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Digipak and Poster Final

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Digipak and poster final By Sophie Morris

Digipak final draft

Digipak and poster final By Sophie MorrisDigipak final draft

Front cover This is the final draft of the front cover.I chose this picture because, the artist isnt giving direct address to the camera, which therefore connotes that she has something to hide. Which the audience would want to find out. This relates to Barthes enigma theory as the audience will have questions from this media product that they will want answered. I used pixlr to edit the picture so the colours were more vibrant. I also cropped the picture as I thought that the rest of the picture wasnt really needed. I used a font website to get the font for the artists name and the name of the album. I chose a script typography as I felt that it looked more personalised and would therefore connote it to be unique as if the artist had written it herself.I chose to use butterflies flying away from Chelseas name as it would attract the primary demographic of teenage females and this would be effective in drawing them in. I chose a Maroon colour for the font of her name as I felt that it is a universal colour and is therefore accessible by both genres. It also connotes autumn/fall look to it.I chose a teal colour for the name of the album as I felt that it was appropriate and would also stand out were it was placed. I placed it across her leg as it would connote the message of being young, running through her body. The logo is placed on an angle as it looks more stylised.

Back coverThis is the back cover of my digipak. I edited it using pixlr again to make it brighter from the original. This was to connote a more summery feel to the digipak and therefore a happier atmosphere. I chose this picture as I wanted to show the importance surrounding friendship from our music video as our music video is centered around friendship and I felt that it was more suited to be the back picture compared to the other pictures I have used for my digipak. I also cropped the picture as I felt that I needed to emphasise the three characters more than the location. I used the same font and font colour as the artists logo as I wanted to keep a continuous theme across my digipak. I also thought that the colours contrasted well with the shape on the image.I added the gradient triangle to the image as I wanted to connote that the song would slowly fade into the demographics mind and embed itself there and act as a trigger whenever the lyrics are said.I added in the links to Facebook and Twitter so that the demographic can get involved with the album and artist through the social network. David Gauntletts Web 2.0 theory links to this as the audience can be active and use the social networking sites to show how they have engaged with the music video and album.

4Inside panel 1

I have chosen this picture as she is again not giving direct address to the audience and is therefore concealing her emotions from the audience again. This connotes that she is mysterious and therefore is found interesting by the audience. This would therefore attract the primary demographic to the artist as they would want to find out more information about her, which they could find on the links to social media on the back. This links into surveillance in Blumler and Katz uses and gratifications theory as the audience would be active by finding information out about her. As the audience would be active, this links into David Gauntletts web 2.0 theory. I also edited this picture on pixlr to again make it brighter, this was so that the colours would all be consistent across the digipak as well as to again connote the lighthearted atmosphere that would attract our target demographic of teenage girls.

Inside panel 2

I chose this picture as I wanted to keep the theme of friendship consistent through the digipak.I edited this picture to make the colours more vibrant and the picture clearer. This was so that I could again reinforce the importance of friendship in this album. This may relate to the demographic as they may want a friendship as close as this or they may already have friendship that is like this. This links into Blumler and Katz personal relationships and personal identity as the demographic will either find something out about themselves or they may build a relationship with the artist.I also cropped the picture so that it was more focused on the friendship between the characters.Middle inside panelI chose to use a picture in which the colour matched the colour that I wanted the CD to be. This is because I wanted to create a house style in the digipak with the colours: light blue and maroon. These colours connote an autumnal ambience to the digipak. This is reflected in the front cover of the digipak. These colours are also warm colours which would connote happiness and a utopian environment in Richard Dyers theory.Furthermore, as the picture is denoted to be a theme park ride, it may make the demographic nostalgic as the picture may remind them of a time when they were younger or not as long ago of a time when they had gone to a theme park. This may link into Blumler and Katz personal identity as they would remember something about themselves.

Panel 4 This picture was chosen to reflect the natural ambience that the music video gives off and to create an intertextual reference to the music video. This could therefore connote that the singer/artist is very natural and relatable to the demographic. This may make the audience feel as though they have a personal relationship with the artist. This links into Blumler and Katz uses and gratifications in personal relationships. This picture also connotes a simplicity to it as it is a natural scenery. Furthermore as the picture makes use of bright colours from the props, this conforms to what our audience wanted to see in our production as they thought that bright colours needed to be .included


The poster makes use of links to social media, this is because the primary demographic that we are aiming our music video at are of the age that will be using social media on a regular basis. Therefore we put the social media links on there so that they would be able to find the music video and therefore they would be able to interact with it and share their opinion on what they thought about it. This is an example of David Gauntletts Web 2.0 theory as the audience are becoming more active in the way they are interacting with the media products. Furthermore, I used the same typography on the poster that I used on the digipak, this was so that we could make it synergistic across the two media platforms.As the artist isnt giving direct address this makes the artist mysterious to the demographic as they would want to know more information about her. This links into Barthes enigma theory as they would have questions about the artist that they would want to be answered, for them to be answered they would need to watch the music video. This also links into Blumler and Katz surveillance as the demographic would find a way to find out more information about the artist due to the digipak.
