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DIARY OF A WIMPY KID GROUP 4 P136-P145. Greg found a way to have some fun with the Big Wheel. It was...

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He thought that writing the cards was a breeze. However, his plan was failed, because it was strange. For example, “I like the way the pants looks on my legs, It is very strange. Therefore, Greg had to write the card by himself. Greg finally knocked Rowley off the Big Wheel. But it was serious. Because Rowley was landed pretty hard on his left hand. Greg knew it was serious he tried to cheer Rowley up, but all the jokes that usually crack him up weren't working, Greg was jealous, because everyone was crowded around him. And when Greg tried to cash in on some of Rowley's popularity, he was scolded.
Page 1: DIARY OF A WIMPY KID GROUP 4 P136-P145. Greg found a way to have some fun with the Big Wheel. It was one guy on the Big Wheel and the other guy tries.



Page 2: DIARY OF A WIMPY KID GROUP 4 P136-P145. Greg found a way to have some fun with the Big Wheel. It was one guy on the Big Wheel and the other guy tries.

Greg found a way to have some fun with the Big Wheel. It was one guy on the Big Wheel and the other guy tries to knock him off with a football. Greg was smart because he didn't ride on the Big Wheel. He knew if he was knocked off , that could be very painful. When Greg try to play the game again, his mom ask him to write the Christmas thank-you card. Greg thought it wasted his time, so he found a way to crank out his Christmas thank-you card in a little time.

Page 3: DIARY OF A WIMPY KID GROUP 4 P136-P145. Greg found a way to have some fun with the Big Wheel. It was one guy on the Big Wheel and the other guy tries.

He thought that writing the cards was a breeze. However , his plan was failed, because it was strange. For example, “I like the way the pants looks on my legs, It is very strange. Therefore, Greg had to write the card by himself. Greg finally knocked Rowley off the Big Wheel. But it was serious. Because Rowley was landed pretty hard on his left hand. Greg knew it was serious he tried to cheer Rowley up, but all the jokes that usually crack him up weren't working, Greg was jealous, because everyone was crowded around him. And when Greg tried to cash in on some of Rowley's popularity, he was scolded.

Page 4: DIARY OF A WIMPY KID GROUP 4 P136-P145. Greg found a way to have some fun with the Big Wheel. It was one guy on the Big Wheel and the other guy tries.

Greg wanted others girls swarmed him just as they swarmed Rowley, so he took some gauze and wrapped up his hand to make it hurt. But nothing was happened. Greg realized that cast is a great gimmick, but gauze isn't. So he prepared a SYMPATHY Sheet, but it was failed, too. Last week, Greg started the third quarter at school. Greg want to sign up for Home Economics, but have a embroidered book bag won't make you more popular.

Page 5: DIARY OF A WIMPY KID GROUP 4 P136-P145. Greg found a way to have some fun with the Big Wheel. It was one guy on the Big Wheel and the other guy tries.

VOCABULARY< Knock >※ 相撞,碰擊 [ ( +against ) ]His legs knocked against the chair .※ 敲,擊,打 [ ( +on/at ) ]He knocked at the door and entered.※ 擊(撞)成 [O]The blow knocked her senseless .   ※ 【口】批評,貶損The critic knocked her latest novel .   

Remember to take notes.

Page 6: DIARY OF A WIMPY KID GROUP 4 P136-P145. Greg found a way to have some fun with the Big Wheel. It was one guy on the Big Wheel and the other guy tries.

※ 【口】不幸;挫折;艱苦We have to take certain knocks in life .   < Knock out >※ 擊昏某人 ; 打敗 ; 淘汰Joe knocked him out with one punch .  

Our team was knocked out in the second run .

Page 7: DIARY OF A WIMPY KID GROUP 4 P136-P145. Greg found a way to have some fun with the Big Wheel. It was one guy on the Big Wheel and the other guy tries.

<knock off>※ 撞倒 ; 打掉 ; 敲掉 ; 打掉The little girl knocked the glass off by accident

 <knock up>※( 使 ) 筋疲力盡The long trip knocked them up .

Page 8: DIARY OF A WIMPY KID GROUP 4 P136-P145. Greg found a way to have some fun with the Big Wheel. It was one guy on the Big Wheel and the other guy tries.

<target> ※靶子;攻擊的目標He missed the target .   ※ (欲達到的)目標,指標His target is to save $ 100 a week .   ※ (批評,嘲笑的)對象 [ ( +for/of ) ]His proposal became the target of criticism .   <dead on the target>※ 命中目標、一針見血His shot was dead on target.

