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developing entrepreneurially minded engineers - JEEN

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Volume 2, Number 1, Winter 2011 *Professor and Chair – Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Detroit Mercy eng‐sci.udmercy.edu/faculty/mechanical/weaver‐jonathan.htm 10 DEVELOPING ENTREPRENEURIALLY MINDED ENGINEERS BY INCORPORATING TECHNICAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP CASE STUDIES Jonathan Weaver * and Nassif Rayess Abstract - The University of Detroit Mercy (UDM) has developed a number of technical entrepreneurship case studies that are designed to be integrated into existing engineering fundamentals courses. These case studies are intended to illustrate ways that entrepreneurs have capitalized on their knowledge of specific engineering topics covered in typical undergraduate courses to create successful business ventures. The aim is to repeatedly showcase successful engineering entrepreneurs and to provide routine exposures to principles of entrepreneurship throughout the curriculum. The ideal, long-term vision is to have one or more case studies for each engineering course. This paper summarizes the thirteen cases that have been developed thus far (several more are under development) and some assessment work conducted on student learning. The materials have been developed using rich media and are freely available online. Initial feedback has been very positive and the results of some preliminary assessment work is summarized. This work is sponsored by the Kern Family Foundation through its Kern Entrepreneurship Education Network (KEEN). 1. Introduction The flattening of the world has diminished the traditional competitive positions of the United States overall and of the typical U.S. educated engineering graduate. The best way to succeed in a competitive world is to be competitive and that is true for countries, companies and individuals. The last few decades have seen the erosion of many of the traditional competitive advantages enjoyed by the U.S. and its workforce. One place where the U.S. maintains and has even increased its competitive advantage is in the graduate engineering programs of research universities along with their technology parks and high-tech start-up incubators. The undergraduate engineering programs have taken a page from the success of the graduate programs and have introduced innovation and entrepreneurship to varying degrees. In order to contribute and compete in today’s entrepreneurial economy, an engineering graduate need not be an entrepreneur in the sense of starting one’s own business. Possessing an entrepreneurial mindset is very beneficial whether one starts a business, excels in established corporations or joins a university or non-profit. The Kern Entrepreneurship Education Network (KEEN), which is sponsored by the Kern Family Foundation, models the entrepreneurial mindset by a Pyramid of Principles (see Figure 1) that includes technical fundamentals, an awareness of customer needs, the business acumen to create sustainable business value, and the societal values
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Jonathan Weaver* and Nassif Rayess

Abstract - The University of Detroit Mercy (UDM) has developed a number of technical entrepreneurship case studies that are designed to be integrated into existing engineering fundamentals courses. These case studies are intended to illustrate ways that entrepreneurs have capitalized on their knowledge of specific engineering topics covered in typical undergraduate courses to create successful business ventures. The aim is to repeatedly showcase successful engineering entrepreneurs and to provide routine exposures to principles of entrepreneurship throughout the curriculum. The ideal, long-term vision is to have one or more case studies for each engineering course. This paper summarizes the thirteen cases that have been developed thus far (several more are under development) and some assessment work conducted on student learning. The materials have been developed using rich media and are freely available online. Initial feedback has been very positive and the results of some preliminary assessment work is summarized. This work is sponsored by the Kern Family Foundation through its Kern Entrepreneurship Education Network (KEEN).

1. Introduction The flattening of the world has diminished the traditional competitive positions of the United States overall and of the typical U.S. educated engineering graduate. The best way to succeed in a competitive world is to be competitive and that is true for countries, companies and individuals. The last few decades have seen the erosion of many of the traditional competitive advantages enjoyed by the U.S. and its workforce. One place where the U.S. maintains and has even increased its competitive advantage is in the graduate engineering programs of research universities along with their technology parks and high-tech start-up incubators. The undergraduate engineering programs have taken a page from the success of the graduate programs and have introduced innovation and entrepreneurship to varying degrees. In order to contribute and compete in today’s entrepreneurial economy, an engineering graduate need not be an entrepreneur in the sense of starting one’s own business. Possessing an entrepreneurial mindset is very beneficial whether one starts a business, excels in established corporations or joins a university or non-profit. The Kern Entrepreneurship Education Network (KEEN), which is sponsored by the Kern Family Foundation, models the entrepreneurial mindset by a Pyramid of Principles (see Figure 1) that includes technical fundamentals, an awareness of customer needs, the business acumen to create sustainable business value, and the societal values

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needed to promote positive social change (KEEN, 2009). A more detailed discussion of the KEEN initiatives can be found in (Kriewall and Mekemson, 2010).

