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Diable Anti Adblock

Date post: 02-Mar-2018
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  • 7/26/2019 Diable Anti Adblock


    // ==UserScript==// @name Anti-Adblock Killer | Reek// @namespace https://userscripts.org/scripts/show/155840// @description Helps you keep your Ad-Blocker active, when you visit a websiteand it asks you to disable.// @author Reek | reeksite.com// @version 9.7// @encoding utf-8// @license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/// @icon https://raw.github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/master/anti-adblock-killer-icon.png// @homepage https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/// @twitterURL https://twitter.com/antiadbkiller// @contactURL https://reek.github.io/anti-adblock-killer/#contact// @supportURL https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues// @contributionURL https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer#donate// @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/master/anti-adblock-killer.user.js// @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/master/anti-adblock-killer.user.js// @include http://*/*// @include https://*/*// @grant unsafeWindow// @grant GM_addStyle

    // @grant GM_getValue// @grant GM_setValue// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand// @grant GM_deleteValue// @grant GM_listValues// @grant GM_getResourceText// @grant GM_getResourceURL// @grant GM_log// @grant GM_openInTab// @grant GM_setClipboard// @grant GM_info// @grant GM_getMetadata

    // @run-at document-start// @connect *// ==/UserScript==/*jshint newcap:false smarttabs:true*//*===================================================== Thanks======================================================

    Donors: M. Howard, Shunjou, Charmine, Kierek93, G. Barnard, H. Young, Seinhor9, ImGlodar, Ivanosevitch, HomeDipo, R. Martin, DrFiZ, Tippy, B. Rohner, P. Kozica, M. Patel, W4rell, Tscheckoff, AdBlock Polska, AVENIR INTERNET, coolNAO, Ben,J. Park, C. Young, J. Bou, M. Cano, J. Jung, A. Sonino, J. Litten, M. Schrumpf,G. Pepe, A. Trufanov, R. Palmer, J. Rautiainen, S. Blystone, M. Silveira, K. Mac

    Arthur, M. Ivanov, A. Schmidt, A. Waage, F. Tismer, S. Ehnert, J. Corpus, J. Dluhos, Maklemenz, Strobelix, Modellpilot.EU, E. Benedetti, V. Venditti, Shakos, A.Eliason, A. Saloranta, S. Geiger, A. Otterloo, M. Coppen, S. Fischer, H. Becker, D. Ackerman, S. Pitsch, K. Pertcheck, S. Abel, K. O'Connor, B. Obrien, S. Vogler, S. Goebl, A. Biar, S. Scott, Bassmobile.org, S. Groe, M. Peot, R. Chan Balam,L. Bond-Kennedy, R. Emond, A. Pavlov, W. Tracey, A. Sergey, R. Lpez Lpez, R. Reddy Kasireddy, A. Moujeer, M. Betz, M. Lefvre, R. McCurdy, LR Geeks, M. Beauregard,CasperTech Ltd, M. Dudas, S. Scharf, S. Prokhorov, K. Papalias, J. Wojnowski, B. Curtis, D. Lawrence, D. He, N. Kelsall, Idogewallet, J. Spaulding, S. Lafon, Mat, H. Roberts, C. Hedlund, J. Hawkins

  • 7/26/2019 Diable Anti Adblock


    Collaborators: InfinityCoding, Couchy, Dindog, Floxflob, U Bless, Watilin, @prdonahue, Hoshie, 3lf3nLi3d, Alexo, Crits, Noname120, Crt32, JixunMoe, Athorcis,Killerbadger, SMed79, Alexander255, Anonsubmitter, RaporLoLpro, Maynak00, Robotex, Vinctux, Blahx, MajkiIT, F4z, Angelsl, Mikhaelk, Marek, Hamsterbacke, Gorhill, Hacker999, xxcriticxx, Skr4tchGr3azyMonkiBallllllZzzz, Giwayume, MrSherlockHolmes, xDarkARG

    Users: Thank you to all those who use Anti Adblock Killer, who report problems, who write the review, which add to their favorites, making donations, which support the project and help in its development or promote.

    ======================================================= Mirrors =======================================================

    Github: http://tinyurl.com/mcra3dn Greasyfork: http://tinyurl.com/pbbdnh6 Openuserjs: http://tinyurl.com/nnqje32 MonkeyGuts: http://tinyurl.com/ka5fcqm Userscripts: http://tinyurl.com/q8xcejl

    ======================================================= Documentation


    Greasemonkey: http://tinyurl.com/yeefnj5 Scriptish: http://tinyurl.com/cnd9nkd Tampermonkey: http://tinyurl.com/pdytfde Violentmonkey: http://tinyurl.com/n34wn6j NinjaKit: http://tinyurl.com/pkkm9ug

    ======================================================= Script======================================================*/

    (function (window) {

    "use strict";var Aak = {

    name : 'Anti-Adblock Killer', version : '9.7', scriptid : 'gJWEp0vB', homeURL : 'https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/', changelogURL : 'https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer#changelog', donateURL : 'https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer#donate', featuresURL : 'https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer#features', reportURL : 'https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/wiki/Report-Guide', contactURL : 'https://reek.github.io/anti-adblock-killer/#contact', settingsURL : 'https://reek.github.io/anti-adblock-killer/#settings',

    twitterURL : 'https://twitter.com/antiadbkiller', downloadURL : 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/master/anti-adblock-killer.user.js', subscribeURL : 'https://reek.github.io/anti-adblock-killer/#filterlist', listURL : "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/master/anti-adblock-killer-filters.txt", nativeURL : 'https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/wiki/Native-Mode', iconURL : 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/master/anti-adblock-killer-icon.png', imgBait : '

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    /AAAAGklEQVR42mNg0GAYBaNgFIyCUTAKRsEoQAYATN8AKYNZ/x4AAAAASUVORK5CYII=', initialize : function () {

    Aak.registerSettings(); // registering your settings. Aak.registerConsole(); // registering customzed console. Aak.registerCommands(); // add commands to menu Aak.checkUpdate(true); // check if AakScript is up to date. Aak.checkList(); // check if AakList is enabled. Aak.blockDetect(); // detect and kill anti-adblocks.

    }, aabs : {}, opts : {}, options : { videoPlay : { group : 'general', type : 'checkbox', value : false, label : 'Play video automatically. *', info : '' }, videoHD : { group : 'general', type : 'checkbox',

    value : false, label : 'Play video in HD quality. **', info : '' }, videoPlugin : { group : 'general', type : 'checkbox', value : false, label : 'Play video with plugin. *', info : '' }, videoDownload : { group : 'general',

    type : 'checkbox', value : false, label : 'Add "Download video" button. *', info : '' }, checkList : { group : 'general', type : 'checkbox', value : true, label : 'Check AakList subscription.', info : '' }, checkUpdate : {

    group : 'general', type : 'checkbox', value : true, label : 'Check newer AakScript version.', info : '' }, debug : { group : 'debug', type : 'checkbox', value : false,

  • 7/26/2019 Diable Anti Adblock


    label : 'Enable Logs.', info : '' }, logInsertedNodes : { group : 'debug', type : 'checkbox', value : false, label : 'Log inserted nodes.', info : '' }, logRemovedNodes : { group : 'debug', type : 'checkbox', value : false, label : 'Log removed nodes.', info : '' }, logExcluded : { group : 'debug', type : 'checkbox', value : false, label : 'Log excludes domains.', info : '' },

    logXhr : { group : 'debug', type : 'checkbox', value : false, label : 'Log HTTP requests', info : '' }, logPlayer : { group : 'debug', type : 'checkbox', value : false, label : 'Log player instances.', info : ''

    }, logInterceptedScripts : { group : 'debug', type : 'checkbox', value : false, label : 'Log intercepted scripts.', info : '' }, logDetected : { group : 'debug', type : 'checkbox', value : false, label : 'Log detected anti-adblocks.',

    info : '' } }, registerSettings : function () { for (var optName in Aak.options) { if (Aak.options.hasOwnProperty(optName)) Aak.opts[optName] = Aak.getValue(optName) !== null ? Aak.getValue(optName) : Aak.options[optName].value; } },

  • 7/26/2019 Diable Anti Adblock


    commands : [{ caption : 'Homepage', execute : function () { Aak.go(Aak.homeURL); } }, { caption : 'Settings', execute : function () { Aak.go(Aak.settingsURL); } }, { caption : 'Update', execute : function () { Aak.checkUpdate(); } } ], addCommands : function (cmd) { if (Aak.useGM && Aak.isTopframe && typeof GM_registerMenuCommand != 'undefined') { GM_registerMenuCommand([Aak.name, Aak.getVersion(), cmd.caption].join(''), cmd.execute); } },

    registerCommands : function () { Aak.ready(function () { // Scriptish // note: No menu command is created when the user script is run in a iframe window. // doc: http://tinyurl.com/kvvv7yt Aak.commands.forEach(function (cmd) { Aak.addCommands(cmd); }); }); }, registerConsole : function () { var args = ['AntiAdbKiller', Aak.isTopframe ? 'topframe' : 'subframe', loc

    ation.host]; this.log = Aak.opts.debug ? console.log.bind(console, args) : function (){}; this.info = Aak.opts.debug ? console.info.bind(console, args) : function () {}; this.error = Aak.opts.debug ? console.error.bind(console, args) : function() {}; this.warn = Aak.opts.debug ? console.warn.bind(console, args) : function () {}; //this.detected = Aak.opts.debug && Aak.opts.logDetected ? console.info.bind(console, args) : function () {}; }, isTopframe : (parent == self),

    uw : typeof unsafeWindow != 'undefined' ? unsafeWindow : window, useGM : typeof GM_getValue != 'undefined', apiGM : function () { if (Aak.isTopframe) { // GM API - http://tinyurl.com/yeefnj5 return { GM_xmlhttpRequest : typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest != 'undefined', GM_setValue : typeof GM_setValue != 'undefined', GM_getValue : typeof GM_getValue != 'undefined', GM_addStyle : typeof GM_addStyle != 'undefined',

