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DEVELOPMENT OF A NOVEL AERIAL PLATFORM WHICH …€¦ · Keywords: Tethered airship, design and...

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DEVELOPMENT OF A NOVEL AERIAL PLATFORM WHICH MERGES THE CONCEPT OF AIRSHIPS AND TETHERED AEROSTATS Jônatas S. Santos * , Bruno A. de Azevedo * , Luiz C. S. Góes * , Rajkumar S. Pant ** * Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA), São José dos Campos, São Paulo, 12228-900, Brasil, ** Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT), Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400076, India Keywords: Tethered airship, design and fabrication, unmanned airship, LTA platform, tethered aerostat. Abstract This paper proposes a novel LTA platform, the tethered airship that is a merge of airship and tethered aerostat functionalities, combining the navigation abilities of airships and the hover- ing performance of tethered aerostats that is de- signed to remain stationary in high wind condi- tions, to transfer data with high speed data link to the ground base through an electric tether and to fly unlimited time periods. This paper presents the sizing based in a scaled model of the YEZ- 2A airship, the designing and fabrication of each component, and the integration that originates the novel tethered airship prototype in which it is val- idated through flight experiments. 1 Introduction This paper aims to feel part of the gap between the airship and the tethered aerostat vehicles. This investigation covers the tethered airship modeling, designing, manufacturing and assem- bling process, validating the prototype through flight experiments. The final goal of this research is to develop autonomous flight capabilities of an airship attached to the ground by a thin ca- ble. The concept is to have an airship that can be eventually connected to the ground through a tether, or in an opposite way, a tethered aerostat equipped with a propulsion system that can even- tually perform free flight. A lot of work has already been done in vari- ous projects related to unmanned airships, such as AURORA in Brazil in late 90s [1][3][10] [1][2], Autonomous Airship of LAAS/CNRS [6] [7][5] LOTTE airship in Germany [14], KARI in Korea [8][9], DIVA in Portugal [11] and Au- tonomous Outdoor Airship Project in IIT Bom- bay [12]. The common drawback is that all these airships were sensitive to the atmosphere condi- tions, especially to wind gusts[13]. The main benefits of the tethered airship are the expansion of flight envelope of airships, en- abling to hover in a high wind speed condi- tion (station keeping), the mobility and agility to tethered aerostat operations when it is mov- ing between hangars or to a different mooring system location (autonomy), perform flight in a constrained area limited by the length of the tether (safety), it allows mid-air charging and high speed data link via electric cable (commu- nication solutions and unlimited endurance). In the sequence of this paper, the tethered air- ship concept is introduced and the sizing process for obtaining a model is described in section 2. The design and fabrication of the main compo- nents of the vehicle are detailed in section 3. Pre- liminary flight test results are presented in section 4, and conclusions are made in section 5. 2 Tethered Airship Concept and model A tethered airship is a flight vehicle that has static lift, can perform navigation, and can connect and disconnect to a surface using a single tether with 1



Jônatas S. Santos∗, Bruno A. de Azevedo∗, Luiz C. S. Góes∗, Rajkumar S. Pant∗∗∗Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA), São José dos Campos, São Paulo, 12228-900, Brasil,

∗∗Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT), Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400076, India

Keywords: Tethered airship, design and fabrication, unmanned airship, LTA platform, tethered aerostat.


This paper proposes a novel LTA platform, thetethered airship that is a merge of airship andtethered aerostat functionalities, combining thenavigation abilities of airships and the hover-ing performance of tethered aerostats that is de-signed to remain stationary in high wind condi-tions, to transfer data with high speed data linkto the ground base through an electric tether andto fly unlimited time periods. This paper presentsthe sizing based in a scaled model of the YEZ-2A airship, the designing and fabrication of eachcomponent, and the integration that originates thenovel tethered airship prototype in which it is val-idated through flight experiments.

1 Introduction

This paper aims to feel part of the gap betweenthe airship and the tethered aerostat vehicles.This investigation covers the tethered airshipmodeling, designing, manufacturing and assem-bling process, validating the prototype throughflight experiments. The final goal of this researchis to develop autonomous flight capabilities ofan airship attached to the ground by a thin ca-ble. The concept is to have an airship that canbe eventually connected to the ground through atether, or in an opposite way, a tethered aerostatequipped with a propulsion system that can even-tually perform free flight.

A lot of work has already been done in vari-

ous projects related to unmanned airships, suchas AURORA in Brazil in late 90s [1] [3] [10][1] [2], Autonomous Airship of LAAS/CNRS [6][7] [5] LOTTE airship in Germany [14], KARIin Korea [8] [9], DIVA in Portugal [11] and Au-tonomous Outdoor Airship Project in IIT Bom-bay [12]. The common drawback is that all theseairships were sensitive to the atmosphere condi-tions, especially to wind gusts[13].

