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DFD - Tutorial

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Data Flow Diagrams Data Flow Diagrams - Introduction Data flow diagrams can be used to provide a clear representation of any business function. The technique starts with an overall picture of the business and continues by analyzing each of the functional areas of interest. This analysis can be carried out to precisely the level of detail required. The technique exploits a method called top-down expansion to conduct the analysis in a targeted way.

The result is a series of diagrams that represent the business activities in a way that is clear and easy to communicate. A business model comprises one or more data flow diagrams (also known as business process diagrams). Initially a context diagram is drawn, which is a simple representation of the entire system under investigation. This is followed by a level 1 diagram; which provides an overview of the major functional areas of the business. Don't worry about the symbols at this stage, these are explained shortly. Using the context diagram together with additional information from the area of interest, the level 1 diagram can then be drawn. The level 1 diagram identifies the major business processes at a high level and any of these processes can then be analyzed further - giving rise to a corresponding level 2 business process diagram. This process of more detailed analysis can then continue through level 3, 4 and so on. However, most investigations will stop at level 2 and it is very unusual to go beyond a level 3 diagram. Identifying the existing business processes, using a technique like data flow diagrams, is an essential precursor to business process re-engineering, migration to new technology, or refinement of an existing business process. However, the level of detail required will depend on the type of change being considered. Data Flow Diagrams Diagram Notation There are only five symbols that are used in the drawing of business process diagrams (data flow diagrams). These are now explained, together with the rules that apply to them.

This diagram represents a banking process, which maintains customer accounts. In this example, customers can withdraw or deposit cash, request information about their account or update their account details. The five different symbols used in this example represent the full set of symbols required to draw any business process diagram. External Entity

An external entity is a source or destination of a data flow which is outside the area of study. Only those entities which originate or receive data are represented on a business process diagram. The symbol used is an oval containing a meaningful and unique identifier.


A process shows a transformation or manipulation of data flows within the system. The symbol used is a rectangular box which contains 3 descriptive elements: Firstly an identification number appears in the upper left hand corner. This is allocated arbitrarily at the top level and serves as a unique reference. Secondly, a location appears to the right of the identifier and describes where in the system the process takes place. This may, for example, be a department or a piece of hardware. Finally, a descriptive title is placed in the centre of the box. This should be a simple imperative sentence with a specific verb, for example 'maintain customer records' or 'find driver'. Data Flow

A data flow shows the flow of information from its source to its destination. A data flow is represented by a line, with arrowheads showing the direction of flow. Information always flows to or from a process and may be written, verbal or electronic. Each data flow may be referenced by the processes or data stores at its head and tail, or by a description of its contents. Data Store

A data store is a holding place for information within the system: It is represented by an open ended narrow rectangle. Data stores may be long-term files such as sales ledgers, or may be short-term accumulations: for example batches of documents that are waiting to be processed. Each data store should be given a reference followed by an arbitrary number. Resource Flow

A resource flow shows the flow of any physical material from its source to its destination. For this reason they are sometimes referred to as physical flows. The physical material in question should be given a meaningful name. Resource flows are usually restricted to early, high-level diagrams and are used when a description of the physical flow of materials is considered to be important to help the analysis. Data Flow Diagrams The Rules External Entities It is normal for all the information represented within a system to have been obtained from, and/or to be passed onto, an external source or recipient. These external entities may be duplicated on a diagram, to avoid crossing data flow lines. Where they are duplicated a stripe is drawn across the left hand corner, like this. The addition of a lowercase letter to each entity on the diagram is a good way to uniquely identify them. Processes When naming processes, avoid glossing over them, without really understanding their role. Indications that this has been done are the use of vague terms in the descriptive title area - like 'process' or 'update'.

