertanyaan Jawaban

1 Apakah siswa SMK memang

disiapkan untuk menghadapi dunia


Siswa diharapkan dapat menghadapi dunia

kerja dan juga membekali diri dalam

ranah pendidikan. Jika didunia kerja

mestinya yang diutamakan adalah

kemampuan berbicara (conversation).

2 Seberapa pentingkah pembelajaran

ESP untuk siswa program

Administrasi Perkantoran dalam

menghadapi dunia kerja?

Sangat penting sekali karena bahasa

Inggris adalah salah satu bahasa

kebutuhan yang secara internasional itu

sudah memang merupakan bahasa yang

dipelajari sejak SD, SMP, SMA/SMK,

bahkan di Perguruan Tinggi. Apalagi nanti

didunia kerja, bahasa Inggris adalah

bahasa yang harus dikuasai oleh seorang

sekretaris. Paling tidak seorang sekretaris

harus menguasai 7 bahasa asing selain

bahasa Inggris.

3 Kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam

bahasa Inggris apa saja yang kira-kira

akan siswa temui untuk menghadapi

dunia kerja nantinya?

Banyak sekali, diantaranya menerima dan

atau melakukan panggilan telepon baik itu

dari internal maupun eksternal (panggilan

internasional). Kemudian menerima tamu

asing. Hal ini sangatlah penting, oleh

karena itu seorang sekretaris harus

menguasai bahasa Inggris dan minimal

menguasai 7 bahasa asing karena tidak

semua tamu asing berasal dari Inggris

begitu. Yang ketiga adalah menawarkan

bantuan dalam hal ini kepada pelanggan

karena pelanggan itu adalah aset

perusahaan baik pelanggan internal dalam

negeri maupun eksternal luar negeri.

Kemudian juga melakukan presentasi

dalam kaitannya dengan proyek atau

tender. Tentu peserta presentasi bisa

berasal dari negara lain, jadi bahasa

Inggris penting untuk dikuasai. Berkaitan

dengan dunia kerja, salah satu kelebihan

dalam bekerja atau menjadi pegawai itu

adalah bisa berkomunikasi dalam bahasa


4 Teknik pembelajaran seperti apa yang

dirasa efektif dalam pengajaran ESP

untuk siswa program Administrasi


Berkaitan dengan kurikulum 2013 yang

berfokus pada praktek, seperti

mempraktekkan dialog atau bermain

peran. Selain itu, diskusi juga dapat

digunakan untuk memecahkan studi

kasus. Lalu dialog interaktif antara guru

dan siswa maupun siswa dengan siswa.

5 Apa peran siswa yang Ibu inginkan Sebaiknya siswa yang harus aktif secara

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dalam dalam pengajaran ESP untuk

siswa program Administrasi


komunikatif walaupun bapak/ibu guru

menjelaskan terlebih dulu kaitannya

dengan materi yang akan disampaikan

dalam proses perjalanan KBM diberikan

arahan atau bimbingan kemudian terakhir

yaitu berkaitan dengan hasil atau produk

dari kegiatan belajar mengajar. Pada

intinya siswa yang berperan aktif.

Sedangkan untuk model pembelajaran

harus disesuaikan dengan materi yang

akan disampaikan.

6 Apa peranan paling efektif yang Ibu

lakukan dalam pengajaran ESP untuk

siswa program Administrasi


Pertama yaitu sebagai fasilitator terutama

waktu pembelajaran yang memakai model

inquiry. Yang kedua yaitu membuka sesi

sharing dan tanya jawab. Biasanya diakhir

pelajaran guru menerima sharing dan

tanya jawab dalam artian untuk mencapai

kesempurnaan daripada materi tersebut.

Kemudian biasanya bapak/ibu guru

menyimpulkan materi yang saat itu

dipelajari. Kemudian bisa juga memonitor

perkembangan peserta didik dalam belajar


7 Bagaimana diktat dan bahan ajar yang

digunakan selama ini untuk

pembelajaran ESP?

Selama ini untuk pengajaran ESP sendiri

sebenarnya belum ada modul atau diktat

yang digunakan dalam proses

pembelajaran. Guru hanya mencari materi

di internet.

8 Materi seperti apa yang Anda

butuhkan untuk pengajaran ESP pada

program Administrasi Perkantoran?

Materi harus disesuaikan dengan

kebutuhan siswa pada program

Administrasi Perkantoran, fokus pada

Bahasa Inggris untuk Administrasi


9 Apakah dibutuhkan pengembangan

silabus ESP untuk siswa program

Administrasi Perkantoran?

Ya, mengingat ESP merupakan muatan

lokal di SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK jadi

selama ini silabus dikembangkan sendiri

tanpa adanya analisa kebutuhan

sebelumnya. Mungkin untuk kedepannya,

silabus yang ada harus terus

dikembangkan dan menghasilkan silabus

yang sesuai.

10 Tampilan buku/materi pembelajaran

seperti apa yang Ibu rasa menarik

sehingga dapat meningkatkan motivasi


Tampilan buku yang bergambar dan

berwarna akan menambah minat siswa,

terlebih jika didukung dengan tema yang

menarik dan sesuai.

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Silabus ESP | SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK 121



Nama Sekolah : SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK

Paket Keahlian : Administrasi Perkantoran

Kelas : 10 (Sepuluh)

Mata Pelajaran : English for Spesific Purposes

Nama Guru : Widya Utamidhewi, M.Pd.

Kompetensi Inti

KI 1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI 2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai),

santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam

berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa

dalam pergaulan dunia.

KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingintahunya tentang

ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan

peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang

spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah

KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang

dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan

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Silabus ESP | SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK 122

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian Alokasi




1. Menguraikan

bagian- bagian

surat berbahasa


2. Mengidentifikasi

bagian- bagian

surat berbahasa










(Parts of


Lay out





Mengamati tentang

berbagai jenis

komunikasi tertulis yang

terjadi di sekolah atau di



Memberikan kesempatan

peserta didik

menanyakan hal yang

berkaitan dengan

berbagai jenis- jenis

komunikasi tertulis yang

terjadi di sekolah atau di



Mencoba melakukan

komunikasi secara



Menjelaskan bagian-

bagian Surat/ naskah/

dokumen (tata


Menganalisa bagian-

bagian surat berbahasa

Inggris dari contoh surat

yang diberikan


Tes lisan menyebutkan

bagian- bagian surat

dalam bahasa Inggris

secara acak dengan


4 x 2 JP Suara



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Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian Alokasi




penulisan surat secara

jelas) dalam bahasa



Siswa mempresentasikan

tentang bagian- bagian

surat berbahasa inggris

1. Menjelaskan


komunikasi Lisan

2. Menerapkan


komunikasi lisan

Tata cara









o Keteramp



ar dan







Mengamati tentang

berbagai jenis

komunikasi yang terjadi

di sekolah atau di kantor


Memberikan kesempatan

peserta didik

menanyakan hal yang

berkaitan dengan

berbagai jenis- jenis

komunikasi yang terjadi

di sekolah atau di kantor


Mencoba melakukan

komunikasi secara lisan


Siswa dites untuk

menerima panggilan

telepon dalam bahasa

Inggris oleh guru


8 x 2 JP Suara



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Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian Alokasi




o Spelling


o Telephon

e manner

o Mencatat








antar teman


Menjelaskan beberapa

jenis komunikasi lisan

dengan menggunakan

alat komunikasi


Siswa mempresentasikan

di depan tentang

komunikasi lisan

1. Mendeskripsikan

Ruang Lingkup

Perjalanan dinas


2. Mempraktikan

pembuatan Jadwal

perjalanan dinas

dan berbagai

dokumen baik

secara manual









o Pengertia








Mengamati Perjalanan

dinas pimpinan secara

on line menggunakan




kesempatan siswa

menanyakan hal-hal

yang berkaitan dengan

Perjalanan dinas



Siswa mengatur jadwal

perjalanan dinas

pimpinan dalam bahasa


8 x 2 JP Suara



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Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian Alokasi




o Macam-



n dinas

o Tata Cara




n dinas

o Persiapan

o Pelaksan



Menyimpulkan hasil

pengamatan di internet



Perjalanan dinas


Mengatur jadwal

perjalanan dinas

pimpinan dalam bahasa




Jadwal Perjalanan dinas


1. Menjelaskan tugas

dan karakteristik

sekretaris yang baik

2. Mempresentasikan

tentang tugas- tugas

seorang sekretaris

dan karakteristik





Mengamati tugas dan

karakteristik sekretaris



kesempatan siswa

menanyakan hal-hal


Mendiskusikan tugas-

tugas dan karakteristik

sekretaris yang baik


Siswa melakukan

presentasi dan tanya

14 x 2 JP Suara



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seorang sekretaris

yang baik

yang berkaitan dengan

tugas dan karakteristik




mempraktikkan salah

satu karakteristik

sekretaris yang baik


Mendiskusikan tugas-

tugas sekretaris


karakteristik seorang

sekretaris yang baik


Mempresentasikan tugas-

tugas seorang sekretaris dan

karakteristik seorang

sekretaris yang baik

jawab mengenai tugas-

tugas dan karakteristik

seorang sekretaris yang


1. Menguraikan cara

membuat surat

bahasa Inggris


Surat Dinas




Mengamati cara

membuat surat dinas

berbahasa Inggris di


Mencari contoh surat

dinas berbahasa Inggris

(surat undangan dinas,

4 x 2 JP Suara



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Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian Alokasi





2. Mempraktikkan

cara membuat surat

bahasa Inggris



sekolah atau kantor



Memberikan kesempatan

peserta didik

menanyakan hal yang

berkaitan dengan surat

dinas berbahasa Inggris


Praktek membuat surat

dinas berbahasa Inggris

sesuai bentuk yang



Menjelaskan cara

pengetikan surat dinas

berbahasa Inggris antar



Mempresentasikan tata

cara pengetikan surat

perjalanan dinas, dll)


Tes tertulis membuat

surat dinas berbahasa


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dinas berbahasa Inggris

1. Menjelaskan cara

membuat surat

bisnis berbahasa


2. Membuat surat

bisnis berbahasa


Surat Bisnis




Mengamati cara

membuat surat bisnis

berbahasa Inggris di

sekolah atau kantor



Memberikan kesempatan

peserta didik

menanyakan hal yang

berkaitan dengan surat

bisnis berbahasa Inggris


Praktek membuat surat

bisnis berbahasa

Inggris sesuai bentuk

yang berlaku


Menjelaskan cara

pengetikan surat bisnis

berbahasa Inggris antar



Mencari contoh surat

bisnis berbahasa Inggris

(surat penawaran,

pesanan, pengaduan,



Tes tertulis membuat

surat bisnis berbahasa


4 x 2 JP Suara



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Mempresentasikan tata

cara pengetikan surat

bisnis berbahasa Inggris

1. Mengidentifikasi

tata cara

menerima tamu

2. Menyusun

persiapan tata cara

menerima tamu





o Pengertia

n tamu


o Jenis-


tamu dan




o Etika









Mengamati tata cara

penerimaan tamu dalam

bahasa Inggris


Memberikan kesempatan

siswa menanyakan hal-

hal yang berkaitan

dengan tata cara

penerimaan menerima

tamu dalam bahasa



Role play menerima

tamu dalam bahasa



Mengamati peran yang


Siswa mempraktikkan

menerima tamu dalam

bahasa Inggris

6 x 2 JP




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diperagakan oleh

kelompok lain


Mempresentasikan hasil

pengamatan tata cara

menerima tamu dalam

bahasa Inggris

1. Menjelaskan

tentang salah satu

materi peminatan


perkantoran yang

siswa kuasai

2. Mempresentasikan

tentang salah satu

materi peminatan


perkantoran yang

siswa kuasai





Mengamati materi-

materi dalam

administrasi perkantoran


Memberikan kesempatan

siswa menanyakan hal-

hal yang berkaitan

dengan materi- materi

dalam administrasi



Mempraktikkan salah

satu materi dalam

administrasi perkantoran


Mendiskusikan materi-

materi dalam




Siswa melakukan

presentasi dan tanya

jawab mengenai salah

satu materi dalam

administrasi perkantoran

yang mereka kuasai

12 x 2 JP Suara



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Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian Alokasi





Mendiskusikan materi-

materi dalam

administrasi perkantoran


Siswa mempresentasikan

salah satu materi dalam

administrasi perkantoran

yang mereka kuasai

Mengetahui Tangerang, 27 Juli 2017

Kepala SMK PGRI 31 Legok Guru Mata Pelajaran

Drs. Mohamad Apipi, M. Pd Widya Utami Dhewi, M.Pd.