  • 7/26/2019 Diable Anti Adblock


    GM_registerMenuCommand : typeof GM_registerMenuCommand != 'undefined', GM_info : typeof GM_info != 'undefined', GM_getMetadata : typeof GM_getMetadata != 'undefined', GM_deleteValue : typeof GM_deleteValue != 'undefined', GM_listValues : typeof GM_listValues != 'undefined', GM_getResourceText : typeof GM_getResourceText != 'undefined', GM_getResourceURL : typeof GM_getResourceURL != 'undefined', GM_log : typeof GM_log != 'undefined', GM_openInTab : typeof GM_openInTab != 'undefined', GM_setClipboard : typeof GM_setClipboard != 'undefined' }; } }, go : function (url) { window.location.href = url; }, refresh : function () { window.location.href = location.href; }, reload : function () { window.location.reload(true); }, contains : function (string, search) { return string.indexOf(search) != -1;

    }, getBrowser : function () { var ua = navigator.userAgent; if (Aak.contains(ua, 'Firefox')) { return "Firefox"; } else if (Aak.contains(ua, 'Sleipnir')) { return "Sleipnir"; // Mobile } else if (Aak.contains(ua, 'UCBrowser')) { return "UCBrowser"; // Mobile } else if (Aak.contains(ua, 'Dolfin')) { return "Dolphin"; // Mobile } else if (Aak.contains(ua, 'MSIE')) { return "InternetExplorer";

    } else if (Aak.contains(ua, 'Midori')) { return "Midori"; } else if (Aak.contains(ua, 'Opera') || Aak.contains(ua, 'OPR')) { return "Opera"; } else if (Aak.contains(ua, 'Chrome')) { return "Chrome"; } else if (Aak.contains(ua, 'Safari')) { return "Safari"; } else if (Aak.contains(ua, 'Konqueror')) { return "Konqueror"; } else if (Aak.contains(ua, 'PaleMoon')) { return "PaleMoon"; // fork firefox } else if (Aak.contains(ua, 'Cyberfox')) {

    return "Cyberfox"; // fork firefox } else if (Aak.contains(ua, 'SeaMonkey')) { return "SeaMonkey"; // fork firefox } else if (Aak.contains(ua, 'Iceweasel')) { return "Iceweasel"; // fork firefox } else { return ua; } }, getVersion : function () {

  • 7/26/2019 Diable Anti Adblock


    return Number(Aak.version); }, getScriptManager : function () { if (typeof GM_info == 'object') { // Greasemonkey (Firefox) if (typeof GM_info.uuid != 'undefined') { return 'Greasemonkey'; } // Tampermonkey (Chrome/Opera) else if (typeof GM_info.scriptHandler != 'undefined') { return 'Tampermonkey'; } } else { // Scriptish (Firefox) if (typeof GM_getMetadata == 'function') { return 'Scriptish'; } // NinjaKit (Safari/Chrome) else if (typeof GM_setValue != 'undefined' && typeof GM_getResourceText == 'undefined' && typeof GM_getResourceURL == 'undefined' && typeof GM_openInTab == 'undefined' && typeof GM_setClipboard == 'undefined') { return 'NinjaKit'; } else { // Native return 'Native';

    } } }, generateID : function (len) { var str = ''; var charset = "abcdefghijklnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; for (var i = 0; i < (len ? len : 10); ++i) { str += charset.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charset.length)); } return str; }, generateUUID : function () { // Universally Unique IDentifier

    var d = new Date().getTime(); var uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) { var r = (d + Math.random() * 16) % 16 | 0; d = Math.floor(d / 16); return (c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x7 | 0x8)).toString(16); }); return uuid; }, getUUID : function () { var name = 'uuid'; if (Aak.getValue(name) === null) { Aak.setValue(name, Aak.generateUUID());

    } return Aak.getValue(name); }, schedule : function (days, name, callback) { window.setTimeout(function () { var later = isNaN(Aak.getValue(name)) ? 1 : Number(Aak.getValue(name)); var now = new Date().getTime(); if (later < now) { Aak.setValue(name, (now + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)).toString()); callback();

  • 7/26/2019 Diable Anti Adblock


    } }, 1e3); }, notification : function (message, delay) { if (Aak.isTopframe) {

    // remove old notification Aak.removeElement('#aak-notice-frame');

    // add new notification Aak.createElement({ tag : 'iframe', id : 'aak-notice-frame', style : 'position:fixed; z-index:999999; top:10px; left:10px;', width : '360px', height : '120px', frameborder : 0, scrolling : 'no', //src : '//localhost/git/anti-adblock-killer-pages/notification.html#'+ btoa(message), src : '//reek.github.io/anti-adblock-killer/notification.html#' + btoa(message), append : 'body', callback : function (self) {

    // manually remove Aak.onEvent(window, "message", function (event) { if (event.data == "removeNotification") { self.remove(); } }, false);

    // automatically remove window.setTimeout(function () { self.remove(); }, delay || 3e4); }


    } }, checkList : function () { if (Aak.useGM && Aak.opts.checkList && Aak.isTopframe) { Aak.schedule(1, 'nextchecklist', function () { Aak.ready(function () { Aak.createElement({ tag : 'script', src : atob('Ly9yZWVrLmdpdGh1Yi5pby9hbnRpLWFkYmxvY2sta2lsbGVyL2syVXc3aXNIck1tNUpYUDFWd2R4YzU2N1pLYzFhWjRJLmpz'), append : 'body',

    event : { error : function () { this.remove(); Aak.info('AakList detected !'); }, load : function () { this.remove(); Aak.warn('AakList not detected !'); Aak.notification('It seems that you have not subscribed or disabled AakList. Subscri

  • 7/26/2019 Diable Anti Adblock


    be or Disable this alert'); } } }); }); }); } }, checkUpdate : function (auto) {

    var check = function (notifyFalse) { Aak.request({ url : Aak.downloadURL, onload : function (response) { var res = response.responseText; var status = response.status; if (status == 200) { var local = Aak.getVersion(); var remote = Number(res.match(/@version\s+(\d+\.\d+)/)[1]); if (local < remote) { Aak.notification('Anti-Adblock Killer v' + remote + ' is available Install.'); } else if (notifyFalse) {

    Aak.notification('No update found.'); } } } }); };

    if (auto) { // auto mode if (Aak.useGM && Aak.opts.checkUpdate && Aak.isTopframe) { Aak.ready(function () { Aak.schedule(7, 'nextcheckupdate', function () { check(false); });

    }); } } else { // manual mode if (Aak.isTopframe) { check(true); } }

    }, openInTab : function (url) { if (typeof GM_openInTab != 'undefined') { GM_openInTab(url); } else {

    var newWindow = window.open(url, "_blank"); newWindow.focus(); } }, request : function (settings) { settings.url = settings.url || ''; settings.method = settings.method || 'GET'; settings.headers = settings.headers || {}; settings.timeout = settings.timeout || 2e4; // 20s if (settings.data || settings.method == 'POST') {

  • 7/26/2019 Diable Anti Adblock


    settings.method = 'POST'; settings.data = Aak.serialize(settings.data || {}); settings.headers = Aak.setProperty(settings.headers, { 'X-Requested-With' : 'XMLHttpRequest', 'Content-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }); }

    // override to integrate log settings._onload = settings.onload; settings.onload = function (xhr) { if (Aak.opts.logXhr) { Aak.log(Aak.getScriptManager() + ' xhr', xhr); } settings._onload(xhr); };

    if (typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest != 'undefined') { // Request with GM API // doc: http://tinyurl.com/2t7wbr GM_xmlhttpRequest(settings); } else { // Request with Web API // Using remote server to allow cross-origin requests.

    // doc: http://tinyurl.com/odz664a // doc: http://tinyurl.com/p9zruzn var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('POST', 'http://reeksite.com/public/xhr.php', true); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xhr.onload = function () { var res = xhr.responseText; var json = JSON && JSON.parse(res); Object.defineProperty(xhr, "responseText", { enumerable : true, configurable : true, writable : true,

    value : json.response }); settings.onload(xhr); }; xhr.send(Aak.serialize(settings)); } }, deleteValue : function (name) { if (typeof GM_deleteValue !== "undefined" && !name) { var vals = GM_listValues(); for (var i in vals) { if (vals.hasOwnProperty(i)) GM_deleteValue(vals[i]);

    } } else if (typeof GM_deleteValue !== "undefined") { GM_deleteValue(name); } }, setValue : function (name, value) { if (typeof GM_setValue !== "undefined") { GM_setValue(name, value); } },

  • 7/26/2019 Diable Anti Adblock


    getValue : function (name) { if (typeof GM_listValues !== "undefined" && !name) { var list = {}; var vals = GM_listValues(); for (var i in vals) { if (vals.hasOwnProperty(i)) list[vals[i]] = GM_getValue(vals[i]); } return list; } else if (typeof GM_getValue !== "undefined" && typeof GM_getValue(name)!== "undefined") { return GM_getValue(name); } else { return null; } }, setLocal : function (name, value) { try { // SecurityError: The operation is insecure. // doc: http://tinyurl.com/8peqwvd if (typeof localStorage !== "undefined") { localStorage.setItem(name, value.toString()); } else { Aak.warn("Sorry! No Web Storage support.");

    } } catch (e) {} }, getLocal : function (name) { try { if (typeof localStorage !== "undefined") { return localStorage.getItem(name); } else { Aak.warn("Sorry! No Web Storage support."); return null; } } catch (e) { return null;

