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Date post: 18-Aug-2015
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Digital Graphic Narrative Development Harry Stables

Digital Graphic Narrative


Harry Stables

Shape Task


What did you like about your image?I like the eyes of my images because I have blurred the white reflections in the eyes, I like this because I think it makes it feel a little more like a real image, even though it is a cartoon, it gives the image more detail.What would you improve if you did it again?I think if I had to do it again I would use a different image or a different animal with less colours so I could get it to look more like what the animal is. Because of all the colours it made it difficult to try merge the colours. This makes the colours which are different stand out a lot.


EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?What I like with my image is that the shapes are a lot more defined, this allows me to actually add good shading to my image and add more detail to it to make it look more like the original image but yet nit copying it to make it look to much like it. I also like how the shading is blocky and you can see where I have put the shading, how it stands out, it makes it feel like a cartoon and the geometric shapes make it appeal to the audience.What would you improve if you did it again?If I were to do it again I would spend more time on getting some of the shapes more accurate to make it look a little less blocky however I think I would change the colours to give it more realistic colours and make it feel a little more like a photograph but yet still keeping it with a cartoony style.

Text Based


What did you like about your image?What I like about my image is that the harry and the stables merge together so you can see more of the guitar image. I like this because it allows you to be able to show what job or profession that you have or its showing people something you like. I have added a little music note at the bottom of the name. What would you improve if you did it again?

Comic Book


What did you like about your image?

What would you improve if you did it again?

PhotographyHappy Sad

confused shocked


What did you like about your image?I like how he expresses the different emotions, it allows me to have many different emotions that I can use for my book. I shall be rota-scoping this images to make them look like a cartoon What would you improve if you did it again?



What did you like about your image?I like the cartoon simplistic style of my image, it allows me to be able to use it for a children’s book.

What would you improve if you did it again?

Initial Ideas

For my research I have researched different types of fairytales and Greek myths to make me think what story I want to do for my children book. This has helped me decide what story I am going to do. The images I have used here are not suitable for a children book so I will be using these images as an idea of how I can create my cartoon image, however I will be researching more cartoony images.

I have been going through many different types of cartoon images for Theseus and the minotaur. This is to help me come up with my own minotaur cartoon. I would need to make it suitable for children, this means it would have to be simple and colourful, as well as being a little scary just so children can see who the ‘bad guy’ is in the book.

• These are all the different types of font I can use. I think I would use the top one as my font just because it creates the feel for the book making it look like a Greek myth related book, which it is. However I have got many different types of fonts that I could use the inside of my book as the main font I could use.


Amount of pages: 12 Page dimensions: 26.5x26 cm

Story OverviewKing Mino of crete was taking people from athens to feed his beast, the minotaur. The minotaur lived in a labyrinth. The son of the king of athens, theseus, didn’t like this and was sent with the next load of people to kill the minotaur. The king of cretes daughter fell in love with theseus. She then gives theseus a ball of string to help him find his way out if he does kill the minotaur. Thesues walks through the dark labyrinth, then suddenly came face to face with the minotaur, the minotaur then threw theseus in the air and stamped down on his cheat as the minotaur picks up theseus, theseus grabs the beasts horns and then snaps the nick of the minotaur. Then he finds his way out with the string and the daughter of the king of crete is there waiting for him. They sail off home to athens together, later they got married and had 3 children.

Export Format


Advantages: small file sizes, compatible with other programs, can be compressed

Disadvantages: The quality of the image can look bad when compressed


15th may 2015


I think that my audience will be a little older just for the reason that there is death in my book, so I think the age range of my book will increase. I believe that the age range is from 9 – 12 just for that core reason. The gender of my audience isnt really something that is a big thing, I believe more boys would read my book just because it wont be something that catches the eye of a little girl for the reason of it being a book about mythology however I think some girls may be interested in some stuff like this. I think most people who read this book will be located in the EU just for the fact that this is where the book is set.

Production Methods

(Explain the methods you are going to use to produce your pages. Show us the thinking behind your decisions for a more detail response)

What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

The first part of the proposal is good. The explanation of the story is a good representation of what you want the story to be like.

Complete the second slide of the proposal.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

Good mood boards, nice variation of texts.Good inspiration for ideas, different and nice.

What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

I like wide range of graphics used in the mood boards, to give you a wide range of inspiration for how you want your book to look. I also like the choice of fonts, they look suitable for a Greek mythology style book, and at the same time suitable for children.

I believe the story needs censoring in some areas, such as cutting off the minotaurs neck, use “slayed” instead. I also feel the story may need simplifying in some ways, maybe by using more modern names, to put a more modern twist on the old story.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

I like the wide range of ideas you have on the mind map, keeping the options for your book open. As well as considering Greek myths, your proposed idea, you also looked into fairytales, meaning you have plenty of options if your Minotaur story didn’t work out.