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School : SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK

Grade : 10 (Ten)

Study Program : Office Administration

Goals : Students are able to communicate in English in the office context using the right expressions.

Developed by : Suparti

Unit 1


Title Objectives Indicators Input Text





Media and



Activities Time


This is



The students

are able to do


in the office


- The students

can use

expressions to

receive and

make a call

- The students

can introduce


when make

a call

- The students

can ask for


in a call

- The students

can give


in a call

- The students

can end the

call politely

- The students

Dialogue in

which two

people are

in the telephone

asking to

talk to


Dialogue in

which two

people are

in the




to call



Receiving a

phone call


Hello. This

is the

Berkah Intan





Can I take a





Can I leave

a message?

Ending a

phone call




1. Simulati


2. Games

3. Pair and


al Work


related to






Videos from













1. Warm-Up

Check list pictures that have right manner in

handling telephone call and answer the

questions about


2. Students complete short conversations

about receiving phone call and practice it.

3. Students complete short dialogues about

leaving and taking messages and practice it.

Let’s Study

4. Students say the expressions used in


5. Students complete the blanks in boxes

related to receiving and making a telephone


6. Students repeat after the teacher to spell

names and numbers (the phonetic

transcriptions are given)

Let’s Practice more

7. The students play a Whispering game.

Let’s Speak more

8. The students make a dialogue following

20 x 45 minutes

(10 meetings)

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words related to



- The students

can use the

formula to


correct simple

present tense

and correct


using modal

verbs in a


- The students

do a dialogue

related to



call in pairs

Thank you,

good bye.

Asking for



Can I have

your phone





My name is

Alisa of



















the flow chart.

9. The students make a dialogue based on

the given telephone messages and present it

in front of the class.

10. The students have a simulation in

telephoning. The simulation cards are given.

11. The students make their own dialogue

about Telephoning and perform it in the




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Unit 2


Title Objectives Indicators Input Text





Media and



Activities Time









The students

are able to

present a short


- The students

can greet

audience in a


- The students can


themselves in a


- The students

can deliver the

topic in a


- The students

can organize

talk using the

right phrases

- The students

can use the

phrases to deliver

every point in the

main part of


-The students can

sum up a


- The students

can end a


- The students

can offer

audiences to ask


about opening

sequencing and

ending the



about a full

example of





good morning


Stating a topic


the subject of

my talk is…


the talk






main points


-let me

start by. . .


-to sum up,

. . .

Ending a



-it brings

me to the

end of. . .



-do you have



1. Discussion

2. Interview

3. Presentation





Videos from













1. Warm-Up

Discussing pictures

about good characteristics in

delivering a presentation

2. Students classify the

scrabble phrases of delivering

presentation into some boxes

3. Students‘ practice to open a

presentation by choosing one of the

given topics

4. Students‘ practice to

organize the talk using the given


5. Students‘ practice to end a

presentation using semi-guided


Let’s Study

6. The students read aloud some useful

expressions in a presentation.

Let’s Practice more

7. Students say something

about the following list in


Let’s Speak more

8. Students make a short introduction

of a presentation based on the given


9. Students have an

interview session to ask

about how their friends

end the presentation and

16 x 45


(8 meetings)

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- The students

deliver a short


any question?

-is there any


open the question-answer


10. Students make their own short

presentation and report it in the class.



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Unit 3


Title Objectives Indicators Input Text





Media and



Activities Time



e to






are able



guests in

the office


- The students

can welcome

guests using the



- The students

can offer helps

to the guest

- The students

can respond to

the offer

- The students

are able to use

the expressions

of handling

guest in a


- The students

can use some


related to

handling guest

in a dialogue

- The students

are able to do a

dialogue related

to handling

guest in pairs.

- Dialogues

between a

guest and an

office staff in

some situations

e.g. the first

meeting with

the guest,

meeting the

guest who have

a call before,




- Good


- Hello


- Welcome

to Panama





- Can I help


- Would you

like to have

a drink

Respond to

an offer

- Yes, please

- No, thank




1. Role Play

2. Group


3. Pair work

Pictures related to

handling guest,

Handout, Audio

Videos from










1. Warm-Up

Studying pictures related to

welcoming guest and answering

written questions about what the

people might say

Let’s Study

2. Students say the expressions of

welcoming guest and offering


3. Students act out the dialogue and

study the words in color.

Let’s Practice More

4. Students complete short dialogues

with sentences about offering

helps and act out.

Let’s Speak More

5. In group, the students write the

respond of the given situations

and report it in front of the class.

6. With a partner, the students make

a dialogue based on the given


7. The students make a dialogue by

choosing the free situations on

their own and act the dialogue out

with a partner.

8. Summary

9. Reflection

10 x 45


(5 meetings)

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ESP Speaking Materials for the Tenth Grade of Office Administration Program 139



In this unit, you will learn how to:

Receive a telephone call

Make a telephone call

Take messages

Leave messages

Spell names and numbers

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ESP Speaking Materials for the Tenth Grade of Office Administration Program 140

Warming Up

Put a checklist (√) on the right manner when handling a telephone call and answer the

following questions.

1. Who usually answer a phone call in the office?

2. What first do you say when you receive a phone call?

Picture 1 Picture 2

Source: www.google.com Source: www.google.com

Picture 3 Picture 4

Source: www.google.com Source: www.google.com

Task 1

Complete the balloons about receiving calls below and practice these short conversations

with your friend!

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ESP Speaking Materials for the Tenth Grade of Office Administration Program 141

Task 2

Complete the balloons about leaving and taking a message below and say it up with your



May I speak to the director,


This is Andrew of First Media

Company speaking.


Can I leave a



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ESP Speaking Materials for the Tenth Grade of Office Administration Program 142


You have learned some expressions to receive and make a phone call then to leave and

take a message from the dialogues in the previous tasks. What are they? Study them below

and say it up.

Receiving a phone call

Jaya Abadi Company, Good morning.

Good morning, Berkah Intan Company. Can I help you?

Berkah Intan Company, this is Shirley speaking. Can I help you?

Sumber Makmur Company, Good afternoon. May I help you?

Making a phone call

Introducing yourself

This is Raisa from Cipta Kreasi Company

I’m calling on behalf of Mr. Yudistira

My name is Intan from Sinar Mas

I’m calling from Cipta Kreasi Company

Saying what you want (the purpose of calling)

I would like to speak with Mr. Jefry, please.

I want to confirm about our meeting on Monday.

Could I have the Marketing Department, please?

I’d like to know about our last contract.

Leaving and taking messages

Leaving messages

Can I leave a message?

May I leave a message?

Could you give him/ her a message?

Please tell him/her…..

Please ask him/ her to call me back at….


Yes, please tell

Mr.Edo to call

me back

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ESP Speaking Materials for the Tenth Grade of Office Administration Program 143

Taking messages

Can I take a message?

Would you like to leave a message?

Can I pen down your message?

Giving Information

My name is Sharaina Setiawan

My phone number is 021-8296782

I think he/ she has my phone number

Mr. Bayu would like to talk about the prices of your products

I’m sorry. Mr. Thomas isn’t in today

I’m sorry he/ she is in the meeting right now

I’m sorry he/ she is busy now

I’m sorry he/ she is not in the office right now

I will put you through

Ending a phone call

Thank you. Good bye.

Good bye


I will hang up now, thank you

Task 4

What do you say when you receive a telephone call? Then, what do you say when you

make a telephone call? Complete the blanks below. You may look at the expressions of

handling a telephone call in Task 3 to help you!

1. You work in Paradiso Company. You receive a phone call at 9.00 a.m.

You say: Good morning. This is Paradiso Company, can I help you?

2. You work in Sejahtera Company. You receive a phone call at 4.00 p.m.

You say: ....................................................................................................................

3. You receive a phone call. Offer the caller to leave a message.

You say: ....................................................................................................................

4. You make a phone call. Introduce yourself and tell the receiver that you are from

Dana Company.

You say: ....................................................................................................................

5. You make a phone call. Tell the receiver that you want to speak to the director.

You say: ....................................................................................................................

6. You make a phone call. Tell the receiver that you want to confirm the meeting


You say: ....................................................................................................................

7. You make a phone call and you want to leave a message.

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ESP Speaking Materials for the Tenth Grade of Office Administration Program 144

You say: ....................................................................................................................

8. You tell the receiver that your phone number is 021-59492730

You say: ....................................................................................................................

9. You tell the receiver that your director is not in the office right now.

You say: ....................................................................................................................

10. You end the call politely.

You say: ....................................................................................................................

Task 5

Repeat after your teacher in spelling names and numbers below. Later on, practice it with

your friend.

My name is Shirley, S-H-I-R-L-E-Y,

/es/ / eɪtʃ/ /ai/ /ar/ /el/ /i:/


And my phone number is 027

8865 4111

/ou/ /tu:/ /sevᵊn/ /dᶺbl eit/ /six/

/faiv/ /fᴐ:r/ /trᶦpl wᶺn/

I am Nicholas, N-I-C-H-O-L-A-S

/en/ /aᶦ/ /si:/ /eɪtʃ/ /ou/ /el/ /eɪ/


My office phone number is 027

876 2266

/ou/ /tu:/ /sevən//eɪt/ /sevən/ /sɪks/ /dʌbl tu:/ /dʌbl sɪks/

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ESP Speaking Materials for the Tenth Grade of Office Administration Program 145


Let’s play a game. Pay attention on the instruction below.

You will be divided into two groups. Make a line facing the board. Your teacher will

whisper a phrase to you related to handling telephone call. You should whisper the phrase

to your friend in front of you. The last whispered student then looks for a card containing a

sentence related to the phrase and speak out the sentence in front of the class. The first and

the correct one will get 10 points. Next, the last whispered student should come backward

to the line so that all of you can take turns.

Provide two boxes containing sentences in cards. The

sentences will be about the expressions in handling

telephone call e.g.

“Good morning, Parker industries. Can I help you; I’m

afraid Mr. John is not in today”. etc.

Whisper a phrase to your students that related to the

sentence e.g.

Receiving a phone call; asking for names; asking for

phone numbers; etc.

The group which whisper loudly then will be

disqualified and the additional 10 points will be given

to another group.

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ESP Speaking Materials for the Tenth Grade of Office Administration Program 146


Make a whole dialogue with the given flow chart below. Remember to follow the arrow.

Next, practice it with your partner. You may take turns.

Caller Receiver

Receive a call by greeting and telling


Introduce yourself

Ask to speak to Mr. Dion

Say that Mr. Dion is not in

Ask when you can contact Mr. Dion

Tell Mr. Dion will not be available in

several days

Offer to pen down a message


You want Mr. Dion to call you

Say you will deliver the message

Ask the phone number

Give the phone number

Confirm the message and the information

Say that the information is correct

Say thank you and end the call

Respond and end the call

Task 8

Make a dialogue based on one of the following telephone messages. Present your dialogue

to the whole class.