Figure 1. KEEN Pyramid of Principles for the Entrepreneurially Minded Engineer (KEEN, 2008)

An engineer educated with a strong emphasis on all four corners of this pyramid will be well poised to contribute as an intrapreneur within an organization of any size. That engineer will also possess the skill set to become an entrepreneur. Goldberg (2006) proposes that engineering programs need to educate entrepreneurial engineers. He makes the case that strong technical skills are not enough and that engineers should have an ability to communicate effectively, sell ideas, manage time, and recognize and properly evaluate opportunities. The idea of including entrepreneurial engineering elements into engineering curricula has taken hold, and many universities have technical entrepreneurship programs. This is true for the twenty private universities that constitute KEEN. Within the Network, the discussion has been focused on finding ways to better develop the entrepreneurial mindset in technical and engineering students without sacrificing the technical fundamentals or jeopardizing accreditation. To address this concern, the authors have leveraged the financial support from KEEN and developed a number of entrepreneurship case studies, which are being integrated into existing engineering fundamental courses. These case studies are intended to illustrate the ways that successful entrepreneurs have capitalized on their knowledge of specific engineering topics to create a successful venture. In general, each case uses a set of PowerPoint slides with numerous embedded video clips telling a documentary of the entrepreneur’s story. The case is designed to fit in one lecture slot. The case for including these cases into existing technical courses is helped by maintaining strong ties between the technical content of the case and the technical subject of the course. The case also addresses numerous learning outcomes related to entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial mindset. Additional background information can be found in earlier papers by the authors (Weaver and Rayess, 2008, 2010). This paper now includes the description of a thirteenth case that has since been developed and also summarizes assessment work that has been

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done since the previous publications. The cases are currently freely available online to KEEN partners and other colleges wishing to utilize them (Weaver, 2011). These case studies are designed to plant the seeds of entrepreneurship in the undergraduate engineering student population. They are in no way a substitute for rigorous courses on entrepreneurship. The aims are to raise the interest level among the students, make them aware of this important field and give them an overview of the subject. If a student develops a strong interest in entrepreneurship, there is a good chance that he/she would choose to study entrepreneurship either as a minor degree or as a set of elective courses. It is in those courses that the all important hands-on training and actual project work will take place. 2. The Importance of Using Case Studies Cases have been heavily used in fields such as business and law for some time but less so in engineering and the sciences. Cases, and the technical entrepreneurship cases that are the subject of this paper, offer a number of pedagogical advantages, including the following:

• Cases can help bridge the gap between theory and practice. Other ways to do so include field trips, anecdotal stories from the instructor’s experience, guest speakers, co-op experiences, and projects. The authors feel all of these have a place in a well-designed curriculum.

• Cases present the students with a real engineering scenario requiring application of a particular technical discipline while illustrating the often-critical non-technical aspects of a problem. This helps motivate the students as to the relevance and importance of the subject matter and allows integration of important non-technical aspects of the profession (including personal viewpoints, ethical and moral considerations, business considerations, intellectual property, soft skills, etc.).

• Cases offer the opportunity for a refreshingly engaging class period as opposed to the (admittedly vital) theory-plus-problem-solving pedagogy.

• Cases often involve situations that do not have clearly “right” or “wrong” answers. This can help students understand and develop a tolerance for ambiguity.

• Cases can offer the opportunity for homework assignments directly related to the case. This typically engages students more than seemingly irrelevant homework problems.

• Cases can be effectively utilized at various academic levels. 3. Overview of Technical Entrepreneurship Case Studies Thirteen cases have been developed as of November of 2010. In this section, twelve of these are summarized briefly with one case shedding further light by giving more details. These case studies comprise a classroom presentation with several video excerpts of the interview with the subject entrepreneur interspersed with presentation slides to guide the audience and stimulate discussion. With the exception of the first case, the treatment presented here consists of a short description and one figure, and thus, are unable to showcase the engaging nature of the actual presentation in class. They are given here as a general overview. 3.1. Case 1: Matt Younkle and Laminar Technologies’ TurboTap This case tells the story of Matt Younkle, his company and their main product called the Turbotap. While a student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-M), Younkle was frustrated by the slow moving beer line in the student union. He spotted an opportunity, teamed

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up with few friends and entered an innovation contest at UW-M. The team won that contest and went on to create Turbotap – a beer dispensing apparatus, which combats the head producing effects of gravity and turbulence to quickly dispense perfect glasses/pitchers of beer with no waste. A variety of Turbotap models are shown in Figure 2. This case study showcases the technical and business developments of the Turbotap and Matt Younkle’s journey in becoming a successful entrepreneur.

Figure 2. Various models of the Turbotap.