The main benefits of the tethered airship arethe expansion of flight envelope of airships, en-abling to hover in a high wind speed condi-tion (station keeping), the mobility and agilityto tethered aerostat operations when it is mov-ing between hangars or to a different mooringsystem location (autonomy), perform flight ina constrained area limited by the length of thetether (safety), it allows mid-air charging andhigh speed data link via electric cable (commu-nication solutions and unlimited endurance).

In the sequence of this paper, the tethered air-ship concept is introduced and the sizing processfor obtaining a model is described in section 2.The design and fabrication of the main compo-nents of the vehicle are detailed in section 3. Pre-liminary flight test results are presented in section4, and conclusions are made in section 5.

2 Tethered Airship Concept and model

A tethered airship is a flight vehicle that has staticlift, can perform navigation, and can connect anddisconnect to a surface using a single tether with



an anchoring device. More specifically, the staticlift comes from the Archimedes principle, wherethe magnitude of the buoyant force is equivalentto the weight of the fluid displaced by the body;controllable flight means the ability of track a de-sirable trajectory using actuators in a tethered anduntethered condition; and the surface is any ter-rain in solid or liquid state.

There are many combination of shapes andcomponents that can generate a tether airship ve-hicle. In this paper, the tethered airship is charac-terized by five main components listed below andthey displayed in Fig. 1.

1. Envelope

2. Gondola

3. Fins

4. Tail engine support

5. Tether system

The envelope is designed to retain the liftinggas and to support external loads. The gondolais a rigid support installed on the belly of the air-ship. It is used to carry the propulsion system,batteries, avionics and the payload. Fins are usedfor stabilization and maneuverability of the air-ship dynamic model by changing magnitudes anddirections of aerodynamic vectors. The tail en-gine support is used to care two engines and pro-pellers and it is designed to support load of thethrust force in order to steer the airship in lateraldirection. Lastly, the tether system is composedby a series of ropes joined in a confluence pointwith a single tether that anchors the airship to theground.

The tethered airship with these main compo-nents is able to perform a controllable free flightand to be a station keeping while using the tethersystem.

In order to design a tethered airship, it waschosen a scaled model of the YEZ-2A airship be-cause its dynamic behavior was investigated byGomes [4] and its aerodynamics was obtained bywind tunnel data. The original profile and airshipsizing is displayed in Fig. 2.

Fig. 1 Tethered airship concept.

Fig. 2 YEZ-2A Airship.

The three-dimensional model presented inFig. 3 was built in CATIA using a scalingfactor designed in a multi-criteria optimizationbased in operational requirements, as of mini-mum payload weight of 15 kgf, maximum ex-ternal dimensions in view of transportation pur-poses and hangar sizing, handling procedures andwinch maximum operational loads at 100 metersof height.

Fig. 3 Airship scaled CAD Model.

The result was a scaled airship with the gen-eral parameters presented in Table 1. The dimen-



sional values were obtained by the scaled CADmodel, and forces were calculated consideringInternational Standard Atmosphere (ISA) at sealevel. For the avionics, the maximum weight ofall electronic systems including batteries is 10kgf. The Payload consists in the sensor e.g. cam-era, radio, sonar, and in the electronic system be-longing to the sensor operational system. TheNet Lift is the upward force that remains, ant itis balanced by the tether weight, estimated to be4 kgf each 100 meters length, and tether tension.

Table 1 Tethered Airship parameters.Parameter Value Unit

Length 12.3 mMaximum Diameter 3 mVolume 60 m3

Surface Area 86 m2

Avionics 10 kgfPayload 20 kgfNet Lift 5 kgf

Once the dimensions and weights are defined,the process of design and fabrication of eachcomponent starts.

3 Design and Fabrication of Components

This section presents the design and fabricationof each main component of a tether airship, con-sidering the established dimensions. Those com-ponents are envelope, gondola, fins, tail enginesupport and tether system.

At the end of this chapter, the prototype inte-gration is presented and the comparison betweenactual and 3D model are made.

3.1 Envelope

The envelope is built with two layers. The inter-nal one has the function of retaining the liftinggas, and the external one is designed to supporthigh loads due to tether tension and aerodynamicforces. The envelop is divided in 10 equal parts,called petals, which are welded using a sealingmachine.

The profile of the petals determines the shapeof the airship, reflecting in the aerodynamic per-formance and airship efficiency. The petals weredrawn in CAD and printed for cutting using amounting template. Fig. 4 shows the design onthe left and fabrication on the right of the enve-lope.