The most important thing to remember is that the description must be meaningful to whoever will be using the diagram. Data Flows Double headed arrows can be used (to show two-way flows) on all but bottom level diagrams. Furthermore, in common with most of the other symbols used, a data flow at a particular level of a diagram may be decomposed to multiple data flows at lower levels. Data Stores Each store should be given a reference letter, followed by an arbitrary number. These reference letters are allocated as follows: 'D' - indicates a permanent computer file 'M' - indicates a manual file 'T' - indicates a transient store, one that is deleted after processing. In order to avoid complex flows, the same data store may be drawn several times on a diagram. Multiple instances of the same data store are indicated by a double vertical bar on their left hand edge. Data Flow Diagrams Relationship Grid

There are rules governing various aspects of the diagram components and how they can relate to one another. Data Flows For data flows the rules are as follows: Data flows and resource flows are allowed between external entities and processes. Data flows are also allowed between different external entities. However, data flows and resource flows are not allowed between external entities and data stores. Processes For processes the data flow rules are as follows: Data flows and resource flows are allowed between processes and external entities and between processes and data stores. They are also allowed between different processes. In other words processes can communicate with all other areas of the business process diagram. Data Stores For data stores the data flow rules are as follows: Data flows and resource flows are allowed between data stores and processes. However, these flows are not allowed between data stores and external entities or between one data store and another. In practice this means that data stores cannot initiate a communication of information, they require a process to do this.

Data Flow Diagrams Context Diagrams

The context diagram represents the entire system under investigation. This diagram should be drawn first, and used to clarify and agree the scope of the investigation. The components of a context diagram are clearly shown on this screen. The system under investigation is represented as a single process, connected to external entities by data flows and resource flows. The context diagram clearly shows the interfaces between the system under investigation and the external entities with which it communicates. Therefore, whilst it is often conceptually trivial, a context diagram serves to focus attention on the system boundary and can help in clarifying the precise scope of the analysis. The context diagram shown on this screen represents a book lending library. The library receives details of books, and orders books from one or more book suppliers. Books may be reserved and borrowed by members of the public, who are required to give a borrower number. The library will notify borrowers when a reserved book becomes available or when a borrowed book becomes overdue. In addition to supplying books, a book supplier will furnish details of specific books in response to library enquiries. Note, that communications involving external entities are only included where they involve the 'system' process. Whilst a book supplier would communicate with various agencies, for example, publishers and other suppliers - these data flow are remote from the 'system' process and so this is not included on the context diagram. Data Flow Diagrams Context Diagram Guidelines Firstly, draw and name a single process box that represents the entire system. Next, identify and add the external entities that communicate directly with the process box. Do this by considering origin and destination of the resource flows and data flows. Finally, add the resource flows and data flows to the diagram. In drawing the context diagram you should only be concerned with the most important information flows. These will be concerned with issues such as: how orders are received and checked, with providing good customer service and with the paying of invoices. Remember that no business process diagram is the definitive solution - there is no absolute right or wrong.

Data Flow Diagrams Level 1 Diagrams

The level 1 diagram shows the main functional areas of the system under investigation. As with the context diagram, any system under investigation should be represented by only one level 1 diagram. There is no formula that can be applied in deciding what is, and what is not, a level 1 process. Level 1 processes should describe only the main functional areas of the system, and you should avoid the temptation of including lower level processes on this diagram. As a general rule no business process diagram should contain more than 12 process boxes. The level 1 diagram is surrounded by the outline of a process box that represents the boundaries of the system. Because the level 1 diagram depicts the whole of the system under investigation, it can be difficult to know where to start. There are three different methods, which provide a practical way to start the analysis. These are explained in the following section and any one of them, or a combination, may prove to be the most helpful in any given investigation. There are three different methods, which provide a practical way to start the analysis. These are introduced below and any one of them, or a combination, may prove to be the most helpful in any given investigation: Data Flow Diagrams Resource Flow Analysis Resource flow analysis may be a useful method for starting the analysis if the current system consists largely of the flow of goods, as this approach concentrates on following the flow of physical objects. Resource flow analysis may be a useful method for developing diagrams if the current system consists largely of the flow of goods. Physical resources are traced from when they arrive within the boundaries of the system, through the points at which some action occurs, to their exit from the system. The rationale behind this method is that information will normally flow around the same paths as the physical objects. Data Flow Diagrams Organizational Structure Analysis The organizational structure approach starts from an analysis of the main roles that exist within the organization, rather than the goods or information that is flowing around the system. Identification of the key processes results from looking at the organizational structure and deciding which functional areas are relevant to the current investigation. By looking at these areas in more detail, and analyzing what staff actually do, discrete processes can be identified. Starting with these processes, the information flows between them and between these processes and external entities are then identified and added to the diagram. Data Flow Diagrams Document Flow Analysis The document flow analysis approach is appropriate if the part of the business under investigation consists principally of flows of information in the form of documents or computer input and output. Document flow analysis is particularly useful where information flows are of special interest. The first step is to list the major documents and their sources and recipients. This is followed by the identification of other major information flows such as telephone and computer transactions. Once the document flow diagram has been drawn the system boundary should be added.