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Telephone Message

For : Marketing Department

Time of Call : 08.20 a.m

Caller : Mr. Adrian

Company : Bantex Indonesia

Phone number: 59492730

Message : Please call back as soon as

possible to talk about the prices of the

product Telephone Message

For : Mr. Thomas

Time of Call : 09.30 a.m

Caller : Ms. Maureen

Company : Cipta Kreasi

Phone number: 8296782

Message : Please have a meeting at

Cipta Kreasi Company on Monday 08.00 a.m

Telephone Message

For : Ms. Shirley

Time of Call : 10.00 a.m

Caller : Mr. Rian

Company : Surya Kencana

Phone number: 46777498

Message : Meeting at Surya Kencana

Company will be reschedule to a week ahead

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Task 9

Let’s have a simulation. Ask your teacher to guide you by using telephone. Find a partner

and choose one of the cards below!

Task 10

Your name is Raisa. You work in Sinar Mas

Company as a secretary. Your director’s name is

Mr. Samuel. You are asked to call Mr. Bambang

Wijaya director of BERKAH INTAN Company

to invite him to a meeting about the planning of

New Crystal Hotel Building Project that will be

held on Thursday, 10 December 2017 at 09.00

a.m in Meeting room – Ratu Hotel Serang.

You are Isyana, a secretary of SUMBER

MAKMUR, Company, you receive a call from

Mrs. Ananda from JAYA ABADI She wants to

talk to your director (Mr.Ari Setiawan) , but

because your director is meeting with client right

now so she leaves a message that asking your

director to call her back after he finish his meeting.

Her phone number is (021) 5470209.

Make your own dialogue related to handling a telephone call. Report your own dialogue in front of the class with your partner by acting it out. Ask another friend to take a video while you perform your report. This will help you to evaluate your mistakes if any.

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Notes Think of the conversation will be if you choose one of the cards. You may take a


You cannot speak in the telephone near your friend. Make sure that you only listen

to your friend’s voice by the telephone.

You also cannot look at your friend’s note.

In this unit, you have learned some expressions in handling telephone call. To recall your

memory, study the following explanation.

Receiving a phone call

Jaya Abadi Company, Good morning.

Good morning, Berkah Intan Company. Can I help you?

Berkah Intan Company, this is Shirley speaking. Can I help you?

Sumber Makmur Company, Good afternoon. May I help you?

Making a phone call

Introducing yourself

This is Raisa from Cipta Kreasi Company

I’m calling on behalf of Mr. Yudistira

My name is Intan from Sinar Mas

I’m calling from Cipta Kreasi Company

Saying what you want (the purpose of calling)

I would like to speak with Mr. Jefry, please.

I want to confirm about our meeting on Monday.

Could I have the Marketing Department, please?

I’d like to know about our last contract.

Leaving and taking messages

Leaving messages

Can I leave a message?

May I leave a message?

Could you give him/ her a message?

Please tell him/her…..

Please ask him/ her to call me back at….

Taking messages

Can I take a message?

Would you like to leave a message?

Can I pen down your message?

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Giving Information

My name is Sharaina Setiawan

My phone number is 021-8296782

I think he/ she has my phone number

Mr. Bayu would like to talk about the prices of your products

I’m sorry. Mr. Thomas isn’t in today

I’m sorry he/ she is in the meeting right now

I’m sorry he/ she is busy now

I’m sorry he/ she is not in the office right now

I will put you through

Ending a phone call

Thank you. Good bye.

Good bye


I will hang up now, thank you


How much do you learn from this unit? Tick (√) what you can do or what you think you

need more practice.

Can-do Checklist Can-do Need



I can receive a phone call using the right expressions

I can introduce myself when making a phone call

I can offer the caller to take a message in a phone call

I can leave a message in a phone call

I can end the phone politely

Tips for you

Always take the telephone before it rings 3 times.

Pick up the telephone with your left hand. Use

your right hand to hold a pen.

Use your smiling voice when telephoning. It means you have a nice voice because you speak friendly and pleasant.

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In this unit, you will learn how to:

Open a presentation

Deliver the main topic

Organize the subtopics in a presentation

Sum up a presentation

End a presentation and offer audiences to ask


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Warming Up

Look at the picture below. Discuss with your friends the characteristics of a good

presentation. Make a list in your note and let other groups know it. The words in the boxes

may give you ideas.

Task 1

Take the scrambled phrases in the right box. Compare your answer with your friend by

saying it up.

A Clear Introduction A Good Ending

Media Content

Appearance Clear Explanations

Good morning, everyone This is the end of the presentation First,…


Let me start by,…. The topic is about….

In conclusion,…. Second,…. Let me show you….

The presentation ends here Any questions so far?

Today’s topic is…. To sum up,…. In summary,….

Do you have any questions? Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen

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Task 2 Imagine that you have to deliver a presentation today. Say your opening of a presentation

by choosing one of the topics below.


Good morning









Today’s topic










Sub Topics









……………… Summarizing

To sum up,….










ends here.






Do you have any










The result of

the product

sale in July

The report of

the business


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Task 3

Practice to organize the talk of these following subtopics in cards. You may choose one.

Task 4 Now, it’s your turn to practice how to end a presentation. Say the given summary below

and add the expressions of ending a presentation and offering questions.


You have learned some phrases to have a good presentation. Here are the complete phrases

that you may use to deliver your presentation later on. Say it up!

Greeting Good morning/ afternoon/ evening Ladies and gentlemen. Good morning/ afternoon/ evening everyone/ everybody. Ladies and gentlemen. Stating the Topic I plan to say a few words about…. I’m going to talk about…. The subject of my talk is…. The theme of my presentation is….

The result of the new product


The obstacle in selling the


The next plan in improving

the sale.

The description of the

business trip.

The result of the meeting

during the business trip.

The next plan of business trip

in Singapore.

The description of the new


The special features of the

new product.

The advertising campaign of

the new product.

In conclusion, our product presentation in the Grand Hotel went well. We were able

to meet all their needs and they were happy with our new product price.

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I’d like to give you an overview of…. Sequencing the Talk I’ve divided my talk into three parts. My talk will be in three parts. I’m going to divide…. First,…. Second,…. Third,…. In the first part,… Then, in the second part,… Then,… After that,…. Next,…. Finally,…. Delivering Main Points

Let me start by….

First, let me tell you about…. Alright, let me begin by…. Now, it’s time to…. Let us show you…. Please take a look at…. Let’s move on to the next topic. Summarizing To sum up,…. To conclude,…. In conclusion,…. Ending the Presentation

It brings me to the end of my presentation today. Thank you for your attention.

That is the end of my presentation today. Thank you very much.

That is all for my presentation. Thank you for your nice attention.

Offering Questions Have you got the questions? Any questions? Please feel free to ask My presentation ends here. Any questions so far?

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Let’s Practice More Task 6

In pairs, what do you say about these following lists below? Share your answers to the

class. Number one has been done for you.

1. Greet your audience

Good afternoon everyone. I’m glad to be here today.

2. Introduce yourself

3. Give your presentation a title

4. Sequence your talk

5. Explain that the audience can interrupt you with questions

6. Say that you will show a video later on

7. Say that now you are showing the video

8. Say that you will conclude your presentation

9. End your presentation

10. Offer the audience to ask questions

Let’s Speak more Task 7

Make a short introduction based on the card below. Compare your answer to your friend

next to you.

Task 8

Let’s interview your friends. Complete the table below by asking about how they end the

presentation and open a question-answer session based on their own style.

No Friend’s Name How to end the presentation How to open a question- answer

session 1 2 3 4 5

Name : “Use your name” Position : Marketing staff of Sukses Bersama company Topic : New product Pixma Printer Subtopics The quality of Pixma Printer The price for Pixma Printer & the discount A demo using Pixma Printer

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6 7 8 9 ….

Task 9

Make a full presentation by your own topic. If you get confused, you may use these

following topics.

Company service The project result

Company product Life style

The new package in tourism Handling telephone

The result of the meeting Using office equipment

Tips for you

Know your audience

Pay attention on demographics, purpose, interests, commonality and individuality.

Present yourself

Pay attention on your dress, posture, voice, gesture, body language, confidence and


Present to your audience

Pay attention on positive, polite, interesting and innovative.

Present your material

Pay attention on your organization, clarity, visuals, language and volume.


Make sure that you use a simple and clear language.

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In this unit you have learned how to deliver a good presentation. To recall your memory,

here are the list of useful phrases in a presentation and the common used structure.

Greeting Good morning/ afternoon/ evening Ladies and gentlemen. Good morning/ afternoon/ evening everyone/ everybody. Ladies and gentlemen. Stating the Topic I plan to say a few words about…. I’m going to talk about…. The subject of my talk is…. The theme of my presentation is…. I’d like to give you an overview of…. Sequencing the Talk I’ve divided my talk into three parts. My talk will be in three parts. I’m going to divide…. First,…. Second,…. Third,…. In the first part,… Then, in the second part,… Then,… After that,…. Next,…. Finally,…. Delivering Main Points

Let me start by….

First, let me tell you about…. Alright, let me begin by…. Now, it’s time to…. Let us show you…. Please take a look at…. Let’s move on to the next topic. Summarizing To sum up,…. To conclude,…. In conclusion,…. Ending the Presentation

It brings me to the end of my presentation today. Thank you for your attention.

That is the end of my presentation today. Thank you very much.

That is all for my presentation. Thank you for your nice attention.

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Offering Questions Have you got the questions? Any questions? Please feel free to ask My presentation ends here. Any questions so far?


How much do you learn from this unit? Tick (√) what you can do or what you think you

need more practice.

Can-do Checklist Can-do Need



I can greet audience in a presentation

I can introduce myself in a presentation

I can deliver the topic in a presentation

I can organize my talk using the right phrases

I know the right phrases to deliver every points in the main

part of a presentation

I can sum up my presentation

I can end a presentation politely

I can offer someone to ask question at the end of my


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In this unit, you will learn how to:

Welcome visitors in the office

Offer helps to the visitors

Respond to the offers

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Look at the picture about a secretary with the guest in the office below. What do you think

of what they are saying? Complete the free space in the picture.

Picture: http://www.officewelcome.com



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Let’s Study

Task 1 Study the following expressions. Pay attention to the words in color then say the

expressions up.

Welcoming visitors

Welcome to Trans Corporation.

Welcome to Jakarta. I’m Shirley.

Good morning, welcome to

Krakatau Steel Industries.

Welcoming someone that you do not


Excuse me. Are you Mr. Yudhie?

You must be Mrs. Bella. Welcome

to Gemilang Company.

Mrs. Diana Safitri? I’m Anna of

Sukses Company.

Offering helps

Can I help you?

Would you like a cup of coffee?

Could I get you something to


What can I do for you?

Responding to an offer

Accepting an offer

Yes, please.

That’s very kind of you.

A light coffee, please.

Yes, I want to meet the director.

Refusing an offer

No, thanks. I’m sorry for the


No, thank you.

No, it’s all right, really.

No, it’s okay. Thanks.

Did you know….

That handling visitor becomes the face of the

office itself?

It means that you have to welcome the visitors

with smiles and good attitudes.

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Task 2 With a partner, study the following dialogue and pay attention to the words in color. After

that, act the dialogue out and answer the following questions.

Lea : Good morning. Are you Ms. Bennet? Do come in. Welcome to Catana.

It’s nice to see you.

Ms. Bennet : And you. I have been very much looking forward to this visit.

Lea : So have we. May I take your coat?

Ms. Bennet : Certainly. Here you are.

Lea : Please have a seat, and make yourself comfortable. I’m sorry for the

inconvenience. I’ll tell Mr. Jenson you are here. Would you like

something do drink?

Ms. Bennet : Yes. I wouldn’t mind a hot drink, if at all possible.

Lea : Of course. We have tea, coffee and hot chocolate. What would you


Ms. Bennet : Coffee would be great. Thank you.

Lea : How would you like your coffee?

Ms. Bennet : A drop of milk and one sugar, please.

Lea : Here you are. Please help yourself with the cookies.

Ms. Bennet : They look delicious. Thank you.

Lea : You’re welcome. Do you have another favor Ms. Bennet?

