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Development Initiatives & Approaches- Naushad Kazi

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 Title: SAFWCO’s Development Initiatives & Approaches  Written & Developed By Rafique Tunio & Naushad Kazi SINDH AGRICULTURAL AND FORESTRY WORKERS COORDINATING ORGANIZATION
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SAFWCO’s Development Initiatives



Written & Developed By

Rafique Tunio & Naushad Kazi



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Social Development Sector has shouldered the responsibility of institutional building at grassroots level

to support in bringing about a social change, thus taking the vulnerable and marginalized communities

to the sustainable stage of development and self-reliance.

SAFWCO has realized the significance and it is contributing its share in the development of marginalized

communities since 1986. It has emerged as a trustworthy development partner for organizing more than

7000  community organizations of marginalized groups like minorities, men and women, children and

farmer groups. It believes to work on effective social mobilization and capacity building programs which

play a crucial role in strengthening the participation of such communities to encourage them for

developing a better environment and peaceful society.

In this regard, effective and meaningful participation by people will ever add more value to the process;

however this will only happen if they have all the necessary knowledge and skills. Using the Integrated

approach, SAFWCO assisted the community members to form into groups and provided them training

and access to development resources that includes material support. These inputs built community

groups’ confidence and capacity to participate in development activity. This ‘participation’ in turn has

helped public sector (government) organizations and philanthropic and welfare agencies both in citizen

and corporate sector to reach out to the poor, the weak and the most vulnerable through their own

programs. As a result of this ‘working together’ strategy, development activities have become more

meaningful and positive impacts are clearly visible on people’s lives. 


The very crux of getting the communities directly involved in development initiatives is to pave ground

where they feel obsessed with the delusion of grandeur leading to the sense of ownership and

responsibility among them. Safwco has used social mobilization as an initial tool to empower community

to organize them into self-governing groups, or community organizations and initiate and control their

own personal and communal development. In this context a well development social mobilization model

is followed. Social mobilization model of Safwco encompasses dynamic and spacious community

partaking as mandatory for gaining ownership, in a way to make innovations not seen as externally

imposed. It has made social mobilization as core activity and entry point followed by different

development interventions including social and physical service delivery projects, coordinating and

networking while emphasizing on gender balance and good governance. Firstly, its Social organizers (SO)

visit communities to discuss them about their life style, income level and issues. Thereafter, they

organize the communities and convince to think about them how they could change their life to make

them united. Hence, they find the volunteers with the mutual consensus who could spend their time for

the development activities. Then formation process of the community organization starts which is the

first pillar of our social mobilization process. Later on, it gradually moves toward 2nd

and 3rd

tier titled

‘’Village Organization and Local Support Organization’’. The major element of the program is to inculcate

the habit of saving among the communities and it reduces their financial dependency and builds them

confident. There are several examples recorded in which the community organizations saved amount

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and further invested to construct the community hall, office and primary school etc. Even they opened

ghost school and furnished as per needs through their self efforts. Although, they’re under extreme

poverty conditions despite they’re regularly enhancing income opportunities through internal lending

which enabled them to raise income level, it all became possible because of developing saving habit.

Similarly, Safwco has adopted another social mobilization approach for the local innocent farmers wherethe Farmers Associations and Producers organizations developed and empowered them to sale their

crops at maximum cost within the vicinity. The action helped the farmers to get increased produce and

household income pulling them up out of the poverty trap and ensure food security. The savings of the

farmers have been increased. The trend of entrepreneurship will get recognition; social web among the

farmers will further be strengthened. Thus there would take place positive changes in the social and

economic life of the target farmers, especially the women.


districtsNature of organization

No of 







funded by


Sanghar &


Community Organizations

(CO) 7,126 55,465 86,728 PPAF


Sanghar &

Thatta Village Organizations (VO) 440 3,454 9,100 PPAF


Sanghar &


Local Support Organizations

(LSO) 16 76 268 PPAF

4 Thatta Farmers Associations (FA) 2 19 41



5 Thatta Farmers Groups (FG) 30 472 600




Dadu &

Sanghar Farmers Organizations (FO) 160 3,033 2,617 OXFAM GB

7Dadu &Sanghar

Producers Organizations(PO) 16 246 234 OXFAM GB

7,790 62,765 99,588

In some other special interventions, Safwco motivates and encourages the communities to develop

different types of the organizations as per need of the programs such as School Surveillance Committee,

