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Different Types of Rocket Nozzles

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Types of Rocket Nozzles

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Different Types of Rocket Nozzles

5322- Rocket PropulsionProject ReportBy Patel Harinkumar Rajendrabhai(1001150586)Different Types of Rocket Nozzles

11. Introduction1.1 What is Nozzle and why they are used?Anozzleis a device designed to control the direction or characteristics of afluidflow (especially to increase velocity) as it exits (or enters) an enclosed chamber orPipe[9]. Nozzles are frequently used to control the rate of flow, speed, direction, mass, shape, and/or the pressure of the stream that emerges from them. In nozzle velocity of fluid increases on the expense of its pressure energy.

A Water Nozzle[9]Rotator Style Pivot Sprinkler[9]

1.2 What is Rocket Nozzle?Arocket engine nozzleis apropelling nozzle(usually of thede Lavaltype) used in arocket engineto expand and accelerate the hotgases from combustion so as to produce thrust according to Newtons law of motion. Combustion gases are produced by burning the propellants in combustor, they exit the nozzle at very high Speed (hypersonic).

1.3 Properties of Rocket Nozzle

Nozzle produces thrust.Exhaust gases from combustion are pushed into throat region of nozzle.Throat is smaller cross-sectional area than rest of engine, gases are compressed to high pressure.Nozzle gradually increases in cross-sectional area allowing gases to expand and push against walls creating thrust.Convert thermal energy of hot chamber gases into kinetic energy and direct that energy along nozzle axis.[1]Mathematically, ultimate purpose of nozzle is to expand gases as efficiently as possible so as to maximize exit velocity.[1]

Rocket Engine[1]

Neglecting Pressure losses

2 Different types of Rocket Nozzle Configuration(shape)The rocket nozzles can have many shapes configurations. On the bases of there shapes they can be classified in three groups.3 primary groups of nozzle types[2,3]Cone (conical, linear)Bell (contoured, shaped, classic converging-diverging)Annular (spike, aerospike, plug, expansion, expansion-deflection)[1]

2.1 Conical nozzles[1,2,3]The conical nozzle is the oldest and the simplest configuration.It is ease to fabricate. The cone gets its name from the fact that the walls diverge at a constant angle. A small angle produces greater thrust, because it maximizes the axial component of exit velocity and produces a high specific impulse (a measure of rocket efficiency). Small nozzle divergence angle means long length and axial momentum and thus high specific impulse.It has penalty in rocket propulsion system mass, vehicle mass due to its long length. Large divergence angle reduces size and weight. But, results in performance loss at low altitude as the high ambient pressure causes overexpansion and flow separation.

In practice the thrust, exist velocity, etc obtained from the ideal rocket equations are not the same. So, some correction factor has to be applied to this equations.The correction factor applied is called divergence factor and is denoted by Greek alphabet Lambda().The expression for the divergence factor is given by

is the half cone angle. = 1 for ideal rocket.For a nozzle with divergence angle of 30 deg. The value of is 15 deg.

Variation of correction factor with is shown[2].

Flow is almost entirely axial(Best is uniform axial flow)Flow is mostly axialFlow has significant radial componentHighly subject to separationaAll 3 nozzles have same Ae/A*Red dashed lines indicate contours of normal flow[1]8

The design consist of an arc section which begins at throat.The arc section is followed by linear section with half cone angle .The linear section has length L, which can be calculated mathematically as,

Where, D* is the throat diameter. Ae/A* is the ratio of exit area to throat area. is half cone angle.

Where area ratio is given by

2.2 Bell/Contoured Nozzle[3,4]

Bell nozzle designs are similar to conical nozzle design but are more efficient and more compact than a conical nozzle.The bell nozzle is the most commonly used nozzle shape today. It is more advantages over the conical nozzle in terms of both, size and performance.It is Contoured to minimize turning and divergence losses. Reducing divergence requires more turning flow (more axial) which can result in compressions which in tern could lead to shock losses. This type of nozzles are designed such that all waves are isentropic and produce nearly axial flow at exit. The expansion in the supersonic bell nozzle is more efficient than in a simple straight cone of similar area ratio and length, because the wall contour is designed to minimize losses, as explained later in this section[2].

