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Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper

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  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    Term Paper of Marketing Management

    Topic-developing Marketing Plan for Soft


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  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    Table of Content

  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    1. Introduction

    2. Literature Review

    3. Research Methodology

    4. Marketing Planning Process .

    5. Marketing Plan Ai and !"#ective

    $. Introduction to %oca %ola&. 'ituation Analysis

    (. Mission 'tate ent o) %oca %ola %o *any

    +. Product Li)e %ycle

    1,. 'wot Analysis11. -arget Market

    12. Marketing !"#ective

    13. Marketing Mi

    14. I *le enting/ Monitoring and %ontrol

    15 Market Research

    1$.0actors In)luencing %onsu er %hoice

    1&. %onclusion

  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    1(. Reco endations

  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    Marketing Plan

    IntroductionA Marketing Plan Is a Written Document That Details theNecessary Actions to Achieve One or More Marketing Objectives.It Can e !or a Pro"uct or #ervice$ A ran" %ist o! Actions$ AMarketing Plan Without a #oun" #trategic &oun"ation Is o! %ittle'se. Or a Pro"uct %ine. Marketing Plans Cover et(een One an"&ive )ears. A Marketing Plan May e Part o! an Overall usinessPlan. #oli" Marketing #trategy Is the &oun"ation o! a Well*WrittenMarketing Plan.

    A Marketing Plan Outlines the #+eci,c Actions )ou Inten" to CarryOut to Interest Potential Customers an" Clients in )our Pro"uctAn"-or #ervice an" Persua"e Them to uy the Pro"uct An"-or#ervices )ou O er.

    -he Marketing Plan I *le ents our Marketing 'trategy. !r/ As I Put It in MyArticle/ -he ey to Marketing se a Plan / -he Marketing 'trategy Providesthe 6oals )or our Marketing Plans. It -ells ou 7here ou 7ant to 6o 0ro8ere. -he Marketing Plan Is the '*eci)ic Road a* -hat9s 6oing to 6et ou -here.

    A Marketing Plan May :e ;evelo*ed As a 'tandalone ;ocu ent or As Part o) a:usiness Plan. or 'ervices to our %usto ers.

  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    Objectives of St d!"

    -he Main !"#ective o) -his Assign ent Is to

  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    Sampling Design


    -he 7hole Po*ulation o) the %usto ers o) =arious Industry Is the niverse o) thePro*osed 'tudy.

    Sampling Met$ods

    1. %onvenient ? Dudg ental 'a *ling2. Rando 'a *ling

    &eograp$ical 'ocation

    -he 'tudy Is %onducted in %handigarh ? Eear"y Areas.

    Sampling %nit

    7orker o) the Industry Is the 'a *ling nit in the Pro*osed 'tudy.

    Sample Si(e

    ) Sample of *++ ,as %sed to Cond ct T$is St d!. + Samples illed t$eOnline / estionnaire and t$e #emaining illed t$e 0ard Cop! of t$e/ estionnaire.

    %onstant 6uide and 'u**ort 0ro 0aculty/ 'eniors and Peers 7as Instru ental in

    the Research 'uccess. Internet 7as an I *ortant -ool )or the Research.

  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    The Marketing Planning Process.

    In Most Organi/ations$ 0#trategic Planning0 Is an Annual Process$ Ty+ically Covering 1ust the )ear Ahea". Occasionally$ A &e(Organi/ations May %ook at a Practical Plan Which #tretches Threeor More )ears Ahea".

    To e Most 2 ective$ The Plan has to e &ormali/e"$ 'sually in

    Written &orm$ As a &ormal 0Marketing Plan.0 The 2ssence o! theProcess Is That It Moves &rom the 3eneral to the #+eci,c4 &romthe Overall Objectives o! the Organi/ation Do(n to the In"ivi"ualAction Plan !or a Part o! One Marketing Program. It Is Also anInteractive Process$ #o That the Dra!t Out+ut o! 2ach #tage IsChecke" to #ee What Im+act It has On the 2arlier #tages * An" IsAmen"e"..