DRR focal community organization, dispensary/hospital community care committee etc. The main aim of 

the program is to mainstream the rural poor marginalized communities especially females households

into socio-economic development and reduce their vulnerability. The specific objectives are to:

  Enable democratic and participatory action resulting in institutionalizing social justice, as a basis of 

social and economic development;

  Make village organizations development oriented, sustainable and responsive to local needs and

priorities; and

  Highlight social development issues gender, governance and globalization - and create forum for

discussion and broad-based partnerships to evolve and develop around these issues.

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First Entry and VDO C

Capacity Building andResources Mobilization

Coordination andNetworking

First Entry and Survey

Selection of Activists and Familiarization (individualand collective) MeetingsPlanning meeting for formation of CO

Social map, Village/Poverty Profile

Collective Meeting for preparation Village Dev Plan

Conducting TNA 

Organize Training/Workshop on:•ODP-I, ODP-II, ODP-III

•Skill Development Trainings on:

 Agricultural Extension

Livestock ManagementEnterprise Development and Management

Integrated Water Resources Management

Exposure and Exchange Visits

Participatory Community Development Dialogues(PCDD)

Provision of Support Services like Health, Education,Credit and CPI

Registration of VDO as NGO with Social Welfare


Coordination and networking with:

•Line Agencies, Support Organizations, NGOsand Private Sector

Formation of UDC





CAPACITY BUILDING INITIATIVES/PRACTICES:Capacity-building is a long-standing speculation in individuals, institutions, and societies to build up the

knowledge, skills, and resources for meeting their own needs. Prior to mobilizing and generating natural

resources in physical environ, Safwco deems indispensable to nurture the human resources in terms of 

skills and expertise among the communities. If people are not capable of handling the natural resources,

it falls flat to rejuvenate the resources available at their disposal. Promoting the individual and collective

capabilities of the communities is a core value of Safwco‘s human and Institutional Development (HID)

program. This is a supportive unit of Safwco and conduct training for following types of stakeholders:

  Training of VDO Partners

  Training for NGOs / CBOs Professional Staff 

  Training of Safwco Staff 

HID sector works in four important areas essential for the straight forward survival of organizations and

communities, viz:

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  Organization Development Program

  Skill Development Program

  Disaster Management and Mitigation and NRM

  Professional Skills Development

Before organizing training events on various topics, Training Need Assessment process is followed. Thisprocess facilitates the HID staff in assessing the priority areas where the partner organizations and

communities lack skills and knowledge. Based on the TNA, training events are organized. For each

training course, training modules are developed which contain the written literature on the topic of the

training, a supplement coupled with the practical and interactive sessions that follow during the

training. Experienced resources persons with specialized knowledge, skills and practical experience are

hired to impart the trainings.


Education Development program aim at improving the standard of primary education and promoting

the literacy, especially among females, in rural Sindh. Safwco involves parents, teachers, elected

representatives, officials and activists / volunteers in improving enrollment rate and reducing dropout.

Safwco also helps parents and teachers to map missing facilities in the schools, develop ‘Education for

All’ plan at union council level, and facilitates district government in allocating the budget from district

development plan. Safwco mobilized volunteers to contribute towards school development projects and

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assisted in organizing and extracurricular activities. The program also aims at promoting the literacy rate

of adult through establishing Functional Adult Literacy Center.

The program emphasizes on both formal and non-formal education services. It has following


  Primary Education

  Functional Adult Literacy

Salient Objectives:

  Establishing formal and non-formal educational institutions along with the adaptation of the

governments schools particularly in less developed areas with especial focus on girls’ education; 

  Providing access to physical recreational and extracurricular activities in less developed areas.

  Devise strategies for improving education quality through parent teachers motivation, training and

research; and

  Enhance literacy level in rural areas by providing educational opportunities to underprivileged adult

especially women through functional literacy program...