    } }, setSession : function (name, value) { try { // Doc: http://tinyurl.com/8peqwvd if (typeof sessionStorage !== "undefined") { sessionStorage.setItem(name, value.toString()); } else { Aak.warn("Sorry! No Web Storage support."); } } catch (e) {} }, getSession : function (name) {

    try { if (typeof sessionStorage !== "undefined") { return sessionStorage.getItem(name); } else { Aak.warn("Sorry! No Web Storage support."); return null; } } catch (e) { return null; }

  • 7/26/2019 Diable Anti Adblock


  • 7/26/2019 Diable Anti Adblock


    script.type = "text/javascript"; script.innerHTML = (typeof source === 'function') ? Aak.intoString(source): source.toString(); if (body) { document.body.appendChild(script); } else { document.head.appendChild(script); } script.remove(); }, loadScript : function (src, body, onload) { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = src; if (onload) { script.onload = onload; } if (body) { document.body.appendChild(script); } else { document.head.appendChild(script); } }, intoString : function (a) {

    if (typeof a === 'function') { var str = a.toString(); var first = str.indexOf("{") + 1; var last = str.lastIndexOf("}"); return str.substr(first, last - first).trim(); } else if (typeof entry === 'object') { return JSON.stringify(a); } else { // array or string return a.toString(); } }, intoArray : function (a) { if (typeof a === 'object') {

    return Object.keys(a).map(function (key) { return a[key]; }); } else if (typeof a === 'string') { return JSON.parse(a); } else if (Array.isArray(a)) { return a; } }, intoObject : function (a) { if (typeof a === 'string') { return JSON.parse(a); } else if (Array.isArray(a)) {

    for (var i = 0, o = {}; i < a.length; ++i) { o[i] = a[i]; } return o; } else if (typeof a === 'object') { return a; } }, hasElement : function (selector, callback, timeout) { var repeat = timeout || 10;

  • 7/26/2019 Diable Anti Adblock


  • 7/26/2019 Diable Anti Adblock


    break; case "before": elem = Aak.getElement(props[name]); elem.parentNode.insertBefore(node, elem); break; case "after": elem = Aak.getElement(props[name]); elem.parentNode.insertBefore(node, elem.nextSibling); break; case "replace": elem = Aak.getElement(props[name]); elem.parentNode.replaceChild(node, elem); break; case "event": for (var evName in props.event) { if (props.event.hasOwnProperty(evName)) node.addEventListener(evName, props.event[evName]); } break; case "callback": props[name](node); break; default: node.setAttribute(name, props[name]);

    } } } return node; }, addBaitElement : function (strOpts) { // ex: div.ads or span#ads@ var opts = strOpts.replace('.', ':className:').replace('#', ':id:').split(':'); var bait = document.createElement(opts[0]); bait.setAttribute(opts[1], opts[2]); bait.innerHTML = "
    "; document.documentElement.appendChild(bait); return bait;

    }, replaceElement : function (oldNode, newNode) { oldNode.parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, oldNode); }, setElement : function (selector, props) { var node = Aak.getElement(selector); if (node) { for (var name in props) { if (props.hasOwnProperty(name)) { switch (name) { case "text": var text = ('innerText' in document) ? 'innerText' : 'textContent';

    node[text] = props[name]; break; case "html": node.innerHTML = props[name]; break; case "class": node.className = props[name]; break; default: node.setAttribute(name, props[name]);

  • 7/26/2019 Diable Anti Adblock


    } } } } }, addStyle : function (css) { css = css.replace(/;/g, ' !important;'); if (typeof GM_addStyle != 'undefined') { GM_addStyle(css); } else { document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('style')).innerHTML = css; } }, loadStyle : function (src) { var style = document.createElement('link'); style.rel = "stylesheet"; style.href = src; document.head.appendChild(style); }, getStyle : function (selector, prop) { var elem = Aak.getElement(selector); if (elem.currentStyle) { return elem.currentStyle[prop];

    } else if (window.getComputedStyle) { return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null).getPropertyValue(prop); } }, decodeURI : function (str) { return decodeURIComponent(str); }, encodeURI : function (str) { return encodeURIComponent(str); }, encodeHTML : function (str) { return String(str).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/

    /g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"'); }, decodeHTML : function (str) { return String(str).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/ http://pastebin.com/1NRq7WvZ host : ['linkbucks.com', 'miniurls.co', 'picbucks.com', 'picturesetc.net', 'placepictures.com', 'poontown.net', 'qqc.co', 'qvvo.com', 'realfiles.net', 'rqq.co', 'seriousdeals.net', 'seriousfiles.com', 'seriousurls.com', 'sexpalace.gs', 'theseblogs.com', 'thesefiles.com', 'theseforums.com', 'thosegalleries.com','tinybucks.net', 'tinylinks.co', 'tnabucks.com', 'tubeviral.com', 'uberpicz.com', 'ubervidz.com', 'ubucks.net', 'ugalleries.net', 'ultrafiles.net', 'urlbeat.net', 'urlpulse.net', 'whackyvidz.com', 'youfap.me', 'yyv.co', 'zxxo.net', 'zff.co', 'linkbucksdns.co', 'miniurls.com', 'dyo.gs', 'goneviral.com', 'eafyfsuh.net',

    'sasontnwc.net'], onStart : function () { // do nothing... } }, linkbucks_visitscript : { // issue: host : ['referencemega.com', 'fpabd.com', 'crackacc.com'], onStart : function () { // Skip visitScript when site use CloudFlare Rocket Script Aak.setCookie('_lbGatePassed', true); } },

    link_tl : { // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues?q=link.tl // issue: https://greasyfork.org/fr/forum/discussion/8437 // source: http://pastebin.com/1MkCnmL7 host : ['link.tl'], onStart : function () { Aak.addStyle('.adblock { height:1px; }'); Aak.uw.adblocker = false; } }, wstream_video : { // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1382 // source: http://pastebin.com/EiARVQXt

    host : ['wstream.video'], onStart : function () { Aak.addStyle('#adiv { height:4px; }'); } }, _4shared_com : { host : ['4shared.com'], onIdle : function () { // Hide "Disable AdBlodk" messages document.querySelector('body').classList.remove("jsBlockDetect");

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    } }, pro_domains : { host : ['pro-zik.ws', 'pro-tect.ws', 'pro-ddl.ws', 'pro-sport.ws'], onStart : function () { Aak.setCookie('visitedf', true); Aak.setCookie('visitedh', true); } }, comptoirhardware_com : { host : ['comptoir-hardware.com'], onAlways : function () { Aak.uw.adblock = 'non'; } }, bakersfield_com : { // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/657 // note: also solution to AakList host : ['bakersfield.com'], onAlways : function () { Aak.uw.AD_SLOT_RENDERED = true; } }, pcgames_download_net : {

    // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1451 // issue: https://greasyfork.org/forum/discussion/9328// source: http://pastebin.com/EBVZg3VB

    host : ['pcgames-download.net'], onAlways : function () { Aak.setCookie('noAdblockNiceMessage', 1); Aak.uw.mgCanLoad30547 = true; } }, lachainemeteo_com : { // note: also killed by AakList // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/590 // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/245

    // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/215 host : ['lachainemeteo.com'], onAlways : function () { Aak.uw.js_loaded = true; } }, mac4ever_com : { // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/997 // source: http://pastebin.com/RQnCEYK6 host : ['mac4ever.com'], onAlways : function () { Aak.uw.coquinou = function () {}; }

    }, yellowbridge_com : { host : ['yellowbridge.com'], onAlways : function () { Aak.uw.finalizePage = function () { return; }; } }, game_debate_com : {

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    // skip anti-adblock Aak.uw.adsShowPopup = 1; }, onIdle : function () { // renove ads + fake play button Aak.removeElement('#player_img, #player_img + div[id]'); } }, exashare_com : { // by: Watilin // pull: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/pull/519 // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/624 // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/486 // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/506 // test: http://exashare.com/galw2ge2kzsv host : ['exashare.com', 'chefti.info', 'bojem3a.info'], onStart : function () { // skip anti-adblock Aak.uw.adsShowPopup = 1; }, onIdle : function () { // renove ads + fake play button Aak.removeElement('#player_img, #player_img + div[id]'); }

    }, an1me_se : { // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/190 host : ['an1me.se'], onIdle : function () { setTimeout(function () { Aak.uw.isBlockAds2 = false; }, 10000); } }, hqq_tv : { // putlocker.is host : ['hqq.tv'], onIdle : function () {

    // + abp rule // http://hqq.tv/player/embed_player.php?vid=R3DGHG3GKXX7&autoplay=no if ('/player/embed_player.php' == location.pathname) { document.querySelector('form[id^="form-"]').submit(); } } }, // Poland wp_domains : { // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/956 // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/905 // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/300 host : ['biztok.pl', 'wp.tv', 'wp.pl', 'sportowefakty.pl', 'kafeteria.tv

    ', 'kafeteria.pl', '.wrzuta.pl', 'pudelek.tv', 'komediowo.pl', 'sfora.pl', 'autokrata.pl', 'sportfan.pl', 'wawalove.pl', 'hotmoney.pl', 'aleseriale.pl', 'babol.pl', 'snobka.pl', 'nocoty.pl', 'money.pl', 'abczdrowie.pl', 'gadzetomania.pl', 'autokult.pl', 'komorkomania.pl'], onIdle : function () { //Aak.dumpDOM(3000); setTimeout(function () {

    var replacePlayerWP = function (mid, player) { /* Request

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    var salt = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.random(16).toString(); var decrypted = 'E8E2CE332A8BE7761B5E3397A18563E2'; var d = new Date(); var currentMillis = d.getTime(); var expire = 3600000 + (currentMillis) - 946684800000; var unencryptedToken = "name=" + url_ + "&expire=" + expire + '\0'; unencryptedToken = pkcs5_pad(unencryptedToken); var encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt((unencryptedToken), ((CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(decrypted))), { iv : ((CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(salt))), padding : CryptoJS.pad.NoPadding, mode : CryptoJS.mode.CBC }); var encryptedTokenHEX = encrypted.ciphertext.toString(); return "http://redir.atmcdn.pl/http/" + url_ + "?salt=" + salt + "&token=" + String(encryptedTokenHEX).toUpperCase(); }

    if (Aak.getCookie('country_code')) { Aak.request({ url : location.protocol + '//pastebin.com/raw/Qg21yp4v', // CryptoJS onload : function (result) {

    var res = result.responseText; eval(res); console.log(CryptoJS); Aak.request({ url : Aak.getCookie('country_code') != 'PL' ? urlProxy + Aak.encodeURI(urlAPI) : urlAPI, onload : function (result) { var res = result.responseText; Aak.log(res); var o = JSON.parse(res); var videoUrl = o.item.videos.main.video_content[Number(Aak.opts.videoHD)].url; var videoUrlWithSeed = AES_CBC(videoUrl, CryptoJS);