Need a clearer idea on the demographic for your book. The story in my opinion would be suitable for children over the age of 10, due to the notion of killing something. Need to consider how the characters will be designed, e.g. rotoscope, shaping etc.

What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

This is a good proposal with lots of detail about the story and a clear view of what you plan to do for your book. Also of the file formats you have got there are plenty of correct advantages and disadvantages.

You need to finish the second slide. Also you could try and come up with another file format to put in and come with some advantages and disadvantages for that.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

There are lots of pictures and information that clearly describe what it is you want to do in your book and how you want to make the art in the book look.

You could create a second mind map on things like, page number, page size, story specifics, etc.

Feedback Summary

Sum up your feedback.

Finish my proposal and get a age range and make it a little less violent. I have done my storyboard well and there is many different ideas.

Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?I agree with most of it to be honest, what they have said is mostly right and that I need to work on getting it finished and make it more child-friendly.

Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?

There is a bit talking about creating a new mind map with more stuff on it and i think I can just add to the half finished on I have already.

Theseus and the Minotaur

1. King Mino, the king of Crete was taking people from Athens to feed to the Minotaur.2. The minotaur was a big beast, which was half bull half man. The minotaur lived in a big maze called a

labyrinth.3. The king of Athens and his son, Theseus, were annoyed at King Mino for taking there people to feed the

minotaur.4. So Theseus went with the next lot of people, who were taken to Crete, to go kill the minotaur.5. When Theseus got to Crete, he was met by King Mino and his daughter, Ariadne.6. Ariadne instantly fell in love with theseus so she offered to help him escape the labyrinth.7. Just before theseus entered the labyrinth, Ariadne stopped him and gave him a bib ball of string, she said “if I

tie this at the door you will just have to follow the string to get back” then theseus walked in. 8. Theseus is walking though the dark, damp and dingy labyrinth. Getting ready to be face to face with the

beast.9. Just when he thought he was never going to find the minotaur, he reached out to find a big hairy beast. 10. He minotaur attack theseus, throwing him up and down and jumping on his body. But somehow theseus got

given godly strength, and then with after a mighty fight theseus defeated the minotaur.11. Then theseus used his ball of string to follow and find his way out of the labyrinth.12. and at the end of the labyrinth was Ariadne, waitimg for theseus to return. They lived happily ever after.






Original Script

King Minos of Crete was a powerful man, feared by the rulers of the lands around him. When he demanded goods or men for his great armies, they felt they had to agree. When he demanded they send tributes to honour him, they sent them without question. It was the only way they could stop him going to war with them. But his demands on Athens became too much for them to bear.King Minos had a great palace built for himself. Inside this palace, Minos had built a giant maze, a Labyrinth, and, at the centre of the maze, he kept a terrifying creature, - the Minotaur. Now this was no ordinary animal; it was a monster, half man and half bull.It was powerful, and savage and it loved to eat the flesh of the humans who had been shut into the labyrinth by King Minos. They would wander through the maze, completely lost, until at last they came face to face with the Minotaur. Not a great way to die really.As for Athens, Minos demanded that every year the King send him seven young men and seven young women."Why do we send these young people to Crete every year?" Theseus asked his father, the King of Athens. "And why is it that none of them ever return?""Because if we did not send them, Minos would wage war on us and it is a war that we would not win," said King Aegeus. "And they do not return because they do not go to Crete as slaves. They go as food for the Minotaur.""Father, this is terrible," shouted Theseus, "we cannot let this go on. We cannot sacrifice any more of our young citizens to this tyrant. When it is time to send the next tribute, I will go as one of them and I vow that it is the last time the Minotaur will be fed with the flesh of any of our people."Try as he might, his father could not persuade him to change his mind. Aegeus reminded him that every year, other young men had sworn to slay this terrible beast and they had never been seen again. Theseus insisted that he understood the dangers but would succeed. "I will return to you, father," cried Theseus, as the ship left the harbour wall, "and you will be proud of your son.""Then I wish you good luck, my son," cried his father, "I shall keep watch for you every day. If you are successful, take down these black sails and replace them with white ones.