Data Flow Diagrams Top Down Expansion

The section explains the process of top down expansion, or leveling. Furthermore, it illustrates that whilst there can only be one context and one level 1 diagram for a given system, these normally give rise to numerous lower level diagrams. Each process within a given business process diagram may be the subject of further analysis. This involves identifying the lower level processes that together constitute the process as it was originally identified. This procedure is known as top-down expansion or leveling. As a business process diagram is decomposed, each process box becomes a boundary for the next, lower level, diagram. Data Flow Diagrams Top Down Expansion Illustrated

In order to illustrate the process of top-down expansion, consider the three processes shown within this business process diagram. No detail is shown, only the outline of the process boxes, which have been identified during the drawing of a level 1 diagram. Any area of a level 1 diagram is likely to require further analysis, as the level 1 diagram itself only provides a functional overview of the business system. Therefore, below the level 1 diagram there will be a series of lower level diagrams. These are referred to as level 2, level 3, etcetera. In practice, level 2 is usually sufficient and it is unusual to carry out an analysis beyond level 3. In this example the process numbered 3, at level 1, will be investigated further thereby giving rise to a level 2 diagram. In the level 2 diagram four processes of interest have been identified and the numbering of these processes must reflect the parent process. Therefore the level 2 processes are numbered 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 Suppose that of these four level 2 processes, one was of sufficient interest and complexity to justify further analysis. This process, let's say 3.3, could then be further analyzed resulting in a corresponding

level 3 diagram. Once again the numbering of these processes must reflect the parent process. Therefore these three level 3 processes are numbered 3.3.1, 3.3.2 and 3.3.3. Data Flow Diagrams Numbering Rules

The process boxes on the level 1 diagram should be numbered arbitrarily, so that no priority is implied. Even where data from one process flows directly into another process, this does not necessarily mean that the first one has to finish before the second one can begin. Therefore the processes on a level 1 diagram could be re-numbered without affecting the meaning of the diagram. This is true within any business process diagram - as these diagrams do not imply time, sequence or repetition. However, as the analysis continues beyond level 1 it is important that a strict numbering convention is followed. The processes on level 2 diagrams must indicate their parent process within the level 1 diagram. This convention should continue through level 3 diagrams, and beyond, should that level of analysis ever be required. The diagram on this screen clearly illustrates how processes on lower level diagrams identify their ancestral path. Data Flow Diagrams - When to Stop It is important to know when to stop the process of top-down expansion. Usually this will be at level 2 or level 3. There are 3 useful guidelines to help you to decide when to stop the analysis: Firstly, if a process has a single input data flow or a single output data flow then it should be apparent that there is little point in analyzing it any further. Secondly, when a process can be accurately described by a single active verb with a singular object, this also indicates that the analysis has been carried out to a sufficiently low level. For example, the process named validate enquiry contains a single discrete task. Finally, ask yourself if anything useful will be gained by further analysis of a process. Would any more detail influence your decisions? If the answer is no, then there is little point in taking the analysis further. Data Flow Diagrams Keeping the Diagrams Clear In this section a variety of simple techniques are introduced to show how a business process diagram can be clarified. The examples used do not relate to any specific scenario but are hypothetical abstracts used for the purpose of illustration. Combining Processes Firstly, where a diagram is considered to contain too many processes, those that are related can often be combined. As a general rule no business process diagram should contain more than 12 process boxes.

In some examples multiple process boxes can be identified as being related and can be combined into a single process box with a collective description. Exclude Minor Data Flows Where information is being retrieved from a data store, it is not necessary to show the selection criteria, or key, that is being used to retrieve it. In the banking example, the customer details are shown being retrieved from the data store but the key used to retrieve this information is not shown. Where a data store is being updated, only the data flow representing the update needs to be shown. The fact that the information must first be retrieved does not need to be shown. Only the most important reports, enquiries, etcetera should be shown on the diagram. Communications that are of less significance can, if necessary, be detailed in support documentation. Combining External Entities Another way to reduce the complexity of a business process diagram is to combine any related external entities. For example, a business system will often be dealing with different units from within the same external organization, and these can be combined into a single external entity. Where these units are uniquely identified a number should follow the entity identification letter. However, when they are combined the numbers placed after the identifying alphabetic character are not shown. Combining Data Stores In a similar way, data stores that are holding related information should be suffixed with a lower case letter. Related data stores can also be combined, and where this is the case the numbers placed after the identifying alphabetic character are not shown.