Ms. Bennet : Oh no, thanks. You are very kind.

Lea : So, did you have any trouble finding the way?

Ms. Bennet : No, the directions you sent me were very clear, and there was hardly any

traffic on the road.

Lea : Excellent. Well, I think that is Mr Jenson coming now. I’ll leave you in

his good hands.

Ms. Bennet : Splendid, thank you very much.

Adapted from: http://www.youtube.com/anglosection

Answer the following questions!

1. Did Ms. Bennet have the first visit to Catana office?

2. Do you think Lea is a helpful person? How do you know?

3. List some expressions used by Lea in offering helps!

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Let’s Practice More

Task 3 With a partner, imagine that both of you have to offer helps and respond to them. What

will you say? Act it out and you may take turns. The example is given for you.



Welcome to Sukses

Company. Can I help

you with something?

Yes, please. I want to

meet Ms. Qaireen, the

marketing director

………………………… May I take

your coat Ms.


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………………………. I want a cup of

coffee, please.

I’d like to meet

the director.

Should I show

you the way to

the director’s




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Let’s Speak More

Task 4 Make a group of four, look at the situations below then complete the blanks. Share your

answer to the class.

You meet a visitor whom you don’t

know before. What do you say?

You say:………………………….


A visitor wants to meet your director.

Ask her/ him whether she/ he has the

appointment before .

You say:………………………….


Your visitor wants to have a drink.

What do you say?

You say:………………………….


Ask your visitor whether he/ she has a

good flight.

You say:………………………….


A visitor whom you know very well

comes to the office. Try to offer a help.

You say:………………………….


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Task 5 In pairs, make a dialogue based on the given role.

Task 6

It is your first time to meet your guest. Offer a help. The guest would like to

meet the director.

You welcome the guest who had come to the office before. Offer a help. The

guest would like to have a meeting.

You meet the guest who has talked with you by phone. Offer a help.

Student A

Greet the visitor and welcome


Offer a drink

Provide the drink. Ask about

his/her flight.

Give respond.

Student B

Answer the greeting and say

thank you

Responding to an offer

Say thank you. Tell that

everything is alright and then

ask to meet the director.

Tell the visitor that the

director will be available in 5


Make your own dialogue related to handling guest. Later on, find a partner to act

your dialogue out in front of the class. You may look at the situations below to

give you idea.

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You have learned how to welcome the visitors and to offer a help. It means you can handle

visitors well. Fill in the blanks. Here is the summary of handling visitors.

Expressions used to handle visitors

Welcoming visitors

Welcome to Trans Corporation.

Welcome to Jakarta. I’m Shirley.

Good morning, welcome to

Krakatau Steel Industries.

Welcoming someone that you do not


Excuse me. Are you Mr. Yudhie?

You must be Mrs. Bella. Welcome

to Gemilang Company.

Mrs. Diana Safitri? I’m Anna of

Sukses Company.

Offering helps

Can I help you?

Would you like a cup of coffee?

Could I get you something to


What can I do for you?

Responding to an offer

Accepting an offer

Yes, please.

That’s very kind of you.

A light coffee, please.

Yes, I want to meet the director.

Refusing an offer

No, thanks. I’m sorry for the


No, thank you.

No, it’s all right, really.

No, it’s okay. Thanks.


How much do you learn from this unit? Tick (√) what you can do or what you think you

need more practice.

Can-do Checklist Can-do Need



I can welcome visitors

I can handle visitors whom I met at the first time

I can handle visitors whom I know very well

I can give offers to the visitors

I can respond to an offer

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In this unit, you will learn how to:

Receive a telephone call

Make a telephone call

Take messages

Leave messages

Spell names and numbers

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Warming Up

Put a checklist (√) on the right manner when handling a telephone call and answer the

following questions.

1. Who usually answer a phone call in the office?

2. What first do you say when you receive a phone call?

Picture 1: Is it the right manner in Picture 2: Is it the right manner in

handling a telephone call? handling a telephone call?

Source: www.google.com Source: www.google.com

Picture 3: Is it the right manner in Picture 4: Is it the right manner in

handling a telephone call? handling a telephone call?

Source: www.google.com Source: www.google.com

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Task 1

With a partner, study the following dialogue and pay attention to the words in color. After

that, act the dialogue out and answer the following questions.

Secretary : Good morning. Gama Corporation. Can I help you?

Caller : Good morning. May I speak to Mr Fahrur Assegaf, please?

Secretary : Who’s speaking, please?

Caller : This is Apryan Siregar of Horasindo Oil Company.

Secretary : I beg your pardon, Sir. Could you spell your first name, please?

Caller : Alfa-Papa-Romeo-Yankee-Alfa-November. That’s APRYAN.

Secretary : Thank you, Mr Apryan Siregar. Just a moment, please.

Caller : All right.

Secretary : I’m sorry, Sir. Mr Assegaf is in a meeting with the Board now.

Caller : That’s OK! He is the Headboard. Can I leave a message?

Secretary : With pleasure, Sir.

Caller : Please tell him to call me back at 1 p.m. today.

Secretary : Right, Sir. Could I have your phone number, please?

Caller : Sure. +62-817-410-4496. Have you got that?

Secretary : Yes, Sir. +62-817-410-4496. Anything else, Sir?

Caller : Is Mr Rahmat, his assistant, in?

Secretary : I’m sorry, Sir. He is attending a seminar in Ogan Hotel. Could I take

your message, Sir?

Caller : Emm…please tell him that I’ll come to see him at 9 tomorrow morning.

Secretary : Right, Sir. I’ll give your message.

Caller : OK. Thank you for your help. Goodbye.

Secretary : You’re welcome, Sir. Goodbye.

Answer the following questions!

1. When did Mr. Assegaf ask to call the caller back?

2. What is the meassage for Mr. Rahmat?

3. Who is the caller?

Task 2

Complete the balloons about receiving calls below and practice these short conversations

with your friend!


May I speak to the director,


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Task 3

Complete the balloons about leaving and taking a message below and say it up with your


This is Andrew of First Media

Company speaking.


Can I leave a




Yes, please tell

Mr.Edo to call

me back

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You have learned some expressions to receive and make a phone call then to leave and

take a message from the dialogues in the previous tasks. What are they? Study them below

and say it up.

Receiving a phone call

Jaya Abadi Company, Good morning.

Good morning, Berkah Intan Company. Can I help you?

Berkah Intan Company, this is Shirley speaking. Can I help you?

Sumber Makmur Company, Good afternoon. May I help you?

Making a phone call

Introducing yourself

This is Raisa from Cipta Kreasi Company

I’m calling on behalf of Mr. Yudistira

My name is Intan from Sinar Mas

I’m calling from Cipta Kreasi Company

Saying what you want (the purpose of calling)

I would like to speak with Mr. Jefry, please.

I want to confirm about our meeting on Monday.

Could I have the Marketing Department, please?

I’d like to know about our last contract.

Leaving and taking messages

Leaving messages

Can I leave a message?

May I leave a message?

Could you give him/ her a message?

Please tell him/her…..

Please ask him/ her to call me back at….

Taking messages

Can I take a message?

Would you like to leave a message?

Can I pen down your message?

Giving Information

My name is Sharaina Setiawan

My phone number is 021-8296782

I think he/ she has my phone number

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Mr. Bayu would like to talk about the prices of your products

I’m sorry. Mr. Thomas isn’t in today

I’m sorry he/ she is in the meeting right now

I’m sorry he/ she is busy now

I’m sorry he/ she is not in the office right now

I will put you through

Ending a phone call

Thank you. Good bye.

Good bye


I will hang up now, thank you

Task 4

Study the following dialogue!

Secretary : Good morning, PT. Shoes Mas Craving. What can I do for you?

Caller : Good morning, I am Pearl as the secretary of Mr Egi, from PT.

Basic Pillars would like to speak with Mr. Joey as Director of PT.

Shoes Mas Craving.

Secretary : Sorry Mrs. Pearl, Mr. Joey was not in place. He was there on a

business trip to Jakarta. Is there a message to be conveyed to him?

Caller : Ok Mam, Mr. Egi as a director wants to hold a meeting with Mr.

Joey to discuss about cooperation on offshore oil drilling in East

Kalimantan. The meeting will be conducted on Monday, October

10th, 2011 at 10:00 pm located in Mahardika Restaurant Jl. A. Yani

no.10 Jakarta.

Secretary : Well, I will convey the message to Mr. Joe and for further

information, I will call you back. May I know the address and the

telephone number of the PT. Basic Pillars?

Caller : Our office is on Jl. Basuki Rahmat 2 Jakarta and the telephone

number is (031) 5552011

Secretary : I'm sorry Mrs. Pearl, any other?

Caller : No thanks. I am waiting for your information as soon as possible.

Secretary : Ok. I will contact you after the message is followed-up by our


Caller : Thank you, good morning.

Secretary : Good morning

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Task 5

What do you say when you receive a telephone call? Then, what do you say when you

make a telephone call? Complete the blanks below. You may look at the expressions of

handling a telephone call in Task 3 to help you!

1. You work in Paradiso Company. You receive a phone call at 9.00 a.m.

You say: Good morning. This is Paradiso Company, can I help you?

2. You work in Sejahtera Company. You receive a phone call at 4.00 p.m.

You say: ....................................................................................................................

3. You receive a phone call. Offer the caller to leave a message.

You say: ....................................................................................................................

4. You make a phone call. Introduce yourself and tell the receiver that you are from

Dana Company.

You say: ....................................................................................................................

5. You make a phone call. Tell the receiver that you want to speak to the director.

You say: ....................................................................................................................

6. You make a phone call. Tell the receiver that you want to confirm the meeting


You say: ....................................................................................................................

7. You make a phone call and you want to leave a message.

You say: ....................................................................................................................

8. You tell the receiver that your phone number is 021-59492730

You say: ....................................................................................................................

9. You tell the receiver that your director is not in the office right now.

You say: ....................................................................................................................

10. You end the call politely.

You say: ....................................................................................................................

Task 6

Repeat after your teacher in spelling names and numbers below. Later on, practice it with

your friend.

My name is Shirley, S-H-I-R-L-E-Y,

/es/ / eɪtʃ/ /ai/ /ar/ /el/ /i:/


And my phone number is 027

8865 4111

/ou/ /tu:/ /sevᵊn/ /dᶺbl eit/ /six/

/faiv/ /fᴐ:r/ /trᶦpl wᶺn/

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Let’s play a game. Pay attention on the instruction below.

You will be divided into two groups. Make a line facing the board. Your teacher will

whisper a phrase to you related to handling telephone call. You should whisper the phrase

to your friend in front of you. The last whispered student then looks for a card containing a

sentence related to the phrase and speak out the sentence in front of the class. The first and

the correct one will get 10 points. Next, the last whispered student should come backward

to the line so that all of you can take turns.

Figure 1: Note for the Teacher

I am Nicholas, N-I-C-H-O-L-A-S

/en/ /aᶦ/ /si:/ /eɪtʃ/ /ou/ /el/ /eɪ/


My office phone number is 027

876 2266

/ou/ /tu:/ /sevən//eɪt/ /sevən/ /sɪks/ /dʌbl tu:/ /dʌbl sɪks/

Provide two boxes containing sentences in cards. The sentences will be

about the expressions in handling telephone call e.g.

“Good morning, Parker industries. Can I help you; I’m afraid Mr. John

is not in today”. etc.

Whisper a phrase to your students that related to the sentence e.g.

Receiving a phone call; asking for names; asking for phone numbers;


The group which whisper loudly then will be disqualified and the

additional 10 points will be given to another group.

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Make a whole dialogue with the given flow chart below. Remember to follow the arrow.

Next, practice it with your partner. You may take turns.