In order to narrow down the gender gap in education and enhance the girls’ enrollment in the

government primary school, Safwco’s Education Development sector has embarked upon “Reducing

Gender disparity in Education” program. As a part of this program, capacity bui lding training and

collective and motivation meeting are organized with school management committees to enable them

to understand their roles and responsibilities in managing the school activities and discuss child friendly

environment in school and girls’ enrollment and plans for addressing school issues .under the auspices

of this program, walks, seminars, workshops and street theatres are organized to get public participation

for enrolling girls in schools.



Safwco has established a disaster management and emergency relief sector that is consigned with doing

the strategic planning about how disaster can be adequately dealt with at the minimum risk to human

life and natural resources. This sector provides emergency relief services and build the capacity of the

communities to withstand the disaster consequences attempting at the mitigating its divesting effects.

This sector has three-fold role in disaster management:

 Disaster Preparedness: Before the onset of any disaster, it is necessary that the disaster prone people

should be prepared to face it effectively so that panic like situation should not appear aggravating the

aftermath of the disaster prone population are involved in all the activities so that they could be

relieved on priority basis.

  Information System: A dynamic information system is established where updates are collected via

various sources and disseminated to the communities and other organizations working in the same


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  Institutional framework: Disaster management committee, participatory platform and organization

are formed with linkage with line department so as to access in condition of emergency.

 Response Mechanism: In case of emergency, a dynamic response mechanism plays vital role to lessen

the disastrous consequences. The DPER cell is endeavoring to manage for such a response mechanism

in collaboration with the communities and government agencies.

 Disaster Mitigation: 

The DPER cell provides Services to the drought trodden people of desert and coastal area. Whereas the

following activities underway drought mitigation measures include:

a.  Construction of wells

b.  Installation of Deep And Shallow Hand Pumps

c.  Construction of Water Storage Reservoirs

d.  Management Local Resources

e.  Institutionalization of Community Organizations

f.  Societal Frameworkg.  Conflict Resolution Measures

h.  Installation of Water Conservation Technologies

 Disaster Response: 

To respond the intensifying drought condition, the DPER cell is facilitating the communities’ trough the

following ways:

a.  Local Warning and Communication Systems

b.  Disaster Assessment (Drought Assessment Research)

c.  Evacuation Measures

d.  Emergency Relief 

e.  Logistics and Supply

Natural Disaster is the consequence or effect of a hazardous event, occurring when human activities

and natural phenomenon (a physical event, occurring when human activities and natural phenomenon

(a physical event, such as a volcanic eruption, earthquake, landslide etc. that does not affect human

beings) become enmeshed. The resulting fatalities or property damages depend on the capacity of the

population to support or resist the disaster

Drought is an extended period where water availability falls below the statistical requirements for a

region. Drought is not a purely physical phenomenon, but instead is interplay between natural wateravailability and human demands for water supply.

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Successes story Village Khairo Sanjrani

SAFWCO Interventions under thematic area:

Social Development 

1.  Social Mobilization

2.  Formation of the Community Organization

3.  Village Development Planning

4.  Mobilizing youth to become member as part of the active

citizen campaign

Human and Institutional development 

1.  Exposure visit to the similar communities2.  Training of CO office bearers in Leadership, Accounts and

3.  Record Keeping , CMST, Advocacy and Lobbying

Community Physical Infrastructure (CPI)1.  Construction of brick pavement

2.  Access to main road from road through link road

3.  Access to Proper Electricity

Education Development 

1.  Motivation for volunteer Teacher at School

2.  Media Advocacy for Provision of Government School Teacher

3.  Lobbying with Elected Member of Provisional Assembly (MPA)for Teacher and Schools Reconstruction.

4.  Distribution of School Kits, Begs, Books and Toys

Health and Hygiene

1.  Awareness session of Health and Hygiene through Health Team

2.  Construction of Latrines, Derbies Cleaning from Village and

Water Canals

3.  Installation of Water Filer Plant

Livelihood Enhancement Protection (LEP)1.

 Distribution of Goats among women

2.  Registration of ultra poor’s in Benazir Income Support Program

Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Relief 1.  Mass Mobilization for Protecting Village from Floods through

construction of flood wall.

2.  Facilitation provided to access the Watan Cards

3. Food Items/ Fodder was distributed among villagers 




Landless Peasants Farm labor  Low literacy Poor access

to Health,Sanitation,Safe drinkingwater, roadsand markets

No electricity Socially,


High risk of floods