As shown bellow, the nozzle consists of two sections. Near the throat, the nozzle diverges at a relatively large angle(20 to 50 degree) (1) but the degree of divergence decreases downstream.Near the nozzle exit, the divergence angle is very small(less than 10) (2). The bell nozzle is a compromise between the two extremes of the conical nozzle since it minimizes weight while maximizing performance. The most important design issue is to contour the nozzle to avoid oblique shocks and maximize performance.This types of nozzle shapes are only optimum at one altitude conditions.

Bell Nozzle[1]12

Modern Day Bell Nozzle[11]The divergence loss at the exit of a bell nozzle is significantly less than that for a conical nozzle of the same design. The exit angle for a 15 degree conical nozzle is 15 degrees, while the exit angle of a Bell nozzle with the same exit diameter is only 8.5 degrees. This can be seen in Fig. below. Also the bell nozzle is shorter and has less mass than the conical nozzle because it is more compact. These characteristics make a Bell nozzle much more efficient than a straight conical nozzle[6].

Comparison of conical nozzle with bell nozzle[2]A change of flow direction of a supersonic gas in an expanding wall geometry can only be achieved through expansion waves. An expansion wave occurs at a thin surface, where the flow velocity increases and changes its flow direction slightly, and where the pressure and temperature drop.Wave surfaces are at an oblique angle to the flow. As the gas passes through the throat, it undergoes a series of these expansion waves with essentially no loss of energy. In the bell-shaped nozzle shown in Fig. these expansions occur internally in the flow between the throat and the inflection location I. the area is steadily increasing like a flare on a trumpet. The contour angle i is a maximum at the inflection location. Between the inflection point I and the nozzle exit E.The purpose of this last segment of the contoured nozzle is to have a low divergence loss as the gas leaves the nozzle exit plane. The difference between i and 0e is called the turn-back angle. When the gas flow is turned in the opposite direction (between points I and E) oblique compression waves will occur. These compression waves are thin surfaces where the flow undergoes a mild shock.

The flow is turned, and the velocity is actually reduced slightly. Each of these multiple compression waves causes a small energy loss. It is possible to balance the oblique expansion waves with the oblique compression waves and minimize the energy loss with the help of Method of characteristics.The first set of curves[2] given below(left) gives the relation between length, area ratio, and the two angles of the bell contour. The second set of curves[2] given below(right) gives the correction factors, equivalent to the 2 factor for conical nozzles, which are to be applied to the thrust coefficient or the exhaust velocity, provided the nozzles are at optimum expansions, that is, P2 = P3.

2.3 Annular Nozzle[1,3]

The annular nozzle, also sometimes known as the plug or "altitude-compensating" nozzle, is the least employed of those discussed due to its greater complexity. The term "annular" refers to the fact that combustion occurs along a ring, or annulus, around the base of the nozzle. "Plug" refers to the centerbody that blocks the flow from what would be the center portion of a traditional nozzle. "Altitude-compensating" is sometimes used to describe these nozzles since that is their primary advantage, a quality that will be further explored later.Expansion ratio: area of centerbody must be taken into account

Another parameter annular diameter ratio, Dplug / DthroatRatio is used as a measure of nozzle geometry for comparison with other plug nozzle shapes

16There are two major types of annular nozzles developed to date.

They are distinguished by the method in which they expand exhaust: (1) outward or (2) inwardRadial Out-Flow Nozzles : Examples of this type are the expansion-deflection (E-D), reverse-flow (R-F), and horizontal-flow (H-F) nozzlesRadial In-Flow Nozzles : Spike nozzles, linear-aerospike nozzle.

Annular nozzles receiving significant research attentionSeveral publications call these concepts new, but in actual, these ideas have been around for quite some time.These are the most complicated nozzles and hence have serious challenges with its implementation

2.3.1 RADIAL OUT-FLOW NOZZLES[1,3]Picture shows an example of an Expansion-Deflection (E-D) nozzle.Expansion-deflection nozzle works much like a bell nozzle.Exhaust gases forced into a converging throat before expanding in a bell-shaped nozzleFlow is deflected by a plug, or centerbody, that forces the gases away from center of nozzle and to stay attached to nozzle wallsCenterbody position may move to optimize performanceAs altitude or back-pressure varies, flow is free to expand into voidThis expansion into void allows the nozzle to compensate for altitudePe adjusts to Pb within nozzle