Caller Receiver

Receive a call by greeting and telling


Introduce yourself

Ask to speak to Mr. Dion

Say that Mr. Dion is not in

Ask when you can contact Mr. Dion

Tell Mr. Dion will not be available in

several days

Offer to pen down a message


You want Mr. Dion to call you

Say you will deliver the message

Ask the phone number

Give the phone number

Confirm the message and the information

Say that the information is correct

Say thank you and end the call

Respond and end the call

Task 9

Make a dialogue based on one of the following telephone messages. Present your dialogue

to the whole class.

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Figure 2: Guideline for

Telephone Message Figure 2: Guideline for

Telephone Message

Figure 3: Guideline for

Telephone Message

Figure 4: Guideline for

Telephone Message

Telephone Message

For : Marketing Department

Time of Call : 08.20 a.m

Caller : Mr. Adrian

Company : Bantex Indonesia

Phone number: 59492730

Message : Please call back as soon as

possible to talk about the prices of the


Telephone Message

For : Mr. Thomas

Time of Call : 09.30 a.m

Caller : Ms. Maureen

Company : Cipta Kreasi

Phone number: 8296782

Message : Please have a meeting at

Cipta Kreasi Company on Monday at 08.00


Telephone Message

For : Ms. Shirley

Time of Call : 10.00 a.m

Caller : Mr. Rian

Company : Surya Kencana

Phone number: 46777498

Message : Meeting at Surya Kencana

Company will be reschedule to a week ahead

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Task 10

Let’s have a simulation. Ask your teacher to guide you by using telephone. Find a partner

and choose one of the cards below!

Task 11

Card 1: Guideline for Simulation

Card 2: Guideline for Simulation

Your name is Raisa. You work in Sinar Mas

Company as a secretary. Your director’s name is

Mr. Samuel. You are asked to call Mr. Bambang

Wijaya director of BERKAH INTAN Company

to invite him to a meeting about the planning of

New Crystal Hotel Building Project that will be

held on Thursday, 10 December 2017 at 09.00

a.m in Meeting room – Ratu Hotel Serang.

You are Isyana, a secretary of SUMBER

MAKMUR, Company, you receive a call from

Mrs. Ananda from JAYA ABADI She wants to

talk to your director (Mr.Ari Setiawan) , but

because your director is meeting with client right

now so she leaves a message that asking your

director to call her back after he finish his meeting.

Her phone number is (021) 5470209.

Make your own dialogue related to handling a telephone call. Report your own dialogue in front of the class with your partner by acting it out. Ask another friend to take a video while you perform your report. This will help you to evaluate your mistakes if any.

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Think of the conversation will be if you choose one of the cards. You may take a


You cannot speak in the telephone near your friend. Make sure that you only listen

to your friend’s voice by the telephone.

You also cannot look at your friend’s note.

In this unit, you have learned some expressions in handling telephone call. To recall your

memory, study the following explanation.

Receiving a Phone Call



Making a Phone Call

Introducing yourself



Saying what you want


……………………………….., please?

Leaving and Taking Messages



Taking Messages



Giving Information



Ending a Phone Call



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How much do you learn from this unit? Tick (√) what you can do or what you think you

need more practice.

Can-do Checklist Can-do Need



I can receive a phone call using the right expressions

I can introduce myself when making a phone call

I can offer the caller to take a message in a phone call

I can leave a message in a phone call

I can end the phone politely

Tips for you

Always take the telephone before it rings 3 times.

Pick up the telephone with your left hand. Use

your right hand to hold a pen.

Use your smiling voice when telephoning. It means you have a nice voice because you speak friendly and pleasant.

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In this unit, you will learn how to:

Open a presentation

Deliver the main topic

Organize the subtopics in a presentation

Sum up a presentation

End a presentation and offer audiences to ask


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Warming Up

Look at the picture below. Discuss with your friends the characteristics of a good

presentation. Make a list in your note and let other groups know it. The words in the boxes

may give you ideas.

Task 1

Take the scrambled phrases in the right box. Compare your answer with your friend by

saying it up.

A Clear Introduction A Good Ending

Media Content

Appearance Clear Explanations

Good morning, everyone This is the end of the presentation First,…


Let me start by,…. The topic is about….

In conclusion,…. Second,…. Let me show you….

The presentation ends here Any questions so far?

Today’s topic is…. To sum up,…. In summary,….

Do you have any questions? Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen

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Figure 5: Boxes of Presentation Classification

Task 2 Imagine that you have to deliver a presentation today. Say your opening of a presentation

by choosing one of the topics below.

Figure 6: Choice of Topics for Opening the Presentation


Good morning









Today’s topic










Sub Topics









……………… Summarizing

To sum up,….










ends here.






Do you have any










The result of

the product

sale in July

The report of

the business


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Task 3

Practice to organize the talk of these following subtopics in cards. You may choose one.

Card 3: Choice of Topics to

Organize Talk in Presentation

Card 4: Choice of Topics to

Organize Talk in Presentation

Card 5: Choice of Topics to Organize Talk in Presentation

Task 4 Now, it’s your turn to practice how to end a presentation. Say the given summary below

and add the expressions of ending a presentation and offering questions.

Figure 7: Guideline for Ending Presentation


You have learned some phrases to have a good presentation. Here are the complete phrases

that you may use to deliver your presentation later on. Say it up!

Greeting Good morning/ afternoon/ evening Ladies and gentlemen. Good morning/ afternoon/ evening everyone/ everybody. Ladies and gentlemen. Stating the Topic I plan to say a few words about….

The result of the new product


The obstacle in selling the


The next plan in improving

the sale.

The description of the

business trip.

The result of the meeting

during the business trip.

The next plan of business trip

in Singapore.

The description of the new


The special features of the

new product.

The advertising campaign of

the new product.

In conclusion, our product presentation in the Grand Hotel went well. We were able

to meet all their needs and they were happy with our new product price.

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I’m going to talk about…. The subject of my talk is…. The theme of my presentation is…. I’d like to give you an overview of…. Sequencing the Talk I’ve divided my talk into three parts. My talk will be in three parts. I’m going to divide…. First,…. Second,…. Third,…. In the first part,… Then, in the second part,… Then,… After that,…. Next,…. Finally,…. Delivering Main Points

Let me start by….

First, let me tell you about…. Alright, let me begin by…. Now, it’s time to…. Let us show you…. Please take a look at…. Let’s move on to the next topic. Summarizing To sum up,…. To conclude,…. In conclusion,…. Ending the Presentation

It brings me to the end of my presentation today. Thank you for your attention.

That is the end of my presentation today. Thank you very much.

That is all for my presentation. Thank you for your nice attention.

Offering Questions Have you got the questions? Any questions? Please feel free to ask My presentation ends here. Any questions so far?

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Let’s Practice More Task 6

In pairs, what do you say about these following lists below? Share your answers to the

class. Number one has been done for you.

1. Greet your audience

Good afternoon everyone. I’m glad to be here today.

2. Introduce yourself

3. Give your presentation a title

4. Sequence your talk

5. Explain that the audience can interrupt you with questions

6. Say that you will show a video later on

7. Say that now you are showing the video

8. Say that you will conclude your presentation

9. End your presentation

10. Offer the audience to ask questions

Let’s Speak more Task 7

Make a short introduction based on the card below. Compare your answer to your friend

next to you.

Card 6: Guideline for Short Introduction

Task 8

Let’s observe your friends. Complete the table below by asking about how they end the

presentation and open a question-answer session based on their own style.

Table 1: Students’ Interview Data

No Friend’s Name How to end the presentation How to open a question- answer

session 1 2 3 4

Name : “Use your name” Position : Marketing staff of Sukses Bersama company Topic : New product Pixma Printer Subtopics The quality of Pixma Printer The price for Pixma Printer & the discount A demo using Pixma Printer

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5 6 7 8 9 ….

Task 9

Make a full presentation by your own topic. If you get confused, you may use these

following topics.

Company service The project result

Company product Life style

The new package in tourism Handling telephone

The result of the meeting Using office equipment

Tips for you

Know your audience

Pay attention on demographics, purpose, interests, commonality and individuality.

Present yourself

Pay attention on your dress, posture, voice, gesture, body language, confidence and


Present to your audience

Pay attention on positive, polite, interesting and innovative.

Present your material

Pay attention on your organization, clarity, visuals, language and volume.


Make sure that you use a simple and clear language.

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In this unit you have learned how to deliver a good presentation. To recall your memory,

here are the list of useful phrases in a presentation and the common used structure.

Greeting …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………….

Summarizing ……………………………………………….. ………………………………………………... ………………………………………………..

Stating the topic …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………….

Ending the presentation ……………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Sequencing the talk …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………

Offering questions …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Delivering main points …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………

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How much do you learn from this unit? Tick (√) what you can do or what you think you

need more practice.

Can-do Checklist Can-do Need



I can greet audience in a presentation

I can introduce myself in a presentation

I can deliver the topic in a presentation

I can organize my talk using the right phrases

I know the right phrases to deliver every points in the main

part of a presentation

I can sum up my presentation

I can end a presentation politely

I can offer someone to ask question at the end of my


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In this unit, you will learn how to:

Welcome visitors in the office

Offer helps to the visitors

Respond to the offers

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Look at the picture about a secretary with the guest in the office below. What do you think

of they are saying? Complete the free space in the picture.

Picture: http://www.officewelcome.com



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Let’s Study

Task 1 Study the following expressions. Pay attention to the highlighted words then say the

expressions up.

Welcoming visitors

Welcome to Trans Corporation.

Welcome to Jakarta. I’m Shirley.

Good morning, welcome to

Krakatau Steel Industries.

Welcoming someone that you do not


Excuse me. Are you Mr. Yudhie?

You must be Mrs. Bella. Welcome

to Gemilang Company.

Mrs. Diana Safitri? I’m Anna of

Sukses Company.

Offering helps

Can I help you?

Would you like a cup of coffee?

Could I get you something to


What can I do for you?

Responding to an offer

Accepting an offer

Yes, please.

That’s very kind of you.

A light coffee, please.

Yes, I want to meet the director.

Refusing an offer

No, thanks. I’m sorry for the


No, thank you.

No, it’s all right, really.

No, it’s okay. Thanks.

Did you know….

That handling visitor becomes the face of the

office itself?

It means that you have to welcome the visitors

with smiles and good attitudes.

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Task 2 With a partner, study the following dialogue and pay attention to the highlighted words.

After that, act the dialogue out and answer the following questions.

Lea : Good morning. Are you Ms. Bennet? Do come in. Welcome to Catana.

It’s nice to see you.

Ms. Bennet : And you. I have been very much looking forward to this visit.

Lea : So have we. May I take your coat?

Ms. Bennet : Certainly. Here you are.

Lea : Please have a seat, and make yourself comfortable. I’m sorry for the

inconvenience. I’ll tell Mr. Jenson you are here. Would you like

something do drink?

Ms. Bennet : Yes. I wouldn’t mind a hot drink, if at all possible.

Lea : Of course. We have tea, coffee and hot chocolate. What would you


Ms. Bennet : Coffee would be great. Thank you.

Lea : How would you like your coffee?

Ms. Bennet : A drop of milk and one sugar, please.

Lea : Here you are. Please help yourself with the cookies.

Ms. Bennet : They look delicious. Thank you.

Lea : You’re welcome. Do you have another favor Ms. Bennet?

Ms. Bennet : Oh no, thanks. You are very kind.

Lea : So, did you have any trouble finding the way?

Ms. Bennet : No, the directions you sent me were very clear, and there was hardly any

traffic on the road.

Lea : Excellent. Well, I think that is Mr Jenson coming now. I’ll leave you in

his good hands.

Ms. Bennet : Splendid, thank you very much.

Adapted from: http://www.youtube.com/anglosection

Answer the following questions!

1. Did Ms. Bennet have the first visit to Catana office?

2. Do you think Lea is a helpful person? How do you know?

3. List some expressions used by Lea in offering helps!

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Let’s Practice More

Task 3 With a partner, imagine that both of you have to offer helps and respond to them. What

will you say? Act it out and you may take turns. The example is given for you.



