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Didcot Diary February 2013

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Didcot Diary Issue 6 February 2013 Didcot Diary Issue 6 February 2013 Edmonds Park Ladygrove Lakes Didcot Power Station
Page 1: Didcot Diary February 2013

Didcot Diary

Issue 6 – February 2013

Didcot Diary

Issue 6 February 2013

Edmonds Park

Ladygrove Lakes

Didcot Power Station

Page 2: Didcot Diary February 2013



Annual Town Meeting 2

Didcot Power Station 3

Didcot Business Directory 3

Edmonds Park 4

Allotments 4

Ladygrove Lakes 5

Free Christmas Day Lunch 6

Litter Pick 7

Supermarket Trolleys 7

Autism Alert Card 8

My Life My Choice 8

Frequently asked Questions 9

University of the Third Age 10

New schools for Didcot 10

What’s on at the Civic Hall 11

Welcome to the first issue of the Didcot Diary for 2013. The year is still young but we

have already been very busy. On page 5 you can read about the netting of Ladygrove

Lakes, this is done periodically so we can assess the quantity and condition of the fish in

the lakes and to transfer fish between the lakes. Work has started in the refurbishment

of the tennis courts at Edmonds Park, more information on this project is on page 4.

As well as these projects we have been organising events, there will be a litter pick on

Saturday 16th March, past experience has shown these events to be fun and satisfying so

if you are free please come along and join us, we will be meeting in the Civic Hall car park

at 9am.

The Annual Town Meeting will take place on Tuesday 19th March at 7.30pm, tea and

coffee will be available from 7pm. If you have any questions or comments relating to

Didcot come and meet us and have your say.

And don’t forget the Civic Ball on Friday 22nd March. Tickets cost just £35 each and

include a five course meal and dancing to the Limitations. This is usually a great night not

to be missed!

If you have any comments or suggestions for future issues of the Didcot Diary please

contact us on 01235 812367 or [email protected].

Page 3: Didcot Diary February 2013

Didcot Power Station

Didcot A Power Station will stop generating electricity on 31st March 2013 after 42 years.

The closure of Didcot A is the end of an era and it will take some time for the process of

decommissioning and demolition to be completed so the sky line of Didcot will not change

in the immediate future.

The manager of Didcot A Power Station, Mr Phil Noake said:

“This is a time to reflect on the fantastic team we have at Didcot A Power Station, and say

thank you to all those who have helped to deliver power to homes and businesses across

Britain for over 40 years. Our thanks also go to the local community who have supported

us throughout those years.” More information about the closure of

Didcot A and a history of the power station

can be found on our website


Alternatively, RWE npower are holding

some drop-in sessions in the Civic Hall on

Wednesday 20th February and Thursday

21st February where members of their team

will be available to discuss the

decommissioning and eventual closure of

Didcot A.

More information can be obtained by calling

0845 618 0015 or emailing

[email protected]

Didcot Business Directory

In response to queries regarding local tradesman and businesses a local business directory

has been compiled.

The directory is on our website www.didcot.gov.uk. Every effort has been made to ensure

that the directory is complete and correct but business details change so if you run a

business in Didcot please take a few minutes to check the details given for your business are

up to date.

If you do find an error or omission please contact us on 01235 812637 or

[email protected] and we will correct the entry.

Please note that the directory is for information only and Didcot Town Council do not endorse

or recommend any business listed.


Page 4: Didcot Diary February 2013

Edmond’s Park Tennis Court refurbishment

Work started on 7th February. The contractors were

not hanging about – they have removed the fencing,

cleared surface debris and spiked the whole site to

improve drainage, all by mid morning break. With

good weather the work is expected to be complete

within 2 weeks.

The tarmac will have to cure for another couple of

weeks before court painting and line markings go on.

Temporary lines will most likely go on before Easter.

The project is being carried out with the support of

a grant from South Oxfordshire District Council.

The Leylandii hedge has been trimmed and other

outgrown specimens nearest the car park reduced

by 50% in preparation for the improvements on site.

Watch this space!


Cutting back



The continuing wet weather has made for a disappointing season on the allotments but

despite that demand continues to be high and there are currently plots available on only

Mereland Road (1) and Cockcroft Road (3) sites. If you are interested in taking on an

allotment plot you can join the waiting list by completing a form and paying £15

administrative fee. Forms are available from the information centre or on our website


The outdoor staff have been working hard graveling the access paths to try to prevent

them becoming impassable with mud. This work will continue for as long as necessary.

