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Developing research plan

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Developing Research Plan Presented By: Anvita Jadhav M. Pharm (IP)
Page 1: Developing research plan

Developing Research PlanPresented By: Anvita Jadhav

M. Pharm (IP)

Page 2: Developing research plan

Research Plan

Before conducting any research, researcher should develop a research plan.

The research plan should include the overall purpose of the research and how the outputs will be used and communicated

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Rationale for developing research plan


• It helps researcher to organize his ideas in a formwhereby it will be possible for him to look for flawsand inadequacies, if any.


• It provides an inventory of what must be done and which materials have to be collected as a preliminary step.

3.• It is a document that can be given to others for


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Contents of research plan

• Research objective should be clearly stated in aline or two which tells exactly what it is thatthe researcher expects to do.

Research Objective

• The problem to be studied by researcher must be explicitly stated so that one may know what information is to be obtained for solving the problem.

Defining Problem

• Each major concept which researcher wants to measure should be defined in operational terms in context of the research project.

Operation Term

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• The plan should contain the method to beused in solving the problem. An overalldescription of the approach concerningmethod to be used are clearly mentioned inthe research plan.


• The plan must also state the details of thetechniques to be adopted.Techniques

• A clear mention of the population to bestudied should be made.Population

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• If the study happens to be sample based, theresearch plan should state the sampling plan.The method of identifying the sample should besuch that generalization from the sample to theoriginal population is feasible.


• The plan must also contain the methods to beused in processing the data. Statistical and othermethods to be used must be indicated in theplan. Such methods should not be left until thedata have been collected.

Processing of Data

• Results of pilot test, if any, should be reported.Time and cost budgets for the research projectshould also be prepared and laid down in theplan itself.


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Sections of research planSp


ic A

ims The purpose of this section is

to clearly and conciselydescribe what the proposedresearch is intended toaccomplish.




s Should include specificresearch objectives.Should be hypothesis-based.Objectives should beobtainable within theproposed timeframe.Study aims should fit togetherin an overall framework.Study should be well-focusedrather than broad and diffuse.Specific Aims

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d &




ce • This states the researchproblem including theproposed rationale,current state of knowledgeand potential contributionsand significance of theresearch to the field.




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ce • Critically evaluate existingknowledge, includingbackground literature andrelevant data.

• Specify existing gaps thatthe project is intended tofill.

• Highlight potential policyor practice impacts.

• Highlight why researchfindings are importantbeyond the confines of thespecific research projectBackground & Significance

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Preliminary Studies & Progress Reports

The preliminary results sectiondescribes prior work by theinvestigators relevant to theproposed project.

The progress report shouldinclude a summary of theprevious application's specificaims and importance of thefindings.

Preliminary Studies & Progress Reports

Discuss how previous workleads to the current proposal.

Emphasize how the previouswork demonstrates feasibility ofproposed methods.

Accuracy and overallpresentation are important infigures, tables and graphs.

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Research Design & MethodsThis section is todescribe how theresearch will becarried out. This

Include details related to specific methodology; explain why theproposed methods are the best to accomplish study goals.

Describe any novel concepts, approaches, tools or techniques.

Include details of how data will be collected and results analyzed.

Consider required statistical techniques.

Include proposed work plan and timeline.

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A plan should cover a period of time

Plan of action should be flexible

Bottom to top levels of hierarchy should be involved in the planning process.

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The research plan should include the

overall purpose of the research and how the outputs will be used and communicated

Contents of research plan are objective,

method, techniques, results etc.

Sections of research plan are specific aim,

singficanace, preliminary studies, research design etc.

For performing any experimental work

development of research work has

much more importance.


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• C. R. Kothari, Developing a Research Plan,Research Methodology: Methods andTechniques, 2nd Ed. Pg. No. 53 – 54, 2004.

• http://www.ahrq.gov/funding/process/grant-app-basics/esstplan.html

• Mirza Hasanuzzaman, Research Planningmethodology, Pg. No. 1 – 3.

• How to Develop a Research Plan, TheAudience Agency, Pg. No. 1 – 3, 2012.

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Thank U