18Name of each of these nozzles indicates how it functions.Expansion-deflection nozzle works similar to a bell nozzle, since the exhaust gases are forced into a converging throat region of low area before expanding in a bell-shaped nozzle. However, the flow is deflected by a plug, or centerbody, that forces the gases away from the center of the nozzle. Thus, the E-D is a radial out-flow nozzle. The reverse-flow nozzle gets its name because the fuel is injected from underneath, but the exhaust gases are rotated 180 thereby reversing their direction. Similarly, the fuel in the horizontal-flow nozzle is injected sideways, but the exhaust is rotated 90. The E-D, has been one of the most studied forms of annular nozzles. The purpose of the centerbody is to force flow to remain attached to, to stick to nozzle walls.This type of nozzles are desirable at low altitudes because the atmospheric pressure is high and may be greater than pressure of exhaust gases. When this occurs, the exhaust is forced inward and no longer exerts force on the nozzle walls, so thrust is decreased and the rocket becomes less efficient. The centerbody, however, increases the pressure of the exhaust gases by squeezing the gases into a smaller area thereby virtually eliminating any loss in thrust at low altitude.

19The most notable difference between these type and bell nozzle is the addition of a centerbody. As shown below, this "plug" may be located upstream of, downstream of, or in the throat, with each location resulting in better performance for a given set of operating conditions.

202.3.2 RADIAL IN-FLOW NOZZLES[3]Often referred to as spike nozzlesThis type of nozzle named for the prominent spike centerbody.It can also be described as a bell turned inside out.Various different configuration of this type of nozzle are possible, some of them are (a) traditional curved spike with completely external supersonic expansion(b) similar shape in which part of the expansion occurs internally(c) design similar to E-D nozzle in which all expansion occurs internally

Each of spike nozzles features a curved, pointed spike. It is the most ideal shape.Spike shape allows the exhaust gases from the nozzle to expand through isentropicor constant entropy process.Due to turbulent mixing there is exhaust no energy lost. Hence, high nozzle efficiency can be achieved. Isentropic spike are long and heavy. Replacing curve shape by shorter and easier to construct cone results in less performance loss.The following graphs[3] illustrates that the thrust decreases by less than 1% for cone half-angles up to 30. Furthermore, the graph gives an indication of how much the spike length can be reduced by employing a cone-shaped spike.


Aerospike Nozzle[7,2]Further subclass of radial in-flow family of spike nozzles is known as aerospike.The plug nozzle or aerospike nozzle has an annular doughnut-shaped chamber with an annular nozzle slot. An alternate version has a number of individual small chambers (each with low area ratio short nozzles, a round throat, and a rectangular exit) arranged in a circle around a common plug or spike.The outside aerodynamic boundary of the gas flow in the divergent section of the nozzle is the interface between the hot gas and the ambient air. there is no outer wall as in a conical or bell-shaped nozzle. As the external or ambient pressure is reduced during the ascending flight, this gas boundary expands outward, causes a change in pressure distribution on the central spike, and allows an automatic and continuous altitude compensation. The aerospike contour with minimum flow losses have length that is comparative to the length of an optimum bell nozzle. The mass flow per unit exit area is relatively uniform over the cross section and the divergence losses are minimal.To get short nozzle the central plug is cut off or truncated and the wall contour is slightly altered. 22

The pressure distribution and the heat transfer intensity vary on the inner contoured spike wall surface.Figure below(left) shows a typical pressure distribution over the contoured spike surface at high and low altitudes.The pressure in the recalculating trapped gas of the subsonic region below the bottom plate also exerts a thrust force.


Typical Pressure Distribution over the countered spike surface.[2] Aerospike Nozzle[7]Truncated aerospike nozzlesFurther by removing pointed spike altogether and replace with a flat base. This configuration is known as a truncated spike(shown in fig[7] Below).It will have some internal supersonic waves and will show a small but real loss in thrust compared to a nozzle with a full central spike.The losses caused by the cut-off spike can be reduced by injecting a small amount of the gas flow (about 1% of total flow) through this base plate into the recirculating region.The advantages of the truncated aerospike are short length, which helps to reduce the length and mass of the flight vehicle. Full altitude compensation, no flow separation from the wall at lower altitudes, and ease of vehicle/engine integration for certain vehicle configurations.


