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Did you just roll your eyes at me

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Did you just roll your eyes at me. The body that speaks volumes What is your body portraying? 05/26/2022 Matthew "Jared" hogan 1
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05/03/2023Matthew "Jared" hogan 1

Did you just roll your eyes at me.The body that speaks volumes

What is your body portraying?

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05/03/2023Matthew "Jared" hogan 2

What do you think most people do when they first meet you? The cold hard truth here is they judge you. This is what they call the first impression and most of these are made very quickly, Like take me for an example, I will actually make a first decision on someone within the first 60 seconds of being in their presence. I know not so cool right, but this is one of the best ways I do so well as a server, but to be honest think about how fast you formulate your own opinion of another person, the next time you meet someone.

Making a good firstSome of the main things that I go off of in a first

IntroductionThink about your posture when you greet or just meet someone. Hands in the pockets and slouching are very common things that I notice. How do you think that looks and what does it say. Stand upright, put a little hop in your step, and smile are big things to show anyone a good first. Eye contact and Handshake These are actually a big deal. I remember interviewing this guy that would not look at me or shake my hand. What do you think I thought right off the bat, you guessed it “looney”. I can tell you this, he did not get the job. Try good eye contact, maybe sitting a little forward in your seat, and when you shake don’t break but don’t be shy. Presenting ConfidenceThis is probably the most common sense one, but really the least practiced. I see people all the time sitting in a room in the corner with their arms, legs, and even body crossed. Really, why would you tell the world that. The easy way to fix this is practice being straight with others, you won’t piss them off unless you are really just being mean, or posturing. Just take a load off and think they will forgive me or I’ll get over it. Just be confident and yes it is harder then that, but with practice this skill will open not only new doors for you, but whole new worlds.

Just get out there and put on your game face.

“First Impression” Deal Breaker?

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The 7 loudmouth body parts

1. HeadPeople will take you more seriously if you stand tall, which conveys confidence and status. You don’t need to be physically long and lean, but take care to stand erect and keep your shoulders back. It will make you seem taller and more sure of yourself.2. EyesWhen talking to someone, make eye contact in order to establish your trustworthiness, sincerity and confidence—but only hold their gaze directly for a few seconds at a time, which is as long as is comfortable for most people. The only exception? When you enter a room and want to make an impression. In that case, hold each onlooker’s gaze for a beat longer than is comfortable, then look away. This move conveys that you’re confident and interested in meeting others. When you’re speaking to a group of people, switch your gaze from one person to another every so often 3. ArmsWhen in a casual conversation, crossing your arms may seem natural, but it actually indicates that you’re feeling defensive or guarded. Instead, slightly lean into someone to convey interest. Try to keep your arms open and relaxed at your sides—or in your lap or on an armrest if at a job interview. Feel free to occasionally illustrate your points using gestures. Resist the urge to fuss with your hair, fiddle with your jewelry or crack your knuckles, all of which are distracting and can make you seem nervous.

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The 7 loudmouth body parts

4. Hands Being the first to reach out for a handshake shows that you are confident and unafraid to take the initiative. You shouldn’t let your fingers go limp, but the goal is not to break the other person’s bones, either. A firm grasp conveys your strength without coming off as overbearing. Limit yourself to one or two up-and-down shakes, then let go.5. FrontDon’t invade anyone’s personal space, which makes people feel uneasy and unwilling to stay and listen to you. Face the person directly, keeping about an arm’s length apart, and bridge the connection with eye contact. 6. Legs When standing, you should avoid crossing your legs, an awkward position that suggests that you feel uncertain and guarded (or that you need a bathroom break). However, sitting with crossed legs is one of the most common positions in many cultures, and if you’re wearing a skirt, it’s recommended. Just don’t cross the arms at the same time: Sitting with both crossed arms and legs signifies that you have withdrawn from the conversation.

7. Feet If you’re standing still, keep your feet planted slightly apart to convey a sense of confidence. (But keep them narrower than hip-width to avoid shifting your weight from foot to foot frequently, which indicates discomfort or disinterest.) When you’re walking, slow down your pace to seem calmer and more collected.

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The Body language effect

Have you ever thought of how your actions not only effect others, but yourself as well. That seems weird right? How can rolling your eyes effect you? Well I beg you try it right now at me for stating that it is so. Go on… Well how do you feel now… Right, just as I said, you were directly effected by that simple action, and the funny part is that you did it to yourself. Now I want you to smile and nod your head, affirmative feeling isn’t it young padawan. The thing is no matter the action, there will be a reaction, even if you didn’t realize that it. The truth is, these are small things, but momma always said the small things matter the most, and those impulses that you are radiating (going by what many a wise momma has spoken) mean a whole bunch to you and those around you. Yes, bow your head in shame you meanie “NO” don’t do that that would be completely opposite of the point I am making “LAUGH” I made a funny “HAHA”. The point is that by ruining the moods of others, you simply ruin your own (It is a double edged sword, stop swinging it like it’s a mystical purple finger, that can change the channel on any T.V.). Now the time for action and remember, it won’t work if you are not still having FUN.

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In Conclusion

Your MovePositive

Body Language