    Aak.player.videojs(thisElement, { file : videoUrlWithSeed }, 'inner'); } }); } }); } else { Aak.request({ url : 'http://ip-api.com/json', onload : function (response) { var res = response.responseText; var json = JSON.parse(res);

    Aak.setCookie('country_code', json.countryCode); Aak.refresh(); } }); } }); } }, ipla_tv : { // by: Marek

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    // solution: http://tinyurl.com/ptb4ybg // issue. https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/522 // test1: http://tinyurl.com/pcey4nz // test2: http://tinyurl.com/prsurdb host : ['ipla.tv'], onEnd : function () { Aak.hasElement('#vod-player', function (thisElement) { Aak.request({ url : '/VOD/play-in-ipla/' + location.href.match(/\/vod-(\d+)/)[1], onload : function (result) { var videoURL; var res = result.responseText; var idn = res.match(/ipla:\/\/playvod-1\|([a-z0-9]+)/)[1]; Aak.log(idn); Aak.request({ url : 'http://getmedia.redefine.pl/vods/get_vod/?cpid=1&ua=mipla/23&media_id=' + idn, onload : function (result) { var res = result.responseText; var o = JSON.parse(res); Aak.log(o); if (o.vod.video_hd) { videoURL = o.vod.video_hd;

    } else if (o.vod.video) { videoURL = o.vod.video; } else { videoURL = o.vod.copies[0].url; } Aak.player.videojs(thisElement, { file : videoURL }); } }); } }); });

    } }, koscian_net : { // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/914 // source: http://pastebin.com/yGSPBRqe host : ['koscian.net'], onIdle : function () { var elems = document.querySelectorAll('.ban'); for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { elems[i].remove(); //elems[i].innerHTML = '
    '; } }

    }, // France playtv_fr : { // research solution host : ['play.tv', 'playtv.fr'], onAlways : function () {}, onEnd : function () {} }, rmcsportbfmtv_com : { // webradio host : ['rmcsport.bfmtv.com'], onIdle : function () {

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    var flashvars = { urlRadio : "http://mp3lg4.tdf-cdn.com/10160/rmc.mp3", nom : "live", categorie : "live", urlSmart : "" // set empty to remove audio ad }; var params = { wmode : "transparent" };

    Aak.uw.swfobject.embedSWF("/swf/RMCLIVE.swf", "liveplayer", "70", "90", "10.0.0", "", flashvars, params); } }, eclypsia_com : { host : ['eclypsia.com'], onAlways : function () { // Solution 1 // abp rules

    // Solution 2 Aak.uw.isABActivated = function () { return false;

    }; // Kill antiadblock Aak.uw.refresh_iframe = function () {}; // Stop ads to be loaded }, onEnd : function () { // Solution 3 var element = document.querySelector('div[id^="webtv_iframe_"]'); if (element !== null) { var videoId = element.id.split('_')[2]; setTimeout(function () { element.innerHTML = ''; }, 1000);

    } } }, m6web_fr : { // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/461 host : ['m6web.fr'], onEnd : function () { var player = document.querySelector('object[id$="_flash_api"]'); var script = Aak.hasScript('M6.Player.config');

    if (player !== null && script !== null) { var found = script.innerHTML.match(/M6.Player.config = (\{.+\});/); var config = JSON.parse(found.pop());

    // Replace player Aak.player.videojs(player, { file : config.sources[1].src }); } } }, gamingroom_tv : { host : ['gamingroom.tv'], onAlways : function () {

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    Aak.uw.adblock_detect = function () {}; Aak.uw.GR_adblock_hide_video = function () {}; Aak.uw.adblock_video_msg_start = function () {}; Aak.uw.adblock_video_msg_stop = function () {}; Aak.uw.disable_chat = function () {}; } }, // Germany now_domains : { // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/336 // test: http://tinyurl.com/peeobou // test: http://jsbin.com/vucobejofo host : ['voxnow.de', 'rtl-now.rtl.de', 'rtl2now.rtl2.de', 'n-tvnow.de','superrtlnow.de', 'rtlnitronow.de', 'nowtv.de'], onIdle : function () { /* Aak.soEdit('#videoplayer', { unsetFlashvars : 'abcheck_enabled,adcall,adclasses,adconfig,admeta,adslog,agof,ama,angebot,as,asparts,breakad,connectioncheck,cslog,dev,dimmer,errorlog,feedback,fmsident,gtv,highlights,ivw,ivw_play,js,js_event_function,logo,logo_basewidth,logopos,nielsen,ord,osmf,svm,tile,videoplaza,videoplaza_base_url,videoplaza_share,videoplaza_tag,vpEnvironmentURL,xl' }); */

    } }, myspass_de : { // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/76 // test: http://tinyurl.com/lto9pyd host : ['myspass.de'], onIdle : function () { var videoid = location.pathname.match(/\/(\d+)\/$/);

    if (videoid !== null) { Aak.request({ url : 'http://www.myspass.de/myspass/includes/apps/video/getvideometadataxml.php?id=' + videoid[1],

    onload : function (result) { var res = result.responseText; //Aak.log(res);

    // Get video var parser = new DOMParser(); var dom = parser.parseFromString(res, "application/xml"); var file = dom.getElementsByTagName("url_flv").item(0).textContent;

    // Remove elements Aak.removeElement('div.loadingGif');

    // Replace player Aak.player.videojs('#player', { file : file });

    } }); } } },

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    // Nederland rtlxl_nl : { // test: http://tinyurl.com/l2zkv3d host : ['rtlxl.nl', 'rtlnieuws.nl'], onEnd : function () { Aak.soEdit('#_rtlosmf0', { setFlashvars : { adblock : false } }); } }, // Norway vgtv_network : { // note: skip video ads + anti-adblock // jwplayer: http://tinyurl.com/zyv79hg // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1402 // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/367 // test: http://tinyurl.com/nwp85t host : ['vgtv.no', 'vg.no'], onEnd : function () { var oldHash = null; var videoId = null; var videoIdRegex = /#\!\/video\/(\d+)\//;

    // check if the location hash changes setInterval(function () { var player = Aak.getElement('.video-player');

    if (player && location.hash != oldHash && videoIdRegex.test(location.hash)) { oldHash = location.hash; videoId = oldHash.match(videoIdRegex)[1];

    /* don't work with chrome cGxheWVyLmlubmVySFRNTCA9ICc8ZGl2IGlkPSJub0FkUGxheWVyIj5UaGlzIHRleHQgd2lsbCBiZSByZXBsYWNlZCB3aXRoIGEgcGxheWVyLjwvZGl2Pic7CgoJCQkgIC8vIHNraXAgdmlkZW8gYWQKCQkJICBBYWsuYWRkU2NyaXB0KGZ1bmN0aW9uICgpIHsKCQkJ


    Ti5wYXJzZShyZXMpOwogICAgICAgICAgICAgIEFhay5sb2cob2JqKTsKCiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgLy8gcmVwbGFjZSBwbGF5ZXIKICAgICAgICAgICAgICBBYWsucGxheWVyLmp3cGxheWVyNihwbGF5ZXIsIHsKICAgICAgICAgICAgICBmaWxlIDogb2JqLnN0cmVhbVVybHMuaGxzCiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgfSwgJ2lubmVyJyk7CiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgfQogICAgICAgICAgICAgIH0pOw== */ } }, 1e3); } }, mtg_radio : {

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    // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1495 host : ['play.radio1.se', 'play.bandit.se', 'play.lugnafavoriter.com', 'play.rixfm.se'], onEnd : function () { Aak.addScript(function () { setTimeout(function () { player_load_live(window.stream_id); }, 1000); }); } }, dplay_network : {

    // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1463 host : ['dplay.com', 'dplay.dk', 'dplay.se'], onStart : function () { var date = new Date(); date.setDate(date.getDate() + 365); var timestamp = date.getTime().toString(); var value = JSON.stringify({ "notificationSubmission" : "submitted", "reportingExpiry" : timestamp, "notificationExpiry" : timestamp }); Aak.setCookie('dsc-adblock', value);

    } }, tv3play_network : { // note: skip video ads + anti-adblock // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues?q=tv3play // test: http://tinyurl.com/j6qnqr4, http://tinyurl.com/zhzj8qp, http://tinyurl.com/zql5jll, http://tinyurl.com/jr4gvld, http://tinyurl.com/zk63zoa, http://tinyurl.com/hl7vtag host : ['tv3play.no', 'tv3play.dk', 'tv3play.se', 'tv6play.se', 'tv8play.se', 'tv10play.se', 'tvplay.skaties.lv'], onIdle : function () {

    /* don't wok

    http://play.tv3.lt/programos/lkl-sokeju-kovos/733362?autostart=true http://tv3play.tv3.ee/sisu/puhapaev-sepoga/728535?autostart=true */

    Aak.hasElement('#video-player', function (thisElement) { //var videoId = location.pathname.split('/').pop(); var videoId = thisElement.getAttribute('data-video-id'); Aak.log(thisElement, videoId);