Disadvantage of "flat" plug is turbulent wake forms aft of base at high altitudes resulting in high base drag and reduced efficiency.Alleviated by introducing a "base bleed," or secondary subsonic flow. Circulation of this secondary flow and its interaction with the engine exhaust creates an "aerodynamic spike" that behaves much like the ideal, isentropic spike.Secondary flow re-circulates upward pushing on base to produce additional thrust.It is this artificial aerodynamic spike for which the aerospike nozzle is named .25

Linear Aerospike Nozzle[8]It is also one more variation of aerospike nozzle.Linear Aerospike pioneered by Rocketdyne (now division of Boeing) in 1970s.Places combustion chambers are placed linearly over exhaust nozzle.Spike nozzle is truncated and allows for additional thrust with subsonic recirculating flow field forming at the truncated part, as the gases expand over the nozzle's surface.Approach results in more versatile designUse of lower-cost modular combustorsModules can be combined in varying configurations depending on application.


Expansion-deflection nozzle(orPintle Injector)[8] It is a type of propellant injection device for a rocket engine that was first used on a flight vehicle during the Apollo Program in the Lunar Excursion Module's descent engine. Pintle injectors(shown in fig[8] below) are currently used in SpaceX's Merlin engines:A pintle nozzlegenerallyopens at a lower pressure than the pressure at which the hole nozzle opens because fuel flows more readily from the large hole of the pintle nozzle.27

In the expansion-deflection nozzle the flow from the chamber is directed radially outward away from the nozzle axis. The flow is turned on a curved contour outer diverging nozzle wall. The nozzle is short in length and has some internal oblique shock wave losses. The hot gas flow leaving the chamber expands around a central plug.As the ambient pressure is reduced, the hot gas flow fills more and more of the nozzle diverging section. Altitude compensation is achieved by change in flow boundary and by changes in the pressure distribution on the outer walls.Pintle nozzle has lighter weight, lower power requirements,and higher delivered specific impulse.


Pintle Injector[11]

3.Comparission293.1 Bell Nozzle

ADVANTAGESIt is easy to design and has less stress components.Cooling is easy to achieve in these kind of nozzles as walls are of simple tubular construction that enables cooling in a straightforward way.It is basically a cylinder an hence it is easy to match with combustion chamber.

DISADVANTAGESOver-Expansion Thrust Loss. They are efficient only for one altitude condition.As they mostly operate at over-expanded nozzle condition, high flow instability is observed. May lead to uncertainty or unsteadiness of the thrust direction and dangerous high frequency wobble.

303.2 ANNULAR ADVANTAGESTruncated spike nozzles are far smaller than typical bell nozzle for same performance output.Spike can have greater performance for a given length.No separation is observed at over-expanded nozzle conditions.Aerospike engine use simple gas generator cycle with a lower chamber pressure hence, reducing the risk.Aerospike nozzle are small in size and can be fitted in rocket, thereby reducing base drag.Thrust Vectoring is easy with annular nozzles. Combustion chambers can be controlled individually, Vehicle maneuvered can be achieved using differential thrust vectoring, Eliminates heavy gimbals and actuators used to vary direction of nozzles.


Central spike experiences far greater heat fluxes than does a bell nozzle.It is difficult to cool central spike and requires coolant.Aerospike nozzle is more complex and difficult to manufacture than bell nozzle.Aerospike nozzle are more expensive. No aerospike engine has ever flown in a rocket application.



4 ReferencesRocket nozzles, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, Florida Institute of Technology, D. R. Kirk.Rocket Propulsion Elements, 8th edition, George P. Sutton and Oscar Biblarz.http://www.aerospaceweb.org/design/aerospike/shapes.shtmlBell/Counter Nozzles, Georgia tech college of engineering.Conical Nozzles, Georgia tech college of engineering.Nozzle, Ricky Hinton.http://rohanverse.webnode.com/aerospike-engine/http://space.stackexchange.com/questions/1171/efficient-types-of-nozzles-used-in-rockets.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nozzlewww.brighthub.comhttp://www.tpub.com/engine3/en32-76.htm