Page 9: DIARY OF A WIMPY KID GROUP 4 P136-P145. Greg found a way to have some fun with the Big Wheel. It was one guy on the Big Wheel and the other guy tries.

<brake>※ 煞車,制動器The car brakes was broken.

<work out>※ 按某種方式發展 ; 結果How will things work out ?

<Home Economics>※ 家政Home Economics is one of favorite subjects.

Page 10: DIARY OF A WIMPY KID GROUP 4 P136-P145. Greg found a way to have some fun with the Big Wheel. It was one guy on the Big Wheel and the other guy tries.

<cheer up>※ 使某人高興或快活起來He cheered up at once when I promised to help him .<crowd>※ 人群There was a crowd of people in front of  the town hall .※ 一堆,許多I saw a crowd of magazines and papers on her desk .  

Page 11: DIARY OF A WIMPY KID GROUP 4 P136-P145. Greg found a way to have some fun with the Big Wheel. It was one guy on the Big Wheel and the other guy tries.

<add insult to injury>※ 雪上加霜The nearest parking lot was half a mile away and then to add insult to injury it began raining.<infection>※ 傳染;侵染Are you sure there is no danger of infection now ?<figure out>※ 演算出 ; 計算出Have you figured out how much the holiday will cost ?

Page 12: DIARY OF A WIMPY KID GROUP 4 P136-P145. Greg found a way to have some fun with the Big Wheel. It was one guy on the Big Wheel and the other guy tries.

<backfire>※事與願違 His plan could backfire.<right-handed>※ 右撇子He is right-handed.<right-hand man>※ 得力助手Hi is my right-hand man.<Injury>※ 傷害;損害He escaped from the train wreck without injury .

Page 13: DIARY OF A WIMPY KID GROUP 4 P136-P145. Greg found a way to have some fun with the Big Wheel. It was one guy on the Big Wheel and the other guy tries.

【美】【口】想出 , 理解 , 明白I ' ve never been able to figure him out .  <cut a sorry figure>※ 顯出可憐的樣子Don't cut a sorry figure, that won't be helpful.<cut a good figure>※ 嶄露頭角He cut a good figure in this show.<attract> ※ 吸引The garden city attracts many people.

Page 14: DIARY OF A WIMPY KID GROUP 4 P136-P145. Greg found a way to have some fun with the Big Wheel. It was one guy on the Big Wheel and the other guy tries.

<embroidered>※ 有刺繡的 ; 繡上的This is a Embroidered bag.

Page 15: DIARY OF A WIMPY KID GROUP 4 P136-P145. Greg found a way to have some fun with the Big Wheel. It was one guy on the Big Wheel and the other guy tries.


【 LV.1 】: What kind of festival are they


Page 16: DIARY OF A WIMPY KID GROUP 4 P136-P145. Greg found a way to have some fun with the Big Wheel. It was one guy on the Big Wheel and the other guy tries.

A: They are having Christmas.

Page 17: DIARY OF A WIMPY KID GROUP 4 P136-P145. Greg found a way to have some fun with the Big Wheel. It was one guy on the Big Wheel and the other guy tries.

【 LV.2 】: How did Rowley broke his arm?

Page 18: DIARY OF A WIMPY KID GROUP 4 P136-P145. Greg found a way to have some fun with the Big Wheel. It was one guy on the Big Wheel and the other guy tries.

A: He fell down from the Big


Page 19: DIARY OF A WIMPY KID GROUP 4 P136-P145. Greg found a way to have some fun with the Big Wheel. It was one guy on the Big Wheel and the other guy tries.

【 LV.3 】: What the class Home Economics doing?

Page 20: DIARY OF A WIMPY KID GROUP 4 P136-P145. Greg found a way to have some fun with the Big Wheel. It was one guy on the Big Wheel and the other guy tries.

A: Sew,cook, weave…

Page 21: DIARY OF A WIMPY KID GROUP 4 P136-P145. Greg found a way to have some fun with the Big Wheel. It was one guy on the Big Wheel and the other guy tries.

【 LV.4 】: Have you ever done something dangerous like Greg and Rowley ? Share with us.

Page 22: DIARY OF A WIMPY KID GROUP 4 P136-P145. Greg found a way to have some fun with the Big Wheel. It was one guy on the Big Wheel and the other guy tries.

* SUMMARY :趙磊* Q& A:蕭廷睿* VOCABULARY :吳浩丞、張芫睿* PHOTOCOPY:趙磊

Page 23: DIARY OF A WIMPY KID GROUP 4 P136-P145. Greg found a way to have some fun with the Big Wheel. It was one guy on the Big Wheel and the other guy tries.