This case study is integrated into the fluid mechanics course at the University of Detroit Mercy (UDM). Since maintaining laminar flow during beer dispensing is a key functional attribute of this product, this case is presented shortly after covering the topic of laminar to turbulent flow transition and the Reynold’s number (a non dimensional metric that correlates to the onset of turbulence in fluid flow). Following the introductory slide, the case opens with a four minute CNBC News segment about the featured Turbotap technology and the inventor/entrepreneur. The video tells the story from a high level perspective and serves to raise the interest of the students and provide perspective and framework. The case then proceeds to show a minute plus video segment with the entrepreneur discussing the initial inspirations and how he was able to act on that inspiration. The case then discusses the ideation technique that the authors refer to as “painstorming,” which involves identifying a “pain” in the marketplace, which may be addressed by an engineered solution. Painstorming is a good technique to use, which will allow engineers to develop answers to questions no one has ever asked. In this case, the pain was slow moving beer lines, and the principal functional requirement is the ability to pour beer fast without creating a large head. Following the classroom discussion on painstorming, a one minute video is shown of the entrepreneur discussing the process and the perfect position of engineers to actually “do something” about the problem because of their training. The case then moves to two short videos of Younkle describing how he raised initial funding and discussing the pitfalls of raising too much money initially, which then encouraged behaviors that are not conducive to successful entrepreneurialism. The next video segment contains a fairly detailed technical description of the Turbotap followed by product photos and patent pictures. The discussion segues into the product development process and focuses on the iterative process of design, testing and refinement. The next video concentrates on business aspects, and in particular, the pricing of the Turbotap and the fact that it is not sold but leased to create recurring revenue. Then, the case talks about the manufacturing of the Turbotap and the importance of designing for manufacturability. Two short videos follow showing the entrepreneur discussing the relationship and differences between invention and entrepreneurship, as well as the notion of

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risk and risk mitigation. The case concludes with a video discussing the harmony that could exist between entrepreneurship and engineering in an engineer’s career, and it also discusses the key soft skills beneficial to an engineer. The last slide shows the entrepreneur in his boat named “BeerMoney” enjoying his early sabbatical in a tropical island (but he will likely be back pursuing additional entrepreneurial ventures). Student are assigned, as homework, the task of calculating the Reynold’s number for flow in several nozzle architectures and comparing it to a single circular nozzle. The assignment also includes some calculations related to the reduction of a cross sectional area for a stream of fluid in freefall – an effect that the TurboTap mitigates by appropriately reducing the inside cross sectional flow area along the length of the tap. The calculations required in the homework closely mirror the analyses undertaken in the design and development of the Turbotap. 3.2. Case 2: Jonathan Smith and Wave Dispersion Technologies Motivated by the need for erosion protection for an oceanfront condominium development in New Jersey, Jonathan Smith and his father Dennis developed an erosion prevention product that is a modular and highly engineered marine floating breakwater system. This product, shown in Figure 3, led them on a venture that would become Wave Dispersion Technologies (WDT).

Figure 3. Floating breakwater system (left) consisting of an array of modules (right). While the floating breakwater system was developed originally for erosion protection, the company took advantage of an unintended market opportunity having realized that the same product worked well as a line of demarcation for security purposes. Company background and product information are available on the company website (Whisprwave, 2011). This case is intended to be included in a fluid mechanics course. The technical content is focused on the use of scale model testing to optimize the module geometry and the array layout for maximum effectiveness. This case study has been embedded in the undergraduate fluid mechanics course at UDM and is presented after the lecture on non-dimensional analysis. In the course of this case study, the students are asked to choose non-dimensional parameters and to comment on how one would setup appropriate scale model tests for this situation. The discussions within this case include defining entrepreneurship, compiling the traits of an entrepreneur and the distinguishing characteristics of technical entrepreneurship. They also cover the recognition of a business opportunity, the possible avenues for financing a venture, the non-technical challenges in creating and marketing products and what constitutes an exit strategy.

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3.3. Case 3: Ray Gunn, Somanetics and Clarity The subject of this case study is an entrepreneur named Raymond (Ray) Gunn who has spent a career as the principal financial and strategic architect to build high technology innovations into commercial ventures/companies. He has led ten companies through their formation, funding, growth, and ultimate sale or Initial Public Offering (IPO). A biographical statement for Ray Gunn can be found at his venture’s website (Wingspanco, 2011). Two of the companies that resulted from Ray Gunn’s efforts were Somanetics and Clarity, both of which are the subject of this case study. Somanetics develops, manufactures and markets the INVOS Cerebral Oximeter (Figure 4), which is a noninvasive patient monitoring system that continuously monitors changes in the blood oxygen levels in the brain. At the time when this case was developed, the INVOS Cerebral Oximeter was the only commercially available system of its kind in the U.S. (Somanetics, 2011).