We are in the process of reviewing the terms and conditions for

allotment holders, more information will be published in the next

issue of the Didcot Diary and on our website as it becomes finalised.

And finally, the lottery grant bid for some new water troughs has

been submitted and we await the outcome.


arrive on site


Page 5: Didcot Diary February 2013

Ladygrove Lakes Ladygrove Lakes netting was completed on Friday 1st

February with disappointing results.

The net was cast eight times but we got very poor pickings.

Yes there were some impressive Perch of over 4lb plus but

what was missing from the net was our usual haul of masses

of silverfish – that is the 1 and 2 year old developing fish of all


Reports of up to 8 Cormorants feeding early morning on

the lake is the reason why our fish stocks have dropped so

dramatically. They feed every day and now that the rivers

have broken their banks because of flooding they can no

longer feed off the river so have come inland to easy pickings

such as our lakes. Many other fisheries are in the same situation

where they are experiencing large losses of fish due to

Cormorant predators.

The Ladygrove Fishing Association will discuss whether

to allow fishing in the closed season to help deter these

predators which are decimating our fish population.

We need the smaller fish coming on as part of the cycle

of nature to replace the older fish as the lakes are a

closed system not fed by a river.


Blood Donor Sessions

The NHS Blood Donor service will be in the Civic Hall between 11.30am and 1pm on

Wednesday 27th March and Wednesday 24th April.

These are drop in sessions so if you would like to donate no appointment is necessary.

Ceroc Easter Extravaganza

If you enjoy dancing the night away until the early hours then the Oxford Ceroc Spring

Special Dance Night is for you. The dance will take place in the Civic Hall on Friday 29th


For more information contact Oxford Ceroc on [email protected] or the Civic

Hall on [email protected] or 01235 512436.

Page 6: Didcot Diary February 2013

Free Christmas Day Lunch

The 2012 Christmas Day Lunch organised by local resident, Anna Gatrell, was another

huge success with 49 Didcot people who would otherwise spend the day alone

enjoying a day of fun and a good meal at the Didcot Day Centre.

Ms Gatrell said:

”The day went really well with 49 attendees and helpers in total. The attendees arrived

from 12 noon and were given a wonderful Christmas lunch with all the trimmings cooked

by my lovely chef who also gives up his day for this event

In the afternoon we played bingo with prizes for a line and full house and each attendee

left with a hamper at around 5pm

It was a fabulous day enjoyed by all and we were even joined by the Mayor who stayed

for lunch!”

Anna also thanked Didcot Town Council for their financial support in the form of grant aid,

the organisations and individuals who donated items for the bingo prizes and hampers

and to the volunteers who helped on the day.

The Mayor, Mr Peter Read, pictured right, said:

“We had a fantastic time eating, drinking, watching the

Queen’s speech and playing games until 5pm when

attendees are transported home. What a fantastic day

of fun and frolics..

This is the spirit of Didcot with everyone helping

everyone else . Anna's Christmas lunches are special

and she works throughout the year to get the day

right with prizes for raffles and the games and

nobody wants to go home.”

Grant aid is available to support organisations and

individuals who work for the benefit of the people of Didcot.

If you would like to know more about grant aid or would like

to apply please go to www.didcot.gov.uk or call 01235 812637

or email [email protected] .


Page 7: Didcot Diary February 2013

Supermarket trolleys

Council members are working with supermarket managers to try to resolve the issue of

abandoned supermarket trolleys that can be found around town.

This problem is not just unsightly but trolleys left at the side of the road can pose a real danger

to pedestrians as pushchairs and mobility scooters cannot pass and to drivers if they roll into

the road.

Sainsbury's has installed a locking device that makes it difficult for trolleys to be removed from

their car park and it is hoped that Tesco will install a similar device in the near future.

The trolleys are valued at £250 each and anyone

caught taking them away could be prosecuted for theft.

Since November 2011 council officers have reported a

total of 101 abandoned trolleys at a value of £25,250.

If you have any information about who is leaving trolleys

littering our streets or if you would like to report an

abandoned trolley you can call Tesco on 0845 677 9220

Sainsbury's on 01235 814159 or report them to us on

01235 812637 or [email protected].

Please help us to keep Didcot tidy!

Litter Pick

Litter is a major problem for everyone it is unpleasant to look at and the cost of clearing it

up is high; but the monetary cost is not the only consideration. If rubbish is not kept under

control the impact can contribute to vandalism, crime and anti-social behaviour. Not to

mention the effects of pollution to our environment and hazards to wildlife.