Welcome to Sukses

Company. Can I help

you with something?

Yes, please. I want to

meet Ms. Qaireen, the

marketing director

………………………… May I take

your coat Ms.


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………………………. I want a cup of

coffee, please.

I’d like to meet

the director.

Should I show

you the way to

the director’s




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Let’s Speak More

Task 4 Make a group of four, look at the situations below then complete the blanks. Share your

answer to the class.

You meet a visitor whom you don’t

know before. What do you say?

You say:………………………….


A visitor wants to meet your director.

Ask her/ him whether she/ he has the

appointment before .

You say:………………………….


Your visitor wants to have a drink.

What do you say?

You say:………………………….


Ask your visitor whether he/ she has a

good flight.

You say:………………………….


A visitor whom you know very well

comes to the office. Try to offer a help.

You say:………………………….


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ESP Speaking Materials for the Tenth Grade of Office Administration Program 199

Task 5 In pairs, make a dialogue based on the given role.

Figure 8: Guideline for Students (Making Dialogue)

Task 6

Figure 9: Instruction for Students

It is your first time to meet your guest. Offer a help. The guest would like to

meet the director.

You welcome the guest who had come to the office before. Offer a help. The

guest would like to have a meeting.

You meet the guest who has talked with you by phone. Offer a help.

Student A

Greet the visitor and welcome


Offer a drink

Provide the drink. Ask about

his/her flight.

Give respond.

Student B

Respond to the greeting and

say thank you.

Respond to the offer

Say thank you. Tell that

everything is alright and then

ask to meet the director.

Tell the visitor that the

director will be available in 5


Make your own dialogue related to handling guest. Later on, in pairs, act your

dialogue out in front of the class. You may look at the situations below to give

you idea.

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ESP Speaking Materials for the Tenth Grade of Office Administration Program 200

You have learned how to welcome the visitors and to offer a help. It means you can handle

visitors well. Fill in the blanks. Let’s see whether you still remember the lesson or not.

Expressions used to handle visitors

Welcoming visitors

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Welcoming someone that you do not know

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Offering helps

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Responding to an offer

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


How much do you learn from this unit? Tick (√) what you can do or what you think you

need more practice.

Can-do Checklist Can-do Need



I can welcome visitors

I can handle visitors whom I met at the first time

I can handle visitors whom I know very well

I can give offers to the visitors

I can respond to an offer

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Nama : Dra. Sri Meladia, M.Hum.

Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir : Blitar, 18 Juni 1968

Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan

Status Perkawinan : Kawin

Agama : Islam

Alamat : Griya Parung Panjang Blok D2/H1-2 rt.03/04 Ds. Kabasiran Kec.Parung Panjang Kab. Bogor 16360

Nomor HP : 0812 9937 8738 Alamat e-mail : [email protected]


Tahun .s.d.. Jenjang Nama Institusi Jurusan/Bidang


2008 - 2010 S2 Universitas Indonesia Ilmu Perpustakaan

1987 - 1992 S1 Universitas Negeri

Malang Pendidikan Dunia

Usaha, Program


Perkantoran 1984 - 1987 SMA SMAN 2 BLITAR Ilmu Pengetahuan

Sosial 1981 - 1984 SMP SMPN 6 BLITAR -

1980 SMP Sekolah Kesejahteraan

Keluarga Pertama

(SKKP) Blitar, Jawa Timur


1974 - 1980 SD SDN 2 PAKUNDEN Blitar, Jawa Timur



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Jabatan Institusi Tahun ….s.d…

Kepala Program



SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK - Tangerang 2011-sekarang

Kepala Perpustakaan SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK - Tangerang 2012-2015

Kepala Perpustakaan STIE Kasih Bangsa – Kebon Jeruk 2011-2013

Wakasek Kurikulum SMK YASTRIF, Parung Panjang -



Kepala Program



SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK 2001-2007


Nama Institusi Tahun .s.d..

SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK – Kab. Tangerang 1998-sekarang

SMKN 1 Tangerang Selatan 2015-2016

SMK YASTRIF, Parung Panjang - Bogor 1998-2006

SMPN 1 Parung Panjang - Bogor 1995-2000

SMPN 2 Parung Panjang - Bogor 1996-2000

YP Karya - Cipondoh 1992-1994

Akademi Sekretari dan Manajemen – LEPISI 2015-2017

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Nama : Widya Utamidhewi, M.Pd.

Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir : Bogor, 21 Oktober 1991

Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan

Status Perkawinan : Belum Kawin

Agama : Islam

Alamat : Jl. Sudamanik No. 27 rt.001/005

Ds. Lumpang Kec. Parung Panjang

Kab. Bogor 16360

Nomor HP : 0812 9664 0898


Tahun .s.d.. Jenjang Nama Institusi Jurusan/Bidang Studi

2015-2017 S2 Universitas

Muhammadiyah Prof.

Dr. Hamka


Magister Pendidikan

Bahasa Inggris

2009-2013 S1 Universitas

Muhammadiyah Prof.

Dr. Hamka


Pendidikan Bahasa


2006-2009 SMA SMAN 17 Kab.


Ilmu Pengetahuan


2004-2006 SMP SMPN 1 Parung

Panjang - Bogor


1997-2003 SD SDN LUMPANG -


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Jabatan Institusi Tahun



Ekstrakurikuler English


SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK - Tangerang 2015-sekarang

Wakasek Kurikulum SMK Gapura, Parung Panjang – Bogor 2016-sekarang


Nama Institusi Tahun ..s.d..

SMK PGRI 31 LEGOK – Kab. Tangerang 2012-sekarang

SMK Gapura, Parung Panjang – Bogor 2015-sekarang

STAI Nida El-Adabi, Parung Panjang - Bogor 2016-sekarang

MTS Al-Makmur, Parung Panjang - Bogor 2014-2016

SMPN 53 Condet – Jakarta 2012

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(Expert Judgments)

Angket ini dimaksudkan untuk mengevaluasi materi pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk

siswa SMK kelas X jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran.

A. Data Responden

1. Nama : Widya Utamidhewi, M.Pd.

2. Usia : 27 Tahun

3. Jenis Kelamin : ( ) L / (√ ) P

4. Pendidikan : ( ) D3 ( ) S1 (√ ) S2 ( ) S3

5. Lama Mengajar : 5 tahun

B. Evaluasi Materi

Petunjuk Pengisian

Berilah tanda centang (√) pada salah satu kolom jawaban yang sesuai dengan pendapat



SS : Sangat Setuju (5)

S : Setuju (4)

N : Netral (3)

TS : Tidak Setuju (2)

STS : Sangat Tidak Setuju (1)

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Tujuan Penulisan Buku Teks

1 A1 Materi yang disusun sesuai

dengan tujuan pembelajaran

yang tercantum dalam Course


2 A2 Materi yang disusun sesuai

dengan tingkat kemampuan

Bahasa Inggris siswa kelas X


3 A3 Materi yang disusun

memberikan pengetahuan

berbahasa terkait dunia kerja

pada peserta didik.

Input Teks

4 B1 Input teks menggunakan bahasa

yang mudah diterima oleh


5 B2 Input teks bervariasi dan

berhubungan dengan dunia

kerja yang akan dihadapi

peserta didik

6 B3 Input teks sesuai dengan level

peserta didik

7 B4 Input teks yang digunakan

dapat meningkatkan minat

peserta dalam belajar

8 B5 Input teks yang digunakan

dapat mengembangkan

kemampuan peserta didik

dalam berkomunikasi Bahasa


Kosa Kata dan Struktur Bahasa

9 C1 Materi yang disusun

memperluas pengetahuan siswa

tentang kosa kata/vocabularies

dalam bidang Administrasi


10 C2 Pemilihan kosa kata/diksi

dalam materi sudah tepat dan

sesuai dengan bidang

Administrasi Perkantoran

11 C3 Materi yang disusun

memperluas pengetahuan siswa

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Kemampuan Berbahasa

12 D1 Materi yang disusun dapat

mengembangkan keterampilan

siswa dalam kegiatan berbicara/


Latihan / Task

13 E1 Tasks dalam materi dapat

meningkatkan ketertarikan

peserta didik untuk belajar

Bahasa Inggris.

14 E2 Tasks dalam materi bervariasi √

15 E3 Tasks dalam materi mencakup

semua aspek bahasa yang ada

pada course grid

16 E4 Tasks dalam materi

mengembangkan pemahaman

(comprehension) siswa terkait

dengan input teks yang


17 E5 Tasks dalam materi

menyediakan ruang bagi siswa

untuk meninjau kembali apa

yang sudah mereka pelajari

18 E6 Tasks dalam materi disajikan

dari yang paling mudah ke

yang paling sulit.

Organisasi Buku

19 F1 Materi yang didesain telah

tersusun dengan baik dan runtut

sesuai tujuan.

20 F2 Perintah/instruksi pada setiap

Task sudah jelas bagi pengajar

maupun peserta didik.

21 F3 Runtutan materi secara

keseluruhan tersusun dengan

baik dan mudah dipahami.

Tampilan Buku

22 G1 Sampul buku menarik dan


23 G2 Layout (pola susun) materi

menarik bagi pengajar maupun

peserta didik.

24 G3 Pemilihan jenis huruf menarik

dan ukuran huruf sudah sesuai

sehingga tampilan huruf jelas

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25 G4 Ilustrasi gambar yang

digunakan jelas dan tidak

membingungkan siswa maupun

pengajar serta mendukung

input teks.

Sources: Developed from BSNP (2014), Brown (2001), Nunan (2004), Hutchinson and

Waters (1987), Tomlinson (1998) and Celce-Murcia (2001).

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Mengacu pada hasil penilaian yang telah diberikan, materi berbicara Bahasa Inggris untuk

siswa kelas X Jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran pada Unit 1 dengan judul “This is Shirley

Speaking” dinyatakan

( ) Tidak layak

( ) Layak tanpa revisi

( √ ) Layak dengan revisi sebagai berikut

Pada Task 8, ubah pernyataan pada kalimat “Please have a meeting at Baron

company on Monday 08.00 a.m” menjadi “Please have a meeting at Baron company

on Monday at 08.00 a.m.”. Kemudian, pada bagian Summary akan lebih baik jika

gagasan ringkasan di ubah menjadi tugas untuk mengingat ingatan siswa daripada

memberi mereka resume dari keseluruhan unit.

*berilah tanda centang ( √ ) pada pilihan yang sesuai pendapat Ibu.

Tangerang, ...................................

Evaluator materi,

Widya Utami Dhewi, M.Pd.

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Tujuan Penulisan Buku Teks

1 A1 Materi yang disusun sesuai

dengan tujuan pembelajaran

yang tercantum dalam Course


2 A2 Materi yang disusun sesuai

dengan tingkat kemampuan

Bahasa Inggris siswa kelas X


3 A3 Materi yang disusun

memberikan pengetahuan

berbahasa terkait dunia kerja

pada peserta didik.

Input Teks

4 B1 Input teks menggunakan bahasa

yang mudah diterima oleh


5 B2 Input teks bervariasi dan

berhubungan dengan dunia

kerja yang akan dihadapi

peserta didik

6 B3 Input teks sesuai dengan level

peserta didik

7 B4 Input teks yang digunakan

dapat meningkatkan minat

peserta dalam belajar

8 B5 Input teks yang digunakan

dapat mengembangkan

kemampuan peserta didik

dalam berkomunikasi Bahasa


Kosa Kata dan Struktur Bahasa

9 C1 Materi yang disusun

memperluas pengetahuan siswa

tentang kosa kata/vocabularies

dalam bidang Administrasi


10 C2 Pemilihan kosa kata/diksi

dalam materi sudah tepat dan

sesuai dengan bidang

Administrasi Perkantoran

11 C3 Materi yang disusun

memperluas pengetahuan siswa

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Kemampuan Berbahasa

12 D1 Materi yang disusun dapat

mengembangkan keterampilan

siswa dalam kegiatan berbicara/


Latihan / Task

13 E1 Tasks dalam materi dapat

meningkatkan ketertarikan

peserta didik untuk belajar

Bahasa Inggris.