    Marketing Planning Aims an" Objectives

    Marketing Plan 5el+s a &irm in Many Ways$ It 5ei+s Not Only in&ormulation o! 3oal but Also &ul,lment o! 3oal. In a #ales*Oriente" Organi/ation$ Marketing Planning &unction Designs

  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    Incentive Pay Plans to Not Only Motivate an" 6e(ar" &rontline#ta &airly but Also to Align Marketing Activities (ith Cor+orateMission.

    This 0Cor+orate Mission0 Can e Thought o! As a De,nition o!What the Organi/ation Is4 O! What It Does7 0Our usiness Is thisDe,nition #houl" Not e Too Narro($ Or It Will Constrict theDevelo+ment o! the Organi/ation.the Most Im+ortant &actor in #uccess!ul Marketing Is the0Cor+orate 8ision. I! the Organi/ation in 3eneral an" It9s Chie!2:ecutive in Particular$ 5as a #trong 8ision o! Where It9s &uture%ies$ Then There Is a 3oo" Chance That the Organi/ation WillAchieve a #trong Position in It9s Markets.


    Review of the Marketing Environment.

    #evie1 of t$e Detailed Marketing )ctivit!. ) St d! of t$e Compan!2sMarketing Mi34 5n Terms of t$e 6 Ps.

    #evie1 of t$e Marketing S!stem. ) St d! of t$e Marketing Organi(ation7Marketing #esearc$ S!stems and t$e C rrent Marketing Objectives andStrategies. T$e 'ast of T$ese 5s Too re8 entl! 5gnored. T$e MarketingS!stem 5tself 9eeds to :e #eg larl! / estioned7 :eca se t$e ;alidit! of t$e,$ole Marketing Plan 5s #eliant %pon t$e )cc rac! of t$e 5np t rom T$isS!stem7 )nd

  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    >+"?+ # le. To )c$ieve t$e Ma3im m 5mpact7 T$e Marketing Plan M st :eClear7 Concise and Simple. 5t 9eeds to Concentrate On t$e ?+ Percent ofProd cts or Services7 )nd On t$e ?+ Percent of C stomers7 ,$ic$ ,ill)cco nt for >+ Percent of t$e ;ol me and >+ Percent of t$e Profit.

    6 P2s" Prod ct7 Place7 Price and Promotion7 P$!sical =nvironment7 People7Process. T$e 6 P2s Can Sometimes Divert )ttention rom t$e C stomer7 : tt$e rame1ork T$e! Offer Can :e ;er! %sef l in : ilding t$e )ction Plans.

    It Is !nly at -his 'tage F!) ;eciding the Marketing !"#ectivesG -hat the ActivePart o) the Marketing Planning Process :egins9. -his Ee t 'tage in MarketingPlanning Is Indeed the ey to the 7hole Marketing Process.the Marketing !"#ectives 'tate Dust 7here the %o *any Intends to :eH At 'o e

    '*eci)ic -i e in the 0uture.

    -he Marketing !"#ectives Must sually :e :ased/ A"ove All/ !n the!rgani ation9s 0inancial !"#ectivesH %onverting -hese 0inancial Measure entsInto the Related Marketing Measure ents.'i *li)ying 'o ewhat/ Marketing'trategies %an :e 'een As the Means/ !r 6a e Plan/ :y 7hich Marketing!"#ectives 7ill :e Achieved And/ In the 0ra ework -hat 7e 8ave %hosen to

    se/ Are 6enerally %oncerned with the ( P9s. < a *les Are

    Price C -he A ount o) Money Eeeded to :uy ProductsProduct C -he Actual Product

    Pro otion FAdvertisingGC 6etting the Product nown

    Place ent C 7here the Product Is Located

    Peo*le C Re*resent the :usiness


  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    Coca Cola" Marketing Plan