In recent years Didcot Town Council has organised tidy up events in town. The most recent

took place in September 2011 when a huge amount of rubbish was collected; 35 bags of

recycling, 41 bags of rubbish, 2 scooters, 1 plastic dustbin, 1 skateboard, 1 play tent, 1 old

pogo stick, 2 dustbin lids, 1 very long plastic barrier and 4 supermarket trollies!

Each event has attracted more litter pickers and consequently more rubbish has been

cleared. Many of those who took part said it was a worthwhile and fun way to spend a

Saturday morning; previous tidy up events have been successful so we have arranged

another one for this year.

It would be fantastic if we could continue the trend and collect even more rubbish this time.

The event is scheduled for Saturday 16th March, starting at 9am and will finish at 12 noon

so it is only 3 hours out of a busy weekend. This is your opportunity to make a difference

in the town and your contribution will help us meet our goal of more than 76 bags of rubbish.

If you would like to get involved and help keep Didcot tidy please come along to the Civic

Hall at 9am on 16th March. You will be provided with high visibility tabard, bags and a

litter picker or gloves.


Page 8: Didcot Diary February 2013

Oxfordshire Autism Alert Card

Autism is a lifelong developmental disability, caused by differences in the brain, which affects

how a person communicates with, and relates to, other people. Difficulties are not visible and

are often misunderstood.

The Oxfordshire Autism Alert Card is available free of charge to anyone in the county with

autism. It can be shown if the holder needs support from their contacts , help in difficult or

stressful situations, help from police officers or other emergency services or help on public

transport to explain about autism.

It will also assist people to identify that they are dealing with someone

with autism. If presented with a card, please support the cardholder

using the advice on the card and contact their named supporters.

The scheme provides free autism training for police and other


For more information: www.autismoxford.org.uk

Tel: 0844 381 4484; Email: [email protected]

My Life My Choice

My life my choice are a self-advocacy organisation run by and for people with learning

difficulties in Oxfordshire.

The Didcot Group meet in the Methodist church, Mereland Rd, Didcot, OX11 8RQ on the

third Wednesday of each month between 10.30am and 12 noon. The dates of the next

meetings are:

20th February 20th March 17th April

The group costs just 50p towards the running costs of the group. If you would like more

information please call 01865 204214 or go the website www.mylifemychoice.org.uk or call

the local contact Jennie Pozzoni on 01491 827581



Page 9: Didcot Diary February 2013

Information Centre

In the Information Centre we have noticed that

some questions tend to get asked more often

than others. In this section we aim to provide

answers to some recurring


Q. I know that the snow and ice has all disappeared from our region for the time being, but if

we are hit again with bad weather am I allowed to clear the snow and ice from my pavement

outside the house?

A. There is no law stopping you from clearing ice and snow on the pavement outside your

home or from public spaces. If you have cleared it carefully it is unlikely that anyone will take

action against you. It is down to the individual users of the pavements to take due care and

attention themselves. There are leaflets in the Information Centre on this subject if you would

like to know more on snow clearance.

Q. I keep reading in the news about the on-going development at Great Western Park but how

many people have actually moved in there now? If I wanted to have a look can I get a bus from

Didcot Town to go there?

A. As at 2nd January 2013, 267 units have been occupied. If you fancy having a look around the

site you can pick up a Thames Travel bus no.98 from either the railway station or the Orchard


Q. I have lost my bus pass and I know that I have to send in £10 for a replacement. Can I not

drop my form off to you to send on to the County?

A. You will need to drop off your application for a replacement bus pass to the Library, not the

Town Council. They are part of the County Council and they will take the money and forward on

to Oxford.

Q. I have just retired and would like to do some voluntary work. Can you give me any idea who

would like to use my services!

A. We have a Didcot Good Neighbour Scheme in Didcot which are always looking for

volunteers, contact the co-ordinator on 07592 326777. You can also contact Oxfordshire

Unlimited who have just started out and need volunteers. They focus on enabling people with

physical and sensory difficulties. You may also be interested in coming along to a volunteer

day in the Civic Hall on 9th March between 10am and 3pm.

Didcot Civic Ball

Didcot Civic Ball will take place in the civic Hall on Friday 22nd March. Tickets cost

just £35 each and include a five course meal dancing to the Limitations. Money raised will

be shared between the Alzheimer's Society and Restore so why not join us and help these charities

while having a great night out.. Tickets are available at the Information Centre or contact us on

01235 812637 or [email protected].