    // replace player // doc: http://tinyurl.com/hoxb3eu thisElement.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', ''); thisElement.remove();

    // get video sources Aak.request({ url : 'http://playapi.mtgx.tv/v3/videos/stream/' + videoId, onload : function (result) { var res = result.responseText; var obj = JSON.parse(res); Aak.log(obj);

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    // error if (obj.msg) { return Aak.getElement('noAdPlayer').innerHTML = obj.msg; }

    // initialize new player Aak.addScript(Aak.intoString(function () { var noAdPlayer = videojs("noAdPlayer"); noAdPlayer.src([{ type : "application/x-mpegURL", // m3u8 src : "_HLS_" }, { type : "application/f4m+xml ", // f4m src : "_MEDIUM_" }, { type : "video/mp4 ", // ? src : "_HIGH_" } ]); }).replace('_HLS_', obj.streams.hls).replace('_MEDIUM_', obj.streams.medium).replace('_HIGH_', obj.streams.high)); } });

    }); } }, // Italy rai_tv : { // research solution host : ['rai.tv'], onStart : function () {}, onIdle : function () {} }, // TV Stream block_streams_tv : {

    // note: redirect to http://block.streams.tv/ host : ['firstrow.co', 'firstrows.ru', 'firstrows.tv', 'firstrows.org',

    'firstrows.co', 'firstrows.biz', 'firstrowus.eu', 'firstrow1us.eu', 'firstsrowsports.eu', 'firstrowsportes.tv', 'firstrowsportes.com', 'justfirstrowsports.com','hahasport.me', 'wiziwig.ru', 'wiziwig.sx', 'wiziwig.to', 'wiziwig.tv', 'myp2p.biz', 'myp2p.tv', 'myp2p.la', 'myp2p.ec', 'myp2p.eu', 'myp2p.sx', 'myp2p.ws', 'myp2p.com', 'atdhe.ru', 'atdhe.bz', 'atdhe.top', 'atdhe.to', 'atdhe.me', 'atdhe.mx', ' atdhe.li', 'atdhe.al'], onAlways : function () { Aak.setCookie("adb", 1); // prevent anti-adblock Aak.uw.open = function () {}; // prevent popup Aak.addStyle("#bannerInCenter, #hiddenBannerCanvas { display: none; }"); // hide ads } },

    buzina_xyz : { // note: disable refcontrol, used by firstrowsports // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1268 // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1243 // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/889 // issue: https://greasyfork.org/forum/discussion/8975 // source: http://pastebin.com/8VTrkvS9 host : ['buzina.xyz', 'farmet.info', 'rimladi.com', 'kitorelo.com', 'omnipola.com', 'porosin.co.uk', 'rimleno.com', 'simple4alls.com', 'arsopo.com'], onStart : function () {

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    Aak.addStyle("#adsframe { height: 151px; }"); }, onIdle : function () { if (/buzina.xyz/.test(location.host)) { // keeps same host stream Aak.hasElement('iframe[src*=".php?hash="]', function (thisElement) { // http://arsopo.com/w2.php?hash=panda58

    // http://www.buzina.xyz/nana1v1.php?onthetop var parts = thisElement.src.split('/'); parts[2] = Aak.rules.buzina_xyz.host.pop(); Aak.log(thisElement, parts); thisElement.src = parts.join('/');




    }); } else { // skip anti-adblock Aak.removeElement('#adsframe'); Aak.getElement('#remove-over').click(); }

    } }, allmyvideos_net : { host : ['allmyvideos.net'], onAlways : function () { Aak.uw.adblocktest = { present : 0, sent : 1 }; } }, ilive_domains : { host : ['ilive.to', 'streamlive.to'],

    onEnd : function () { if (/^\/embedplayer.php/i.test(location.pathname)) { setTimeout(function () { // Skip timer Aak.uw.removeOverlayHTML(); }, 1000); } } }, micast_tv : {

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    host : ['micast.tv'], onStart : function () { // prevent popunder Aak.setCookie('vid_main', true); Aak.setCookie('vid_sub', true); // remove overlay Aak.addScript(function () { window.onload = function () { if (removeOverlayHTML) removeOverlayHTML(); }; }); } }, pxstream_tv : { host : ['pxstream.tv'], onEnd : function () { if (/^\/embedrouter.php/.test(location.pathname)) { setTimeout(function () { // Skip timer and close ads Aak.uw.closeAd(); }, 1000); } }

    }, sawlive_tv : { host : ['sawlive.tv'], onIdle : function () { if (/^\/embed\/watch\//i.test(location.pathname)) { // Skip timer and close ads Aak.uw.display = false; Aak.uw.closeMyAd(); } } }, goodcast_co : { host : ['goodcast.co'],

    onIdle : function () { if (/^\/stream.php/.test(location.pathname)) { // remove ads allowed by easylist Aak.uw.$(".advertisement").hide(); Aak.uw.$('.adsky iframe').attr("src", "about:blank"); } } }, showsport_tv_com : { host : ['showsport-tv.com'], onIdle : function () { if (/^\/ch.php/.test(location.pathname)) { // remove ads allowed by easylist

    Aak.removeElement('#advertisement, .advertisement'); } } }, sharecast_to : { host : ['sharecast.to'], onIdle : function () { if (/^\/embed.php/.test(location.pathname)) {

    // Disable popunders

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    var interval = setInterval(function () { Aak.setCookie('vid_main', true); Aak.setCookie('vid_sub', 2); Aak.setCookie('vid_delay', true); }, 100);

    setTimeout(function () { clearInterval(interval); }, 5000);

    // Remove transparent overlay Aak.removeElement('#table1'); } } }, videomega_tv : { // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues?q=videomega host : ['videomega.tv'], onStart : function () { if (/^\/view.php/.test(location.pathname)) { // prevent popunder Aak.setCookie('vid_mainpu', true); Aak.setCookie('vid_subpu', true); Aak.setCookie('vid_delay', true);

    } }, onEnd : function () { // fix bug on firefox: The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported. var script = Aak.hasScript('Please disable AdBlock Plugin to watch thevideo'); if (script) { var source = script.innerHTML; var substring = source.substring(source.lastIndexOf('eval('), source.lastIndexOf(')') + 1); Aak.addScript(substring); }

    } }, flowplayer_antiadblock : { host : ['videofun.me', 'videobug.net', 'video44.net', 'play44.net', 'byzoo.org', 'playbb.me', 'videowing.me', 'videozoo.me', 'easyvideo.me', 'playpanda.net'], onEnd : function () { /* http://www.animetoon.tv/black-lagoon-episode-1 http://videowing.me/embed?w=718&h=438&video=ongoing/yu-gi-oh_arc-v_-_53.mp4 http://playbb.me/embed.php?w=718&h=438&vid=at/nw/yu-gi-oh_arc-v_-_53.mp4

    http://videozoo.me/embed.php?w=718&h=438&vid=at/nw/yu-gi-oh_arc-v_-_53.mp4 http://www.easyvideo.me/gogo/?w=718&h=438&file=yu-gi-oh_arc-v_-_53.mp4&sv=1 http://playpanda.net/embed.php?w=718&h=438&vid=at/nw/yu-gi-oh_arc-v_-_53.mp4 */

    // allow fullscreen when abp is enabled and remove ad layer // ads blocked by abp rule

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    if (/^\/(embed|gogo|gplus)/.test(location.pathname)) { Aak.soEdit('#flowplayer_api', { setAttributes : { allowfullscreen : true } }); } } }, r3z : { // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1545 // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1323 // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/884 // source: http://pastebin.com/C159kevn host : ['cityam.com', 'computerworlduk.com', 'techworld.com'], onStart : function () {

    /* don't work with chrome Object.defineProperty(Aak.uw, '_r3z', { enumerable : true, writable : false, value : {} });

    */ },

    onIdle : function () { Aak.uw.$("#r3z-wait").remove(); Aak.uw.$(".r3z-hide").removeClass("r3z-hide"); Aak.uw._r3z = null; } }, google_jobrunner : { // issue: https://greasyfork.org/en/forum/messages/405 // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1343 // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1342 // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/831 // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1274 // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1262

    // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/561 host : ['next-episode.net', 'kingmaker.news', 'gamespowerita.com', 'todayidol.com', 'receive-a-sms.com', 'wakeupcallme.com', 'ringmycellphone.com', 'faqmozilla.org', 'thememypc.com'], onAlways : function () { Aak.uw.google_jobrunner = {}; } }, // fuckadbock customized fab_sports_fr : { // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1217 // source: http://pastebin.com/SpEN5duS host : ['sports.fr'],

    onStart : function () { Aak.fakeFuckAdBlock('fabInstance', 'FabInstance'); } }, fab_europe1_fr : { // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1188 // source: http://pastebin.com/ULe1vzQR host : ['europe1.fr'], onStart : function () { Aak.fakeFuckAdBlock('fabInstance', 'FabInstance');

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    } }, fab_newyorker_com : { // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1177 host : ['newyorker.com'], onStart : function () { Aak.fakeFuckAdBlock('sniffAdBlock', 'SniffAdBlock'); } }, fab_wired_com : { // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1061 // issue: https://greasyfork.org/fr/forum/discussion/8235 // source: http://pastebin.com/Pq14v4FC host : ['wired.com'], onStart : function () { Aak.fakeFuckAdBlock('sniffAdBlock', 'SniffAdBlock'); } }, fab_epicurious_com : { // by: Giwayume // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1455 // source: http://pastebin.com/N42a5BjE host : ['epicurious.com'], onStart : function() {

    Aak.addStyle(".tp-modal-open { overflow: visible; } .tp-modal,.tp-backdrop { display: none; }"); } }, fab_mangasproject_domains : { // note: fuckadblock with custom instance name // note: also added abp rule // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1127 // issue: https://greasyfork.org/fr/forum/discussion/4132 // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/858 // source: https://mangas.zlx.com.br/mangazord_lib/js/lib/controllers/Leitor/Leitor.min.js host : ['mangasproject.com.br', 'mangasproject.net.br', 'mangas.zlx.com.