    5ntrod ction to Coca Cola

    -he %ocaC%ola %o *any 7as 0irst

  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    cocaC%ola %o *any has :een =ery 'uccess)ul in International Marketing

  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    Researched. -his %onsists o) < a ining Market Research/ Auditing :usiness and%urrent 'ituation F'ituation AnalysisG And %are)ully 'crutini ing the 'o)t ;rinkIndustry and Possi"ilities )or %oca %ola in the Market. !nce %oca %ola 8ave%are)ully Analy ed the Internal and < ternal :usiness

  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    =3ternal : siness =nvironment

    -he < ternal :usiness

  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    -he %oca %ola 'yste has More -han 1$ Million %usto ers Around the 7orld-hat 'ells or 'erves !ur Products ;irectly to %onsu ers. 7e eenly 0ocus !n

  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    :eing the :iggest %o *any in the 'o)t ;rink Industry/ %oca %ola

  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    8ave 'igni)icant 6rowth !**ortunities. 8as 'u))icient %a*ital to < *and. 8as thePotential to Innovate and ;i))erentiate the %o *any9s Products to 'ustain a%o *etitive Advantage. May Merge with !ther 6lo"al :usinesses to

  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    -his -y*e o) Market A**roach Re)ers to Market 'eg entation.

    -he %ocaC%ola %o *any 7hen Advertising has a Pri ary -arget Market o) -hose7ho Are 13C24/ And a 'econdary Market o) 1,C3+.


    %ocaC%ola Main !"#ectives Are to 'u**ly

  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    1. Market 'hare !"#ectives

    -o 6ain $1N !) the Market )or 'o)t ;rinks Industry "y 2,,+.

    2. Pro)ita"ility !"#ectives

    -o Achieve a 2,N Return !n %a*ital < *loyed.

    3. Pro otional !"#ectives

    -o Increase Awareness o) the Product !n the Market.

    4. !"#ectives )or 'urvival

    -o 'urvive the %urrent Market 7ar :etween %o *etitors.

    5. !"#ectives )or 6rowth

    -o Increase the 'i e o) the 7orldwide %oca %ola

  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    %ocaC%ola Is the Most 7ell nown -rade ark/ Recogni ed "y +4 Per %ent o) the7orld9s Po*ulation. -he :usiness Is =ery 'uccess)ul and 8olds a =ery 6oodRe*utation.

    Marketing Strategies for Prod ct

    -he %ocaC%ola %o *any ses Marketing 'trategies to ;i))erentiate It9s Product0ro It9s %o *etitors to 6ain a %o *etitive Advantage. -hese Are Listed in the-a"le :elow.

    Marketing 'trategy < *lanation o) Marketing 'trategy

    < tension>*roduct ;i))erentiation in 2,,2/ -he %ocaC%ola %o *any < tended theProducts o) %oke and ;evelo*ed the Eew Products %oke with Le on and =anilla%oke. -his < tension Qres*onded to %onsu er ;e ands/

  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    8owever/ Retail !utlet ses Pricing Methods and Pricing 'trategies 7hen 'elling%ocaC%ola Products.

    Pricing Met$ods

    Pricing Methode *lanation o) Pricing Method%o *etitionC:ased PricingcocaC%ola Products Are sually Priced :elow/ A"oveor

  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    'electing the Most A**ro*riate ;istri"ution %hannel Is I *ortant/ As the %hoice7ill ;eter ine 'ales Levels and %osts. -he %hoice )or a ;istri"ution %hannel )orAny :usiness ;e*ends !n Eu erous 0actors/ -hese Include