Page 10: Didcot Diary February 2013

The first meeting of the Didcot & District University of the Third Age held on 15th January was

a tremendous success with over 150 people attending. 115 people joined and wanted to take

part in at least 30 interest groups.

Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month. Visitors are welcome to come to one

meeting as a taster before joining. The February meeting of D&DU3A will be held at 2pm on

Tuesday 19 February 2013, the topic is May Day to Mummers: Oxfordshire Seasonal


The March meeting will take place on Tuesday 19th March at 2pm and the topic will be

The Incredible World of the Honey Bee. Both meetings will take place in the Civic Hall.

Didcot & District U3A is a democratic, self-funded and self-managed organisation

which exists to provide educational and leisure activities at minimal cost. It draws

upon the knowledge, experience, skills and enthusiasms of its members to organise

interest groups in accordance with the wishes of the membership.

Anyone in the third age can join Didcot & District U3A and this includes people who are

working part time. No qualifications are required, and none are given. There is no lower or

upper age limit for membership. Its national representative body is the Third Age Trust

(Registered Charity No 288007).

For further information contact: Anne Hales, Chairperson D&D U3A on 07804159993

Email: didcotdistrictu3a@virgin media.com

Didcot & District University of the Third Age



Page 11: Didcot Diary February 2013

What’s on @ the Civic Hall


Page 12: Didcot Diary February 2013

Didcot Town Council

All Saints Ward

Annie Birchall 07788 645989 c/o Didcot Town Council [email protected]

Nick Hards 01235 510146 184 Abingdon Road OX11 9BP [email protected]

Jane Murphy 07970 932054 Bramley Cottage OX14 4DP [email protected]

Margaret Turner 01235 812958 18 Bosleys Orchard OX11 7NY [email protected]

Robert Bulman 61 Oxford Crescent OX11 7AL

Ladygrove Ward

Tony Harbour 01235 810255 48 Prestwick Burn OX11 7UZ [email protected]

Neville Harris 01235 511363 180 Abingdon Road OX11 9BP [email protected]

Chris Harrison 07531 025403 106 Wessex Road OX11 7SU [email protected]

Roger Hawlor 01235 519061 11 Haydon Road OX11 7JB [email protected]

Phil Hayward 01235 819799 19 Ouse Close OX11 7FE [email protected]

Bill Service 01235 510810 15 Nunney Brook OX11 7FW [email protected]

Northbourne Ward

Andrew Bailey 07889 581635 c/o Didcot Town Council [email protected]

Bernard Cooper 01235 811806 1 Loyd Road OX11 8JX [email protected]

Axel Macdonald 07425 176404 56 Campion Hall Drive OX11 9RN [email protected]

Peter Read 01235 211754 6 East Street OX11 8EJ [email protected]

Scott Wilgrove 01235 812181 130 Wantage Road OX11 0AJ [email protected]

Park Ward

Margaret Davies 01235 816496 15 Evenlode Drive OX11 7XG [email protected]

Eleanor Hards 01235 510146 184 Abingdon Road OX11 9BP [email protected]

Des Healy 01235 212102 19 Collingwood Avenue OX11 0AL

Catherine Kiely 01235 811596 195 Broadway OX11 8RU [email protected]

John Moody 01235 210242 63 Norreys Road OX11 0AW [email protected]


Dominic Stapleton Town Clerk

Karen Dodd Deputy Town Clerk

Brenda Andrews Outdoor Services Manager

Sharon Hickman Finance and Administration

Sue Atkins Information Centre Manager

Paul Copley Grounds Supervisor

Steve Andrews Gardener

Richard Dowling Gardener

Justin Strong Gardener

John Jones Gatekeeper

Neressa Copley Pavilion Cleaner

Council and Committee meetings in February, March and

April 2013


Planning and Development 20th

Finance and General Purposes 25th


Council 11th

Environment 18th

Planning and Development 20th

Finance and General Purposes 25th


Planning and Development 3rd

Personnel and Administration 22nd

Planning and Development 24th

Finance and General Purposes 29th

All meetings commence at 7.30pm and are held in the Civic Hall unless otherwise stated.

The Council operates a policy of public participation at meetings. For more information

contact us:

Email: [email protected] or phone 01235 812637 or fax 01235 512837

or write to

Didcot Town Council, Civic Hall, Britwell Road, Didcot, Oxon, OX11 7HN or visit our website