Figure 4. INVOS Cerebral Oximeter (image from somanetics.com). Students are asked to visit the website to learn about the Cerebral Oximeter prior to the in class case study presentation. In addition, the students could be assigned to review one of the many patents related to this technology if the instructor intends to discuss the subject of intellectual property. The other company featured in this case is Clarity Technologies, a leading provider of software and services for echo and background noise cancellation in voice-based products. The Clear Voice Capture technology (CVC) is the principal product. It has found widespread application in various wireless headsets, cell phones and automotive hands free systems. In March 2005, Clarity Technologies was acquired by CSR PLC (LSE: CSR.L), which is a wireless solutions’ provider and leading supplier of Bluetooth technology. The technical subject of this case relates well to content that is normally covered in a measurements and instrumentation course. At UDM, the course is called Mechanical Measurements and covers a variety of transducers and signal processing techniques used to analyze measured data. In addition to the case study presentation and resulting discussion, plans are underway to add a lab demonstration of a basic directional two-microphone system for noise cancellation. This type of experimentation is similar to early work at Clarity and is intended to provide students with a hands-on experience.

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This case includes a definition of entrepreneurship, as well as technical entrepreneurship, viewpoints on risk and failure, strategies and difficulties of going to market and issues of intellectual property. It also discusses how a venture capitalist screens and evaluates ideas. 3.4. Case 4: Dennis Carmichael and OnSiteERT OnSite ERT is a startup, founded in 2005, that provides tracking and monitoring of first responders at incident scenes (fires, accidents, etc.). The company’s product is shown in Figure 5. The venture was co-founded by John Ellis, an experienced firefighter and incident commander, and Dennis Carmichael, a successful information technology entrepreneur. They developed a fully automated and easily deployable system that keeps track of the location of all first responders, in and out of buildings. After an initial trial in 2006, the product was further developed into a saleable configuration and was first adopted by a municipality in 2007. OnSite ERT has won a number of awards and is included on the Department of Homeland Security Authorized Equipment list, which means that it is eligible for grant funding.

Figure 5. OnSiteERT's Emergency Resource Tracking System. The possible technical courses that could benefit from this case study are in areas of computer science, software development and geographic information systems. At UDM, this case has been embedded into an introductory computer science course. Technical discussions involve software requirements and techniques to sub-divide the software development, as well as verification methods. This case study focuses on Dennis Carmichael’s entrepreneurship philosophy, the challenges surrounding the development of this product, and the importance of working closely with end-users and decision makers to foster adoption. Specific entrepreneurship content includes definition/traits of an entrepreneur, corporate structures, testing/validation, regulatory concerns, exit strategy, business plans, support for entrepreneurs, and intellectual property. It also deals with decisions of whether to make components or procure off-the-shelf ones. 3.5. Case 5: Martin Fisher and Kickstart International The social entrepreneur, Martin Fisher, has applied his passion for improving social issues to the challenge of eliminating poverty in rural Africa. Along with Nick Moon, Fisher co-founded ApproTEC (which later became Kickstart), a non-profit organization aimed at getting millions of people out of poverty. In collaboration with co-workers, he invented low-cost, human-powered irrigation pumps (shown in Figure 6) and other simple moneymaking tools that enable subsistence farmers to double or triple their annual net family incomes. He also pioneered a

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sustainable supply-chain model for his products that allow for their manufacture and service in, or near, they are being used in the community. Fisher has been recognized for his inventions and work as a social entrepreneur and has been awarded the IDEA Design Gold Medal, TIME Magazine's "2003 European Hero" award, the 2005 Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship and the Schwab Foundation's "2003 Social Entrepreneur of the Year" award. This case study is different from the others in this series in that UDM personnel did not actually interview Martin Fisher. Kickstart personnel supported the development of the case study and provided a number of pre-existing videos and still pictures. At UDM, this case study is integrated into a Physics-1 course and the students are asked to complete a work/energy calculation relating to pumping water. This case study could be integrated into a machine design course, as well as a number of other courses.

Figure 6. KickStart's Super MoneyMaker irrigation pump. 3.6. Case 6: Joe Parker and C&B Machinery C&B Machinery is a manufacturer/re-manufacturer of grinding equipment owned by Joe Parker (CEO and Founder). The business has grown from a one-man operation refurbishing grinding machines on-site to a successful small business that manufactures new grinding machines and refurbishes older grinding equipment. This case study focuses on Parker’s entrepreneurship philosophy and his intrapreneurship, which began by expanding the product line to include a grinding wheel change cart that is a key competitive advantage. The case study also illustrates an excellent example of engineering ethics—Joe Parker standing behind his wheel change cart customers—and opportunity recognition for improved safety, a better way to change grinding wheels, and other advances. For example, to improve safety, they converted a grinder hood access hatch from having a conventional horizontal hinge axis to having a vertical hinge axis. This is shown in Figure 7.

