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'Digital Colour Brightness' in 'True Colour 3D'

Date post: 08-Apr-2017
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‘Digital Colour Brightness’ in ‘True Colour 3D’ A New ‘Generic Yardstick’ for Images and their Content

Digital Colour Brightness in True Colour 3D

Digital Colour Brightnessin True Colour 3DA New Generic Yardstick for Images and their Content

Digital Colour = Device Dependent RGBA greyscale digital image in photography and computing consists of theNumerical representation of intensity in each pixel.A digital colour image consists of Device-dependent values using the RGB model.

Typical RGB input devices are TV and video cameras,image scanners,video games anddigital cameras. Typical RGB output devices are TV sets of various technologies (CRT,LCD,plasma,OLED,Quantum-Dots),computerandmobile phonedisplays,video projectors, multicolorLEDdisplays and large screens such asJumboTron.

Digital Colour Brightness the result of re-visualising imagesOur Smart Knowledge Engine is work in progress [not open for business yet] that takes any image independent of scale, technology or application and visualises its Digital Colour Brightness.These re-visualisations show more depth, detail and structure and offer great metric advantages and applications. Digital Colour Brightness is a generic quantification with the following qualities:Numerical: Red, Green and Blue [RGB] from 0 to 255 or 256 shades of colour brightness between Black and WhiteVisual:A movable object in virtual 3D with peaks, valleys and varying degrees of structure and detailMetric:Weighted with a view to preserve Luminance and include Illuminance

Digital Colour Brightness = RGB + Luminance + Illuminance Digital Colour Brightness is a generic quantification of the colour space with the following qualities:Numerical: Red, Green and Blue [RGB] between 0 and 255 each or 256 shades of colour brightness between Black and White.Visual:A movable object in virtual 3D with peaks, valleys and varying degrees of structure and detail.Metric:Weighted with a view to preserve Luminance and include Illuminance different from CMYK which is used for print.Luminance describes the amount of light that passes through, is emitted or reflected; measured in candela per square metre.Illuminance, formerly called Brightness, means light illuminating a surface, wavelength-weighted by the luminosity function, to correlate with human brightness perception; measured in lux or lumens per square metre.

A Generic QuantificationTrue Colour 3D comprises: Virtual 3D: space for a movable object; Digital Effects: sliders for highlighting with Light and Colour;Visual Effects:options for detailing structure.The Nature of Digital Colour Brightness is: Visual: an image becomes a movable object to be examined for structure and detail;Digital: a slider can attenuate peaks and valleys and a tick box can invert Black and White numerically;Metric:options for quantifying and automating.

Digital Colour Brightness in True Colour 3DDigital Colour Brightness is a digital value for Red / Green / Blue, weighted to represent True Colour to the human eye.Visualised in True Colour 3D, it complements SI Units as a generic digital quantification:Luminance measured in Candela / m2 andIlluminance measured in Lumens / m2

Digital Colour Brightness in True Colour 3DAs a generic quantification Digital Colour Brightness invites revisiting the wave-particle duality of Light, when it passes through 3D bodies as electromagnetic phenomena:Square metres are the reference for Luminance and IlluminanceWavelengths are the basis forThe electromagnetic spectrum

A Visual Yardstick with Pixel Accuracy As a digital and visual quantification Digital Colour Brightness in True Colour 3D delivers Pixel Accuracy.

We could now investigate pixels:their size and materials in displays and screens;their treatment by embedded software.

Links and [email protected] 039 141 SmartKnowledge.SpaceA site in progress

Smart Knowledge PortalsThe engine as work in progress not open for business yet

A BlogThe development of the Smart Knowledge Engine in screenshots

A YouTube ChannelDriving the Engine whilst capturing screens on video