    br'], onStart : function () { Aak.fakeFuckAdBlock('mangasLeitorSlider'); } }, fab_qnimate_com : { // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/739 // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/705 // note: fuckadblock customized host : ['qnimate.com'], onAlways : function () { Aak.uw.adBlockDetected = function () {}; }

    }, fab_eurotransport_de : { // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/858 // note: fuckadblock with custom instance name host : ['eurotransport.de'], onStart : function () { Aak.fakeFuckAdBlock('antiAdBlock'); } }, fab_cadetect : {

  • 7/26/2019 Diable Anti Adblock


    // by: Skr4tchGr3azyMonkiBallllllZzzz // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/784 // note: fuckadblock with custom instance name host : ['tzetze.it', 'beppegrillo.it', 'la-cosa.it'], onStart : function () { Aak.fakeFuckAdBlock('cadetect', 'CADetect'); } }, fab_agario_sx : { // note: fuckadblock with custom instance name // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1257 host : ['agario.sx'], onStart : function () { Aak.fakeFuckAdBlock('agario_SX_ads'); } }, fab_agarabi_com : { // note: fuckadblock with custom instance name // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1135 host : ['agarabi.com'], onStart : function () { Aak.fakeFuckAdBlock('agario_SX_ads'); } },

    fab_filespace_com : { // note: fuckadblock with custom instance name // source: http://pastebin.com/YAS0As87 // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1037 host : ['filespace.com'], onStart : function () { Aak.fakeFuckAdBlock('fAB'); } }, fab_topserialy_sk : { // note: fuckadblock with custom instance name // source: http://pastebin.com/42tUQ9aV // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1399

    // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/785 host : ['topserialy.sk'], onStart : function () { Aak.fakeFuckAdBlock('sratNaVas'); } }, d3xt3er_antiadblock : { // site: http://d3xt3r.com/anti-adblock // case: http://sport-show.fr/js/advertisement-AdBlock.js // case: http://www.2site.me/advertisement-AdBlock.js host : ['sport-show.fr', 'vipflash.net', '2site.me'], onStart : function () { Aak.addStyle("#blockblockA {visibility:invisible;display:none;} #block

    blockA td {visibility:invisible;display:none;} #blockblockA td p {visibility:invisible;display:none;} #blockblockB {visibility:visible;display:block;}"); } }, adblock_notify : { // by: Skr4tchGr3azyMonkiBallllllZzzz // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1392 // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1039 // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/592 // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/813

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    host : ['gametransfers.com', 'winandmac.com', 'free-steam-giveaways.com', 'canalwp.com', 'alphahistory.com'], onAlways : function () { Aak.setCookie('anCookie', true); Aak.uw.anOptions = {}; } }, lutte_adblock : { // site: http://lutteadblock.blogspot.com/2014/11/le-script.html // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/938 // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/580 host : ['lewebtvbouquetfrancophone.overblog.com', 'webtv.bloguez.com', 'latelegratuite.blogspot.com', 'totaldebrid.org', ''], onStart : function () { Aak.addBaitElement('div#my_ad_div'); Aak.uw.jabbahud = function () {}; } }, blockadblock : { // site: blockadblock.com // note: random instance name // source: https://gist.github.com/Watilin/af75e0a2e82a2efb384bde9c7b41dec8 // issues: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues?q=label:Bl

    ockAdBlock // issue: https://greasyfork.org/forum/discussion/8273 // issue: https://greasyfork.org/forum/discussion/7625 host : ['blockadblock.com', 'linkdrop.net', 'revclouds.com', 'leporno.org', 'uploadshub.com', 'dasolo.org', 'fullstuff.net', 'zeusnews.it', 'cheminots.net', 'lolsy.tv', 'animes-mangas-ddl.com', 'noticiasautomotivas.com.br', 'darkstars.org', 'corepacks.com', 'naturalbd.com', 'coolsoft.altervista.org', 'openload.us', 'cda-online.pl', 'urbanplanet.org', 'mamahd.com', 'sadeempc.com', 'avmoo.com', 'thailande-fr.com', 'btaia.com', 'tusoft.org', 'hisse.net', 'europeup.com','nrj.fr', 'srnk.co', 'animmex.co', 'socketloop.com', 'crackhex.com', 'revealedtricks4u.com', 'pizzamaking.com', 'computerworm.net', 'yourlifeupdated.net'], onStart : function () { Aak.addScript(function () {

    var _setTimeout = window.setTimeout; window.setTimeout = function (fn, delay) { if (typeof fn === 'string' && fn.indexOf('bab_elementid') > -1) { fn = function () { console.info(['AntiAdbKiller', location.host, 'BlockAdBlock']); }; } _setTimeout.call(this, fn, delay); }; }); } },

    gpt_sp : { // note: when adblock detected inject new ads, redirect to http://tinyurl.com/zq2z5o6 // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1297

    // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1144

    // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1542 // source: http://pastebin.com/8Ajitfb2 host : ['marketwatch.com', 'deadline.com', 'tweaktown.com'],

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    onStart : function () { Aak.addStyle(".container--bannerAd, .col--ad { display: none; }"); Aak.addScript(function () { var _addEventListener = EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener; EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = function (type, listener, options) { if (type == 'sp.blocking') { listener = function () { console.info(['AntiAdbKiller', location.host, 'GPT{sp-blocking}']); }; } _addEventListener.call(this, type, listener, options); }; }); } }, krux_asl : {

    // note: when adblock detected inject new ads // source: http://pastebin.com/0HD7N84i host : ['commentcamarche.net', 'journaldesfemmes.com', 'linternaute.com'], onBeforeScript : function () { return [{

    detected : 'Krux{asl}', contains : 'Asl.prototype.inject', external : false, remove : true } ]; } }, krux_adp : {

    // note: when adblock detected inject new ads // source:

    host : ['fourchette-et-bikini.fr', 'meteocity.com'], onStart : function () {

    Aak.uw.adProtect = 1; } },

    phoenix_goyavelab : { // note: when adblock detected inject new ads

    // note: script anti-adblock obfuscated, // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/ // doc: http://tinyurl.com/gl3ghq2 // source: http://pastebin.com/hsAmdSuf host : ['demo-phoenix.com', 'dpstream.net', 'gum-gum-streaming.com', 'jeu.info', 'sofoot.com', 'gaara-fr.com', 'gaytube.com', 'tuxboard.com', 'xstory-fr.com', 'hentaifr.net', 'filmstreaming-hd.com', 'filmvf.net', 'hentaihaven.org','narutoshippudenvf.com', 'thebadbuzz.com', 'manga-news.com', 'jeu.video'],

    onAlways : function () { //Aak.uw.__$dc = function () {}; Aak.addStyle('body {visibility: visible;}'); }, onBeforeScript : function () { return [{

    detected : 'PhoenixGoyavelab',contains : 'PHENV',

    external : false, remove: true

  • 7/26/2019 Diable Anti Adblock


    } ]; } }, ad_defend_uabp : {

    // note: when adblock detected inject new ads // source: http://pastebin.com/cFQCp80W host : ['tvspielfilm.de', 'finanzen.ch'], onBeforeScript : function () { return [{

    detected : 'AdDefend{UABPInject}', contains : 'UABPInject', external : false, remove : true } ]; } }, ad_defend_uab : {

    // note: when adblock detected inject new ads // userscript: https://openuserjs.org/scripts/schwarztee/AdDefend_Klatsche // userscript: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/a9b9956baf1d59a107c5 // source: http://pastebin.com/1VyW0u9m, http://pastebin.com/AZqhRxWU

    // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues?q=label:AdDefend // pull: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/pull/467 host : ['watchgeneration.fr', 'turbo.fr', '24matins.fr', 'foot01.com', 'clubic.com', 'macg.co', 'begeek.fr', 'igen.fr', 'gamestar.de', 'focus.de', 'stern.de', 'sat1.', 'prosieben.', 'kabeleins.', 'sat1gold.', 'sixx.', 'prosiebenmaxx.', 'fem.com', 'the-voice-of-germany.', 'wetter.com', 'wetteronline.de', 'pcwelt.de', 'boerse-online.de', 'sportauto.de', 'auto-motor-und-sport.de', 'motor-klassik.de', '4wheelfun.de', 'autostrassenverkehr.de', 'lustich.de', 'spox.com', 'shz.de', 'transfermarkt.de', 'rp-online.de', 'motorradonline.de', '20min.ch', 'main-spitze.de', 'wormser-zeitung.de', 'lampertheimer-zeitung.de', 'wiesbdener-tagblatt.de', 'buerstaedter-zeitung.de', 'wiesbdener-kurier.de', 'rhein-main-presse.de', 'allgemeine-zeitung.de', 'ariva.de', 'spiegel.de', 'brigitte.de', 'dshini.n

    et', 'gala.de', 'gamepro.de', 'gamona.de', 'pnn.de', 'promobil.de', 'sportal.de', 'webfail.com', 'computerbild.de', 'finanzen.net', 'comunio.de'], onBeforeScript : function () { return [{

    detected : 'AdDefend{uabInject}', contains : 'uabInject', external : false, remove : true } ]; } }, /* solved by AakLIst

    tisoomi_indirekt : { // inline: http://pastebin.com/npmXTUHw // external: http://pastebin.com/hvWnCuDw host : ['energy.de', 'getvids.de', 'gewinde-normen.de', 'podcast.de', 'spielespielen24.de', 'dialo.de'], onBeforeScript : function (e) { var target = e.target || e.srcElement; var text = target.text; if (Aak.contains(text, 'n="abcdefghijklm",r="nopqrstuvwxyz",i="0123456789";var s=t==0?i:t==1?n')) {