Fig. 4 Envelope.

3.2 Gondola

The gondola is the structure fixed to the envelopethat includes the payload of the airship, in addi-tion to all the equipment needed to perform theflight, such as: propulsion system, batteries andembedded system. Fig. 5 shows the design on theleft and fabrication on the right of the gondola.

Fig. 5 Gondola.

The propulsion system is responsible for pro-viding thrust force to the airship and it is com-posed of two sets of motor and propeller locatedat the end of the vectoring axis.

3.3 Fins

The design of the airship fins was carried out byscaling an YEZ-2A airship[4] model which de-termined the profile and sizing of the fins. Fig.6 shows the design on the left and fabrication onthe right of the fins.



Fig. 6 Fins.

3.4 Tail Engine Support

The tail rotor parts were manufactured by the wa-ter jet cutting process. The main frame is made ofaluminum, reinforced with fiberglass tubes. Thefixing is through balsa wood to support the enve-lope, Velcro and cables for its stabilization.

Fig. 7 Tail engine support.

In this structure, 2 brushless motors are in-stalled in opposite directions to promote lateralforce on the tail of the dirigible in both direc-tions. Each engine will have independent oper-ation, providing a maximum lateral thrust of 3kgf.

3.5 Tether system and prototype

The tether system is composed by eight linesmade by Kevlar. Their dimensions are obtainedby the distance from attachment point at the en-velope to the confluence point, where all the ca-bles are joined to a single tether that anchors theairship to the ground.

The conclusion of the mechanical design wasachieved with the integration of all componentsand with the preparation of the airship anchoredto flight by inflating with helium gas. The com-parison between the model and the prototype is

Fig. 8 Tether system attached to the airship.

shown in the Fig. 9.

Fig. 9 Comparison between design and prototype.

4 Flight experiments

The aim of the first flight experiment was to ver-ify the airship dynamic behavior. The envelopewas filled with helium gas and all componentswere attached. The tethered airship prototype isdisplayed in Fig. 10 where the envelope, gon-dola, fins and the tether system can be observed.

The altitude of the experiment was 650 me-ters, a ballast of 15 kgf was attached to the gon-dola in order to simulate the payload weight. Bal-last in the nose less than 1 kgf was added for trim-ming purposes. The weight of Avionics was 9 kgf



and the Net Lift was 12.5 kgf. Taking into ac-count the weight of the tether and the variation ofaltitude, it was verified the possibility to operateat 100 meters of height from the ground station.

Fig. 10 Tethered airship prototype.

Furthermore, the static equilibrium wasachieved in this flight experiment and a stablebehavior was observed in winds lower than 3m/s. Oscillations in yaw direction was observedin winds between 3 and 6 m/s and improvementson the design of the tethered airship can be madein order to reduce the oscillatory behavior. Thiswill be a further step that will optimize the teth-ered airship to be designed for working in a largerange of windspeed, allowing to extend its auton-omy, flying for extended periods due to low en-ergy consumption for fighting against wind dis-turbances and for adding the capability of refuel-ing or recharging batteries while tethered.

The preliminary design and fabrication werevalidated in this flight experiment and the explo-ration of the capabilities of this platform was ini-tiated.

5 Conclusions

The development of a tethered airship was pre-sented. The concept to have a platform speciallydesigned and adapted for both performing navi-gation and being a station keeping while tetheredin the ground was introduced. As ships need ananchor for holding a specific position, the sameconcept was proposed for an unmanned airship.

This paper also detailed the methodologyused for conceiving a tethered airship, startingfrom sizing, design to manufacturing and integra-tion. A preliminary flight test results were alsopresented. The concept of operation, consideringtrimming, assembling and flying a tethered air-ship was validated through flight experiments.

Now that the platform is established, im-provements are suggested as future works: theadaptation of system identification methodolo-gies for this platform aiming to have a high-fidelity model; improvements of the dynamicsystem stability by developing an active controlor designing an optimal size of tail fins for guar-antee passive stability in a large range of windgust; developing an autonomous navigation sys-tem that considers the constrains imposed by thetether; expand the autonomy of airships by us-ing a tether to perform refueling operations, toaid takeoff and landing in windy condition and totransform the airship in a steady station keepingfor persistent in-flight operations.


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This research was sponsored by the Con-selho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científicoe Tecnológico - CNPq and Coordenação deAperfeiçoamento de Pessoal - CAPES throughScience Without Borders under grants no

141680/2014-8 and PVE process no 045/2012,and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estadode São Paulo - FAPESP, under PIPE processno2015/00704-3 and no15/50625-2, which aresupporting the ongoing tethered airship project.

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