14 E2 Tasks dalam materi bervariasi √

15 E3 Tasks dalam materi mencakup

semua aspek bahasa yang ada

pada course grid

16 E4 Tasks dalam materi

mengembangkan pemahaman

(comprehension) siswa terkait

dengan input teks yang


17 E5 Tasks dalam materi

menyediakan ruang bagi siswa

untuk meninjau kembali apa

yang sudah mereka pelajari

18 E6 Tasks dalam materi disajikan

dari yang paling mudah ke

yang paling sulit.

Organisasi Buku

19 F1 Materi yang didesain telah

tersusun dengan baik dan runtut

sesuai tujuan.

20 F2 Perintah/instruksi pada setiap

Task sudah jelas bagi pengajar

maupun peserta didik.

21 F3 Runtutan materi secara

keseluruhan tersusun dengan

baik dan mudah dipahami.

Tampilan Buku

22 G1 Sampul buku menarik dan


23 G2 Layout (pola susun) materi

menarik bagi pengajar maupun

peserta didik.

24 G3 Pemilihan jenis huruf menarik

dan ukuran huruf sudah sesuai

sehingga tampilan huruf jelas

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25 G4 Ilustrasi gambar yang

digunakan jelas dan tidak

membingungkan siswa maupun

pengajar serta mendukung

input teks.

Sources: Developed from BSNP (2014), Brown (2001), Nunan (2004), Hutchinson and

Waters (1987), Tomlinson (1998) and Celce-Murcia (2001).

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Mengacu pada hasil penilaian yang telah diberikan, materi berbicara Bahasa Inggris untuk

siswa kelas X Jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran pada Unit 2 dengan judul “Good Morning,

Ladies and Gentlemen” dinyatakan

( ) Tidak layak

( ) Layak tanpa revisi

( √ ) Layak dengan revisi sebagai berikut

Pada bagian Title tambahkan tanda koma (,) setelah kata Good morning, sehingga

judul menjadi “Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen”. Kemudian, pada Task 8

ubah kata “interview” pada kalimat Let„s interview your friends. ... menjadi

“observe”. Dan pada bagian Summary idenya sama dengan ringkasan di unit satu

yang membuat aktivitas menjadi tugas.

*berilah tanda centang ( √ ) pada pilihan yang sesuai pendapat Ibu.

Tangerang, ...................................

Evaluator materi,

Widya Utami Dhewi, M.Pd.

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Tujuan Penulisan Buku Teks

1 A1 Materi yang disusun sesuai

dengan tujuan pembelajaran

yang tercantum dalam Course


2 A2 Materi yang disusun sesuai

dengan tingkat kemampuan

Bahasa Inggris siswa kelas X


3 A3 Materi yang disusun

memberikan pengetahuan

berbahasa terkait dunia kerja

pada peserta didik.

Input Teks

4 B1 Input teks menggunakan bahasa

yang mudah diterima oleh


5 B2 Input teks bervariasi dan

berhubungan dengan dunia

kerja yang akan dihadapi

peserta didik

6 B3 Input teks sesuai dengan level

peserta didik

7 B4 Input teks yang digunakan

dapat meningkatkan minat

peserta dalam belajar

8 B5 Input teks yang digunakan

dapat mengembangkan

kemampuan peserta didik

dalam berkomunikasi Bahasa


Kosa Kata dan Struktur Bahasa

9 C1 Materi yang disusun

memperluas pengetahuan siswa

tentang kosa kata/vocabularies

dalam bidang Administrasi


10 C2 Pemilihan kosa kata/diksi

dalam materi sudah tepat dan

sesuai dengan bidang

Administrasi Perkantoran

11 C3 Materi yang disusun

memperluas pengetahuan siswa

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Kemampuan Berbahasa

12 D1 Materi yang disusun dapat

mengembangkan keterampilan

siswa dalam kegiatan berbicara/


Latihan / Task

13 E1 Tasks dalam materi dapat

meningkatkan ketertarikan

peserta didik untuk belajar

Bahasa Inggris.

14 E2 Tasks dalam materi bervariasi √

15 E3 Tasks dalam materi mencakup

semua aspek bahasa yang ada

pada course grid

16 E4 Tasks dalam materi

mengembangkan pemahaman

(comprehension) siswa terkait

dengan input teks yang


17 E5 Tasks dalam materi

menyediakan ruang bagi siswa

untuk meninjau kembali apa

yang sudah mereka pelajari

18 E6 Tasks dalam materi disajikan

dari yang paling mudah ke

yang paling sulit.

Organisasi Buku

19 F1 Materi yang didesain telah

tersusun dengan baik dan runtut

sesuai tujuan.

20 F2 Perintah/instruksi pada setiap

Task sudah jelas bagi pengajar

maupun peserta didik.

21 F3 Runtutan materi secara

keseluruhan tersusun dengan

baik dan mudah dipahami.

Tampilan Buku

22 G1 Sampul buku menarik dan


23 G2 Layout (pola susun) materi

menarik bagi pengajar maupun

peserta didik.

24 G3 Pemilihan jenis huruf menarik

dan ukuran huruf sudah sesuai

sehingga tampilan huruf jelas

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25 G4 Ilustrasi gambar yang

digunakan jelas dan tidak

membingungkan siswa maupun

pengajar serta mendukung

input teks.

Sources: Developed from BSNP (2014), Brown (2001), Nunan (2004), Hutchinson and

Waters (1987), Tomlinson (1998) and Celce-Murcia (2001).

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Mengacu pada hasil penilaian yang telah diberikan, materi berbicara Bahasa Inggris untuk

siswa kelas X Jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran pada Unit 3 dengan judul “Welcome to

Sukses Company” dinyatakan

( ) Tidak layak

( ) Layak tanpa revisi

( √ ) Layak dengan revisi sebagai berikut

Pada bagian Warm-Up, hapus kata “what” pada instruksi “What do you think of

what they are saying?” selanjutnya pada Task 1 dan Task 2 ganti penggunaan kata

“the words in color” pada instruksi menjadi “the highlighted words”. Kemudian

pada Task 5 ubah kalimat “Answer the greeting and say thank you” menjadi

“Respond to the greeting and say thank you” dan kalimat “Responding to an offer”

menjadi “Respond to the offer”. Pada Task 6 ubah instruksi “...Later on, find a

partner to act your dialogue out in front of the class. ...” menjadi “... Later on, in

pairs, act your dialogue out in front of the class....”. Dan terakhir pada bagian

Summary gagasan ringkasan di ubah menjadi tugas untuk merangsang daya ingat

siswa daripada memberi mereka resume dari keseluruhan unit.

*berilah tanda centang ( √ ) pada pilihan yang sesuai pendapat Ibu.

Tangerang, ...................................

Evaluator materi,

Widya Utami Dhewi, M.Pd.

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C. Tanggapan Umum Terhadap Materi

Interview Protocol : Expert Judgment

Time of Interview : Monday, 13.00 p.m

Date : September 18th 2017

Place : Ruang Guru

Interviewer : Researcher (TIE)

Interviewee : Widya Utami Dhewi, M.Pd. (WUD)

Position of Interviewee : Guru ESP

Ibu Guru ESP yang terhormat, pertama- tama peneliti mengucapkan terima kasih atas

kesediaannya untuk menjawab pertanyaan di bawah ini. Ini akan digunakan untuk

mengetahui kebutuhan siswa dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris serta mengembangkan

materi ESP yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa program Administrasi Perkantoran.

Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan jelas dan ringkas.

TIE : Apa pendapat Anda tentang materi Bahasa Inggris untuk Administrasi

Perkantoran yang telah dikembangkan sesuai dari hasil analisa kebutuhan

siswa program Administrasi Perkantoran?

WUD : Pendapat saya mengenai materi yang telah dikembangkan sesuai dengan

analisa kebutuhan siswa program Administrasi Perkantoran sangat

memuaskan. Materinya sesuai dengan bidang Administrasi Perkantoran

dengan penyampaian bahasa yang mudah dimengerti. Jenis latihan sesuai

untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris siswa sesuai

dengan bidang Administrasi Perkantoran. Selain itu, tampilan modul yang

berwarna dan bergambar juga dapat membuat siswa tertarik.

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(Expert Judgments)

Angket ini dimaksudkan untuk mengevaluasi materi pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk

siswa SMK kelas X jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran.

A. Data Responden

1. Nama : Dra. Sri Meladia, M.Hum.

2. Usia : 47 Tahun

3. Jenis Kelamin : ( ) L / (√ ) P

4. Pendidikan : ( ) D3 ( ) S1 (√ ) S2 ( ) S3

5. Lama Mengajar : 19 tahun

B. Evaluasi Materi

Petunjuk Pengisian

Berilah tanda centang (√) pada salah satu kolom jawaban yang sesuai dengan pendapat



SS : Sangat Setuju (5)

S : Setuju (4)

N : Netral (3)

TS : Tidak Setuju (2)

STS : Sangat Tidak Setuju (1)

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Tujuan Penulisan Buku Teks

1 A1 Materi yang disusun sesuai

dengan tujuan pembelajaran

yang tercantum dalam Course


2 A2 Materi yang disusun sesuai

dengan tingkat kemampuan

Bahasa Inggris siswa kelas X


3 A3 Materi yang disusun

memberikan pengetahuan

berbahasa terkait dunia kerja

pada peserta didik.

Input Teks

4 B1 Input teks menggunakan bahasa

yang mudah diterima oleh


5 B2 Input teks bervariasi dan

berhubungan dengan dunia

kerja yang akan dihadapi

peserta didik

6 B3 Input teks sesuai dengan level

peserta didik

7 B4 Input teks yang digunakan

dapat meningkatkan minat

peserta dalam belajar

8 B5 Input teks yang digunakan

dapat mengembangkan

kemampuan peserta didik

dalam berkomunikasi Bahasa


Kosa Kata dan Struktur Bahasa

9 C1 Materi yang disusun

memperluas pengetahuan siswa

tentang kosa kata/vocabularies

dalam bidang Administrasi


10 C2 Pemilihan kosa kata/diksi

dalam materi sudah tepat dan

sesuai dengan bidang

Administrasi Perkantoran

11 C3 Materi yang disusun

memperluas pengetahuan siswa

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Kemampuan Berbahasa

12 D1 Materi yang disusun dapat

mengembangkan keterampilan

siswa dalam kegiatan berbicara/


Latihan / Task

13 E1 Tasks dalam materi dapat

meningkatkan ketertarikan

peserta didik untuk belajar

Bahasa Inggris.

14 E2 Tasks dalam materi bervariasi √

15 E3 Tasks dalam materi mencakup

semua aspek bahasa yang ada

pada course grid

16 E4 Tasks dalam materi

mengembangkan pemahaman

(comprehension) siswa terkait

dengan input teks yang


17 E5 Tasks dalam materi

menyediakan ruang bagi siswa

untuk meninjau kembali apa

yang sudah mereka pelajari

18 E6 Tasks dalam materi disajikan

dari yang paling mudah ke

yang paling sulit.

Organisasi Buku

19 F1 Materi yang didesain telah

tersusun dengan baik dan runtut

sesuai tujuan.

20 F2 Perintah/instruksi pada setiap

Task sudah jelas bagi pengajar

maupun peserta didik.

21 F3 Runtutan materi secara

keseluruhan tersusun dengan

baik dan mudah dipahami.

Tampilan Buku

22 G1 Sampul buku menarik dan


23 G2 Layout (pola susun) materi

menarik bagi pengajar maupun

peserta didik.

24 G3 Pemilihan jenis huruf menarik

dan ukuran huruf sudah sesuai

sehingga tampilan huruf jelas

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25 G4 Ilustrasi gambar yang

digunakan jelas dan tidak

membingungkan siswa maupun

pengajar serta mendukung

input teks.