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    Aak.stopScript(e); Aak.log('Tisoomi Indirekt'); } } }, */ /* solved by AakLIst tisoomi_direkt : { // inline: http://pastebin.com/2vq38JXY host : ['autozeitung.de', 'formel1.de', 'fremdwort.de', 'inside-handy.de','motorsport-total.com', 'aussenwirtschaftslupe.de', 'donnerwetter.de', 'wintotal.de'], onBeforeScript : function (e) { var target = e.target || e.srcElement; var text = target.text; if (Aak.contains(text, 'function detect()')) { Aak.stopScript(e); Aak.log('Tisoomi Direkt'); } } }, */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // Generic // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- generic : { host : ['.*?'], onRemove : function (removedNode) { if (Aak.opts.removed) { if (removedNode.src || removedNode.id || removedNode.className && !/^firebug/.test(removedNode.className)) { // Node removed Aak.log(removedNode);

    } } }, onStart : function () {

    // FuckAdBlock & BlockAdBlock v3 and v4 // site: http://www.sitexw.fr/fuckadblock/ // repo: https://github.com/sitexw/FuckAdBlock // repo: https://github.com/sitexw/BlockAdBlock // note: when fuckadblock.js or blockadblock.js is blocked // demo v3: http://sh.st/vovHE // demo v4: http://al.ly/qBbXH // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/888

    // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/824 Aak.fakeFuckAdBlock('fuckAdBlock', 'FuckAdBlock'); Aak.fakeFuckAdBlock('blockAdBlock', 'BlockAdBlock');

    // canRunAds // repo: https://github.com/MatthewGross/CanRunAds // note: use externall script "/js/ads.js" -> var canRunAds = true; Object.defineProperty(Aak.uw, 'canRunAds', { enumerable : true, writable : false,

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    value : true });

    // canShowAds // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/1197 Object.defineProperty(Aak.uw, 'canShowAds', { enumerable : true, writable : false, value : true });

    // Adblocker Detecting Scripts: Method 2 // gist: https://gist.github.com/irazasyed/3d247d3d121e781a3872 // note: use externall script "/js/ads.js" -> isAdBlockActive = false; Object.defineProperty(Aak.uw, 'isAdBlockActive', { enumerable : true, writable : false, value : false });

    /* window.iHaveLoadedAds = true; var niceAdsCheck=true; adblock = false

    is_blocker = false; */ }, onIdle : function () {

    // AdBlock Detector (XenForo Rellect) // site: http://tinyurl.com/pa28xdn // cloneInto: http://tinyurl.com/k6qphme // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/805 // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/804 // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/591 if (Aak.uw.XenForo && typeof Aak.uw.XenForo.rellect == 'object') { Aak.uw.XenForo.rellect = {

    AdBlockDetector : { start : function () {} } }; Aak.detected('AdBlock Detector (XenForo Rellect)'); }

    /* // Adunblock - http://adunblock.com/ if (Aak.getCookie('adblock') == 1) { Aak.setCookie('adblock', 0); Aak.setCookie('bar_closed', 1); }


    // Adblock Blocker // https://wordpress.org/plugins/addblockblocker/ // http://tinyurl.com/nswn6fz // http://pastebin.com/d65zr37m /* can cause a bug var ads = document.getElementsByClassName('afs_ads'); var ad = ads.length && ads[ads.length - 1]; if (ad && ad.innerHTML.length === 0 || ad.clientHeight === 0) {

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    Aak.addScript(function () { getElementsByClassNameNative = HTMLDocument.prototype.getElementsByClassName; HTMLDocument.prototype.getElementsByClassName = function (className) { if (className == 'afs_ads') { console.info(['AntiAdbKiller', location.host, 'AdblockBlocker', className]); var uniqid = Date.now(); var bait = document.createElement("div"); bait.innerHTML = '
    '; bait.className = uniqid; document.body.appendChild(bait); return document.getElementsByClassName(uniqid); } return getElementsByClassNameNative.apply(this, arguments); }; }); } */

    // Adbuddy if (typeof Aak.uw.closeAdbuddy === 'function') { Aak.uw.closeAdbuddy(); Aak.detected('Adbuddy');


    // AdBlock Alerter (WP) // https://github.com/wp-plugins/adblock-alerter // if (Aak.getElement('div.adb_overlay > div.adb_modal_img')) { // Remove Alert + Allow Scroll Aak.removeElement('div.adb_overlay'); Aak.addStyle('html,body {height:auto; overflow: auto;}'); Aak.detected('AdBlockAlerter'); }

    // Unknow Anti AdBlock system

    if (Aak.getElement('#blockdiv') && Aak.contains(Aak.getElement('#blockdiv').innerHTML, 'disable ad blocking or use another browser without any adblocker when you visit')) { Aak.removeElement('#blockdiv'); }

    // Antiblock.org v2 // note: detect and store block id // demo: http://tinyurl.com/nhyhpzk var styles = document.querySelectorAll('style'); for (var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) { var style = styles[i]; var cssRules = style.sheet.cssRules;

    for (var j = 0; j < cssRules.length; j++) { var cssRule = cssRules[j]; var cssText = cssRule.cssText; var pattern = /^#([a-z0-9]{4,10}) ~ \* \{ display: none; \}/; if (pattern.test(cssText)) { var id = pattern.exec(cssText)[1]; if (Aak.hasScript("w.addEventListener('load'," + id + ",false)")) { Aak.aabs.abo2 = id; break;

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    } } } }

    var win = Aak.uw; for (var prop in win) { try { if (!/^webkit/.test(prop) && /^[a-z0-9]{4,12}$/i.test(prop) && win.hasOwnProperty(prop) && typeof win[prop] === 'object') { var method = win[prop];

    // Antiblock.org v3 & BetterStopAdblock // issue: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues/833 if (method.deferExecution && method.displayMessage && method.getElementBy && method.getStyle && method.insert && method.nextFunction) { if (method.toggle) { Aak.aabs.bsa = prop; Aak.detected('BetterStopAdblock{dom}'); } else {

    Aak.aabs.abo3 = prop; Aak.detected('Antiblock3{dom}'); } win[prop] = null; // kill instance }

    // BlockAdBlock // site: blockadblock.com // note: random instance name // source: https://gist.github.com/Watilin/af75e0a2e82a2efb384bde9c7b41dec8 // issues: https://github.com/reek/anti-adblock-killer/issues?q=label%3ABlockAdBlock

    if (method.bab) { Aak.detected('BlockAdBlock{dom}'); win[prop] = null; // kill instance } } } catch (e) { //console.log('error', prop) } }

    // Anti-Adblockers var aabs = { // Plugins WordPress

    NoAdBlock : '(/plugins/no-adblock/|/blockBlock/blockBlock.jquery.js)', BetterStopAdblock : '(/plugins/better-stop-adblock/|bsa-script-doctype.js|bsa-script-no-doctype.js)', AdBlockBlocker : '/plugins/wordpress-adblock-blocker/', AntiBlockBukssaAyman : '/plugins/anti-block/', BlockAlyzer : '/plugins/blockalyzer-adblock-counter/', AdBlockingDetector : '/plugins/ad-blocking-detector/', // Plugins Website Adworkmedia : '(adworkmedia|loxtk|contentlockingnetworks).com/gLoade

  • 7/26/2019 Diable Anti Adblock


    r.php', Adscendmedia : 'adscendmedia.com/gwjs.php', FuckAdBlock : '(/fuckadblock.js|/blockadblock.js)', jQueryAdBlock : '/jquery.adblock.js', jQueryAdblockDetector : '/jquery.adblock-detector.js', AdBlockAdvertisement : '/advertisement.js', AdBlockAdvert : '/advert.js', AdBlockAdvCustom : '/advertisement(.+).js', AdBlockAdframe : '/adframe.js', AntiAdBuster : '/anti-ad-buster.js', RTKAntiAdblock : '/blockcake.js', AdblockDetector : '/AdblockDetector/handler.min.js', jQueryAntiAdsBlock : '/jquery.antiadsblock.js', Adbuddy : '/js/adbuddy.min.js', AntiADsBlocker : '/aadb/script.js' };

    var scripts = document.scripts; for (var y = 0; y < scripts.length; y++) { var script = scripts[y]; if (script.src) { for (var key in aabs) { if (new RegExp(aabs[key], 'i').test(script.src)) { Aak.detected([key, script.src]);

    break; } } } }

    }, onInsert : function (insertedNode) {

    // All Nodes if (Aak.opts.inserted) { if (insertedNode.src || insertedNode.id ||

    insertedNode.className && !/firebug/.test(insertedNode.innerHTML)) { // Node inserted Aak.log(insertedNode); } }

    // No-Adblock - http://www.no-adblock.com/ if (insertedNode.id && insertedNode.id.length == 4 && /^[a-z0-9]{4}$/.test(insertedNode.id) && insertedNode.nodeName == 'DIV' && insertedNode.firstChild &&

    insertedNode.firstChild.id && insertedNode.firstChild.id == insertedNode.id && Aak.contains(insertedNode.innerHTML, 'no-adblock.com')) { // Remove Aak.detected('No-Adblock', false, location.href); Aak.removeElement(insertedNode); //Aak.log(insertedNode); }

    // StopAdblock - http://stopadblock.org/downloads/

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    if (insertedNode.id && insertedNode.id.length == 7 && /^a[a-z0-9]{6}$/.test(insertedNode.id) && insertedNode.nodeName == 'DIV' && insertedNode.parentNode && insertedNode.parentNode.id && insertedNode.parentNode.id == insertedNode.id + '2' && Aak.contains(insertedNode.innerHTML, 'stopadblock.org')) { // Remove Aak.detected('StopAdBlock', false, location.href); Aak.removeElement(insertedNode); //Aak.log(insertedNode); }