Understanding Attributes in E-R DiagramsAn attribute is a property or descriptor of an entity, for example, Customer Name is an attribute of the entity Customer. Each attribute will eventually be represented by one or more entity attributes in the physical database structure. Attributes Define Entities Collectively, attributes define an entity. An attribute is meaningless by itself. For example, date of birth comes from the context of the entity to which it is assigned, for example, date of birth of an employee. Attributes are not shown on the Entity-Relationship Model but are recorded in the underlying data dictionary which contains the definitions of attributes for all entities and relationships identified in the model. An attribute should not have facts recorded about it. In practice, however, there are exceptions. For example, you might wish to show address as an attribute of Customer. Address is not significant enough to be modelled as an entity in its own right and would typically be shown as an attribute of Customer. However, at the detailed level, it may itself have attributes such as an indicator for mailing address or home address. Attributes do not have to be recognized and defined during the early stages of entity definition. Entity definition is an iterative process, and it is unlikely that a completely satisfactory Entity-Relationship Model will be obtained on the first iteration. Identifying Attributes To identify entity attributes, examine: all external entities from the Context Diagram, the data flows passed by the external entities, existing automated data, each entity (i.e., generate a list of entity attributes that describe the entity).

Attributes Versus Data Elements Attributes have a looser description than data elements. For instance, whereas an attribute may have only a descriptive name, a data element needs: a size and range, a format and length, an accurate and detailed description, valid values, defined edit rules.

Some attributes may be converted into many data elements. For instance, the attribute "address" may become four data elements representing: Street Address, City/Town, State/Province, Postal or Zip Code.

Additional data elements may also be defined as a result of customer requirements. For example, the customer may require a list of all companies by county. For the purposes of Data Modelling, attributes and data elements are often considered identical because attributes in the data model typically become data elements in the database. CANDIDATE KEYS Description A candidate key is a set of one or more attributes which uniquely distinguishes each instance of an entity. For example, a candidate key for Employee may be Employee ID, candidate keys for Budget may be Budget Year, Budget ID, or Effective Date. Primary Key Identifier The primary key of an entity unambiguously distinguishes between occurrences of the entity. It is a unique identifier comprised of one or more attributes of the entity. Each occurrence of an entity has one value for its primary key. Select the primary key from the list of candidate keys. Each entity must be assigned a primary key. An entity can have only one primary key. Foreign Key Identifier Foreign keys (also known as referential attributes) are attributes that define relationships between entities. The attributes of a foreign key in one entity are the attributes of a primary key in another entity. For example, Department ID is the primary key of Department and Department ID is a foreign key of Employee defining the relationship "Employee works for Department." CATEGORIES OF ATTRIBUTES Attributes fall into three categories depending on the information that the attribute captures: Descriptive attributes provide facts intrinsic to each instance of the entity. For example, the Salary of Employee or the Address of Customer. Naming attributes provide facts about arbitrary labels and names carried by each instance of an entity. For example, the Employee Name of Employee or the Employee ID of Employee. Referential attributes (i.e., foreign keys) provide facts which tie an instance of one entity to an instance of another entity. For example, the Department Number of the Department to which an Employee is assigned ties the Employee to the Department. ATTRIBUTE DOMAINS A domain is a set of values for an attribute (i.e., the properties or characteristics of entities). The value set conforms to a common definition for the domain (e.g., type, format, syntax, meaning). Specify domains in one of the following ways: List all possible values (e.g., for an attribute named color, possible values are red, green, blue). Identify a source (e.g., procedures manual) that contains the valid values. List an acceptable range of values for the domain (e.g., for an attribute named weight, possible values range from one to five pounds). Define a business rule that permits determination of the validity of a value assigned to an attribute (e.g., discounts greater than five percent only apply to commercial customers).