    T how 0ar Away the %usto ers AreH

    T the -y*e o) Product :eing -rans*ortedH

    T the Lead -i es ReBuiredH AndH

    T the %osts Associated with -rans*ortH

    -here Are 0our -y*es o) ;istri"ution 'trategies -hat %oca %ola %ould 8ave%hosen 0ro / -hese Are Intensive/ 'elective/ < clusive and ;irect ;istri"ution. ItIs A**arent 0ro the Po*ularity o) the %oca %olaKs Product !n the Market -hatthe :usiness in the Past sed the Method o) Intensive ;istri"ution As the Product

    Is Availa"le at

  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    Drink b! )ir7 #ail7 #oad or ,ater Depends On t$e Market A5.=. &lobal7 OrDomesticB )nd Depends On t$e )ssociated Costs. T$e Most :eneficialTransportation Met$od for Coca Cola ,o ld :e #oad 5f t$e Prod ct ,ereMoved )ro nd rom Storage to t$e Cost Centers.


    In -odayKs %o *etitive

  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    < *enditures/ 7hich Include Research %osts/ Product ;evelo* ent %osts/ Product%osts/ Pro otion %osts and ;istri"ution %osts.

    'ales 0orce %o *osite Is the Most Logical Method in 0orecasting Revenue. -hisInvolves

  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    II. arket 'hare Analysis

    Market 'hare Analysis %o *ares %oca %olaKs :usiness 'ales Per)or ance with-hat o) It9s %o *etitors. %oca %ola Looks to Increase It9s Market 'hare "y !ver$,N. 7ith the %hanges %oca %ola Is %urrently ndergoing/ -hey Ai to Regainan Iron 0ist %ontrol o) the Market. -arget Market =arious Age 6rou*s andLi)estyles 0ro 8igh 'chool 'tudents -oo niversities/ And Male or 0e ale.

    Marketing Profitabilit! )nal!sis

    -his Analysis Looks at the %ost 'ide o) Marketing and the Pro)ita"ility o)Products/ 'ales -erritories/ Market 'eg ents and 'ales Peo*le. -here Are -hreeRatios to Monitor Marketing Pro)ita"ilityH -hey Are Market Research to 'ales/Advertising to 'ales and 'ales Re*resentatives to 'ales. -he Results o) -hese-hree -ools %an 8el* %oca %ola ;eter ine Any < erging -rends/ 'uch As the

    Eeed )or a ;i))erent Product. %o *aring -hese Results with Actual Results 6ivesthe :usiness an Idea !n 7hen to %hange.

    Market #esearc$

    7hen Atte *ting to I *le ent a Eew Marketing Plan a :usiness Must AddressIt9s -arget Market and %onduct the Relevant In)or ation to Insure the EewMarketing Plan :oth ;i))ers 0ro the !ld and Is :etter )or the :usiness. 7hen%onducting Market Research a :usiness Must 0irst ;e)ine the Pro"le and -hen6ather the A**ro*riate In)or ation to 'olve the Pro"le . -here Are 3 -y*es o)In)or ation a :usiness %an 6ather to 'olve It9s Pro"le s.

    %oca %ola -hrough It9s Market Research has Addressed All -hree -y*es o)Research to ;e)ine the Pro"le Raised "y 'hareholders and 6athered In)or ationto 'erve -heir Eeeds.

    actors 5nfl encing Cons mer C$oice

  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    7hen Making ;ecisions !n Products a :usiness Must Look at 0actors -hatIn)luence %onsu er %hoice 'uch As Psychological 0actors/ 'ociocultural 0actors/

  • 8/10/2019 Developing Marketing Plan for Soft Drink-Term-Paper


    %oca %ola %o *any 'hould Produce -heir Product According to the Local;e and.

    Marketing -ea 'hould -ry to Increase the Availa"ility o) %oke in RuralAreas.

    -hey 'hould Also 0ocus the !ld Peo*le. Eow oung 6eneration has a -rend to ;rink a %oke 2 Regular :ottles at

    'a e -i e/ 'o Providing More 'atis)action to -he %o *any 'hould Introduce

    U Litre ;is*osa"le :ottle.

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