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Figure 7. (a) Original Hood Design (b) Hood with Vertical Hinge Axis.

This case is being integrated into UDM’s Manufacturing Processes course. Other schools may find it applicable in other course areas as well. Some of the entrepreneurship related topics covered include ethics, opportunity recognition, intellectual property, the creative process at C&B, and business start-up strategies.

3.7. Case 7: Aarun Crumm and Adaptive Materials Adaptive Materials, Inc. (AMI) is an innovator in the development of portable power generated by solid oxide fuel cell technology. Unlike the more familiar hydrogen powered fuel cell technology, AMI’s products use readily available fuels, such as propane, and provide organizations and individuals with clean, compact, long-lasting portable sources of electric power. AMI’s fuel cells have been field tested by the military and could soon replace batteries in many portable power applications. An example of AMI’s technology is shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8. Adaptive Materials' fuel cell powered mobile robot. Prior to founding AMI, Aaron Crumm gained insight into electric power generation as a nuclear engineer. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree in nuclear engineering from Purdue University and a PhD in material science from the University of Michigan. His doctoral research led to innovations, which ultimately enabled the manufacturing of the fuel cell tubes used in AMI’s products. Information on AMI can be found at the company website (Adaptive Materials, 2011). News interviews with Aaron Crumm can be found on the website to supplement the case study and to provide a quick overview of the company’s products. At UDM, this case study is integrated into the materials science course required of all mechanical engineering undergraduates. The technical focus is on ceramics and solid oxide fuel cells. The

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entrepreneurship aspects of the case include starting a business, discussing intellectual property, listing the traits of an entrepreneur, addressing the scope of expansion/contraction, creating a supply chain and celebrating/embracing failure. The entrepreneur discusses his vision on what future engineers/entrepreneurs should know to be successful.

3.8. Case 8: Jayson Pankin and Delphi/Monarch Antenna Monarch Antenna is a spin-off of Delphi Automotive. It is a partnership between Delphi, NASA, Automation Alley, Ann Arbor Spark, Michigan State University, The University of Michigan, Purdue University, Virtual EM, SC Solutions, and SmartSynch. Its core technology is a self-structuring antenna (SSA) consisting of a matrix of small antenna segments connected by switches. An example of this product is shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9. Monarch's Self-Structuring Array. The system uses a proprietary algorithm to activate various combinations of these antennae and ultimately selects the one that yields the best performance. The antenna can be dynamically restructured as signal conditions change, ensuring optimal signal reception. The technical content in this case is most closely related to undergraduate electrical engineering courses related to radio frequency communication, microprocessor control, and/or genetic algorithms. It could also be integrated into a computer science course to discuss the software/logic needed to implement the SSA. This case study focuses on Delphi’s intrapreneurship processes, spin-off strategy, and specifics related to Monarch Antenna’s technology and development. Some specific entrepreneurship/intrapreneurship related content includes team building, “the Skunk Works,” cost considerations, growth strategies, identifying and evaluating intellectual property. The entrepreneur also provides advice for academia. 3.9. Case 9: Mark Kerbel and REGEN Energy Mark Kerbel and Roman Kulyk co-founded REGEN Energy in Toronto in 2005. The company’s Envirogrid Controllers form a wireless energy management solution designed to lower utility bills by reducing peak current draw. The principles in Johnson’s Emergence (2001) coupled with inspiration from the swarm logic of bees led to the development of the product. The product and the book Emergence are shown in Figure 10.

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Figure 10. Regen Energy's module (left) and Emergence (Right). At UDM, this case study is planned for integration into an engineering economics course and students will be required to compute the return on investment for a potential customer considering the purchase of a REGEN Energy solution. It could also be integrated in other courses including controls, a communications, or a software development. Within the case, Mark Kerbel presents advice for anyone considering technical entrepreneurship. Specific entrepreneurship topics include the elevator pitch, biomimicry, financing, the business model, distribution channels, and exit strategy. Mark Kerbel discusses how one realizes the entrepreneurial calling and advice for engineers who seek to be entrepreneurs. 3.10. Case 10: Oliver Baer and Clean Emission Fluids Oliver Baer founded Clean Emission Fluids on the principle of environmental responsibility and on empowering customers with the means to make a positive environmental impact while meeting or exceeding their bottom line obligations. The company’s mission is to serve as a dedicated support center for all items relating to Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF). They support the diesel market with DEF supply, equipment and service. Figure 11 shows one of their filling stations.