DERIVED ATTRIBUTES Derived attributes are attributes whose values are generated from other attributes using calculations, algorithms or procedures. For example, Account Balance is derived by subtracting Total Debit from Total Credit. Generally, the specifications for calculating derived attributes are a concern of the processing aspects of the information system (e.g., process model). Derived attributes may be included in the data model if the rules for calculating the attribute values would otherwise be lost. Clearly indicate in the data model when an attribute is derived. Ensure that the rules needed to derive or calculate the attribute value are captured in the model. Verify that all attributes needed to calculate the derived attribute are present in the data model. Once the physical data model is constructed, some derived attributes are added to the model to improve performance of the system.

Understanding Entities in E-R DiagramsAn entity is a person, place, thing, event, or concept of interest to the business or organization about which data is likely to be kept. For example, in a school environment possible entities might be Student, Instructor, and Class. Entity-type refers to a generic class of things such as Company. Entity is the short form of entity-type. Entity-occurrence refers to specific instances or examples of a type. For example, one occurrence of the entity Car is Chevrolet Cavalier. An entity usually has attributes (i.e., data elements) that further describe it. Each attribute is a characteristic of the entity. An entity must possess a set of one or more attributes that uniquely identify it (called a primary key). The entities on an Entity-Relationship Diagram are represented by boxes (i.e., rectangles). The name of the entity is placed inside the box. Identifying Entities Identifying entities is the first step in Data Modelling. Start by gathering existing information about the organization. Use documentation that describes the information and functions of the subject area being analyzed, and interview subject matter specialists (i.e., end-users). Derive the preliminary entity-relationship diagram from the information gathered by identifying objects (i.e., entities) for which information is kept. Entities are easy to find. Look for the people, places, things, organizations, concepts, and events that an organization needs to capture, store, or retrieve information about. Types of Entities Different types of entities are required to provide a complete and accurate representation of an organization's data and to enable the analyst to use the Entity-Relationship Diagram as a starting point for physical database design. Types of entities include: Fundamental where the entity is a base entity that depends on no other for its existence. A fundamental entity has a primary key that is independent of any other entity and is typically composed of a single attribute. Fundamental entities are realworld, tangible objects, such as, Employee, Customer, or Product. Attributive where the entity depends on another for its existence, for example, Employee Hobby depends on Employee. An attributive entity depends on another entity for parts of its primary key. It can result from breaking out a repeating group, the first rule of normalization, or from an optional attribute. Associative where the entity describes a connection between two entities with an otherwise many-to-many relationship, for example, assignment of Employee to Project (an Employee can be assigned to more than one Project and a Project can be assigned to more than one Employee). If information exists about the relationship, this information is kept in an associative entity. For example, the number of hours the Employee worked on a particular Project is an attribute of the relationship between Employee and Project, not of either Employee or Project. An associative entity is uniquely identified by concatenating the primary keys of the two entities it connects. Subtype/Supertype where one entity (the subtype) inherits the attributes of another entity (the supertype).

A supertype entity is used to represent two or more entities when they are viewed as the same entity by some other entities. A subtype entity is an entity that is a special case or refined version of another entity. Subtype entities are created when attributes or relationships apply to only

some occurrences of an entity, the subset of occurrences to which the attributes or relationships apply are separated into entity subtypes. When an attribute applies only to some occurrences of an entity, the subset of occurrences to which it applies should be separated into entity subtypes. The common data elements are put in the supertype entity and the specific data elements are placed with the subtype to which they apply. For example, Employee (supertype) may contain three subtypes, Permanent Employee, Part-time Employee, and Temporary Employee. All data elements of the supertype must apply to all subtypes. Each subtype contains the same key as the supertype. Relationships between an entity supertype and its subtypes are always described as "is a." For example, Employee is a Permanent Employee, Employee is a Part-time Employee. Identifying Entity Supertypes/Subtypes Entity supertypes/subtypes involve classes of entities that are truly different, but at the same time, significantly similar. When identifying supertypes/subtypes, look for: entity types that have the same attributes, entity types that participate in the same relationships, occurrences of an entity that do not participate in all the relationships in which the entity type participates, occurrences of an entity that do not have all the attributes that the entity type has.

Entities on a Data Flow Diagram Entities will often become data stores on Data Flow Diagrams. More than one entity may map into a data store. CATEGORIES OF ENTITIES There are three general categories of entities: Physical entities are tangible and easily understood. They generally fall into one of the following categories: people, for example, doctor, patient, employee, customer, property, for example, equipment, land and buildings, furniture and fixtures, supplies, products, such as goods and services.