Sources: Developed from BSNP (2014), Brown (2001), Nunan (2004), Hutchinson and

Waters (1987), Tomlinson (1998) and Celce-Murcia (2001).

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Mengacu pada hasil penilaian yang telah diberikan, materi berbicara Bahasa Inggris untuk

siswa kelas X Jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran pada Unit 1 dengan judul “This is Shirley

Speaking” dinyatakan

( ) Tidak layak

( √ ) Layak tanpa revisi

( ) Layak dengan revisi sebagai berikut

*berilah tanda centang ( √ ) pada pilihan yang sesuai pendapat Ibu.

Tangerang, ...................................

Evaluator materi,

Dra. Sri Meladia, M.Hum.

Page 241: DEVELOPING ENGLISH FOR VOCATIONAL PURPOSES (EVP) …repository.uinjkt.ac.id/dspace/bitstream/123456789/37660/2/SUPARTI... · kebutuhan), menulis silabus, mengembangkan draf pertama,













Tujuan Penulisan Buku Teks

1 A1 Materi yang disusun sesuai

dengan tujuan pembelajaran

yang tercantum dalam Course


2 A2 Materi yang disusun sesuai

dengan tingkat kemampuan

Bahasa Inggris siswa kelas X


3 A3 Materi yang disusun

memberikan pengetahuan

berbahasa terkait dunia kerja

pada peserta didik.

Input Teks

4 B1 Input teks menggunakan bahasa

yang mudah diterima oleh


5 B2 Input teks bervariasi dan

berhubungan dengan dunia

kerja yang akan dihadapi

peserta didik

6 B3 Input teks sesuai dengan level

peserta didik

7 B4 Input teks yang digunakan

dapat meningkatkan minat

peserta dalam belajar

8 B5 Input teks yang digunakan

dapat mengembangkan

kemampuan peserta didik

dalam berkomunikasi Bahasa


Kosa Kata dan Struktur Bahasa

9 C1 Materi yang disusun

memperluas pengetahuan siswa

tentang kosa kata/vocabularies

dalam bidang Administrasi


10 C2 Pemilihan kosa kata/diksi

dalam materi sudah tepat dan

sesuai dengan bidang

Administrasi Perkantoran

11 C3 Materi yang disusun

memperluas pengetahuan siswa

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Kemampuan Berbahasa

12 D1 Materi yang disusun dapat

mengembangkan keterampilan

siswa dalam kegiatan berbicara/


Latihan / Task

13 E1 Tasks dalam materi dapat

meningkatkan ketertarikan

peserta didik untuk belajar

Bahasa Inggris.

14 E2 Tasks dalam materi bervariasi √

15 E3 Tasks dalam materi mencakup

semua aspek bahasa yang ada

pada course grid

16 E4 Tasks dalam materi

mengembangkan pemahaman

(comprehension) siswa terkait

dengan input teks yang


17 E5 Tasks dalam materi

menyediakan ruang bagi siswa

untuk meninjau kembali apa

yang sudah mereka pelajari

18 E6 Tasks dalam materi disajikan

dari yang paling mudah ke

yang paling sulit.

Organisasi Buku

19 F1 Materi yang didesain telah

tersusun dengan baik dan runtut

sesuai tujuan.

20 F2 Perintah/instruksi pada setiap

Task sudah jelas bagi pengajar

maupun peserta didik.

21 F3 Runtutan materi secara

keseluruhan tersusun dengan

baik dan mudah dipahami.

Tampilan Buku

22 G1 Sampul buku menarik dan


23 G2 Layout (pola susun) materi

menarik bagi pengajar maupun

peserta didik.

24 G3 Pemilihan jenis huruf menarik

dan ukuran huruf sudah sesuai

sehingga tampilan huruf jelas

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25 G4 Ilustrasi gambar yang

digunakan jelas dan tidak

membingungkan siswa maupun

pengajar serta mendukung

input teks.

Sources: Developed from BSNP (2014), Brown (2001), Nunan (2004), Hutchinson and

Waters (1987), Tomlinson (1998) and Celce-Murcia (2001).

Page 244: DEVELOPING ENGLISH FOR VOCATIONAL PURPOSES (EVP) …repository.uinjkt.ac.id/dspace/bitstream/123456789/37660/2/SUPARTI... · kebutuhan), menulis silabus, mengembangkan draf pertama,



Mengacu pada hasil penilaian yang telah diberikan, materi berbicara Bahasa Inggris untuk

siswa kelas X Jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran pada Unit 2 dengan judul “Good morning,

Ladies and Gentlemen” dinyatakan

( ) Tidak layak

( √ ) Layak tanpa revisi

( ) Layak dengan revisi sebagai berikut

*berilah tanda centang ( √ ) pada pilihan yang sesuai pendapat Ibu.

Tangerang, ...................................

Evaluator materi,

Dra. Sri Meladia, M.Hum.

Page 245: DEVELOPING ENGLISH FOR VOCATIONAL PURPOSES (EVP) …repository.uinjkt.ac.id/dspace/bitstream/123456789/37660/2/SUPARTI... · kebutuhan), menulis silabus, mengembangkan draf pertama,













Tujuan Penulisan Buku Teks

1 A1 Materi yang disusun sesuai

dengan tujuan pembelajaran

yang tercantum dalam Course


2 A2 Materi yang disusun sesuai

dengan tingkat kemampuan

Bahasa Inggris siswa kelas X


3 A3 Materi yang disusun

memberikan pengetahuan

berbahasa terkait dunia kerja

pada peserta didik.

Input Teks

4 B1 Input teks menggunakan bahasa

yang mudah diterima oleh


5 B2 Input teks bervariasi dan

berhubungan dengan dunia

kerja yang akan dihadapi

peserta didik

6 B3 Input teks sesuai dengan level

peserta didik

7 B4 Input teks yang digunakan

dapat meningkatkan minat

peserta dalam belajar

8 B5 Input teks yang digunakan

dapat mengembangkan

kemampuan peserta didik

dalam berkomunikasi Bahasa


Kosa Kata dan Struktur Bahasa

9 C1 Materi yang disusun

memperluas pengetahuan siswa

tentang kosa kata/vocabularies

dalam bidang Administrasi


10 C2 Pemilihan kosa kata/diksi

dalam materi sudah tepat dan

sesuai dengan bidang

Administrasi Perkantoran

11 C3 Materi yang disusun

memperluas pengetahuan siswa

Page 246: DEVELOPING ENGLISH FOR VOCATIONAL PURPOSES (EVP) …repository.uinjkt.ac.id/dspace/bitstream/123456789/37660/2/SUPARTI... · kebutuhan), menulis silabus, mengembangkan draf pertama,




Kemampuan Berbahasa

12 D1 Materi yang disusun dapat

mengembangkan keterampilan

siswa dalam kegiatan berbicara/


Latihan / Task

13 E1 Tasks dalam materi dapat

meningkatkan ketertarikan

peserta didik untuk belajar

Bahasa Inggris.

14 E2 Tasks dalam materi bervariasi √

15 E3 Tasks dalam materi mencakup

semua aspek bahasa yang ada

pada course grid

16 E4 Tasks dalam materi

mengembangkan pemahaman

(comprehension) siswa terkait

dengan input teks yang


17 E5 Tasks dalam materi

menyediakan ruang bagi siswa

untuk meninjau kembali apa

yang sudah mereka pelajari

18 E6 Tasks dalam materi disajikan

dari yang paling mudah ke

yang paling sulit.

Organisasi Buku

19 F1 Materi yang didesain telah

tersusun dengan baik dan runtut

sesuai tujuan.

20 F2 Perintah/instruksi pada setiap

Task sudah jelas bagi pengajar

maupun peserta didik.

21 F3 Runtutan materi secara

keseluruhan tersusun dengan

baik dan mudah dipahami.

Tampilan Buku

22 G1 Sampul buku menarik dan


23 G2 Layout (pola susun) materi

menarik bagi pengajar maupun

peserta didik.

24 G3 Pemilihan jenis huruf menarik

dan ukuran huruf sudah sesuai

sehingga tampilan huruf jelas

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25 G4 Ilustrasi gambar yang

digunakan jelas dan tidak

membingungkan siswa maupun

pengajar serta mendukung

input teks.

Sources: Developed from BSNP (2014), Brown (2001), Nunan (2004), Hutchinson and

Waters (1987), Tomlinson (1998) and Celce-Murcia (2001).

Page 248: DEVELOPING ENGLISH FOR VOCATIONAL PURPOSES (EVP) …repository.uinjkt.ac.id/dspace/bitstream/123456789/37660/2/SUPARTI... · kebutuhan), menulis silabus, mengembangkan draf pertama,



Mengacu pada hasil penilaian yang telah diberikan, materi berbicara Bahasa Inggris untuk

siswa kelas X Jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran pada Unit 3 dengan judul “Welcome to

Sukses Company” dinyatakan

( ) Tidak layak

( √ ) Layak tanpa revisi

( ) Layak dengan revisi sebagai berikut

*berilah tanda centang ( √ ) pada pilihan yang sesuai pendapat Ibu.

Tangerang, ...................................

Evaluator materi,

Dra. Sri Meladia, M.Hum.

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C. Tanggapan Umum Terhadap Materi

Interview Protocol : Expert Judgment

Time of Interview : Monday, 10.00 a.m

Date : September 18th 2017

Place : Ruang Guru

Interviewer : Researcher (TIE)

Interviewee : Dra. Sri Meladia, M.Hum. (SMD)

Position of Interviewee : Kepala Program Administrasi Perkantoran

Kepala Program Administrasi Perkantoran yang terhormat, pertama- tama peneliti

mengucapkan terima kasih atas kesediaannya untuk menjawab pertanyaan di bawah ini. Ini

akan digunakan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan siswa dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris

serta mengembangkan materi ESP yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa program

Administrasi Perkantoran.

Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan jelas dan ringkas.

TIE : Apa pendapat Anda tentang materi Bahasa Inggris untuk Administrasi

Perkantoran yang telah dikembangkan sesuai dari hasil analisa kebutuhan

siswa program Administrasi Perkantoran?

SMD : Menurut saya, secara umum materi yang dikembangkan sangat

memuaskan karena sudah sesuai dengan analisa kebutuhan siswa pada

program Administrasi Perkantoran dan menekankan pada kemampuan

berbicara Bahasa Inggris siswa. Kemudian secara tampilan modul, saya

rasa juga menarik karena modul berwarna dan bergambar.

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Questionnaire Code

A1 : The developed materials are suitable with the learning goals as

stated in the course grid

A2 : The developed materials are suitable with skill levels of English for

Grade X of SMK

A3 : The developed materials give students knowledge about their work


B1 : The language in the input texts is understandable for students

B2 : The input texts are various and related to students’ work field

B3 : The input texts are suitable with students learning level

B4 : The input texts can improve students’ motivation in learning


B5 : The input texts can develop students’ ability in English


C1 : The materials develop students‘ knowledge about vocabularies in

the office context.

C2 : The choice of words is suitable with the office context.

C3 : The materials develop students‘ knowledge about pronunciation.

D1 : The materials develop students‘ speaking skill.

E1 : The tasks improve students‘ interest to learn English.

E2 : The task are various

E3 : The tasks cover all of aspects contained in the course grid.

E4 : The tasks develop students‘ comprehension about the given input


E5 : The tasks serve activities for students to recall their memory about

what they have learned

E6 : The tasks are organized from the easiest one to the difficult one

F1 : The developed materials have been organized well according to the


F2 : The instruction in each task is clear for teachers and students

F3 : The sequences of the materials have been organized well and


G1 : The cover is interesting and full color.

G2 : The layout is interesting for teachers and students.

G3 : The font type is interesting and the font size is suitable so that it

looks clear.

G4 : The picture illustrations are clear and support the input texts. They

do not make students confused.

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