Figure 11. CEF's biofuel and emissions fluids dispensing station. This case could be slanted in many technical directions. At UDM, it will be incorporated into the heat transfer course and students will be required to complete sample heat transfer calculations on the energy needed to maintain safe fluid temperatures in the winter. Other course options include internal combustion engines, chemistry and fluid mechanics.

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The entrepreneurship related topics covered in this case include definitions/traits of entrepreneurship, knowledge application in industry, idea evaluation and launch, and advice for engineers/entrepreneurs. 3.11. Case 11: Paul Angott, Serial Entrepreneur Paul Angott is an engineer turned serial entrepreneur who invented and brought many innovative products to market, including programmable thermostats, wireless door chimes (see Figure 12), belt-driven ceiling fans that enable the use of small motors, wireless home security systems, wireless ceiling fan controls and self-guided lawn mowers. He is currently working on a breast cancer diagnostic tool.

Figure 12. Angott's wireless door chime. This case study provides a documentary of the development and marketing of the aforementioned inventions. From a technical standpoint, UDM is incorporating this case into a freshman engineering introduction to design course. This case study is fairly rich in content and, thus, is fairly lengthy. Instructors with a one-hour class limit will likely have to skip over some of the inventions. The entrepreneurship content of the case includes opportunity recognition, capital raising, the dangers of growing too fast, the importance of differentiation in the marketplace, and advice for entrepreneurs. 3.12. Case 12: Paul Angott, Serial Entrepreneur Craig and Randy Rubin launched Crypton Fabric to offer highly engineered textiles that are resistant to stain, liquid penetration and bacteria. The target markets include furniture, restaurant linens and pet products (Figure 13). This case study tells the story of the development of Crypton Fabrics.

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Figure 13. Sample of Crypton Fabric's pet products. From a technical perspective, the focus of the case is chemistry in general and the principle of cross-linking in particular. The plan is to incorporate this case study into a freshman chemistry course required of all engineers. The entrepreneurship aspects covered in this case include traits of entrepreneurs, importance of diversification, branding, growing a business, patent litigation, the right time to start a business and advice for entrepreneurs. 3.13. Case 13: Walter Bradley and Coconut Fiber - Polypropylene Composites Walter Bradley joined the Baylor faculty in 2002 with a mission to help people in areas of poverty around the world. Bradley began to explore the constituent parts of a coconut to try to figure out what can be done with the parts to create something of value. This led him to develop coconut fiber - polypropylene composites. Bradley sees an opportunity to replace the polyester – polypropylene composites in common use with the coconut fiber based composite to create a cheaper, greener, material with better mechanical properties. This case explores the development of the new composite, which will soon be likely appearing in automotive products, such as the door panel shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14. Sample Coconut Fiber – Polypropylene Composite Door Panel. From a technical perspective, a simple potential assignment is given involving the calculation of some sectional properties as a function of modulus of elasticity and diameter. At UDM, the case will be incorporated into a mechanics of materials course. It would also be relevant for any course involving social entrepreneurship.

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4. Pedagogical Aspects of the Collective Cases The entrepreneurship knowledge areas covered by these case studies are tracked using the hierarchical model of entrepreneurship content presented by PUI-eship (2011), a web-based collaboration area for institutionalizing entrepreneurship at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions (PUIs). Each of the case studies presented here is mapped onto the PUI-eship content matrix indicating the knowledge areas that are covered. A more detailed discussion is presented in an earlier paper by the authors (Weaver and Rayess, 2008). The updated matrix can be found at the following website (Weaver, 2011). 4.1. Preliminary Assessment Following every case presentation, the students were asked to give feedback on the particular case study and its effectiveness toward developing the entrepreneurial mindset. With few exceptions, all feedback has been positive. A sample of the student comments is presented here:

• I found the case study to be very interesting and would like to see and hear more of peoples’ journeys to complete their dream projects.