Conceptual entities are not tangible and are less easily understood. They are often defined in terms of other entity-types. They generally fall into one of the following categories: organizations, for example, corporation, church, government, agreements, for example, lease, warranty, mortgage, abstractions, such as strategy and blueprint.

Event/State entities are typically incidents that happen. They are very abstract and are often modelled in terms of other entity-types as an associative entity. Examples of events are purchase, negotiation, service call, and deposit. Examples of states are ownership, enrollment, and employment.

IMPOSTER ENTITIES When an Entity is not an Entity There are a number of things that may appear to be entities about which facts are kept, but which should not be defined as such. These include: processes, calculations, reports, facts about entities. Processes Processes may actually perform actions on entities but are not, themselves, entities. Examples are: payroll deduction, budgeting (an action on an organization unit). Calculations Calculations are derived from the attributes of an entity. Examples are: inventory level, average age, net worth.

Reports Reports present facts about one or more entities. Examples are: Project schedule, Income statement.

Facts About Entities Facts about entities describe characteristics of an entity and should be modelled as attributes. Examples are: telephone number, date of hire.

RULES FOR DEFINING ENTITIES Entities are things in an organization that are of interest to the business. They generally correspond to people, places, things, events, concepts and organizations. Name each entity using a noun in the singular form (e.g., Employee not Employees). Use a word that is precise and clearly identifies the object. When appropriate and needed to distinguish similar entities, use an adjective to further describe the noun (e.g., Permanent Employee, Temporary Employee). Use a term that is familiar to the business or is commonly used in everyday language. Avoid the use of obscure terminology unless it is commonly used in the organization under analysis. The entity name is representative of the characteristics or attributes of the entity. Take this into account when naming entities. For example, use a term such as Inventory Item rather than Item.

elementary processesIdentifying Elementary Processes. Some processes are complex, whereas others at the same level may be simple or elementary. These elementary processes can occur at any level, at or below level 1, within the business model. Conversely, a complex high level process may require analysis through a number of levels of diagram in order to break it down into functional components that are sufficiently low level to be termed elementary processes. If there is sufficient interest in any given process to analyze it further, then clearly it is not an elementary process. Elementary processes can be described in elementary process descriptions (or EPD's). These are typically about half a page of narrative and can add useful detail to a business process model. Elementary Processes Illustrated. Elementary processes are identified by the addition of an asterisk in the lower right hand corner of the process box as illustrated on the next page. In the example shown, all the level 2 processes would almost certainly be 'elementary', as they have simple and specific names. This level 2 diagram has been developed from the level 1 process 'Local Driver Administration'. However, another level 1 process 'Fill Booking Sheet' can also be identified as being an elementary process, illustrating the point that elementary processes can occur at numerous levels within a business model. Inter-Diagram Checks. Firstly, check that every process has a simple and meaningful name, that reflects its' role in the business system. Next, check that each process has at least one incoming data flow and at least one outgoing data flow. Make sure that all data stores have logical names, indicating their content, and not their organization or medium. Check that all data flows either start or end at a process. Tracing the data flows backwards, they should originate either from a data store or from an external entity. Intra-Diagram Checks. Check that all data flows terminating in a process on a high level diagram terminate in at least one of the processes on the associated lower level diagram. If this is not the case, then an inconsistency has arisen that will need to be rectified. Do this by re-checking the details against both levels of diagram. Subjective Checks. Remember, the drawing of business process diagrams is not an exact science. It is also useful to apply the following subjective checks: Firstly, look to see if there a large number of flows between any two items on the diagram. If so, their relationship may require closer analysis. For example this might represent a single process that has been artificially split in two. Finally, if there are no flows between two areas of a diagram this may indicate that it could be split into two separate diagrams.

Gantt Charts Introduction Gantt Charts - named after their inventor Henry Gantt, are the preferred information media of senior managers, who usually find that the information portrayed in PERT charts is overly detailed.

Gantt Chart Gantt charts are simple to understand and easy to change, however they only provide a vague description of how the whole project is reacting as a system.