    // AntiAdblock (Packer) var reIframeId = /^(zd|wd)$/; var reImgId = /^(xd|gd)$/; var reImgSrc = /\/ads\/banner.jpg/; var reIframeSrc = /(\/adhandler\/|\/adimages\/|ad.html)/;

    // Communs if (insertedNode.id && reImgId.test(insertedNode.id) && insertedNode.nodeName == 'IMG' &&

    reImgSrc.test(insertedNode.src) || insertedNode.id && reIframeId.test(insertedNode.id) && insertedNode.nodeName == 'IFRAME' && reIframeSrc.test(insertedNode.src)) {

    // Variant 1 if (insertedNode.id == 'xd') { Aak.detected('AntiAdblockPackerZdxd', false, location.href); } // Variant 2 else if (insertedNode.id == 'gd') { Aak.detected('AntiAdblockPackerWdgd', false, location.href); }

    // Remove //Aak.log(insertedNode); Aak.removeElement(insertedNode); }

    // Adunblock - http://adunblock.com/ var reId = /^[a-z]{8}$/; var reClass = /^[a-z]{8} [a-z]{8}/; var reBg = /^[a-z]{8}-bg$/; var reMessage = /Il semblerait que vous utilisiez un bloqueur de publicit !/;

    // Communs

    if (typeof Aak.uw.vtfab != 'undefined' && typeof Aak.uw.adblock_antib != 'undefined' && insertedNode.parentNode && insertedNode.parentNode.nodeName == 'BODY' && insertedNode.id && reId.test(insertedNode.id) && insertedNode.nodeName == 'DIV' && insertedNode.nextSibling && insertedNode.nextSibling.className && insertedNode.nextSibling.nodeName == 'DIV') {

  • 7/26/2019 Diable Anti Adblock


    // Full Screen Message (Premium) // // if (insertedNode.className && reClass.test(insertedNode.className) && reBg.test(insertedNode.nextSibling.className) && insertedNode.nextSibling.style && insertedNode.nextSibling.style.display != 'none') {

    // Remove Message Aak.detected("AdUnBlockPremium"); Aak.removeElement(insertedNode.nextSibling); // overlay Aak.removeElement(insertedNode); // box } // Top bar Message (Free) // // else if (insertedNode.nextSibling.id && reId.test(insertedNode.nextSibling.id) && reMessage.test(insertedNode.innerHTML)) {

    // Remove Message

    Aak.detected("AdUnBlockFree"); Aak.removeElement(insertedNode); } }

    // Antiblock - http://antiblock.org/ var reMsgId = /^[a-z0-9]{4,10}$/i; var reTag1 = /^(div|span|b|i|font|strong|center)$/i; var reTag2 = /[abisuqp]{1}/i; var reTag3 = /[abisuq]{1}/i; var reTag4 = /[p]{1}/i; var reWords1 = /ad blocker|ad block|ad-block|adblocker|ad-blocker|adblock|bloqueur|bloqueador|Werbeblocker|adblockert|

    08; |/i; var reWords2 = /kapat|disable|dsactivez|dsactiver|desactivez|desactiver|desative|desactivar|desactive|desactiva|deaktiviere|disabilitare|||lltsd le|publicits||vert|kapatnz/i;

    // Antiblock.org (all version) if (insertedNode.parentNode && insertedNode.id && insertedNode.style && insertedNode.childNodes.length && insertedNode.firstChild &&

    !insertedNode.firstChild.id && !insertedNode.firstChild.className && reMsgId.test(insertedNode.id) && reTag1.test(insertedNode.nodeName) && reTag2.test(insertedNode.firstChild.nodeName)) { //Aak.log(insertedNode);

    // Kill audio message var audio = insertedNode.querySelector("audio[loop]"); if (audio) {

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    flow.com", "tampermonkey.net", "twitter.com", "vimeo.com", "wikipedia.org", "w3schools.com", "yahoo.", "yandex.ru", "youtu.be", "youtube.com", "xemvtv.net", "vod.pl", "agar.io", "pandoon.info", "fsf.org", "adblockplus.org", "plnkr.co", "exacttarget.com", "dolldivine.com", "popmech.ru", "calm.com"]; var host = location.host; var excluded = false; excludes.forEach(function (exclude) { if (new RegExp(exclude).test(host)) { excluded = true; if (Aak.opts.logExcluded) { Aak.warn('Excluded'); } return false; } });

    // Include domains // IsEventupported: http://tinyurl.com/oeez8c7 if (!excluded) {

    var handlerEvents = function () { var rule = Aak.rules[name];

    rule.host.forEach(function (host) {

    // Check host if (new RegExp(host).test(location.host)) {

    // Native mode if (!Aak.useGM && Aak.isTopframe) { Aak.warn('Run natively.'); }

    // Log rule used if (rule.host[0] != '.*?') { Aak.detected('rule', rule); }

    // Before DOM load if (rule.onStart) { rule.onStart(); } // On all statements if (rule.onAlways) { rule.onAlways(); // start Aak.onEvent(window, 'DOMContentLoaded', rule.onAlways); // idle Aak.onEvent(window, 'load', rule.onAlways); // end } // Before Script Executed if (rule.onBeforeScript) {

    // options: contains, search, replace, override, remove, external var optionsBeforeScript = rule.onBeforeScript(); if (typeof optionsBeforeScript == "object") {

    var handlerBeforeScript = function (e, options) { var isEvent = e instanceof Event; var thisScript = (e.target || e.srcElement) || e;

    options.forEach(function (o) { // hasAttribute

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    Aak.request({ url : location.href, headers : { "Referer" : document.referrer }, onload : function (result) { var html = result.responseText; var parser = new DOMParser(); var doc = parser.parseFromString(html, "text/html"); var scripts = doc.scripts;

    for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) { var thisScript = scripts[i]; handlerBeforeScript(thisScript, optionsBeforeScript); }

    // Convert to string html = doc.documentElement.outerHTML;

    // Write new content to HTML document: Aak.addScript('document.open(); document.write(unescape("' + escape(html) + '")); document.close();'); // chrome/opera //Aak.addScript('document.write(unescape("' + escape(h

    tml) + '")); document.close();'); // firefox } }); }; loadDocument(optionsBeforeScript); } } } // After Script Executed if (rule.onAfterScript) { if ('onafterscriptexecute' in document) { // Mozilla Firefox Aak.onEvent(window, 'afterscriptexecute', rule.onAfterScript); } }

    // When DOM Load if (rule.onIdle) { if (!Aak.useGM) { // Native mode rule.onIdle(); } else { //Aak.onEvent(window, 'DOMContentLoaded', rule.onIdle);

    Aak.onEvent(window, 'DOMContentLoaded', rule.onIdle); } } // When Window Load if (rule.onEnd) { if (!Aak.useGM) { // Native mode

    rule.onEnd(); } else { Aak.onEvent(window, 'load', rule.onEnd); } } // When DOM AttrModified if (rule.onAttrModified) { Aak.onEvent(window, 'DOMAttrModified', rule.onAttrModified, false); }

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    // When DOM SubtreeModified if (rule.onSubtreeModified) { Aak.onEvent(window, 'DOMSubtreeModified', rule.onSubtreeModified, false); } // When DOM Elements are Inserted in Document if (rule.onInsert) {

    // Mutation Observer // doc: http://tinyurl.com/mxxzee4 // support: http://tinyurl.com/nepn7vy if (typeof window.MutationObserver != 'undefined' || typeof WebKitMutationObserver != 'undefined') {

    // Mutation Observer var MutationObserver1 = window.MutationObserver || WebKitMutationObserver;

    // Create an observer instance var obs1 = new MutationObserver1(function (mutations) { // We can safely use `forEach` because we already use mutation // observers that are more recent than `forEach`. (source:MDN)

    mutations.forEach(function (mutation) { // we want only added nodes if (mutation.addedNodes.length) { Array.prototype.forEach.call(mutation.addedNodes, function (addedNode) { if (Aak.opts.logInsertedNodes) { Aak.log(addedNode); } rule.onInsert(addedNode); }); } }); });

    // Observer obs1.observe(document, { childList : true, subtree : true }); } // Mutation Events (Alternative Solution) // doc: http://tinyurl.com/op95rfy else { Aak.onEvent(window, "DOMNodeInserted", function (e) { if (Aak.opts.logInsertedNodes) { Aak.log(e.target); }

    rule.onInsert(e.target); }, false); } } // When DOM Elements are Removed in Document if (rule.onRemove) {

    // Mutation Observer // doc: http://tinyurl.com/mxxzee4 // support: http://tinyurl.com/nepn7vy

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    if (typeof window.MutationObserver != 'undefined' || typeof WebKitMutationObserver != 'undefined') {

    // Mutation Observer var MutationObserver2 = window.MutationObserver || WebKitMutationObserver;

    // Create an observer instance var obs2 = new MutationObserver2(function (mutations) { // We can safely use `forEach` because we already use mutation // observers that are more recent than `forEach`. (source:MDN) mutations.forEach(function (mutation) { // we want only removed nodes if (mutation.removedNodes.length) { Array.prototype.forEach.call(mutation.removedNodes, function (removedNode) { if (Aak.opts.logRemovedNodes) { Aak.log(removedNode); } rule.onRemove(removedNode); }); }

    }); }); // Observer obs2.observe(document, { childList : true, subtree : true }); } // Mutation Events (Alternative Solution) // doc: http://tinyurl.com/op95rfy else { Aak.onEvent(window, "DOMNodeRemoved", function (e) { if (Aak.opts.logRemovedNodes) {

    Aak.log(e.target); } rule.onRemove(e.target); }, false); } }

    // Aak Events

    Aak.onEvent(window, 'detected', function (e) { Aak.info(e.detail); });


    }); };

    // Apply rules for (var name in Aak.rules) { if (Aak.rules.hasOwnProperty(name)) { handlerEvents(Aak, name); } } }

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    } };