• It helped show how interdisciplinary skills are very valuable. • The case fuels motivation and makes us want to learn more than what is presented in

courses. This type of material makes us want to search for opportunity. • This presentation really makes me feel that some of the material science I have learned so

far could go very well with [an idea] of mine. • I learned that you need to think about consumers if you want your product to sell. • We need innovation … to make products that will help us in our future and also the world

as a whole. • The case was helpful because it illustrated a lot of examples of how good ideas can be

turned into marketable products. The few negative comments relate to the content not being relevant to a particular student’s major (that comment came from a civil engineering student after seeing the Paul Angott case) and a suggestion to make the presentation more interactive (something we are doing with a case currently being developed). The authors also developed and are now using a pre/post self-efficacy survey in order to quantify any shift in the mindset of the students on account of the cases. The survey form is provided as Appendix A. Sample results for three of the cases are given as Table 1 through Table 3. Items reporting a statistically significant difference led to rejection of the null hypothesis (at p=0.05) when analyzed using a paired-t test with a two-sided alternative hypothesis. If the paired-t test with a two-sided alternative led to rejection of the null hypothesis, then the analysis was re-run with an appropriate one-sided alternative hypothesis leading to the p-values shown. The “90%diff” value is an upper (or lower where relevant) bound on the difference with 90% confidence.

Collectively, if successful, the case studies should move all sixteen indicators of the survey in Appendix A. However, each case covers only a subset of those indicators and is thus expected to cause statistically significant movement only in that subset. For example, the results of the survey shown in Table 1, indicators 4, 5, 11-16, were not addressed by that particular case and were not found to indicate any important statistical shift.

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Table 1. Summary of Pre/Post Case Assessment for Adaptive Materials Case in Materials Science Course, Fall 2009 (n=23).

Pre Post 4.19 4.57 1. Technical content in this class can be applied in innovative and

entrepreneurial ways. p=0.021 90%Diff=0.15

4.14 4.71 2. There is a strong correlation between outstanding written and oral communication skills and success – even for technically oriented people.

p=0.001 90%Diff=0.29

3.76 4.24 3. I know the difference between invention and innovation. p=0.028

90%Diff=0.16 2.19 2.05 4. Successful entrepreneurs are motivated mainly by the quest to make

themselves a lot of money. Not significantly different

4.67 4.54 5. It is important for a technical person to have a deep understanding of the end customers’ needs. Not significantly different

3.10 4.00 6. I understand the basic steps necessary to translate an idea into a product or company. p=0.004

90%Diff=0.54 2.71 4.00 7. I have a basic understanding of how capital is raised to support an

entrepreneur with an idea. p=0.000 90%Diff=0.92

3.29 4.14 8. I have a basic understanding of the different types of intellectual property and their importance in a business setting. p=0.004

90%Diff=0.48 3.91 4.38

9. I believe problems are really opportunities. p=0.019 90%Diff=0.19

3.95 4.33 10. I am motivated to pursue my ‘great ideas’ with passion and tenacity. p=0.036

90%Diff=0.12 2.91 2.52

11. Ambiguous problem statements make me uncomfortable. Not statistically significant

2.19 1.81 12. Risk taking hinders achievement.

Not statistically significant

4.10 4.33 13. I see value in non-conventional, open-minded, lateral thinking and plan to routinely try to think that way. Not statistically significant

1.67 1.62 14. A technical person needs to know very little about marketing, finance and management of people. Not statistically significant

4.24 4.30 15. I understand the importance of having strong societal values.

Not statistically significant

4.14 4.33 16. I am motivated to design solutions to unmet needs in the marketplace and in the world. Not statistically significant

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Since it is our intention that students see several of the cases during their studies at UDM, comprehensive analysis of the data across the cases becomes difficult since the ‘pre’ data has already been influenced by students having seen previous cases in other courses. This effect coupled with the small sample size may have contributed to the relatively few statistically significant results in Table 2. The KEEN network is collectively exploring assessment techniques to address assessment of the development of the entrepreneurial mindset as a student progresses through the undergraduate curriculum. 5. Conclusions and Future Work The technical entrepreneurship case study is a seemingly successful mechanism used by the authors to broadly instill the entrepreneurial mindset in undergraduate engineering students at UDM. As these are taking place during a course lecture slot, the instructor of the course will gain exposure as well. Thirteen cases have been developed, and several more are under development. As part of the KEEN network, the authors are actively disseminating these cases and lobbying other schools to adopt them. Feedback thus far has been overwhelmingly positive. One case developed to date and another nearing completion focus on intrapreneurship; the authors plan to include more of such cases to illustrate how engineers working within existing organizations can effectively see their ideas commercialized. References

Adaptive Materials. 2011. Adaptive Materials Company Website. http://www.adaptivematerials.com/ (last accessed, January 2011).

Goldberg, D.E. 2006. The Entrepreneurial Engineer. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Johnson, S. 2001. Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software.