PERT Chart The PERT chart is an excellent start point for the production of a bar chart or Gantt chart, which is required in order to clearly show the start and finish dates for the major activities. PERT is an acronym for Program Evaluation Review Technique and is one of the most widely used graphical representations for project planning and control purposes. Modern software planning packages are able to present the project data in a wide variety of formats including numerical sequence, alphabetical and date order. In the example shown, the network information has been sorted and presented in date order using the early start values. When producing Gantt charts care should be taken that each distinct area is clearly definable - by applying an appropriate color or shading regime. The challenge to project management is to accurately identify and quantify the activities, or tasks, that are necessary in order to deliver the end-product on time and within budget. Various planning charts are used in practice, depending on the size and complexity of the project. Whilst the PERT chart is one of the most useful aids to effective project management, senior managers will not usually want to see this level of detail. When project management staff need to communicate information to senior management, Gantt charts, histograms and other graphical techniques are the preferred presentation format. Any plan, schedule or specification that will be circulated should be represented in a clear and unambiguous format. The notation used should be clear to both an in-house and an external audience. In order to do this, the three vital planning and control parameters - time, cost and performance should be summarized at an appropriate level of detail. The Gantt Charts Limitations The chart has three important limitations: Firstly, the sequencing and inter-relationships between the activities are not shown. Therefore, they do not represent a network of the activities. If one activity is accelerated or delayed it will be difficult to see the effect that this may have on associated activities. Secondly, the Gantt chart cannot show the results of either an early or a late start in the activities. It does not reflect true project status because elements behind schedule do not mean that the project is behind schedule. Finally the Gantt chart does not show the uncertainty involved in performing the activity, therefore questions concerning the minimum or maximum duration of the activity are not represented.

The logical bar-chart shows the logical relationships between the activities. Whilst this technique is useful, be aware that on larger projects the volume of activities may result in a cluttered presentation. Many variations of Gantt chart can be used to represent a broad spectrum of project information and in spite of its limitations the Gantt chart remains the most common presentation format for senior management.Resource Planning Resource planning addresses the effective scheduling of the skills and resources necessary in order to deliver the products required by the project. Resource aggregation, leveling and smoothing refer to techniques that together should ensure that the project makes optimum use of the resources available. In project management terms all of the staffing requirements, money and physical objects that the project will consume or require are termed resources. Resource planning aims to ensure that the project is run efficiently, by keeping all of the dedicated project resources as fully utilized as possible. It also aims to facilitate the accurate prediction of the demands that will be placed on the project and enables the accurate identification of important issues such as potential bottlenecks. Resource planning is concerned with the effective scheduling of skills, experience, financial and technical resources necessary in order to deliver the products required. It is crucial technique to the success of the project and the work involved grows rapidly in complexity as the number of individuals and the required skills increase. Resource planning should be an iterative process, helping to refine the PERT chart by optimizing the use of resources throughout the project life cycle. The overall planning process involves a number of iterative steps beginning with the identification of the products that are required to deliver the overall end-product. This should be followed by identification of the resources needed and the sequencing of the activities required. The PERT chart should then be updated to reflect the resources and activities as they are identified. This is followed by assigning the activities and responsibilities to suitably qualified staff. With the shape and size of the project now visible, the total cost of staff and other resources for each planning period can now be calculated. Costs should be itemized by resource type, identifying the number of staff at each skill, or cost, level. Up to this point the planning process would normally have assumed one-hundred percent availability of staff to work on project related tasks. Thus a full-time person is scheduled for five full days each week - whilst in reality, they may not be available on this basis. Gantt Charts Resource Definitions & Allocation Resources can be broadly divided into consumables and non-consumables. A consumable resource is consumed as it goes into a task, for example, when money is spent on paying contractors it cannot be used again. Non-consumable resources can be used over and over again - manpower and equipment used on a project are obvious examples of non-consumable resources. It is often helpful to consider resource definitions, in order to define the capabilities, cost and productivity of different worker groups. This classification is normally conducted with reference to the skill profiles of staff. It is important to define the effort that each group can produce per unit of time in order to accurately match the task needs with the allocated resources. The various resource definitions may be supported by estimates of the quantity of each resource that will be available throughout the projects life cycle. This information is called a resource availability profile and these are often shown as graphs of the level of availability against time. With reference to the tasks, or activities, identified in the plans; the next job is to allocate resources to these tasks. At this stage each task should be dealt with in isolation - it would be premature to attempt to optimize the overall efficiency of matching tasks to the resources allocated. The allocation of resources to tasks should be carried out on a 'best estimate' of how to address the workload requirements. Three techniques can then be applied to ensure the practical and efficient use of resources.