Original Script

That way I will know you are coming home safe to me."As the ship docked in Crete, King Minos himself came down to inspect the prisoners from Athens. He enjoyed the chance to taunt the Athenians and to humiliate them even further. "Is this all your king has to offer this year?" he jeered. "Such puny creatures. Hardly even a snack for the mighty creature within the labyrinth. Anyway, let's get on with it. I am not a hard-hearted man, so I will let you choose which one goes first into the Minotaur's den. Who is it to be?"Theseus stepped forward. "I will go first. I am Theseus, Prince of Athens and I do not fear what is within the walls of your maze.""Those are brave words for one so young and so feeble. But the Minotaur will soon have you between its horns. Guards, open the labyrinth and send him in."Standing behind the king, listening, was his daughter, Ariadne. From the moment she set eyes on Theseus, Ariadne fell in love with him. As she listened to her father goading and taunting the young prince, she decided that she would help him. As he entered the labyrinth and the guards walked away, she called softly to him. "Theseus, take this," she whispered. "Even if you kill the Minotaur, you will never find your way out again."She threw him a great ball of string and he tied one end of it to the entrance. He smiled at her, turned and began to make his way into the maze, the string playing out behind him as he went.Theseus walked carefully through the dark, foul-smelling passages of the labyrinth, expecting at any moment to come face-to-face with the creature. He did not have long to wait. Turning a corner, with his hands held out in front of him feeling his way, he suddenly touched what felt like a huge bony horn.In an instant his world turned upside-down, quite literally. He was picked up between the Minotaur's horns and tossed high into the air. When he landed on the hard cold stone, he felt the animal's huge hooves come down on his chest. Every last breath seemed to be knocked out of him and he struggled to stay alive in the darkness.But Theseus was no ordinary man. He was the son of the King, he was brave and he was stubborn. As the Minotaur bellowed in his ear and grabbed at him with its hairy arms,

Original Script

Theseus found a strength which he did not know he possessed.He grabbed the animal's huge horns, and kept on twisting the great head from side to side. As the animal grew weak, Theseus gave one almighty tug on the head, turning it almost right around. The creature's neck snapped, it gurgled its last breath and fell to the floor with an enormous thud.It was over, he had done it. The Minotaur was dead. All he had to do was make his way out of...and then he realised the awful truth. In the struggle, he had let go of the string, his lifeline. Theseus felt all over the floor in the pitch darkness and kept thinking he had found it, only to realise that he all he had was a long wiry hair from the Minotaur.Despair set in and Theseus wondered if this was where his life would end, down in the dark, all alone, next to the stinking body. Then, his hand brushed a piece of string and, with a whoop of delight, he knew he had found the thread which would lead him back out. As he neared the entrance of the labyrinth, the darkness began to fade and he made out the figure of Ariadne, waiting for his return."You must take me back to Athens with you," she cried, "My father will kill me when he finds out that I have helped you.""But of course you must come with us," said Theseus, "it would be cruel to leave you here." Quickly and quietly, they unfurled the great black sails of their ship and headed for home."I cannot believe how my life as changed," said Ariadne, as they sailed across the calm seas towards Athens. "To think that I am free of my cruel father and that I will soon be married to a great prince.""Married?" said Theseus, "Oh, yes, that will be...er... wonderful." But in truth, Theseus did not really find her attractive.So, when their ship docked at an island on their way home, to collect fresh water, Theseus sent Ariadne off to find bread and fruit. The moment she was gone, he set sail and left her on the island. Now, you might think that this was a bad way to reward someone who had helped him and had saved him from certain death. The Gods clearly thought the same thing, for they had a further horror in store for him, as a punishment for his ungrateful treatment of the young girl.In his haste to get away, Theseus forgot to change his sails to white. King Aegeus, waiting on the headland, saw the ship approaching with its black sails flying in the wind. "My son has failed and he is dead," he cried. And in despair, he flung himself from the cliff into the raging waters below. From that day on, the sea was named in memory of Theseus' father, and to this day, it is known as the Aegean Sea. http://myths.e2bn.org/mythsandlegends/textonly563-theseus-and-the-minotaur.html

Final Script

Theseus and the Minotaur1. The minotaur was a big beast, which was half bull half man. The minotaur lived in a big maze called a labyrinth. 2. King Mino, the king of Crete was taking people from Athens to feed to the Minotaur.3. The king of Athens and his son, Theseus, were annoyed at King Mino for taking their people to feed the minotaur.4. So Theseus went with the next lot of people, who were taken to Crete, to go kill the minotaur.5. When Theseus got to Crete, he was met by King Mino and his daughter, Ariadne.6. Ariadne instantly fell in love with Theseus so she offered to help him escape the labyrinth.7. Just before Theseus entered the labyrinth, Arianne stopped him and gave him a big ball of string. She said, “if I tie this at the door you will just have to follow the string to get back.” Then Theseus walked in. 8. Theseus walked though the dark, damp and dingy labyrinth. He got ready to be face to face with the beast.9. Just when he thought he was never going to find the minotaur, he reached out to find a big hairy beast. 10. The minotaur attacked Theseus, throwing him up and down and jumping on his body. Somehow Theseus was given godly strength, and then after a mighty fight, Theseus defeated the minotaur. 11. Theseus followed his ball of string to find his way out of the labyrinth. At the end of the labyrinth was Ariadne who had waited for Theseus to return.12. Theseus was so happy to see Ariadne that he took her back to Athens and they lived happily ever after.

Digital Flat Plans

Ariadne instantly fell in love with Theseus so she

offered to help him escape the labyrinth.