New York: Scribner. KEEN. 2009. KEEN Theory of Change. http://www.keennetwork.com/about-keen/theory-of-

change/ (last accessed, December 2010). Kriewall, T.J. and Mekemson, K. 2010. Instilling The Entrepreneurial Mindset Into

Engineering Undergraduates, The Journal of Entrepreneurial Engineering. 1(1):5-19. PUI Eship. 2011. PUI Wship Website. http://www.pui-eship.org (last accessed, January

2011). Somanetics. 2011. Somanetics Company Website. http://www.somanetics.com/ (last

accessed, January 2011). Weaver, J. and Rayess, N. 2008. Technical Entrepreneurship Case Studies at the University

of Detroit Mercy. In Proceedings of the 12th Annual meeting of the NCIIA. Dallas, TX. Weaver, J. and Rayess, N. 2010. Technical Entrepreneurship Case Studies For Incorporation

Into Technical Undergraduate Classes. In Proceedings of the 13th Annual meeting of the NCIIA. San Francisco, CA.

Weaver, J. 2011. UDM Technical Entrepreneurship Case Studies. http://weaverjm.faculty.udmercy.edu/udmkeencases.html (last accessed, January 2011).

WhisprWave. 2011. Whisprwave Company Website. http://www.whisprwave.com/ (last accessed, January 2011).

Wingspan. 2011. Wingspan Company Website. http://www.wingspanco.com/wst_page2.html (last accessed, January 2011).

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Table 2. Summary of Pre/Post Case Assessment for Paul Angott Case in Intro to Engineering Course, Fall 2009 (n=10).

Pre Post

3.30 4.30 1. Technical content in this class can be applied in innovative and entrepreneurial ways. p=0.001

90%Diff=0.71 3.70 4.40 2. There is a strong correlation between outstanding written and oral

communication skills and success – even for technically oriented people.

p=0.033 90%Diff=0.24

4.00 4.50 3. I know the difference between invention and innovation.

Not significantly different

3.10 3.40 4. Successful entrepreneurs are motivated mainly by the quest to make themselves a lot of money. Not significantly different

4.60 4.60 5. It is important for a technical person to have a deep understanding of the end customers’ needs. Not significantly different

3.40 3.90 6. I understand the basic steps necessary to translate an idea into a product or company. Not significantly different

2.60 3.40 7. I have a basic understanding of how capital is raised to support an entrepreneur with an idea. p=0.025

90%Diff=0.30 2.70 3.70 8. I have a basic understanding of the different types of intellectual

property and their importance in a business setting. p=0.007 90%Diff=0.54

4.20 4.70 9. I believe problems are really opportunities. p=0.007

90%Diff=0.27 4.70 4.50

10. I am motivated to pursue my ‘great ideas’ with passion and tenacity. Not significantly different

3.00 3.20 11. Ambiguous problem statements make me uncomfortable.

Not statistically significant

3.00 3.00 12. Risk taking hinders achievement.

Not statistically significant

3.60 3.90 13. I see value in non-conventional, open-minded, lateral thinking and plan to routinely try to think that way. Not statistically significant

1.60 1.69 14. A technical person needs to know very little about marketing, finance and management of people. Not statistically significant

4.00 4.50 15. I understand the importance of having strong societal values. p=0.025

90%Diff=0.19 3.90 4.20 16. I am motivated to design solutions to unmet needs in the marketplace

and in the world. Not statistically significant

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Appendix A UDM Technical Entrepreneurship Cases - Pre/Post Self-Efficacy Survey (Note: Post Survey is identical to the Pre Survey with the exception of a written feedback section included on the Post Survey. The survey is provided on a single double-sided page so that analysis can be done pair wise by student.)

UDM Keen Technical Entrepreneurship Cases Pre-Case Assessment (Enter date, case, course)


<-Disagree Agree-> Please rate your agreement with each statement 1 2 3 4 5

1. Technical content in this class can be applied in innovative and entrepreneurial ways.

2. There is a strong correlation between outstanding written and oral communication skills and success – even for technically oriented people.

3. I know the difference between invention and innovation.

4. Successful entrepreneurs are motivated mainly by the quest to make themselves a lot of money.

5. It is important for a technical person to have a deep understanding of the end customers’ needs.

6. It is important for a technical person to have a deep understanding of the end customers’ needs.

7. I have a basic understanding of how capital is raised to support an entrepreneur with an idea.

8. I have a basic understanding of the different types of intellectual property and their importance in a business setting.

9. I believe problems are really opportunities.

10. I am motivated to pursue my ‘great ideas’ with passion and tenacity.

11. Ambiguous problem statements make me uncomfortable.

12. Risk taking hinders achievement.

13. I see value in non-conventional, open-minded, lateral thinking and plan to routinely try to think that way.

14. A technical person needs to know very little about marketing, finance and management of people.

15. I understand the importance of having strong societal values.

16. I am motivated to design solutions to unmet needs in the marketplace and in the world.
